Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 January 2012 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 1 Editor : Sis Yvonne E. Sutfin Proofreader: Sis. Eva Shelby How to Have A Happy New Year Rev. Willie J. Freeman, Senior Pastor Inside this issue: The Vision of GMBC 2 Mission Statement 3 January Birthdays/ New Members 4 Ministers & Deacons/ Upcoming Events 5 Prayer List 6 Pastor’s Message 7 Men Reaching 8 Thought for the month 9 Kidz Korner 10 Deployed Soldiers List 11 Salvation 12 Daycare 13 College Corner Monthly Calendar 14-15 16 When does New Year have its start? When one truly cries out, “ God be merciful to me a sinner!” (Luke 18:13), and experiences the grace of the one who declares, “ Behold I make all things new” (Rev 21:5). “ If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Roman 10:9-10) When you truly repent and receive the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior, the dawn of a brand New Year will have begun. The former wearisome days will all be apart of the past. When you begin with Him, life really begins, and the days become a delight. This is life eternal, that they might know thee only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent (John 17:3). Make this a real New Year. Cause this to be the brightest of days. Remember and receive the ageless truth: “ If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (II Cor 5: 17). “Happy New Year” Children’s Church Every Sunday If you would like to teach or assist please see Sis. Janie Smith & Sis Donna Hardy Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 2 January 2012 Greater Missionary Baptist Church Mission Statement The Mission of Greater Missionary Baptist Church is to be a mission-minded, Christ-centered, Bible-believing, preaching, teaching, and evangelistic church as mandated by Jesus Christ in The Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20) And from this we will disarm the enemy by empowering God’s people evangelistically, educationally and economically to the glory of God. Furthermore, our mission is to be a holistic & global ministry that ministers to the social, physical, mental, and spiritual needs of the saints, our communities and the world. Furthermore, our mission is to equip, train and educate each member for the purpose of becoming a disciple, participating in ministry and proclaiming the message (Gospel, i.e. )“Good News”. Furthermore, our mission is to live out our faith each day of our lives, through working, witnessing, walking and worshipping our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Furthermore, our mission is to live spirit-filled and righteous lives so that the world may see our good work and glorify our God. Furthermore, our mission is to become faithful stewards of our time, talent, treasures and testimonies for the glory of God. Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 January 2012 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 3 Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 4 January 2012 January Birthdays 450 Ringgold Road Phone: 931-647-4643 Fax: 931-647-9773 Email: If you have a birthday in the month of January and your name is not listed, please submit your name to the Admin Offic. "Walking By Faith, A Church With A Vision" We’re on the web www. A New Beginning Another light in the Lighthouse What a glorious sight to Behold You’re no longer just a Visitor But a Treasured Member of the Fold Welcome To Greater Missionary Baptist Church Family Adarin Alexander, Msadison Anderson, Robert Banks, Nevaeh Blanks, Deacon Bobby Barner, Rachel Barner, Lyvia Barrow, Jasmine Baylor, Kevin Bivins, Andreca Bobo, Tedra Brooks, Grace Brown, Catherine Bryant , Tequila Bunch, Cesara Campos, Tahlia Carey, Robbie Carneal, Jaunita Carr, Mak’eda Christopher, Israel Clark, Ebony Coats, Raven Coffey, Jeff W. Davis, Shaunna Douglas, Antionette Drone, Tyrone Dunham, Bryson Eure, Tia Evans, Rev. Darius Francis, Pamela Francis, Bryce Franklin, Anthony Gaines, Mary Ann Galbreath, Kimberly Gautier, Arnico Graves, Anita Green, Brionte Green, Kristie Green, Ashley Gregory, Torrraine Hall, Tizah Hamilton, Rev. Larry Harper, Tanguneakia Harrison, Peggy Hawkins, Tifany Heflin, Charabian Hill, Terri Hill, Ai’yona Hilliord, Desiree Holman, Bridgette Horace, Aarin Howard, Jeanette Howard, Rev. Jimmy Hubbard, Tracie Hubbard, Nakedra Ingram, Chandra Jackson, Lela Jackson, Mia Jackson, Nakra Jackson, Brandon Johnson, Deborah Johnson, Rodney Jonesoseph, Demesha Keeler, Dezi King, Reginald Kirklin, Cameron Kittling, Michonda Lamb, Alyssa Lawrie, Brianna Leighton, India Lozer, Lanita Martin, Shanice Mason, Crystalyne Matthews, Alphons Mattison, Cashayla Mayfield, Kenora McCollough, Horace McDowell, Terrill Moyd, Tomita Mosley, Aaron, Nathaniel Nalls, Cameron Newsome, Marcus Newsome, Errington Neysmith, Arica Scott, Vonetta Parks, Vaxter Pate, Marhyanab Phillips, Aujanae Phillips, Harold Phillips, Brandon Piper, Malika Pitt, Lynx Price, Lawrence Proctor, Christopher Ramos, Cory Ramos, Gabriel Ramos, Tonecia Robinson, Erica Ross, Timberly Russell, Charles Scott, Eva Shelby, Tamica Simmons, Arayah Simons, Angelica Sinegal, Michael Singleton, Jannie Smith, Shelia Smith, Deborah Sprigg, Michelle Staggers, Wesley Stephens, Crawford, Sylvanues, Shantel Tayler, Willie Tiller III, Toyee Tinsley, Gerrick Ware, George Washington, Lexus Waters, Tyhiesha Waton, Darryl Weather, Autum West, Victor Whitfield, Beatrice Williams, Javelin Williams, Joshua Williams-Gray, Rachida Willis, Kiara Winters, Devante Woods, Shytavia Woods, Janice Young Welcome To The Greater Missionary Baptist Church Family Madison Anderson Shirley Bailey LaShandra Bailey Tana Baxter Laquisha Nicole Brown Mikeria Busby Christina Jones Natasha Gross Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 5 January 2012 Rev. Jimmy Hubbard, Sr. Assistant Pastor 931-436-1401 ** Indicates alphabet group Sr. Care Minister Ministers Members of GMBC. If you need assistance, counseling or have other urgent needs, please contact one of the Deacons or Ministers in your alphabet first. They are here to serve you the congregation in whatever capacity you need. Members who request financial assistance should turn their applications into Sis Yvonne Sutfin Admin Asst Deacons A-D ** Rev. Bret Reeves 905-0501 * Deacon Lyndon Owens 552-3746 Rev. Alonzo Easley 801-8027 Deacon Reno Washington 546-8022 Rev. Roderick McGee 239-297-8926 Deacon Bobbie Barner 338-7230 Deacon Michael Barnett ( T) 538-2284 E-G **Rev. Rickey Townsend 542-6904 *Deacon Orville Shelby 553-8824 Deacon Charles Hooks 538-0398 Deacon Nathaniel Nalls 648-8304 H-K ** Rev. Douglas Smith 645-8847 * Deacon Kenny Zimmerman 647-9115 Rev. Alfred Jones 431– 4225 Deacon Paul Gibson 249-5307 Rev. Darius Francis 786-738-3213 Deacon Richard Adams Sr 802L-N 931-647-4643 **Rev. Barry Reaves 645-3622 *Deacon Anthony Gaines 552-1830 Rev. Larry Harper 431-5123 Deacon John Hopson 624-3815 Deacon Sheldon Mayfield 270-697-4282 Deacon John Johnson (T) 553-4295 O-R **Rev. Manuel Holmes 542-2894 * Deacon Robert Clark 431-9741 Rev. George Smith 647-1648 Deacon Otis Figgins 645-7844 Rev. Charles Noble 980—0032 Deacon Herbert Nelson 503-9931 Deacon Patrick Hall 546-8055 S-Z ** Rev. Travis Steele 648-8025 *Deacon Archie Parker ,Chairman 648-2645 Rev. Damien Jefferson 547-7690 Deacon Elva Miller 645-4366 Rev. Roger Forney 338-0997 Deacon Bernard Carter (A) 358-4133 Deacon Tony McGuire 551-8221 January 1st New Year Day February 2nd New Years Day Holiday (office closed) 1st Deadline to turn In report Cards 15th Dr. Martin Luther King Tribute 12th A/AB Honor Recognition 16th Dr. Martin Luther Kings Holiday(closed) 21st High School Seniors Information Day 28th Women Quartly Breakfast Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 6 January 2012 BECAUSE WE CARE Sis. Ernestine Doss Sis. Mary Huntley Sis. Karen Bailey Sis. Erva Hutchinson Sis. Alice Jackson Sis. Janette Harper Bro. & Sis. Horace McDowell, Jr Sis. Saundra Byrd Sis. Myrtle Pace Sis. Karen Boone Bro. Angelo Enoch Sis. Connie Clark Sis. Delores Bell Sis. Temekia Holmes Bro. Joseph Oubre Deacon Michael Barnett Sis. Nelma Alexander Sis. Shelia Easley Sis. Learah Smith Bro. O. J. Rasin & Family Bro. Beora Moss Sis. Wanda Hassell Rev. Alonzo Easley Deacon. John Johnson Sis. Ernestine McKinney/ Rev. Alfred Jones moth- Deacon Archie Parker er Rev. Douglas Smith Sis. Norlean Bayless (Sis.Sutfin sister) Sis. Nicole Johnson Riggins Sis. Elizabeth Couch (Sis. Phyllis Council mother) Rev. Larry Harper Leondra Robertson (Sis. Lorria Anderson father) Bro. Roger Pope Sis. Lillie Pope Sis. Deborah Spriggs & Family Rev. Brett Reeves and Family Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 7 January 2012 A Prayer for a New Year And now Lord, I claim thy promise to change me. Do thou for me what I cannot do for myself. Lead me into a new tomorrow with a new spirit. Cleanse my heart, create within me a new attitude and new ideas, as only thou canst create them Rev. Willie Freeman, Senior Pastor Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 January 2012 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 8 Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 9 January 2012 * Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. * Don’t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. * When you say, “I love you”, mean it. * When you say, “I’m sorry”, look the person in the eye. * In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling. * Talk slow, but think quick. * Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. * Call your Mom and Dad. * Say “bless you” when you hear someone sneeze. * Remember the three R’s: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions. * Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship. * When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. * Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice. * Spend some time alone. * Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values. * Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. * Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll get to enjoy it a second time. * A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to create a tranquil harmonious home. * In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past. * Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality. * Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before. * If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That is wealth’s greatest satisfaction. * Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes the blessing. * Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. — And most importantly —– * Pray. There’s immeasurable power in it. Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 January 2012 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 10 Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 11 January 2012 Bro. Thomas Weikle Bro. Orlando McCain Sis. Malaysia Green Bro. Jarmaine M. Betton Bro. Jonathan Pass Bro. Bryson Eure Bro. William Lee Bro. Jeremy Boxley Bro. Kevin Bivins Bro. Willie Holman Bro. Kelvin Gatson Bro.Arthur Myles Bro. Silas Session Bro. Michael Edwards Bro. Robert Banks Bro. Jermaine Shamburger *** If your love one’s have deployed and their name is not on this page please inform the admin office. Thank you, Sis. Sutfin Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 12 January 2012 How Do I Become A Christian? Have you ever wondered what you must do to become a Christian or what you must do to be saved? The Bible has an answer that is easy to understand. FIRST, you must understand that you need to be saved. The Bible says you need to be saved because you are a sinner. Your sin has a penalty. You cannot save yourself. The Bible says, “all have sinned” and the “wages of sin is death”. (Romans 3:23; 6:23) SECOND, you must understand that you can be saved. You can be saved because Jesus died on the cross for your sins. The Bible says, “God demonstrated His love of us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) THIRD, you must know what you need to do to be saved. The Bible explains how you can be saved. Acts 3:19 says we must repent and turn from our sins. But repentance alone is not enough. Ephesians 2:8 says that we must place our faith in Jesus Christ to be saved. NOW, you must want to be saved. God is waiting for you to “want to “ and then ask Him to save you. The Bible says, “that if you call upon the name of the Lord you shall be saved”. (Romans 10:13) If you are ready to trust Christ as your Savior and Lord, invite Christ into your heart right now by praying to Him. You may word, your own prayer or use the prayer printed here. The important thing is that the prayer is sincere and personal. “Dear Lord, I know that I am a sinner. I know you died for my sins. Right now, I invite You into my heart to be my Savior and Lord. I willingly turn away from my sin and give my life to You. Thank You for saving me, AMEN.” Welcome to God’s Family, you have just made the greatest decision of your life. Tell a Pastor or another Christian friend about your decision as soon as possible. “And let us not become weary in well doing, for in due season we will reap if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 January 2012 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 13 Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 14 January 2012 Sade’s Smith Karmecia Forney Nathan Simons Shauneice Lyles Travon Jackson Serita C.McNair Shakara McGuiire Meridian Hill RM 816 2601 16th Street NW Washington, D.C. Darrius Mallory Richard Adams, Jr. LaDreco McKeithen Paris Carter Jeremy Purvis Carey Fifer Salve Regina University Box # 0273 Elijah Steele Newport, RI 02840 Renika Reaves Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 15 January 2012 DeAmber Stewart Jasmine Noble Kelly Boone Howard University T.J. Robinson 2455 4th St. NW Crandall Hall #142 Lashondra Steele Washington, DC 20059 Alexis Leverette Ambra Noble Joseph Warren Kirwan 3 , Box 55 University of Kentucky Ebony Coats Lexington, KY 40526-0151 Deonne McClendon UT Chattanooga Deborah Sivils Marquef Donald Apt. 0044, 215C P.O. Box 180111 Chattanooga,TN. 37401-7111 ATTN: All College students Please submit the name of the college that you are attending and your mailing address to Sis. Sutfin. Also if your name was omitted please let me know. Thank you, Nichole R. Nelson Greater Missionary Baptist Church~450 Ringgold Rd.~ Clarksville, TN 37042 Volume 1 Issue 7th Edition 16 January 2012 JANUARY 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 7 12 13 14 Fitness & Nutrition 6:30/ Musicians Rehearsal 7:00pm Minister Deacon, Trustees and Wives Ministry 6:30pm Intercessory Prayer 6:00am/Trustees Fitness & Nutrition 6:30pm/ Nursing Home visit 9:30 am/ Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 6:30pm/. 17 18 19 200 21 Fitness & Nutrition 6:30pm/ Anointed for Praise 6:30pm Nursing Home Pastors’ Aide 6:00pm/ PR visit 9:30am/ Ministry 6:30 2 3 4 5 Sunday School/New Members Class 11:00am/ Morning Service 11:45am/ Communion/Rt. Hand of Fellowship 5;00pm Holiday Finance Ministry 6:30pm Closed Fitness & Nutrition 6:30pm/ Nursing Home visit 9:30 am/ Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 6:30pm/. Fitness & Nutrition Ministry 6:30pm/Chosen Vessel 5:00pm/ Musicians / rehearsal 6:30pm/ PR Ministry 6:30pm 8 9 10 11 Early Morning Worship 8am/ Sunday School/New Members Class 9:30am/ Mid Morning Service & Baptism 10:45am Women Reaching Women Ministry 6:30pm/Men Reaching Men Ministry 6:30pm/ Tutoring 6:30pm / Leadership 6:30pm 15 16 Early Morning Worship 8am/ Sunday School/New Members Class 9:30am/ Mid Morning Service 10:45am DR. MARTIN LUTHER KINGS DAY Office Closed No Ministry Meetings /Fitness & Nutrition 6:30/ Musicians Rehearsal 7:00pm 22 23 24 25 Early Morning Worship 8am/ Sunday School/New Members Class 9:30am/ Mid Morning Service 10:45am Singles, Single Parents, College Students & Life After Divorce Ministry 6:30pm/ Marriage Enrichment Ministry 6:30pm Fitness & Nutrition Ministry 6:30pm Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 6:30pm 2929 30 31 Early Morning Worship 8am/ Sunday School/New Members Class 9:30am/ Mid Morning Service 10:45am/ Evening Worship 5:00pm Sat 6 1 Office Fri F Fitness & Nutrition Ministry 6:30pm 26 Fitness & Nutrition 6:30/ Musicians Rehearsal 6:30pm Young Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Intercessory Prayer 6:00am/ Trustees 8:00am/Usher Ministry 9:00am/ Angelic choir rehearsal 9:00am/Youth Choir Rehearsal 10:00am/ Youth Leaders 10:00am/ Mass Choir rehearsal 10:30am/ Expectant Mothers Ministry 10:00am Intercessory Prayer 6:am/Trustees 8: am / Clothes Locker 10amCar Maintenance 10am MINISTRY High School informational Day 10:00am 27 28 NO Men Come as you are 6:30pm OFFICE CLOSED TN STATE BAPTIST CONVENTION Candlelight 10:00AM Service 6:00pm
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