Learning OLLI at Duke ƒor Life Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke University OLLI at Duke OLLI at Duke OLLI at Duke OLLI at Duke OLLI at Duke OLLI at Duke SPRING 2010 OLLI at Duke OLLI “They know enough who know how to learn.” Henry Adams at Duke Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke! OLLI at Duke began in 1977 as the Duke Institute for Learning in Retirement, or DILR. Since 2004 the organization has been a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Network, a group of over 120 institutes across the country dedicated to meeting the needs of older learners and to extending the demographic served by traditional universities. OLLI at Duke is one of the twelve Osher institutes to have received endowments of $2 million. Once the economy recovers, income from that endowment will ensure that our program will maintain its excellence and find new initiatives to promote “learning for the love of it.” OUR MISSION STATEMENT The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke, called OLLI at Duke, seeks to engage the minds, elevate the spirits, and foster the well-being of its members through a wide range of educational programs and opportunities for volunteer service, travel, and social activity. We exemplify Duke University’s commitment to community service and lifelong learning through our collaborative work with academic and professional groups, area retirement centers, various research projects on aging, and other institutes for learning in retirement. We are a community. We are adults with wide-ranging interests in history, literature, the natural and social sciences, fine arts, and current events. Our courses conform to a liberal arts curriculum and are selected by a curriculum committee on the basis of member requests, the expertise of class leaders, variety, and balance. OLLI instructors are a mix of peer teachers, Duke professors, graduate students, independent scholars, and community experts. Our program exemplifies “learning for the love of it.” There are no tests, grades, or educational requirements. Participation, however, is essential, ranging from keeping up with assigned readings and contributing to class discussion to sharing the results of one’s own research. Most classes are held in The Bishop’s House on the Duke East Campus and in the education building at Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Road in Durham, meeting once a week for 1½ hours. Class times are usually 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:30pm, and 3:15pm at The Bishop’s House and 9:00am, 11:00am, and 2:00pm at Judea Reform. Please check the detailed course descriptions for exceptions. OLLI at Duke is a cooperative venture. We gather together in three terms each year to pursue the topics that we choose. We rely on the contributions and participation, both in class and out, of each member. Members teach classes, coordinate lecture series, lead small-group discussions, organize activities and volunteer projects, serve on the Board of Advisors and committees, act as class assistants, help with data management and administration, make coffee, and volunteer for all the tasks that make us an exemplary organization. Becoming a member of OLLI at Duke is easy. We have an annual membership fee of $35. Members may participate in activities and social events, receive mailings, and vote in elections, even if they are not taking classes in a given semester. The term of membership conforms to the academic calendar, beginning in September and ending in August. For more information see the registration page and form in the center of the catalog. OLLI at Duke is part of Duke Continuing Studies, under the direction of Dr. Paula Gilbert, which sponsors lifelong learning programs and consulting nationwide. Founded in 1977 as the Duke Institute for Learning in Retirement, we began as a joint venture of Continuing Education and the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. We have grown from the original 42 members to more than 1500 members per year. INDEX BY TOPIC Art & Architecture Art, Music, Literature & Theology.............................. 10 Hands-On Art Chinese Brush Painting................ 12 Botanical Drawing........................ 24 Computers Photoshop Elements Projects.........4 iTunes............................................. 4 PowerPoint......................................5 The Internet in 2010................. 5, 17 Performing Arts Psychoanalytic Ideas for Everyday Life........................ 6 Musical Gems................................. 7 Local Musicians in Performance... 11 New Horizons Bands.................... 13 Faust in Music.............................. 14 Hank Williams............................. 18 Wagner......................................... 19 Legendary Performers..................20 Dancers in Their Own Words...... 21 New Horizons Chorus.................. 21 Making Motion Pictures...............23 Spring 2010 Culture & Social Sciences Psychoanalytic Ideas for Everyday Life........................ 6 Continuing Spanish....................... 9 Durham’s African American History..................................... 14 Shari’a...........................................23 Economic/Financial Issues & Retirement Issues Understanding Financial News.......................... 6 Senior Co-Housing....................... 12 Financial Freedom....................... 21 The Biology of Aging....................25 Health & Wellness* Belly Dance Exercise...................... 8 Gentle Joint-Freeing Exercises....... 9 Stability Ball Exercises................. 12 Your Neuroplastic Self.................. 17 Nia................................................ 19 Back in Balance............................20 Ta’i Chi.........................................22 Meditation.................................... 24 Women on Weights II................... 24 If You Can Walk, You Can Dance.........................25 Fly Fishing....................................26 History & Current Affairs Durham’s African American History..................................... 14 The Great Depression................... 16 Submarines................................... 17 The World Today.......................... 19 Survival.........................................22 Shari’a...........................................23 American Revolution in the Triangle......................... 24 Great Presidents........................... 27 Antiques......................................... 6 Duke Sports History.......................8 TEDTalks........................................9 A Life Well Lived............................9 Apollo........................................... 10 Lifestyles Antiques......................................... 6 Eno River Valley............................. 7 Duke Sports History....................... 8 A Life Well Lived............................ 9 Senior Co-Housing....................... 12 Design & Landscape Your Yard........................... 13, 25 Perfumes.......................................20 Six Weeks, Three Books...............25 Fly Fishing....................................26 Duke Forest.................................. 27 Literature, Language & Drama Short Fiction................................... 8 Continuing Spanish....................... 9 Art, Music, Literature & Theology.............................. 10 African American Literature ................................ 16 The Good Soldier...........................20 Read & Discuss: Half of a Yellow Sun..................22 Keats.............................................23 Six Weeks, Three Books...............25 Moll Flanders & Madame Bovary........................26 Religion & Philosophy Genesis Meditations....................... 7 Thomas Merton.............................. 8 Art, Music, Literature & Theology.............................. 10 Maimonides.................................. 12 Christianity through Jewish Eyes.............................. 21 Meditation.................................... 24 Writing Journal Writing............................ 14 Publish Your Life Story................ 17 Memoir Writing with Jane...........23 Fiction in Progress.......................25 Memoir Writing (Frank).............. 27 About Us Duke/OLLI Information............2 House Rules.............................28 Class Assistants.......................29 What We’re Offering Natural Science & Technology Eno River Valley............................. 7 Plants & Pollinators..................... 10 Scientific Symposia...................... 14 Foundations of Science................ 16 Perfumes.......................................20 The Biology of Aging....................25 Organic Chemistry Demystified..............................26 Duke Forest.................................. 27 * For all classes involving physical activity, you may be asked to sign a liability waiver. Courses...................................4–28 Activities............................. 30–31 Volunteer Projects.................... 31 Class Schedule Calendar..... 32–33 Join Us! How to Register........................ 18 Registration Form.............. insert Membership Information... insert Directions & Maps............ 34–35 Map to Computer Lab................5 You should always consult your medical doctor before undertaking any new form of exercise. HANDS-ON COMPUTER COURSES . . . General computer skills and knowledge of the computer operating system are a prerequisite for all courses in our Spring 2010 term. Instructors want to be able to concentrate on the course topic and not spend a lot of time reviewing basic elements of Windows or the use of the mouse. Please note: Most of our computer courses are held in the Continuing Studies Computer Lab, Erwin Square Mill Building, Bay C. See the map on page 5. We use iMac computers that run both Windows XP and Macintosh software. This term we are also offering a demonstration course about the Internet that meets at Galloway Ridge Retirement Community in Pittsboro. l OLLI computer classes in our Spring 2010 term meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Please read the class descriptions carefully! l Do not sign up for a computer course unless you can attend all sessions. Read the course descriptions carefully to make sure you understand any prerequisites and required software. Contact the OLLI office at 919-681-3476 if you have any questions. l PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS PROJECTS ON THE PC: Creating Slideshows, Collages, and Other Fun Stuff Photoshop Elements contains many capabilities beyond basic photo editing. During this six‑session intermediate-level class, we will explore techniques for creating slide shows, collages, faux magazine covers, calendars, and other projects from photos. Participants will work with stock photos provided by the instructors and will also have the opportunity to work with their own photos. Prerequisites: OLLI Beginning Photo Editing on the PC is required. Students must be familiar with how to open and save images, use the crop and selection tools, and work with layers. Required software / hardware: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0, 7.0, or 8.0 for the PC and a USB flash drive. MIKE BAHNAMAN is an avid digital photographer who has taught and coached a variety of OLLI photo editing courses. He is OLLI’s Digital Photo Manager and is a member of the OLLI Photographer Team. CAROL TORSONE has been using computers for over forty years, including eighteen years as a computer science professor. She has been actively involved with the OLLI Photoshop courses and digital photography. 6 Mondays, April 19–May 24, 11:00am– 12:30pm, Mill Building Computer Lab. Maximum: 8. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1670 iTUNES—ORGANIZE YOUR MUSIC If you enjoy music and have a collection of CDs, you can use iTunes to organize and arrange your music in ways that make listening a new, very personal experience. And iTunes is free! All you need is a computer with Internet access. In this class we will learn how to load our own CDs into iTunes, how to organize and manage collections, and how to create “Genius Mixes.” We will create playlists of our own favorites. We will explore the iTunes website and store where, besides music and movies, there are free podcasts, talks, and a huge selection of lectures from top universities—including Duke. You do not need an iPod to use iTunes, unless you want more portability. This class will be hands-on, using Mac or Windows at the computer lab, so you can bring a CD and see how simple it is to use iTunes. IAN GODDARD has been a member of OLLI since 2004 and a past member of OLLI at Duke’s Board of Advisors. He has conducted several classes on South Africa as well as The World Today series and five semesters of the TEDTalks series. He has presented workshops on iPods and using wikis. 3 Tuesdays, April 20–May 4, 11:00am– 12:30pm, Mill Building Computer Lab. Maximum: 8. Fee: $25. Course ID: 1671 Spring 2010 OLLI Computer Activities Mac Computer Users Group and Photo Editing Group: Each meets monthly for presentations and Q&A in the Mill Building Computer Lab, day and time to be announced. See page 31 for more information. POWERPOINT WITHOUT PAIN OK, maybe just a little pain. This is a course for teachers and potential teachers who are hesitant to use PowerPoint because it appears to be a complex system or it might detract from the message. It does tend to intimidate at first glance. Like many software packages, it is embellished with a multitude of bells and whistles, but with a little guidance and practice you can create effective presentations remarkably easily. This is a hands-on course. We will initially discuss the effective use of visual aids. We will start using PowerPoint by creating a presentation using only the default settings for a title slide and a few slides with bulleted lists of teaching points. We will find out how to edit and rearrange slides. Then we will explore how to jazz things up a bit by adding different color schemes and backgrounds for the slides. For a little more “sophistication,” we will try out some ways to animate slides with items appearing in sequence or flying in from all directions. We will examine how to insert pictures or graphs either from files or directly from the Internet. Finally we will try out the various ways of actually displaying the finished presentation on the screen as a part of a lecture. Please note: This course will use PowerPoint 2003. PowerPoint 2007 is functionally similar, but there are many “look and feel” differences. Prerequisite: To take this course you should have a basic familiarity with using Windows programs. Scholarships: OLLI instructors and potential instructors should contact the OLLI office (919-681-3476) to find out more about scholarships for this course. PETE SELLECK is a retired engineer who has experienced the joys—and frustrations—of working with computers since 1961. He has taught at OLLI for sixteen years on a variety of subjects, from historical novels to computer programming. 4 Wednesdays, May 5–26 (please note dates), 11:00am–12:30pm, Mill Building Computer Lab (first three sessions). Please note that the last session will take place at The Bishop’s House so that students will be able to practice using OLLI’s multimedia equipment. Maximum: 10. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1672 Please send your registration BEFORE Tuesday, April 6, to assure you will receive your class confirmation packet! BP MAIN STRE ET Mill Building Computer Lab 2024 W. Main Street BROAD ST. Wachovia Duke East Campus Mad Hatter SWIFT AVE. Kinko’s IREDELL ST. Erwin Square PERRY ST. NINTH ST. Grey Bldg. Whether you’re contemplating buying your first computer or are a power user, you’re sure to learn something new in this course, for the Internet is mushrooming even as you read this. We will start with the latest information on safety, security, and privacy concerns, including protecting your data and your identity. From there we’ll move on to being in touch with the outside world, including e-mail “netiquette,” chat rooms, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. Then we’ll cover search engines, the almost infinite reference library at your fingertips, and using the Internet to become a smarter consumer of virtually anything; even how to access free music and books to listen to and texts to download. This is a demonstration course, suitable for both PC and Mac users. Class members will receive an e-mail of the lectures, including links they can click on to go to all the websites at home on their own computers. LOUISE MASURAT has an AB from the University of Pennsylvania, an MA from Middlebury College’s Graduate School of French in France, and an ABD from Harvard University in Romance languages. As a self-confessed addict, she believes the Internet can enrich anyone’s life, regardless of age or previous computer experience. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 10:30am–12:00pm, Galloway Ridge Retirement Community, 3000 Galloway Ridge Road, Pittsboro. Maximum: 50. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1673 Mill Building Computer Lab, Bay C C B A THE INTERNET IN 2010 To The Bishop's House From 147 (Durham Freeway) Directions: From Chapel Hill, go south on 15-501 for 8 miles. Take the second left shortly after the Fearrington Village traffic light, at the Galloway Ridge sign. Then take the second right and park on the right, anywhere except the covered parking area. Classes are in the main building, and all students who are not Galloway residents must enter through the main lobby and sign in and out. SUNDAYS . . . PSYCHOANALYTIC IDEAS FOR EVERYDAY LIFE: Learning through Film Psychoanalysis is not simply a mental health treatment; it is a perspective and framework that can helpfully inform the way in which we look at life events, other people and relationships, and our own identities. This seminar will begin an exploration of useful psychoanalytic ideas as seen through the medium of film and fleshed out in didactic presentation and group discussions. MARDY S. IRELAND, PhD, is a psychologist and psychoanalyst. She has taught at the graduate and postgraduate level for the last twenty years. 4 Sundays, May 2–May 23, 2:00– 5:00pm (please note dates and times), The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1674 Theater of the American South • Join Us! MONDAYS . . . UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL NEWS & HEADLINES: Investing for OLLIes ANTIQUES & DECORATIVE ARTS IN OUR MIDST: History, Appreciation, and Value This course will provide an accessible, all-around investment primer “for the rest of us” who are often baffled by the headlines and the advice we get from “financial professionals.” The course covers the basics of financial awareness with a focus on the retired investor, highlighting spots where the emphasis of the daily news reports departs from the interests of the long-term investor. We’ll also discuss warning flags and strategies to keep a steady eye on your goals. This course consists of a series of lectures examining the various fields of regional antiques in historical context and exploring ways to define and determine value. Is age the only criteria for an “antique” to have value? Do all antiques appreciate in value over time? Are there changing trends in the world of collecting? Suggested reading materials will be provided. ALLEN PARKER, CFP, works for a leading financial services firm and has taught OLLI courses for years. He holds a Duke MBA and a degree in electrical engineering, but he doesn’t let those get in the way of fun, straightforward discussion! 5 Mondays, April 26–May 24, 9:00– 10:30am, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $40. Course ID: 1675 LELAND LITTLE is president of Leland Little Auctions and Estate Sales, Ltd. (LLAES), in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Leland started working in the auction business as a freshman at Radford University and has a special interest in period American furniture. NANCY BLOUNT, an estate specialist and preservationist, has worked with LLAES since 1998 and has been a longtime collector of regional furniture and decorative arts. Enjoy a day with fellow OLLI members at Theater of the American South Saturday, May 22 • 10:00am to 4:00pm • Wilson • Special Price: $35* Theater of the American South is an annual festival of Southern plays, food, and culture, held in the old tobacco town of Wilson, North Carolina (less than two hours from Durham). Now in its fifth season, the festival offers professional theater productions featuring seasoned actors and designers, as well as an array of other cultural events. This year’s featured performance is an adaptation of Carson McCullers’ The Member of the Wedding about a young girl’s understanding of race, gender, and identity as she struggles to find a place in her family and her small Southern town. * We will only be able to offer this special rate of $35 if we have twenty-five OLLI members sign up. We will send a registration form in the confirmation packets for the Spring term. All participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from Wilson. Schedule of Events 10:00am Presentation by Will Hansen, curator of the Carson McCullers Collection at Duke University Library, on “Shaping The Member of the Wedding” l 12:00pm Barbecue demonstration and lunch, featuring Ed Mitchell, pitmaster of The Pit Restaurant in Raleigh l 2:00pm Matinee performance of The Member of the Wedding l All events on this schedule are within easy walking distance of each other. For more information, contact Mary Edwards at 919-681-3476. PAM BRIGGS, sale coordinator for LLAES, has worked for the gallery since its opening in 1998. With an extensive background in antiques, she has a focus on North Carolina pottery. 6 Mondays, April 19–May 24, 10:00am– 12:00pm (please note times), Eno River State Park, 6101 Cole Mill Road, Durham (first session). Maximum: 16. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1677 CLAIRE FRASER of LLAES is a graduate of Randolph-Macon Women’s College, specializes in fine art and silver, and was a curatorial assistant with the NC Museum of History and an Historic Deerfield Fellow. Please note: For the first session, we will meet at the main park office. Future sessions will include other areas of Eno River State Park and Occoneechee Mountain State Natural Area in Hillsborough. ROB GOLAN has extensive experience as contributing writer and cataloguer for LLAES, among other auction houses, and has a keen interest in regional history and artifacts. Directions to the main park office: From I-85, take Exit 173 (Cole Mill Rd.) away from Durham. Go for approximately 5 miles on Cole Mill Road, crossing the Eno River and crossing Pleasant Green Rd. The park entrance is another mile down Cole Mill. Pass through the gate and take the first right at the bottom of the hill. Park at the main office. Call 919-383-1686 if you need assistance. 6 Mondays, April 19–May 24, 9:00– 10:30am, The Bishop’s House (for the first four meetings) and Leland Little Auction Gallery, 620 Cornerstone Court, Hillsborough. Maximum: 42. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1676 THE ENO RIVER VALLEY: A Natural and Cultural History For nearly 40 miles, the Eno River winds through Orange and Durham counties before emptying into Falls Lake. Over 15 miles of the river valley is protected and managed by Eno River State Park. Please join us as we hike the trails, exploring and discussing the natural and cultural resources found within the 4,300 acres of park land. You will have the opportunity to observe the seasonal changes taking place in the park and will discover the natural beauty of a North Carolina state treasure. Warning: Participants in this course must be physically able to hike at a moderate pace for up to 2 miles on trails with rough terrain and slight elevation changes. Eno River State Park Ranger JOE MARTIN is the interpretation and education coordinator for the park and will lead the class, along with two other park rangers—AMY DUGGINS and CHRISTOPHER GREINER. Combined, these instructors have over thirty years of park service experience. GENESIS MEDITATIONS: Creation Stories as a Spiritual Practice This course will look afresh at the Genesis creation stories as an ancient form of prayer that Dr. Neil DouglasKlotz calls “original meditation,” a celebration of hope and love. We will re-imagine these stories “that brought people together and taught them, not historical fact, but something even more important: how to live with compassion for themselves, each other, and the world around them. When we look at life as an unfolding, ever-renewing beginning, rather than a fixed, ideal end result, we shift our perception from having to becoming.” Together we will experience these practices, to recreate and renew ourselves and to find a deeper spiritual connection. The only requirement for participation in class is an open mind and heart. There will be brief lectures based on the work of Neil DouglasKlotz and influenced by the thought of Thomas Berry. The course will primarily be experiential, including guided group meditation, group chanting in Hebrew, and simple body movement. Recommended text: n Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz, Genesis Meditations: A Shared Practice of Peace for Christians, Jews, and Muslims, Quest Books, 2003, $24.95. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. JULIE PURCELL is a retired United Methodist minister, a psychotherapist, and a spiritual director, currently in a training program with Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz. She is a graduate of Duke Divinity School. 6 Mondays, April 19–May 24, 11:00am– 12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1678 A TREASURE CHEST OF MUSICAL GEMS This course transcends the usual “composer-based,” “genre-based,” or “music period–based” approaches. Instead, we will explore some of the finest music written either by composers not quite on the tip of your tongue (Finzi, Barrios, Butterworth, Hovhaness, Pujol, and Tárrega) or written by well-known composers for instruments other than piano and violin (Dvořák’s Wind Serenade, Brahms’ Clarinet Trio, Mozart’s Clarinet Quintet and Kegelstatt Trio, Poulenc’s Oboe Sonata, Rodrigo’s Invocación y Danza for guitar, and Schumann’s Piano Quintet). This is music that is sure to please; it’s beautiful to the ear and uplifting to the spirit. Supplementing the music will be biographical and historical background information and some basic musical analysis to aid your listening enjoyment. No musical background is required. GEORGE OBERLANDER, PhD, has been active in classical guitar organizations, both in the Triangle and internationally, and has taught OLLI courses on J. S. Bach and on classical guitar. 6 Mondays, April 19–May 24, 11:00am– 12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1679 MONDAYS . . . THOMAS MERTON: Mystical Masters Series This seminar focuses on the life and writings of Thomas Merton (1915– 1968), who went on a quest for God and found himself in opposition to the world around him. His quest eventually led him into the monastic life, and he became a Trappist monk. After years of prayer and contemplation, he returned to the world community, offering a new vision of an interior spiritual life, free from rigid philosophical categories, narrow political agendas, and trite religious truisms. His prolific writings offered new hope on topics ranging from prayer, inner spiritual growth, social responsibility, compassion, love, peace, violence, and war. Later in life, his spiritual quest continued, leading him to bridge the gulf between Eastern and Western religion, spirituality, and thought. Required texts: n A Thomas Merton Reader, Image Books, 1974, $18.95. n The Pocket Thomas Merton, Robert Incausti, ed., New Seeds, 2005, $6.95. These OLLI books are available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. GARY W. DUNCAN began his career in mortuary science, then became a polymer chemical researcher, a behavioral/social science researcher, and a psychotherapist for twenty-one years. He has taught at various colleges and universities and has studied mystical and esoteric traditions for over forty years. Currently he is an ordained Gnostic Catholic priest, published author, lecturer, spiritual/esoteric philosopher, consultant, and educator. 6 Mondays, April 19–May 24, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1680 DUKE SPORTS HISTORY This course will concentrate on Duke sports history, with an emphasis on basketball and football. The course will consist of class discussion, videos, slide presentations, and guest lectures from noted Duke sports personalities, such as Bob Harris, longtime “Voice of the Blue Devils.” Also, a tour of Duke athletic facilities will be a part of the class. Go, Duke! LEWIS BOWLING is a local author and newspaper columnist and writes for GoDuke The Magazine. 6 Mondays, April 19–May 24, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1681 SHORT FICTION: Diverse Voices “To be human,” wrote Chinua Achebe, “one must have a story.” It is in this vein that Western and non-Western fiction gives voice to revealing the truth of our own identity. In one sense, storytellers are inventors; they shape a narrative to communicate physical and emotional experiences within their fiction. The short stories we will read and discuss all challenge us to intensify our humanity by experiencing a life different, perhaps, from our own. One of the underlying themes in these works is the conflicting relationship between mothers and their children that often remains strained and unresolved. We will begin with a short novel titled Cenere (Ashes) by the Sardinian writer Grazia Deledda, whose fiction accurately depicts the deplorable living conditions of her native land in the late 1800s and whose characters are bound and trapped by their folklore. Also, we will read several short stories by such writers as Anita Desai, Amy Tan, Conrad Aiken, and Gish Jen. Required text: n Grazia Deledda, Ashes, General Books LLC, 2009, $15.95. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. Please note: Read the novel before the first class meeting. ANN EVANGELISTO taught high school and college English in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. 5 Mondays, April 19–May 17, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 15. Fee: $40. Course ID: 1682 BELLY DANCE EXERCISE FOR WOMEN: Raks Sharki Want to strengthen core muscles, build flexibility, work on coordination, or ease a tense back while having fun dancing? This four-week course will continue the training we began during the OLLI Winter term. We will welcome the warmer weather by comparing belly dance movements with dance movements practiced on some tropical islands. We will use island music in addition to Middle Eastern music as we build our cores, develop graceful hands, and imagine we are dancing on exotic beaches. Please note: Wear loose, comfortable everyday clothes. Priority will be given to students who have previously been in a belly dance exercise class. RAYAHANNA (MARGARET) was a performing belly dancer for ten years and is active in Raks Sharki now. She has done varied types of ethnic and social dance for the past thirty-five years. She taught children and adults in her professional career as an educator and teacher trainer. 4 Mondays, April 12–May 3, 1:30– 2:45pm (please note dates and times), Croasdaile Village Retirement Community, 2600 Croasdaile Farm Parkway, Durham. Maximum: 14. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1683 Directions: From the intersection of I-85 and Hillandale Rd., head north on Hillandale for 1.3 miles. Turn left through the gates at Samuel Drive, the TUESDAYS . . . first left turn after the stoplight. At the stop sign, turn right. Park in the lot on the left near the swimming pool (at the back of the main building). The door nearest our exercise room is to the left of the pool, under the green awning: Door 16. We have that door open from 1:15 to 1:30pm. GENTLE JOINT-FREEING EXERCISES This course teaches an easy-toremember sequence of movements based on lian gong, a gentle Chinese healing art, and yoga, a healing movement form from India. The same movements will be repeated each class. Movements incorporate the use of breathing to facilitate the release of muscle and joint tension. This is not a typical yoga class but is structured specifically to free energy blockages in the joints and throughout the body. You will leave feeling open and energized. Please note: It is required that participants be able to climb a flight of stairs and be able to stand for one hour without assistance. Please wear clothing comfortable for movement. KAREN O’NEAL is a certified Kripalu yoga teacher, yoga therapist, martial arts instructor, and licensed massage therapist practicing in Durham. 6 Mondays, April 19–May 24, 1:30– 2:30pm (please note times), Mind and Body Therapies, 1858 Hillandale Road, Suite 300, Durham. Maximum: 8. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1684 E-MAIL Please include your e-mail address on the registration form, even if you think we already have it. Our staff and instructors use e-mail to contact class members for lastminute updates and to distribute The Spotlight, OLLI’s online bulletin. CONTINUING SPANISH This is a conversational class that is a continuation of the OLLI Fall 2009 term’s “Beginning Spanish,” but anyone who has had a year of high school Spanish or a semester of college Spanish is welcome to join us. We will converse in the present tense about everyday experiences, listen to Spanish music, and sample tapas. Required text: n Gene Hammit, Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way, Barron’s Educational Series, 2002, $18.99. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. CHAR MURPHY has a BA and an MA in Spanish literature. She spent her junior year at the University of Madrid and has fifteen years of teaching experience at the junior high, high school, and college levels (at Purdue University). 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 9:00– 10:30am, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1685 TED TALKS: Ideas Worth Spreading (formerly Our Changing World) With an audience now in the millions, TEDTalks are recorded at conferences devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading” and made available online. Annual conferences are held in Long Beach, California, and at TEDGlobal in Oxford, England, and Mysore, India, among other venues. TED brings together people from three worlds— technology, entertainment and design—providing a venue for the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers to give the talks of their lives in eighteen minutes. Themes include “Tales of Invention,” “Unconventional Explanations,” “Inspired by Nature,” “Master Storytellers,” “Spectacular Performances,” and more. Each week we will review and discuss several of these video talks. IAN GODDARD has traveled throughout the US and many other countries. A member of OLLI since 2004 and a past member of the OLLI Board of Advisors, he has conducted classes on South Africa and The World Today series. This is the fifth semester that Ian has presented the TEDTalks series, formerly known as Our Changing World. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 9:00– 10:30am, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 35. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1686 A LIFE WELL LIVED Living a full life requires that we face and manage numerous issues, many outside our core areas of personal competence and confidence. Six members of the Governors Club Speakers Resource combine to share their own lessons of life experience. Lowell Hoffman has assembled a diverse group of speakers with knowledge and a passion for their chosen subjects. Weekly class discussions will feature the following topics: l “Life Planning: Keeping One’s Financial House in Order”— Karen Diamond Boorstein, vice president of Morgan Stanley, is a certified financial manager. l “Learning to Adjust the Sails When You Can’t Direct the Wind”— Jim Blackburn assists executives and small-business owners in finding their personal compass. l “Influence Leaders of Character”—General Jim Anderson taught leadership and ethics at West Point. He also teaches an executive strategy program on the battlefield at Gettysburg. l “Listen to Understand, Speak to be Understood”—Peter Morris is an executive coach and is currently writing a book with this title to help others improve the effectiveness of their communication. TUESDAYS continued . . . “A Wine Adventure”—Dick Isabel shares his insight into understanding and enjoying wine. His love of wine and experience helping others in gaining knowledge and appreciation are legendary. l “Improving Your Negotiation Skills”—Lowell Hoffman shares insights into effective negotiation; he has negotiated in thirtyeight countries. In addition to outlining “Negotiation 101,” he utilizes his experience in building his home as a laboratory of approaches to the negotiation process. l LOWELL HOFFMAN is an adjunct research professor and Industry Fellow with UNC–Chapel Hill’s Kenan-Flagler Business School. He chairs the Governors Club Speakers Resource, a roster of people with experience and a passion for sharing their knowledge and experience with others. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 9:00– 10:30am, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1687 ART, MUSIC, LITERATURE & THEOLOGY In this course we will look at works of art and ask questions such as: What is in the story that is not in the artwork? What is in the artwork that is not in the story? What do the differences tell us? How do the colors, lines, and details add to the meaning of the story? We will ask similar questions about music, as we investigate the meaning of rhythm and melody. We will also consider how architecture expresses theology. Finally, we will discuss underlying theological themes in one or two literary works. Required text: n Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea, Scribner, 1995, $12.00. 10 Recommended text: n Henri J. M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming, Image Books, 1994, $16.00. These OLLI books are available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. JUDY SCHLEGEL graduated from Pennsylvania State University, Southeastern Seminary, the NC Central University Law School, and the MALS program at Duke University. She has been teaching religion and ethics courses at NC Wesleyan College for the past five and a half years. Previously, she taught humanities and law courses at several area colleges. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 11:00am– 12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1688 APOLLO: A Trip to the Moon In this class, we will cover the evolution of the manned space program, concentrating on the Apollo program but touching briefly on its two forerunners, Mercury and Gemini. We will examine the development of the boosters, the spacecraft, and their systems. We’ll go through the selection of the individual major contractors, discussing a major part of the program that received very little attention but without which the missions could not have been accomplished. The course will also cover the flights and what each sought to test or explore. We will briefly explore the next step toward manned exploration of the moon and beyond. GEORGE NELSON worked for Grumman Corporation for thirty-five years, of which eight were dedicated to landing men on the moon. He has taught courses at OLLI on World War II and has been chair of the curriculum committee. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 11:00am– 12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 42. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1708 PLANTS & POLLINATORS: The Biology of Pollination Most flowering plants use animals to do their sexual bidding. In this course we will explore the various ways, both beautiful and bizarre, that flowering plants have evolved to attract and exploit pollinators. We will also, in turn, consider the major groups of pollinating animals—bees, butterflies, and birds— to see how they have evolved a flower-visiting lifestyle. Time and interests of the class members permitting, we will examine the importance of insect pollination to human agriculture, the role of animal pollinators in natural communities, and gardening to attract pollinators. The course will feature field trips to the newly constructed Teaching Collection Greenhouses of Duke’s biology department and one or more leisurely, informative strolls among spring-blooming flowers and their pollinators in Duke Gardens. Recommended text: n Peter Bernhardt, The Rose’s Kiss: A Natural History of Flowers, University of Chicago Press, 2002, $16.00. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. ALEC MOTTEN received his PhD from the Duke zoology department and now teaches introductory biology, organismal diversity, and plant biology for non-majors as a professor in Duke’s biology department. His speciality is the pollination ecology of spring wildflowers in piedmont North Carolina, and he enjoys leading natural history hikes along the Eno River and in Duke Forest. 6 Tuesdays, April 20– May 25, 11:00am– 12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 15. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1690 Course coordinators Anna Ludwig Wilson and Kathy Silbiger have invited six Triangle-area musicians or groups to perform and discuss their music with us. All performers work in styles that developed and continue to evolve from local roots, broadened by diverse cultural influences and the artists’ own improvisatory skills. The course will cover jazz, cabaret, Dixieland, African, Chinese, and American folk music. April 20 Terry Allebaugh learned to play harmonica as a youngster from his great-grandmother, Clara Mae Sandy, who lived in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley. She called the instrument the mouth organ or the mouth harp, and played folksongs, Baptist hymns, and ScotchIrish tunes. Terry continued his musical education while attending Berea College in Kentucky, playing in bands that featured old-time mountain music and bluegrass. Since moving to Durham in 1981, his musical tastes and performances have expanded to include blues, R&B, jazz, and even Latininfluenced bossa novas and sambas. Terry is accompanied on guitar and vocals by Milton BrasherCunningham, who plays traditional and contemporary folk and gospel music. Milton works full time as a chef in Durham. When performing together as a duo, Milton and Terry call themselves Oysters on the Half-Shell, reflecting a particular culinary love shared between them. April 27 The Magic of African Rhythm is a group founded in 1960 in Africa by Baba and Mama Shabu. The group grew with the addition of their children, Mabinti, Teli, and Taji, whose talents shine through the drums; various African keyboard, string, and mallet instruments; and dance and song. The group’s form of artistic expression is ngoma, the blending of all the art forms into an organic whole knitted together by rhythm. Since relocating to the US, this family performing group has become a sought-after touring ensemble and performs in schools and arts centers throughout the Southeast. May 4 Ellen Ciompi (vocal) and Glenn Mehrbach (piano) have been creating cabaret shows together in the Triangle since 2002. Together they explore the traditional cabaret literature of the Great American Songbook and Broadway and Hollywood musicals, even as they expand the genre to also embrace songwriters as diverse as Paul Simon, Tom Waits, the Beatles, and Harry Chapin. Glenn is a staff accompanist at Duke University, music director at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Chapel Hill, and music teacher at Camelot Academy in Durham. Ellen has both a BA and an MA in music, as well as an ORDERING TEXTBOOKS Many textbooks may be ordered or purchased from The Regulator Bookshop 720 Ninth Street, Durham 919-286-2700 n You will be able to get your books (and begin reading) before classes begin. A 10% discount will be given on most OLLI books. Parking is convenient. RN. She is a surgical nurse at UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill. May 11 Lenora Zenzalai Helm has created her own musical pathway around the world, made up of jazz, R&B, pop, and classical vocals. In addition, she has a lively history as composer, lyricist, arranger, teaching artist, former US Jazz Ambassador (1998–99), and MacDowell Colony Composer Fellow. The first woman to earn the bachelor of music in film music scoring/voice from Berklee College of Music in Boston, Helms is presently a Visiting Lecturer at NC Central University (NCCU) in the jazz studies and voice departments, teaching jazz and classical voice, vocal teaching methods, vocal ensemble performance, and jazz vocal ear training. She directs the NCCU Jazz Vocal Ensemble. May 18 A native of China, Jennifer Chang is internationally recognized as a premiere performer on guzheng, the 21-string traditional zither. With impeccable technique and soaring virtuosity, Chang transports her audience to the exotic land and time of the Silk Road. She has given invited performances for the emperor of Japan and for former US president Bill Clinton. Since moving to the US in 2004, Ms. Chang has performed with members of the Ciompi Quartet at Duke, The Mallarmé Chamber Players, the Raleigh Civic Symphony, the Carolina Ballet, and the North Carolina Symphony. She maintains a teaching studio in Cary. Textbooks LOCAL MUSICIANS IN PERFORMANCE: “Viva La Vernacular!” OLLI books are on display near the front desk. May 25 A Touch of Dixie is a Triangle-based ensemble of seven musicians who perform in traditional Dixieland style (generally termed “trad”). In keeping with the New Orleans tradition that a jazz band is made up of like-minded musicians regardless of the instruments they play, this group includes tenor 11 TUESDAYS continued . . . banjo, 5-string banjo (played in a bluegrass style), guitar, tuba, trombone, clarinet, and cornet. A Touch of Dixie also plays music sometimes called “early jazz,” originating in New Orleans at the start of the twentieth century and spreading to Chicago and New York, where different styles developed from regional influences. They call their unique style and sound “traditional jazz with a Carolina flavor.” ANNA LUDWIG WILSON is founder and former artistic director of Mallarmé Chamber Players, now retired and a freelance music educator and consultant. KATHY SILBIGER was director of Duke Performances and in retirement is pursuing an avocational passion for making and organizing music with many local groups. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 11:00am– 12:30pm, Ponder Auditorium at Croasdaile Village Retirement Community, 2600 Croasdaile Farm Parkway, Durham. Maximum: 50. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1691 Directions: From the intersection of I-85 and Hillandale Rd., head north on Hillandale for 1.3 miles. Turn left onto Samuel Drive. Come past the first set of buildings to the front of the campus, then take a right and follow the signs for the Village Commons. Go through the covered portico and park in the lot next to the street and walk back to enter the building through the portico. CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING: Landscape Landscape is one of the three major categories of Chinese brush painting. In this brush painting course, we will learn the basic techniques to paint stones, trees, and rivers, and then the complete landscape painting. The instruction method will be step by step; no previous experience is required. 12 Please note: Students will need the following materials: l a small bottle of black ink (Sumi-e ink/Indian ink) l a pad of newsprint l a plastic container to hold water l a set of water colors and a color dish l two Chinese painting brushes (small and medium size) Students may purchase all of these materials in art supply stories. The instructor has good quality brushes ordered from China that students may purchase at the first class meeting. JINXIU ZHAO (ALICE) is a Chinese artist who has practiced Chinese calligraphy/brush painting for over twenty years. She has been providing Chinese calligraphy/brush painting classes for both adults and children for the past thirteen years in North Carolina. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 11:00am– 12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 12. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1692 SENIOR CO-HOUSING: A Community Approach to Independent Living Senior co-housing offers the social and practical advantages of a closelyknit neighborhood. Residents own their private residence and share in extensive common facilities. We will define co-housing and examine how it works, discussing the practical, financial, social, and common vision aspects. Current co-housing residents will be guest speakers. A tour of nearby co-housing communities will be provided. Co-housing provides a more affordable, community oriented way of living that is less institutional than other alternatives available to seniors. TISH HOOVER and KATHY BUCK are working with a co-housing group. They have experience in this kind of living, having been guests in several “coho” communities, attending workshops, and creating a senior coho community. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 11:00am– 12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1693 MAIMONIDES: His Life, Philosophy, and Impact Maimonides was one of the most important philosophers of religion of all time. His work influenced Jewish, Christian, and Moslem philosophers during a brief Golden Age of mutual religious respect in the Middle Ages. We will take a brief walk through his writings and discuss the relevance of his thought to today’s spiritual questions. Required text: n A Maimonides Reader, Isadore Twersky, ed., Behrman House, 1972, $24.95. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. DONALD GOLDSTEIN holds a PhD from Harvard University and has studied extensively in Israel and at Baltimore Hebrew University. Maimonides has been his hobby for two decades, and he has taught comparative religion most recently at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 11:00am– 12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1694 STABILITY BALL EXERCISES: For Strength, Balance, and Flexibility The Swiss or Physio Ball, used in physical therapy settings for many years, has become one of the most popular and relatively inexpensive pieces of exercise equipment available Please note: Stability balls can be found in sports and discount stores. Prices range from $8 to $30. Please bring an inflated ball to the first class for proper sizing by the instructor. JULIA ROSE is a certified personal trainer with ACE, the American Council on Exercise. She coaches swimming and has extensive experience leading exercise classes at OLLI and a variety of other settings. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 11:00am– 12:15pm (please note times), Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 12. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1695 HOW TO DESIGN & LANDSCAPE YOUR YARD She has taught home landscaping classes for Duke Continuing Studies and the North Carolina Botanical Gardens. Please note that this course meets twice each week. 2 Tuesdays & 2 Thursdays (four sessions), April 20–29, 1:00–4:00pm (please note times), The Bishop’s House and sites in the community. Maximum: 10. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1696 New Horizons today. It can be used in a variety of ways in resistance and balance training—on its own or with dumb bells, tubes, and bands. In this course you will learn basic and more challenging moves that will build core strength and stability and will become familiar with using the ball as a “bench” for weight training, a prop for stretching, and a tool for toning. Join us for a practical and informal conversation about home landscape problems and solutions. This handson workshop offers information on elements of design, site analysis, grading, construction projects, and installation considerations. We will visit a few completed sites to discuss how they were designed and constructed. We will also visit the yards of willing class members to explore various design options and to discuss particular landscape challenges and solutions on site. Our field trips will offer an opportunity to identify a variety of landscape plants, their uses, and their habitat requirements. Bring any questions and pictures you might have to the first meeting. CATHERINE CHANDLER, a graduate of NC State University with a BS and an MS in horticulture, is a landscape designer and contractor. She has worked in the Triangle for thirty-four years. NEW HORIZONS BAND The OLLI at Duke New Horizons Band is part of the New Horizons International Music Association, which includes over 100 bands in Canada and the US. This program is designed to give people fifty years and older a place to learn to play a musical instrument, to pick up again that old instrument they played years ago, or to continue to perform, for those who have kept playing all their lives. The New Horizons Band offers music experiences both for beginners and for more advanced players. The CONCERT BAND rehearses twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30–5:30pm. This band includes intermediate and advanced musicians. Also included in the CONCERT BAND program is a one-hour session on Tuesdays for some sectional rehearsals under professional music instructors. The CONCERT BAND performs several concerts during the year. The SWING BAND and DIXIE DUKES are bands for advanced musicians looking for a challenge. The SWING BAND, which meets on Wednesdays, 3:30–5:00pm, plays a variety of big band tunes made popular by Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller, and many more. The DIXIE DUKES play a variety of Dixieland tunes and meet on Wednesdays, 5:00–6:30pm. Register using the insert in this catalog. You must be a paid member of OLLI ($35 annual dues) for the 2009–2010 academic year. The band fees cover musical direction, group instruction, and sheet music. Although some group instruction is provided, private lessons are recommended for beginning players; a list of private instructors is available for all instruments, and you are invited to discuss your specific situation with director Jeff Zentner. Rehearsals & Cost: CONCERT BAND—6 Tuesdays & 6 Thursdays (12 sessions), April 27– June 3 (please note dates), 3:30–5:30pm. Fee: $50. Course ID: 1744 SWING BAND and/or DIXIE DUKES—6 Wednesdays, April 28–June 2 (please note dates). Swing Band 3:30–5:00pm; Dixie Dukes 5:00–6:30pm. Fee: $15 for either or both, in addition to the $50 Concert Band fee. Please note: Members of the Swing Band and Dixie Dukes must be members of the Concert Band. Course ID: 1745 All rehearsals are held at Durham Academy Middle School Campus, 3116 Academy Road, Durham. There is ample parking after 3:15pm when parents have picked up students from school. For further information, contact Jeff Zentner, Band Director: 919-489-9118 (x4342); jeff.zentner@ da.org; or 919-218-5015 (cell). 13 TUESDAYS continued . . . DURHAM’S AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY: The Fitzgerald Family and Pauli Murray This course offers an introduction to Durham’s African American history through the lens of the prominent Fitzgerald family and their most famous daughter, Pauli Murray. A historian, poet, lawyer, human rights activist, and Episcopal priest, Murray was a mixed-race woman who led a complicated and accomplished life. Murray’s grandfather Robert Fitzgerald was an educator who came south after the Civil War to teach newly freed African Americans, and her great uncle Richard Fitzgerald was a successful brick maker and one of the founders of Mechanics and Farmers Bank. Murray’s aunt and namesake, Pauline Dame, taught in the Durham public schools for sixty years. We will read Murray’s book Proud Shoes: The Story of an American Family, about her Fitzgerald relatives and early Durham history. We will also read selections from Leslie Brown’s award-winning Upbuilding Black Durham: Gender, Class, and Black Community Development in the Jim Crow South. We will then discuss historical and contemporary Durham issues in light of these authors’ insightful observations and social analysis. Required text: n Pauli Murray, Proud Shoes: The Story of an American Family, Beacon Press, 1999, $19.00. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. BARBARA LAU is a folklorist, oral historian, media producer, and educator. She is currently the director of the Pauli Murray Project at the Duke Human Rights Center. 4 Tuesdays, April 20–May 4 & May 18, 1:30–3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1697 14 A JOURNAL WRITING WORKSHOP: Exploring Your Life Journey Using different journal writing techniques, we will make a life map and from there explore the significance of people and events unique to each of us. We will then use invented dialogues and other methods to gain an understanding of the principles that are unfolding through us. In this way, we will discover the development that is guiding our everincreasing awareness of our life’s purpose. We will also use examples from world literature to supplement our explorations. JOANNE NAPOLI has taught Jungian approaches to world literature and creative writing. She has a PhD in English and an MS in counseling and psychology and has taught in colleges and universities in the US and abroad. She has been volunteering as a group leader at Duke International House for over ten years. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 1:30– 2:45pm (please note times), The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 8. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1698 GOETHE’S FAUST IN OPERAS, CANTATAS & A SYMPHONY Most of us have used expressions like “Faustian bargain” and “selling your soul to the Devil.” That, unfortunately, is all most of us know about the legendary Dr. Faust and the transaction that turned his name into an adjective. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832), in his two-part drama Faust, articulates parts of the human experience that still bedevil us today: our longing for freedom from any kind of authority, our thirst for knowledge, and our desire to bend nature to our will. We’ll examine six musical works inspired by Goethe’s magnum opus: Robert Schumann’s Scenes from Goethe’s Faust, Hector Berlioz’s The Damnation of Faust, Charles Gounod’s Faust, Arrigo Boito’s Mefistofele, Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 8, and Ferruccio Busoni’s Doctor Faust. Recommended text: n Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Faust, Parts I & II, trans. Carl L. Mueller, Smith and Kraus, 2004, $24.95. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. BOB CHAPMAN is host of the weekly WCPE Opera House and weekend host of Sleepers, Awake! A bass-baritone, he has sung locally with the Opera Company of North Carolina, Capital Opera, and Triangle Opera Studio. Bob earned his BA in history and MA in American studies at Hartford’s Trinity College and an MS in library science at Boston’s Simmons College. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu, and Beta Phi Mu academic honor societies. From 1994 to 2004, Bob was music librarian at the Hartford Public Library. In Fall 2009, he taught an OLLI course on Verdi’s early operas. 6 Tuesdays, April 20–May 25, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 42. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1699 SYMPOSIA: Scientific Excursions & Diversions, XIII & XIV This popular OLLI program fits our members’ busy schedules—missing a class does not mean losing course continuity. Each lecture is by a different expert and is on a different subject. Once again this year, we will be offering Symposia in June, July, and August. There’s no need to undergo OLLI withdrawal this summer. Enroll with your friends and get your OLLI fix with a leisurely Tuesday lunch, and then come to a stimulating lecture. Notice that you can enroll in both the spring and summer courses at a discounted price. Our speakers take time from their schedules to come and talk with us, but because these programs are arranged long in advance, sometimes a speaker will have to cancel or change an appointment. As this catalog went to press our presentation agenda is as follows. treated by Duke University Medical Center’s Dr. Louise Markert. She is the only physician who is performing thymus transplants, the only known cure, and because of her work these infants grow up and live normal lives. We will hear about orphan drugs, National Institutes of Health funding, and saving babies’ lives. Spring Term Summer Term April 27 Manuel Rosa will tell us about his research, which indicates Columbus knew exactly what he was doing! His lecture is titled “Christopher Columbus: A Spy Unmasked” and will be a bird’s eye view of the subject with new details that suggest a new perspective on the explorer. June 8 Brian Balfour, the budget and tax policy analyst for the John W. Pope Civitas Institute in Raleigh recently wrote an editorial in the Herald Sun in which he expressed concerns about the ways that tax policies in North Carolina are beginning to put our state, even with its strong work force and high tech advantages, at a real disadvantage in growing our economy. He’s going to explain his perspective on the unintended consequences of these evolving policies. May 4 Liz Rooks is executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Research Triangle Foundation, owner and developer of Research Triangle Park; she will tell us a little about the past and a lot about the future of this economic engine that lives next door to us. May 11 Special Agent Natasha Robinson is the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation’s fingerprint expert. We’re going to gain insight into the real world of forensic science with Ms. Robinson as our guide. May 18 Join us for a field trip! Julie Johnson, of All About Beer magazine, will talk to us about the science of beer making and facilitate a class field trip to a local microbrewery. (Further details and directions will be provided before the trip.) May 25 Complete DiGeorge Syndrome is a genetic disorder in which patients have heart defects, severely enlarged parathyroid glands, and absence of the thymus; infants born with this syndrome will almost certainly die before age two, unless they are June 22 William Showers of NC State University has been studying the rivers and waterways of North Carolina, with a particular interest in learning why water quality some years is especially bad, and other years, fairly good. June 29 William Wilson is with the Raleigh office of the AARP, and we’ve asked him to come to talk with us about the health care debate, giving us an overview and examining the potential effect of changes in health care on the AARP demographic. July 13 Randy Jirtle is a professor in Duke’s radiation oncology department who has been increasingly concerned about the health risks associated with using plastic bottles. He will be telling us what his research has found, what the dangers are, and how we can better protect ourselves. July 27 Many of us each day take over-the- counter supplements and have wondered about what might be necessary and what isn’t. Elisabetta Politi, nutrition director at the Duke Diet and Fitness Center, will help us make sense of our options when it comes to dietary supplements and perhaps will help us save dollars and cents. August 3 A favorite of Symposia members, UNC–Chapel Hill professor of astronomy Daniel Reichart will give us an insider’s view of the scientific search for intelligent life in the universe. This series is arranged and hosted by ANTHONY WARAKSA, a seven year OLLI member. Spring Term Only 5 Tuesdays, April 27–May 25, 2:00– 3:30pm (please note dates and times), in the ballroom, The Forest at Duke Retirement Community, 2701 Pickett Road, Durham. Maximum: 110. Fee: $40. Course ID: 1700 Summer Term Only 6 Tuesdays, June 8–August 3, 2:00– 3:30pm (please note dates and times), in the ballroom, The Forest at Duke Retirement Community, 2701 Pickett Road, Durham. Maximum: 110. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1701 Spring & Summer Terms Sign up for both terms and save $15. 11 Tuesdays, April 27–May 25 & June 8– August 3. Fee: $70. Course ID: 1702 Directions: From Chapel Hill and Pittsboro, take 15-501 North. When the road splits, take 15-501 Business. At the second light, turn left onto Tower Rd. (McDonald’s will be on your left), and follow it to the end. Turn right on Pickett. The Forest at Duke is on your right. Parking: Parking is limited to those spaces marked “Visitor.” On-street parking on Wade Road, across from the Forest’s main entrance, is an alternative to on-campus parking. Be sure to come early to get settled, as the lectures start promptly at 2:00pm. 15 WEDNESDAYS . . . THE GREAT DEPRESSION More than three quarters of a century has passed since the beginning of the Great Depression and a little less since Franklin D. Roosevelt launched the New Deal. Most Americans today are too young to remember these events firsthand, but the years between 1929 and 1941 have an important resonance for us now. Much has been written about this time, and events in those years have determined the direction of our social and economic policies, our relationship to our government, and our political alignments ever since. In this course we will touch on the possible causes of the Great Depression, the intense agony of the time, our early efforts to remedy our problems, and the eventual end brought about by rearmament for World War II. WENDELL MUSSER, MD, is a retired academic physician who held faculty positions at Indiana, Duke, George Washington, and Emory universities and the University of Kentucky. He is a longtime book collector, primarily of books about Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and feels that a day away from OLLI is a day away from happiness. begins with an orientation to Eastern traditions useful for contemplating novels by two African American writers. Following a video talk on mindfulness, each week an article will be provided for discussing concepts relevant to the selected novels—concepts such as impermanence, awareness, identity, attachment, and virtues. Two classes each are devoted to discussing the novels—first Mosley, followed by Morrison. Various discussion techniques will engage participation from each student. No tests or written papers are required, however participants are encouraged to write notes for personal reflection. Classes begin and end with meditation to promote deeper awareness of key universal ideas embedded in the stories. Required texts: n Walter Mosley, Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned, Washington Square Press, 1998, $14.00. n Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon, Vintage, 2004, $15.00. Recommended text: n Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Weatherhill, 1973, $12.95. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 9:00– 10:30am, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 42. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1703 These OLLI books are available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. CONTEMPLATING AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE: Reflections through Eastern Philosophy Please note: Students will also purchase a course pack of materials from the instructor at the first class meeting. The price for those materials will be listed in the confirmation packets; exact change will be due at the first class. Eastern philosophy and African American literature may seem like distant cousins. Under closer scrutiny, however, various traditions of Eastern philosophy reveal universal insights that illuminate the human condition. Such insights are skillfully portrayed in the drama of literature crafted by gifted writers. This course 16 BEVERLY BLACKSHER holds a PhD from Cornell University and taught writing composition at Cornell University’s Africana Studies and Research Center from 1988 to 2009, in courses based on the significance of Eastern philosophy in African American literature. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 9:00am–10:30am, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1704 THE FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE Newspaper articles often highlight disputes among scientists about everything from global warming to what wiped out the dinosaurs. However, the fundamentals of science are widely accepted. Science is “uniquely distinguished from other human practices,” in such a collective agreement according to Henry H. Bauer in his book Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method. “The accepted findings of science are the same in all countries, in all languages and for people of all ages and religions and genders. Only in science has such a consensus been achieved through the voluntary assent of all concerned. In other disciplines [religion, literature, and politics, for instance] . . . consensus has not been achievable even through warfare and torture.” This course will explore the science and the stories behind those accepted findings, the theories that have stood the tests of time. They are the foundations of science, and without them, modern life would be impossible. PHILLIP MANNING has a PhD in physical chemistry from UNC–Chapel Hill. Although educated as a scientist, he has pursued a career as a writer and has written six books and hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 9:00– 10:30am, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1705 YOUR NEUROPLASTIC SELF: Explorations in Awareness through Movement HOW TO PUBLISH YOUR LIFE STORY: A Look at the Technology Options Neuroplasticity is a hot topic these days. Did you know that your brain changes in response to your experience? Do you know how to structure your experience to benefit from this process? Over sixty years ago, long before scientists had the technology to document the brain’s rewiring capacity, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais created an educational process— The Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education—which does exactly this. In this class, you will explore simple but unusual movement sequences. By linking them with your attention, awareness, thinking, feeling, and sensing in a specific way, your brain will create startling changes in your neuromuscular organization. If you want to refine balance, reduce pain and discomfort, reshape posture, regain flexibility and coordination, and learn to breathe, turn, sit, stand, and walk more easily, join us in this unique learning process. Classes will be suitable for both new and returning students; both women and men are welcome. Now that you’ve invested time and effort in writing stories from your life, the final step is to organize them into a document that is attractive, interesting, and worthy of capturing the essence of your life. We’ll look at several do-it-yourself technologies: Lulu, Morris Press, Picaboo, and others. Guest speakers with experience using these methods will show you examples and demonstrate how it’s done. There will be time devoted to reviewing, organizing, and editing your memoir, and the instructor will give you suggestions for finishing and publishing it. Please note: Participants must be able to lie on the floor comfortably. Please bring a mat (or thick blanket or sleeping bag) on which to lie, and some support for your head, if you need it. Wear comfortable clothes for movement, and dress in layers. Please call the instructor at 919-967-8013 to discuss any concerns you might have about your ability to participate. KAREN DOLD, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, has been teaching Awareness through Movement classes and workshops in the Triangle area since 2000. She sees clients for private sessions in her offices in Chapel Hill and Cary. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 9:00– 10:30am, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 25. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1706 KAREN PULLEN leads memoir-writing classes for OLLI and Central Carolina Community College. She is an innkeeper with an MFA in writing popular fiction and has written two mystery novels being considered for publication. 4 Wednesdays, April 21–May 12, 10:30am–12:00pm (please note times), Galloway Ridge Retirement Community, 3000 Galloway Ridge Road, Pittsboro. Maximum: 12. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1707 Directions: From Chapel Hill, go south on 15-501 for 8 miles. Take the second left shortly after the Fearrington Village traffic light, at the Galloway Ridge sign. Then take the second right and park on the right, anywhere except the covered parking area. Classes are in the main building, and all students who are not Galloway residents must enter through the main lobby and sign in and out. THE INTERNET IN 2010 Whether you’re contemplating buying your first computer or are a power user, you’re sure to learn something new in this course, for the Internet is mushrooming even as you read this. We will start with the latest information on safety, security, and privacy concerns, including protecting your data and your identity. From there we’ll move on to being in touch with the outside world, including e-mail “netiquette,” chat rooms, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. Then we’ll cover search engines, the almost infinite reference library at your fingertips, and using the Internet to become a smarter consumer of virtually anything, even how to access free music and books to listen to and texts to download. This is a demonstration course, suitable for both PC and Mac users. Class members will receive an e-mail of the lectures, including links they can click on to go to all the websites at home on their own computers. LOUISE MASURAT has an AB from the University of Pennsylvania, an MA from Middlebury College’s Graduate School of French in France, and an ABD from Harvard University in Romance languages. As a self-confessed addict, she believes the Internet can enrich anyone’s life, regardless of age or previous computer experience. Please note: This course is also listed on page 5. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 10:30am–12:00pm (please note times), Galloway Ridge Retirement Community, 3000 Galloway Ridge Road, Pittsboro. Maximum: 50. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1673 Directions: See at left. THE HISTORY OF SUBMARINES This course will focus on the evolution of the submarine from a marine technology oddity to one of the most formidable instruments of war ever developed. Although we will review the development and deployment of the technologies that are essential for the submarine to become the true threat it is today, more attention will be given to the impact submarines have made on the conduct of warfare and the people who achieved fame as inventors, developers, and undersea warriors. 17 Registration Form WEDNESDAYS cont . . . JAMES KINNEY is a captain, US Navy Reserve, who served twenty-three years in the Submarine Service, including active duty on two nuclear powered submarines, the USS Sculpin (SSN-590) and the USS Henry L. Stimson (SSBN-655). 6 Wednesdays, April 28–June 2 (please note dates), 11:00am–12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 42. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1689 THE MUSIC OF HANK WILLIAMS: Sing a Sad Song Few artists in the annals of American popular music have identified with and reflected the cultural mindset of Middle America more than country music singer/songwriter Hiram King “Hank” Williams. His talents have been recognized as an influence by a wide range of musicians. However, accompanying his short career and ultimate “larger than life” legacy was a personal battle which was anything but supreme. Hank Williams was born into economic poverty in South Alabama. He suffered in a cruel and emotionally controlling environment as an adolescent. He carried these childhood traumas throughout his life, yet even in his short twenty-nine years, and under the weight of it all, he used these conditions as a springboard to earn legendary status by writing classics like “Cold, Cold Heart,” “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry,” “Your Cheating Heart,” and adaptations of classic gospel songs such as “I Saw the Light” and “House of Gold.” In this course we will focus on the cultural legacy of this talented man by viewing music videos about him and his life. We may even enjoy a live musical performance. BILLY YEARGIN is a lifelong music enthusiast; a jazz, blues, and rock Wednesdays continue on page 19... 18 HOW TO REGISTER OLLI MEMBERSHIP, DUES & FEES If you are not a current member of OLLI, you must join and pay annual dues of $35 in order to register for courses and to participate in all OLLI activities. If you have any questions about your membership status, please call Mary Edwards, 919-681-3476, or Catherine Frank, 919-684-2703. l Membership in OLLI is on an annual basis, based on the academic year that runs from September through August. After payment of annual dues ($35), you will be able to join activities, attend social events, and receive mailings, even if you are not taking classes during a given term. l If you are new to OLLI this spring, your $35 membership fee will be good through August 2011. l In addition to membership fees, there are course fees. Courses are priced individually for the shorter Spring term; fees are listed at the end of each course description and must be included on the registration form. Please note: If your course lists a materials fee payable to the instructor, do not add that fee to the amount paid for registration. Please bring exact change to the first class meeting and pay the instructor. Refunds for these fees are at the discretion of the instructor. l REGISTRATION FORM, PRIORITIES, & DEADLINES On the form on the facing pages, you must write in course names, IDs, and fees; you will find this information at the end of each course description. We use a priority system, so if you are registering for more than one course, list courses in order of preference. Use the calendar on pages 32–33 to help with scheduling. l Each member of a couple must submit a separate form to ensure proper registration. l Submit your registration form and payment by Tuesday, April 6. After the 6th, we will tally the registrations received and make course assignments. Everyone who has chosen a course as his or her first choice will be enrolled before those who have chosen it as a lower priority, although even listing a course as first priority does not guarantee enrollment. Our database assigns a random number with each request. This number is used to make assignments when we have more priority requests than we can fulfill. l Acknowledgements will be mailed on Friday, April 9, to all members who have submitted their registrations by April 6. After April 6, all registrations will be processed on a space-available basis. If you register after the deadline, we cannot guarantee you will get confirmation before classes begin. l REFUND POLICY Refunds for a dropped course must be requested by the second week of class (April 30 for most classes). After that time, refunds will not be issued, except in the event of emergencies. Please note: Membership dues are not refundable to those who choose to drop a course. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION FORM New members should complete the Membership Information form on the back of the registration form. This information will help us get to know you; it is for the use of OLLI staff only and will not be shared. In particular, we need your emergency contact information. Continuing members should fill out the form if there has been a change in any of the requested information. WEDNESDAYS continued . . . drummer from 1954 to 1969; a country music disc jockey from 1960 to 1965; a country music session drummer in Nashville, 1966 to 1968; and a teacher of courses on Southern culture and politics at OLLI since 1995. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 11:00am–12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1709 THE WORLD TODAY This course is for those who are interested in current events. Each week we discuss news from the US, the world, and the Triangle. We begin each class with a list of proposed topics and discuss those of interest to the group. Class members also offer topics for discussion. Active participation by class members is encouraged (but not mandatory), as it expands our mutual understanding of the many events that might affect us. Discussions are enriched by the variety of backgrounds, expertise, and viewpoints of class members. Topics are discussed knowledgeably, respectfully, and sometimes with passion, but we always end with humor, looking forward to the next class. We offer two sections of this course. The discussion leaders will rotate between the two sections. Each has led The World Today discussions many times, each brings a distinctive style and background to the class, and most important, each will elicit a wide spectrum of views from class members. RICHARD ELLMAN is a CPA, having spent most of his career as chief financial officer of various companies. He and his wife Sioux retired to Durham in 2006. WALLY FRIEDMAN was two when the Gestapo arrested his parents. A military intelligence analyst, copywriter, and international ad agency creative director, he first retired to St. Barth’s before coming to North Carolina and has published his family memoirs. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 11:00am–12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30 in each section. Fee: $45. TOM HAUCK grew up overseas and then worked for Texaco managing petroleum marketing companies in West Africa and Central and South America, ending his career in Nigeria. Section 1—Course ID: 1710 JIM MARKSBURY was a member of the faculty at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts for thirty-three years. He has been both a participant and discussion leader in The World Today since joining OLLI in 2002. RIC SHEPHERD has been a CPA for twenty-nine years, originally in the Boston area and since 1988 in the Triangle area. His specialty is financial consulting to business and, in addition, he teaches at Wake Tech Community College. LARRY WEINSTEIN is a retired manager with IBM and Xerox. He was president of PEER Learning in Chapel Hill for several years. OLLI Is A COOPERATIVE VENTURE Section 2—Course ID: 1711 WAGNER FOR EVERYONE: The Life and Music of Richard Wagner with Special Focus on The Ring and Parsifal Though Richard Wagner was a deeply flawed human being, the psychological and philosophical insights revealed through the text and music of his last works offer fantastic truths and perspective on the human condition. He mined deeply into the world of mythology and came out with tales that are provocative, challenging, and relevant for our time. KEN HOOVER is host and producer of Great Sacred Music, which airs on WCPE on Sunday mornings, 8:00– 11:00am. He reviews concerts and operas for the Classical Voice of North Carolina and has taught popular courses on sacred music and Wagner for OLLI. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 11:00am–12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1712 ................... NIA: Moving with Joy Your suggestions for classes and activities are welcome and necessary to maintain the vitality of our organization. Nia is about the joy of movement, your body’s way. Using eclectic world music and a combination of choreography and free dance, we’ll explore sensation and pleasure in the body and learn about ourselves in the process. Nia blends dance forms with the martial and healing arts to stretch, strengthen, discover, challenge, and celebrate body, soul, and spirit. This class is suitable for all fitness levels; the ability to get up and down from the floor is helpful, but not required. If you are considering coordinating a class or activity, please contact Catherine Frank (catherine.frank@duke.edu or 919-684-2703). We value your ideas! 19 WEDNESDAYS continued . . . We’ll spend about forty minutes moving and twenty minutes relaxing and sharing our experiences. Wear loose, comfortable clothes and bring water and a yoga mat if you have one. Move in bare feet or light, comfortable shoes. For more information about Nia, visit www.nianow.com. PATTI RIESER is a retired nurse practitioner and science writer; longtime student of meditation, yoga, and martial arts; and certified Nia White Belt instructor. She’s having fun discovering the dancer lurking behind the scientist. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 11:00am–12:00pm (please note times), Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 12. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1713 THE GOOD SOLDIER Ford Madox Ford’s novel The Good Soldier has the anomalous distinction of being among the most critically acclaimed and least familiar novels written in English in the 20th century. It is the account of the breakup of individual relationships against the background of a deteriorating society on the eve of World War I—told from the flawed perspective of a narrator who has only recently understood the events in which he was both participant and onlooker and which he characterizes as “the saddest story” he has ever heard. Required text: n Ford Madox Ford, The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion, Penguin, 2007, $11.00. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. OLIVER FERGUSON is Professor Emeritus and former chairman of the English department at Duke University. 4 Wednesdays, April 21–May 12, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1714 20 PERFUMES Have you ever wondered why a certain fragrance appeals to you and repels others? Have you ever wondered what haunts you about a fragrance like Shalimar or why a fragrance like Chanel No. 5 remains a classic scent, while other perfumes come and go? In this course we will examine the history of perfume, the work and talents of perfumers and “noses,” fragrance families, the isolation of natural perfumes, the place of perfumes in different cultures, and many other fascinating perfume facts. Students will have the opportunity to submit the names of their favorite perfumes for characterization and class discussion. RICHARD VEAZEY was a senior research scientist for Bush Boake Allen Company, a major English fragrance company. As an organic chemist, he was responsible for developing new perfume components. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1715 LEGENDARY PERFORMERS Early in the 20th century, a small number of men and women began traveling around this country to collect songs and ballads from thousands of ordinary citizens and tall-walkers alike. These few individuals put down the foundation for later collectors and performers to build on. Their contributions went a long way toward reminding us who we are in this land. This course will focus on the legacy of John Jacob Niles, Carl Sandburg, Bascom Lunsford, the Carter Family, Woody Guthrie, Paul Robeson, Pete Seeger, Leadbelly, Jean Ritchie, Elizabeth Cotton, and Lula Watson, among others. Music will be both live and recorded. CLARK JONES has sung folk songs all his life. He was a Community College Visiting Artist and has brought folk songs and singing games into public and private schools across North Carolina for the past twenty-five years. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1716 BACK IN BALANCE Learn to use your entire body in proper alignment. Walk, stand, and move with increased agility and flexibility. Each class is designed to build your strength and flexibility through a series of simple exercises performed either sitting, standing, or lying down, with concentration on posture and breath. Special attention is paid to isolating movement of muscles and alignment of joints to create balanced, fluid movement. You will work at your own pace with these slow and controlled movements. Since no special equipment is required, you can continue your practice at home. You will receive helpful feedback, positive reinforcement, and gentle corrections to improve everyday movements. Please note: Wear comfortable clothes for movement. Participants must be able to get to the floor and back up without assistance. BETH SEIGLER is a co-founder of SafeSkills Movement Arts Center in Durham. She has over twenty-seven years’ experience teaching body alignment and movement to people of all ages as the head instructor for martial arts, yoga, and Back in Balance with SafeSkills (www.safeskills.com). 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 1:30– 2:30pm (please note times), SafeSkills Movement Arts Center, 3702-3 Hillsborough Road, Durham (directions at www.safeskills.com). Maximum: 10. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1717 All religions acknowledge that we see what we expect to see. If we change our expectations about each other, can we achieve greater understanding and nurture each other more effectively? This course will explore how the paradigm of sibling relationship can help both Jews and Christians gain a full appreciation of each other’s strengths and vulnerabilities. Please note: There will be a $5–10 fee for photocopies, payable to the instructor at the first class. Rabbi SURI FRIEDMAN was ordained as a Reform rabbi in 1996 after a career as a lawyer. She has served as a pulpit rabbi and hospital chaplain. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 2:00–3:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1718 DANCERS IN THEIR OWN WORDS From famous dancers such as Jerome Robbins, to dancers with names you may not recognize, like Felia Doubrovska, interviews and documentaries will say more than the teacher can. Of course, we’ll also see video clips of each of the dancers in action. Violette Verdy, Jacques d’Amboise, and others are on the list of dancers we will meet and know better. BETSY BULLEN has studied ballet all her life, first in classes and then academically. In college she choreographed for a theater group while studying for a degree in theater arts, later working in the field of arts management. Now retired, she works as a volunteer in the offices of the Carolina Ballet Company. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 2:00–3:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1719 ACHIEVING & MAINTAINING FINANCIAL FREEDOM IN RETIREMENT This course will highlight the following topics: l How increasing tax burdens threaten to erode your savings l How rising healthcare costs might derail your retirement plan l How the effects of inflation can reduce your standard of living l What perils lie ahead in living longer in retirement l How withdrawals from your nest egg will affect how long your assets last l How common investment blunders may reduce your returns and potential ways to avoid or reduce such blunders MARK BRACKETT has been in the financial services industry for twentynine years and is currently a senior vice-president and branch manager in the Durham office of a local investment firm. He has taught OLLI courses for the past nine years. 5 Wednesdays, April 21–May 19, 2:00–3:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $40. Course ID: 1720 Please send your registration BEFORE Tuesday, April 6, to assure you will receive your class confirmation packet! New Horizons CHRISTIANITY THROUGH JEWISH EYES: Has God Only One Gift to Give? NEW HORIZONS CHORUS Men and Women: Lift Up Your Voices and Sing! The New Horizons Chorus invites you to join with fellow OLLI members in a serious, but fun, atmosphere to learn healthy singing techniques. Making music is enjoyable, but it’s serious fun. It can help maintain both good mental and physical health. Experienced as well as novice singers are welcome. Sing favorite music that you remember from the past. Our focus will be on learning basic concepts and vocal technique, on reading music, and—most of all—on experiencing the joy of singing. The Spring term is short, but this will give us a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted and organized for a full Fall term program. MELODY ZENTNER is our director. An experienced vocal music teacher, she is a graduate of Ithaca College School of Music and has taught both adult and young voices for more than twenty-eight years in New York and North Carolina. CARMEN WARD provides piano accompaniment. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 3:30–5:30pm, in the Chorus Studio at Durham Academy Middle School Campus, 3116 Academy Road, Durham. There is ample parking after 3:15pm, when parents have picked up students from school. Fee: $50; covers musical direction, group instruction and sheet music. Course ID: 1743 Register using the insert in this catalog. You must be a paid member of OLLI ($35 annual dues) for the 2009–2010 academic year. For more information contact Melody Zentner, Chorus Director: 919-4899118 (x4343) or melody.zentner@da.org. 21 THURSDAYS . . . SURVIVAL: Shelters, Fires, and Bears—a “Firm Grasp of the Obvious” READ & DISCUSS: Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Adichie This course will cover some basic concepts related to wilderness survival. It is based on the “dos and don’ts” of Basic Air Force Survival. It is not a true “survival course” because it lacks the time, training tools, and “hands-on” instruction such a course would require. It is, however, designed to be interesting and thoughtprovoking. Half of a Yellow Sun recreates a seminal moment in modern African history: Biafra’s impassioned struggle to establish an independent republic in Nigeria in the 1960s and the chilling violence that followed. With the effortless grace of a natural storyteller, Chimamanda Adichie weaves together the lives of three characters swept up in the turbulence of the decade: thirteen-year-old Ugwn, a houseboy for a zealous university professor; Olanna, the professor’s beautiful mistress; and Richard, a shy young Englishman in love with Olanna’s twin sister. As Nigerian troops advance and the three must run for their lives, their ideals are severely tested, as are their loyalties to one another. Epic, ambitious, and triumphantly realized, Half of a Yellow Sun is a remarkable novel about moral responsibilities, about the end of colonialism, about ethnic allegiances, about class and race, and about the ways individuals cope with a world torn apart. Adichie brilliantly evokes the promises and the devastating disappointments that marked this time and place, bringing us a most powerful, dramatic, and intensely emotional picture of modern Africa. Recommended texts: n United States Air Force Search and Rescue Survival Training: AF Regulation 64-4, Government Printing Office, 1985, available online at http://www.ssrsi.org/ Onsite/PDFbin/FMs/Survival644.pdf or http://onlinebooks.110mb .com/af%2064-4/64-4-00.htm or n US Air Force Survival Handbook, Skyhorse Publishing, 2008, $17.95. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. JOSEPH CADDELL has a PhD in military history from Duke University. He has taught at a number of schools for the Department of Defense and is currently teaching military and naval history at NC State University and naval and air power history at UNC– Chapel Hill. Once upon a time he used to teach survival lectures. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 9:00– 10:30am, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 60. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1721 Required text: n Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Half of a Yellow Sun, Anchor, 2007, $14.95. PEGGY QUINN has been an active member of OLLI and an enthusiastic participant in Read & Discuss courses for fifteen years. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 9:00– 10:30am, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1722 T’AI CHI: Moving Meditation Taijiquan (T’ai-Chi Ch’üan), a traditional Chinese movement system, arose out of the belief that slow, continuous motion, combined with an interenal focus on subtle changes, enhances energy, well-being, and mental, emotional, and physical balance. Scientific studies have verified many of its benefits, and medical professionals now endorse it for recuperation from surgery, heart disease, balance difficulties, arthritis, and a wide variety of other conditions. In addition, it is easy to practice, requires no special space or equipment, and integrates natural, easy exercise with a joyful, reflective approach to daily life. Please note: This special six-week course is only open to those who have taken one or both of Dr. Jay’s courses at OLLI. We will be combining “Moonlight” (taught in the Fall) and “Starlight” (taught in the Winter) into the traditional long form. The next opportunity to begin T’ai Chi study through OLLI will be this coming fall. This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. Friends don’t let friends miss out on OLLI . . . Longtime residents of the Triangle area and newcomers alike find that OLLI is a great place to learn more, make new friends, and get acquainted with community resources. Refer a friend; call 919-681-3476 or e-mail mge4@duke.edu. We will send a catalog! REFER A FRIEND TO OLLI AT DUKE 22 Recommended text: n Tsung Hwa Jou, The Dao of Taijiquan: Way to Rejuvenation, Tuttle, 1998, $19.95 times), Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 8. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1732 Required text: This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. SHARI’A: An Introduction to Islamic Law This OLLI book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. Headlines about the Arab world leave you with an impression that Islamic law is only about harsh penalties and political posturing. The goal of this course is to give students a better understanding of Shari’a law and how it is viewed by its adherents. We will trace the early development of Shari’a, its different schools, and the basis of law, and we will discuss reformation movements in modern times. The heart of Shari’a, family law, will be explored, especially the laws which regulate marriage, divorce, and inheritance. Finally, consideration will be given to how the application of law varies in different parts of the Arab world today. WALLACE JACKSON is the former chair of the English department at Duke University. JAY DUNBAR, PhD, is founder and director of the Magic Tortoise Taijiquan School (www.magictortoise.com). An “indoor” student of Grandmaster Jou Tsung Hwa, he has studied taijiquan (T’ai Chi) and qigong since 1975 and has taught in the Triangle area since 1979. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 9:00– 10:30am, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1723 MEMOIR WRITING WITH JANE Using prompts to evoke memory, we will write, read, and respond to one another’s writing. You need not have written before to enjoy writing and reading in this supportive atmosphere. Write in your own natural voice the stories only you can tell. Plan to write 400 to 600 words each week and bring nine copies to class. You may later weave your collection into a memoir. For the first class, write about where you’re from, a kitchen memory, something you have forgotten, or whatever you like. Writing enriches us to ourselves, so lift your pen and begin. JANE PENLAND HOOVER has a BA from Emory University and is a certified facilitator of Proprioceptive Writing and the Amherst Writers and Artists Method. She led writing groups for fifteen years after retiring as the chief executive for senior housing communities in Decatur, Georgia. Contact her at jpenstroke@yahoo.com for more information. Section 1: 4 Thursdays, April 22– May 13, 10:00am–12:00pm (please note times), Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 8. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1724 Section 2: 4 Thursdays, April 22– May 13, 1:00pm–3:00pm (please note CHRISTINA PAGE spent twenty-four years in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, teaching Arab culture to expatriate children and adults. She holds a master’s degree in Islamic studies. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 11:00am– 12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 42. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1725 THE POETRY OF JOHN KEATS For four weeks we will be engaged with John Keats’s poetry. Our primary intention is to inquire into Keats’s idea of the imagination and how that idea is manifest in his poetry. We will ask how the imagination can create a habitable reality, and question the ways it implicitly imperils our ability to act in the world. The centerpiece of our inquiry will be the major odes, but our concern is also with those very early poems in which Keats explores and develops his poetic identity, finding his principal subject in the curious borderland between vision and reality, between the salvational and the demonic. n Jack Stillinger, ed., John Keats: Complete Poems, Belknap Press, 1991, $24.50. 4 Thursdays, April 22–May 13, 11:00am– 12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1726 THE ART OF MAKING MOTION PICTURES In this course we will discuss all the basic components of movie making, including l the elements that determine a good movie script l budgeting and storyboarding l the role of the producer, the force behind the motion picture, in making things happen creatively and otherwise l the energies, concepts, and casting insights the director brings to the film l the contributions of the actors and designers l the way the eye of the editor can make or break a movie. Near the end of the last lecture, there will be a traditional Hollywood wrap party. BUDD FILIPPO has been a producer, director, and motion picture executive. He is a former senior vice president of MGM/United Artists Films, head of production for Time, Inc., and an executive with Paramount Pictures. He was involved in such films as Grease, Rainman, Moonstruck, and the James Bond and Rocky motion pictures. Prior to his movie career, he produced and directed shows on Broadway and in Madison Square Garden. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 11:00am–12:30pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 15. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1727 23 THURSDAYS continued . . . USING COLORED PENCIL TECHNIQUES FOR BOTANICAL DRAWINGS Students will explore the versatility and ease of creating botanical “paintings” using colored pencils in a new, rich approach on white paper. A variety of other materials will also be demonstrated as each student is guided to create a realistic, detailed image of a plant. Some prior experience in drawing, composition, and color theory is assumed. Required materials: l140# Stonehenge white paper (it comes in individual sheets as well as tablets of various sizes) l Prismacolor set of colored pencils (24 or more) l graphite pencil HB l white eraser l transfer sheet These materials are available at art supply stores. DOT WILBUR-BROOKS has been illustrating botanical art for over thirty-six years for the NC Botanical Garden (NCBG) and has taught botanical illustration for NCBG and OLLI. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 11:00am–1:00pm (please note times), Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 12. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1728 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN THE CAROLINAS It has been said that the Revolutionary War in the South “for the reading public is an historical terra incognita.” Yet, pivotal battles such as Camden, Kings Mountain, Cowpens, and Guilford Courthouse were fought in the Carolinas and led to the fighting at Yorktown. We will follow the trail of the war in the Carolinas, starting with the occupation of 24 Charleston by Cornwallis in 1780— referred to by some as a “tactical masterpiece”—and the aftermath. We will examine not only the battles and the strategies of both sides, but we will look also at the potentially conflicting cultures of the Back Country people and the Rice Kings and the leaders and generals involved, including Gates, Cornwallis, Morgan, Greene, and Marion. We will also cover the nature of the savage civil war in the Back Country. This course offers an expansion of material originally taught by the instructor in 2003. Recommended text: n John Buchanan, The Road to Guilford Courthouse: The American Revolution in the Carolinas, Wiley, 1999, $19.95. This OLLI Book is available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. KEN LUNDSTROM has been an OLLI member since 1995, when he retired from a position in the textile industry. He has maintained a strong interest in military history and biography and has previously taught ten courses at OLLI. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 11:00am–12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1729 MEDITATION: Beyond the Basics Meditation involves going beyond the conscious mind and experiencing our essential nature, which is sometimes described as peace, happiness, and bliss. In meditation we seek to understand the mind and its relationship with the body, breath, and spirit on one hand, and our relationship with the external world on the other. Meditation redirects the energy flow in the body and mind. This results in more positive energy, greater clarity, and better health. The goal of the course is to prepare the meditator to become aware of the center of consciousness within. In order to gain this goal, class members will pursue a systematic and methodical technique that will lead to deeper levels of inner experience. We will recognize the challenges that arise during meditation practices and discuss strategies to overcome those challenges. USHA GULATI has been meditating for the last thirty years. Born in India, she has lived in the US for forty-five years, and with training from teachers and through her own practice, she has developed an array of techniques that serve diverse people with diverse needs. Usha holds master’s degrees in education and library science, and she is an active volunteer in the community. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 11:00am–12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 15. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1730 WOMEN ON WEIGHTS II Over time our muscles acclimate to an exercise routine, so the benefits decrease. In order to target different muscle fibers within the major muscle groups, it’s important to challenge them with a variety of exercises. This class is aimed at women who have already mastered the basics of weight training by taking several sessions of “Women On Weights” (or who have related experience) and would like to learn a new routine to stay mentally engaged in the strength training process and keep things fresh. Please note: A stability ball will be required for this class and can be found at sports and department stores like Target or Kmart, at a cost of between $8 and $30. Please bring the inflated ball to the first class so the instructor can check for proper sizing. JULIA ROSE is a certified personal trainer with ACE, the American Council on Exercise. She coaches swim classes and has extensive experience leading fitness classes in various settings. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 11:00am–12:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 12. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1731 HOW TO DESIGN & LANDSCAPE YOUR YARD Join us for a practical and informal conversation about home landscape problems and solutions. This handson workshop, led by Catherine Chandler, meets twice each week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. See page 13 for a full course description. 2 Tuesdays & 2 Thursdays (four sessions), April 20–29, 1:00–4:00pm (please note times), The Bishop’s House and sites in the community. Maximum: 10. Fee: $35. Course ID: 1696 THE BIOLOGY OF AGING In this course we will explore the fundamental questions which current researchers in the field of aging are investigating. We will begin with some original descriptions which began the inquiry of why we age. While this class will explore the physiological/ biological bases of aging, no formal biology background is essential as a prerequisite. Among the topics to be covered include telomeres, cell aging, insulin sensitivity, IGF, sirtuins, and the biology of centenarians. It should be pointed out that although the instructor believes the study of aging may lead to a longer life expectancy or lifespan for humans, the key issue to be explored is “functional longevity”—meaning how to stay healthy longer and enjoy a full and pain-free life. RICHARD E. FALVO has been teaching at all levels of higher education for almost forty-three years. He is currently an adjunct professor in cell and molecu- lar physiology at the UNC–Chapel Hill School of Medicine, where he teaches medical, dental, graduate, and undergraduate students. His interest in aging has been ongoing since 1992 when he and a colleague initiated an international symposium on aging which has been held every other year in Bregenz, Austria. The next one will be held this year. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 20. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1733 FICTION IN PROGRESS This is a fiction-writing workshop for participants who want to start a story or novel or who are already working on one. Both new writers and those with some experience are welcome. The format is flexible and individually focused, designed to help members bring their projects to life in a supportive atmosphere. We will look at elements involved in making a good story, whether it’s a short-short or a full-length novel. We will also give some attention to the process of marketing. JOYCE ALLEN has been teaching writing classes in the Duke Continuing Studies program and the Carrboro ArtsCenter since the early 1990s. Her publications include two novels—the most recent, Hannah’s House (Wolf’s Pond Press), came out in 2008—as well as short fiction and personal essays. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 10. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1734 SIX WEEKS, THREE BOOKS We will gather to read some of the instructor’s favorite “reminder” books; the books that remind us to stay connected, happy, and peaceful. Life gets better when we get happy. Don’t wait around for life to “get better”; engage in “simple practices” to help you grow in strength and wisdom. In addition to reading, we will listen to some short talks and some inspiring music to remind us that life is pure joy. Required texts: n Daniel Quinn, Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit, Bantam, 1995, $18.00. n Don Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship; A Toltec Wisdom Book, Amber-Allen, 1999, $14.00. n Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson, Broadway, 2002, $13.99. These OLLI books are available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. SUZANNE BALLANTYNE has a background in psychology and education, studies and practices vipassana meditation, and is working on her yoga teacher certification. Suzanne created “simple practice” in 2005 to teach public education courses to promote happiness and wellness and to work one on one as a life coach/life skills educator. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 1:30– 3:00pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 15. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1735 IF YOU CAN WALK, YOU CAN DANCE (aka Our Endless Duet with Space) In this movement course, we will explore moving through space in a variety of dance and exercise forms. Besides having “just plain fun,” we will increase our strength, extend our flexibility, and improve our balance and posture. No former dance experience is required, just the willingness to join right in with things new and different. Please note: Bring a floor mat (yoga/ Pilates type), dress in loose-fitting clothing, and wear soft, rubber sole shoes if you do not wish to dance barefoot or in stocking feet. SUSAN WARTELL has been in love with movement of all kinds since she 25 THURSDAYS continued . . . was a little tomboy. She has a BS in physical education and an MA in health education and has taught and coached in public and private schools for over twenty years. She has been teaching aerobics and other forms of exercise, including yoga and Pilates, for about as long. She has participated in some form of dance (ballet, tap, jazz, and most recently belly dance) since she was four years old. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 2:00– 3:30pm (please note times), Barriskill Dance Theatre School, 3642 Shannon Road, Durham. Maximum: 25. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1736 INTRODUCTION TO FLY FISHING In this course students will learn the fundamentals of angling with a fly rod, fundamentals of fly tying, and stream etiquette. Please note: Students should bring $20 exact change to the first class; this fee paid to the instructor will cover the cost of admission to Clearwater Lake, where students will practice fly fishing. ED McGEE has been fishing, both in fresh water and salt water, for more than fifty years. He is treasurer of the Triangle Fly Fishers, a Trout Unlimited chapter, and teaches a fly fishing course for Duke University. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 2:00– 3:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 10. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1738 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY DEMYSTIFIED MOLL FLANDERS & MADAME BOVARY Living biological matter is composed of thousands of different chemical compounds containing the element carbon, constituting a family which many years ago was dubbed “organic.” Such familiar types as vitamins, hormones, DNA and RNA, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and so on, are well known by name to most of us. In addition, many of the materials we use in daily life, such as medicines, plastics, agricultural pesticides, and dyes, also are classed as organic chemicals. But what are organic chemicals? They all have definite molecular structure which endows them with their own valuable properties. Chemists have learned to express these molecular structures on paper by simple drawings (structural formulas). In this course we will first develop an understanding of molecular structure using this type of formula. We will then consider the way in which atoms are bonded in some familiar compounds of the types mentioned above, as well as the nature of some fundamental types of chemical reactions that organic molecules can undergo. Moll Flanders and Emma Bovary are two of the most complex female characters in literature. The novels in which they appear broke new ground when they were written and still prompt readers to debate the morality of the title characters and question the degree to which the authors identify with their creations. Their authors, Daniel Defoe and Gustave Flaubert, have distinctly different literary styles and pushed literary realism in different directions. In reading these two novels together, we will learn a great deal about the ways authors and readers conspire to “create” literary characters and the influence of style on our responses as readers. Most important, we will have a great time getting to know two fascinating women and two fascinating literary stylists. LOUIS D. QUIN is James B. Duke Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, Duke University; Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts–Amherst; and former chairman in both departments. He is adjunct professor at UNC–Wilmington and author of 250 research articles and author or editor of 9 books on organic chemistry topics. These OLLI books are available at The Regulator Bookshop; see page 11. 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 2:00– 3:30pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1737 6 Thursdays, April 22–May 27, 3:15– 4:45pm, The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 42. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1739 Required texts: n Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders, Modern Library, 2002, $9.95. n Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary, trans. Francis Steegmuller, Vintage, 1991, $12.00. CATHERINE FRANK holds a PhD in English from UNC–Chapel Hill; her dissertation was on the poetry of Thomas Hardy. She has taught courses on Victorian literature at OLLI since 2000 and has been director of the organization since 2007. Please send your registration BEFORE Tuesday, April 6, to assure you will receive your class confirmation packet! 26 FRIDAYS . . . DUKE FOREST: Ecology, History, and Management Discover the Duke Forest, the University’s 7,091-acre teaching and research laboratory, through a series of springtime hikes. Topics will include ecology, tree and wildflower identification, culturally significant DUKE LEMUR CENTER TOUR for OLLI Members Friday, May 21, 1:30pm sharp; $5 per person The Duke Lemur Center was established in 1966 and today is the world’s largest sanctuary for rare and endangered prosimian primates. Nestled on 85 acres in Duke Forest, the Lemur Center houses about 250 animals, including 233 lemurs encompassing 15 species, along with lorises from India and Southeast Asia and bush-babies from Africa. The mission of the Duke Lemur Center is to “promote research and understanding of prosimians and their natural habitat as a means of advancing the frontiers of knowledge, contributing to the educational development of future leaders in international scholarship and conservation, and enhancing the human condition by stimulating intellectual growth and sustaining global biodiversity.” We will send a registration form in the confirmation packets for the Spring term. All participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the Lemur Center. We will be limited to fifty-five participants, so promptly return your form and payment. Enjoy this unique opportunity to learn more about one of Duke’s most interesting programs. sites, forest management and sustainability, and past and present research projects. Tours will be in Durham and Orange counties, with a different meeting location each week. Directions to the first meeting location at Shepherd Nature Trail will be included in the confirmation notice. Please note: Participants will need to come prepared for approximately 1.5 miles of walking on trails each three-hour session. MARISSA HARTZLER is the program coordinator for the Office of the Duke Forest, and is a graduate of the Nicholas School of the Environment’s Master of Environmental Management program. 6 Fridays, April 23–30 & May 14– June 4, 9:00am–12:00pm (please note dates and times), Duke Forest. Maximum: 12. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1740 MEMOIR WRITING In one of the first modern autobiographies, Benvenuto Cellini wrote, “No matter what sort he is, everyone has to his credit what are or what really seem great achievements. If he cares for truth and goodness, he ought to write the story of his life in his own hand.” He added, “But no one should venture on such a splendid undertaking before he is over forty.” In this course, we “seasoned adults” will MAKE A MOLA! work together to write the stories of our lives in our own hands, finding ways to craft memories into a coherent whole to communicate truth, and perhaps goodness, to our chosen audience. Every week students will produce three to seven pages describing important events, people, and places in their lives. We will spend the first hour reading one another’s work and the second hour discussing what we’ve read. The instructor will guide discussion and provide written commentary on students’ work on a weekly basis. CATHERINE FRANK earned a PhD in English from UNC–Chapel Hill, where she taught writing and literature courses as part of her graduate studies. She has taught courses in Victorian literature at OLLI since 2000 and has enjoyed being part of memoir classes since Spring 2008. 6 Fridays, April 23–May 28, 10:00am– 12:00pm (please note times), The Bishop’s House. Maximum: 12. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1741 THE GREAT PRESIDENTS: Studies in Executive Leadership The presidency was established in Article II of the United States FREE Craft Demonstration • Join Us! Special Spring Craft Demonstration Series Fridays, April 23–May 21, 11:00am–12:30pm, at The Bishop’s House Molas are traditionally made by the Kuna (or Cuna) women of the San Blas island of Panama. Lu Howard will guide participants as they learn to create these colorful panels composed of layers of rich, bright, solid color fabrics stitched by hand. The layers are secured by appliqué, reverse appliqué, and inlaid appliqué to the base layer. Panels can be framed or incorporated into or onto clothing. You will need basic sewing supplies, including small sharp pointed scissors, needles, thread, cloth, and a thimble (if you use one). Call Lu Howard at 919-309-4925 or e-mail her at llhoward@nc.rr.com for specifics. 27 FRIDAYS cont . . . Constitution (1787), and the fortyfour men subsequently elected to that office have given substance to the words. Our course examines the most significant presidential tenures and traces the expansion of the office in times of war and peace. “Greatness” is often in the eyes of the beholder, but historians agree that relatively few of our Chief Executives deserve the accolade. The great presidents, along with the mediocre and the outright failures, are the subject of our sprint through American history. GEORGE J. LANKEVICH is Professor of History Emeritus at City University of New York. He has written or edited over thirty volumes. Among his interests are the Supreme Court, contemporary politics, and the history of New York City. 6 Fridays, April 23–May 28, 10:30am– 12:00pm, Galloway Ridge Retirement Community, 3000 Galloway Ridge Road, Pittsboro. Maximum: 30. Fee: $45. Course ID: 1742 Directions: From Chapel Hill, go south on 15-501 for 8 miles. Take the second left shortly after the Fearrington Village traffic light, at the Galloway Ridge sign. Then take the second right and park on the right, anywhere except the covered parking area. Classes are in the main building, and all students who are not Galloway residents must enter through the main lobby and sign in and out. OLLI HOUSE RULES Severe Weather and Other Community Emergencies—OLLI classes will be cancelled when the Durham Public Schools are closed for reasons of weather. If the situation is ambiguous, or if the schools are delayed, there will be a message on the office voice mail (919-684-2703) by 8:00am describing OLLI’s plan of action. Listen for details about school closings on WTVD (Channel 11), WDNC (620 AM), or WCHL (1360 AM). The WRAL website (www.wral .com) is also a good source of information about closings and delays. We will also make every effort to send an e-mail announcement by 8:00am about weather or emergency-related closings and delays. Keeping Posted—Check out the OLLI website at www.learnmore.duke.edu/ olli. Our site includes course listings, calendars, directions, announcements, and information about special events. Be sure that we have your current e-mail address so that you are on the list to receive occasional messages, last-minute updates, and The Spotlight, OLLI’s online bulletin, which includes useful information both about OLLI matters and about events of interest throughout the Triangle. Housekeeping—Please help the staff focus on the work that makes OLLI great by picking up after yourself and keeping classrooms and common areas clean and tidy. Classroom Decorum—If, in the opinion of the instructor, activity leader, or class members, a participant interferes with the goals of learning or community, he or she may be asked to leave the class or activity and ultimately may not be able to continue his or her affiliation with OLLI at Duke. Quiet in the Halls and Classes—We encourage you to socialize, but please be quiet in the halls outside classes in progress. Remember to turn off cell phones and other electronic devices when you are in class. Smoking—The Bishop’s House and Judea Reform are smoke-free buildings. Lunch—Options at The Bishop’s House include bringing a brown-bag lunch, using facilities such as the Marketplace in the nearby East Campus Union, and exploring nearby restaurants. At Judea Reform, you may bring a lunch and eat in the commons area when no classes are scheduled there. Please note: We comply with the dietary guidelines at Judea—no pork, no shellfish, and no meat and dairy on the same plate. Telephones—At The Bishop’s House there is a telephone outside the OLLI office that is available for local calls. At Judea Reform, the OLLI receptionist will have a cell phone—919-812-7160—for emergency use only. DUKE PRIVILEGES 1.You may get a Duke library card, good for print borrowing privileges, when you present your OLLI membership card (your nametag) at Perkins and Lilly libraries. 2.Limited use of the language labs. 3.Permission to eat in the faculty dining area of the Market Place in the East Campus Union. 4.Participation in Alumni Travel tours. Call 684-5114 for more information. 28 OLLI BOARD OF ADVISORS & STAFF Please send your registration before Tuesday, April 6 Our prioritized registration system is designed to tackle the problems of uneven mail delivery and overregistration in some classes. We can only guarantee that you will receive confirmation of registration if you sign up before the deadline. See “How to Register” on page 18 for details. ..................... REFUND POLICY If you want a refund for a class you will not attend, please request it by the end of the second meeting of your classes (by April 30 for most classes that begin the week of April 19). After that time, refunds will not be issued except in the event of emergencies. Membership fees are not refundable for those who choose to drop classes. ..................... SCHOLARSHIPS We want OLLI at Duke classes to be available to all who wish to participate. If you need financial help to attend OLLI classes, please contact Catherine Frank at 919-684-2703. All requests are confidential. ..................... Access Duke University encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please call the OLLI office at 919-684-2703 in advance of your participation or visit. ..................... Trouble Hearing? We own two assistive listening devices. Please call Mary Edwards at 919-681-3476 if you would like to reserve one for a particular class or if you would like a demonstration. OLLI at Duke is one of the programs under the auspices of Duke Continuing Studies and operating within the limits of Duke policies. Officers of the Board of Advisors of this membership organization are elected at the annual membership meeting, held at the end of the OLLI Winter term (after this catalog will go to print). Board members elected by the membership serve as advisors to OLLI staff and to the directors of Continuing Studies. They operate under their own by-laws and meet as a board ten times a year. The president appoints committee chairpersons. Board members and countless other volunteers provide the experience and hard work that guide, enrich, and maintain the organization. We always need leaders, committee chairs, and all sorts of volunteers. Please contact the OLLI Director at 919-684-2703 to find out more about volunteer and leadership opportunities. 2009–2010 Officers (one-year elected term) President: Jack Gartner President-Elect: Bob Hellwig Past President: Phil Hopkins Advisors at Large (three-year elected term) To 2010: Mike Bahnaman, Jim Kitkowski To 2011: Pat Bogart , Julie Lochridge To 2012: Jan Tuchinsky, LeRoy Walker Committee Chairpersons (one-year appointed term) Activities: Susanna Chabinak-Uhlig Communications / Public Relations & Community Outreach: Betty Hopkins Curriculum: Catherine Frank Finance: Richard Ellman Hospitality: Nancy Vanhoenacker Instructor Relations: Mike Bahnaman Membership: Valentina Hartford Nominating & Board Development: Jim Kitkowski Strategic Planning: Bob Hellwig Technology: Bob Weimer Staff Director: Catherine Frank Assistant to the Director: Mary Edwards Representatives at Judea Reform Education Building: Susanna Chabinak-Uhlig, Roz Wolbarsht CLASS ASSISTANTS Class members act as assistants to the instructors, helping to ensure that announcements are made, heads are counted, equipment is set up, and handouts are distributed. Class assistants are essential to the smooth functioning of OLLI and enjoy the benefit of becoming better acquainted with both faculty and fellow class members. This is a relatively easy way to make an important contribution to our organization. Training will be provided! If you would like to volunteer to be the class assistant in one or more of your classes, please fill out the form below or the box on the registration form found in the middle of the catalog. For more information, contact Mary Edwards (919-681-3476, Instr uc tors mge4@duke.edu). tell us that ha v ing a class a Thank you! ss istant m a ke s teachin g easier! YES, I’d like to be the class assistant for _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Name _______________________ Telephone _______________________ E-mail 29 SOCIAL EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Activities are an integral part of the OLLI program, providing opportunities to learn and socialize outside the classroom. If you have general questions or suggestions for activities, call the OLLI director at 919-684-2703. Information sheets on all activities will be posted on the OLLI bulletin boards at The Bishop’s House and at Judea Reform. If you want to find out more about any of the listed groups, please contact the coordinator listed for that activity. BOOK GROUP CRAFT GROUP An informal group reading contemporary literature. Meets on the second Monday of every month at 3:15pm in The Bishop’s House. Selections for the Spring term will include l April 12—Mohsin Hamid, The Reluctant Fundamentalist l May 10—Elizabeth Strout, Olive Kittredge l June 14—Per Petterson, Out Stealing Horses Coordinator: Judy Grauer, rjgrauer@ webtv.net or 919-416-0755. It’s time to dig out that unfinished project from the back of the closet. Knitting, quilting, crocheting, sewing . . . whatever. All are welcome. We will meet every first and third Monday of the month at 3:15pm in The Bishop’s House. In Spring 2010 join us for a demonstration series on Fridays, April 23–May 21, 11:00am–12:30pm at The Bishop’s House. Lu Howard will work with students to make a mola. Molas are traditionally made by the Kuna (or Cuna) women of the San Blas island of Panama. These colorful panels are composed of layers of rich, bright, solid color fabrics stitched by hand. The layers are secured by appliqué, reverse appliqué, and inlaid appliqué to the base layer. Panels can be framed or incorporated into or onto clothing. Participants will need to bring basic sewing supplies including small sharp pointed scissors, needles, thread, cloth, and a thimble (if desired). Please contact Lu at 919-309-4925 or llhoward@nc.rr.com for specifics. BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTION Depending on the step, ballroom dancing can burn anywhere from 250 to 400 calories an hour—about the same as a brisk half-hour walk on a treadmill. The more demanding dances, like the salsa, swing, and cha-cha, can be comparable to an intense session at the gym. For many couples looking into getting fit, the dance floor offers an exhilarating alternative to the drudgery of many workouts, and experts say sticking to an exercise regime is easier when it’s not a chore. OLLI at Duke offers ballroom dance at Judea Reform again this term. The upcoming Spring 2010 session may include dances such as fox trot, waltz, and salsa in hour-long lessons. The dances included in each session will ultimately be decided by the students themselves. Make a weekly date with your favorite dance partner and join us for an hour of dancing for fun and fitness. Please note: Wear smooth-soled shoes to glide better across the floor. BRUCE GILLOOLY has been dancing since the age of seven. After college, career, marriage, and family, upon retirement, he asked himself, “What do I enjoy most?” Since dancing was his first love, Bruce returned to teaching dance to help others find the joy that he has experienced throughout life. Bruce currently teaches group classes at the Wellness Center in Meadowmont, the Seymour Center in Chapel Hill, and the Central Orange Senior Center in Hillsborough. He also teaches private lessons. 6 Wednesdays, April 21–May 26, 1:00–2:00pm, Judea Reform Education Building. Fee: $45 per person, to be paid to the instructor. All refunds are at the discretion of the instructor. The OLLI Ballroom Dancers are welcome to a weekly practice: Mondays (except holidays), 3:30–5:00pm, the Great Hall at Seymour Senior Center, 2551 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill. Absolutely free! If you have questions or wish to submit your name to the E-Dance list, contact Bonnie Fuchs at bonniefuchs@bellsouth.net. 30 DUKE LEMUR CENTER TOUR for OLLI Members Join us for a tour of the Duke Lemur Center, the world’s largest sanctuary for rare and endangered prosimian primates. Friday, May 21, 1:30pm sharp; $5 per person. See page 27 for details. INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCE Join us for a fun way to get exercise, both physical and mental, and improve your balance. The folk dances we practice are done in a line or circle (no partner is needed) and are low impact (not highly strenuous). Most of the dances originated in Eastern Europe. Our ongoing class meets on Tuesdays, 1:30–2:45pm at Croasdaile Village Retirement Community. Newcomers are welcome at any time. There is no charge, but you will need to contact coordinator Judy Stafford at 919-383-7172 or staff001@notes .duke.edu for more information. for an opportunity to share poetry and meet other OLLI poets. Coordinator: Tom Faison, 919-967-5862. FRENCH LANGUAGE TABLE AT LUNCHTIME Bring your instrument (all voice categories welcome) and join the group, called the Baillie Branslers. It is led by Kay Bailey (kayfbailey01 @yahoo.com), and meets Fridays at 1:30pm in the music room at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd., Durham. This conversation group is for speakers with moderate to good knowledge of the language; this is not a class. Practice your French with Maria Elliott, 919-682-0812; her group meets 12:00–1:00pm Tuesdays in The Studio at The Forest at Duke Retirement Center. MAC COMPUTER USERS GROUP Mac users will gather for Q&A and short presentations on topics of interest. The group will meet monthly at a day and time to be announced, at the Erwin Square Mill Building Computer Lab. Coordinators: Mary Jo Fickle, fickle5@aol.com, and Susan Eure, asure@bellsouth.net. PHOTO EDITING GROUP Do you enjoy using your computer for organizing, editing, and sharing your photographs? Are you interested in learning more about creative techniques, sharing procedures you have used for your own photos, and having an opportunity to query others who work on photos? Meetings will include presentations on photo editing topics and time for Q&A. This group will meet monthly in the Erwin Square Mill Bldg. Computer Lab, day and time to be announced. Coordinator: Mary Jo Fickle, Fickle5@aol.com. PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP Are you interested in working on photography with like-minded OLLI members? We meet throughout the year on the second Monday of the month at 3:15pm in The Bishop’s House. Coordinator: Ken Lundstrom, 919-206-4639 or kenlundstrom@ yahoo.com. POETRY READING Watch the bulletin board for details RECORDER GROUP SCIENCE BOOK CLUB We read and discuss books of substance on topics ranging from biology, evolution, and the physical sciences to medicine, the environment, and biographies of famous scientists. You do not need to have a science degree to participate, and no registration is required. We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 2:30pm at Judea Reform Education Building. Coordinator: Bob Gutin, 919-4251300 or bernardgutin@yahoo.com. SINGLE WOMEN’S SOCIAL GROUP Are you an OLLI member and a single woman seeking to expand your social network? We are a group of women who enjoy getting together, talking about what it’s like to be active at this time of our lives, sharing good food, good conversation, and interesting outings. Join us for laughter and camaraderie. Coordinator: Faye Gregory, 919-528-6533 or gmar3@earthlink.net. Theater of the American South Join us at Theater of the American South, an annual festival of Southern plays, food, and culture. Saturday, May 22, 10:00am–4:00pm, in Wilson. Special price of $35, if twenty-five OLLI members sign up. See page 6 for details. WOMEN’S FIRST-TUESDAY-OF-THEMONTH LUNCH GROUP Women of OLLI—How about some great conversation and good food? Every first Tuesday of the month we meet for lunch and lively talk. Look for the location announcement on the bulletin boards and in The Spotlight, OLLI’s online bulletin. All are more than welcome. Questions? Call Maurita Paprocki, 919-682-6234. VOLUNTEER PROJECTS The knowledge and experience of OLLI members has been much sought after and appreciated by a variety of community agencies. Directors of the following projects would be delighted to add new volunteers to their ranks. Duke Center for Aging and Human Development OLLI at Duke, then the Duke Institute for Learning in Retirement (DILR), began as a joint venture between Continuing Education and the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, and OLLI members continue to volunteer to participate in studies for the Center for Aging. Pick up an application in Mary Edwards’ office at The Bishop’s House. Duke University’s International House University International House provides many services for international students and faculty at Duke. You can help by being an “International Friend” or by participating in English language conversation groups. Call International House, 919-684-3585, for more information. Additional Volunteer Activities If you are interested in developing volunteer opportunities for OLLI members, please contact the OLLI Director at 919-684-2703. 31 SPRING 2010 OLLI CLASS SCHEDULE MONDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 11:00 9:00 at Judea Reform Understanding Financial News Antiques WEDNESDAY at Judea Reform The Great Depression Continuing Spanish TEDTalks Life Well Lived Eno River Valley* African American Literature Foundations of Science Publish Your Life Story* Neuroplastic Self The Internet in 2010* Genesis Meditations Musical Gems Photoshop Elements Projects* 3:15 1:30 Thomas Merton Duke Sports History Short Fiction Belly Dance Exercise* Gentle Joint-Freeing Exercises* Apollo Art, Music, Literature & Theology Plants & Pollinators Chinese Brush Painting Local Musicians in Performance* Senior Co-Housing iTunes* Design & Landscape Your Yard* T/Th Durham’s African American History Journal Writing Faust in Music Submarines The World Today (2 sections) Hank Williams Wagner PowerPoint* Nia The Good Soldier 2:00 Maimonides Stability Ball Exercises 2:00 Perfumes Legendary Performers Back in Balance* New Horizons: Chorus* Swing Band* Dixie Dukes* For classes marked by an asterisk, please read course descriptions carefully— the times, dates, and/or class locations do not follow the standard class schedule. 32 Dancers in Their Own Words Financial Freedom Scientific Symposia* New Horizons Concert Band* T/Th Christianity through Jewish Eyes 2010 & 2011 DATES TO REMEMBER THURSDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY at Judea Reform Survival Read & Discuss: Half of a Yellow Sun T’ai Chi Memoir Writing with Jane* (section 1) Spring 2010 Monday, April 5 Last day for most OLLI Winter 2010 classes Duke Forest* Memoir Writing (Frank)* Great Presidents* Tuesday, April 6 Spring term priority deadline Wednesday, April 7 OLLI Annual Meeting and Election of Officers, Judea Reform Congregation Sunday–Wednesday, April 11–14 OLLI Beach Retreat, Trinity Center, Pine Knoll Shores Monday, April 19 OLLI Spring 2010 classes begin Botanical Drawing* Shari’a American Revolution in the Triangle Keats Meditation Making Motion Pictures Women on Weights II Friday, May 28 Last day for most OLLI Spring 2010 classes Craft Demonstration Series (see page 27) Biology of Aging Organic Chemistry Demystified Six Weeks, Three Books Fly Fishing If You Can Walk, You Can Dance Sunday, October 3 OLLI Fall Picnic Sunday–Wednesday, October 17–20 OLLI Mountain Retreat, Blowing Rock Conference Center, Blowing Rock 2:00 Fiction in Progress Monday–Friday, October 18–22 OLLI Fall Break—no classes Monday–Friday, November 22–26 OLLI Thanksgiving Break—no classes SUNDAY (The Bishop’s House) 2:00–5:00 Moll Flanders & Madame Bovary New Horizons Concert Band* T/Th Sunday, September 12 OLLI Fall 2010 Convocation Monday, September 13 OLLI Fall 2010 classes begin Memoir Writing with Jane (section 2) Design & Landscape Your Yard* T/Th Fall 2010 Psychoanalytic Ideas for Everyday Life Friday, December 10 Last day for most OLLI Fall 2010 classes Winter 2011 Sunday, January 9 OLLI Winter 2011 Convocation Monday, January 10 OLLI Winter 2011 classes begin Monday, January 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday—no classes Watch The Spotlight, OLLI’s online bulletin; the OLLI website (www.learnmore.duke.edu/ olli); and the bulletin boards at The Bishop’s House and Judea Reform for more activities, more details, and any changes in plans. Monday–Friday, February 21–25 OLLI Winter Break—no classes Monday, April 4 Last day for most OLLI Winter 2011 classes Please note that all dates are subject to change. 33 DIRECTIONS TO THE BISHOP’S HOUSE FROM DURHAM: The Bishop’s House (8 East Campus Drive) is on the edge of Duke’s East Campus, near the intersection of Markham and Buchanan. From Buchanan, enter the campus at the drive opposite Dacian Avenue, following the drive around until it ends at the white frame house marked “Continuing Studies: The Bishop’s House.” Parking Is Tight— Gas Is Expensive— Carpooling Is Encouraged! FROM CHAPEL HILL AND PITTSBORO ON 15-501: As you approach Durham on 15-501 (Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd.), take the fork marked “15-501 North - To I-85” toward Duke University. Take Exit 108-B (the Durham Freeway, NC 147); then take Exit 14, marked Swift Avenue/East Campus. Turn left onto Swift and then right onto Main Street. Go to the second light and turn left onto Buchanan Blvd. Go 0.4 mile and turn left, opposite Dacian Avenue, into the campus. Follow the drive until you reach The Bishop’s House. FROM RALEIGH ON I-40: As you approach Durham, take exit 279-B (the Durham Freeway, NC 147) and exit at Chapel Hill Street. Turn right and go two blocks to Buchanan. Turn right onto Buchanan and go nearly 1 mile to Dacian Ave. At that intersection, turn left into the campus and follow the drive around to the right until you reach The Bishop’s House. PARKING: There are a limited number of parking spaces around The Bishop’s House, including three handicapped spaces. The OLLI parking permit, included in your confirmation packet, should be kept on your dashboard. For the handicapped spaces, you need an official NC handicapped parking tag. Campus parking restrictions are strongly enforced with a minimum $40 fine. DO NOT park in the lower lot that you pass through before reaching The Bishop’s House. Your permit is also valid for the lot at Asbury United Methodist Church at the corner of Markham and Sedgefield. City parking restrictions limit us to two-hour parking on the side streets adjacent to East Campus. If you are taking only one class on a given day, we urge you to park on the side streets. 34 Under the Federal Campus Security Act (20 USC1092f), prospective students may obtain a copy of the University’s annual security report by visiting the Duke University Police Department at 502 Oregon St., Durham, NC, or by calling 919-684-4602. This report includes campus crime statistics and the University’s safety and security policies. Duke Continuing Studies Biddle Music P Pegram Lilly Library Bell Tower West Duke East Duke DIRECTIONS TO JUDEA REFORM CONGREGATION Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Road, is conveniently located on the west side of Durham. For our students who come from Orange and Chatham counties, it is 6 miles and ten minutes closer than The Bishop’s House. For all of our students, there is plenty of parking! FROM CHAPEL HILL & PITTSBORO ON 15-501: 15-501 N Exit 106 rnw alli sR oad 15-501 I-85 Weste rn B ypass Co L I-85 FROM RALEIGH ON I-40: Exit 16-B The Bishop’s House Co rn wa lli sR I-40 N DURHAM oa d Exit 106 Judea Reform Congregation L Chapel Hill Blvd 147 Durham Freeway 15-501 15-501 From I-40 West, take the Durham Freeway (Hwy. 147 North). Go about 10 miles to Exit 16-B / 15-501 South / Chapel Hill. Take 15-501 South to Exit 106 / Cornwallis Road. Turn left onto Cornwallis Road and go under 15-501. After the Western Bypass Service Road, take the third driveway on the right. FROM GREENSBORO: I-40 CHAPEL HILL Take 15-501 North. Just past the La Quinta Inn on the left, 15-501 will split; take the right split onto 15-501 Bypass North. Take Exit 106 / Cornwallis Road and turn right onto Cornwallis. After the Western Bypass Service Road, take the third driveway on the right. 54 Take I-40 East (stay on I-40 after I-40 and I-85 split) to the exit for 15-501 / Chapel Hill. Turn left (north) onto 15-501. Continue as above “From Chapel Hill.” I-40 54 CLASSES IN THE COMMUNITY Classes not held at The Bishop’s House, at Judea Reform, or at the Erwin Square Mill Building Computer Lab. See course descriptions for addresses and directions. Mondays The Eno River Valley: A Natural and Cultural History Eno River State Park, Durham, and Occoneechee Mountain State Natural Area, Hillsborough Belly Dance Exercise for Women Croasdaile Village Retirement Community, Durham Gentle Joint-Freeing Exercises Mind and Body Therapies, Durham Tuesdays Local Musicians in Performance Croasdaile Village Retirement Community, Durham Scientific Symposia The Forest at Duke Retirement Community, Durham New Horizons Concert Band Durham Academy Middle School Campus Wednesdays How to Publish Your Life Story Galloway Ridge Retirement Community, Pittsboro The Internet in 2010 Galloway Ridge Retirement Community, Pittsboro Back in Balance SafeSkills Movement Arts Center, Durham New Horizons Chorus, Swing Band, and Dixie Dukes Durham Academy Middle School Campus Thursdays If You Can Walk, You Can Dance Barrskill Dance Theatre School, Durham New Horizons Concert Band Durham Academy Middle School Campus Fridays Duke Forest: Ecology, History, and Management Duke Forest Great Presidents Galloway Ridge Retirement Community, Pittsboro 35 3913604 693600 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke University Box 90704 - The Bishop’s House Duke University Durham, NC 27708 Catherine Frank, Director 919-684-2703 Fax 919-681-8235 e-mail: catherine.frank@duke.edu Mary Edwards, Assistant to the Director 919-681-3476 Fax 919-681-8235 e-mail: mge4@duke.edu Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit #60 Durham, NC Visit our website! www.learnmore.duke.edu/olli DATED MATERIAL — PLEASE EXPEDITE! ................................................................................................. Spring 2010 Art & Architecture Art, Music, Literature & Theology Hands-On Art Chinese Brush Painting • Botanical Drawing Computers Photoshop Elements Projects • iTunes • PowerPoint • The Internet in 2010 Culture & Social Sciences Psychoanalytic Ideas for Everyday Life • Continuing Spanish • Durham’s African American History • Shari’a Economic/Financial Issues & Retirement Issues Understanding Financial News • Senior Co-Housing • Financial Freedom Health & Wellness Belly Dance Exercise • Gentle Joint-Freeing Exercises • Stability Ball Exercises • Your Neuroplastic Self • Nia • Back in Balance • Ta’i Chi • Women on Weights II • Meditation • If You Can Walk, You Can Dance • Fly Fishing History & Current Affairs Antiques • Duke Sports History • TEDTalks • A Life Well Lived • Durham’s African American History • Apollo • The Great Depression • Submarines • The World Today • Survival • Shari’a • American Revolution in the Triangle • Great Presidents Lifestyles Antiques • Eno River Valley • Duke Sports History • A Life Well Lived • Design & Landscape Your Yard • Senior Co-Housing • Perfumes • Six Weeks, Three Books • Fly Fishing • Duke Forest Literature, Language & Drama Short Fiction • Continuing Spanish • Art, Music, Literature & Theology • African American Literature • The Good Soldier • Keats • Six Weeks, Three Books • Half of a Yellow Sun • Moll Flanders & Madame Bovary Natural Science & Technology Eno River Valley • Plants & Pollinators • Scientific Symposia • Perfumes • Foundations of Science • The Biology of Aging • Organic Chemistry Demystified • Duke Forest Performing Arts Psychoanalytic Ideas for Everyday Life • Musical Gems • Local Musicians in Performance • New Horizons Bands • Faust in Music • Hank Williams • Wagner • Legendary Performers • Dancers in Their Own Words • New Horizons Chorus • Making Motion Pictures Religion & Philosophy Genesis Meditations • Thomas Merton • Art, Music, Literature & Theology • Maimonides • Meditation • Christianity through Jewish Eyes • Meditation Writing Journal Writing • Publish Your Life Story • Memoir Writing with Jane • Fiction in Progress • Memoir Writing Art & Architecture 36
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