EUnetHTA Plenary Assembly April 10-11, 2014 Madrid, Spain European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | Agenda - I April 10, 2014 09:00 – 09:15 Opening remarks 09:15 – 10:15 First half of EUnetHTA JA2 – Report from the Coordinator 10:15 - 10:45 EUnetHTA Elections 2014 • Presentation of candidates and procedure 10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break – and elections 11:15 – 12:00 Approval of amended EUnetHTA Conflict of Interest Policy and SOP 12:00 – 12:30 Short –(2014-15), mid- (2016-20) and long-term (post-2020) strategic development of EUnetHTA • Introduction by EUnetHTA and HTA Network 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch 13:30 – 13:40 Results of the elections European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 2 Agenda - II April 10, 2014 13:40 – 14:45 Short-term (2014-15) strategic development of EUnetHTA 14:45 – 15:15 Coffee break 15:15 – 17:30 Mid-term (2016-20) strategic development of EUnetHTA – I • Introduction and Group work 18:30 – 20:15 20:30 – ca. 23:00 Social event: Guided bus tour from hotel Melia Galgos through Madrid Dinner at Café de Oriente, Plaza de Oriente, 3 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 3 Agenda - III April 11, 2014 09:00 – 10:15 Reports from Group discussion 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break 10:45 – 12:00 Mid-term (2016) strategic development of EUnetHTA – II • Plenary discussion 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:00 Long-term (post-2020) strategic development of EUnetHTA 14:00 – 14:30 HTA 2.0 Europe – teaming up for value, Rome Oct. 30-31, 2014 14:30 – 15:00 Other issues and Conclusion European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 4 Opening remarks • Mirjana Huic, PA Chair • Antonio Sarria-Santamera, Director HTA Department, ISCIII • Finn Børlum Kristensen, EUnetHTA Executive Committee Chair European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 5 Meeting objectives: To provide a networking opportunity and strengthen work relationships among the EUnetHTA participants To discuss and decide an outline for developing recommendations on the implementation of a sustainable European network for HTA (Deliverable 1 of EUnetHTA JA2) • To discuss and promote national uptake and implementation of EUnetHTA outputs • To identify main prerequisites for the optimal conditions for sustainability, design and management of the future EUnetHTA cooperation as the scientific and technical mechanism of the European cooperation on HTA European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 6 First half JA2 – report from the Coordinator EUnetHTA Secretariat, DHMA (Denmark) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | First half JA2: report from the Coordinator (I) Scientific Output: - 1st Core HTA completed and 2nd started (WP4) - - First drafts of the MSPs (Methodological Standard and Procedures); 4 rapid Core HTAs (2-pharma, 2- non-pharma) completed; 3 more started (WP5) - Procedure manuals , templates for assessments and evaluation surveys developed for both strands of rapid pilots - 6 pilot Early Dialogues finalised on medicinal products (WP7SG1) - Template for a disease specific guideline produced, concept paper delivered, first draft being developed (WP7SG1) - Literature review on the AEG (Additional Evidence Generation) performed (WP7SG2) - The first 3 guidelines are being drafted and work on the next 3 has started (WP7SG3) - Guideline elaboration process, templates for guideline concept and working manual - 1st draft of the submission template for pharmaceuticals developed and work on the submission template for the medical devices commenced (WP7SG4) - Local (national/regional) HTA adaptations of the Core HTAs and rapid HTAs : see next 3 slides European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 8 National Adaptation JA2 - I EUnetHTA output Past uptake Planned and Potential National Reports 1st Pilot, Zostavax for the prevention of herpes zoster and post herpetic neuralgia -Used by LBI-HTA (Austria) for the production of a national report (Published 2013) • CVZ (Netherlands) (ongoing) • AAZ (Croatia) plan to use the Zostavax report (1st quarter 2015) • MoH Spain (no date indicated) • HAS (France) and MoH Slovakia have expressed interest in national/local production (no date indicated) - • • • • • • JA2, WP5 Strand A 2nd pilot on canagliflozin for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus JA2, WP5 Strand A CVZ (Netherlands) (planned 2014) FIMEA (Finland) (planned Q2 2014) AAZ (Croatia) (planned Q3 2014) NCPE (Ireland) (no date indicated) CAHIAQ (Spain) (no date indicated) MoH, Slovakia (no date indicated) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 9 National Adaptation JA2 - II EUnetHTA output Past uptake Planned and Potential National Reports 1st pilot on Duodenal-jejunal bypass sleeve (EndoBarrier®) • CVZ (Netherlands), AAZ (Croatia), MoH Czech Republic, NOKC (Norway), and HIQA (Ireland) have expressed interest in national/local production (no date indicated) JA2, WP5 Strand B 2nd pilot on Renal denervation systems JA2, WP5 Strand B • Used by LBI-HTA (Austria) for the production of a national report. (Published end of July 2013). Used in Strand A in the Rapid REA on Canagliflozin (not national uptake per se but usage); parts of the text, mostly for the 1st domain, were used. (Published February 28, 2014) • NOKC (Norway) and HIS (Scotland, UK) have expressed interest in using parts of the assessment in national/local production (no date indicated) • CR.DK (Denmark) (ongoing, as of March 2014) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 10 National Adaptation JA1 EUnetHTA output Past uptake Planned and Potential National Reports Core HTAs on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening • Used by HVB (Austria) for the production of a national report (published 2013) - • Used by NOKC (Norway) for the production of a national report (published 2014) JA1 Core HTA information on “Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT ) versus guaiacbased fecal occult blood test (FOBT) for colorectal cancer screening” JA1 - • IER (Slovenia) and NIPH (Slovenia), (March 2014) • AAZ (Croatia), (2nd half of 2014) • GÖG (Austria) and HVB (Austria), (2nd half of 2014) • THL (Finland),(no date indicated) • NSPH MPD (Romania), SBU (Sweden), INFARMED (Portugal) and NCPHA (Bulgaria) have expressed an interest in national/local production. (no date indicated) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 11 First half JA2: report from the Coordinator (II) Scientific Output - TOOLS: - 2nd release of EVIDENT Database (+maintenance) (WP6) - POP Database further development (+maintenance) (WP6) – see next slide for contents - IMIS (Information Management Infrastructure and Services) development (new intranet, public website, re-design of the centralized authentication system, upgrade of EUnetHTA Aggregator, Toolbar, identification of technical options for e-learning platform, review of evolution needs for the Common Standards, evaluation of interoperability options; various support activities for JA2 operations management (financial/tech reporting; stakeholder involvement supporting tools, etc) (WP6) - Updated contents and applications of the HTA Core Model® (WP8) - Updated Policy and License (commercial license) (WP8) - Upgrading of the HTA Core Model Online Service (WP8) - - All done with feedback from the ongoing pilots Development and delivery of the tailored trainings and learning material for the EUnetHTA members and stakeholders (WP2) THE FIRST HALF YEAR OF JA2 OVERLAPPED WITH FINALISING AND REPORTING JA1………. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 12 POP Statistics: Quarterly Updates In Spring 2014, POP Database contained: 1,230 planned, ongoing and recently published projects from 44 EUnetHTA JA partners and 24 countries (Oct/Dec 2013) POP Request (Jan/March 2014) POP Request Out of 63 EUnetHTA JA partners: Out of 68 EUnetHTA JA partners: • • 28 responded and entered/updated projects in the database • 11 responded but DID NOT feed 35 responded and entered/updated projects in the database • 8 responded but DID NOT feed the database (no current changes in the projects) the database • 24 did not respond at all (38%) • 25 did not respond at all (37 %) • Total number of projects: 1,219 • Total number of projects: 1,216 • Alert (SAME) topics: 101 (8%) • Alert (SAME) topics: 103 (8 %) • Similar projects (within alert topics): 249 • Similar projects (within alert topics): 247 • Access-rights: 41 partners • Access-rights: 46 partners 13 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | First half JA2 : report from the Coordinator (III) Output: SERVICE – OPERATIONS AND Project MANAGEMENT (tools and support): - EUnetHTA JA2 3-year Work Plan, Consortium agreement, SOP, various templates (WP1, Secretariat) - Established and functioning Stakeholder Forum and Stakeholder Advisory Groups (SAGS), public consultations structure and function (SI PROCESS SUPPORT) (WP1, Secretariat) - Electronic timesheets (for the purpose of the financial reporting AND for calculation of efficiency gains) (WP1,WP3, Secretariat) - Surveys and interviews to audit the progress and to capture specifics of the cross-border collaboration activities (WP3) - Internal and external communications support (eg, newsletters, coordination and facilitation of presentations at various events, news service, social media presence (Secretariat, WP1) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 14 First half JA2: report from the Coordinator (IV) External collaborations: Policy developed to govern involvement with external parties - EMA: 3 year Work Plan; 2 joint meetings per year; input in a number of workshops; coordinated EUnetHTA input to one of EMA’s public consultations; presence in ENCePP - PARENT JA: participation in the workshops, review/input to their deliverables; regular updates on developments - 4 FP7 projects: coordinating meeting held; contacts established between relevant EUnetHTA WPs/activity lines and FP7 projects - EUPATI: EUnetHTA participates in the Advisory Board European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 15 First half JA2: report from the Coordinator (V) New developments: - EUnetHTA Position (process & procedure; 1 EUnetHTA Position developed) - Framework for collaboration with EFPIA - ToR and project with Roche on exploring the application of the HTA Core Model in the internal company’s processes - Clarifying synergistic co-existence and cooperation with the HTA Network (input to the Rules of procedure, Multiannual work plan and Strategy paper on long-term provisions) – EUnetHTA is the scientific and technical cooperation mechanism of the HTA Network - Co-Chair function in the Stakeholder Forum - EUnetHTA partners cooperation to form SEED European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 16 First half JA2: report from the Coordinator (VI) Finances: Total expenditure Y1: 2.107.215 € (i.e. 22 %* of the total budget) Grant spent Y1:1.417.963 € (72.1 % of the pre-finance received) • 77,6% spent on staff (budgeted figure: 75,7%) • 6,8% spent on travel/subsistence (budgeted figure: 9,3%) • 24 partners spent >50% of the distributed grant (13 of them spent 100%) • 12 partners spent <50% and 2 did not declare any expenditure at all • A budget revision is planned 1-2Qs of Year 3 * THE FIRST HALF YEAR OF JA2 OVERLAPPED WITH FINALISING AND REPORTING JA1. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 17 Achievements to support cooperation practice (by WP) WP2: successfully delivered first training courses to EUnetHTA members (91% - expectations met) and stakeholders (63% - ”very useful”) WP3: calculation concept, specific database and a tool (timesheet) for easy data extraction from the timesheets and for assurance of data quality for calculations of cost-efficiency WP4: both process of actual collaboration on delivering Core HTA and methods/procedures for supporting collaboration developed timely European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 18 Achievements to support cooperation practice (by WP) WP5: Strand A Inside WP: The successful completion of 2 joint pilot rapid relative effectiveness assessments with partners from across Europe which has resulted in national uptake of these reports by a number of reimbursement authorities across Europe. The lessons learned from the pilots have resulted in improved procedures and templates. Across WPs: • Collaborating in the creation of a pilot European manufacturer's submission template in cooperation with NICE for the WP7 SG4 working group. • Ongoing discussion and cooperation with WP4 and WP8 on the development of the HTA Core Model® and the model for rapid REA. This communication ensures that the rapid model and the HTA core model are synchronized and all relevant partners are aware of the updates occurring in the refinement process of the model for rapid REA. • Dissemination of information on the model for rapid REA and the process of the joint pilot rapid REAs occurring throughout WP5 JA2 for the WP2 EUnetHTA partners training and education meetings. External cooperation: Collaboration with EMA to improve the awareness and process of the pilot joint rapid REAs and to discuss future opportunities for collaboration and parallel, complimentary procedures. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 19 Achievements to support cooperation practice (by WP) WP5: Strand B Inside WP: • Development and continuous improvement of the Procedure Manual and templates to facilitate/ support the cooperation of the pilot team members. The update of the templates is based on lessons learned during the production of the first 2 pilot rapid assessments. • The successful completion of 2 joint pilot rapid assessments being positive practice examples of the feasibility of international cooperation, leading to increased motivation to participate. • The definition of clear tasks and responsibilities according to the role of pilot participants (strengthening of project management, 1st authors’ responsibility for quality assurance), sharpened focus to support the joint assessment production on a high quality level. Accross WPs: • Cooperation with WP7 SG4 on the development of a pilot manufacturer’s submission file template for medical devices. • Dissemination of information on the process of the joint rapid pilot production for medical devices throughout WP5 JA2 for the WP2 EUnetHTA partners training and education meetings. External parties: Continuous improvement of supporting processes (e.g. communication within the team and with external experts/ stakeholders: e-meetings, new consultation process, CT manages communication with manufacturers) to ensure a high quality process management and output production. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 20 Achievements to support cooperation practice (by WP) WP7: SG1: Conduct of 8 ED pilots (instead of 3 planned) as a result of an overwhelming interest expressed by industry and continued partner commitment. Improvement of the ED procedure as a result of repeat testing via the increased number of ED pilots and the feedback obtained by surveying the EUnetHTA partners and Industry. Face to face interactions between HTA bodies provides an opportunity to strengthen relationships and give feedback on the evolving ED process. Early Dialogues with EMA as an observer SG2: Survey on Additional Evidence Generation successfully conducted (90% response rate) allowing the identification of partners able to actively contribute to the development of this activity. Collaboration with partners underway (6 active partners/4 collaborating). Capacity building with regard to the conduct of studies for additional evidence generation that should meet both the requirements of regulators and HTA bodies. Collaboration with ENCePP and EMA. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 21 Achievements to support cooperation practice (by WP) WP7: SG3: 22 partners actively support the elaboration of six methodological guidelines in a newly designed process and two production waves. A working manual has been written and consented. 2 guideline draft versions are under internal review (Meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy, Economic Evaluation) Carrying out of fruitful internal consultation to reach consensus on the objectives for challenging topics (i.e. Economic Evaluation) SG4: Development of a draft submission template that reflects the range of evidence requested from manufacturers by 27 European countries that use evidence submissions from manufacturers to inform national decisions about reimbursement of pharmaceuticals. Any future jointly produced HTA information would be facilitated by a manufacturer’s submission template that contains the evidence requirements of all countries that decide to participate. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 22 Achievements to support cooperation practice (by WP) WP6: • Implementation of the new Intranet with a general group to share information with all partners and associates; restricted group areas (one for each WP, and for each WP sub group) + provision of training to the group owners • Managing the Planned and Ongoing Projects database and regular provision of alerts for potential collaborations WP8: • Up-to-date, improved contents of the HTA Core Model, including a new application to support production of core HTAs on pharmaceuticals • Improved electronic support tools: the HTA Core Model Online to work with the new Model version • Updated the Policy for the HTA Core Model and core HTA information • Updated the Terms of Use for the HTA Core Model, including the inclusion of a commercial license • Constant improvement of the skills and expanding the user base of the Model: several occasions of providing training on the HTA Core Model European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 23 First half JA2: report from the Coordinator (VII) While implementing JA2 and managing the EUnetHTA operations… - Conflict of Interest and confidentiality handling need to be standardised across WPs - Cross-WP coordination takes more time and resources than initially allocated - Stakeholder involvement – need to plan better, structure better, manage consistently and know what is the purpose of the input we are seeking - practice and process details of the stakeholder involvement in EUnetHTA need to be refined to be efficient and value-generating, not an exercise in comforting - possibly having yearly meetings to discuss challenges and experience - develop appropriate involvement mechanism for SHs from all 4 groups to contribute in scoping meetings - Challenges with “volunteering” or “interest-driven” approach to assigning partner organisations to WPs that all have detailed plans for the action – more efficient and effective models need to be in place (after JA2) - Good planning and management (process and project management) skills are scarce (or attention to these is lacking) – detrimental to sustainability of a network focusing on the “production of HTA information” and providing services around it European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 24 First half JA2: report from the Coordinator (VIII) - Complexity and sheer amount of activities are very high – efforts to reduce both are needed - Diverse IT systems and varying access to the latest applications – will continue to be a problem-causing issue as EUnetHTA (also when it comes to support systems) is a network of independent legal entities (neither a “corporation” nor an agency) with diverse IT systems - New (and mostly young) staff members join the agencies – need for regular training to bring the newcomers up-to-speed in a complex project - As long as the EUnetHTA activities (or any “cross-border cooperation on HTA” in whatever framework) remain being perceived as a “project” or “ad hoc “ or “extra-curricular” to the daily activities of national/regional agencies – there will be difficulties with implementation and progress… - A minimum requirement of having a “EUnetHTA liaison” person in each partner organisation (who indeed knows “ins and outs” in the organisation vis-à-vis EUnetHTA) must be implemented - Transparency is vital to success: in external collaborations as well as in planning the national report production with the use of the EUnetHTA information - Defining boundaries of remits of the strategic (HTA Network) and scientific and technical mechanism (EUnetHTA) of the European cooperation on HTA will be helpful European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 25 Reflections from first half of EUnetHTA JA2 - DISCUSSION • Factors that facilitate collaboration and/or receiving greatest value by your organisation from EUnetHTA • Main barriers to collaboration and/or to receiving greater value for your organisation from EUnetHTA (including reflections on the formal/budget conditions of the Join Action as per the grant agreement as well as internal organisational barriers in your organisation) • Feasibility of incorporating/applying current EUnetHTA tools and processes into your own organisation’s processes and routines • Most useful of the current external collaborations of EUnetHTA • Stakeholder involvement in EUnetHTA and relevance/lessons learned for the national stakeholder involvement practices European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 26 EUnetHTA Elections 2014 Presentation of candidates and procedure European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 27 EUnetHTA PA Chair and Deputy Chair – Candidates (term 2014-2016) Candidate for the position of the Chair: • Luciana Ballini, Head of Research Unit - "Regional Observatory for Health Innovation", Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale (ASSR), Italy. Candidate for the position of the Deputy Chair: • Dr. Mairin Ryan, Director HTA, Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), Ireland. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 28 Elections 2014 – Executive Committee Candidates (term 2014-2015) 1. Galician Agency for Health Technology Assessment (Avalia-T), Spain (Represented by Marisa López García) 1. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), UK (Represented by Elisabeth George) 2. State Health Care Accreditation Agency (VASPVT), Lithuania (Represented by Gintarė Mikšienė) 3. Swiss Network for Health Technology Assessment (SNHTA), Switzerland (Represented by Christoph Künzli) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 29 EUnetHTA PA Chair and Dep. Chair Governance Guiding Principles: The Plenary Assembly shall elect a Chair and a Deputy Chair from among its members on the basis of individual merits, and not as representatives of their respective organisations for the period of 2 years, not to serve for more than two terms in the same function. Voting: absolute majority of the Plenary Assembly voting members present and by secret ballot. Several rounds of election take place in case when 2 or more candidates are nominated for the same position and receive equal number of the majority votes for the same position in the first round of election. 1 vote per 1 candidate The Deputy Chair shall be elected following a procedure identical to that of the Chair. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 30 EUnetHTA Executive Committee Governance Guiding Principles: The electable members of the Executive Committee are elected for the period of 1 year, not to serve for more than 2 consecutive terms in the same function. The Executive Committee shall not contain more than 2 partners from one country. Voting: a simple majority of the Plenary Assembly voting members present at an annual meeting and by secret ballot. Several rounds of election take place in case when 2 or more candidates are nominated for the same position and receive equal number of the majority votes for the same position in the first round of election. 1 vote per 1 running organisation European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 31 Election procedure Madrid 1. Nomination of 2 tellers amongst the Plenary Assembly participants 2. Vote casting during the coffee break 10:45-11:15 3. Vote counting 11:15 -13:30 (lunch) 4. Results of the election 13:30 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 32 Approval of amended EUnetHTA CoI Policy and SOP Presentation, discussion and endorsement European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 33 Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality handling - proposal Background: - Necessity to standardise across JA2 WPs managing pilots on specific technologies - No information on the presence of formal policies and procedures in a substantial number of EUnetHTA organisations - - Diversity of the extent, thoroughness and specific practice of implementation in various organisations – need for a standard policy and procedures for a European level activity Concrete experience in JA2 pilots indicate the necessity to have a standard EUnetHTA CoI and Confidentiality handling procedures European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 34 Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality handling - proposal Specific procedures proposal: - Obligation to inform on the availability of the CoI and confidentiality policies and procedures in the partner/associate institutions once they apply for joining EUnetHTA - LPs and Co-LPs informed on the availability - Status of availability publicly announced on the EUnetHTA website - DOICU form to be completed by each individual participating in JA2 prior to commencing any work in WP4 and 5 pilots - DOICU form to be provided to the individuals by the WP4 and 5 - Completed form to be returned to the respective WP LPs/Co-LPs AND the EUnetHTA Secretariat - Info valid for 1 year – after 1 year a new form/update of the old one is requested - EUnetHTA secretariat sets up a database for the DOICU issues. LPs and Co-LPs are to consult the database prior to requesting completion of the form by individuals (to avoid multiple declarations) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 35 CoI and Confidentiality – proposal (ii) - EUnetHTA member organisations are to explicitly indicate the confidential nature of the shared documents. Patient data or commercially sensitive/proprietary information is confidential “by default”. - Liability for breaches in handling of the confidential information lies with those who are actually the “breaching” party – neither the Secretariat nor the coordinating agencies are to be held liable - In case of no clear instructions of how to specifically handle the confidential information, if the info is indicated to be confidential it is NOT TO BE DISTRUBUTED FURTHER without asking for permission. - In case of publication of any articles or providing any training to the third parties on the subject where an individual had access to the confidential information through participation in the EUnetHTA activities, s/he needs to inform the EUnetHTA Secretariat and the organisation that led such activity. Confidential information cannot be published in national assessment before the EUnetHTA pilot report has been published. - DOICU Form changes (tracked changes visible): - Confidentiality undertaking clause (based on EMA form) - EUnetHTA Secretariat role European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 36 Comments received so far No explicitly stated rejection of proposed approach Additional concern: - Explicit criteria to assess the presence of CoI in relation to a specific project/pilot? Currently: - DOICU form content guiding to possible areas of concern - LPs and Co-LPs (when relevant) assessing and making decisions - Work to develop such criteria should start - A Task Force to be set up to develop such criteria (also possibly serving as a ”sounding board” for the LPs in concrete CoI situations; no responsibility to decide on the outcome of the specific cases) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 37 Amended SOP Based of the concrete experience of JA2 implmentation Changes developed in coopreation with the project managers of WP LPs and Co-LPs European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 38 Short- (2014-15), mid- (2016-20) and long-term (post-2020) strategic development of EUnetHTA Introduction by EUnetHTA and HTA Network European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 39 The timeline of reaching a sustainable and permanent HTA network in Europe Health Programme 2005 2009 2011 Call for project proposals Call for joint action Call for joint action 2015-2020 Financial support JA3 2006-2008 2009 2010-2012 2012-2015 EUnetHTA Project EUnetHTA Collaboration EUnetHTA JA EUnetHTA JA2 2016-2020 S / T EUnetHTA Scientific and A technical cooperation R M Legislation 2008-2011 2011-12 2013 2013+ Draft Cross Border Healthcare Directive. Article 15 on HTA network CBHC Directive now decided EU Cooperation on HTA Implementing Decision HTA Network DG R&I W i t h 2011 FP7-Health Horizon 2020 2012-Innovation-1 Calls New methodologies for HTA Health Care Other sources - Structural Funfs - European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | IMI - Other 40 S E C R E T A R I A T Please remember to fill out the Yearly WP3 Survey! Enjoy Lunch! European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | Results of the elections European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 42 Short-term (2014-15) strategic development of EUnetHTA Discussion in plenary European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 43 Focus on HTA in Europe to • strengthen the practical application of tools and approaches to cross-border HTA collaboration • achieve a better understanding for the European Commission and Member States of ways to establish a sustainable structure for HTA work in the EU • produce recommendations regarding the design and management of the future EU HTA cooperation Three main objectives of EUnetHTA JA2: • to increase collaborative production of timely and fit for purpose HTA information that is applicable in national or regional HTA production and decision making • to increase reliability, quality and relevance of HTA thus expanding its applicability for policy making • to build capacities in HTA European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 44 Your (ie, your organisation’s) expectations and/or views regarding the remainder of the JA2 (April 2014September 2015) I. National uptake and implementation of the EUnetHTA outputs II. The final product in the form of a report is seen as an acceptable and desirable output in the production of the rapid Core HTAs of pharmaceuticals to fit with the Transparency Directive requirements European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 45 I) National uptake and implementation of the EUnetHTA outputs 1. Does national legislation directly or indirectly hinder uptake of international (e.g., EUnetHTA) reports / collections of information in the national assessments? What can we do about this? 2. As per the EUnetHTA JA2 Grant Agreement, “at least 40 national HTA reports are to be produced with use of tools and information from JA2” (p. 44 of the GA). Would the following minimum requirements for identifying the “national reports produced with the use of the EUnetHTA tools and outputs” be acceptable? European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 46 Local (national/regional) HTA report is produced with usage of one of the full Core HTAs produced in JA1 or JA2 o The whole Core HTA is used o Parts of the Core HTA is used European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 47 Local (national/regional)HTA report is produced with usage of the rapid HTAs produced in JA1 or JA2 o The whole rapid HTA is used o Parts of the rapid HTA is used European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 48 • Local (national/regional) HTA report is produced with application of the EUnetHTA Adaptation Toolkit in adapting of one of the national/regional reports from a different country to local settings • An local (national/regional) HTA report is the outcome of collaboration facilitated by the POP database service • Local (national/regional) HTA report is produced with application and has reference to one or more of the EUnetHTA guidelines • Local (national/regional) HTA report clearly describes the development process that includes usage of or reference to any of the EUnetHTA tools (i.e., POP Database, Evident Database, HTA Core Model (including Online Service and Database) European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 49 3. Your organisation’s specific suggestions of feasible ways to overcome barriers for collaboration and ensure national uptake of the EUnetHTA outputs in the remainder of the JA2 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 50 II) “Joint assessment report” = in the form of a report Recent discussions in the HTA Core Model Challenges meeting and the WP5 meeting in Vienna (end of November 2014) followed by the discussions and agreement in the EUnetHTA Executive Committee confirmed that the final product in the form of a report is seen as an acceptable and desirable output in the production of the rapid Core HTAs of pharmaceuticals to fit with the Transparency Directive requirements. It was agreed at the same time that the final product’s format should not compromise the goal of transferability/re-usability, transparency and possibility to assess the quality of the final product as well as respect the Member States’ competences and responsibilities for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care. “Joint assessment report” is one of the currently used formats. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 51 Issues to consider for 2014-2015 DISCUSSION Page 3-4 Background Paper ˗ National legislation and international reports / collections of information – what are the concrete challenges/problems? Anything can be done about it? ˗ Minimum requirements to identify national reports based on the EUnetHTA information – acceptable? Final product of joint assessments in a form of a report – acceptable? Goals of transferability/re-usability, transparency and possibility to assess quality not to be compromised European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 52 Mid-term (2016-20) strategic development of EUnetHTA - I Introduction and Group work European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 53 Introductory remarks Aim in establishing EUnetHTA: ”to involve and ensure HTA interests across Europe to secure an efficient and sustainable network” Operational purpose: ” to support the production of HTA information tailored to the needs of the national/regional HTA organisations participating in EUnetHTA. A wide range of formats and solutions are offered to facilitate various steps in the HTA production process accommodating various types of healthcare technologies as well as different phases in their life-cycle” European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 54 Introductory remarks Complexity of the task and relationships with (and concurrent developments in) the external environment Need to ”close the gap” between piloting done and ”real life” implementation in daily HTA production of the HTA agencies ˗ Feasibility of implementation ˗ Already established effectiveness ˗ What remains to be done Analysis of the wealth of experience, results and achievements in JA1 and JA2 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 55 Introductory remarks Formal conditions of JA mechanism need to be different from JA1 and JA2 if sustainability and permanency of the European cooperation on HTA is to be ensured through JA3 Governance structure to be adjusted appropriately Stakeholder involvement to reflect a new reality Remits of the scientific and technical cooperation and the HTA Network to be clarified JA2 Deliverable 1 – Recommendations – way forward from now on European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 56 Group work - QUESTIONS 1. What will be the objective of EUnetHTA in the next phase (2016-2020) of its development (what will EUnetHTA want to achieve in these years?) 2. What will define priorities that will guide identification of the specific activities to pursue in years 2016-2020? 3. What are the limitations of the current conditions of cooperation (both formal on the EU level and organisational (EUnetHTA-wise and within your own organisation’s internal structure and processes) that need to be adjusted? 4. What modes of operation will your organisation see as preferable in JA3? 5. What should the relation be between the HTA Network and the scientific and technical cooperation to make it attractive to EUnetHTA after JA2? 6. Which specific processes already employed in JA2 should be further improved and how? Some of the processes: stakeholder involvement; topic identification, selection and prioritisation for joint work; capacity building and continuous education for EUnetHTA members and stakeholders; national adaptation of joint collaborative results. 7. Other issues? European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 57 Group discussions - OBJECTIVES ˗ An explicit, understandable strategic signal from EUnetHTA on the scientific and technical network cooperation 2016-20 ˗ Directions for EUnetHTA’s mid-term scientific and technical network cooperation and management structure/system and a business model that can be proposed for implementation ˗ Prioritised and more focused EUnetHTA activities of ˗ implementing/using our tools, raising standards, implementing outputs at national and regional level, building capacity, involving stakeholders, and connecting with research and innovation ˗ Upholding a network mode of collaboration enabling each organisation to chose among three levels of participation ˗ Constructive exploration of hosting of the secretariat function for sustainability by EMA in open deliberations with all those who have a stake in this ˗ The voices of various (geographically, size, mandate, etc.) individual EUnetHTA partners must be heard – speak up! European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 58 EUnetHTA Plenary Assembly April 11, 2014 Madrid, Spain European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | Agenda April 11, 2014 09:00 – 10:15 Reports from Group discussion 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break 10:45 – 12:00 Mid-term (2016) strategic development of EUnetHTA – II • Plenary discussion 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:00 Long-term (post-2020) strategic development of EUnetHTA 14:00 – 14:30 HTA 2.0 Europe – teaming up for value, Rome Oct. 30-31, 2014 14:30 – 15:00 Other issues and Conclusion European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 60 Reports from Group discussions European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 61 Mid-term (2016-20) strategic development of EUnetHTA - II Plenary discussion European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 62 Next steps (mid-term) – development of Recommendations (Deliverable 1) End of April - summary of discussions PA Madrid May – August - first draft of the Recommendations (Deliverable 1), to be developed by the Coordinator (Secretariat) for discussions in the Executive Committee Sept 24-25 - draft finalised for the 1st review round by the PA Oct 3-20 - 1st review round by the PA Oct 30-31 - main outline and main points presented at the Rome conference Nov-Jan - further refinement of the document (Secretariat and Exec Comm) Feb - 2nd review round by the PA; processing the final comments March 2015 - adoption and delivery of the final Recommendations European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 63 Please remember to fill out the Yearly WP3 Survey! Enjoy Lunch! European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | Long-term (post-2020) strategic development of EUnetHTA Discussion in plenary European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 65 EUnetHTA Joint Action 2 (2012-2015) Objectives - To strengthen the practical application of tools and approaches to cross-border HTA collaboration - To achieve a better understanding for the European Commission and Member States of ways to establish a sustainable structure for HTA work in the EU - To produce recommendations regarding the design and management of the future EU HTA cooperation Total budget: € 9,428,550 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 66 2014-15 2016-20 2021+ European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | Options / Alternatives ??? European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 68 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 69 EUnetHTA Joint Action 2 (2012-2015) Total budget: € 9,428,550 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 70 2012 2013 2014 Euro Euro Euro Fees collected 174,247,820 199,810,000 236,156,000 European Union 38,831,827 39,230,000 39,230,000 GRAND TOTAL 223,527,419 251,560,000 297,169,000 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 71 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 72 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 73 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 74 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 75 2014-15 2016-20 2021+ European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 2020 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 77 2021+ European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 78 Options / Alternatives ??? European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 79 Long-term development - QUESTIONS 1. What concerns does your organisation have with regards to the period post 2020? 2. What will be important to clarify and achieve in the mid-term in order to lay-down a foundation for a sustainable development post 2020? 3. What constitutes your organisation’s considerations of ensured sustainability – besides access to the finances to fund the activities? 4. What would in your view ensure that EUnetHTA will have higher chances to have access to sufficient financial resources to continue its work? 5. Given the expectations that the HTA Network will facilitate “quick access of patients to new technologies”, how could relationships between HTA agencies, regulators and manufacturers be further developed and qualified (in format, content and objectives) in order to speed the process from proof of concept to reimbursability ? European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 80 HTA 2.0 Europe – teaming up for value, Rome Oct. 30-31, 2014 European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 81 Conference, October 2014 Under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Health European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 82 Programme at a glance • Programme 2 days; plenary, panel and round table discussions, direct interaction with EUnetHTA tools and methodology development teams • Latest in scientific cross-border cooperation on HTA in Europe • Challenges, opportunities and potential benefits in alignment and synergistic interaction between technology developers, regulators and health technology assessors • Key messages, insights and perspectives of national healthcare systems, EU Presidency, European Commission, regulators, reimbursement authorities • Concrete examples of advantages for the healthcare system realised through networking across partnerships and alliances Target audience: Policy makers, technology assessors and producers, researchers (from HTArelevant fields of research), patients, providers, payers European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 83 Promotion activities before the Conference EUnetHTA APs and CPs: • Indicating the date of the Conference, 30-31 October, 2014, on your agency’s website calendars • Uploading the Conference promotion banner on their websites • Including the Conference promotion banner as part of e-mail signatures (if possible) • Distributing the electronic (pdf) Conference announcement flyer internally and in own networks and/or place it on your agency websites (the flyer will distributed by the Secretariat in mid-April) • Distributing the “paper-version” of the Conference announcement flyer internally and in own networks (the flyer will distributed by the Secretariat in mid-April) • Include the EUnetHTA Conference promotion slide in ppt presentations on EUnetHTA The slide is available here: Stakeholder Forum: • Flyer, banner and promotion slide are also shared with SF for their promotion of the EUnetHTA Conference (this week). European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 84 Promotion material E-mail signature: Promotion banner: Flyer: To be distributed mid-April European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 85 Promotion activities at the Conference: • EUnetHTA JA2 Activity Stations (see next slide) • The Stakeholder Forum and external collaborating partners (e.g. FP7 projects, HTAi, INAHTA etc.) can display 1 piece of promotional material in print (e.g. leaflet, brochure etc.) at the Conference. • AGENAS, as the Conference hosting agency, will also have an exhibition stand at the Conference. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 86 EUnetHTA JA2 Activity Stations - I 1. Core HTAs • Content: Full core HTAs, national adaptation information • Main responsible: WP4 LP 2. Rapid HTAs • Content: Work on submission templates???, pilots, rapid model for relative effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and rapid model for non-pharmaceutical interventions • Main responsible: WP5 LP & Co-LP 3. HTA Core Model and Service • Content: Models, tools, and online service/facilities to support collaborative production of core HTA information • Main responsible: WP8 LP European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 87 EUnetHTA Activity Stations - II 4. EUnetHTA Guidelines • Content: Work on guidelines • Main responsible: WP7 LP 5. Evidence Generation/Early Dialogues • Content: EUnetHTA’s input to Early Dialogue processes, EVIDENT • Main responsible: WP7 LP 6. Building Capacity for Cooperation • Content: Information management infrastructure, Community of Practice, POP Database, training • Main responsible: WP2 LP, WP6 LP European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 88 Free of charge attendees 1 person per EUnetHTA organisation (APs and CPs) can participate in the EUnetHTA Conference free of charge: • For APs and CPs representative: Conference fee to be waived • For APs (only): travel and accommodation costs has been allocated in the EUnetHTA budget. The Secretariat will kindly request contact information of the free of charge attendees (internal decision) by 6 June, 2014. Specially Invited Guests (SIGs) to be identified (1, max 2, from each Member State): conference fee to be waived, individual invitations, etc • Priority group 1: High level official representative of the Ministry of Health (or equivalent to the MoH) • Priority group 2: The CEO/CMO or Chair of the Board (high level management official of the national authority) having responsibility for the HTA matters in the country. The Secretariat will kindly request suggestions/recommendation on SIGs including contact information and potentially contact approach for them by 10 May, 2014. European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 89 Other issues and Conclusion European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 90 Other issues European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 | 91 Thank you Have a safe trip home!! European network for Health Technology Assessment | JA2 2012-2015 |
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