Dansk Skøjte Union by the Shorttrack Committee(DSU/STU) and Shorttrack Odense(STO) announce The international shorttrack competition: “DANISH OPEN 2014/Scandinavian Cup 2, 2014” Which will be held in Odense 8-9. November 2014, in Odense Isstadion, hal 2, Møllemarksvej 75, 5200 Odense V. The competition will be held in accordance to the I.S.U. standing rules and regulations, completed with the following special conditions of contest. COMPETITION The competition will be open to all invited clubs, affiliated to their national I.S.U.- member. Competitors representing affiliated clubs of the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish Skating Bonds – Norges Skøyteforbund, Svenska Skridskoförbundet and Dansk Skøjte Union, will furthermore be registered as competitors in the Scandinavian Cup 2, 2013. ENTRIES Entries have to be made on http://www.shorttrackonline.info/ before Thursday 30. October 2014, 20.00 hours. In case of questions please contact Lars Øritsland, Mob: + 45 25122654 or oerits@nalnet.dk Participation in a group above the own age is allowed, but the opposite is forbidden. COMPETITION HOURS Free ice practice Friday 7. Nov. 20.00 – 22.00. Please note! Competitions: Saturday 8. november 2013 from 08.30hrs. until +/-18.00 hrs. Warming up at 07.30 hrs. Sunday 17. november 2013 from 08.30hrs. until 13.00 hrs. Warming up at 07.30 hrs. DISTANCES Junior F 222m - 333m – 500m Junior E 333m - 500m – 777m Junior D 333m – 500m – 777m Junior C 500m – 777m - 1000m Junior B 500m - 1000m – 1500m Senior and Junior A 500m - 1000m – 1500m Masters 500m - 1000m – 1500m born after June 30, 2007 born between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2005 born between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2003 born between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2001 born between July 1, 1997 and June 30, 1999 born before July 1, 1997 skaters who have reached the age of 40(men) or 35 (ladies) before July 1, 2014 Male and female skaters compete in separate sections. TRACK Artificial indoor ice surface of 60 x 30 m. Standard track of 111,12m by the lap with measuring curves of 8,50m radius. Four (4) other tracks will be laid out whitch are moved 1 m from the standard track. For all tracks, one finishing line will be used. The starting line will be moved accordingly. CONDITIONS OF CONTEST The competition will be held based on all final system. PENALTIES In case of a penalty, the skater will qualify for a lower final and the fastest race-winner of the lower group will replace this skater in the next final. For a penalty in a final the skater will be ranked last in this final and 1 point will be subtracted from the number of competition points. POINTS Points will be given in all finals. A Final: 25-23-22-21-... B Final: 15-13-12-11-... C Final: 5-3-2-1 Winner of the individual competition is the skater who has attained the highest total of points in finals after the two distances. In case of a tie on points the skater who won the longest distance will prevail. DRAWING Will be held Tuesday 4. November 2014. AWARDS Awards will be given to the first three places in each category on the final ranking of this competition. For the groups E and F every skater will receive a reward. The results of the Scandinavian competitors will be extracted from the general classement, and the first 3 places in each category awarded in Scandinavian Cup 2, 2013. INSURANCE RESPONSABILITY All participants are supposed to be covered by their own national insurance. DSU/STU and STO can not be held responsible for accidents during the competition. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE There will be certified first aid assistance at the side of the ice rink. NOTE The above mentioned special conditions may be altered at any time by the organising club. MEALS There will be light meals, snacks, hot and cold beverages sold at the ice rink during competition hours. BUFFET SATURDAY NIGHT Like earlier years, we will like to invite you all for a hot meal after competition hours Saturday night. For the price of 12 euros pp, we can offer a meal with 3 different kinds of roasted meat (pork chicken and beef), coleslaw, ceasarsalad, baked potatoes and bread. Please contact Lars Øritsland at oerits@nalnet.dk for signing up. (one contact per club, please) ACCOMMODATION Cheap accommodation incl. breakfast, Friday – Sunday, at a nearby school (< 1 km) in classrooms(bring your own sleeping mat, -bag etc.), will be offered for the price of 7 euro per night per person. Please contact Lars Øritsland at oerits@nalnet.dk for signing up. (one contact per club, please) Other wishes for accommodation, see: https://www.google.dk/search?q=billig+overnatning+Odense&ie=utf-8&oe=utf8&rls=org.mozilla:da:official&client=firefox-a&gws_rd=cr&ei=jAVMUuSeBKrJ4wTY9IGoAw HOW TO GET TO THE ICERINK We recommend using: http://www.viamichelin.com/ Adress: Odense Isstadion, Moellemarkvej 75, 5200 Odense V, Denmark Further information – contact Lars Øritsland Mob: + 45 25122654 or oerits@nalnet.dk On behalf of STO and DSU/STU we wish you all a great shorttrack season, and hope to see you in Odense in november!
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