8 Steps to Financial Freedom How to Get Started Fast A Blueprint and Recipe for Success www.pmgallaccess.com 2 Congratulations! We want to welcome and congratulate you for making the decision to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Whether you are a seasoned veteran in network marketing or this is your first experience, we are excited about your future. You will find that we have a cutting edge product line that is backed with the finest science and technology. Our products are competitively priced in the marketplace. This company is committed to bringing you products that your organization will love and continue to share with others. We believe the industry of network marketing is the greatest overall opportunity for people to make a huge financial impact on his or her life. The thought of residual income, money that comes in month after month, is a reality that few things other than network marketing can offer. Imagine yourself earning more per week than you now earn per month. Imagine the lifestyle and the freedom you would experience if you just plug into the proven system and work the business. This is a people helping people business. That is network marketing, the power of leveraging your time, and we are here to offer you that opportunity. By following the 8 Steps to Financial Freedom you are plugging into a proven system for success. Success is in your hands for however big you choose to build your business. Tune into the information provided in this book as well as all of the other information at www.pmgallaccess.com. Set your goals high and dream big because anything is possible! We look forward to recognizing you as a top achiever at the major events soon and seeing you at one of the upcoming events! The PMG All Access Team 3 It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out where the strong man stumbled, or the doer of deeds could have done better. No, the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena. Whose face is marred with dust, sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly, errs and comes up short again And again and again Who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause Who at best knows the triumph of high achievement And who at worst if he fails at least fails while daring Greatly so that his place shall never ever, Ever be with those timid souls Who know neither victory or defeat. Teddy Roosevelt 4 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Your 90 for Life personal website:________________________________________________ Your Ready to Cash in sponsoring website:_________________________________________ Go to www.pmgallaccess.com for monthly training and business building information Go to www.ygyresourcecenter.com for worldwide company events and information Go to www.youngevity.com for research and product and company information Go to www.90forlife.com and log in to view your back office and organization Use the calendar at www.pmgallaccess.com for meetings in within PMG UPLINE INFORMATION SPONSOR NAME____________________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________STATE_______ZIP___________________ PHONE_________________________EMAIL_____________________________ UPLINE ___________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________STATE_______ZIP___________________ PHONE_________________________EMAIL_____________________________ UPLINE ______________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________STATE_______ZIP___________________ PHONE_________________________EMAIL_____________________________ UPLINE ______________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________STATE______ZIP____________________ PHONE_________________________EMAIL_____________________________ Review this booklet with your upline. Clarify any points regarding the 8 Steps to Financial Freedom. Success breeds success!!! Associate with Winners!!! 5 I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I’d rather one should walk with me than merely show the way. The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear; Fine counsel is confusing, but examples always clear; And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds; For to see the good in action is what everybody needs. I can soon learn how to do it if you’ll let me see it done. I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run. And the lectures you deliver may be very wise and true; But I’d rather get my lesson by observing what you do. For I may misunderstand you and the high advice you give, But there’s no misunderstanding how you act and how you live. Edgar A. Guest Be and example by DOING, not just talking. Walk the walk!! Don’t just talk the talk... 6 The 8 Steps to Financial Freedom Get Started Fast Know these steps well enough to teach them and you will DO them. 1. Define your dream and have a burning desire for its achievement. 2. Make some commitments 3. Use the products 4. Make a written down prospect list 5. Show the plan 6. Follow up and follow through 7. Help the people you sponsor 8. Start the training process and teach the training process This is a recipe for success in this industry. If you do the steps, you get the results. If you change the steps, skip a step or just don’t do a step, it will not work as well for you. This is a business built on duplication and keeping it simple. Learn these steps well enough to teach them and your group will take a life of its own. Step 5 is where the rubber meets the road...the real beginning of growth and steps 6,7 and 8 are the turbo-charge steps. 7 Step One “Define your dream and have a burning desire for its achievement” Nothing starts in LIFE but first a DREAM!! Why did you get in the business? Did you get in for the products alone? Or did you get in to be in a home based business of your own, be your own boss and achieve financial freedom? Maybe you just wanted to make a few extra hundred dollars a month. Whatever your dream is, big or small, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT!! YOU CAN’T HIT A TARGET YOU CAN’T SEE! Steps to IGNITE a burning desire in you, and put in motion the machine needed to make your dreams come true. A. With a sheet of white paper and blue ink, write DREAMS across the top of the sheet. Write down everything that you would do or have if money was no object. Do this with your family and have fun! Be creative and enjoy the dream building process. REMEMBER WHY YOU JOINED THIS BUSINESS. Make sure you include BIG dreams as well as small dreams, such as a new car, new home, new clothes, paying off Sears, a new pair of shoes, fixing the back door, buying a bottle of champagne, going out to eat at a fancy restaurant, buying a new dress, getting debt free... How big can you DREAM? How would an extra $100, $300, $500, $1000, $2,000 or $5,000 a month change your life? 8 BE VERY SPECIFIC WHEN YOU WRITE THESE THINGS DOWN. Don’t just say “new car”, be as specific as your mind will let you...make, model, color, smell... STOP Continue when this step is completed B. Take another sheet of white paper and using a pen put the list you just made in order from smallest to largest Use this time also to add more dreams to your list. Be sure to add the small ones as well as the big ones. Remember to HAVE FUN!! STOP Continue when this step is completed C. Starting with $300 ask yourself this question: If I were making $300 per month from Youngevity in addition to what I am making now, what exactly would I do with it? Use your dream list as your reference, go down the list and check the ones you could have. Try to imagine vividly that you have the money and you actually are getting the thing you want...get a feeling of what it would be like if you had it. Then ask yourself… Am I really fired up? Am I really excited? Am I really getting motivated? 9 If the answer is no, and you’re really not excited like its no big deal, then go up a little to $500 and do the exercise again. If there is still no excitement, keep going up in $300 to $500 increments. Some people may have to go a little higher, most people will stay around $1000 to $2000. Don’t be afraid to go to $10,000 a month to start with. You are trying to find a specific number that is going to be the key number YOU are shooting for. ...that you are going to think about all day long, 24 hours a day, when you first wake up, throughout the day and before you go to sleep. It’s going to be a number you LOOK AT. It’s going to be YOUR number, and you are going to know exactly what you are going to do with the money once you start making it. The key to this step is making the DREAM real to you and believable to you. You must not only have a dream and be specific in your dream, but you have to believe you can get the dream: otherwise it’s just a wish. LIST YOUR NUMBER HERE……$_________________________ STOP Continue when this step is completed D. Now go out and get pictures of the things you want. PUT YOURSELF IN THE PICTURE! Collect these pictures and put them in a book or folder and make sure your NUMBER is with them. Put it where you can see it all the time. Do you have a BURN? 10 We would recommend putting the pictures on your refrigerator, maybe making a poster in your house where you see it everyday, maybe a mirror in the bathroom, the visor of a vehicle so that you can see them first thing everyday. Remember, you can’t hit a target you can’t see. YOU WANT TO LOOK AT THESE PICTURES AND YOUR NUMBER A MINIMUM OF THREE TIMES A DAY. First thing when you wake up, mid-day, and right before you go to sleep. The more you look at these pictures and this number the better, and the more you think about them throughout the day the better. It will start bringing these goals into your own physical reality. You will start to see them in public. Start to recognize daily the things in real life that you want. “You become what you think about most of the time,” Earl Nightingale from The Strangest Secret E. At least once a week, go dream building. 1. Go out and touch the things you want Put on the new coat Put on the new watch Sit in the car you want Go look at the house Go online and look at the vacation you want to take Try to get as close as you can to the things you want. 2. Touch them, feel them, see them and say to yourself out loud, “THIS IS MINE AND I’M GOING TO HAVE IT!” You must have a specific dream, think about it throughout the day, 7 days a week and believe in your dream. The dream must be big enough and real enough to get you excited and get you motivated. This is the gas that will motivate you to do the work. REMEMBER, DON’T LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR DREAM! Whatever 11 the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve Step Two “Make some commitments” Now that you know what your dreams are, how much you want to make each month and exactly how you will spend the money, you are ready to make some commitments. “Character is following through on a decision long after the Excitement of the moment has passed.” Your dreams are going to come to you based on the effort that you put forth to get them. If you want your dreams to come true, you are going to have to do some work. You need to make some commitments. To your business...yourself...your family...to your future. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PRACTICE DELAYED GRATIFICATION YOU MUST BE WILLING TO SACRIFICE SOMETHING 1. Are you a CEO in Youngevity? Yes No If you are not a CEO, your sponsor, or upline to find out how to become an CEO TODAY. The Mega-Pack is the best way to join Youngevity and is the best way to duplicate your group. It is the best value for the money! 2. Have you listened to the 8 Steps to Financial Freedom CD’s? Yes No If you do not have the 8 Steps, Getting started fast audios go to www.pmgallaccess.com and download, burn or listen right from the website. Share with everyone you sponsor! Listen to them several times. 3. Are you listening to at least 5 minutes of a good audio daily? Yes No You need to be listening to the information and people who are most successful in the business and learn from them. Www.pmgallaccess.com 4. Are you on the monthly training with PMG All Access? Yes No Plugging in to a power source is important. Without it you are like a ship without a rudder or a light that has burned out. Your business will grow in direct proportion to the priority you place on it 12 Success is a DECISION away! Have you built a multi-million dollar business in Network Marketing? Have you generated millions of dollars in sales in Network Marketing? Have you put together an organization of thousands of people in a few years? Do you have RESIDUAL income now in the tens of thousands of dollars? YOU NEED TO BE MENTORED BY THOSE THAT HAVE! 5. Are you on a monthly autoship? Yes No Your downline will follow your lead! They will do what you do! Set your autoship at the level you want your downline to set theirs at. Is your autoship set at $150 $200 $300 $400 Everyone that is serious about the business will easily move $300 a month in product sales. That is how to maximize the plan! 6. Have you made reservations to the next event? Events are life changing. Events allow you to get around the successful people in the industry and in this business. Call your upline or or go to www.pmgallaccess.com to find out where the next event is and get there! 7. Are you on the email list and are you plugged into the conference calls? Yes No If no go to www.pmgallaccess.com and sign up for emails. Getting on the calls and getting your downline on the calls will build your belief and give your organization the big picture. Go to www.pmgallaccess.com and go to the calendar for all of the updated conference calls and watch your emails. 8. Have you gone to www.howtousertci.com and set up your sponsoring website with Ready to Cash In. This is the easiest way to peak interest in prospects. Yes No One man with a commitment is better than a thousand men with an interest 13 Set up a weekly, consistent schedule for the first 90 days. What would you do for 90 days to have total financial freedom? 2 hours a week, 5 hours a week, 10 hours a week? 1 night, 2 nights, 3 nights a week? Book a meeting with your upline today! THIS IS A 2 TO 5 YEAR PLAN THAT STARTS IN YOUR FIRST 90 DAYS Where were you two years ago? Where were you five years ago? Are you better off now than back then? Yes No How many nights a week are you going to build your business? What things are you willing to give up FOR A TIME to gain your freedom? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Are you ready to say, “I’m doing it! That’s it period??” Yes No STOP Continue when this step is completed Success is a DECISION away! 14 Step Three “Use the products” Do you use the products? Yes No BELIEF is one of the most important aspects of success in life. There is a book list at the back of this workbook that you should read. The Magic of Thinking Big and the Magic of Believing talk about this. Belief is a major factor in whether people will be attracted to you and your business. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN THE PRODUCTS! You and your family should be using at least $300 a month in products Go through the Youngevity catalog and go shopping with yourself. If there is a product that excites you or a product that can give more quality to your life, then try it! Many of the Livinity products are like transfer buying, you simply switch where you shop and buy from yourself! Start trying ALL of the products, even the ones you don’t think you will use. Give the products as gifts. Have a few extra samples around the house to use as samples to give away or to make retail sales. Find a good regimen that fits your personal life. YOU WILL FEEL BETTER! 90 FOR LIFE!! If people don’t want to JOIN the business with you, then sell them some products! 90 for Life and Youngevity brand products are the most outstanding and high quality health and wellness products available anywhere!! YOUNGEVITY IS THE VEHICLE FOR YOUR DREAMS… THE PRODUCTS ARE THE GAS THAT GO IN THE TANK… A journey of a thousand miles begins but with a single step, start today! Success is a journey, not a destination Results come in proportion to enthusiasm applied 15 TRY THE PRODUCTS AND SEE WHAT THEY DO FOR YOU. Check with your upline and see what products they recommend. Make a list below of the products you would like to try. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ THE PRODUCTS ARE THE SUPER GLUE THAT KEEPS YOUR RESIDUAL CHECK COMING IN. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN THE PRODUCTS YOU’VE GOT TO USE THE PRODUCTS Your autoship is to assure you are always bonus qualified, don’t rely on it to get your products each month! Nothing in the world can take place of persistence Talent will not: nothing is more common that unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. 16 Step Four “Make a written down prospect list” 1. Get a three ring binder or notebook of some kind 2. Write down everyone you know! Don’t prejudge anyone. You are just writing down every name that pops in your head so more can come in. Use the memory jogger in the back of this book. Make an A list of people you want to show first and a B list of people you will show next. Break them down by local (within 300 miles) and long distance (over 300 miles) Use the Memory Jogger in the back of the book YOU MUST WRITE THEM DOWN & DON’T PREJUDGE ANYONE Continue to add to your list all of the time. Maybe have your dream book, planner and prospect list all in the same place. STOP Continue when this step is completed Hundreds of thousands of people join network marketing companies every month in America 17 Step Five “Show the plan” 1. Tell everyone on your list what YOU are doing. Showing the plan/having a meeting = WHEN YOU ARE TALKING TO SOMEONE ...WHO IS NOT IN THE BUSINESS ...ABOUT THE BUSINESS ...IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET THEM IN THE BUSINESS The more times you do this, the more successful you will become! SUCCESS = HAVE A MEETING Showing the plan is a blend of telling people what YOU are doing and how the business can help THEM get what THEY want. 2. The best ways to show the plan: Your personal Ready to Cash in sponsoring website The sponsoring DVD or the home meeting webcast video at www.pmgallaccess.com A whiteboard presentation Conference calls and 3 way calls with your upline SHOW THE PLAN 1000 TIMES AND YOU WILL BE FREE THIS STEP IS WHERE THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD THIS IS THE ACTION STEP OF NETWORK MARKETING Don’t procrastinate. You’ve been procrastinating all your life and that’s why you’re broke. 18 3. Ways to get people to see the plan: Invite them to come to your home to see it You go to their home to show it with upline or yourself You pick them up and take them to a 3rd location meeting Long distance, conference calls, websites, use your upline with 3 way calls 4. Results you might expect Most people you show probably won’t get in right away Most people who get in won’t do much right away Some people will just buy products It’s not how many people say “NO” or how many say “YES” and don’t do anything, but how many who say YES and do something! ACTION STEPS TO GET YOUR BUSINESS OFF THE GROUND A. Book two or three meetings in your home Invite someone from your upline to come and show the plan B. Invite people from your prospect list to your meeting Invite more than you want to come. Not everyone will show up right away. TIPS FOR INVITING PEOPLE TO YOUR HOME MEETING Have the proper intention. You must believe that this is the greatest opportunity for everyone. However, you really don’t care if they get in or not, it will be their loss and quite honestly, you are doing them a favor. Have fun and RELAX! Your only goal is to INVITE them to your home. Don’t show the plan over the phone...just peak their curiosity. This business can give you a lifetime of residual income. It’s worth the time and effort. Financial freedom can be yours. Imagine what it’s like to be free. 19 C. Invite them only ONE day in advance. D. Just be yourself and tell them YOUR STORY, why did you join. Why are you excited. E. Establish that you are in a hurry F. Invite both people if married G. Use your Ready to Cash In site as well to introduce everyone CHECK WITH YOUR UPLINE ON VARIOUS WAYS TO INVITE SAMPLE PHONE SCRIPT Hi, ___________! Listen, I’m running out the door, but I just wanted to give you a quick call. I only have a few minutes but I’ve been meaning to chat with you. Have you heard of 90 for Life or the Healthy Body Challenge? It is a home based business that is just launching in this area! And I’m one of the first ones in... Well, it looks like there is a ton of money in it. I don’t know if you have any interest, but I’ve got to show you this thing. I think you need to take a look at this. It may be worth your while. Hey, lets get together___________________ to see if you have any interest and let me know what you think. After you show the plan, make sure you tell your prospect about your upline leader Success breeds success. Your income will be the average of your 5 best friends! Use your upline leadership. Bring them along when following up and when showing the plan 20 POSSIBLE RESPONSES I don’t know if I would be interested You’re right, I don’t know if you would be either. You know your situation better than I do. I don’t know if it would fit for you or not. But I’m really excited about it and I would really like to at least run it by you. I think it’s worth your while. So, why don’t you come over _______________ to get all the facts. If your not interested it is 100% okay with me. I’ll try to be there I’m only having a few people because I’m going to have a business associate coming over too, so I have limited space in my house. So if you don’t think you can come (or don’t want to) that’s fine! Just let me know so I can invite someone else. But if you’re going to come, I need a firm commitment because I don’t want to invite anyone else. Hey______, if you have no interest it’s fine. So do you think you will be there or not? It’s all good either way. What’s it all about That’s what I want to show you. It’s about network marketing (or direct marketing) a home based business or making money from home (or making a lot of money) (maybe, this company has capitalized on the concept of Going Green...but instead of saving the planet, they are Going Blue and doing some cool things) So if you want to come over on_______________ I can show you the entire deal and see if it’s something that would work or not. You may want to consider taking a look at this, it may be worth your while. No, I have no interest at all. Use below or also use your Ready to Cash In site FEEL...FELT...FOUND I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way until I saw the DVD (or the plan). Let me tell you what I found. This thing is totally different than anything I’ve ever seen. If you think you know what network marketing is all about, you’ve gotta take a look at this thing because it is amazing. Look, I don’t know if this will work for you. But come on over, have a cup of coffee, and spend 45 minutes. If you have no interest, that’s 100% okay with me! You may kill me a year from now, though ,if I didn’t at least show it to you. It may be worth your while. OK, I”ll be there Great...The meeting starts at ________I”ll be waiting for you at the door or I’ll be watching for you. INVITE TWICE AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU WANT TO SHOW UP 21 Be a go getter...show the plan 15 times a month REMEMBER YOUR INTENTION. This is the greatest business you have every heard of but you really don’t care if they get in, you don’t need them. Don’t beg. Use RELEASE STATEMENTS I don’t know if this will fit for you. You know your situation better than I do You might not qualify You will kill me a year from now if I don’t show you this You may want to consider this If you have no interest that is 100% okay DON’T PUT ANY PRESSURE ON THE PEOPLE YOU CALL OR TALK TO...YOUR INTENTION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE WORDS! Using release statements gives a person the RIGHT to say no, which gives them the ABILITY to say yes! Never stop sponsoring people. Your goal is to sponsor at least one new person each month! 22 KEYS WHEN SHOWING THE PLAN A. Dress professionally. Dress for business or a step above who you are showing the plan to. B. Keep your house as it would normally be C. Eliminate any interruptions...phone, pets… E. Introduce upline guests and always edify your upline leadership F. Be excited! Sit on the edge of your seat and in the front G. Have the “I’m going to do it with or without you attitude” People like to know that you are committed to doing this. H. Have a few products that you use to show AFTER the meeting. Get these things out after the presentation. For meetings at the prospect’s home or for open meetings, leave these things in your car until after the presentation. You can then bring in the appropriate items based on that person’s interest. Make sure you have realistic goals. Most people you contact may not want to see it...use release statements. Most you show might not get in and build it. Most people who get in may just love the products. Keep in mind this is a numbers game. You are looking for people who have a dream. Make sure and review this booklet and the philosophy on www.pmgallaccess.com often, as well as the 8 steps to Financial Freedom Leaders are always out in front leading the way. Practice and excel on the fundamentals and basics...don’t major in the minors Get good at one thing...SHOWING THE PLAN 23 Step Six “Follow up and follow through” AFTER YOU SHOW THE PLAN...ONE OF FOUR THINGS WILL HAPPEN: 1. 2. 3. 4. They will have no interest at all They will have questions and want to think about it They want to become an CEO right away They will buy the products The goal after you have a meeting and show the plan is to book another meeting. You want to help that person become a CEO right away or develop a customer and move some products. 1. NO INTEREST If the person has no interest at all, your goal is to plant a seed. Share with them any CDs or DVDs you like. Your Ready to Cash in website. Your 90 for Life site. Get them on a conference call. Set up a time within 24 to 48 hours to pick up the stuff you left them and try to make a product sale or sign them up. Make sure they understand the urgency and timing of the program right now. Maybe share something that has happened since the last time you saw them. 2. HAS SOME QUESTIONS If the person has some questions and wants to think about it, do the following: • • • • Leave them some tools that would fit for them Set up a time within 24 to 48 hours to pick up the tools you left Do a 3 way call with your upline or use the conference calls Try to get them to an open meeting in the area Your friends are looking to see that you’re serious about the business. They want to see that they can do the business also. 24 3. THEY WANT TO SIGN UP If they are ready to sign up...grab an application and fill it out right away. Encourage them to join with the $499 Mega Pack as it is the best way to join. Encourage and explain the power behind the autoship program and the training at www.pmgallaccess.com. Share with them the Ready to Cash In site. Only people serious about the business will make those commitments. It is your job to encourage them to get on the autoship, the training and to LISTEN TO THE 8 STEPS Get Started Fast Audios RIGHT AWAY. Show them how to go to www.pmgallaccess.com and where the sponsoring video and 8 steps are. Show them where to download the 8 Steps workbook. Tell them to read through this workbook and do what it says. Lead by example. Set up two or three meetings in their house and help them invite a few people to their house using the simple script in this workbook. Remember, Keep it Simple! Help them start building their dream. Find out why they are building this business! Leave some extra product samples if they are excited about certain products and a good book like the Magic of Thinking Big or Think and Grow Rich. Build relationships around people, not through them Develop customers, it’s fun, profitable and a great source for future executives A message read or heard once is 66% forgotten within 24 hours and practically out of the mind in 30 days. Don’t overload a brand new ceo with too much information, they only need to know the next step. 25 OVERCOME THESE WHEN SHOWING THE PLAN WHY PEOPLE DON’T GET IN THE BUSINESS 1. YOU DID NOT GET THEM DREAMING They are too comfortable with their situation Ask yourself, “Do you know what their dreams are”? Did you ask them what they would do if they hit the lottery? Did you ask them what they would do with an extra $1000 a month? 2. THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND NETWORK MARKETING OR THE COMPENSATION PLAN Remember, when someone says no to the business, it is because they don’t know enough What your prospect is saying is, “Show me that I can really do this business” He or she needs to go to a meeting or listen to a CD or DVD You may encourage them to go to a larger event or meeting Explain the concept of leveraging their time 3. THEY DON’T BELIEVE THEY CAN DO IT They don’t understand how they themselves can be successful in the business based on their current circumstances. They think they are too busy, too shy, can’t hold meetings because they don’t know anyone who would want to do this, etc…. By knowing the above reasons, you can simply cover them while showing the plan! This helps them believe they can do it and make a decision. Smile, you can do this Believe you can succeed and you will Success builds confidence, confidence creates activity, activity produces results, results create success which builds confidence, etc… 26 Step Seven “Help the people you sponsor” When you sponsor someone, it is your job, within the first week, to show the plan to their friends. “I’m making a commitment to make you successful” It is your responsibility as the sponsor to help that person… • • • • • • Invite people for his first few meetings Do his first 2 or 3 meetings Help them learn and know the importance of the 8 Steps to Financial Freedom Get Started Fast audios and set up their Ready to Cash In website. Start dream building Start the training process by promoting the events, meetings, conference calls… Help them place their first few orders for products and how their 90 for Life back office works. The more you promote the events and the more people in your group that attend will determine how fast, profitable and secure your business will grow. CONTINUE WITH THIS PROCESS WITH ALL YOUR NEW DOWNLINE CEO’s UNTIL A LEADER EMERGES. ALWAYS BE PROMOTING THE NEXT EVENT OR MEETING!!! Successful people are always willing to do what the other guys aren’t willing to do Build a friendship with the people you sponsor in your downline. Take them dream building. You can get everything in life you want if you just help enough others get what they want 27 Step Eight “Start the training process and share the training process” THIS IS THE STEP THAT HOLDS ALL OF THE OTHERS TOGETHER THIS IS THE SUPERCHARGE STEP THAT CREATES WEALTH A. Listen to good audios everyday...educational and motivational Go through the tools on www.pmgallaccess.com or with your upline and find the tools that inspire you. “You can’t eliminate the negative from your life, you can only replace it with positive.” LISTEN TO 1000 audios AND YOU WILL BE RICH!! B. Read books everyday Read at least one page from good leadership and inspirational books everyday Are you a winner or loser? Always promote the next event Start the training process Encourage your group to go to all of the functions and events Audios, Books and Events...that is the system 28 C. Go to every function Open meetings Rallies, Seminars, Major Events Weekend events Always let your downline know what and where the next event is and let them know that YOU ARE GOING! Lead by example. D. Teach the 8 steps to Financial Freedom Call the conference calls Edify your upline Learn the 8 steps well enough to teach them At least once a month counsel with your upline leadership DO THE RIGHT THINGS LONG ENOUGH CONSISTENTLY!!! MASTER THE BASICS, FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS!! Your group will DO what they SEE you doing. Remember, what you do speaks so loudly, they will not hear what you say. Lead by example. The speed of the leader is the speed of the group. Don’t prejudge anyone! Think where you would be if your sponsor had prejudged you. Leaders are always readers In business things have a tendency not to happen. It’s up to you to make them happen “DON’T LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR DREAMS!!” 29
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