Discover your creative side! Always wanted to learn how to sew? Perhaps hone your skills as a photographer? If fitness is your interest, learn how to coach sports. Explore the world of hospitality through Smart Serve and Wine Fundamentals. Choose the course that’s for you. PAINTING –WATER BASED OILS (ARTS-1029) COMPULSORY COURSES: ARTS-1060 Managing the Business Side of Art ARTS-1013 Art History & Theory ARTS-1061 Drawing & Visual Fundamentals ELECTIVE COURSES: ARTS-0001 Printmaking I ARTS-1033 Pottery I ARTS-3022 Pottery II ARTS-5012 Pottery III ARTS-1029 Painting – Water Based Oils ARTS-3020 Painting – Acrylic ARTS-5009 Painting – Watercolour ARTS-2005 Creative Drawing ARTS-1063 Multi Media COMP-1304 Graphic Design ARTS-1062 Sculpture & Mould Making COMP-6023 Web-based Publishing DRAWING & VISUAL FUNDAMENTALS (ARTS-1061) Design, composition and colour with an emphasis on drawing. Express yourself visually in a more interesting way. Draw from observation. Illustrate perspective; draw 2D and 3D representations using a variety of media. Fee: $209.20 + MF 01LC Tue Apr20-Jul6 6:30-9:30pm (C) 61 A studio course on the materials and techniques of the painter, covering one medium. Traditional craftsmanship, knowledge of materials, theories in painting, and major styles and movements included in the course content. Assignments will be presented in an art historical context with an emphasis on a contemporary overview. Fee: $179.50 + MF 01LC Wed Apr21-Jun23 6:30-9:30pm (C) This program would be of use to those in the retail and fashion and industries, those who would like to learn to create and properly fit professional looking clothing. It would also be of interest for those wishing to start an in home business. The project based program will build on skills learned in the initial course. Hands-on practice, appropriate workmanship and professional techniques covered. COURSES: FASH-1023 FASH-1025 FASH-1027 FASH-1028 FASH-1029 FASH-1030 For students who have completed the Dressmaking Program or those in the industry who would like to advance their skills by taking specialty courses. COMPULSORY COURSES: FASH-1031 Corseting & Evening Wear FASH-1032 Knitwear FASH-1033 Fabrics–Specialty FASH-1036 Ladies Tailored Jacket FASH-1037 Men’s Tailored Jacket MGMT-1049 How to Start a Small Business ELECTIVE COURSES: FASH-1024 Industrial Sewing FASH-1034 Alterations to Ready-to-Wear FASH-1035 Pattern Alterations Note: Additional electives will be added as the program grows. DRESSMAKERS LINED JACKET (FASH-1028) Dressmaking Level I Collared Top, PJ Pant & Housecoat Sheath Dress Dressmakers Lined Jacket Pants Detailed Blouse Learn traditional and contemporary methods to construct a lined jacket. Topics include: seaming, pressing, stabilizing, collars, pockets, bound buttonholes lining and top stitching. Jacket as well as sampler projects will be constructed. Fee: $179.50 + MF 01LC Wed Apr21-Jun23 6:30-9:30pm (C) DETAILED BLOUSE (FASH-1030) VISIT FANSHAWE.BOOKWARE3000.CA ICON LEGEND: = Certificate Program = In-A-Day Pre-requisite: FASH-1025 or equivalent experience Construct a blouse with set in sleeves. Learn = my eLab = Accelerated Career Training (ACT) 519-452-4444 professional techniques for constructing simple collars, short sleeve styles, buttonholes, facings, interfacings and finishing details. Measuring and easy set in sleeve techniques included. Fee: $179.50 + MF 01LC Thu Apr22-Jun24 6:30-9:30pm (C) with knowledge regarding ethical coaching, planning a practice and nutritional advise. Fee: $87.35 + $35MF 01LC Fri/Sat Apr9-Apr10 (C) Times: Fri 6-10pm; Sat 8:30-6pm NCCP COACHING INTRO TO COMPETITION PART B (RECN-3013) Acquire more skills and understanding to coach and train. You will design a basic sport program; teaching/ learning and mental preparation. Fee: $87.35 + $35MF 01LC Fri/Sat May7-May8 (C) Times: Fri 6-10pm; Sat 8:30-6pm PROFESSIONAL BARTENDING & SMART SERVE (BEVR-1007) Learn to prepare cocktails, and selections of beer and wine in a hospitality environment under the controls set out by the L.C.B.O. This comprehensive bartending course now includes the Smart Serve component and the opportunity to write the Wine Council of Ontario exam. Fee: $262.35 + $60MF 01LC Wed May5-Jul28 7-10pm (C) DANCE – MODERN SOCIAL (DANC-9105) Learn to foxtrot, waltz, 2-step as well as develop some expertise in swing & jive and polka. Partner required. Fee: $70 per person 01LC Fri Apr9-May14 7:45-8:45pm (C) DANCE – SOCIAL & LATIN FOR BEGINNERS (DANC-9104) SMART SERVE (BEVR-9005) Understand and implement the skills of responsible service while promoting food and non alcoholic beverages. Fee: $82.41 (manual & test included) 60LC Wed Jul14-Jul14 7-10pm (C) Enjoy yourself while learning to foxtrot, waltz, tango, and swing. Gain confidence in a relaxed atmosphere. Partner required. Fee: $70 per person 01LC Fri Apr9-May14 6:45-7:45pm (C) WINE FUNDAMENTALS I (BEVR-9018) Whether building on an existing career in hospitality or enhancing your enjoyment of wines; the ISG Wine Fundamentals Certificate Level I curriculum provides an introduction to the basic aspects of sensory evaluation that are frequently overlooked when drinking wine. Topics covered: wine appearance, aroma and flavour. Note: To register contact: Fee: $600 01LC Tue Apr20-Jun8 6:30-9:30pm (C) BEING YOUR BEST AFTER 50 (EXER-9001) Experience “no bounce” aerobic exercise with muscle strength and flexibility. Fun & easy! Location: St. Jude’s Church, London North Fee: $75.66 01LC Tue/Thu Apr20-Jun3 9:30-10:30am (C) NCCP COACHING INTRO TO COMPETITION PART A (RECN-2010) Would you like to be able to coach sports? Train athletes or gymnasts? This course will provide you = COURSES OFFERED THIS TERM CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOT-9035) Study and recognize primary structures of photographic composition and use them to improve your overall photographic skills. Bring camera and manual. Fee: $118.65 01LC Mon Jun7-Jun14 6:30-9:30pm (C) DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOT-9034) You will examine a digital SLR camera - design and composition, storage media, operations, files and file types, lenses, electronic flash, filters and macros. Bring camera and manual. Fee: $213.15 + MF 01LC Wed Apr21-Jun23 6:30-9:30pm (C) HOW TO MAKE (NOT TAKE) BETTER PICTURES (PHOT-9051) Learning how to MAKE (not take) Better Pictures is the philosophy behind this course. Producing a good photograph requires the photographer to make a series of choices and decisions as to how to create an image that is at least close to what they envision. This course will enable you, by watching demonstrations and learning technical and creative tips, to get the camera out of program/auto and into modes of operation where YOU control the process of capturing an image the way you want it... the process of making a picture. Fee: $200 + MF 01LC Tue Apr20-Jun8 6-8:30pm (C) (MUSC-9013) This course studies advanced chamber choir repertoire. Occasionally, touring is an integral part of the course including international ventures. Each student is required to take an active hands-on approach to membership and volunteer for non-singing rehearsal and concert activities.Rehearsals held Mondays. Note: An audition is required for entry into this course. The audition consists of an assessment of musical literacy and compatibility of intense study. Fee: $483.96 2010 Performances: • Apr2/10 Grand Mass in C Minor - Mozart • Jun13/10 Strawberries and Champagne in the Country ! NEW (MUSC-9014) This course is the study, by rehearsal and performance of the great symphonic choral/orchestra literature of the world. Each work is analyzed with attention to all musical concepts – diction, breathing, voice production, language and interpretation. Choral music of all periods is studied and includes in each school year a minimum of four concerts with symphony orchestra. Collaborative concerts with other arts organizations are sought and encouraged. Rehearsals held Mondays. Note: An audition is required for entry into this course. The audition consists of sight-reading, singing and a musical literacy test. In addition, each student will be required to volunteer with Fanshawe Chorus London under a variety of activities. These volunteer activities include stage crew, public relations, reception, fund raising, and so on. Each chorister is also required to sell tickets for each performance. Fee: $487.15 2010 Performances: • Apr2/10 Grand Mass in C Minor - Mozart For further information or auditions: Tel: 519-433-9650 • Email: • Web: Bursaries and scholarships may be available. TEACHING METHODS: (C) Classroom (BL) Blended (OL) Fanshawe Online (OTLN) OntarioLearn (IS) Independent Study 62
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