/KA^ udfd a B. M. TULLIDGE, HOW TO USE BATTERY GALVANIC AND ^^^ D. A IN SURGERY. MEDICINE i /^^ HOW A USE TO BATTERY GALVANIC SURGERY AND discourse B DELIVERED MEDICINE IN HUNTERIAN THE BEFORE SOCIETY. BY OF FELLOW THE KOYAL NEUROLOGY OF SUPERINTENDENT SOCIETY OPHTHALMOLOGICAL, PHYSICIAN AND Of LONDON THE WEST MEDICAL FOR SICK LECTURES DELIVERED THE CLINICAL, ; FOUNDER OF TREATMENT ORMONDE THE TO STREET, " II A. NEW THE AND SYSTEM HOSPITAL ETC. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS AUTHOR AT THE NATIONAL LONDON: J. ETC. OF, NERVOUS INCORPORATING AND UPON BY DISEASES AND MEDICAL EDITION THIRD THREE FOR GREAT CHILDREN, THE THE CHURCHILL, BURLINGTON 1886. OF IMEDICAL PARALYSED THE OF SOCIETIES ELECTRICAL FOR REVISED, OF MEMBER HOSPITAL END OFFICER : PATHOLOGICAL AND FOR MEMBER HONORARY LATE AND BLOOMSBURV, HONORARY ; EDINBURGH HOSPITAL NATIONAL SQUARE, HARVEIAN TO, IN ELECTROLOGY; AND THE OF queen's EPILEPTIC, PHYSICIANS OF COLLEGE SOCIETY YORK NEW M.D. TIBBITS, HERBERT STREET. HOSPITAL SENIOR ; THE NOTE This TO Discourse with the delivered, that it do in recall be to " methods of from and I required and of the appended of the the Hospital student. make this in the without " the indicate useful. be stood underalone description certain text my which not can tion direcof in a city electri- of generally written the impossible seem most ; and notes, I submitted which instruments for I the Edition as Edition Second which Lectures matter to tion informa- uses to to Society. With this ; apparatus or glad to disease would verbal illustrations to of application be recollection the to electricity construction than attempted I opinion obviously time it an such therapeutic conditions of application me perhaps was a that most those audience the to compass, limited to to doubt small It so the was The in reference and ; and contained. more general expressed heard who those of practitioners might hand, at as to who and busy have of several request compliance in published first was EDITION. THIRD THE I I delivered Paralysed have believe I at and appended will incorporated prove the National Epileptic such useful three ; and to additional to the VI NOTE I by deceased a :" every that introduced have a multitude to following such details practitioner 68, I questions the the when, and use, Edition, First and : I venture understanded who practitioners revised improvements the book be to ture minia- in were, ask and the by daily what how, especially them. use and small a easily to These in book of instruments book peutics electro-thera- real since said was carefully all profession the kept it as have I noticed have the to hope but, as paint "to while and page, to physician, and EDITION. endeavoured, have I imperfectly, not I that add may THIRD THE TO WiMPOLE Decemher, 1885. endeavoured which pages, only, to Stkeet, have master. W. as I to such contain believe it essential answer details, for CONTENTS. ISTOTE EdITION. ThIED THE TO I. LECTUEE instbtjjients. electeical Remarks. Peelisiinaey The 1. Varieties Different Franklin of Electeicity. ISM. The Generating. of Method Machine. Plate Machine. Winter's Machine. Carre's The The Engine. "Bischoff" Gas Hand Fly-Wheel." " Required. Accessories Administration. Its (a) Electro-Positive Bath. (b) Electro-Negative Bath. (c) by Sparks. 2. VOLTAISM. of Points Distinction the betweeen Voltaic and Faradaic Currents. 3. The Essentials The 40-Cell The Galvanometer Description The as an Essentials of Combined Accessories Voltaic a Battery. Battery. The Faradism. The of a Faradaic Hospital of Electrical aid of to a the Faradaic Instrument. Battery. Apparatus. Dosage of Electricity. Instrument. CONTENTS. Vlll methods Resume First of Generalized LEOTUEE II. of electllicity. applying Lectuue. Electrization. The Positive Charge. The Electric Bath. General Faradization. Central Galvanization. Yoltaization Localized Direct Localized and Faradization. Electrization. Muscular Indirect " ,, kinds Different of of Importance Eheophores. exactitude in administering a Constant Current. Electrization. Cutaneous The (a) Electric (") Metallic (c) The Conductors. Wire Electrization Brush. of Eectum (") of Bladder. Organs. Internal op (a) (c) of Hand. Muscles and of Anas. Uterus. (d) of (e) of Male Larynx. Genitals. Electrization Organs Central of (a) of the Erain. (i) of the Sympathetic. (c) of the Spinal {d) of the Eetina. (e) of the Auditory Precautions to System. Cord. ISTerve. in observed be Nervous of Medical all Applications Electricity. OP electricity A. Limitation op Method Testing of " " LECTURE IIL in and diagnosis treatment. Electricityin Diagnosis. Electricity in Diagnosis. Farado-Irritability. Yoltao-Irritability. IX CONTENTS. BuLE Strength FOR Diagnosis Current op Irritability when Kormal. is diminished. increased. diminished of Faradism to and Peripheral from Central commencing Paraplegia of of Real from Electricity Feigned Proof as B. Limitation from Locomotor Ataxy. Disease. Death. of Electricityin Electricity of Disease. Positive " to Yoltaism, increased as Treatment. Eemedy. a Franklinization. {a) in Facial (6) in. Sciatica. (c) in Facial Neuralgia. Spasm. (cZ)in Emotional (e) in (J) in Tremor. Note Aphonia. Hysterical Hypersesthesia. Recent upon Benefit Additions to Franklinization of our in Knowledge Diseases of of the Debility. Voltaization. The " Constant Possesses Current." Influence an Electrization in " Diseases. Fatigue in Electrotonus. its Resolvent Effects. in Electrolysis. in Impotence. in Gout. * in Rheumatic in Muscular Arthritis. Rheumatism. in General in Atrophic Paralysis. Debility. in Infantile in Traumatic in Facial in in generis^ Neuralgia. in in Lead sui Paralysis. Paralysis. Palsy. Paralysis. Wasting Palsy. Hemiplegia, CONTENTS. X Electeization as Application Direct a Spinal in Paraplegic in Incontinence in Hysterical Paralysis, in Locomotor Ataxy, in Insanity. in Diseases of Urine, "Women, Emmenagogue. an Uteri, Inertia in Post-partum in Uterine in Sterility. in Paralysis Concluding Brain, Constipation, of in Besumk tlie Paraplegia, in as to of H^morrliage. Neuralgia, of the Remarks. Nerves General of Special Peinciples Sense. oe ELECTEo-THEiiAPErTics. HOW SURGERY. AND LECTUEE I. instruments. electrical " President Gentlemen, and When Council your bring before Electro-therapeutics, I felt ask to to me rather addressed than attached merit the and of to the we are for a to " vital we some in this removal one the have been " principle may, honour years I it to marks. was which to that of subject invitation Preiimi- am belongs the pioneer of metropolis the application of electricity of remarkable electricity,and what say, and indebted the for methodical alleviation that the me the you Hospital been to so did myself, seeing to and scientific the to having outpost, MEDICINE IN BATTERY GALVANIC Mr. A USE TO its of disease demonstration in and that cians distinguished physi- investigation accustomed ; that to animal into much attribute reality,be the of to effect B a only 2 Preiimiuary marks. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. ^f electrical charsfe and Re- discliar0;e*(a valuable tribution and correlation to the to special influence forms of a the remedy in more the the painful and but still too the laity " that * See " to Mr. voltaic vol. and i.,of Eardwicke. subject; and I to are extent some ness reckless- astounding ready ever tread rush to in selves, them- while it is to the for Motion " are sufferingfriends their ; practitioner(as of upwards when while a the has purchase of Mode forth gone done all patientusuallycarries the by forty years his fiat has he electrified," be as medical Bird that mandate of a Physical Motion." rotary By C. B. Macmillan. Eadcliffe, M.D. "f See men to patient Yital medical dangerous electrization,not is necessary, this few apply consider the peutics to electro-thera- to quoted by Golding "let priate inappro- not prone common to as electricity me of the and utter physiciansfear ago) certain professiongenerally, through lacking which with of to as so, practical knowledge, where the practice here our first Lectures my the responsiblefor out seemed practicalknowledge fear that this in currents the limits and disease,it and ; a discovery of objectsin our scope devote to have of one study to the voltaic of PhysicalForces) ; ]3aralysis.t it is As of the predecessor for my con- '^ o " Netten induced Bazire's Eadcliffe currents translation \ipon of of the differential electricity.Note Trousseau's " to reaction page of 331, Clinical Medicine." PRELIM 6 REMARKS. [NARY by usina^ it accord- mag-neto-electric macliine, and Preiiminary . the to about disease is the as operate with The fitted well as teach to maker . of applicationin its amputating knife an ing Be- generallymarks. is to it ! almost schools , . of its maker, who . directions complete the in absence medical for great hospitalsof opportunities of the the importance adequate study of electro-therapeutics, an and the widespreadattention subject, awakening throughout the profession, of the that it is have also determined with consistent the science practiceof its is hands, do harm. it is derived it and the On potent from judgment by no care in with the benefit than upon the that should methods be but * now THs with to it is administered. porter to a any At some several member systematiccourse other dent, depen- are therapeutic agency, it is applied alone " to methods few a cialists, spe- practitioner. observation, made (1886). the which familiar,not all, electrical treatment be proportionto by which every to exact Moreover, the results of its employment more of one good, is little contrary,in injudicious for evil,while is means do that, failingto remedies likelyto and electricity, medical practice.^ Gentlemen, Electricity, those is as briefly as present positionof the clearness and of especially to sketch me in 1873, requires some qualification of the great medical schools, tlioughnot at tas of the of lectures been transferred hospitalstafi";and upon from at the hospital than more one has been, electro-therapeutics delivered. B 2 4 AddressiiiP' Preiimin;iry REMARKS. PRELIMINARY who you active in engasred are Ee... marks. practice, witli . little time devote to it will, I tliink,be electricity, to not me practicalapplicationof these the rather the I shall discuss with and except incidentally, them, little of that said he " the less he then be content at mechanical do Nor I propose to exhaustive, but, sense them such as in attention to Jiave in on the may readily,and the of of have of use excited by I in any contrary, to include as is essential,and shall direct the are of especial ance import- electricity ; for resulted,the which discredit, effort,retain without details small only to substance,/ Lectures practicalpoints which successful attached I memory. / ' you to a be these make ; Force, " as means." information your Faraday investigatedit/ it." Let u^ / every to such failures measure latent only non-observance many understood know we something / knew he more moment any chemical or he its definition with all nature, liable and he found "pervading a the them, of none forget that thought once medical the Besides, I cannot but electricity, about in and concerns precisereferenceto medicine. application to matters than instrument-maker and practitioner, their discourse tedious a for elementa,ryprinciplesof electricity, the iipon acceptable for more with you weary medical to of treatment from application getting should in strict justice operator. In the -, . . subject,but his essential an management, the tools,lacking which he the will be largelydue methods administration, these with would faultyinstruments, while, the perfect instrumpnts most of amount and skill and details of their it is usefullycompare methods and last of its to will be another.* devoted to and applyingelectricity, the in uses this impossible to with instrument one Lecture second My also cal mechani- without and ; certain a management, least the at construction rudimentary knowledge other hand, the their of impossible require in care acquaintance with some methods be on of peutics electro-thera- improved to victim difficulties ; and although the present position of is Ke- marks, requisiteof first constantlyrecurringannoyances for dry a Preiiminary -, -, one, instru- with being complete familiarity workman good a and construction consider shall I present Lecture their ments, 5 REMARKS. PRELIMINARY the rent diffe- my third diagnosisand ment treat- of disease. We make of three use varieties of electricityin Varieties ofEIec- medicme. tricity. of Firstly, of from * its I speak feelinglyupon from instruments the " friction the electricity, amber, appropriatelycalled tricity elec- Franklinism. earlyinvestigator, electrical to or glass and of my moment static from detriment experience this matter, for from I have " work striking spillingof corrosive of both, and of suffered " acid at much the upon temper too, an from most early period batteries fingersand I fear. " inconvenient clothing, 6 VARIETIES OF Secoiidlv, of the Varieties ELECTRICITY. electricitv of chemical action, of Elec. , tricity. Galvanisw better, Voltaism, the or Constant " , Current.'' the Thirdly, of Faradism, induced, in coil of wire a Yoltaic are generated the by circumstances, of certain under currents which duration, momentary induced action of or it, upon a ma.gnet, the utmost of or a current. FRANKLINISM. sometimes Pranklinism, far and of certain surpassing,in has electricity, hitherto by specialists.Becent linic still and good of the of in in placed but Frank- rubber, and machines, accumulation the a metallic at the of much consists in leathern of the or ing result- receiver, insulated non-conducting support, usually of glass. Discarding the primitivecylinder machine, since long plate from its fundamental glassplate against a a electricity upon a form little used The greater promise. the by other a remedy profession all Franklinic other have and requisitein rotation been improvements inconveniences, generalservice any value, have, however, largely removed instruments these cases, inconveniences some has and application, of disused, machine the in will we which friction of the the firstlyconsider now the electricityarising rotatingglassplateagainst 8 Frank- ELECTRICAL be screwed to a INSTRUMENTS. heavy painted table, deal is as liuisir. shown in When Fig. 1. seldom very consideration, very from inches 15 in results fair diameter, Fig. Winter's this In of a conductor most is may dependent being enormously a large of only easilycarried. Machine. the Avooden fact that be the quantity accumulated upon its size has upon ingeniously applied,the into a 2. instrument, Fig. 2, which electricity is is obtained plate a which and expense be may with machine Winter's a where used, and surface increased ring of of the by a core the been ductor con- tion inser- of thick iron wire. and is in the efficient it or is that in by having such patient,that the be it to I I have This machine). modified accumulator, led am has improvement an habitually I second a stand, under- to added been admits arrangement patient receiving the charge of positiveor negative electricity a condition either the of The provided. which and (the first time, such the comfort Carre's, but as attached conductor any should Fig. 3, known that to apparatus delineated use, insulating of the benefit of the for the operator, as one wire, Frank- of Franklinism dailyor frequent use essential, equally for is most the escaping by from the upon covering. But it Electricityaccumulates prevented wooden 9 INSTRUMENTS. ELECTRICAL said " by There to weary you When any plate with mechanically " use right a hand surmounted to the there upon by piston. is the a be very crank Fig. by hollow a From a the use this man or of shaft of a servingas extremity of the rod its uniformly have consists column the to long connecting of propose done servant. maid- engine, shown It 3. and evenly better Bischoff's" gas in not is in apparatus than rather I do descriptions. Franklinic it is much rotated, aud I their plates should or primary importance. machines, but other are of be physiciansto some to the cylinder, a guide this column which acts fly-wheeland 10 Frank- ELECTEICAL INSTRUMENTS. driviiig-pulley.When draws in of air and piston has the during four-tenths gas from ascended the piston of its j^ipes. A half-waya gas course httle it ascends a mixture before the jet ignitesthe There mixture. least effect strong complete the its is the on slightexplosionwithout a the In course. pistonis piston and and of course sends Then the piston it ascends air and An engine the and with the in 2 fresh works out -man with power, the to top " from danger, and of action have of the " old the shop of difficulty I machine. found the Fig. 4, standing " hair being, as 6 inches it is in It purpose. that the before even fly-wheel" with Plate of 4 feet, absolutely placed instantlyin it is remarkable " a altitude an 2 feet ; the engine. column noise it is to of or by merely ignitingor extinguishinga suggested that the without evenly and singlegas jet.But to the charge anew of the revolution fly-wheelmeasuring a a diameter, is amply sufficient for every free turning starting-point again. being imparted every of ground to again,taking gas, motion drivingshaft by from half ing connect- impulse given,the fly-wheelcontinues its and connecting rod, of the crank by means the and the ment move- speed acquired^and of the account it to cause on and rod, forcing it upwards fly-wheel. On acts Frank- ciently suffi- of this consequence raised the cylinder,but of the sides push to 11 INSTRUMENTS. ELECTRICAL the a no one seems gas-engineera pulleywould obviate unsatisfactoryrotation Going into of hair-cutter's a apparatus, figuredto the left of in the shop to brushing machinery is usual, fixed upon an work " the instead upper mary custo- of floor. its I 12 Frank- obtained iinism. a INSTRUMENTS, ELECTRICAL Carre's it can of an machine. be rotated by assistant,by the operator his next and the rear " swing attend band of Figure. " is and number an then of times aid sional occa- keeps before the 4. Static required,to his patient. from it is attached Static the handle Its momentum to the without givingthe Fig. Fly -Wheel to that fly-wheelis so heav}'" sufficient revolvinga shown, manner The round." "swing it fitted it in the and one, machine Machine. enable The to him to leave in manner a is also small shown it which wheel in in the In the Fig. 3 patient is being ..',.. ", fiftyyears an connected would ago the is electricity metallic the being the connected the bath part each of would ;" for the be condition, but should be If the as the owing escape of action use necessary kept must air is have rub the of the stool, and with apparatus This should is of as a that and a it were, as be ; its and he this comes be- rotation. fire in the the the the machine Indeed, to the get the best and room, before plate,the insulatingsupports, a all the and warm never be and glass parts dry piece however neglected. he charged maintain plate of a may moisture to of top perfectlydry were the the negative electro- "an him to and the at its contained to importance, rule ground. insulated)in in constant well legs the case is so rapid that electricity we leading ground, him, electricity rapidlyleaves him, chargeit is chain taking make we (as he continue the negative seen electricity passes charged. would with accumulator accumulated his the to negative one he machine, in reversed, the positiveaccumulator, were with brass and which v/hile a taking held upon accumulator negative process patient ofi''^by run is insulated rod accumulator " . said, "he positive electricityis stored, If the Frank- electro-therapeutists have the through with from with T -, the as bath," by being electro-positive hand " charged " linism, or, positive electricity, of 13 INSTRUMENTS. ELECTRICAL of the the of flannel. dry the day, 14 ELECTEICAL smearinaT the Bv Frank- "^ linism, . . , with and should be much, which taken A of much to better be will be for two " be " supplying cushions the impossibleto clean, and exists against the found this in of efficient action. instrument, well. dust The must few drops the table, with of and Always The ne;v. glass of that of the electricity, move rethoroughly. obstacle great of use on even care, should may vapour that Franklinism is present, from a may be also remember be getting foggy day the sedulously guarded petroleum to is not precautions, in proper more instrument them the above their no carefulthat everythingis extended operator be the warm he too But for if it is found difficultysometimes the neglect pared. pre- sufficiently tight quantity dry, for warm, too grape weeks. rubbed and care with and adding plate,and sufficient a three directed, the above as small a enough, before notwithstanding having the bought ready screwed the as tallow, cushions size of or amalgam slightly grip apparatus the cushions should alloy an increased, but smear the off old cushions is of the of little a piece about added be with not had the scrape It cushions (technically known tin electricityis of need of the paste, composed mixed "amalgam"), amount little a mercury each inside " machine of INSTRUMENTS. made to act that against. sprinkled condensing A upon upon 16 Frank- ELECTRICAL mentioned later INSTRUMENTS. Four on. glassjarsare also needed linism. witli which Fig. to 5. ordinarycouch. an Improved Dischargers and chair, insulated A a insulate glassplatform,as castors, is fashioned an hy being in In linization by Sparks, all points of somewhat nerve Fig. this 3, the escape branches, screwed to the upon on old- glass-leggedstool. or tja. is escapingfrom electricity skin, but the Rod. Fig. 5", running improvement Fig. Frank- Connectiug if it is desired along the otherwise,but course to to localize of certain avoid shock. ELECTRICAL brush a be may ./ series A of rapid and with electricity contact bristle of cold current brush air If while do) is his contained to electricity by sparhs,and of slightamount metallic the " is " the pointed end certain of wood, spark luminous a sistance re- air,he is tion is Franklinizaa certain a venient con- shown. should dischargers limits,the larger the spark ; wdth the is very small ; with the dischargerterminating in points still smaller, and with made are of the intense more the of and dischargers," connectingrod size,for within ball the overcome accompanied by ball terminations in nection con- shock." Fig. 6;,improved vary in object(theknuckles to the patient near brought sufficiently interveningstratum with a spark. This ''discharged" The tion applica- any of the In takes perceptible ordinary clothes-brush. the conductor limzation skin, ^s Sparks. of the reunions of the similar a glow metallic small many discharger alone results,and spark.^ no I shaU discuss,in values * The Bolsover Great Andrew Carre ,^'^ank- ^ the with for this with for J use patient. I habitually an will operator ./ successive each place,generatinga to the X quite,in not the slowly passed by "^ almost, but 17 INSTRUMENTS. third my Lecture, the peutic thera- of Franklinism. Machine Street; the My be can Wheel Street obtained from the Messrs. Marlborough ; and Co., Engineers,Stockport. and Gas from Mr. Groves, 89 Hovenden Engine from and Co., Messrs. C IS ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS. VOLTAISM TliG Voitaism. Voltaic unbroken an until the uniformly from It is Points of current. the its the be lessen in break no is negative pole. these recollect chief will hausted. ex- direction, which positiveto important to constitute in battery is gradually there but change no the will current it ceases, it,and in continuous a until stream The power is Current the electricity flows artificially interrupted, Unless in GALVANISM. OR points,for they physical distinction between distinction between the taicand timcs Called,the Induced Currents, not, strictlySpeaking, Voltaic the and Faradaic perfectlydistinct in appreciableinterval In Yoitaic course cells,with or and, until get The Kequisites Portable ^^^' ready and be ago, marked movable be of in. their ! each an electricityis and it of cell a chemicals ; impossible to was remained by always a in order to get divided out into electricityfrom curative that portablebattery are really portable, always ready little liable Currents rapid a shocks, is furnished few that but is its fellows. of this years latter separated by from source some- for use.* may * momentary elements requisitesof should of contained portablecell a and a ^'current" of time and necessary, a itself,and electrization, a ^^"^' This current. succession dischargeor it is as or, " effects of order. two large ; but fixed Such classes batteries patients for are it use, teries bat- firstly, : are not most always ELECTRICAL. them, and elements exciting fluid the into the in which those the in as in which the the for they admit up that of the except turning while of the with that when the keep maker be to it is necessary instruments from Oxford however, but electrical which the in the of is acid, a siderable con- obviously the I the is owner can hiDiself. a first step the to is claimed use of the equal importance. about to chanism me- into brought The describe, have be designed by myself, and may Mr. Hawksley, SurgicalInstrument It them general accessories am is send apparatus, and current of at least which Street. teries bat- struction viz., de- " to recharged,lohile cells are, are ; only disadvantagethey possess graduated,and instrument, down with construction replacethem, to perfectionof been movement any accident the first-namedvariety in order by and nearly sealed battery quite upside exhausted Eflicient the generally construction, platesby leavingthem impossible. The Poi-tabie Gaifie-Cla- anything but agreeable result its to their in to be being so spiltby common expense to be can the immovable first-named first-named of the Requisites Stohrer, Weiss, silver,are cells somewhat the of of the fluid no Hfted is Leclanche, the mond, and the chloride any of remain elements preferredto fluid lowered makers.; and, secondly,those of these cells,and either are the or instruments all other almost 19 INSTRUMENTS. for them obtained Maker, that c they 2 20 Th THE place e at the battery that VOLTAIC service BATTERY. of the . Voltaic Battery, with ordinary * Fig. busy practitioner a (and care no instru- 6. 40-Cell Voltaic Battery. A. dial Guard preventing the points to " 0 lid being shut, ", and the instrument unless is out the needle of action. of the THE will ment VOLTAIC remain be kept as available in his upon order without this) -room consulting his to 21 BATTERY. service table, always Battery. his as The may stethoscopeor ophthalmoscope. Three A kinds Voltaic battery,with cells,from 15 Combined Voltaic cells brought element Cells sponges C. shown a and the which when removal view tray for of the holding connecting wires surface made to the necessary, tlie by from partiallyexpose under is mahogany a now Their the across of has 20) the of move cells the upon be may for H, compartment, accessories. and Bolt I 6, p. hidden are accessories. board, hinges that, but of removal and sponges B. Voltaic the interior they use danger, by are both of and battery; Battery"^(see Fig. in from them Faradaic ; a arranged in and case, 100 " number required any : currents. The and to constructed are battery, uniting Faradaic its batteries of to the secure element board, which moves the upon hinges, D. Hinges of element board. E. plate regulating the strength of the battery is not in use, should needle, when D. D. Dial to seen F. G-. The current. the cover stud, " 0,'" its left. Commutator through the holes Key by of of cut which the poles. in the element the current of position change and vibrating it backwards I. to I, Binding screws, and "c. sponge-holders, the The poles, N P, seen are board. can be shut conductors. forwards which and are " as "off" It an attached can or also "on," out with- be used interrupter." the conducting by wires 22 GALVANOMETER THE but examined, The AN AS other at AID times DOSAGE. TO this element board Voltaic is held Battery, positionby in the of of the dial never the conduct the tion posi- determines from electricityshall binding of the way this cells the the reach to them, by and screws, be from conductors, sponge-holders, whether or electrodes, the body of the patient,"* or * Gal- needle of many allowed The wires through the graduatingdial,and current how it should These needlesslydisturbed. be vauometer bolt, and a The the of Elec- patient. tricity. the The to the aid an made up ("),thetime and current " as is electricity gf voltaic ^q^q o-"of th^D^s Galvanometer of strength " during The factors, (a) the strength of two which it is applied to directlydependent is current the Dosage of Electricity. the upon that have employed, but, unfortunately, cells of dissimilar of very evolve currents unequal strength ; while cells similar been powerful than freshly charged are more ones that have of cells number construction been exhausted partly by use and, therefore,to ; , speak of from current a convenient of method " so cells," though, practically, a many dosage, fails to It is unvarying quantity. that a galvanometer electro-therapeutists with of electricity as administer their doses we grains,or so many dailyprescribeso many measured and medicines but, like ; of a comforting theory to enable will minims adopted as theories only, it fails according to my experience),and chieflyso, it be usefully employed only when can of save us least because puncture electrizations, which indicated in ; and aid, in that it is of measuring, terminals, resistance of muscular and desire Voltaic 6 per barely but we even to not am admit of human the the current much a meter galvanoin the electroaneurismal e.g., in in saying that the mark its useful employment, of after as ordinary us is included ordinary cases where practicalutility, cent, no which, that as, within believe, I and, I ; current, continuous a to practice (at in trouble, when circixit of them exactitude much which theories other some a idea exact any convey which in we leaves overcoming skin, really reaches the are peutics electro-theramost the want battery variable very the underlying tissues, which, in 95 per cent, of our cases, interrupted influence, not by a constant, but by an current nervous ; and the amount which reallyreaches these tissues 24 numbered stud The AN AS GALVANOMETER THE the on AID DOSAGE. TO dial, the number cells of Voltaic i5attery. marked the that on the preceding increased the while electrodes but patient; if it painful shocks the The Gal- vanometer current not were would be ^^^ of standard made so of Elec- power tricity. basis of measurement. is the the and metre, Association an standard Unit," Ohm" ^' used " current, current itself. to The this of B.A." " to measure principlethat a magnetic right angles to a compass itself at of current has a called now of the the on tendency and electricity, the to strength founded one British a offered is ordinary galvanometer ment measure- " it is the is the height of called was the that one the in use it has foot unit of resistance needle for know of unit, and the used to gramme measure when Veber" a one multiple shortly,a or when and will raise Should forces we the to which force whenever one pound height the Similarlyin electricity raise to of series a other mechanics In measurement. witli as the to adapted most one the Dosage sufficient be decreased. or by Sprague, of Birmingliam, is the medicine. Electricityis a force, and may applied communicated increased was the shock, and without held are one with current in power decreased or touch to contact the thus and one, enough it breaks before studs action,and into brought are just wide is made needle of stud the to place degree to quantity of but the angle of deflection is not proportionate to the electricity, it differs in different galvanometers ; but in current strength, and into degrees, the dial is divided, not Spragne's Galvanometer" which the is is deflected needle a of measure the " of known in strength. endeavouring available but for a although me an exhausted, twelve also as to has I practicalconvenience of doses each in an with needle Sprague doing this, he that precisionthe compared of the which with for his as to interruptedVoltaic in which, supposing with divisions " galvanometer of succeeded not to Mr. his modify will indicate as given by indebted am so instrument condition of Vehers the deflections graduator he of its cells the thousandths of by noting obtained ^ divisions into but twelve individual Hospital a has battery absolute were currents courtesy render it electricity, constructed be partially strength of, say, newly-charged cells,and cell,points often Electrical Koom. of much THE VOLTAIC the needle, from use m the upon lid or the of the of the required in treatment, enables poles this in the alteration lever a the of holes cut that only not which but the in been have reallybeen this ; and the all of the without been a moment changed, and such has one By handle which element board the tion alterna- " through seen indicates marking them, under is sometimes at once of poles, negative or tive; posi- change previous instruments, been wrong, alternative, and N " board has at in letter no the there or has this had when either letter to a circumstances, and to be shut off conductors. and electricity, clean poleswas ing examin- A with the under emery surface studs paper of the is key without on or Dirt the liable to occur, very practised operator. current the the a of the or has remember to patients in rapid succession,momentary of Battery. its conductors. the and element pole is poles " P " there whereas the the below guard Tiie attention accomplished instantlyreversed, letters a commutator backwards or working is the current be to Voltaic the and 0, his current, position of pushing forwards moves A of out prevents has operator of direction change '' at instrument his inadvertence. to left:when position than and being shut, called be forgetfulness, other any 25 BATTERY. enables removal non-conductor dial must be plate-powder,as needle, key, and fusion con- even the of of kept also binding 26 THE The screws, Battery, the which BATTERY. to unscrew of daily use thrown VOLTAIC battery the a the upon first have of (say added ingenious instrument-makers to to into his selection vary use, this unequal than grow I work greater a the next. made the this retical theo- placed all the initial terminal of them the gestion sug- cells batteries double dial,* but ISTew form of can be it adds Graduating Dial. of cells of the , desired in proposed (an original that V When with be may work. initial cells be in his disease, unless doubled own), so of my week be of a all the than dial brought more can the worse is by tor opera- first half number found remedy be for if the have one the equalize its modifications, and graduating enable carefully studied have various batteries question ; usually batteryof a cells to to In to the words, evil practical a weaker use. of the relieve to other in battery,or, But thus and in is and twenty- five), been arrangements removal. chief work first half the forty cells,upon admit constructed to the com- VOLTAIC THE plexity of the 27 BATTERY. instrument, and do I not myself The Voltaic use it. In Battery. Fig. 9 described ; zinc, and are similar a but the batteryis elements lifted and into Fig. 40-Cell Voltaic Battery shown consist out of to that just and of carbon a bichromate 9. -with, zinc and carbon elements, and liftingapparatus. solution. without it is As the it can be recharged by necessityof sending especiallysuited practitioners. for it to country the the and owner maker, colonial 28 THE To Essentials Medical AIC recapitulate. The Voltaic batteryare A a. Battery. FARAD BATTERY. essentials of medical a " of sufficient supply of electricity constant quantityand quality. h. A administered A c. d. electricity may be doses. by which be A this in measured means may which by means the direction of its rent cur- changed. by which means it may be continued instantlydis- FARADISM. The The Current, Faradaic, induced, interrupted, or is the magnetic current, in medicine. employed discovered, that fixed not to as be touch to ; were electricity or induced to but most two the but convenient as primary single turn if then to within of the were so other, but of Voltaic wire, another This secondary in contradistinction rent 'primaryor inducing cur- a is only momentary, when moment reverse a wind form will recollect, wires first second. first wire for electricity current a it is called as in to metallic close to each the in again ceases, reels,so you current, the it appears current Faraday, as along the sent along the sent of if two that and current, the form paralleland appeared current third electro- these the direction. two the secondary primary then acts It wires separate coils,and is round to coil. not first place Each only on the turn parallel the turns secondary wire, of the the it, and near ^"FiG. Faradaic A. Cells showa B. for by the 29 BATTERY. FARADAIC THE power such on an 10. Battery. removal condactors of but and of the compartmeDt. accessories. all ^^^"^^^ ap- Batteiy. 30 The paratus Faradaic ^ is mucli ^ Battery, FARAD THE obtauied side by thus in lengthsof same arranged,we this is with by ingenious an of the vibration iron the of graduator, wire practice extremities current, frequently we engraving, apparatus. I, I. Binding a screws stem front show to 10 (see p. 29), modifies electro-magnet, E, the to the by the cells, A, through the is inserted. platinizedneedle. which part G. screw, of wires the and electro-magnet the this bundle a the an from current The coil,L. secondary the in spring wliicli a rendered primary coil,K, within G. Screw regulatingpositionof The being primary our Fig. regulated by wires Yoltaic the between which in coils E. liammer, of In of pressure platinizedneedle a Bundle H. side two mechanism " vibrating Hammer passage running continuous a Battery.^ regulatingtlie Screw E. be electrical currents, and of Faradaic point of would interrupt. or The E. Our battery supplying which D. wire through pass M^hich accomplishedby connecting its a break that straightline. a succession a BATTERY. than s'reater the by AIC is attached of the case construction has of the been the movable cut away induction of the for attachment conducting wires, "c. pedestal. In the figure,the a primary coil,fixed upon action from the of the withdrawn is wholly secondary coil, L, the primary, and its strength of current depending entirelyupon that the it evident is the primary, it covers to which height extent K. The graduator, H, stands exactly indicate this strength. the which L. Movable M, M. for slow pressure they are instrument 0. A secondary above the element board will coil. of the pedal rheotome, N", made interruptions are by the interruption. the of the operator'sfoot upon spring,P, but in practice to the seldom wanted, and the fittingsare only added very when speciallyordered. desired spring retaining the secondary coil, L, in any Binding position. screws for attachment These 32 The FARADAIO THE the of which screw, BATTERY. the needle end the forms " Faiadaic Battery, that is, by through adjustment so the the long considerable After this against which the disk platinum hole a has this disk * little cave When almost entirely regulated by needle screw and remove by action be sufficient. will careful the of its the manipulation needle and screw of vibration needle ]3ointas t Fig. The Platinum if not, the with the Disk and is fails directed 11. Lever. disk The needle. adjustment being the hammer, the the its clean vibrating of This point. of time tlie strument in- surface new protrusion or retraction the slightest tivist and ; the When a f given point cleaned course the touch rotate, the with needle its regulate to should harely the and in is needed to required,but, is current. slightesttwist bring to dized, oxi- its circumference, furnished with spring but in hole, the all that paper. A needle, and constructed been be unscrewed, can emery icell.^ acts the alter to stoppage of the or drilled contact usually be needle not impinges, become is sufficient platinum into will tion vibra- change of point of little lever into the has been By insertinga to spring,but it is better needle causingweakening and vibration, the instrument as use for space spot of the platinum disk of the hammer exact This of its pressure this exists unless and ; in its passes therapeuticneed is seldom there hammer by alteringthe also and the which the decreasing or mcreasuig uneven to of the of or stops, re-establish in the text. this it, dotted becomes over 33 BATTERY. COMBINED HOSPITAL THE spots of oxidation, the with The Faradaic fixingthe screw screwed, the hammer . in be position must hfted hammer . its surface and out, Battery, un- cleaned. similarly Induction the by wire of currents of conditions action them upon permanent a certain under magnet ordinary rotary magneto-electricmachine machines these for discarded be may they and painfulin application, graduation. An is extremely convenient Voltaic either the that the brought to of trouble same or Faradaic constructed united, and those lettered my the designs, its details being furnished Coil. current action; when When from the with Faradaic points to the cells numbered thereon both of forms two currents the pointsto the my to stud this stud brought into numbered in Combined exception additional an coil is as are similar precisely are the needle it the Battery(seeFig. 12), The separate batteries,with of the of the Dial the from point of alternately. or HospitalCombined the thus in succession be can examining by patients for diagnosticpurposes bined com- the when greatest possible convenience In are avoiding a " action, of exact current conductors sideration, con- constructed so terminals, thus changing the either electricity, in currents if it is but " our admit do not both in which apparatus from uncertain are the in as " coils in produced also are studs, Voltaic D in- 34 THE ^ti"^^^"^*'^^^ Hos COMBINED HOSPITAL when it BATTERY. pointsto " 0," both currents itai Combined are off. shut Uatteiy. Fig. Hospital A. Guard K Tray E. Dial Combined block. for holding plate. 12. accessories. Battery. C. Bolt securing element Gr. for M. Key Hammer. board. current. intei-rupting CONDUCTING Other Weiss, the instruments, such invention and other and I have felt of those but I without of the be observations will electricity furnished hy until Combined list ; and description a requirements; our understood that aj)]}ly equallyto my of currents and properlyconstructed any The ments instru- upon myself to fitted to must and Leclanche exhausting the best course, talk might limit obligedto I believe it, of further But of Stohrer unsurpassed were improvement cells. for hours those as excellent,and are 35 CORDS. reliable apparatus. have We brought now the theAcces- to electricity series of termmals oi sider the best applied to the first what a some Commutator I, I. L, H, L. of the " escape poles. of coil. finally It from N. Electro R. Screw cessory ac- reallybe for any be insulated for conduct- rheo- it is of should in it will,of course, not Binding screws ing wires. Hinges of element Graduator it is fault or the nullify also must be by being coated non-conducting material electricity may F. this perfectbattery. most sponges, wire, and or the Bat- con- first necessary conductor" '' " and sufficiently pliable, with Our importance that of connection and it to the carriers,by which conductingcord it is called break best a next generallytermed, patient. our must we conveying they are as current or is of means conductors, or, phores battery,and our it to the that con- any -magnet. regulatingpositionof needle. board. D, Screw spring regulating hammer. D 2 of Conduct- 36 Conduct- CONDUCTING with ducting substance into come then they whole thread, the latter that when them nothing the thin but the percha in for wire." This pliable for cheap, and Its to break at terminals the be can the of than they that rheophore. trouble have I used with known gutta graph "tele- as is perfectly insulated, all practicalpurposes made fit to the Should this screw happen, ; ficiently sufit is of sort any nection. con- it is liable it is received battery,or are only fit endless wire, coated point where the these and will disadvantageis,that one woollen terrupti order, causing in- years as way of sewing or little use, had some copper same a of I have are disadvantages are while current, and ; better be can of silken some at strands several Their of machine. kind with in constantlyout in one enclosed by they diameter frayed after become be to the quite new. they liable about nothing material, and of sold insulated not quite useless,but are of accidentally conducting cords composed wire metallic it may sometimes are commonly more which The contact. instrument-makers all,and CORDS. the into socket of all that is ^ is to scrape necessary with a end, by pocket which knife we off the for an gutta percha coating inch the from a new get practically broken conducting cord. We have parentage now considered of medical fully the and electricity, we birth have and con- CONDUCTING ducted it to within 37 CORDS. almost a breadth hair's of Conduct- our ^"" The patient. be considered Gentlemen, dry you, in. essential useful our have we as survey a more been secure of of 1 will it which I trust, the but interesting discussing m " " applying Lecture, next render to details methods various ; are, foundation electro-therapeutics. for I assure a tically prac- Cords, LECTUEE methods of II. applying electricity. Gentlemen, Ih rxe'sumeof ferent first our kinds of the construction I reminded and that you Franhlinism Voltaism, action, made of the electricity,Faradism: certain difficulties that that Voltaic these that interrupted) artificially that flowing, the was positive it " that supplying a while negative by no pole, use, application that and considered We then and portable ; that not ; Frankexisted ; different it was batteries, batteries fitted were fixed from battery that only should large the " appreciably vary current and " or less (un- continuous until that all others while been current followed did fairly constant its stream means it of always was unbroken an is, that during power medical the to exhausted constant, in is, in had longer no of electricityin motion, electricity w^as electricity,but current there employment difficulties cal chemi- thirdly, and, that of electricity, " the in kinds electricityof Galvanism; or induced linism, but of batteries. static or dif- medicine, of three use friction secondly, ; in management we electricity; firstly,of the studied we electricity employed tuie. and Lecture be rejected. both low for fixed tension 40 EdsunK^of First tme. RESUME current, OF FIRST so-called,which LECTURE. I reminded is not you a "^ Lee- current in shocks, each separated by from be its flowing along induced or wire a but separated from, the two wires the wires number of of afforded no I us. method pointed out and the therefore to coil. I secondary construction of instruments currents, and our cords, and or gutta-percha superiorto study methods of of form. We to and properties,of instruments, which I with trust of Faradaic a of as have the the sideration con- conducting and applying electricity, how use the other and wire of and completed by varieties copper mended recom- you recommendation my covered any was was currents instruments, Voltaic was so-called I and showed then both different there the only the use survey of the wires that but within graduation between Faradaic combining from one secondary currents, you only might not to you therapeuticdistinction primary troducin in- spiralsof wire, the exact and multipliedindefinitely the an parallel to, reels by introducingor withdrawing other current wire; that by winding other, be secondary currents proportionto Voltaic a movable the discovered Faraday other two within perfectlydistinct by the first upon one in in succession appreciableinterval an fellows, which generated these _ rapid discharge or a momentary and itself, of time to all,but at of those _ thin generally to-day to to learn construction you are now familiar worth it is well Gentlemen, and. : 41 ELECTRICITY. OP APPLICATION THE vour while them methods alreadystudied have itsture. batteries, the to . for ment-maker instru- avoided. often be may of your of readily to you working necessityof sending the knowledge, enable only not faults in the rectifyany We this obtained possession will but . , have to Resume First Lec- " of applying Franklinism.* Faradization and Voltaization appliedeither generally of electrical A insert the foot and vessels feet one hand, the fulfil every telegraphwire with the break current may and wears well of well. addition patient and the in only of the to water, during the as See the battery the to constant Radcliffe) is very just described, with means pages thick it is little liable accessories, and * or while connect Dr. way some ; varietyof A (originated by readilyapplied which in contact, circulate requirement answers vessels and with battery are to one be, in separate water 6-17. of insulatingthe of a length Appii" to Eiec"-'^ '"" patient,or basins, Ordinary foot-pails, required. jugs, will the of the being allowed current time case containingtepid salt conductingwires the of the as required,is is not hands and forms applying electricity, The of localization strict very be locally. or " method convenient when the baths in the different as " both may of ^' 42 Eadciiffe's THE APPLICATION OF uninsulated ordinary ELECTRICITY. wire. copper Dr. RadclifFe Positive . 1 Charge, ,... ^ believes that administration an somewhat electricity, Franklinic patient having connected the which wire allows the while continues the be accessories, and With pass. be " with the patient,and latter chandelier the metallic of gutta be employed percha, to a or positive,to earth." "to to a always gives the A ground. mat, a or the sheet can and patient a forated per- glass-legged stool insulate to patient negativepole, taken indiarubber vulcanized the the as other conduction the by away the from gas-pipe,which or tion insula- convenientlyattached be may earth positive electricity. well applied, as to the careful circulates wires He "ground-wire,"he a current two one direct the calls to charged " must This and negative electricity passes and There charge of negative pole with he the current wire, the is frequently beneficial. electricity, the a positive Voltaic analogous to insulates by of the accessories. The Eiec- There has been power generalizedapplicationwhich is another much have been in almost by of which your " every Electric exist in patientsto only of put forth, not disease, but chemical purely physical and that remarkable advocated, and Baths," London, them. several but You effects you can ments state- its curative also " I of its refer to establishments need teach not send them how APPLICATION THE take to electric bath an 43 ELECTRICITY. OF in their bed own bath- or The tric ElecBath. A room. recline be insulated in it should (fourstout tumblers with at A water metallic with The a the with Another for the in connection battery; held any part or of the used. Ordinary salt and direct wooden the the the the the water, of pole with contact Faradaic wet pole second current his in with in Faradaic water grasp second quite,in acidulated or between this immersed with water the covered from not or water, the of a connect with body Yoltaic in through pass bar conductor the foot patient to copper almost, but Either but a a may plate protectedfrom be is to flannel, and be the pole at method hands may second a will electricity unimmersed the pole one sufficiently powerful current, a pole,and one with filled degrees. 100 patient reclining thus of the poles. to plateby sittingupon With portion of body other the either framework. of 95 head, and patient should with contact by glass supports well),and connection the patientto very do temperature a at connection bath. will plate in inserted be the sufficiently largefor bath water. be may current, with the Voltaic. Another more application is that generalized ^ introduced of " General his naked with by one Beard "'""'- and Rockwell, Faradization." feet upon pole,while a The sheet the of other General Faradiza- under the patientsits copper pole is name with connected connected tion. 44 THE APPLICATION General by tion. operator,who niQistened sponge Si moistened, need the hardly say, operator before sensation he Another the left hand of the disengaged hand, shghtly whole the of muscles his over ELECTRICITY. with his passes over sometimes Central- OP The body. through passes it reaches the the feels is his chief patient,and of the body the patient,and guide I current, its to tion. gradua- a^eneralapplication is the "Centralized izedGal. vanization. . " Galvauization their of to bring the under the influence the from the the down of nape mogastric the current. But the Dr. a the to spine, The sacrum. the and submitted thus before cases pneuthe to require " strictlylocalized of principles electrization Duchenne local the to top sterno- the length of spinalcord, fundamental for and cui-rent. but generalized, of localized sponge of the border at " forehead the great majorityof for the negative largemoistened neck are nerves of the influence any Voltaic entire brain, sympatheticand late of the stylo-mastoid fossa the from and sternum, and a pass positivepole over mastoid, tion. nervous head, along the inner of the Localized central " epigastrium and from whole pole usually the They placeone which authors, in same objectis system the the (the are we " him applicationof not a application, all methods indebted to the peutics"), father of electro -therano one had attempted electricitythat could APPLICATION THE properly be called. so 45 ELECTIIICITY. OF Indeed, Duchenne to may Localized elec- tion. Electriza. as tricity and kindly his death with upon induced of ever work than that whose to whom to of science whose memory I will method, surface in Faradism the stimulate the necessary for the as and to make the skin to the as the a skin see, two surface, or be the dry the I small moisture, electricity " I am apply now of afraid an you sparks produced upon the cutaneous slight crackling sound . to it is this do conductors metallic the it dryness, I sprinkle powder. electricities combine hear of in action. Gentlemen, arrest allowing " little starch posterior to propose conductor a ments, experi- the To of principles quite dry of sufficient instrument induction cannot sure with dry being to a warm a fundamental I was test two subjacentmuscles. know, you deserves skin, without skin afforded. largedebt a repeat upon now the recognize,and owes left forearm. of my discoveryof estimate, he Duchenne's regard." yield to opportunity it medical with disposalof first to demonstrating the of his the the at its lowest gratitude,and tribute the secure, his work Taking made which the genius was seized cultivated perhaps ever or ; was ; ever electricity placed at his talents man announcing eagerness harvest better man more earnestness more a " in the true Lancet, when field No " : Til medical of and therapeutics, of the words birth very of branch a ., the fairlyascribed be pro- 46 THE APPLICATION duced, but Localized observe you ELECTRICITY. OF muscular no contraction, ' what and tion. that I have but that the to motor puncture nerves the the that facial in order to the been the with the to two destroyed the placethe productionof in the was but or Duchenne Having administered" only,in might be He cord. each muscle sides. The both same condition reflex action, and its living rabbit a of the a rent cur- time one muscle equally on brain cord of it supplied by excitation the at ; that its action was side one separatelyand to make to the face of connection contracted may vivisection. a had nerve on face, alternately, then the from skin applied electric He limited objectionby muscles all from of may, skin, and contraction muscular chloroform whom It we the ^but of reflex action " the divided the of branches concentrate organs. the this removed to of the we skin, and of irritation not demolished " contraction experiments that incision or the objected that motor current, quite involuntary,and is in electricity subcutaneous " ductors con- observe of the power energetic these from traverse result the dry You sponges. electric irritation pleasure,arrest upon replace the now This evidently nerves. without " is muscles. It follows at I altered not there extensor superficialand a well-moistened by the is sensation. cutaneous is due feel I he order cut off then of the muscles sides. animal, favourable againexcited 48 Different kinds DIFFERENT KINDS OF gicalconditions, and in other of benefit The RHEOPHORES. be likelyto not cases of Rheo- phores. be him. to hollowed well out, that the comfortablybetween in the 14),a hand. same metallic extremely of sponge useful ; it has of water by using its edge it may majorityof for fitted a advantage as face. The screwed cord the be made is very and apt to to answer small very of those some to the is attached into the socket made pointed conductor, interossei wire to be the over without beingsqueezed out, while to chieflyfor application such holdingtwo wash-leather, is with the used, lying rheophore (seeFig. pressure the inconvenience cases disk covered allowingfirm be they may when fingers, The button should handles insulating conductor (seea, Fig. 14). get frayed Fig. at 13. CylindricalSponge-holder. in the which is muscles, of the by being A the ing conduct- point of DIFFERENT KINDS that and luncture, the I recommend which wh^e 49 RHEOPHORES. OF is Different kinds this to open of . .... not objectionis the not ofjy its least rvheo- phores. . . In direct electrization advantages. should firmlypresseddown be is convenient or as of the of same near to power the be in lines from hand one of from If the care them be taken another, for the tension Faradism precaution there is will so be Fig. Metallic Disk, covered or great,that to liability muscle, nearly insertion not to thirty as the rheophoresare should in the to of the originto it current twenty muscles, promenading muscles. the Electriza- rheophores,held part of the surface to every group may the apply to (seeFig. 15),for hand seconds, J)"^^^^^_ points of ^. tion, all upon the Faradaic With electrized. ec[ually same rheophores of the muscle, that all of its fasciculi may the surface be the held in them keep penetrating this without excite reflex 14. witli Wash-leather. E 50 APPLICATION THE With Direct action. tion. does liability using the exist, and hold the pole stationary,near and stroke to paint and the very these different left wrist Constant tion. claims our its rent cur- the Faradism its effects interrupted current applicationsupon extra-muscular attention. You branches, instead riG. Method Voltaic quite immovable, will " tive nega- position of altogetherin fingers entire the the I produced by actingupon and held be muscles, the constant conductors. and the positive demonstrate of extensors " Voltaism " Current. lndu"ect, or Indirect the strengthof same the from from when plan were sponge it differs the by moving it as lines must sponges applied so from m}^ in positive. In using both from origin of the with pole,gliding it the the this current better a sponge to or surface muscular ELECTRICITY. interruptedVoltaic not it is to OF of electrization,next will recollect the of that special nerve by placing the it is trunk rheo- 15. holding Sponge-holders with Sponges inserted. INDIRECT the pliores upon a motor cutaneous which method where is desire we as the sedative is current indifferent and be part the of the it is desired to with act find in the and nerves the muscles, and (which is are act to propose they not this being so, to paralyzed), the current make in it of when we nerve that sure the among mixed of its muscles the spot by touching it This, of it is we by producing for marking our plate, course or be may it is well contraction in nerve that know the of silver. called motor a the the of their distribution mode num, ster- anatomical moment where the from of are in variations upon the localizing nitrate pole upon Speaking generally, upon. by reference to a good for we only approximately, to place to as course special any one such body, the points as motor common in is convenient selected but Voltaic constant localized cases again when apply a pointed conductor to pain. contraction be, and connected over pole directly second these of tion- power actual to may applicationit good-sizedsponge an as indirect of sensation muscular produce to required to its of minimum amount influence In nerve. affectino- the preferable,therefore, in little sensation and tlins call may minimum a necessarilya need We without with and nerves, hardly ever This itself. action into of current, and a muscle nerve 51 ELECTRIZATION. course, with is then and a a pencilof onlynecessary subsequent electrization do we E 2 not 52 Indirect ELECTRIZATION. INDIRECT contraction, muscular wish in the as tion I will demonstrate neuralgia.* of treatment Electriza- electriza- indirect . forearru above beneath the lies and that work his important more "-"' terlng constant current. a tlie "constant" are in so easy must desire,we of the battery the to moistened well that current oiily"but always quite we them fact in see " in in a practiceas that the electrodes and should we Zeimssen chart in published points cord really or firmlyin wire or for map method of pro- administration in the special nerve in theory. is without placed the of the motor Ziemssen's some a grouped together the imperative importance of It is often inadininil1^'^^^ of reference, f convenient ance of have I and body, of the also occurs phalanges platesof the at fingers, Electricityhas extremely accurate some other first Medical on palmaris longus. fingers. Professor middle and index It tendons the There it. the of slight flexure carpus. passes powerfullycontract the to abducting time same the and its muscles thumb the it surface,between left my before of ligament the in nerve and carpi radialis flexor oppose median wrist, annular observe You the little below a of the import- the by Faradizing tion localize and ; To it this the flaw ; that is not the secure from of in not " result terminals the electrodes. position determined duringquite immovable the especiallythat they are held shall for if not maintained immovable, we the entire application, with but "constant" an "interrupted" current be using not a ! effects We and therapeutical physiological totally dissimiliar from our must battery is also satisfyourselves that the current that the affected to it our so patients apply constant, and that we upon ; nerve and shall be " as it is called" included in poles, and that the current nerve as perfectlyand continuously as it would of the battery. wire connecting the terminals Churchill. Published by t between the the circuit circulates " that is, thist through through a piece of "cedure 53 ELECTRIZATION. CUTANEOUS find the experimentally was to out the most applicationof electricity points indirect Klectriza- where produced these . muscular number of Photographs of and the afterwards These transferred for correct appoximate of course the their exactitude by the before disappeared,and the scalpel. We the the The the until results reaction body but ; mined deter- immediately electricity to these points three the of entrance he had the skin submitted secting-room dis- muscles, with of the surface points upon had coincided following the within, their to motor iifter death, and verified accuratelyin very completelysatisfied not was Ziemssen course reference constant absolutely be not to true observingtheir pointsof and into, and blocks. be to individual. nerves taken wood claim may silver. were the to therefore every marked cient suffi- a of nitrate thus although they Nature, he parts figuresmay their with trials . marked after chalk, and coloured readilytion. then He contraction. points with Ti . to methods perfectly. will consider next electrization. cutaneous Cutaneous Eleciriza- already shown I have the conductors of current form of methods both are moderate when power upon of not its the quite dry, penetrate surface. applying cutaneous a skm and Faradaic this (and practically is always employed electricity does electrization) localized you that the There in cutaneous skin, but are Faradization" is three the tiou. 54 Cutaneous }^ 1 6C t r ELECTRIZATION method that ductors ;" the OF INTERNAL employed we ORGANS. that " of Con- Metallic " IZ 3i- tiou. which to the of his in his second hand right the back hand absorbent of metallic the the which skin fact it the which do ''Wire flogging that more than by laid not Internal Organs. - the intense mothods anus be the structure ; liamentary par- for doubt no produced by cat, however by internal electrjzing long. us be the insulated The it well electrized rectal gum and metallic rheophore,a elastic,and appliedto the with abdominal the muscles of by introducinginto it moving A sphincter ani. connected need organs and rectum, surface, bringing it also into levator sponge of may the rectum the have I of substitute a may applicationof any detain internal pain brush scientific some and skin. excitants disorganizeits navy, of the wire all the a. ! on The Eieetriza- the in J' the this philanthropist as with Brush over current proposed by was th" sprinkled is moved not to and replaces one powerful of most back wishes patient's skin and strong Faradaic a becomes in the the he points wire, which and conductor one passes being dry, and powder; conductors, left,and over points of of his called, in part of the patient'sbody, excite, these With it is as operator having applied the brush HandJ' little sensitive some holds Electric " the over with contact well-moistened other muscles stem or pole to may the be- neigh- 56 Eiectrization or ELECTRIZATION OF pliorefrom ri^it THE CENTRAL left and to vice ORGANS. A versa. powerful the . Central , will penetrate the cuiTeiit intestine and the reach Organs. ... vesiculse,excitingthem is completed by unsensitive In in its of the the or it should excitement the central Voltaic be had be not the should giddiness,nausea, be well-moistened to of each auriculo To ganglion of size cervical vertebra, close the to spinal sponge, the The be cord border may usuallythe other to or up of be the the With electrized to each the the frontal electrode the into other or with sterni, sterno-mastoid. by The by keeping the sides a seventh manubrium electrized down be superior and positive,stationary, and and must the the sixth by mastoid deeply pressed appliedover of be sponges and the occurrence sympathetic, one -maxillary fossa, good-sizedsponge to the cases with, and galvanize the must may or central symptoms. applied temple, used, general a in all the the especial w^hen commenced brain sponges As to cerebral or immovable. small an thetic sympa- senses, recourse occipitalprotuberances. cervical of the upon precautions the held brain, the employed. application discontinued process, is alone is contra-indicated, and dose these on of organs current organs circumspectionmust minimum rheophoreplaced application to nerves, rule circuit part of the body. system, and second a. electrization nervous energetically.The one ing mov- of the vertebrse,or the and retina other held second by one conductor to the bottom in meatus metallic tube may be closed his linen wet through his the from the of is not allay the connected immovable the orbital the or and a vulcanite a the second the to sponge the ocular the other applied covered by a his left pole in the to finger fore- finger-stall current moistened tor hand, the conduc- held pole being similarly of the patient. only convenient, fears facial the "use may body by holding a with being ; electrode, passingthe an hands margin, as of water, operator second and axis placed over the and ear, pointed conductor, be be may own one inserted second to application right hand, as from sponge to the eyelid,or of one pole one and sible, conjunctiva is usually inadmis- the to or below nerve Direct ^^^ans. toid mas- tepid water, the in central auditory nerve well-moistened a neck. but of immersed be the to opposite side filled with being muscles the closed the meatus, of the sponge traversing the wire of the nape the The or The spine,Eiectriza- muscle. to temple side. same of hand conductor or tipped with the may the tlie appliedto nerve a 57 ORGANS. conductor to of the process held to moistened a the and eye, be pole may one by CENTRAL THE OF ELECTRIZATION of covered one with pole, and as patient: a or leather, may wet firmly pressed near tion applica- it is calculated but sensitive a This in its point down possibleto upon the held the position 58 patient second OF it is desired muscle of the MODE IN PRECAUTIONS touches held pole to intervals at its by APPLICATION. excite, while the from the the sponge insulating handle the in disengaged hand. operator's chemical Electro- The Needles. current lysis is sometimes of the into or one tumour, battery. and I shall and connected Lecture, but I have here needles,* and useful which conducthigwires of wire Needles Electrolysis B, wire the made holder is twisted into as the shown generally for them attachment the operator pocket for knife of pendent inde- with he a can 16. By pressingtbe spring iN'eedle-liolders. and opens Fig. a next our the render and ^- side most specialconducting cords, coil of insulated The had have Voltaic a subjectin eyelet-holesfor with holders I with of the some of being introduced needles this persal dis- or consolidation the more discuss removal in the in Voltaic continuous a useful tumours, aneurisms, of action in C, eyelet hole-A. to grasp the needle D. TKECAUTIONS fit up best his IN needles adapted Having of out of his to minutes it application, may remind concludiDgthis part in you certain be observed. precautions We ^ all it, do should its " ^"^'^ in of with other to use or blinded a from cells to candour part any sudden and course, having more it is and " only occur in Duchenne held been immovable, graduallyincreased, one abruptly,and it may I have known a cessation shock as negative pole of or be both current a he had should especially shock the and plications ap- a of can, conductors the of them current has been inadvertently,removed patient so frightenedby to the Sudden cessation where cases to current of the head. misfortune. The on so necessary especially Yoltaic cessations guarded against. to just power facial muscles, and publish his to need we patientby suddenly applying the a the use applying the in care face,neck, 40 and traction con- 7io and applications; if decline Yoltaic tion. e.g., muscular must it and produce to ad- with commence and efiPect, gradually so being sought we sufBcient . prescribingor are exceedinglypowerful remedy, dose, watch increase The constantly . v/e patientswe new minimum a ^^ecaiv neces- are tions keep must that attention our with and be perhaps not ^ ministeringan be ful generallyuse- Applica- before the way more "^ sary "^ any proposed operation. subject that to in the of place to our few a considered now methods in 59 APPLICATION. OF MODE further j such treatment. battery will, if fre- GO PRECAUTIONS IN" Trecau- qacntlj applied raodeof sore, tion. and should be impress the to spot, same slightlyvaried upon APPLICATION". OF tliis the avoid to MODE it to the so-called or as like, but you left hand as currpnt, except when patient'shead your invariable rule strength same to this such persons who derived from is is very wholesome employed checked upon a to each Faradaic day. home educated with proportionto little personalexperience such to dose, then, by the a number there is strengthof shall not have no either certain a varied notion. of cells by testingits effect,and current him. better, that the benefit corrective the press im- tive, imperaespecially is in exact a at minister adyour electrizes it is for application, securing that out the to authorize If you carried electrization your about are an face own your you know pain given by it,and a to Faradaic it then make great belief,even ought to for the to apply electricity whosoever upon Graduate of current circumstances for there the apply treatment rule of your for the face, and patient's. your have patient to Under of the muscles or of precision," approximate test to me nometers, galva- many back about first to as addition thumb your let importance of convenient a Voltaic, and in use apphcation instruments " a yourselves before Use patient. a cause occasionally ; and always testingelectricity upon applying of point Gentlemen, you, soon do this means Voltaic from or day PHECAUTTONS We IN have electrical In application. I propose affords us OF studied, now electricity, MODE Gentlemen, instruments, our to discuss in diagnosis, next the 61 APPLICATION. and and methods concluding assistance prognosis, medical that and Piecau- of Lecture electricity treatment. mode twV^^ of LECTUEE ELECTRICTTY DI*AGNOSIS IN A. III. AND TREATMENT. Electricityin Diagnosis. " Gentlemen, Our 351ectro- first Lectures two devoted were to a mosis. consideration electrical of varieties of methods To-day and prognosis, chief The to of its We upon you my when nerves, Test of the proved ap- therapeutics. in uses electricity in left of power have diagnosis, seen " diagnosis evolving I as muscular pendent detraction. con- demonstrated that forearm is both to muscles and " in a of stimulus most treatment. use upon in their study the them applying tlie- different ; and electricity ; of have we instruments condition, normal In electricity, respond disease to this sponse, re- Electro- irritability,may or Irrita- remain unaltered, ibility. our be first step contractility. cases only the we in have one in As to nerve exact do or should ; and therefore of condition electro - practically with abolished or electro-diagnosis in ascertain to decreased, increased, be may it or reaction altered muscle, almost or in one all our existing of two 64 ELECTRO-DIAGNOSIS. if it is not battery, or our while conductor one that essential the similarityin sliould is with the it flows the negativefarther and consequentlya result. of paraplegia from In both strength of the As it to it flows is, up,, ence influ- in which, there in as guided by cases some knowledge a usually required current contractiou. induco be the with poles will case " the spine,and when of the sides trodes elec- limb, that the to testing a must we the responds it than reversal upon " nearest exact points of the down It is be that healthy muscle positivepole equal disease should identical the other. important especially for readilywhen is there placed on current, the for be more of sides application,and this muscle, and Voltaic both on key, a break stationary,we reapplyingthe by liftingand current Rule is with, provided to general rule, unless a a strength of in the nerve, Electro- both, to integrityof also ball of the we have litydiminOrigin of thumb produces cord further ; have proof we find of either and, rule, this a the the that is disease as If of at of its nerve the the the muscle electrization spinal cord If proof tissue. to irritability find we we contraction nerve. lessened, there or currents, also the the muscle, muscular the responds by healthy,and nerve the of the examination normal - of muscles painful action energetic and causos is impaired. If, in contraction, irritability some our _ that currout Current, point is of irritability muscular tissue, will be in direct 65 ELECTRO-DIAGNOSIS. proportion the amount to of diminished Eiectroirritability. Irritabi- .... Increased . . . to increased irritabilitypoints vascularity lityincreased. irritative or require the seldoin in of aid The diao-nosis. our . but lesion ; such cases we very to complete electricity reactions of Faradism in some and o Voltaism which usuallyequal,but are muscular abolished or the Voltaic increased. muscular The reaction is not current is diminished to Faradism response diseased in cases to rupted inter- an only preserved will muscle but respond Voita_ much the readilyto more correspondingmuscle the at the time same that nerve the to is found of muscular specialirritability of quite independent both to is due tissue,and influence. nerve any while ; reaction muscle the ntyin- examining on diminution equal increased than current healthy side the it will be there This currents. of Yoltaic is It Diagnosis "^ . , exists . only lesion,and of such from the facial as commencing nerve " " obtain we local absolute an fingers,due muscular as the " of Faradaic lesion. nerve of progressive section of treatment. affecting degenerative nerve There piierai poisoning,from from paralysis reaction," as it always follows when in the facial or a nerve is then irritability through ^^^'^' 1 diagnosisCentral the extensors atrophy, important questions as It is known is involved the lead to central m never paralysisof atrophy from all and of hemiplegia,paralysis and muscular it by cases wrist -Ill peripheral m both trunk tion diminunerve r a 66 ELECTRO-DIAGNOSIS. muscle, diminution and "TheDe- of reaction the to Voltaic generative Nerve Re- wlien cun'ont the rheophores increase the appliedover these between electrical of but, equally paralyzed in often in After degree two of Paralysis., be . three or of in muscles electrical We may will latter the of use then present tricity elec- any whcu irritative it is increased. of In the restored always and existence its in diagdifficulty nosis. find that in is irritability electric disease slight a irritability may qualificationwe brain substance muscles this is Faradizations, this uormal, oxcopt the muscle these electric present, but paralysisfrom of c, and hand, healthy of diminution hardly likelyto and of disuse long With Central be prognosis. sometimes is that instance one the may others. in none trical elec- and find absolute positivelypredict " the in nerve other may and some, rapidly recover by the we relation no hemiplegia,when in of both on are will, for there the paralysis,as ; they muscle, and nerve condition unchanged changes is interestingvariations perfectmuscular is there but ; degree of paralysisto the when reaction oi muscle condition the "* . and nerve, over applied | are "" action." is lesion paralysisfrom present, disease irritabilityis dimi- cord , Paralysis, nishcd, and diagnosis " this not paraplegia and least in its will always sometimes easy locomotor earlystages " " aid the in commencing between ataxy. us In is irritability ataxy normal. " at In 67 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. progressivemuscular as muscular any emotional is normal atrophy it tissue hystericalor In remains. is paralysis irritability is often electro-sensibility much variations enable long as Hysterical but normal, Those impaired. Diagnosis between will sometimes lieai and distinguish to us between real and pretended disease absolute abolition of electric in irritability muscles that by if of the those people extraordinary who so haunted are Electricity being buried alive may rest contented Positive uf they provide that after apparent death, and fear of a before burial, their bodies Considered little get have solelyas to of the last and " Is much and belief ," peutic power The men minority.It for and can than electricity I the consideration branch of therapeuticagent" a remedy. a as to me much too to come important its limitations it needful to we diagnosis, from we most as subject electricity scope submitted you. Gentlemen, now, be aid to an assistance more pointed out And shall examination. thorough electrical or all the proof positiveof death, is body and, finally, Disease, ; that say unbelief there in our its is too its thera- Limitatioa citv 0 f who is else believed estimate it generallyeither to be a sort fairlyare much of quite the undervalued, modern " Elixir . Vittx,"capableof curing a hopelesshemiplegiafrom destruction from senile as a remedy. of brain tissue, or a paralysisagitans degeneration.Although electricity F 2 C8 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. do will neither considered wide as of diseases. both varietyand mode of application; heighten temperature, the blood, and dissolve either it will frequently pain, sensation, coagulate the slowly cause or a its to relieve it will recall in stimulate muscle, according voluntarymovement, restore great value It will and nerve impossibilities, yet,, it is of remedy, a margin soothe or these of tion absorp- of tumours. B. in Electricity " Treatment. FRANKLINIZATIOX. Franklinization and as than a partaking at pages 6 to of the the treatment, may - has in the Paralyzed coming private cases example, which methods found obscrvatiou, of Considerable for of electricity general application various Hospitalfor in a form conveniently considered 17, it has been National aud Neuralgia, by the oldest more be local,may Administered the as value. first. described practiceof and under leptic, Epiown my Faciahieuralgia, other resisted modes with relieved occasionally be of rapidityand permanently by drawing sparks along the Sciatica, trifacial has Facial Spasms. track been of the nerve. affected branch Sometimes also or (ticconvulsif),as instance, for permission to sciatica obstinate or altogetherremoved partially facial spasm, of the branches in the quote which ; so also following I am in- 69 ELECTEO-THERAPEUTICS. "debted of years from Eadcliffe. Dr. to had age, the face. "was very The attention proper .and the a of period relief the tliose of it in the recent cases, twice these or cases dura,tion. been found was The festly mani- of form a her pursue by sparks in the aphonia,Emo- it is w^ell to before six use having or seven applicationrepeated complete nine, another remainder of of the face emotional electricity.In effected of to cases over amount an effective so of these this thrice of muscles. weekly Electrization long standing, that induced to able hysterical or treatment recourse great so patient was has of cases lines w^as little distortion comfort. larynx relief of even that the with business "over months, two and remained, the thrice this treatment obtained was made was occurring less frequently. By paroxysms persistingwith small a being diminished, distortion the reheved, as spasm as prevent affected applicationthe much stranger, a trial the to spasm so to hj sparks along third the address to of such occupation distributed nerves After be even experimental electrization the her to An shopkeeper. of the speaking difficult, and make to ^s by having years left side to apt was slight emotion, caused be the of produced by distortion exaggerated by would thirteen for muscles great, and forty-eight female, suffered the of spasm A had of lasted of One cure. six months' from four Aph'on.a, 70 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. weeks receive benefit any other the and months. three to Xocalized affected in removing the of static proved equally agent under slowly by sparks often of localized not electricity, Electrization has spot did case recovered case general treatment. seventh use the of The the the from forms ineffective. The proved over benefit great sensitiveness excessive not Excessive found ness. unfrequently in the local, is for charging him Other hour. always, in half Since * effects to I applicationsfailing, would similar of sittings, dozen witli impossible that the Import(111 ce of (quoted f/uishing of " the the is the linism. their Giacomini of of nerves the greater undergoes a a t See page 4. most " or less added page 10, has enabled of the patient and valuable is the for instead it is ranked this of by success in and charge the the altogether Giacomini influence is ground Italian Churchill. as School toAccording hyposthenisants. is deprived de-electrized, conseqiiently qiiantityof on to derived a stimulant analogous to heat effect. Erysipelatous tissues hy]post]ienisant Duchenne u.se that years many from the ment treat- instruments hyposthenic that contends He a and to precision,and negative charge; a attributes "patient real largely jpositiveelectricitydiffers of that positive charge, Negative Cliarge among Frank- from of the beneficial knowledge our contended has of Duchennet) by trial, Franklinization.* degree a Eadcliffe charge a an advise- fair a very at with negative charge. the from J-bsitive and efi'ect of above, comparatively imperfect the Dr. date. therapeutically distin- between conducted be been described improved apparatus, at in 1873, has Franklinism to the to half . writing as above, of tricity positive elec- minutes cases a by insulating with period of twenty a general or largely relieved sometimes patient,and say whether spinalregion. Tremor, Tremor. the hysterical cases, particularly in Sensitive- Localized and may Electrization," English Edition,, 72 such Effects upon ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. application an lara^er flow of blood a '- ^ Nu, trition. part, With , increase subsequcnt general improvement contraction a response Electricityof u It is in cases to it,but not immense any will,that then action but agency the can ficial arti- an muscular there it muscular as where to service,and If in addition imitatingnatural other no that in that only such 0 tricity. elec- is muscular be and continued for too minutes for So a it is often replaced by a of stream get of possesses pain. " time. We constant of its One stimulant " have current point of ten either that remarkable all heard reputation,and be not to twenty of its forms when result is, a or interruption a in of such relieving benefit and neuralgia, will not its sedative, for it power of the break in administration of we continuous appreciablevariation "in haustion, ex- shocks." different effect of the most being effects of electricity current"that is electricity the the to From under very without importance; application should without electricity it, and flow a is of I say cient. applicationis usually suffi- for the constant strength. a entire an administered we employ in the Need stimulation of carried series of intermittent But Con- be long a much when in that dosage amount not . medicine. to its cases certain a . known remedy needed, this may rent. nutrition. acts and temperature Stimu- lant. The of quite impossibleto way " as in results,it gymnast, in the to " it is disappoint us of the worthy if we 73 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. administer it with last Lecture. part or can not five to recur. is essential much In benefit the that " may under case one three or cells in 24 of hours ; electrodes intervals of during patient was galvanized with but in milder in the dissipate a with treatment periods recorded resulted from 49th Voltaic under neuralgia He work.f quotes Electrization The current. procure several cases fit may be quotes the suffered branch health a from of the to I believe be to of case for one This allaying Spasm, should current be generally advisable to Dr. case an fifth The Athetosis brought before is published was Gowers, days to have or and reader weeks even been as cured will find the I have ; and had fairlycured as an ague Russell Reynolds also by quinine. Dr. patient, a lady, who for twenty years had extremely severe neuralgia of the ophthalmic which recurred nerve, daily and from which her a had It greatly suffered. singleapplication. and t "jSTeuralgia Anstie, M.D., "c. of name in Dr. Anstie's exhaustively considered in which the effect cases extremely severe arrest the pain in a few and to sittings, for several which said very some was remission a in the of their Transactions. volume subject of by the Hammond by Medico-Chirurgical Society by in the of of case temple antagonists and to conjoin with the gymnastic exercises, alternating approi:)riate I may mention that the perfect rest. only in that remarkable condition of improvement first described spasm the of severe The two headache. useful it is and two their energeticallyFaradize electrical : or from one current each being applied to muscles irritable cases weak A is often soothing influence of the current in torticollis. spasmodic as, for example, localized maintained be the suffice. generally shall current nerve the care will sometimes " the irritable my the the " minutes influence in the be 27 times two 52.)"^ be applicationsdaily will or mj of treatment as pain. in " but as (See foot-note,page should electrodes that precautionsnoted the current Neuralgia by the constant Electricityinclude to the in Neuralbetween them so applied as affected the number of cells the highest number 8'^nerve without the be borne current to be distinctly pain, i.e., Time, being immovable. painfully felt,both electrodes minutes. ten of pain Frequency, as often as the attacks satisfied that in severe this I am rule of cases application the In * the the London Diseases ; was that Macmillan not only resemble and relieved it." Co. but By 1871. removed Francis E. 74. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Electricitv, then, according Eiectiicity and its variety to possesses an ,...., method ii.flu- generis, d sedativo as . of administration, is both although these but ; convenient distinctive words and used be may there terms, -" stimulant a is doubt no . that it is influence of been of the human the that an. for Restcra- lislied. restorative its lost Dr. Voltaic death will that nerve a upon bility its irritain even be dead a estab- again this particularlystudied has , refreshing' or for it has preserve irritability may Poore current power, action prolonged length of time, and a the tive pow"" power YoJtai of Voltaic The city electri- of the state restorative after immediately natural body. remarkable a found nerve it possesses dependent,perhaps,upon quite sui generis, its modification enjoys that and something more, eitect the oi . -^ Voltaic rent, cur- Current. Electricity in Fatigue in especially its (termed by him to application writer's cramp by iiiteiise feelingof fatigueupon a beuiff made This ments. the -the to , applicationof stimulus the is application unusual and most their to or to will. often for the Be most patient the as muscles it may, experience gratefulrelief,and to and to this explained by comforting,and to by either nerves, be this move- removed once current, of susceptibility in the of at Voltaic believes Poore Dr. increase the affected muscles result feelingis tired muscular certain execute attempt any . Diseases, of characterized tyj)e,cliieily which ail of diseases class and fatiguediseases '"), " is a beg to an the such an it is not immediate for its repeti- 75 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. tion. this relief in importance has been and which, electrotonus, about of it is termed, productionof, as the to condition attribute will electro-therapeutists Many its deal a electro-therapeutics, great written and a is Electrotonus disputed. Riectrotonus. . . Simply while name a being traversed it is The current. effects If of the lightningflash greater at of the power of influenced increased the in irritability either by half the in other, as the The pole. nearest to fications modi- specially is irritability the in the decreased (Katelectrotonus), a naturally, we when nerve by is electricity strength,discover certain a of tension than pole currents the rent. cur- functional result, would as nerve a of application, an the oi artificial Voltaic an such of nerve and ; one of negativepole half nearest to and unchanged negative pole (Anelectrotonus), the point midway a of indifference).The electrotonic these lesser variations be to I and The advise you restorative frequentlyof functional cases, poles (point two production of of is state the between at is r, state powerful complete sufficiently destruction with by depend chieflyupon course, ", p, signifythe to given the importance. of anelectrotonus little practically of to disregard effect benefit of in the current the them Yoltaic sexual may general believe I and lectrotonus kate- moment, peutics. thera- in current weakness. be appliedto In the 'G ELECTEO-THERAPEUTICS. spine positivepole " well minutes painted Impotence, decrease of of sexual Six informed the marked exerted the by its of animal blood Tumours. * tumours in are current, and are bably pro- powerful chemical tissue whatever. ; action in a action, dissolve One is found another :^ and aneurisms third tion applica- in the the or lysis electro- coagulationof in the removal which, chieflyapplicableto tumours from their nature diflicult or situation, are or impossible to be removed by the knife ; and, perhaps, also to malignant tumours ; for whether the Voltaic current exerts not a or special destructive influence diseased it seems certainly proved that upon germs, there is a less frequent return of cancerous growths removed by its agency than by ordinary operativeprocedures or by caustics. This treatment is yet siih of malignant tumours by electrolysis but the evidence has recently much in its favour lated, accumujiidice, observers its full and exhaustive trial by competent and possessing the opportunitiesof large hospital practice ought not is its be much to York, who longer delayed. ISTeftel,of New chief Electrolysisis, of effects great strength will of this chemical of the of restoration resolvent or Voltaic to of current a destroy any lysis gradual resulted, the patient complete absorbent chieflydue Electro- for ending in completeimpotence. treatment in gentleman, a me This bed. to of case ten function. Very for the tive nega- daily for going consulted power, weeks' me, normal also who age, region ; twice and adopted in was fiftyyears lumbar over getting up upon treatment mid-dorsal to advocate, entirely the contends local, and knife, from course, the he that explains fact of malignant their the being excised, as show microscopically examined diseased mass tumours recurrence, impossibility are after of the first at removal whole by of the apparently healthy parts when that already become they have 77 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. and absorptionof gouty or Bheumatic Gout, successful infected. but result also on and mild daily to the locus cases were inserted "was repeated several continues needles, from for half thrice intervals at The in which case, the reappeared, and pronounced cancerous. Sims, and it with respectively,and size of year had tumour been Marion by same surgeon, and then was four needles from ten by degrees grew less,and in three thirty cells. The tumour the patient died from was entirelydispersed; while, when disease three years Electrolysishas Where aneurism. is hardly them ; afterwards, but be thus be introduced for pass in collodion than doubt an aneurism actually perforated them, and that "where it is large sac, to punctures calculated of aneurism kinds hour of Aneuris- cases application,it should be for each the given with pole, "al to of a needles bit of electro-puncture,but on best where it. the sac is of as there parietes,but adapted for this the to carefully lint divided are should allowed current the Authorities is the issue from and hour, an pressing contra-indicated trunks several of with covered styptic colloid. or such connected aneurismal an their and withdrawn, too the half another called carefully considered, and, when fine, sharp, and long delayed. Two needles, one into from months risms, especiallyaortic aneuthe cases question and in to recurrence. in preference aneurisms, be be not carefullyinsulated the treated, and electro-punctureshould for, it should that say internal many cannot no ligature admit and pressure to been successfully employed been necessary had there for relapse. no excised increased gradually current tion galvaniza- continued occasions, by two, three, and a small smaller, and was had been a cells, thirty-five the operation became there In Electro- lysisof Malignant and again removed by the It again reappeared was three electrolyzed,upon of hour an months. the treatment a half some of gradually of tlie tumour on week, daily external a external the end At of galvani- to quarter a chloroform, tumour very being diffiised to lie ajDpliesa electrolysis negative pole under Rheumatic- current existed the hour an only this for tumour mammary months. another In morhi, and disappeared, but last not After for from also used. being acts current a Three orange. at lie considers all directions. painful not of his one in a of localized use surrounding tissues, tlie distance some tlie from deposits.In lias recorded Poore Dr. Electrolysis the rheumatic not soaked to is the no having treatment, large size,or Elec- "'P^'''''" 78 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. zation. but The the disease severityof excepting towards occurred. The and the pain be swollen, their stift* pale,and limb hand. After the hand, although The held of the and limb, especially with in entire the the tive nega- patient/s applicationthe in about had still stiff, muscles obscure extended, nutrition whole and could fingerswere fingers were the third rapidly subsided, aspect. and thoroughly sponged was and completelyto as pole,the positivebeing other exacerbations pronated hand the The impaired. hand, so cold, and diminished, when hand the while anatomy, much months, considerably swollen, was supinated,and immensely had evening, wrist for three existed the absolutelystiff, not the had a fortnightthe resumed then were ing swell- its natural faradized and shampooed. Kheumatic arthritis with best nodosities is Yoltaic current Rheumatic Arthritis. treated the by passing patient will joint for Muscular Ilheuma tism. The a through to the minutes, each of the paius invariably of muscular removed faradization, and appear all other of the commutator or so marvellous. treatment, resulted, and sufferers In the an in many that had instantaneous whose the move- almost are mitigated by cases of poles. rheumatism rapidly as as swollen direction being frequently changed by current -ment submit few a strong as pain has cutaneous cases to resisted has cure for a long 80 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. the sufficiently powerful one if struck, All, General a blow. some of by or such applications, the Baths, benefit where and in and gouty cases)than rheumatic or There Paralysis. not relieve functional severe when few body almost say under the time some of or electrization successful treatment. central may two be or slight pressure may power Faradizations necessity be the at form most paralysisfrom uncommon, y. their may classed which some that the from I disorders progress localized it will not unfrequently powerlessto cure Cases of the most distressingsymptoms. Where by few, I think to city, electri- established. been yet many essential gant ele- an statement eliminated in pai-alysis. of of their is not not very of the heading - has are one, other be poisons can its agency by is administering of applicationsof electricity.The metallic nervous generally beneficial (except in it is less but certain mode pleasant the of electric bath The sional occa- general debility, stimulation is indicated. centres of and of Charge, are conditions general ralized gene- Faradaic common Badcliffe's or as generalized Rockwell's and electrization, the Yoltaic less or more Beard as down patient falls ; in peripherallesion slow. most divisions Such cases, paralysisfrom must progress regarded conveniently considered of restored usually be but atrophic and not are non of cally, electriunder -atrophic ' 81 ELECTRO-TIIERAPEUTICS. there will be found normal but It this is localization of is is in these and deformed, the I'eview us lysesof children symptoms where are there is that ; often than colder and the the the a the of are essential of case of tlie para,- common form in which premonitory but or slight,and few days, the final cases its muscles treatment, about there of which to be result, if untreated, of club-foot brought its is found limb disappearanceof some production of deformity. In and paralysis, judicious a illustration, infantile an most absent, powerless,or entire largernumber distortions As of the sufferer save a limb. its fellow, and rapidly wasting; being disease. rigidity.Very shortlyafter no onset, usuallywithin to be the degenerationand tissue,and its early seldom progress the paralysis, infantile it is the life with for wasting tration earlyadminis- its muscular will not visible, varieties some that is the will arrest cases the left being withered let which judicioususe wasting in muscle, of loss of cases electricityin for, before disappearanceof from muscular latter is called and nerve not, in all or and imperative, only treatment and so any muscles of Atrophic of the modification or reaction in which power, the abolition electrical whether the great majorityof atrophiccases the paralysis.In is and of them fact, the analogous fantile by neglected inthat by doubt no earlyelectrization foundation, the majorityof them might G is have 82 ELECTRO-THEHAPEUTICS. been Infantile fullyalive are they as leadingortliopsedic surgeons this fact,but to rarelyconsulted are The resulted. has Import- The prevented. they are powerless, until all the mischief ea.rlyrecognitionand appro - of ance pi . early pnato Treat- the treatment hauds decide at of the without attention serious any As is summoned the because lame he " this responds,and produce muscular muscles have it may be ; of interrupted ings and of and but he is muscles symptoms should trize elec- to which current sufficient the If it wilJ to powerless with They current. this current alone. should the also temperature be maintained to the should be response great importance that should invariablybe almost is increased Voltaic treatment muscles child the strengthjust a shampooings it is of that contraction. abolished, there then the is diminished Farado-contractility that while - treated frequentlyonly head are tendant at- preservedtheir Farado-contractility confidentlypredicted that they will rapidlyrecover or medical that seldom, dailywith muscle the restorative at the this is noticed is very as deformity compels as there unless must continue, carefullyexamine it found and " should present, and each soon parents have and electrically, he in commonly attempts commencing them. to contmue to are unfortunatelytoo until treatment must cases they not or is these and familypractitioner, v^hether present case, oi at Hot be employed, in the of as spong- intervals the high affected a degree 83 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. as the possible.If pure leg is affected,a stockingof infantile silk should be constantly day and worn, addition to the ordinaryclothing ; if the spun night,in arm, a silken sleeve. When in any form of any paralysis of import- amount active voluntarypower has been restored by electricity, and it is most important that the patientshould be moJe^^ encouraged to use the limb and practisevarious paraiysT Passive movements. the and frequentlyexercised movements of their normal if the extensors of the hand the hand and and extended few seconds, for the paralyzedmuscles there is return should and be passively intervals of on with As soon so in succession. be alone fullest example, fingersare paralyzed, fingersshould at completely, of reaction the be For movements. minutes, and some portance, equal imshould paralyzed muscles by this mode to extent flexed of are a all as dization Faradization, Fara- to used, and the rule in all ^^^^ f^r Muscular of localized muscular cases muscular electrization, Eiectrization. which any severe T . T contraction the muscles exceptionto cases but . being sought, is of this rule ; atrophic " that use respond,and all varieties brought about to / do to current not knoio of successful result in but a not alone infantile lysis, para- atrophicparalysis is teresting tedious, uninby painstaking, daily, treatment, with of no " chance of brilliant or rapid results,but which if thoroughly, faithfully, and patientlycarried out, will reward us by progressive improvement, and sometimes " in even G 2 84 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. regarded cases long not quitehopeless as ago " completerecovery. Tlicro "Rigidform tile Para^ ^ * certain are where children form of any the adhesions exudations or Voltaic of the sympathetic; Voltaic that and is Paralysis. a nerve battery being applied for four the on both shampooing there indicate to lesion in brain, absorption. as by section the infantile of ment treat- paralysis Mitchell, of electrical treatment a the fortnightof does, perhaps,the one " no tion dilata- a to specialcircumstances Lead palsy requiressimilar facial nerve. is seems of the are " there auriculo- experienceof militarysurgery within peripheralpalsy the base promote recommended it. ; so the There sides. of the unrivalled,commences unless of applicationcauses an whose Philadelphia, is bottom assiduously employed. be ganglia conductors, leather, is atrophic, and paralysis I have should their the of traumatic the " medulla in connection blood-vessels cases upon with likelytherefore In all Traumatic the small two to such, of the is depend superiorcervical well-moistened maxillary fossse doubt cases into in the live minutes or rigid.Localization possiblybe promoted by localizing current tippedand poles of a paralysisaffecting are if these but ; absorptionmay a muscles of in these rigidmuscles electricity of useless quite forms facial In caution commonest palsy from the electrizing necessary " and wound, contrament treat- form of neuritis of facial muscles especiallyto ob- 85 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. the rule of serve for have I the electrizing several resultingfrom the Such facial with group which contraction a in by localizing Voltaic in the long time, of their has been that In about be eight or " the by is in hope one our muscles of the is altogether Faradization of galvanization- spinalcord, admit the be propriety of a type the " pathetic sym- of trial. which " as to E-adcliffe's Positive non-atrophicparalysis of taken hemiplegiaHemi- the proper moment especially requires careful consideration. application, elec- trization,and for its In both hrahi electrization after the and is spinal attack, or signs of impairment long as there is cord advisable not until the muscular disease until of nutrition muscles from time some exhibit disuse. with rigidity especially " Wasting a forlorn invariably Localized electricity. or imprints features,and which not " Charge,togetherwith may the a " with muscles, alternately In sion expres- Gymnast of the Soul." distressingdisease, Cruveilhier's most useless, and stant con- generallypersistfor non-recovery the a cells ; but ten atrophy or wasting palsy,medication one removed unnatural an of action. five minutes face its characteristic called ofSuscfes.' neglect perfect"tone,"that qualitywhich each upon correlative will the from it is in cases countenance the to from favourable most of it for fnEiectdz- contraction a sometimes Caution " muscle, may current with met equally energetic Faradization too a individual some times muscles As increased ^ ^^^^' 86 Hemi- ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. reflex plegia. action ... Til tricityIS but older cases of cases duration the " both " from elec- applicationof good, and do may harm hemiplegicand six immediate localized from do likelyto not in " stimulant any " plegic para- eighteen months' to benefit electrization ; be to is often derived remarkable, where, after a partial especiallyin those cases the patient suddenly of voluntary movement, return makes no the the As progress. with patient,able stick. Some obtained, and fails to months six this as -cases to we see a at Nestor to the preserve in a peradventure volition walk self himthe usuallysoon electrization improvement new " these in the muscles but ; part of health by part of the and of the is wise Faradism. of the late Watson " locomotive readiness, until brain proceedshaving recovered be old-standing words in the muscular or " medicine. Sir Thomas state that plegic para- by signs of impairednutrition, it of modern apparatus the electrization renewed whenever endeavour should regain subsequent period a a " stimulate occasionally We " to it may, is continued it ; but rise to improvement afterwards give may arm for,perhaps,two progressive it is increase himself, may enabled months, after which three the use to drag difficulty along by cratches, is a to tion, electriza- of infinite comfort, and his months or sequel feed to not to power, aid of weeks hemiplegicpatientable but slightly, this for short, and stops from which its functions, or 88 ELECTRO-THEEAPEUTICS. have we positive pole from ten suppose The circumscribed. for about fifteen to five body Paraplegia,any rate the is " later muscles electro present, Tarapiegic brusli will oftcn of the abdominal dribblingof urine, pubes, and to the two treated. Emo- from the other which pole second to in children brush, external perineum. be similarly emotional by one " the may the to pole the para- tion applica- also sometimes acts removing anaesthesia,which, in central origin,continues after the cause. Anaesthesia brush removal of after a nerve of its is sometimes repair of is also useful the in nerve from persistentin lesion. sometimes The this wire removins^ the " r ^taxy. wire although originallyof way Loco- wire thesia anaes- troublesome one " of charm a section moti the hystericalor frequentlybe benefited of the the the present, by bladder the of urine Cases Paraiysis. Ijsismay like the and Incontinence often so sponges sacrum where and muscles, and of with sponged ; lyzed para- Paraplegicconstirelieved by Faradization frequentlybe Faradization the of service. ' pation may be there as good paintingwith a be soon in -irritability Faradized or part of absorption. At relieve the pain. In should they current, is tion.^ indifferent an the " promote sometimes of with and painfulspot as stages of paraplegia, is diminution Voltaic to likely to it will the minutes, the cells,to negativepole being held Electricitythe that myelitisis daily application of the to reason anaesthesia' present in locomotor ataxy, some cases 89 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. of which constant to current the neck, and largelybenefited also by the the spine one poleto nape of be may " other into Electricityis coming diseases. irritation with the suitable most and Faradism, for vertebrae.* lumbar to the lower accompanied by depression cases torpor,the stimulatingeffects being in while the patient, inspiriting current the to brain over-excitement * The of treatment at the Voltaic constant in of cases sedative. Sturge'sReport of Hospital for the Paralyzed from extract an of service ence soothinginflu- employed requiringa followingis results be may the the of application direct a Mental be to seem or of Eiectri- especiallycutaneous brush, would wire mental in use National Dr. the and Epileptic : " In the division " occurred, and in all of these electrical treatment "A of herself atrophy of standing, which her cutting discharged at the end dress herself, sew, and or Another food, almost all able dress the hands, feed of and who months, any the to a and feed to duty. month's perform was of the forearm muscles out, after herself,and work, similaidyincapacitated was went able domestic arms dressing household much half a both from from treatment, actions many of that before were " A various he of the and doing perform almost atrophy of years' standing, and muscles incapacitatedher with woman, use of the some or of three several to to prescribed. patient,with six months' " the have strikingcases is mainly due Atrophies some improvement of Muscular impossiblefor her. to the hospitalwith man came atrophy parts of the body, more especiallyin unable was well arm to his over move from the side. and with much head, He of many the went muscles which left arm, able to lift his out increased in in strength the limb. "Another benefited arm a at hammer man, ; and the in whereas a very on admission elbow, after three with the arm." similar months' condition, he could treatment also was barely he bend was greatly right the able to use 90 ELECTRO-TnERAPEUTICS. It Diseases been is remarkable that little used in this so Electricitytrue .. all of its forms may, the that emmeuagogue and secretions, of cases of the applicationwill with may often her feet in immersed the other Time, should in held most On the tionover other Jabour large sponge the lumbar she The will tion applica- the three catamenial or period. tion electriza- Franklinization but has electricity been of inertia treatment its the in ; resuscitation in uterine children, and ^"^^ EiStriza- tion induc- an object,direct to ; is largely uteri the in stage of labour, also in producing premature labour TheAdvau- its torpid in which as dailyfor usual resorted Continent employed in second much as a succeeds. often the applied to twice fails in be a in generalized patient sit polesof fifteen minutes. to four.days preceding the must the water, of the current made If this method and it as success from A Let this only stimulating with organs. action, while poleis ten be catamenia one region. Strengthof bear. the suffice. from instrument from employed tepid salt wire a in be uterine is the Be possess. serviceable suppressionof condition we are have country in the diseases of Accordingto Golding Bird, it women. menagogue. should electricity remedies for advantaares of still-born displacements. posin conditions, but these over "We the administration *=" Ergot. of ergot,include the action,the exactness regulated,and the rapidityand with which certaintyof its dose can of strengthand. regularity its be the 9 1 ELECTKO-THERAPEUTICS contractions which being used it . in extreme way ergot is as " injuriouseffect any Gentlemen, it is instrument would localized the in limited a liable especially application are the Assume an he fears every he has but him waste hand into his left the the an have an no the with extreme example the of care. partum post- severe ordinary resources be his at sponge at uterus attached instrument that patient'slast, hand. in Let his introduce once the and right well-moistened it were, the the other to of one action. pole (which should sponge)thoroughlypaint abdominal in grasp attendant, holding by its insulatinghandle from of details may cavityof of the the instrument time, but tissue,is obstetrician,and induction moistened conductors conductor as moment its from the failed Hremor- even withdrawn unless an Post- in localizing failure muscular thick haemorrhage,that of medicine but persists, organ, conducted to be case Faradiza- thoroughly always produce life occur, Faradaic a post-partum current, will with to from death, but after covered child. ^ Faradaic in electricity sight and " properlyused, there and only while time occasionally new-born death uterus, contractioD,not for hand, exerts never firm belief that if my The hsemorrhage. it do to the another be never said upon at were while of everything is where swallowinghas been lost,or rejectedfrom the stomach, in any the power in which cases of also It admits produces. with Let the be a it, parietes, pressingit with ^^^' 9 2 ELECTRO- considerable and force afterwards Contraction In uterine it the uterus the to lumbar region. will result if the invariably of sufficient power. he hands own my hand, againstthe practitioner's apply of used current THERAPEUTICS. intractable an of uterine case _ neuralgia was current sterility, perfectlycured and ; which sterility the Faradaic currents removed. One and two menstrual localization conductor from each thrice period,and married birth gave Xhc Paralysis her to have the os, to the one each four months. patient,who years, in had due course first child. stimulaut effccts of occasion electricityare - "^ Special allybeneficial of nerves in the in ' further of its has use diseases the and o]Dtic advocated been which to the shall not I prehension by saying that a clear comof electro-therapeutics principles in any of difficulty occurrence refer, than of the will paralysisof of especially while multitude a of treatment specialsense, auditory nerves, the prevent specialapplicationof them ; and the most important of recapitulate Resume to applicationswere of Nerves of and " the and thirteen for Voltaic seem periodof a of case fortnightbefore a for a pole The for Yoltaic appliedto second ovary. Conception followedj been of the was the week a of knowledge would alternately sponges position of made have I the by let these us shortly principles. of , general We of Electro- scdative, a stimulant propertiesare peutics. havc sccu that , . . . is electricity restorative, and an of chiefly . a absorbent. use , stimulant, a Its in diseases 93 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. of sedative and notably in paralysis its debility, " in the alleviation properties ^ removal and of pain ^ and spasm, ^ cramp and " its absorbent diseases,and The dose two factors whether of Voltaic overdose this if Faradaic or us of the addition not to little are cardinal two will how consider far medical who practitioner sanction its administration there While is it do not do hkely to rules to " use results tion applica- dosage advisable " forces for the to prescribeselectricity by is the doubt no will often explicitdirections of tion. dura- we unduly prolong our " s current, produce the reallythis question of and the secondly,its ; we which power desire,and to to the adhere minimum : rheumatism. importancethat patient,but our we and the strength of firstly, " thera- exudation propertiesin notably in gout consists electricity It is of essential we ofElectro- its restora- " be selves. patientsthemthat the most misunderstood, fail in carried out, yet it would being correctly practicallyimpossible(to say nothing of or be the to the himself to patient)for any medical man apply electricity daily for a lengthened period; and we expense do our best in patienthow her do this are some instructing to a sharplyafter compelled,in carry out the times Iter afterwards^and our cases, presence, fullyas in and to of the attendant treatment, few everything as in one certain making looking addition possibleto of principles _ _ propertiesni fatiguediseases,notably writer tive the -L^ notably in neuralgia and Resume plaining ex- the 94 Resume of general principles ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. patient, the or friends. patient's Moreover, we ^ must not lose sioiit With othor of the fact that, with elec- of Electro. thera- . tricitj as physician is in what and in dose In be these to failed doing that its claim in be in in the Gentlemen, shall by general verdict with or the of founded experience. hope rests you shall dictum voice as I future, but not of the portance im- in not the of the to as ; in in supplying details its efficacyia distant will its daily your use m future. whether decision You be. any a as resources regarding belief I to, not profession,its frequent our but in proving especially theoretical widespread I have- subject; employment fully employed more A fear that doubt information and listened indicatingthe any its thank to have ordinary more ment judg- others. supplement a removing application ; to in the when his me their succeeded of want of its administration you I justice to callingfor cases practice. not allow Lectures. for, the any this to which as electricity, therapeutics : of full I have substitute yet committed with attention of of it, and in which cases wisely imperfect in trust class administer to skill determining how, conclusion, Gentlemen, for the you in those selecting may a shown the remedies, decide but specialist, by it the profession, declaring your alone on your own personal INDEX. 96 in Electrization Post Haemorrhage, in partum - Positive 91 Paralysis,Traumatic, in Conditions of in Sciatica, 68 Organs, Modes 55 influence an sui of 70 Generating, 7,15 Spinal Cord, 57 of Sympathetic, the 22 Electricity, 63 Yoltao, 63 56 Electro, Diminished, 64 Machine, Machine wheel, Earado, 55 Static to Irritability, Electro,62 57 of of Uterus, aid a.n of, 74 Power of Eetina, as of Dosage 54 Eestorative Yoltaism see Galvanometer precautionsin, 59 Rectum, Galvanism, Galvanization, Central,44 generis,74 Static tiveness, Sensi- Muscles, 57 possesses Electrical Excessive in Tremor, Genital of Ocular of Localized 70 55 Larynx, of Male in Organs, 57 Organs, 54 of Internal of in Eacial 55 of Central of Debility,71 Aphonia, 69 Neuralgia, 68 Spasm, 68 in Eacial 56 Brain, Negative in Emotional Auditory ISTerve,57 of Bladder, and tween be- Charge of, 70 84 Localized, 44 in Wasting Palsy, 85 of Distinction Eranklinization, Electro, Increased, 65 7, 10 with Voltao, Increased, 65 Ely- 12 Winter's, Machine, 8 76 Electrolysisof Tumours, in Aneurisms, Paralysis, Importance Electrical Rigid 77 of Treatment Eorms Early in, 82 of, 84 for, 58 Needles Electiotonus, 75 Eheophores, Different Kinds of,47 Engine, Gas, BischofE's,9 Yoltaic Earadism, 28 Earadization, Eranklinism, Cells,18 Current, General, 43 6 Yoltaism, Eranklinization, 68 by Sparks, Resolvent of, and ]7 Faradism, Points 16 between, fRINTED Effects 76 BY BALLANTYNE, LONDON AND HANSON EDINBURGH AND CO, 18 of Distinction AUTHOR. SAME THE BY PUBLICATION. FOR PREPARING MANUAL A OF NERVOUS THE OE DISEASES SYSTEM. past few Within the Nervous System it possesses study, and Hospitals,and a endeavour to students to give completely to impart as analysisof of diseases attention omit and which made view to the the " of results this the best Nervous System importance of to the our govern ; and to to practice make of the to have own give an He work especial hopes a : J. " A. to safe specialityupon it will treat. LONDON ; treatment direct the his many their possible; early diagnosis. nothing really essential, and trustworthy guide to the by of medicine acceptable un- will be Foreign, who as ought feels be not may work English and department small a knowledge, present our juniorpractitioners.It principleswhich of practice Special neuro-pathology to and the of practicalinformation much the field of its lightupon of scious Author, although fullycon- the "distinguished physicians,both so flood a rapidlyextending literature. and introduction concise cast of presenting,within difficulty extreme adequate an in recognised speciality a separate a circumstances of the that as " of the investigations, physiological, Recent voluminous a these compass, into up Diseases of treatment have pathological, clinical,and Under grown Profession. Medical the has the years CHURCHILL. h PRICE 5s., INCHES 35 Wilh BY Illustrations, 20 A 21 INCHES. die. MAI* s (A Bv TO GUIDE LOCALIZED HERBERT ELECTRIZATION). TIBBITS, THE H^AD AND M.D., NECK "c. TIBBITS. DR. I., %vo,pp. 322, price "js.6d.,7vi//i 92 Illustrations,and Part and Additions Notes the Translator, by LOCALIZED ON TREATISE A BY EDITED AND TEAKSLATED ELECTRIZATION, AND PATHOLOGY TO APPLICATIONS ITS AND THERAPEUTICS. G. Dr. By DUCHENNE B. (de Boulogne). CONTSNTS. T, Chap. Electricity. Medical " Properties of Static, Galvanic, and Chap. IT. in tlie Local Procedure (Galvanization) Chap. III. Methods of Principles and Methods city Electriof Galvanic Electricity: (a) Application (d) oi Imiuced Electricity(Faradization). of Historical " Action Critical and Electrization of Reflex of ; Observations of Localized Principal by the upon (/;) Electrization (a) Electro-puncture ; : [c) Therapeutic Value ; Therapeutic The Electrization. Localized " Physiological and Electricity. The Induced Faradization and ; (d) Galvanization. Chap. IV. Electro-Medical " The Part First AND IS admirable The selection of is devoted METHODOLOGY, to Duchenne's from Clinical byDr.Joore renders Society) unnecessary any extenso of Duchenne's has Works, further treatise. voluminous most complete on place as the most presenting us with an Enghsh the gratitude of the proearned fession for years held its Dr. Tibbits, by it treats, and forthcoming the tion Applica- their ITSELF. Sydenham great work regard to Therapeutics. work IN subject of which version Duchenne's the New Duchenne's " of COMPLETE (publisl'ied by publication in the Instruments, with Pathology, Physiology, and in Third has Edition, in this country. ". . . The reader the medical will find applying it, that powerful and often of reads and while employment the work valuable with almost congratulate him upon utility.""T^/^e Lancet. We have to instalment as to we see Foreign mueh as having congratulate promises that incorporated into Duchenne's accurate The agent make this Edition spiritof the little in the an Medico-Chirurgical to his far treatise either open Review. the and accomplished results found as in notes the with much so to in cavil the or of itself is very Electrical We additions. tion, composiof and judgment of will far. be- adequacy tentative " much thus spirit of his follower, correction." the happy are undertaking this able, credit- Room The standard its kin methods use original English an principles all the labours his successful upon work of the best subsequent independent has of translator Tibbits the own master work so Dr. translation smoothness the to " can in the so of experience of the Hospital gives great value National This thoroughly instructed well as in as electricity, hardly fail largely to increase himself . underlying British and and and Second Edition, Revised A and Enlarged, with 95 Illustrations^ 9J. HANDBOOK MEDICAL " By SURGICAL HERBERT ELECTRICITY TIBBITS, Etc. M.D., CONTENTS. "CHAP. CHAP. I. Electricityand " Electro-Medical IV." Instruments II. 1 11 V. The Application of Electricity. aid to Diagnosis. as an Electricity " " . work literature fills up of a (to teach preface) the words the use Medical of this without effect he practitioner of amount The " how to which good quite unable previously was dispel should busiest learn difficulty, large a attempt." to book the can, busy practitioner not to use electricity,but only when in explicit and full detail how ;' and contain bulk in to moderate only the Women. Press. them the ' Electricityin Midwifery and " treatment, It electricity. medical to purposes of the in hiatus Electricityin Surgery. Diseases the Opinions of This ' ' VI. Medicine. Electricityin ; " even Practitioner. ' "what it is essential Tibbits' object has results end of he the been Dr. the and Room the of freely of himself " be, The work and is is handbook a of the work. sense in the Epileptic,as in the and volume lysed th.e Parawell as through for details best how to say this thoroughly to the author's throughout description : that he has to endeavoured keep constantly in ansvi^ers Journal Diiblin bound are to out." fairlycarried is plicit ex- limits, convenient within object and giving full at we electricity, use The " notice, which under principally aims book, indeed, The of Superintendent Hospital to medicine, application of electricity Hospital for Epileptic. what it professes to Paralysed and Medical National had has private practice, Dr. Tibbits ample opportunities of studying the National the As and this to large experience of the Electrical the ' ' give the to work, best availed has master.' to of Medical ' Science. "The the practitioner rather than theorist,'especially in points of detail to which of importance in order are view the the secure matter of book, least mystery " would for above do behind, and well come to On advice. is made so whether of anything from practical .any reader an expert contrary, clear that any electricity or of begin it, and if there in practical value London the "Dr. J. to a which solution difficulties. The " Gazette. and Tibbits, who is known The for the of a practitionerwho specialty of electrical The A. work style, and condensed are " guide us our Times knowledge. as persons of electrical : a help as an electricity,has written this subject for book concise a upon the general practitioner,embracing only the valuable part of the existing may the minds find authority upon knew not, we of some Medical tioner, practi- once at of thing every- previously ultra-conservative the improving settled, be to book v.'ill, at all events, all the to lingering doubts some to use that Tibbits' the is after there the he book this is not all, there that suggestion remains of tion, exaggerahypothesis in the word a fanciful and, of in value great means a " is not or as insure to of the "There cases application of cising exernutrition, relieving pain, and nificant (a not insigdisused muscles, is undoubted, in this respect) the in all cases value still its exact but patient." T/ie Lancet. Dr. and in successful and electricity, "comfort is it is of That some of electricity as a stood. imperfectlyunder- value exact therapeutic agent New Yorh CHURCHILL. Medical in is written is well does a adapted not inake treatment." Journal. " DIRECTIONS FOR Wall " USING (^abine:t" ^ MANUFACTURED THE WAITE " U3 To in cords of socket the the galvanic the of of are until along socket and socket is not lever pin 22, cells on circuit. the 10 any O, for pin 13- " Place O, marked an}"- number, buttons, the its on turn all that see except be the and according time same should the one of in on use cells a of number, on when is number pin 12 move between circuit pin and is pin intervenes in begin, to this series, the ference dif- which on and the lever on used, the starting point being 12 series placed the of the part ahead cells with if socket being are be of of number instance, be wm -^ left-hand it is desired lever pin a on other any which from number part of the cell would from number but cells If socket 4:0th the which moved The the rests, from ; at blank cells use desired lever. then on ing conduct- K the on the between the to having previously and it l,or the Constant. socket the their on If it is desired place on No. 13 pin the of ends mark posts desired selector, marked qutton cells current place the (20) pin on York. CUKKKIVT. current selector levers at left of Street, New binding two selector number switch 23d ITSKTHEfcALVAXIC current lever the to the use BV BARTLETTMAN'F'GGO-^ East TO THE may thus pin 39 and only. be brought lever on into pin 40 the the" 7 the socket Alviays keep as socket putting Should, or ahead onl}'^necessary "the in circuit socket the the on ampere-meter then the switch will with cell after milli- the to 10 lever The around the patient as top its far or amount. will be having in can The numbers the resistance the marked with the every and less un- the the registers 8 thrown lever at milli-ampere- have to rheostat throw and electrodes milli-amthe upper milli-ampereand out the needle go. until which the directly may turn conditions, resistance, whatever patient cells be proper that point PATIENT. him 30 now the plate this button made. 8 marked levers, rests taken the other will 15 THE button from its to and at be not of interrupted, on the OF the it as of row course milli-amperes would button on touch through any b)'^throwing Begin should the move It is necessary Supposing changing 14 at screws current a vibrator obtained. to current, marked RESISTANCE on CURRENT. button passes rheostat. and only. resistance placing pin corresponding galvanic resistance selector without together 15 THE the hands ]-etraced By by found the the the connections wire and fly when to be at MEASURE of left-hand will current measure left meter easily is above adjusting touches, peres; selecting cell milli- the 10- GALVANIC on just screws as To throw switch it is cause, any and the and interrupted selector the TO his the of the of it disconnected from cells IXTEItRUPTED of vibration vibration in THE 11, by degree meter deflect left turn marked the failing to obtain at point cell OBTAIN TO switch O highest, current order by adjusting the on is reached. defect To of the marked pin the lever cell become a out get defective the lever, the it and the reverse short-circuit to ampere-meter number accident, any should or would lever of through down, run the lowest on have uncovered on of place been the ^f the by manipulating which needle the over is done division the will have marked previously buttons patient. patient. The added known 8 corded re- To of the weight higher vice-versa. At be E. By of it but the sliding from varied are said D, screw at de- any very of base fast be may Cabinet the and in used C circuit works which over in put interrupters, contact in placed which and F S., single or contact" ''single the interrupters marked buttons is interruptions the taining ob- contractions. impulse the on by a series a the operation desired. as ^ the Fill and connect cut; No. cell first of second cell, carbon of and placed being connected cell, in two rows together of zinc wire of last shown as be the at the on, should faradic being so last the 2 No. cell, of same the as two shown cell, time the cable No. by as each, in carbon by the carbon 40. the diagram. to the of the from of the the wires two the zincs the to The shown, in strip connected being wire 1 No. cell to label, shown as first second the connected of cells, the cell the on the to zinc while the to cable to cell, connected carbon the directions the to attached being the of of wires CELLS. CONNECTING FOR according cells the O carbon marked weight and may the by slower the G, DIRECTIONS the same interruptions weight button different The first sliding the the the single sw^itch The adjusted is F, screw rapid. to slow, by down and up The of which controlled further obtained. be may the end the against works adjust to necessary interrupter slow slow only is vibration of gx'ee is it core which interrupter rapid the use IKTKIIRUPTEK. USEUFTHIO THE and four cells carbons
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