“Get Involved! Make a Difference”—Cynthia Osborne S ince relocating to Jackson in 2004, Cynthia Osborne has devoted much of her time to organizations and causes that are important to her. “I feel fortunate to live and work in such a great city,” says Osborne. “Helping others is a privilege and I see it as my responsibility to assist others in making Jackson the best it can be.” Osborne serves on the boards of the local and Regional YMCA, Jackson Arts Council (Public Relations Chairperson) and Jackson Chapter of the American Red Cross as well as being a member of the Jackson Downtown Development events committee. She truly believes in using her talents to make her mark in her community. She is a Vice President and Loan Officer for Commercial Bank & Trust in Jackson. Osborne feels that she has been blessed with a career that affords her the opportunity to meet new people every day. Apart from work and volunteering, she has several hobbies, including skydiving. Cynthia has 28 years of banking experience. She was recruited to Jackson from Augusta, Georgia by Union Planters Bank and then joined the team at Commercial Bank & Trust two years ago. She is instrumental in developing and continuing the bank’s business relationships. Osborne’s hometown is Booneville, Mississippi. She received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Northwood University. She has one child, Rachel, who will be graduating this year with a master’s degree in Spanish. How to Keep Your Job in a Down Economy by Carolyn Nipp A cross America, employers are looking to cut expenses. The bad news: after trimming all possible frills, layoffs are the next logical step. The good news: you can take steps to help assure that you won’t be a statistic reported in tomorrow’s unemployment numbers. Five steps you can take to solidify your employment security: Be productive. Do your very best on your job at all times. This is no time to slack. Strive to do more than is expected of you in every situation. Increasing your productivity will increase your value to your employer. The more value you bring, the more your employer will lose if you leave. Be marketable. Always keep yourself marketable for other jobs. Being marketable gives you a confidence that will spread to other areas of your work. This is true in any economy, but is especially important in a downturn. Being marketable means not only are you trained for your current job but you could also use the same skills to enter other employment arenas if you so choose. Assessing your marketability begins with stepping back and looking at your skills objectively. Make a list of the skills you currently possess. Then, research jobs that require these skills. If you need additional training, now may be the time to pursue it. Be flexible. Your job duties may expand or change during this time. Be prepared to take on more responsibilities for the same pay or even to shift your duties entirely. As your boss thinks about solutions to the problems he or she is facing, flexible employees will be precious commodities not easily parted with. Don’t be the exception. Be the well-oiled wheel. Do your job; ask for exceptions only when absolutely necessary. Turning up at your boss’s door repeatedly to ask for special consideration or involving yourself in the office turmoil associates you with negativity. Even showing up too much to let your boss know about good things can be seen as a negative if you frequently take up your boss’s time. Get along with others and build relationships. The old saying goes “it’s not what you know but who you know that will get you a job.” I add that how you are keeps the job for you. One of the most important things to do on your job is get along well with others. Have you ever noticed that well-liked people stay around even if they are not the best at performing their jobs? Build relationships with your co-workers by being a person they can count on. Stay away from the office gossip and make only positive comments about your co-workers. Keeping your sense of humor in trying times also makes others enjoy being around you but be careful that your humor is not at the expense of others. As you take these steps to make yourself more valuable to your employer, remember to take time daily to personally recharge. Give yourself permission to do something that gives you joy and relaxation. You will reap benefits from even fifteen to thirty minutes spent on yourself. Carolyn Nipp is a certified professional path coach specializing in career/personal life coaching and business team-building. She is a teacher at Union City High School where she instructs students in Economics, Radio/TV, and Career Management Success. She can be contacted at 731-796-6723 or online at www.carolynnipp.com. 10 WOMEN’S JOURNAL APRIL/MAY 2009 Thy F ielder Owner Master Nail Tech Aesthetician Makeup Artist M ike Tong Country Music Fans… Give Blood!! Give blood during May and register to win two 4-day tickets to Owner Paul Mitchell National Educator Master Nail Tech CMA Music Festival/Fan Fair!!! M y M Package includes a 3-night stay in Nashville June 11, 12, 13 Stacy Aesthetician Nail Tech Makeup Artist All donors who give blood at the Blood Center during May will receive a FREE T-shirt! LIFELINE Blood Services 828 N. Parkway • Jackson, Tennessee Blood Center Hours: Monday & Thursday – 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday & Friday – 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesday Tonya Aesthetician Angela Happy H Mother’s Day! D Nail Tech Julie Massage Therapist Oceans Salon & Day Spa No matter what you call her. Her name means love. 2273 N. Highland Ave, Ste. C Jackson, TN 38305 731-256-1368 oceanssalonanddayspa.com APRIL/MAY 2009 WOMEN’S JOURNAL 7 Publisher Grace D. Desnoyers Editor Amanda Desnoyers Marketing Grace Desnoyers Shirley Wallace Joi Joiner Board of Advisors Angela Snider, Connie Teel, Tonya Patterson Rosy Roberts, Judy Arrington Distribution Manager Robert Desnoyers Photography Mike Bickerstaff Graphic Designers Julie Rhodes, Lisa Smithey Web Design Connie Teel Women’s Journal P.O. Box 10296 • Jackson TN 38308 • 731.267.4002 email: tnwomensjournal@yahoo.com www.tnwomensjournal.com The Women’s Journal is a free, bi-monthly publication available in approved private and public establishments. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The Women’s Journal is not responsible for any editorial comment (other than its own) or for typographical errors in advertisements submitted as camera ready. We reserve the right to deny any advertisement that does not meet our standards. The advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy. The Women’s Journal accepts no responsibility for unsolicited material; if return is requested, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The Women’s Journal will be published before the 15th of every other month. Table of Contents American Family Radio ............................................................................ 36 Arthritis Clinic ............................................................................................... 9 Assured Mortgage ..................................................................................... 16 Beaver Creek Kennels .............................................................................. 35 Best One Tires ............................................................................................. 29 Bickerstaff Photography..................................................................... 23, 34 Boggy’s Dream Studio.............................................................................. 13 Cancer Care Center ................................................................................. 17 Crown Winery, The ..................................................................................... 14 Elmcroft Assisted Living ............................................................................. 38 Englewood Baptist Church ....................................................................... 37 Everclean ................................................................................................... 35 Farmers’ Market ......................................................................................... 35 First South Bank .......................................................................................... 14 Flower Patch............................................................................................... 14 Forever Communications ......................................................................... 21 Gateway Tire .............................................................................................. 39 Grace Broadcasting.................................................................................. 27 Greystone Medical Clinic ......................................................................... 16 Hardee, Martin & Donahoe ..................................................................... 26 Holt Podiatry ................................................................................................. 5 Jackson Clinic ........................................................................................... 15 Jackson Energy Authority ......................................................................... 38 Jackson-Madison County Hospital ........................................................... 3 Jackson Sport & Fitness ............................................................................... 7 Jamaica Me Tan ........................................................................................ 35 LifeLine ......................................................................................................... 7 Mam’selle ................................................................................................... 11 Maxwell, Jeany Byth, CPA ........................................................................ 27 Merry Maids ................................................................................................. 9 Micro Computer Center............................................................................ 35 Morningside Assisted Living...................................................................... 29 Nelda Davis Consultant Services ............................................................. 17 Ocean’s Salon & Day Spa .......................................................................... 7 Premier Dental ............................................................................................. 4 Regency Retirement Village .................................................................... 13 Region’s Bank .............................................................................................. 6 Robert’s Jewelry......................................................................................... 11 Sitters and More ........................................................................................... 6 Southern Rents .......................................................................................... 12 Sugar Creek ............................................................................................... 12 Sylvan Learning ......................................................................................... 31 Two Doors Down ........................................................................................ 11 West Tennessee Business College ........................................................... 27 Window World ............................................................................................ 40 Woman’s Clinic ............................................................................................ 2 Yarbro, George, MD .................................................................................. 13 8 Dear Readers, The Women’s Journal is five years old. Five years! Was it really that long ago that we published the first black and white tabloid with the Gibson Girl cover?! We’ve changed a bit since then; in fact, it has totally changed and evolved into this colorful magazine that you hold in your hand. Thank you, our readers and our advertisers, for making it possible. We wouldn’t exist without you! Because so many of you ask, we will continue to give updates on our nephew, Bradley, the bravest, most determined fighter I’ve ever known! He had surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York in February where the cancer that they could see was removed. Soon thereafter, his chemotherapy was resumed with a different drug. This drug as well has made him very sick, sometimes unable to speak, often not able to eat. But he remains strong in his faith and belief that the Lord is still in the miracle business. Thank you for continuing to include Bradley and his family in your prayers. Blessings, WOMEN’S JOURNAL APRIL/MAY 2009 9b[Wdkfdemm_j^j^_i if[Y_Wbe\\[h0 Ed[j^_d] oekYWd Yekdjed m^[dj^[h[ije\j^[ W\j[hdeed^Wib[joekZemd$ Save $10 Call For Details 90E Northstar Dr 731.664.1034 9ec[^ec[jeiec[ed[[bi[Êi`eXm[bbZed[m_j^WYb[Wd_d]\hec C[hhoCW_Zi$?jÊi`kijj^[b_\joekd[[Z$mmm$c[hhocW_Zi$Yec New customers only. Not valid with other offers. Valid only at this location. Cash value of 1/1000 of 1 cent. Offer good through 05/31/2009.© 2006 Merry Maids L.P. Arthritis Clinic 866-864-0011, Extension 326 APRIL/MAY 2009 WOMEN’S JOURNAL 9
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