Financial Projections How to Project Sales: 1. Based on actual results from tax returns or financial statements. If you have both tax returns & financial statements, compare the two for significant deviations. If there are large deviations, always used the Tax Returns as a basis for financial projections. 2. Based on industry statistics such as Sales per Square Foot (Retail), Number of Turns per Meal (restaurant) average is 1.5 turns for average restaurant, but fast food can have up to 4 turns per meal, dollar of average on-hand inventory X number of turns per year, per RMA book or trade association. A good website for industry statistics is . 3. Sales as a function of advertising - example: number of direct mail pieces X response rate X Sales price = Total Sales (I personally use this method the least). 4. Conservative Estimates - Conservatively, estimate number of customers or patients. This method is used when you are unable to obtain a reasonable basis for a service type business. How to Project Expenses: 1. Variable Expenses - Based on component percentages, sometimes referred to as profitability & operating ratios, for the industry such as inventory or Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) or Labor as a percentage Sales, per RMA book or Trade Association. This can be put in the Cash F)ow Statement as a formula. Once again, another good resource for profitability & operating ratios is . 2. Fixed Cost - Based on actual results from tax returns or financial statements. Usually, take total annual expense divided by 12 months to obtain monthly expenses. 3. Other Expenses: Based on quotes received from insurance agents, prospective landlords, accountants, past usage rate on utilities, etc. 4. Loan Payment: Calculated with a loan amortization program in Excel. Name of Client Postal Center Sources & Applications of Funding Sources: Owner's Contribution Inland Empire Lenders CDC Loan $ 16,500 33,500 33% 67% Total $ 50,000 100% $ 8,400 2,500 3.800 8,000 3,000 2,000 2.500 800 2,000 1.000 16,000 17% 5% 8% 16% 6% 4% 5% 2% 4% 4% 32% $ 50,000 100% Applications: Equipment Initial Inventory Furniture & Fixtures Tenant Improvements Legal & Accounting Lease Deposit Mail Boxes Outside Signs Supplies Initial Advertising Working Capital Total Collateral: Loan will be secured by a blanket UCC filing on business assets and personal real estate. Name of Client Postal Center Income Statement Fiscal Year Sales: Stamp Sales Postage Meter Shipping Retail Sales Service Other I : .....;.:: ·.·.ysCl.r1 ..............., .··i>· Yea{2:>:.•·..· · · ··<1 I < Yeat3· $ 45,500 38,500 150,500 73,500 31,500 10,500 13% $ 11% 43% 21% 9% 3% 50,050 46,200 180,600 88,200 37,800 11,550 12% $ 11% 43% 21% 9% 3% 55,055 55,440 216,720 105,840 45,360 12,705 11% 11% 43% 21% 9% 3% Total Sales $ 350,000 100% $ 420,000 100% $ 504,000 100% Cost of Sales: Cost of Goods Sold - Nontaxable Cost of Goods Sold - Retail Sales $ 110,600 36,015 32% $ 10% 132,720 43,218 32% $ 10% 159,264 51,862 32% 10% Cost of Goods Sold $ 146,615 42% $ 175,938 42% $ 211,126 42% Gross Profit on Sales $ 203,385 58% $ 244,062 58% $ 292,874 58% Operating Expenses: Advertising Auto Expense· Bank Charges Cash - Short/(Over) Computer Expense Claims Payments - UPS Dues & Subscriptions EQ Rents Insurance Licenses & Permits Repairs & Maintenance Miscellaneous Expense Office Supplies Owners' Salaries Penalties Printing & Reproduction Professional Fees Promotions Rent Security Taxes - Owners' Salaries Taxes - Property Telephone Utilities Interest IELCDC Loan $ 10,500 5,653 3,304 740 142 8,428 852 806 10,042 76 4,262 642 2,616 38,400 302 1,406 8,488 1,625 26,400 378 5,376 554 5,512 2,988 2,597 $142,089 Total Expenses Net Income $ 61,296 3% $ 2% 1% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 3% 0% 1% 0% 1% 11% 0% 0% 2% 0% 8% 0% 2% 0% 2% 1% 1% 41% 18% $ 12,600 6,784 3,965 888 170 10,114 1,022 967 642 91 5,114 770 3,139 46,080 362 1,687 10,186 1,950 31,680 454 6,451 665 6,614 3,586 2,408 $158,390 85,672 3% $ 2% 1% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 11% 0% 0% 2% 0% 8% 0% 2% 0% 2% 1% 1% 38% 20% $ 15,120 8,140 4,758 1,066 204 12,136 1,227 1,161 642 109 6,137 924 3,767 55,296 435 2,025 12,223 2,340 38,016 544 7,741 798 7,937 4,303 2,203 3% 2% 1% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 11% 0% 0% 2% 0% 8% 0% 2% 0% 2% 1% 0% $189,253 38% 103,621 21% Name of Client Postal Center Footnotes - Projected Cash Flow & Income Statements 1. Sales: Annual Sales were projected at $350,000, which is a $163,910 or 32% less than the annual Sales of $513,910 for a similar size Postal Center in their geographic market. Sales were allocated by month and product line based of the actual Sales of the aforementioned Postal Center. 2. Cost of Goods Sold - Nontaxable: This expense was calculated at 40% of Sales, excluding Retail Sales, based of the actual results of a similar Postal Center. 3. Cost of Goods Sold - Taxable: This expense was calculated at 40% of Retail Sales based of the actual results of a similar Postal Center. 4. Advertising & Promotional Activities: Calculated at three percent of sales $350,000 x .03 = $10,500 per year. 5. Owners' Salaries: The month expense of $3,200 ($1,600 per owner) is comparable with the owners' compensation from their previous positions. 6. Rent: Postal Mania will lease 900 square feet at approximately $2.44 per square foot = $2,200 per month or $26,400 annually (see lease agreement). 7. All Other Expenses: All other expenses were calculated based of the actual results of a similar Postal Center. 8. Loan Payment: Monthly loan payment of $406.45 is based on a $33,500 loan @ 8.00% interest, amortized over ten years (see loan amortization schedule). . Break-Even Analysis , . A cash-based bre3}(..;even analysis can be performed using the formula BES = VC + FC, where: BES= Br~ak-EvenSales, VC == Variable. Costs (expressed as a percent of sales), and FC = Fixed Costs (in absolute dollar amounts). According- to the Forecasted Statement of Operations for Months 1-12, the Variable and Fixed Costs of the }Joopa Family Fitness Center are as follows: ,I ...!.V~an~·a~b~le~C~o!::!.:st~s_ _---.,,....,-:.-'$"'-."'-'Am=o~un=.:....t...:...crt~o.:::,; ~Fi=x=ed=-=C=os=t~s_ _~_-:-,........._--=$Am~=oun~t $ 84,075 14.,98% AccountingILegal $ 13,500 I CostofSales II Advertisingipromotion Insurance Management Salaries/F.B. Office Supplies PtrintingIP 0 stage Cable Television Janitorial Services Lease - Facilities Maintenance/Repairs Payroll/F.B. . .1 i j ~ I" :i . $ 84,075 $ 23,500 $ ,24,000 $ 90,000 $ 4,000 $ 6,000 $ 3,600 $ 24,000 $ 72,000 $ 6,000 $223,836 14.98% Substituting these figures into the formula, the Break-Even .Sales are determined as follows: BES = .1498S +$515,636 ' .8502S = $515,636, and , BES = $606,488 per year, or $50,541 per ~onth. Based on the sales operations. - forecasts~ the break-ev~~ sales volume will be achieved by the ninth month of .' .
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