Baptist Circuit of Churches, ECBM P.O. Box 2678 St. John’s Antigua & Barbuda E-mail: Website: Pastor Dr. Hensworth W. C. Jonas, Presiding Elder Vol. XXIII, No. 4 HOW TO SERVE October 23, 2011 Pastor Orvin Paige will preach at the 8:00 a.m. service at the Covenant Baptist “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, Church (Friars Hill Road) on the topic “A Comchoose this day whom you will serve…as for me munity Of Faith” based on Galatians 6:9-10. and my house, we will serve the Lord” (v. 15). — Joshua 24:14-15 Brother Joshua Jonas will preach at the 8:00 a.m. service at the Tyrells Baptist Church Unlike the topics we have discussed thus far — (Liberta Road) on the topic “The Marvelous Bible study, prayer, and worship — some ChrisGrace Of God” based on Ephesians 1:7-8. tians do not recognize that service is a means of sanctification. This is unfortunate because service Pastor Dr. H. W. C. Jonas will preach at the 10:00 a.m. service at the Central Baptist is vital for maturity in Christ. Church (Radio Range) on the topic “Getting Out Of Trouble” based on Lamentations 3:40Our call to be servants of the Lord is a theme 41. woven throughout the Old and New Testaments. God sent Moses to the pharaoh thousands of years ago so that the king might release His people to seem less ―glamorous‖ to us than others, but that serve Him (Exodus 8:1). Paul in Galatians 1:10 is a function of our celebrity culture, which and many other passages refers to himself as a prizes those gifts that are most visible in the con―servant‖ or ―slave‖ (from the Greek doulos) of gregation. Yet God does not view some gifts as Christ. Few would argue with our Father’s cominherently better than others (vv. 12–31). The mand to serve Him; however, we often forget that apostles appointed deacons to serve tables and the major way in which we serve our Creator is meet the needs of the widows and orphans not through service to His people. As Jesus tells us in because it was beneath their dignity to attend to Matthew 20:26, greatness in the kingdom of God these tasks. Instead, they gave this job to others belongs to those who serve its citizens. because their primary gift and calling was to pray and teach (Acts 6:1-7) ). Those with more Whether we are compensated for our service or ―prominent‖ roles in the local church are not simply volunteer, we all have gifts that are to be greater in the Lord’s eyes than those who work used for the building up of Christ’s body (I Corinbehind the scenes; they just have different gifts. thians 12:1-11). And we fulfill our roles only when we put our gifts to use. Certain tasks may FAMILY NEWS—Vol. XXIII, No. 4 Website: October 23, 2011 Would You Like To Be... The Soul Winner? If your gift is to teach, then you must teach. If you are gifted to work with children, then you must volunteer to work in some aspect of family ministry. Whatever your gift, Jesus commands you to exercise it so that you will become skilled in its use and better help His church grow up into maturity (Ephesians 4:1114). May we work as He has gifted us, and may we never be called lazy and unfaithful servants (Luke 19:11-27). Coram Deo Any one who leads Christian ministry in the church will tell you that his most challenging task is recruiting volunteers. Most churches depend on the same faithful people for everything while the rest of the congregation is content to just show up and watch. Which kind of Christian are you? Are you a faithful servant, or do you let others do the work? Call your pastor or elder today and ask him where you can serve in the ministry of the church. Passages for Further Study 2 Chron. 2:11–16; 4:11 John 13:1–17 Galatians 5:13–14 1 Peter 4:10–11 —Tim Dick "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30 Read on to find out what it takes to be a soul winner! The Prince of Preachers, Charles Haddon Spurgeon (183492), makes two statements at the beginning of his classic work "The Soul Winner". Statement 1: Soul winning is the chief business of the Christian minister. Statement 2: Soul winning should be the main pursuit of every true believer. Would you agree with these bold declarations? Let's find out. With regard to Statement 1, there is probably little disagreement among Christians. The professional clergyman is expected to engage in evangelism regularly -- from the pulpit, in his office, and wherever he happens to go during the day. After all, it's his "calling" and fulltime occupation. It's what he's being paid to do, isn't it? But with regard to Statement 2, what do you make of that? Should evangelism be the main pursuit of every true believer? Before we answer that question, let's ask a related one: How many Christians do you know for whom this statement applies? Do you know any believers that take evangelism that seriously? So seriously, in fact, that you could say it is their "main pursuit", i.e. their Number One Priority in life. I'm trying really hard right now to come up with a list of people I know personally that fit that description, and I think I can count them on one hand. Hmmm. How about you? Yet Charles Spurgeon says it should be the Number One Priority of every true believer. I challenge you to let the weight of this statement rest upon you. How could one of the greatest preachers of modern history say such a thing? After all, doesn't he understand that the average Christian has to make a living, love his/her spouse, raise the kids, pay for college and save for retirement, and somewhere in the midst of that hectic life, take time to relax and enjoy himself? What possessed Spurgeon to place such expectations upon us? I think the answer to that question lies in Spurgeon's understanding of a simple biblical truth that the 21st century evangelical church is slowly losing sight of: Judgment Day. Could it be that we are not as concerned about the final destiny of the lost as we should be? Oh, that God would grant us an ever increasing and always unswerving commitment to persuade people to "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for His wrath can flare up in a moment" (Psalm 2:12 NIV). — ``````````````````````````````````````````````` Page 2 October 23, 2011 Website: Ministry Highlights FAMILY NEWS—Vol. XXIII, No.4 bring your Bible, book and pen. 1. SUNDAY SCHOOL PROMOTION All teachers are advised that this Sunday is Sunday school promotion. Teachers are to ensure that they advise all the teenagers and children who are being promoted to their new classes. Attendance registers must also reflect the students’ promotion. 7. ROYAL AMBASSADORS CLUB MEETING All teenage boys are advised of their regular club meeting this Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Baptist Church. Be sure to bring your Bible, folder and pen. 2. WEDNESDAY F.T.I. OPEN FORUM This Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. at the Covenant Baptist Church (Friar's Hill Road) there will be a joint service of the Baptist Circuit of Churches-ECBM. This Family Training Institute open forum will continue the series called, "Reality." This Wednesday we will focus on the topic, “Who Is This Jesus?” There will be a time of prayer, a video, a brief lecture and a time for open discussion. 8. SATURDAY YOUTH EVANGELISM All baptized believers among the Acteens and Royal Ambassadors are reminded of the evangelistic effort this Saturday at 3:00 p.m. at the three churches of the Circuit. 3. EVENTS PREP MINISTRY MEETING All members of the Events Preparation Meeting are advised of a meeting on Thursday, 27th October at the Central Baptist Church at 6:00 p.m. 9. CHOIR REHEARSAL All members of the Voices of Victory and the New Creation Chorale are advised of a rehearsal on Saturday, 29th October at the Central Baptist Church at 5:00 pm. Please be punctual. 4. WATCH CARE MINISTRY All Watch Care Fellowship Group members (including Intercessory Prayer Group) are advised of a meeting on Thursday 26th October at Central from 6.30 - 8.00 p.m. Plans for the new church year will be discussed. Please be on time. 5. NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY GUIDE Next month, our Adult and Youth Sunday School classes will have a new study guide. The new book is entitled, Life Transforming Truth: An Introduction to the Doctrines of Grace by William E. Payne. A copy of this book may be purchased at the church office for the church-subsidized price of EC$35.00. Please attend to this immediately before supplies are exhausted. 6. ACTEENS CLUB MEETING All teenage girls are advised of their regular club meeting this Friday. We will be watching an exciting movie. Our venue will be at the Covenant Baptist Church. Those who desire transportation are advised that they need to be at Central at 6:00 p.m. Be sure to Page 3 ~Today ~ Bro. Ephraim Gomes - Tyrells ~24th ~ Yashanté Willock - Tyrells ~25th ~ Sis. Donna-Lee Spencer - Central ~26th ~ Stephen Jarvis Jr. - Central Sis. Vernel Pierre - Central ~28th ~ Sis. Ronda Frederick - Central FAMILY NEWS—Vol. XXIII, No. 4 Sun. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 pm. 7:00 p.m. Website: Sovereign Grace Hour (ABS TV) Worship: Tyrells & Covenant Sunday School: Central Sunday School: Tyrells & Covenant Worship: Central Worship: All Churches Sunday School: All Churches Tues. 3:00 p.m. Sovereign Grace Hour (ALR 103.9 FM Wed. 7:00 p.m. FTI—Open Forum: Covenant Fri. 9:00 a.m. Sovereign Grace Hour (ALR 103.9 FM 6:00 p.m. Royal Ambassadors Club Meeting: Central 6:30 p.m. Acteens Club Meeting: Covenant Sat.. 3:00 p.m. Youth Evangelism: All Churches 5:00 p.m. Voices of Victory & New Creation Chorale Sunday School Adult & Youth Reading Prepare for next week... Study Guide—Dancing With Idolatry: Are you bowing to a false god? By Dr. Hensworth Jonas Chapter 10: “Passing the Torch” Section 6— Divine Counsel Versus Human Analysis (pp.137 -138) Section 7—Hope For Our Children (pp. 138-140) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. —II Timothy 2:15 ECBM DIRECTORY Central Baptist Church Tyrells Baptist Church Covenant Baptist Church Baptist Academy Baptist Retreat Centre Eldership Hensworth W. C. Jonas (Presiding) Ivor J. Walker (Associate) Orvin D. E. Paige (Associate) Diaconate David S. Jarvis (Chairman) Earl W. F. Skerritt Ian J. Blair Stephen A. Butters Patrick Tomlinson 462-2894 460-3557 561-4022 462-2894 463-8801 771-4888 461-7757 464-1644 461-1414 464-1014 560-5543 October 23, 2011 GENERAL MINISTRY NEEDS Elders, Deacons, and their families Baptist Academy of Antigua E.C.B.M. Ministries & Staff Evangelistic Ministries “Sovereign Grace Hour” (ABS TV & Abundant Life Radio) CHURCH FAMILY HEALTH: Dr. Hensworth Jonas, Bro. Sherwin Parker, Sis. Diana Richards, Bro. Charles Richards, Sis. Melanie Benn, Sis. Pamela Walcott, Sis. Jean Edwards PRIVATE CONCERNS: Sis. San-Joy Richards, Bro. Rolston Nickeo, Sis. Nadine Smith, Sis. Rhonda Grant, Sis. Annstachia Barlow, Bro. THANKSGIVING: Bro. Barthelemy Dorsurin, Sis. Judy Edwards, Sis. Sonia Andrew, Bro. Antony Browne NEW MEMBERS: Bro. Barthelemy Dorsurin , Bro. Daniel Charles , Sis. Tamera Walcott, Sis. Nicola Davis, Sis. Valette Kellier, Sis. Kaleema Charles Sis. Sianne Joseph, Sis. Sasha Charles, Sis. Ladymay Edwards, Sis. Shantol Johnson, Sis. Jamelia Edwards, Sis. Josephine Barton, Sis. Jhislaine Pierre -Louis, Sis. Stephanie Oreste, Sis. Patrice Davis, Bro. Jermaine Henry, Sis. Nekecher Ryner, Sis. Claudina Pelle, Bro. Lester Sobers, Sis. Louisa Valcin, Sis. Claudette Willock, Sis. Sherline Dorsurin, Sis. Molvie Barthley, Sis. Kimone Ford WATCH CARE: Bro. Isaiah James SHUT IN: Sis. Enid Matthew, Sis. Edith McCoy OTHER CONCERNS: SAVING GRACE: Shumane Whyte, Earla Blair, Areal George, Ajani Dowdie, Adrian Gordon, Jamol Pilgrim, Gregson Pilgrim, Nalda Streete, Phyllis Mayers, Eugene Silcott, Leroy Adams, Mandella Edwards, Veronica Carlos, Nahjua Davis, Aaliyah Trotman, Kingsley Irish Jr., Reisah Irish, Shari Irish, Noreen Ferris, Lamot Strann, Andy Josiah, Patrice Josiah, Sharon Seales, David Seales, Michelle Nicholas, Sam Nicholas, Martin Browne, Marvo Smith, Joycelyn Williams, Dawn Williams, Rodrick Williams, Grantley Edwards, Martina Edwards, Curtis Paige, Michelle Paige, Arian Audain NEW MEMBER APPLICANTS: Kevonte Comic (Tyrells), Schevaughn Providence (Central), James Lafontant (Tyrells), Aline Marcellus (Tyrells), Karen Matthew (Covenant), Shemika Edwards (Covenant), Hayden Walsh Jr. (Central), Jeanine Jonas (Central) Pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:17 Pre-school — Ephesians 6:1-2 Elementary — 1 John 2:15 Secondary & Adults — II Peter 1:10 784-5055 722-4313 724-6010 783-5800 786-7957 Page 4
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