How to handle wintertime road dust and resuspension Christer Johansson Associate Professor Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm university, Stockholm, Sweden also Environm Officer at City of Stockholm, Environment and Health Administration Outline • ”The road dust system” – Road dust formation – Road dust suspension • List of potential control options • Results from lab and field studies on the fomration and suspension of road dust Ref.:Mats Gustafsson, VTI, Sweden ”The road dust system” Deposition onto road surface Surroundings • Composition Surroundings Direct emissions Material properties • Resistability • Surface structure • Age Exhaust • Etc. Traffic data Studded tyre use • Share Traffic data Pavement wear Depot of PM10 on road surface • Mean stud weight • Number of studs/tyre Tyre wear Traffic data • Traffic amount • Composition Brake wear • Composition • Vehicle type Meteorology • Humidity • Speed (Re)Suspension • Wind PM10 in air Meteorology • Wind • Turbulence Road condition • Speed • Driving characteristsics • Traffic amount • Speed • Humidity • Precipitation Sand/salt Road maintenance • Gritting • Salting • Ploughing Traffic data Meteorology • Traffic amount • Precipitation • Composition • Speed Airborne removal Run off System losses •Resistability •Surface structure Surroundings •Composition Direct emissions Material properties FORMATION OF ROAD DUST & DIRECT EMISSION •Age •Etc. Studded tyre use Exhaust •Share •Mean stud weight •Number of studs/tyre Pavement wear Traffic data •Traffic amount •Composition Tyre wear •Speed •Driving characteristsics Road maintenance Brake wear •Gritting •Salting •Ploughing Sand/salt Depot of PM10 on road surface Direct emissions Surroundings Surroundings SUSPENSION OF ROAD DUST Traffic data Depot of PM10 on road surface •Speed •Vehicle type Meteorology •Humidity •Wind Road condition - Wetness - Structure - Texture (Re)Suspension PM10 in air Potential controling options for road dust production and suspension Measure Action, potential efficiency Reduce studded tyre use Reduction of use of studded tyres very important. Prohibition, fees, information to the public. Use dust suppressants Effective during some periods and for some road conditions. Road sweeping Not efficient with current machinery for PM10. Removes material that might otherwise contribute to PM10. Use sand of low potential for dust formation Use filtered/washed crushed stone material (not natural sand), but impact not quantified in real world conditions. Plant hedges as ”particle filters” Minor effects (not well quantified). Hedges likely not feasible on densely trafficked roads. Reduce brake wear contribution Material development? Driving behaviour, speed limits? traffic regulations? Regenerative brake systems (for electric and hybrid vehicles) Speed limits Effective for studded tyre vehicles. Potentially effective also for non-studded tyres. HDV restrictions in populated areas Use wear resistant pavement HDV cause higher suspension and wear than LDV (if nonstudded) Stone size, stone material, binder. Potentially effective especially if studded tyres are used. Reduce tyre wear contribution Driving behaviour, speed limits? traffic regulations? Type of tyres, pavement surface structure, tyre air pressures. Road pavement Potentially important. Stone material, stone size. Porous asphalt. Road test facilities: Importance of tyres, pavements, sanding for PM formation Finnish E.g. Kupiainen (2007) Road dust from pavement wear and traction sanding. Monograph of the Boreal Environment research, FMI, Finland. 4 tyres driven by elecrtical motor Swedish E. g. Gustafsson et al. (2008). Properties and toxicological effects of particles from the interaction between tyres, road pavement and winter traction material. Science of the Total Environ., 393, 226240 Exchangable pavement Gustafsson et al. (2008). Properties and toxicological effects of particles from the interaction between tyres, road pavement and winter traction material. Science of the Total Environ., 393, 226-240. Particle production for different pavements STUDDED versus NON-STUDDED TYRES 2 Quartzite (Kärr), ABS11 STUDDED tyre PM10 [mg/m3] 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 0:00 0:05 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:25 0:30 0:35 Tid efter start 0:40 0:45 0:50 0:55 1:00 Particle production for different pavements STUDDED versus NON-STUDDED TYRES 2 Quartzite (Kärr), ABS11 STUDDED tyre PM10 [mg/m3] 1.6 1.2 60 – 100 times lower with non-studded! 0.8 0.4 Quartzite (Kärr), ABS11 NON- STUDDED tyre 0 0:00 0:05 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:25 0:30 0:35 Tid efter start 0:40 0:45 0:50 0:55 1:00 PM10 in a road tunnel (Stockholm) Red: Årsta, Blue: Hammarby PM10 Black: Studded tyre share (% of all cars, right axis) µg/m3 Feb 2006 Dubbandel % Nov 2007 Means to control Use of studded tyres Information campaigns Example from Tornheim, Norway Norway as an example Studded tyre fee in Oslo and Trondheim • Started 1 november 2001 • Now 1200 NOK per year, 400 NOK per month or 30 NOK per day • ”Pledge” has been used (250 NOK per studded tyre) • for vehicles > 3,5 ton fee is double • Aim was 20% studded tyre share Works well… Different strategies in different countries • Total prohibition – E.g. Japan, Germany, Holland, Belgium, several states of USA, Ontario (Canada) • Seasonal prohibitions – E.g. Nordic countries, states in USA, • Technical stud restrictions (Weight, number of studs per tyre) – Nordic countries • Fees on studded tyre usage – Norway (Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen) • Information to the public Studded tyres • • • Reduced studd weight Reduced number of studs per tyre Softened fixing Dubbkärna i hårdmetall Dubbkärna i hårdmetall Hölje av termoplast, aluminium eller lättmetallegering Total höjd 11 mm Hölje av stål Stiftlängd 5,8 mm Total vikt 1,8 - 2,3 g Stiftlängd 6,6 mm Total vikt 0,7 - 1 g c : \ eget \ exc el _9804\ ot her s\ dubb. x l s Eco stud system (Nokian) Vehicle speed -Increased road wear (esp If studded tyres are used) -Increases suspension (vehicle induced turbulence) -Increases dilution (vehicle induced turbulence) -Increases rate of drying of roads (=> increased suspension) Increased vehicle speed 1.4 70 km/h 1.2 50 km/h dm/dlogDp [mg/m³] 1.0 30 km/h 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 1 Geometric diameter [µm] 10 100 4 0.05 3 0.04 2 0.03 1 0.02 0 0.01 20 30 40 50 60 vsimulator [km h-1] 70 80 PM10/vsimulator PM10 [mg m-3] Increased vehicle speed Vehicle speed important for road wear ROAD WEAR INCREASE WITH SPEED (IF STUDDED TYRES ARE USED) Increased vehicle speed Type of Share measurement studded tyre Lab. road 100% test facility Change in PM10 Reference Increase by factor 3.6 Gustafsson et al., 2005 Lab. road test facility Change Road in speed condition Km/h 30 to 50 Dry, no sand, quartsite 100% 50 to 70 Dry, no sand, quartsite Ca 70% 72 to 82 Dry mainly, no sand Quartsite Increase by factor 1.3 Gustafsson et al., 2005 Increase by factor 2 24% Decrease with 35% Johansson et al., 2001; Kristensson et al., 2004 Hagen et al., 2005 Road tunnel Stockholm Main road ambient Oslo 77 to 67 Variabel Tyre induced suspension of particles Efficiency might depend on tyre construction Kupiainen, 2006 Vehicle speed important for PM suspension Mobile tyre-road suspension 20 18 Mass concentration ratio Swedish: EMMA Hussein et al., (2007) May 10; studded/friction 16 September 10; studded/summer 14 September 27; studded/summer Factors affecting non-tailpipe aerosol particle emissions from paved roads: on road measurements in Stockholm, Sweden. Atmos. Environ. 42 688-702 12 10 8 Finnish: SNIFFER 6 Pirjola et al., 2008. Atmosph Environ 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Vehicle speed (km/h) 70 80 90 100 Road wetness Affects - Suspension of particles (reduced if wet) - Wear rate (higher on wet roads if studded tyres are used) - Size of depot (run-off may reduce depot) Road wetness crucial for PM10 (compare NOx) 200 PM10 µg/m 3 Hornsgatan Dry 150 Hornsgatan Wet 100 50 NOx µg/m 3 0 150 100 50 0 jan2003 feb2003 mar2003 apr2003 maj2003 jun2003 jul2003 aug2003 sep2003 okt2003 nov2003 dec2003 jan2004 feb2004 mar2004 After long period of wet roads: Very high levels of PM10 PERIODS WITH WET STREETS PM10 (street-UB) µg/m3 600 2 Sveavägen Norrlandsg Fukt_väg 500 400 1 300 200 1 100 0 Indicates that PM accumulates in depot when roads are wet 24 feb 22 feb 20 feb 18 feb 16 feb 14 feb 12 feb 10 feb 08 feb 06 feb 04 feb 02 feb 31 jan 29 jan 27 jan 0 Dust suppression already 1877: To reduce suspension due to the horses! Horse driven saltwater carriage from 1877 (Modern) ”saltwater carriage” Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) Daytime (06 – 20) PM10 concentration reductions Percentage change in PM10 after treatment of highway CMA or MgCl2 Datum 10 mars % minskning vid CMA sträckan -30% % minskning vid MgCl2 sträckan - 19 mars -33% -28% 23 mars -14% -23% 6 april 12 april -24% -38% -37% -44% See also Norman & Johansson (2006) Studies of some measures to reduce road dust emissions from paved roads in Scandinavia. Atmospheric Environment, 40, 6154-6164. Use of dust suppressants • Potentially efficient • Only for special periods and places • Efficiency may be short lasting – Dry and hot climate => low efficiency • Number of different agents with different properties Road pavement properties of potential importance for PM production Type of pavement (ABT, ABS) Stone type (granite, quartz etc.) Stone size (maximum stone diameter) Stone content Type of binder Particle production for different pavements using studded tyres 6 Granite, ABT16 PM10 [mg/m3] 4 2 0 0:00 0:05 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:25 0:30 0:35 Tid efter start 0:40 0:45 0:50 0:55 1:00 Particle production for different pavements using studded tyres 6 Granite, ABT16 PM10 [mg/m3] 4 2 Quartzite (Kärr), ABS11 0 0:00 0:05 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:25 0:30 0:35 Tid efter start 0:40 0:45 0:50 0:55 1:00 Particle production for different pavements using studded tyres 6 Granite, ABT16 PM10 [mg/m3] 4 Quartzite (Hornsberg), ABS16 2 Quartzite (Kärr), ABS11 0 0:00 0:05 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:25 0:30 0:35 Tid efter start 0:40 0:45 0:50 0:55 1:00 Hedges as particle filters Gritting using sand - Natural sand or crushed stone - Washed or unwashed - Studied mainly in road test facilities Sand particle size affects PM10 production (2-5.6 mm jämförd med 1-5.6 mm) grain size of och traction sand 10 vs PM10PM avsatt mot sandmängd olika storleksfraktioner 10 Grain size Size 2/5.6 mm Grain size Size 1/5.6 3 PM 10 [mg/m ] 12 8 6 4 2 0 Sand: 300 g/m2 Tervahattu & Kupiainen, Nordic Envicon Sand: 1000 g/m2 Sand: 2000 g/m2 Studded versus non-studded tyres Tire type vs PM 10och olika däcktyper PM10 avsatt mot sandmängd PM10 [mg/m 3] 3 Studded tire Dubbdäck 2 Friction tire Friktionsdäck 1 0 Without sand Utan sand Tervahattu & Kupiainen, Nordic Envicon Sand: 300 g/m2 Sand: 1000 g/m2 Road test lab. studies 8 Unwashed natural sand, studded tyres Otvättad natursand 0-8 mm, dubbdäck Unwashed natural sand, non-studded tyres Otvättad natursand 0-8 mm, friktionsdäck Washed 2-4 mm, studded tyres Tvättad crushed kross 2-4stone mm, dubbdäck dm/dlogDp [mg/m³] 6 Washed 2-4 mm, studded tyres Tvättad crushed kross 2-4stone mm, friktionsdäck • Unwashed natural sand produces more PM10 than washed 4 • Studded tyres produces more PM10 than non-studded 2 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter [µm] 100 Road cleaning Many studies show that sweeping is inefficient for reducing PM10 PM10 emission potential – Idaho, sopning efter sandning Several studies using the TRAKER system by Kuhns et al Sweepers often inefficient Road tunnel: No effect on PM of high pressure flushing & vacuuming 200 bar 1400 1200 Supersug 800 Supersug Tvättåg & underhållsavstängnin 600 400 200 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 00 :0 0 12 :0 0 PM10 (ug/m3) 1000 06-11-15 06-11-17 06-11-19 06-11-20 06-11-22 06-11-24 06-11-26 06-11-28 06-11-30 Train of road dust cleaning and dust suppressing, Helsinki Vehicle removal Dust binding Mech sweeping Vacuuming Flushing Contribution of tyre wear to PM (non-studded) Contribution Paul Boulter, TRL, England Brake wear contributes via direct emission & subsequent deposition -Material development? -Information on driving behaviour? - Speed restrictions? -Congestion charging? Potential controling options for road dust production and suspension Measure Action, potential efficiency Reduce studded tyre use Reduction of use of studded tyres very important. Prohibition, fees, information to the public. Use dust suppressants Effective during some periods and for some road conditions. Road sweeping Not efficient with current machinery for PM10. Removes material that might otherwise contribute to PM10. Use sand of low potential for dust formation Use filtered/washed crushed stone material (not natural sand), but impact not quantified in real world conditions. Plant hedges as ”particle filters” Minor effects (not well quantified). Hedges likely not feasible on densely trafficked roads. Reduce brake wear contribution Material development? Driving behaviour, speed limits? traffic regulations? Regenerative brake systems (for electric and hybrid vehicles) Speed limits Effective for studded tyre vehicles. Potentially effective also for non-studded tyres. HDV restrictions in populated areas Use wear resistant pavement HDV cause higher suspension and wear than LDV (if nonstudded) Stone size, stone material, binder. Potentially effective especially if studded tyres are used. Reduce tyre wear contribution Driving behaviour, speed limits? traffic regulations? Type of tyres, pavement surface structure, tyre air pressures. Road pavement Potentially important. Stone material, stone size. Porous asphalt. Thanks for your attention! Wind speed - Increases suspension from road - Speeds up drying of roads - => possibly more suspension to air - Increases dilution of PM in air - Increases deposition of particles onto the road Wind speed effect PM10-2.5 & NOx (Hornsgatan, only dry road) 30 PMcoarse NOx 25 400 20 300 15 200 10 100 5 0 0 0 2 4 6 Vindhastighet m/s 8 10 12 NOx ug/m3 PMcoarse ug/m3 500 Wind speed effect Ratio (PM10-2.5)/Nox dry road (Hornsgatan) 1,8 Ratio PM(10-2.5)/Nox (g/g) 1,6 1,4 1,2 y = 0,0522x + 0,8018 2 R = 0,5542 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 Wind speed 20 m (m/s) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Temperature • Lower temperatures – make pavement binder less elastic • cause a more effective abrasion of the more firmly fixed pavement stones. – make tyre rubber harder • may cause larger abrasion Abatement measures - Studded tyre restrictions - Road cleaning (sweeping) - Gritting practice – sand, salt - Hedges as PM filters - Road dust binding - Vehicle speed restrictions - Congestion - Driving behaviour (brake, tyre, road wear) - Pavement type and construction there is a potential for improving air quality along roads and streets where high concentrations of particles are related to wear particles, through improving pavement material, The pavements tested have constructions normal for Nordic conditions and comparatively durable stone materials typical for Swedish conditions. In countries where studded tyres are not used, smaller stone sizes and different constructions are used as well as local stone material. The durable crystalline rocks found in the Nordic countries are sparse in the rest of Europe. Instead, sedimentary rocks, not as durable are common and used in pavements. How these differences affects particle production is unknown. Particle production from pavements is likely to be related to both construction and material properties and should be studied together with how pavement properties, such as surface texture and total wear, vary during the year. this study strongly support the point that studded tyres contribute to high particle levels in road and street environments and give a 60–100 times higher concentration than friction tyres. Tyre ? Exempel Kalifornien •Mycket damm från omgivningen men även slitage •Svåra luftkvalitetsproblem, hårda regler • Rule 1186: renhållningsfordon skall vara PM10-certifierade • Omtvistad certifieringsmetod •Metodutveckling (ex.) • Regenerativluftsponing • Vaccumassisterad torrsopning Exempel på PM10-effektiv(?) sopning Schwartze Enviro Whirl
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