Successful 2002 Linkage Projects and Linkage APAI only Grants by Institution - contents Australian Capital Territory 16 New South Wales 154 Northern Territory 1 Queensland 88 South Australia 30 Tasmania 13 Victoria 122 Western Australia 45 TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 469 Australian Capital Territory The Australian National University The Australian National University – IAS University of Canberra TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 8 6 2 16 New South Wales Australian Catholic University Charles Sturt University Macquarie University Southern Cross University The University of New England The University of New South Wales The University of Newcastle The University of Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Wollongong TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 3 5 6 5 5 49 16 25 11 9 20 154 Northern Territory Northern Territory University TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 1 1 Queensland Central Queensland University Griffith University James Cook University Queensland University of Technology The University of Queensland University of the Sunshine Coast University of Southern Queensland TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 4 17 10 18 37 2 0 88 South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The University of Adelaide University of South Australia TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 5 9 16 30 Tasmania University of Tasmania TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 13 13 Victoria Deakin University La Trobe University Monash University RMIT University Swinburne University of Technology The University of Melbourne University of Ballarat Victoria University of Technology TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 25 5 17 15 12 34 3 11 122 Western Australia Curtin University of Technology Edith Cowan University Murdoch University The University of Western Australia TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS 6 3 13 23 45 Australian Capital Territory University of Canberra LP0219571 Administering Organisation: University of Canberra Prof AM Harding Ms AE Walker Title: Developing a Socio-Economic Model of the Australian Pharmaceutical Market: an Advanced Decision Support Tool 2002: $81,000 2003: $72,000 2004: $65,000 Category: 2404 - OPTICAL PHYSICS Industry Partner(s): Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Summary: While current tensions arising from rapid increases in expenditures on pharmaceuticals are likely to become more prominent in future, decision support tools to help policy makers respond to these issues in the most socially and economically efficient way are scarce. Our proposal aims to fill this gap, by gradually extending a prototype model concerning subsidised prescribed pharmaceuticals into a complex economic model of the total Australian pharmaceutical market. The new model will be able to project the impact of policy and other changes affecting all pharmaceuticals, as well as their distributional impact on patients. Expenditures by government and patients, as well as sales by industry, will be separately identified; the effects of the introduction of new drugs monitored; and the benefits of using pharmaceuticals estimated in terms of their impact on the health of Australians. *** LP0214980 Administering Organisation: University of Canberra Rev EB MacKinlay Ms CA Trevitt Ms M Coady Ms S Hobart Title: Finding meaning in the experience of dementia: The place of spiritual reminiscence work. 2002: $27,000 2003: $25,000 2004: $20,000 Category: 3211 - NURSING Industry Partner(s): Wesley Gardens Georgian Aged Care Mirinjani Retirement Village Anglican Retirement Community Services Summary: This project will use spiritual reminiscence work to study the experience of dementia and the spiritual dimension focussing on how people with dementia find meaning and develop coping strategies. Dementia is a significant issue for an ageing society where estimates of prevalence indicate a rise of 254% from 1995-2041. The greatest challenge to people diagnosed with dementia is their search for meaning leading to the development of effective coping strategies as their memory loss and confusion progresses. Outcomes will impact on persons with dementia, staff and carers, with improved quality of life for all *** The Australian National University LP0211898 Administering Organisation: The Australian National University Prof JC Altman Mr BE Harvey Dr JP Nieuwenhuysen Title: Indigenous community organisations and miners: Partnering sustainable regional development? 2002: $112,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $112,000 2004: $94,000 2 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Rio Tinto Ltd Committee for Economic Development of Australia Summary: The project applies an innovative social sciences framework to an analysis of how Indigenous community organisations in remote Australia can better develop capacity to maximise the sustainable benefits of adjacent long-life mines. The roles of mining companies, governments and other stakeholders, as well as Indigenous organisations, in maintaining social capital within communities experiencing development strain associated with economic, social and environmental impacts of mining will be investigated. The project will make an important theoretical contribution to refining an emerging framework that includes the key element 'social capital'. Practical recommendations for policy change that facilitate better socio-economic outcomes will be provided. *** LP0219667 Administering Organisation: The Australian National University Prof MJ Dodgson Mr D Scott-Kemmis Dr JH Matthews Dr K Bryant Dr AJ Jones Title: Innovation in Australia: Measurement, performance, systems, dynamics and change 2002: $120,000 2003: $100,000 2004: $60,000 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3602 - POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Industry Partner(s): Australian Business Foundation Ltd Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Australia Department of Industry Science and Resources Summary: This project will produce a comprehensive, integrated analysis of Australia?s national innovation system. Through a combination of recent theoretical and conceptual insights and robust empirical analysis the partners will address one of the most pressing issues confronting Australian industrial and research policy. The project will analyze the changes occurring in Australia?s innovation system and the drivers behind them. It will examine the inter-relationships in the development of the innovation system and particular important industrial clusters within it. It will study the impact of globalization, and will compare Australia?s innovation system and performance with that of Finland and Canada. *** LP0212083 Administering Organisation: The Australian National University Prof S Dowrick Dr TS Breusch Title: The Determinants of Australia's Productivity Performance 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Productivity Commission Summary: Productivity growth is the key to increasing prosperity for all Australians. The scholar will survey the theoretical and empirical literature pertinent to explaining trends and cycles in the productivity of the Australian economy over the past thirty years. The scholar will then select specific areas for focused research which will lead to academic papers and the submission of a PhD thesis. *** LP0209633 Administering Organisation: The Australian National University Prof NA Gunningham Title: Regulatory design for water quality management in urban catchments 2002: $108,270 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $103,096 1 2004: $113,209 Category: 3901 - LAW Industry Partner(s): Department of Environmental Protection, Western Australia Water Corporation Water and Rivers Commission Summary: This project aims, through empirical research (i) to evaluate the effectiveness of current regulatory, quasi-regulatory and other policy strategies for water quality management in urban catchments (including total/integrated catchment management); (ii) to provide practical policy prescriptions concerning how through judicious regulatory and institutional design, those problems may be best addressed for the future; and (iii) advance regulatory theory by developing a framework for understanding the relative effectiveness of different regulatory regimes in the context of urban catchment management. Its empirical focus is on the Swan-Canning river in Western Australia. *** LP0210509 Administering Organisation: The Australian National University Prof EM Papadakis Title: New Environmental Policy Instruments and Government-Industry Strategies in Queensland 2002: $20,000 2003: $23,000 2004: $27,000 Category: 3601 - POLITICAL SCIENCE Industry Partner(s): Department of Premier and Cabinet Summary: This study will examine the hypothesized benefits of environmental policy instruments such as voluntary agreements, taxes and incentives, which augment or supplant traditional regulatory approaches. It will focus on a State experiencing economic prosperity by exporting resources, and designing new institutional responses to the challenges of creating a sustainable society. The anticipated outcomes are to provide research perspectives to central State government agencies that offer strategic policy advice and coordination, and concepts for understanding and influencing changes aimed at balancing the imperatives for economic development and environmental protection as well as redefining the relationship between government and industry. *** LP0215945 Administering Organisation: The Australian National University Dr JC Pezzey Prof I White Title: Analysis of Possible Rules for Interstate Water Trading by the Australian Capital Territory 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Water Research Foundation of Australia Environment ACT, Department of Urban Services Summary: Rules will be studied and modelled for allowing ACT water trading with other states, within an agreed abstraction cap. The aim is to find administrative, constraining and price-setting rules that maximise the economic gain of trading to Australia, bearing in mind environmental constraints, infrastructure costs, transaction costs, and equity. Innovative challenges for the rules will be allowing ACT to sell water now but buy it back later, thus providing for long term population growth; and handling the differences between ACT's spare storage capacity and urban uses, and the downstream irrigation uses with which trade is most likely. *** LP0218849 Administering Organisation: The Australian National University Prof MJ Spriggs Dr MA Smith Title: Anthropological perspectives on ethnographic collecting by Australian colonial administrators in Papua and New Guinea and their contribution to museum collections. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 4301 - HISTORICAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): National Museum of Australia Summary: Australian colonial administrators in PNG built up large ethnographic collections. This study will examine the contexts in which 'ethnographic' objects were acquired from Indigenous peoples in PNG with particular emphasis on the role of Sir Hubert Murray. This will be the first study to examine the historical and cultural context of the large PNG collections now held by the National Museum of Australia. It will provide a new perspective on Australia's role as a colonial power in the Pacific using ethnographic objects to explore the relationship between key figures in the Administration and Indigenous people. *** LP0214963 Administering Organisation: The Australian National University Dr C Turner Ms A Carroll Ms M Neale Title: The Other Within: Visual Culture through Indigenous, tribal, minority,"subaltern" and multicultural displays in Asia-Pacific museums today. 2002: $25,228 2003: $25,011 Category: 4203 - CULTURAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): National Musem of Australia Summary: The reseach project will analyse and assess current practice and developing modes of museum representation and inclusion in the changing societies of the Asia-Pacific. Comparative research will be undertaken into Indigenous, tribal, minority, 'subaltern' and multicultural displays in eight museums and four cultural festivals. The research will focus on the Industry Partner, the National Museum of Australia. It will develop a model for a non-Eurocentric approach. It will have practical outcomes for all the Investigators in consolidating networks, and producing colloquia, exhibitions, publications and a multimedia presentation. *** Australian National University - Institute of Advanced Studies LP0218720 Administering Organisation: Australian National University - Institute of Advanced Studies Prof SF COX Title: Development and Application of Stress Transfer Modelling for Area Selection in Mesothermal Gold Systems 2002: $65,000 2003: $65,000 Category: 2601 - GEOLOGY Industry Partner(s): AMIRA International Summary: Many mesothermal gold systems are hosted by low displacement faults and shear zones which develop adjacent to high displacement, crustal-scale faults and shear zones. By analogy with modern, seismogenic fault systems, the gold-hosting structures are interpreted as aftershock arrays whose formation is related to stress redistribution and fluid flow after major slip events on high displacement faults. This project will test and develop Coulomb stress transfer modelling techniques, currently used for aftershock risk assessment, for predicting the distribution of low displacment, gold-hosting structures around crustal-scale shear systems. The technique is expected to provide a powerful tool to assist area selection in fault-related epigenetic ore systems. *** LP0210650 Administering Organisation: Australian National University - Institute of Advanced Studies Prof PF McDonald Dr S Khoo Prof G Hugo Title: Temporary Overseas Migration to Australia 2002: $65,000 2003: $40,000 Category: 3705 - DEMOGRAPHY Industry Partner(s): Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Summary: A recent development in immigration policy is the shift to temporary entry arrangements for business and skill migration. Together with an increase in other types of temporary visitors, this has resulted in a significant rise in temporary migration and the number of temporary residents in Australia. The project will examine the key features of temporary overseas migration to Australia and the socioeconomic circumstances of temporary migrants. It will improve understanding of the factors motivating temporary migration, the labour market experiences and residential intentions of temporary migrants and assist the industry partner in assessing the demographic implications of Australia's immigration policies. *** LP0210102 Administering Organisation: Australian National University - Institute of Advanced Studies Dr GO Wasteneys Dr PC John Dr AS Betzner Dr JA Glover Title: Control of meiosis and embryogenesis as a means to induce higher plants to reproduce asexually through seed 2002: $74,000 2003: $68,597 2004: $68,597 Category: 2701 - BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Groupe Limagrain Pacific Pty. Limited Summary: New plant meiosis-control genes will be isolated and characterised. These will be used, together with cell proliferation control genes characterised in the applicant's laboratory, to control gamete formation and embryo development in higher plants, and hence plant reproduction. This research will provide a platform for genetic fixation of hybrid vigour and repeat propagation of F1 hybrid seed without attenuation of vigour. The technology will increase yield and profitability for Australian agriculture, and ensure access to technology that the industry partner will otherwise develop overseas. The technology benefits most major crops that are bred and grown to meet increasing demand for food and speciality products for pharmaceutical or industrial purposes. *** LP0219475 Administering Organisation: Australian National University - Institute of Advanced Studies Prof I White A/Prof MD Melville Dr BC Macdonald Prof D Waite Dr OT Denmead Mr MP Tunks Mr RN Beattie Title: Interactions between sulfur, nitrogen, and iron cycles in the sustainable management and use of acid sulfate soils. 2002: $80,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $137,000 2004: $137,000 2 Category: 2605 - HYDROLOGY Industry Partner(s): NSW Sugar Milling Co-operative Limited Tweed Shire Council Summary: Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) can cause major land management and environmental problems. It has been proposed that the linkages between the Sulfur, Nitrogen, and Iron biogeochemical cycles deterrmine the environmental and crop production hazards associated with use of ASS. In order to develop best management practices for ASS, it is important to research those linkages and determine their contribution to fluxes of materials exported from these soils. This project will carry out that research and will transfer results to industry partners to improve land management practices and identify appropriate landuses in ASS landcapes. *** LP0210146 Administering Organisation: Australian National University - Institute of Advanced Studies Prof JW White Dr PA Reynolds Dr MJ Henderson Dr RJ Goodridge Dr DE Yates Title: High Internal Phase Emulsions - Structure and Rheology Control 2002: $100,000 2003: $120,000 2004: $120,000 Category: 2599 - OTHER CHEMICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): ORICA Australia Pty Ltd Summary: Our first SPIRT Grant with ORICA Australia Ltd has successfully identified nanostructures in high internal phase emulsions which confer useful stability and robustness on these industrially important systems. The aim now is to ramify those discoveries both scientifically and technologically in the design of emulsion structure using our, now established, techniques. In particular, the objective is to control both nanoscale and mesoscale structure in emulsion formulation, as well as the rheology and stability of emulsion preparations. To do this we plan to use mixed surfactant systems and to study intersurfactant synergic effects on the structure and fluidity of the interfacial material. We believe that the proposed work is unique and that the outcomes will be scientifically novel and also valuable for Australian industry. *** LP0211640 Administering Organisation: Australian National University - Institute of Advanced Studies Prof RE Williamson Dr T Arioli Dr CH Hocart Title: Discovery of new genes for plant cellulose biosynthesis and improved fibre production 2002: $136,467 2003: $128,953 2004: $128,953 Category: 2701 - BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Aventis CropScience Pty Ltd Summary: Cellulose, the world?s most abundant biopolymer, is important to the cotton and forest industries and for human and animal nutrition. Before biotechnology can manipulate cellulose, we must identify the enzymes of the synthesis pathway and understand how their properties determine the properties of the cellulose they produce. Not all enzymes are known and any relationships to cellulose properties remain unexplored. This study extends our successful mutational analysis of cellulose synthesis in Arabidopsis and initiates the molecular analysis of organisms making cellulose with distinctive properties. It will significantly advance knowledge of cellulose biosynthesis and identify novel genes for fibre improvement. *** New South Wales Australian Catholic University LP0211906 Administering Organisation: Australian Catholic University Prof PA Duignan A/Prof J Butcher Title: Socially Responsible Indicators for Policy, Practice and Benchmarking in Service Organisations 2002: $72,000 2003: $60,000 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): 2004: $56,000 Catholic Education Office, Parramatta Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Wollongong Centacare Summary: The Australian Government, while attempting to limit the spiralling costs of the welfare state, has encouraged market principles and practices in service organisations. This has raised value dilemmas and administrative tensions for education and welfare organisations who, while committed to social justice and social responsibility, have to operate efficiently and effectively. This research aims, through the identification and analysis of tensions between social and economic value orientations in the workplace, to develop a values framework and key socially responsible indicators for the improvement of policy, decision making and practice within the Industry Partners and the wider service sectors. *** LP0219802 Administering Organisation: Australian Catholic University A/Prof G Naughton Dr J Currie Dr M Booth Title: Critical Windows: Health-related Behaviour in Children After School 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Health Promotion Branch, New South Wales Health Western Sydney Area Health Promotion National Heart Foundation, NSW Division The Children's Hospital Adolescent Medicine, The Children's Hospital Royal Children's Hospital Summary: Global concerns for increasing body fatness and insufficient physical activity in children highlight the importance of health promoting behaviour in younger populations. A critical window for healthy behaviour is created after school. We aim to improve the ability to assess healthy behaviour during 3 pm-7 pm and subsequently to describe activity and nutritional practices in Grade 5 children (randomly selected) from Western Sydney. Psychosocial and environmental correlates and the extent to which seasons and annual growth influence behaviour will be considered. Outcomes involve an effective instrument for future research and an enhanced understanding of healthy behaviour in Western Sydney children. *** LP0234617 Administering Organisation: Australian Catholic University A/Prof RP Webber Dr JC Bessant Father P Hansen Title: The impact of illicit drug users on family members and non-using siblings 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Mary of the Cross Centre Summary: This research is a continuation and expansion of the pilot study conducted in 2001 that focussed on the effect on siblings of illicit drug use by a family member from the Vietnamese community. This research will include other ethnic groups and seek to discover the availability of and demand for drug and family support services for non-using family members. Additionally, the research will draw on the knowledge of drug and family workers, in order to develop guidelines on how they can improve services for young people who have a sibling with an illicit drug addiction. *** Charles Sturt University LP0210267 Administering Organisation: Charles Sturt University Prof HJ Gibb Ms S Morrow Ms C Hardwick Title: Developing a Community Partnership for supporting Aboriginal and remote students in nursing through distance education 2002: $87,000 2003: $85,000 2004: $80,000 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Mid Western Area Health Service Macquarie Area Health Service Aboriginal Health Branch NSW Health Summary: Remote and Aboriginal students are culturally isolated in the distance education (DE) environment. With the critical need to increase numbers of registered nurses in isolated communities, Area Health and Aboriginal Health are collaborating with CSU to identify problems faced by nursing students under DE conditions. The study will use a critical theoretical approach to identifying resource (including social capital) deficits to this group. It will develop and evaluate a partnership model involving health services, university and local community. This partnership will construct a network of support to systematically address these deficits. This model would be transferable to all remote learning. *** LP0212023 Administering Organisation: Charles Sturt University Prof DG Green Prof TR Bossomaier Dr D Jarratt Dr DJ Cornforth Mr P Marshall Mr M Primrose Mrs M Beacroft Title: Spatial data mining with intelligent agents for E-commerce 2002: $67,635 2003: $67,635 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $67,635 3 Category: 2910 - GEOMATIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Land and Property Information Centre Land and Property Information Centre Land and Property Information Centre Summary: The current explosion of spatial data enables many new kinds of queries, but also raises technical issues. This project investigates such questions for online spatial data mining within the NSW Land and Property Information. The LPI will place its cadastral and land title information online during 2001 and plans to develop links to outside data holdings. These activities raise three key questions, with widespread relevance to other systems: finding practical approaches to processing queries in a distributed data warehouse; using adaptive agents to create robust, flexible spatial query systems; and identifying organizational models for commercialization of online spatial queries. *** LP0216837 Administering Organisation: Charles Sturt University Dr M Kavakli Prof TR Bossomaier Dr M Cooper Title: Cognitive Modelling of Computer Games Pidgins 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Ratbag Games Pty Ltd Summary: This project develops a pidgin language for use in computer games and models the way human users exploit such languages. It has implications also for computer assisted collaborative work and other educational or entertainment interactive environments like computer games. By developing minilanguages for games environments we can dramatically simplify the speech recognition problem and make recognition robust across different speech cultures and backgrounds. We use protocol analysis and markup techniques for modelling dialogues between human player and reactive agents in computer games. *** LP0212109 Administering Organisation: Charles Sturt University A/Prof D McKinnon Prof PC Burnett Mr D Hill Title: Improving the reliability of assessment in higher education: The place of computerassisted techniques. 2002: $20,000 2003: $20,000 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Mindtrail Software Pty Ltd Summary: This project investigates whether computer-assisted assessment (CAA) can play a significant part in increasing the reliability of assessment in higher education and ultimately influence student performance. Increasing numbers of part-time external markers has exacerbated the issue of reliability of assessment and quality of feedback to students. Outcomes include: enhanced understandings of the value of CAA in both quantitative and qualitative assessment in tertiary education; understanding of the impact of quality feedback produced using CAA on students' learning; how academics' workload can be reduced using CAA; and international recognition and sale of the instrument. *** LP0211420 Administering Organisation: Charles Sturt University A/Prof FM Vanclay Ms R Lane Dr P Sinclair Title: Activating and maintaining community participation in natural and cultural resources initiatives in the Murray-Darling Basin 2002: $85,000 2003: $100,000 APDI - Dr P Sinclair APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Murray Darling Basin Commission 2004: $87,000 National Museum of Australia Summary: The project goes beyond the rhetoric of participation to discover what factors activate communities and individuals to become involved in programs and voluntary initiatives for natural resource management. It assesses the effectiveness of existing communication channels and develops new models for more effective and representative participation. It combines the National Museum of Australia's expertise in environmental history and public communication with the imperative of the Murray-Darling Basin Commission to improve community participation in natural resource management. The potential for harnessing communications technology to facilitate new channels for participation is assessed through carefully evaluated pilot programs. *** Macquarie University LP0215935 Administering Organisation: Macquarie University Prof PL Bergquist Dr HK Nevalainen Dr CA Hutton Dr D Williams Dr T Brush A/Prof R Kazlauskas Title: Enhanced biocatalysis in organic solvents for pharmaceutical biotransformation 2002: $98,982 2003: $85,601 2004: $85,601 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Extreme Biotech Inc. Summary: Enzymes such as hydrolases play an important role in biotechnology because of their extreme versatility with respect to substrate specificity and stereoselectivity. The use of lipases as catalysts for optical isomer-specific organic reactions is often limited by unacceptably low enantioselectivities. We will investigate recombinant enzymes cloned from thermophilic lipolytic bacteria for synthetic reactions in organic solvents, especially chiral resolution of mixtures in the production of pharmaceutical intermediates. Genetic improvement of lipase enantiospecificity and regioselectivity will be achieved using in vitro evolution by recombination and screening. The outcome will be cost-effective production superior biocatalysts with specifically enhanced regiospecific, enantioselective and hydrolytic characteristics. *** LP0214975 Administering Organisation: Macquarie University Dr J Bowes A/Prof AV Sanson Ms S Wise Dr JA Ungerer Mrs LJ Harrison Dr J Watson Ms T Simpson Title: Effects on young children?s development of multiple and changeable childcare arrangements 2002: $97,000 2003: $90,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $57,000 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): NSW Department of Community Services Summary: Consistency of care is considered important for children?s development in the first thee years. The study will investigate a concerning recent trend in childcare in Australian rural/regional and urban areas: the use of multiple and changeable care arrangements (MCC). Information from the study of the effects of MCC on children?s development up to school age will inform policy on flexible childcare provision to assist families, to ensure optimal development in children, and to reduce later educational and social costs. *** LP0219459 Administering Organisation: Macquarie University Prof DW Cooper Dr A Try Dr A Gidley-Baird Dr T Trigg Title: Humane Chemical Methods for Population Management of Highly Valued Large Mammals 2002: $53,560 2003: $60,395 2004: $60,395 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): Bioquest Limited Peptech Animal Health Summary: In many countries valued wild and feral animals are nonetheless too numerous. Their population numbers must be controlled through fertility. Examples are koalas in Australia, deer and seals in North America, cattle in India and dogs in Thailand. We aim to develop benign implants for castration based upon the gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH). These implants are easily administered. The outcomes will be to protect Australia?s ?green? image , worldwide market opportunities for the Australian companies involved in this application and valuable intellectual property for Macquarie. The methodology will in time allow us to apply it to the treatment of cancer. *** LP0230963 Administering Organisation: Macquarie University A/Prof EM Deane Dr PE Cowan Mr G Fry Mr W Meikle Title: Urban Possum: Defining and developing an effective, humane strategy for management of urban wildlife populations 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Zoological Parks Board of NSW Summary: This project will provide fundamental information on the factors, which influence possum movements and behaviour in urban environments and the effectiveness of current possum relocation strategies. The project is of significance to Zoological Parks as possums at present cause extensive damage to vegetation and pose a threat to animals in the collection through possible transmission of disease. This project will lead to the development and trial of new methods for management of these populations. *** LP0230543 Administering Organisation: Macquarie University Prof V Varadharajan Title: Security Techniques against Denial of Service Attacks in Networked Systems 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2805 - DATA FORMAT Industry Partner(s): Global Business Solutions Summary: As more and more business opportunities are created over the Internet, dealing with network-based intrusions and denial of service (DoS) attacks is becoming increasingly critical (as witnessed recently last year). The proposed research addresses systematically the theory and analysis of DoS attacks and develops new techniques and practical solutions to counteract them. We will investigate a hybrid method to counteract DoS, propose a new technique to identify malicious packets in the Internet to handle distributed DoS, consider a new approach using smart packets and develop enhancements to intrusion detection systems using data mining. Proposed techniques are analysed in practical situations. *** LP0219675 Administering Organisation: Macquarie University A/Prof JM Whalley A/Prof D Love Title: A New Recombinant Subunit Vaccine against Equine Herpesviruses 1 and 4 2002: $104,734 2003: $97,007 2004: $97,007 Category: 3005 - VETERINARY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): CSL Animal Health Woodlands Stud (A Division of Inghams Enterpises) Summary: Equine herpesviruses 1 and 4 (EHV-1 and EHV-4) cause respiratory disease, abortion and myeloencephalitis in horse populations worldwide. Despite extensive use of whole virus vaccines, these two viruses continue to circulate among Australian horses and are a continuing threat to brading, and to racing performance. The current vaccines are expensive and are marked in Australia by an overseas company. The project will assess the ability of a new subunit vaccine produced by recombinant DNA technology to 1) provide horses with high levels of protective immune responses and 2) to prevent or limit EHV-1 and EHV-4 infection following experimental challenge. *** Southern Cross University LP0212037 Administering Organisation: Southern Cross University Dr MW Clark A/Prof DM McConchie Em/Prof RD Schuiling A/Prof GB Jones Title: Pelletisation of seawater-neutralised bauxite refinery residues (Bauxsol?) for construction of permeable reactive barriers to treat flowing acid mine waters 2002: $91,000 2003: $67,000 2004: $67,000 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Virotec International Summary: Acid mine drainage (AMD) occurs where sulphides (mostly pyrite, but also sulphides of other metals) are exposed to oxygen and water; the estimated global liability from AMD is over US$300 billion. There is currently no cost-effective way to prevent the release of acid and heavy metals from exposed sulphide minerals especially at abandoned mine sites. This study investigates the pelletisation and use of neutralised bauxite refinery residues (Bauxsol?) to treat flowing metal-rich acid mine drainage waters using reactive-barriers that will neutralise acid and remove heavy metals without impeding flow. *** LP0212075 Administering Organisation: Southern Cross University Dr BD Eyre Dr J Kirkwood Mr A Ferguson Title: The Impact of Trawling on Nitrogen Removal through Sediment Denitrification in Western Moreton Bay 2002: $71,184 2003: $90,186 2004: $73,000 APDI - Mr A Ferguson Category: 2603 - GEOCHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): South East Queensland Regional Water Quality Management Strategy Queensland Environmental Protection Agency Department of Primary Industries Summary: Nutrient enrichment of coastal waters is a national problem requiring urgent action. Sediment denitrification is one of the few natural processes capable of counteracting the process of eutrophication. Although trawling is undertaken in coastal water bodies around Australia the impact on sediment denitrification and the nitrogen budgets of coastal systems has never been considered. Many hundred?s of millions of dollars are likely to be spent over the next ten years on the management of nitrogen enrichment of Australia?s coastal waters. This study will quantify the impact of trawling on sediment denitrification; information which is critical for the efficient allocation of management resources. *** LP0219471 Administering Organisation: Southern Cross University A/Prof LA Sullivan Dr L Davison Dr P Slavich Mr AP Warner Dr K Bolton Title: Wetland regeneration for effluent reuse, acid sulfate soil management and carbon credits. 2002: $111,000 2003: $100,186 2004: $100,000 APDI - Dr K Bolton Category: 2911 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Byron Shire Council Wollongbar Agricultural Institute Summary: This project will research and develop a full-scale effluent reuse wetland to manage acid sulfate soils, regenerate wetlands and sequester atmospheric carbon. Many rural communities worldwide are affected by acid sulfate soils, unsustainable effluent disposal and wetland degradation, and the Greenhouse Effect threatens all coastal areas worldwide. This project is located at Byron Bay, a coastal and predominantly rural electorate in northern NSW that is strongly affected by this combination of environmental stresses, causing serious degradation of water quality culminating in regular fish kills. The technology developed from this project will be readily transferable to other rural coastal communities worldwide. *** LP0219724 Administering Organisation: Southern Cross University A/Prof LA Sullivan Dr P Slavich Mr RT Bush Title: Drains in acid sulfate soils: behaviour and management for optimal water quality 2002: $83,729 2003: $85,512 2004: $85,512 APDI - Mr RT Bush APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3001 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): NSW Agriculture Summary: Water draining from acid sulfate soil (ASS) into rivers via drains is often severely polluted, resulting in massive fish kills and chronic environmental and economic damage. Effective drain management techniques to minimise the export of acidity and deoxygenating drain oozes will be developed. The basic processes that affect hydraulic functioning, acidity and toxic drain ooze export in ASS drainage systems will be addressed. This project will provide the basis for the environmentally sound management of these drains. The technology developed here will be applicable throughout Australia and can be exported overseas, especially to south-east Asia. *** LP0220171 Administering Organisation: Southern Cross University Prof JK Vanclay Dr JD Nichols Dr C Stone Title: Pest Status and Management of a Creiss psyllid in Eucalyptus plantations 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3006 - FORESTRY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Research Division, State Forests of New South Wales Summary: Research studies are required on the ecology and epidemiology of a Creiis psyllid, recently found causing significant damage in young Eucalyptus dunnii plantations. The susceptibility to psyllid damage to a range of selected clonal types will be examined. With increasing community concerns associated with insecticide usage and to reduce costs, exploitation of natural resistance is an avenue that counters economic threat from herbivorous insects. Since Australia is currently planting 100,000 ha of eucalypts per year results from this project are essential to build better management strategies for reduce the impact of this and all pests on tree survival and growth. *** The University of New England LP0219002 Administering Organisation: The University of New England Prof I Davidson Mr S Porter Title: Kamilaroi resources and resource management in the Namoi, Gwydir and Border Rivers catchments, northern NSW. 2002: $129,939 2003: $124,790 2004: $100,789 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Department of Land and Water Conservation Summary: This project will develop a database of modern and historical knowledge of resources, resource-use and resource management in the country of the Kamilaroi (Gamilaraay) people. This will allow routine assessment of Indigenous values when deciding about land and water management, including clearance or other major impacts. There will be the opportunity for Indigenous groups to identify commercially exploitable wild foods, including expanding option through comparison with other parts of Australia. There will be nominations of Aboriginal Places and for joint management of National Parks, Nature Reserves and Aboriginal Places under relevant NSW legislation. *** LP0219460 Administering Organisation: The University of New England Prof B Green Dr N McCulla Dr C Boylan Dr C McConaghy Dr T Maxwell Dr A Wallace Prof RJ Meyenn Mr WW Chandler Dr P Brock Title: Productive Partnerships for Teaching Quality: Quality Improvement, SchoolCommunity Practice and Teacher Education in and for Rural and Remote Settings 2002: $120,000 2003: $120,000 2004: $138,430 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): NSW Department of Education & Training Summary: This project aims to develop a partnership between two teacher-education institutions and eleven school districts in NSW, in researching quality improvements in teaching for rural and remote areas. These areas and their communities, including schools, are clearly under pressure, given global economic developments. Using various forms of data analysis, case-studies, interviews, Webnetworks and school-based action research, the project will identify successful strategies for building rural teacher and community capacity, improving educational outcomes for all children, and appropriately preparing and retaining teachers for rural schools. The project will make recommendations for general educational policy and practice and for teacher education. *** LP0218607 Administering Organisation: The University of New England Prof AR Kiernander Mr S Russo Miss O Patchett Title: A cultural and historical analysis of Australian live theatre recordings preserved in the archives of ABC Television and Channel Nine. 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 4101 - PERFORMING ARTS Industry Partner(s): ABC Channel Nine Summary: This project aims to enhance the study of Australian theatre history with two PhD theses identifying and analysing the motion-picture records of live theatre in the archives of ABC Television and Channel Nine. At a time when Australian theatre practitioners are gaining worldwide recognition, this project will assist scholars to analyse Australian theatre history with a focus on live performance and production. The project will result in a detailed database/directory of material showing Australian live theatre on film and video, as well as two dissertations providing an in-depth scholarly description and cultural analysis of that material. *** LP0211607 Administering Organisation: The University of New England Dr SW Walkden-Brown Dr PJ Groves Dr PL Young Dr KE Arzey Mr AF Islam Dr GJ Underwood Title: Molecular approaches to solving current and emerging problems in the epidemiology and diagnosis of Marek?s disease in Australia 2002: $176,655 2003: $127,304 2004: $127,304 APDI - Mr AF Islam APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3005 - VETERINARY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Bioproperties (Australia) Pty Ltd Baiada Poultry Pty. Limited Summary: Marek?s disease (MD) is a ubiquitous viral disease of chickens that is currently controlled in meat chickens by blanket vaccination of all chickens. However, as has happened overseas, the efficacy of the HVT vaccine being used in Australia is breaking down resulting in subclinical and clinical losses due to MD. To assist industry deal with this situation we propose to develop novel molecular methods for the quantification of Marek's disease viruses (MDV) in the host and the environment, to use these methods to design effective early monitoring systems for MD in broilers that predict disease and performance outcomes, and to develop an epidemiological model that will predict the spread and severity of MD as failure of vaccinal protection progresses. *** LP0209699 Administering Organisation: The University of New England Dr VE Wright Mr RW Cooksey Mr DG Williams Ms AL Chennell Title: Personality or Context: A study of innovation and adoption in agriculture 2002: $77,000 2003: $70,000 2004: $70,000 Category: 3009 - LAND, PARKS AND AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Department of Natural Resources and Environment Summary: Consumer behaviour theory suggests that most farmers should be highly motivated, discriminating purchasers of agricultural technology. This suggests that most farmers can be innovators and therefore, differences in farmers' adoption behaviour reflect real differences in farming contexts and experiences. This project will test a consumer behaviour model of innovation adoption in agriculture using horticulure as a case study. The project will assist agencies working in this area to develop a better understanding of the principles governing the adoption of agricultural innovations and provide more effective extension programs. *** The University of New South Wales LP0235210 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof AP Avolio Dr NH Lovell Title: Analysis of non-invasive central aortic pressure using a Web-based international database 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3210 - CLINICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): PWV Medical Pty Ltd Summary: Blood pressure is measured conventionally with a cuff around the upper arm. A marked difference exists between pressure at the heart (central aorta) and that in the arm. Technology developed by the industrial partner allows non-invasive measurement of aortic pressure, a value relevant for many forms of heart conditions. We will develop a web-based system and software protocols to provide a facility for epidemiological analysis of aortic pressure. This facility will provide, for the first time in the history of epidemiology of blood pressure in humans, the means to relate normal and abnormal aging changes to pressure at the heart. *** LP0235892 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr S Bandyopadhyay A/Prof AB Yu Title: Optimum control of the in-use performance of talc-based compositions 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 2004: $22,545 Category: 2601 - GEOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Johnson & johnson Pacific Summary: It is important to improve the quality of their Talcom body powder, baby powder and other cosmetic products involving talc. The areas that can and need to be improved are shining characteristics, assessing the slip properties as well as developing the cosmetic chemistry of talc and other additives. The proposed project will generate: a) simple but reliable test methods for measuring slip and shine, b) methods for control of the physical and chemical characteristics of talc blends, c) mathematical model(s) for property and process control, which is useful to improvement of the final talc properties and in-use service. *** LP0211978 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr GF Barrett Prof JR Piggott Prof AD Woodland Title: The Labour Supply and Saving of Older Australians: Behavioural Responses and Economic Impact 2002: $101,000 2003: $90,000 2004: $90,000 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Commonwealth Department of Family & Community Services Summary: This project aims to enhance our understanding of the economic impacts of labour force participation and saving behaviour of those in the retirement "window" (55-65 years), through econometric investigation, economy-wide modelling, and stochastic simulation. Such analysis is important because demographic transition is triggering volatile change in retirement related policies. Neither saving behaviour under a mandatory retirement saving regime nor labour supply in the retirement window is well understood. Aggregate labour supply and saving response to policy change have major implications for both government obligations and market efficiency. The outcomes of the project are thus expected to better inform policy formulation. *** LP0214127 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof WP Birkett Prof RH Chenhall Prof G Marchant Prof R Willett A/Prof PF Luckett Title: Strategic Resource Management in the Twenty-First Century: an Australian Perspective 2002: $80,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $80,000 2004: $80,000 3 Category: 3501 - ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND ACCOUNTABILITY Industry Partner(s): The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Summary: Strategic resource management (SRM) is evolving rapidly due to the information revolution. Much is claimed for 'good' SRM but there is little hard evidence to support these claims. This project will develop theoretical frameworks to codify the multi-disciplinary nature of SRM, empirically gather data on SRM practices by questionnaire and interview surveys, benchmark firms and identify exemplars of best practice. The results of the research will be published annually in a monograph for dissemination to Australian senior management. Significant findings will be published in academic journals. *** LP0215940 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Mr MP Bittman Ms CM Thomson Title: Reaching Isolated Carers: Contacting Carers with Unmet Needs for Information and Support 2002: $46,000 2003: $46,000 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): NSW Department for Women NSW Ageing and Disability Department NSW Department of Community Services NSW Health Carers NSW Summary: The proposed study ?Reaching Isolated Carers? is an extensive collaboration between the Social Policy Research Centre, a consortium of the relevant New South Wales government departments and Carers NSW. The project aims to use an innovative method for identifying isolated carers (i.e. carers who do not self-identify) and their needs. Isolated carers may be unaware of support services and the way these services can satisfy their needs. The project proposes evidence-based strategies to develop an effective policy for reducing the isolation of these carers. Informing isolated carers about support services would lead to significant improvements in carers? lives. *** LP0228795 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof DS BLACK Dr N KUMAR Title: Synthesis of pyrroloquinoline analogues of isoflavone metabolites 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2503 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Novogen Limited Summary: Cancer and heart disease are the two main diseases that affect our society indiscriminately and put enormous drains on healthcare resources. The intake of high dietary isoflavonoid phytoestrogens has been linked to low prevalence of cancers and heart disease. Novogen Limited is pioneering the development of novel drug candidates based on phytoestrogen metabolites. This collaborative research project deals with the development of synthetic methodologies for the preparation of new analogues of phytoestrogen metabolites as potential drug candidates. The target compounds will be evaluated for possible therapeutic use by the industry partner. *** LP0219003 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof TR Blackburn Mr P Taylor Adj/Prof RE James Title: The development of new techniques for partial discharge monitoring and location in high voltage underground power cables 2002: $77,077 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $61,000 2004: $69,800 1 Category: 2909 - ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Electricity Supply Association of Australia Ltd Summary: Increased utilization factors have caused a significant increase in the loading of high voltage distribution cables. This increased loading subjects cable insulation to increased stress which can degrade the insulation, cause cable failure and power loss to consumers. On-line cable insulation monitoring is required and partial discharge monitoring in cables provides a viable technique, but technical problems have prevented its application in on-line operation. This project will develop techniques for such on-line monitoring. High frequency electrical sensors will be used to reduce interference and improve signal levels. Both a coarse alarm and a higher sensitivity monitor will be developed. *** LP0212048 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Asst Prof RA Bryant Dr L Williams Prof MJ Brammer Title: Identifying Malingered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Biological Markers for Legal Assessment 2002: $162,856 2003: $141,162 2004: $141,162 Category: 3210 - CLINICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Brain Resource Company Specialist Medical Imaging Summary: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most common psychiatric disorder that is claimed in compensation claims in Australia. There are currently no reliable means to distinguish malingered from genuine PTSD. This project aims to develop the most accurate means of identifying malingered PTSD by using the most recent technology to index biological responses, including fMRI, in participants with PTSD, without PTSD, and malingered PTSD. This study will lead to a biological assessment that can objectively index PTSD and be resistant to intentional feigning. These data will significantly enhance legal assessments of PTSD and facilitate compensation resolution. *** LP0219695 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr JE Cotter Dr NB Mason Title: NOVEL REAR-SURFACE DESIGNS FOR HIGH-EFFICIENCY COMMERCIAL SILICON SOLAR CELLS 2002: $125,989 2003: $125,605 2004: $126,305 Category: 2909 - ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): BP Solar - European Technology Centre Summary: The aim of this collaboration between the University of New South Wales and BP Solar, both world leaders in high-efficiency commercial photovoltaic technologies, is to develop the rear surface of silicon solar cells to enable commercially competitive photovoltaic modules to exceed 20 percent efficiency. The project will develop new technologies for the rear surface that enable excellent light trapping, low recombination and good electrical interconnection that allow the substantial cost and efficiency benefits promised by the use of silicon wafers approaching 150 microns in thickness. *** LP0212094 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof TP Davis Dr F Rasoul Dr PA Kambouris Title: Controlled Grafting of Polymer Surfaces for Biotechnology Applications 2002: $95,000 2003: $105,000 2004: $105,000 Category: 2505 - MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Polymerat PTY LTD Summary: The aim of this project is to utilise novel polymerization methods to create highly functional polymer surfaces. We anticipate that the resultant structures will be useful for a number of applications including solid-phase organic synthesis and proteomics. *** LP0212098 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof TP Davis Dr JP Heuts Dr E Evans Dr LJ Foster Title: Novel Coatings For Steel 2002: $93,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $91,000 2004: $91,000 1 Category: 2505 - MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): BHP Innovation PTY LTD Summary: The aim of this project is to design coatings for steel that have high flexibility and high resistance to scatching and hardness. This will be achieved by the introduction of liquid crystalline phases in the coatings. The outcome will be a new generation of steel coatings with novel properties *** LP0219315 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof TP Davis Dr HJ Muller Dr HM Kapfenstein-Doak Title: Low Fouling Hollow Fibre Membranes 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2505 - MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Memcor Australia Summary: The aim is to obtain hydrophilic water-filtration membranes. This is important as making the filtrations more hydrophilic reduces fouling. We expect the outcome to be a new type of water filtration membrane with improved properties over existing commercial membranes. *** LP0210873 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof IW Dawes Dr PJ Rogers Title: Application of genome-wide transcriptional analysis to identifying genetic markers for industrial fermentation processes 2002: $83,369 2003: $75,634 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $75,634 1 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): Carlton & United Breweries Summary: This project aims to identify yeast genes involved in the response of commercial strains to stress, to determine their role in fermentation and the genetic pathways through which they operate. The ultimate goals are to determine the impact on fermentation activity of stress, and to develop predictive methods for assessing such conditions. This has significance since stress during fermentation represents a significant commercial loss. The outcomes of this work will be a better understanding of how yeast responds to stress, and the identification of genes that can be used by the commercial partner to monitor and ensure fermentation efficiency. *** LP0221224 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof MR Edwards Dr FV Gilroy Title: Biological phosphorous removal for wastewater treatment 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 2004: $22,545 Category: 2703 - MICROBIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Vivendi Water Summary: The aim is to provide a scientific basis for understanding how phosphorous can be removed in wastewater treatment plants, using environmentally safe biological methods rather than by using chemicals. This is expected to lead to improved performance in wastewater treatment plants, which will be of economic and environmental benefit, particularly to regional communities in inland Australia. *** LP0219306 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof R Fell Title: Cracking of Embankment Dams Under Normal Operating, and Flood Conditions, and the Implications for Internal Erosion and Piping Failure 2002: $59,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $47,000 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): NSW Department of Public Works and Services SA Water Goulbourn-Murray Water Dams Safety Committee of New South Wales Department of Natural Resources and Environment Summary: Internal erosion and piping causes half of embankment dam failures and accidents. Historically about two percent of dams have been affected. The most common cause of initiation of erosion is in cracks or by hydraulic fracture in low stress zones. This project will develop methods for predicting the opening width and depth of desiccation and stress induced cracking in the dam crest, and for assessing whether the cracks will close before erosion begins as the reservoir water rises, or whether erosion will self limit or continue. *** LP0212012 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr M Ferry Dr K Mukunthan Title: Optimising the Formability of Strip-Cast Low Carbon Steel 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 2004: $22,545 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): BHP Minerals Technology Summary: Recent advances in strip casting of low carbon steel have the potential for producing formable sheet products at a fraction of the cost of conventional slab casting and secondary processing. The aim of the project is to develop a deeper understanding of the effect of solidification microstructure of stripcast steel on the development of microstructure and texture following cold rolling and annealing in an attempt to improve the formability of the final strip product. The project is also expected to produce an outstanding Australian researcher relevant to industry with expertise in ferrous physical metallurgy. *** LP0214841 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr SP Fowell Prof SR Elliot Prof IF Wilkinson Prof KM Langfield-Smith Title: Supply Chain Management and eProcurement 2002: $130,500 2003: $83,850 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $84,294 2 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): QPA Australia Pty Ltd Summary: This project will assist Australian firms assess the impact of emerging Internet-enabled electronic business (e-business) initiatives in the area of procurement and supply chain management. The aims are to identify factors that constrain/enable e-procurement in creating sustained value; describe key elements of suceses in the development, application and effective use of e-procurement; provide the basis for assessing progress in understanding and use of successive waves of innovation in areas of eprocurement and supply chain management; and develop industry benchmarks for critical dimensions of effectiveness in these areas. *** LP0218948 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr M Hassan Dr SK Jha Title: Quality of Service in 3G Wireless Systems with Hybrid Networks 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Vodafone Network Pty Ltd Summary: The increasing demand of providing Internet-based services over the mobile handsets has led to the transition from circuit-based 2G systems to packet-based network architectures in the emerging 3G systems. A major technical challenge for this paradigm shift is maintaining quality of services (QoS) for the existing data and voice and future Internet services such as streaming multimedia over such packet switching networks. This project aims to investigate end-to-end QoS solutions in the 3G systems. Australian mobile Internet and voice carriers will significantly benefit from this technology. *** LP0219619 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof BK Hebblewhite Title: An investigation into the relationships between geology, geometry and wind blast magnitude & intensity in underground coal mining 2002: $77,000 2003: $69,000 2004: $69,000 Category: 2907 - RESOURCES ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Coal Operations Australia Limited Summary: In some underground coal mines where the roof comprises massive rock, the roof strata do not cave regularly as extraction progresses but hang up, leading to extensive areas of unsupported roof. These areas can suddenly collapse, compressing the air beneath and forcing it out of the void through surrounding openings giving rise to a potentially hazardous phenomenon known as wind blast. The aim is to develop a fundamental understanding of the phenomenon and thus provide a basis on which to develop strategies to mitigate the hazard. Outcomes are expected to be improved levels of mining safety, technical viability and economics. *** LP0234923 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof G Heiser Title: High-performance real-time OS framework for low-power applications 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2803 - COMPUTER SOFTWARE Industry Partner(s): Cisco Systems Wireless Networking (Aust) Pty Ltd Summary: Wireless network adapters, as they are being developed by Cisco, will find widespread use in the near future, as they are the basis of all mobile or otherwise disconnected intelligent devices. These devices must process data very rapidly, yet operate with minimal power consumption. We will develop operating system kernels that will support the secure, efficient and protected execution of the core processing firmware, and provide application frameworks for the controlling higher software layers. We will also investigate and design hardware mechanisms that support the software while keeping power consumption minimal. *** LP0211985 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr JP Heuts Prof TP Davis Dr DJ Irvine Ms L Ryan Title: Polymers for Novel Surfactants 2002: $110,000 2003: $110,000 Category: 2505 - MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Uniqema Summary: The aim of the proposed research is to develop novel surface-active polymers with complex architectures and more efficient strategies for the synthesis of surface-active polymers in general. We will exploit the polymerization characteristics of the novel catalytic chain transfer and radical addition-fragmentation transfer polymerization techniques to achieve polymerization control that has been virtually impossible hitherto. The proposed research will thus make accessible a wide range of novel surface-active polymers that have been impossible to synthesise to date, and which we expect to be more efficient and hence leads to greener technologies. *** LP0219465 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr E Jarnecic A/Prof A Frino Prof T Brailsford A/Prof H Berkman Title: What Is the Optimal Level of Transparency and Should Off-Market Block Trading exist in Futures Markets? 2002: $57,000 2003: $55,000 2004: $45,000 Category: 3503 - BANKING, FINANCE AND INVESTMENT Industry Partner(s): Sydney Futures Exchange Summary: The aims of this project are twofold; to assess (i) what level of transparency is optimal and (ii) whether off-market block trading should be allowed in futures markets. Transparency refers to how much of the trading process is made visible to participants. The issue has been researched only very recently and findings have been limited. Off-market block trading procedures allow large trades to be executed away from the market. This project will undertake the first study of large trades on futures markets and will also compare the impact of large trades on market quality when executed on- and off-market. *** LP0219247 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof DR Jeffery Title: Achieving Tailored Industrial Software Process Improvement with Experience Repositories and Electronic Process Guides 2002: $99,385 2003: $101,744 2004: $103,147 Category: 2803 - COMPUTER SOFTWARE Industry Partner(s): Allette Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd Summary: There is a well-recognised need for organisations to improve their software development processes in order to achieve higher software quality and greater efficiencies in development. The use of electronic process guides and experience repositories have been two technologies independently proposed to achieve these aims. This research will develop a framework, methods and tools to allow integration of experience repositories and electronic process guides to facilitate process tailoring, process improvement, and project management. The result will be significant improvements in software development productivity and quality. *** LP0219276 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr DJ Kennedy Prof Dr PL Bohle Prof Dr MA Fiatarone-Singh Prof Dr WJ Evans Mrs L Alway Title: A consumer-adoption study: Exercise training for the healthy elderly in an Australian retirement community setting 2002: $58,000 2003: $52,000 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Primelife Corporation Limited Summary: Investigates the consumer-adoption process (knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation) for an exercise training service in a retirement village. This project will evaluate the psychological and physical impacts of the new exercise service. From a consumer behaviour perspective it will examine behavioural outcomes (adoption vs non-adoption), as well as the individual differences that distinguish adopters from non-adopters. Finally, it will examine customer intentions (i.e. intention to stay, intention to recommend). The project will establish the product/service effectiveness and acceptability in Australia, as well as the marketing potential of the program for Australian retirement villages in general. *** LP0210513 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof AR Lloyd Dr PA White A/Prof WD Rawlinson Dr G Vesey Title: Development of SELEX technology (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment) 2002: $55,419 2003: $45,392 2004: $45,392 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): BTF Pty Ltd Summary: A recently developed in vitro genetic selection technique has allowed the isolation of oligonucleotides that can bind target molecules with high affinity and specificity. The strategy know as SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment) uses protein biochemistry and PCR technology, with subsequent repeated rounds of selection and amplification, to screen vast libraries of oligonucleotides (RNA or DNA) for their ability to bind target proteins. This procedure will be developed by UNSW in collaboration with the biotech company BTF Plc., Ltd., to be used in two applications. The first is the research interest of UNSW and involves the development of aptamers against hepatitis C virus. The second lies within the interests of BTF and will involve the development of aptamers against the water borne pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum. *** LP0220231 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof SR Lo Dr CT Gnanendran Mr CV Wijeyakulasuriya Title: Characterisation of granular base and sub-base pavement materials under cyclic loading 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Queensland Department of Main Roads Summary: Pavement construction is a high cost item in road construction. Until very recently, pavements were designed based on empirical rules and restrictive material prescriptions. With the introduction of rational mechanistic pavement design methodology, it has become necessary to reliably characterise the behaviour of road foundation materials under cyclic loading. This project is focused on the characterisation of unbound granular base and sub-base materials. Since these are geo-materials, geotechnical concepts such as the influence of stress path will be used. This project will lead to better roads at lower cost, and significant leap in know-how in pavement design and material specification. *** LP0218846 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr IL Maclaine-cross Prof E Leonardi Title: Performance of Centrifugal Chillers using Hydrocarbons 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2905 - MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): HyChill Australia Pty Ltd Summary: Centrifugal chillers cool most large buildings. Their energy consumption and fluorocarbon emissions are a global environmental concern. A 40% increase in rotational speed and replacement of the fluorocarbon refrigerant by a hydrocarbon is proposed. Over 4% energy savings with no performance changes is predicted. The aims are to prepare a conversion protocol, measure chiller performance before and after conversion, develop a new model of evaporator heat transfer and correlate the model with chiller measurements. The capital cost of compliance with the Montreal Protocol for a large building will be reduced by $10,000 with about $5,000 in annual energy cost savings. *** LP0219628 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr IL Maclaine-Cross Dr SS Leong Title: Reduction of Legionnaires' Disease from Cooling Towers 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2905 - MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Marley Temcel Australia Pty Ltd Summary: Inhaled water droplets containing Legionella bacteria can cause potentially fatal Legionnaires? disease. Algae are the main source of organic matter in cooling towers on which Legionella feed. If droplets are prevented from leaving the tower they cannot cause disease. If no light enters a cooling tower no algae grow. This project aims to identify and develop designs and measurement methods for cooling towers which give low levels of droplets leaving and light entering. The new designs will reduce Legionnaires? disease infections by hundreds of times which eliminates a major urban hazard in Australia. *** LP0226446 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof CV Madhusudana Mr J Chabo Title: Research into techniques for enhancing the heat transfer performance of finned-tube heat exchangers 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2918 - INTERDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Kirby Heat Transfer Summary: This project explores several methods for enhancing the heat transfer performance of mechanically bonded finned tube heat exchangers. The methods would be analysed experimentally, and using finite elements, numerically. Any increase in heat transfer efficiency would contribute to the conservation of energy, and therefore, of natural resources. An improved design of heat exchangers would give a definite competitive edge to the Australian manufacturer. An equally significant outcome would be the training of a research person in industry-related research and skilled both in experimental and numerical procedures. *** LP0221344 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr SM Mahler Dr CP Marquis Ms HA Pearson Title: Engineering of anti-platelet antibodies for the diagnosis and therapy of infants with bleeding disorders 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Australian Red Cross Blood Service Summary: Foeto-maternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FMAIT) is a serious clinical condition where infants suffer potentially fatal bleeding disorders from 14 weeks gestation to 1-2 weeks post delivery. The cause of the disease is through maternal antibodies destroying foetal platelets. Our aim is to produce human antibodies, which will be used as diagnostic agents to screen for the condition in pregnant women, and to further develop such antibodies for therapy. Identification of mothers at risk of FMAIT and the development of a specific therapy are vital to the management and prevention of this serious condition. *** LP0220232 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Em/Prof BE Milton Prof M Behnia Mr RA Davies Title: Development of a gas-diesel engine injection system using a hydraulically actuated, electronically controlled unit injector (HEUI) for flexible dual-fuel operation 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2999 - OTHER ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Origin Energy Limited Summary: Achieving targets for greenhouse gas reduction will require practical, easily implemented alternative fuels for vehicles. Converting existing truck/bus diesel engines to dual-fuel systems using natural gas is important. In particular, for long distance application, these systems need to allow flexible switching from sole diesel to dual-fuel operation and good gas substitution at low loads within cities. An earlier ARC funded project allowed UNSW to develop the world's most compact, flexible HEUI diesel injector. This project aims to develop, test and explore dual-fuel combustion using a compact single unit, combined NG/HEUI injector which will have considerable combustion and operational advantages. *** LP0211992 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof GL Morrison Prof M Behnia Mr J Urch Title: Design and Optimisation of Novel Enthalpy Heat Exchangers 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2905 - MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Air-Change Summary: This project deals with the thermal design and optimisation of a novel type of latent energy heat exchanger. This new heat exchanger overcomes the practical implementation problems of previous latent energy heat exchangers such as heat-wheels. The main application of this innovative heat exchanger will be to improve the capacity and efficiency of air conditioning systems. As the new heat exchanger is very compact it will be ideally suited for integration with air conditioning coils. Existing latent heat wheels are very bulky and are difficult to integrate into standard air conditioner installations. *** LP0212040 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof J Nevile Dr T Eardley Title: A Review of Work for the Dole as a Labour Market Program 2002: $21,500 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Anglicare Australia Committee for Economic Development of Australia Summary: The project will review the Work for the Dole program in terms of its first formal objective (to install work habits in young people)and in the wider context of giving young unemployed people the skills and confidence that will increase their chances of finding employment. The principal research tools used will be sample surveys and in-depth interviews. An independent substantial review will give a firm basis for discussions of the program, including how it can be improved and whether or not, given the political imperatives to retain it,it is desirable to increase expenditure on it. *** LP0228735 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof OI Ostrovski Title: Carbothermal solid state reduction of manganese ore in hydrogen atmosphere 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): Tasmanian Electrometallurgy Company Summary: The aim of the project is to establish mechanisms of solid-state reduction of manganese ore by carbon in hydrogen and effects of gas atmosphere and other operation parameters on the reduction rate. The project will examine carbothermal reduction of manganese ore in hydrogen, helium and argon at different temperatures, ore compositions and sizes. The project's outcomes will be the reduction extent, rate and mechanisms. They will be used to assess the feasibility of solid-state reduction technology. This will be of importance to Australian manganese industry. *** LP0220056 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr LA Poole-Warren Dr RA Odell Title: Development and characterisation of novel hydrogel systems for drug delivery 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2915 - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): BioCure Inc. Summary: The aims of this project are to develop and characterise hydrogel formulations for delivery of active agents, such as protein drugs, and to examine the biological responses to drug loaded hydrogels. In many medical and industrial fields, it is advantageous to control the release of active agents. Controlled release can decrease the dose of active that must be administered, sustain a more constant level of the agent in the environment and can localise the agent at the site where it is needed. This project will advance the theoretical knowledge of polymer degradation combined with protein release, will develop controlled release hydrogel technology that can be applied to medical devices and will train a postgraduate student in biomaterials and drug delivery. *** LP0211586 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof WD Rawlinson Prof J Lawson Prof GT Maine Title: Molecular and antibody analysis of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection of fetal and placental cells 2002: $47,489 2003: $45,095 2004: $45,095 Category: 2703 - MICROBIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Abbott Laboratories Inc Summary: CMV is a beta herpesvirus with many unknown molecular mechanisms associated with cellular infection. The virus infects placental cells in vivo, although pathogenesis of viral damage to these cells has been extremely difficult to study in vitro. We have commenced a study to i) demonstrate the molecular accompaniments of infection of placental cells in vitro, ii) determine the genotypic characteristics of congenital CMV infections, in collaboration with Abbott Diagnostics, and iii) produce an in vivo model of CMV infection to demonstrate the pathogenesis of cellular injury. The combination of molecular expertise at UNSW with monoclonal antibody expertise from Abbott Diagnostics mean this project is unique worldwide. *** LP0219251 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof V Sahajwalla Title: Fundamental Investigation of Kinetics of Ferro-Silicon Reactions in Cupola Scrap Melting Processes 2002: $59,000 2003: $59,000 2004: $59,000 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): Tyco Water Summary: The aims of this project include development of fundamental understanding of Ferro-silicon reactions in cupola scrap melting processes. This project will advance the scrap melting processes by enhancing their economic viability and environmental compatibility by optimising the reactions of Ferro-silicon which is one of the major sources of operating problems. Specifically the project will achieve optimisation of Ferro-silicon utilisation, reduction in refractory consumption, minimisation of industrial slag waste generation, improved product composition control. The scientific outcomes include data and mechanisms of Ferro-silicon reactions with gas and graphite phases, kinetic models to describe the influence of Ferro-silicon and process variables. *** LP0211417 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof RA Sammut Dr AV Buryak Title: Novel multi-channel and nonlinear Bragg grating devices 2002: $60,000 2003: $61,495 2004: $64,416 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Redfern Optical Components Pty. Ltd. Summary: High capacity and reliable telecommunications links are essential for many aspects of modern life and work. Optical fibres offer essentially unlimited capacity, but their optimal use requires the transmission of multiple wavelength channels simultaneously. This, in turn, requires the development of special-purpose fibre devices for multiplexing and de-multiplexing these channels, as well as for other optical filtering and switching tasks. Fibre Bragg gratings are central to many of these devices, and the aim of this project is to develop novel designs for linear and nonlinear Bragg grating devices which may significantly widen the current range of their applications. *** LP0230597 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof PG Saunders Dr J Cashmore Title: The Costs of Foster Care in Australia 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Association of Childrens Welfare Agencies Summary: The aim of the study is to determine adequate and appropriate levels of reimbursement for carers by undertaking empirical research on the economic and social costs associated with fostering. For the first time in Australia the indirect costs to carers will be examined and a model developed for reimbursing foster carers similar to other paid carers in the community. In collaboration with the Industry Partner it will explore the feasibility of using budget standards methodology to estimate the direct costs of care of children by refining and adapting budgets to reflect costs specific to different types of foster care. *** LP0216273 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof AP Seneviratne Title: PROVISION OF ARBITARY COMPLEX SERVICES ON THE MOBILE INTERNET 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Vodafone Australia Pty Ltd Summary: Within the next few years, mobile and wireless access to the Internet will very likely become the norm. These networks will use widely different networking technologies. Moreover, the services provided, will be accessed by the users using a wide variety of devices, with significantly different capabilities. Thus to provide seamless access, the system must adapt it self to the operating environment. These adaptations need to occur at different levels of the system, in isolation. This project is aimed at investigating the implications of adaptation decisions being taken in isolation at different levels on the system stability and performance. *** LP0229431 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr A Sharma Prof SJ Sheather Title: Multi-site generation of daily rainfall for catchment water management studies 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2605 - HYDROLOGY Industry Partner(s): Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC) Summary: This project aims to develop new approaches for stochastic generation of daily precipitation at multiple locations within a catchment. Traditional stochastic generators are found lacking at daily time-steps, offering a poor representation of observed distributional, seasonal and persistence characteristics. Ongoing research has resulted in approaches for generating daily rainfall at a single location that do not suffer from the above problems. This project will formulate approaches for rainfall generation at multiple locations within a catchment. The generated data will allow risk-based management and more reliable evaluation of the hydrologic, environmental and socioeconomic impacts of alternative water resource management planning scenarios. *** LP0211599 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof IG Sharpe Prof Dr P Kofman Dr N Esho Title: Risk and Prudential Regulation and Supervision of Australian Financial Institutions 2002: $60,000 2003: $60,000 2004: $60,000 Category: 3503 - BANKING, FINANCE AND INVESTMENT Industry Partner(s): Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority Summary: The project seeks to enhance the effectiveness of prudential regulation and supervision of financial institutions (FIs) by examining the risk of FIs, as reflected in default risk premiums on FI international debt issues and variability of revenue/profitability measures, and the effect of broadening FI activities and the shift towards fee/commission income on FI risk. This forms the basis for the development and testing of statistical early warning systems of impending financial problems in Australian FIs. The models are compared with examiner rating systems currently used in prudential supervision. *** LP0220017 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof SM Shaver Title: The Smith Family VIEW Clubs of Australia: From Philanthropy towards Social Enterprise 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): The Smith Family Summary: This project offers the opportunity to do original and innovative research with one of Australia's most successful women's community service organisations, The Smith Family VIEW (Voice, Interests and Education of Women) Clubs. The research will investigate the clubs' response to The Smith Family plan for them to play a new role in social development and social change, and whether this response differs among clubs in rural and regional and metropolitan areas. Conducted in collaboration with a major national community organisation, the project will provide multidisciplinary training in social policy in the specialist research environment of the Social Policy Research Centre. *** LP0235259 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr R Sheikholeslami Dr J Schrotter Mr K Craig Title: The Study of Pretreatment Options for Composite Fouling of Reverse Osmosis Membranes Used in Water Treatment and Production 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Vivendi Water Australia Summary: It is recognised worldwide that fouling is a major impediment in operation of Reverse Osmosis units used for production, purification and treatment of water. This project is aimed at studying pretreatment options for composite fouling which is the main type of fouling present in RO units by using both model feed systems and actual field water. The project outcomes are to understand and develop pre-treatment strategies and to use those to develop a hybrid pre-treatment technology. This project will significantly impact water production in general and its outcomes will have far-reaching implications in treatment of water both within Australia and globally. *** LP0212081 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof A Sowmya Dr T Zrimec Prof PJ Compton Dr G Kossoff Dr P Wilson Dr PE Lucas Title: Learning Medical Image Knowledge 2002: $132,974 2003: $96,998 2004: $101,224 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Medical Imaging Australasia Ltd (Pittwater Radiology Pty Ltd) Marconi Medical Systems Australia Pty Ltd Summary: We aim to develop Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition techniques for automated recognition of features in medical images, and to provide decision support for diagnosis from medical images. The project is innovative in its use of layered learning, where the computer first learns to recognise low-level image features that are then used to learn more complex features. The project is also innovative in combining a variety of automatic learning methods, including relational learning, with human-assisted knowledge acquisition methods. The expected outcomes will be new techniques for image understanding, particularly for our test domain, namely, High Resolution Computed Tomography scans of the lung. *** LP0219596 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr IM Suthers Mr S Fielder Title: Environmental impact and survival of re-stocked mulloway fingerlings into NSW estuaries 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): NSW Fisheries Research Institute Summary: NSW estuaries are subject to significant commercial and increasing recreational fishing pressure. Increasing the relative abundance of fish by restocking is a popular concept with many anglers, aquaculture businesses and politicians, especially with the recent introduction of a marine angling license in NSW. It is also an emotive concept to estuary management committees and some fishing groups, but there is little information on the possible impacts. This proposal will examine the environmental impact of releasing juvenile mulloway - a top level predator - on local forage species in two target estuaries, and thus make predictions for management of restocking. *** LP0210803 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Prof GJ Williams Mr GD Orr Title: Australian Electoral Law: Building a System for the 21st Century 2002: $77,506 2003: $32,561 Category: 3901 - LAW Industry Partner(s): Electoral Council of Australia Summary: An effective regime of electoral law and regulation is vital to the integrity of any democratic system. The litigation arising from the recent US Presidential election clearly demonstrates this. But electoral law is a neglected discipline in Australia. This impedes best practice electoral administration and the orderly development and modernisation of electoral law norms and rules. With the involvement and backing of Electoral Council of Australia (representing all Australian electoral authorities), this project will produce leading scholarship that will assist the ongoing development of an appropriate regime of electoral law for Australia in the 21st century. *** LP0219417 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales A/Prof AB Yu Dr R Zou Title: Experimental and numerical studies of the packing of alumina powders 2002: $50,000 2003: $45,000 2004: $45,000 Category: 2907 - RESOURCES ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Alcoa World Alumina Summary: This project is to investigate the packing of alumina powders at both microscopic and macroscopic levels by means of physical and numerical experiments, aiming to develop a comprehensive understanding of the underlying physics and computer models for predicting the packing properties under conditions corresponding to different operations in alumina refining and smelting processes. It will generate an effective method to solve the complex packing problems for process and/or property control in alumina/aluminium industry. *** LP0219580 Administering Organisation: The University of New South Wales Dr AB Yu Dr P Zulli Title: Model studies of solid flow and size segregation in ironmaking blast furnace 2002: $59,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $53,000 2004: $53,000 1 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): BHP Steel Research Laboratories Summary: The proposed project will investigate the fundamentals governing the flow and segregation of particles in relation to permeability distribution, the optimisation of which is critical for stable operations of a modern blast furnace (BF). A mathematical model will be developed to describe bed permeability at a particle-scale level; this model will be validated using detailed analysis of microscopic and macroscopic data from concurrent physical experiments. Outcomes of the project will provide a fundamental basis for upgrading BHP BF process models. Through superior BF control strategies and lower costs, this project will assist in improving the competitiveness of Australia's steel industry. *** The University of Newcastle LP0219327 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Prof RJ Aitken Dr DB Rylatt Title: Use of Gradipore technology to develop novel methods for the preparation and segregation of mammalian spermatozoa 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2706 - PHYSIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Gradipore Summary: The purpose of this project is to harness the expertise available within an Australian biotechnology company, Gradipore, to develop novel methods for the preparation of mammalian spermatozoa and the segregation of these cells into X-and Y- bearing populations. This technology will find application in: (1)clinical andrology, where rapid, safe protocols for the preparation and segregation of human spermatozoa are being actively sought in the context of assisted conception and the management of sex-linked genetic diseases and (2) agriculture, particularly the cattle industry, where a capacity to predetermine the sex of the offspring would be extremely valuable. *** LP0214165 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle A/Prof J Burgess Dr J Connell Mr P Cooper Title: HIGH LABOUR TURNOVER IN REGIONAL CALL CENTRES 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Advanced Dynamics Summary: The number of call centres and call centre employment is rapidly expanding in Australia. Many call centres are being developed on regional green field sites (new sites). Call centres are becoming an important IT based source of employment in regional areas. One persistent problem with call centre operations is the reported high labour turnover. This research investigates the possible reasons for the reported high turnover of labour in regional call centres. Through the research, companies may be able to reduce labour turnover by initiating remedial training, human resources management and organisational management measures. This will generate potential gains for call centre operators and for call centre employees. *** LP0219252 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle A/Prof BZ Dlugogorski Dr EM Kennedy Dr RJ Goodridge Title: Gassing Mechanism and Stability of Foamed Explosive Emulsions 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Orica Explosives Summary: Mining of minerals such as coal involves crushing the surrounding rock strata, or the mineral ore itself, with emulsion explosives. One of the most important properties determining suitability of an emulsion explosive to a particular mining operation is its velocity of detonation, which can be adjusted by varying the number and size of air bubbles distributed in the emulsion matrix. The present project aims to develop new ways of generating air bubbles, to gain fundamental understanding of the foaming mechanism in currently used gassing techniques, and to invent ways to stabilise large bubbles within the emulsion. The project will provide scientific underpinning for the development of a new range of emulsion explosives manufactured by Orica for Australian and international markets, maintaining the Orica's position as a leader in the field of emulsion explosives. *** LP0218930 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle A/Prof GM Evans Dr P Zulli Title: Free Surface Instability and Gas Entrainment during Blast Furnace Drainage 2002: $35,000 2003: $33,000 2004: $34,000 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): BHP Steel Research Laboratories Summary: Iron and Steelmaking operations have underpinned Australia's industry base for many years. To remain competitive in a global market BHP has undertaken considerable research and development to constantly improve process performance. An area of on-going concern is the unexpected release of gas during Blast Furnace drainage resulting in hazardous conditions for the operators and overall loss of production. This project aims to identify the causes of gas release and to devise operational strategies and design modifications to prevent this occurrence. Once implemented the outcomes of the research will be a more stable operation leading to increased production and less environmental emissions. *** LP0219570 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle A/Prof GM Evans Dr B Moghtaderi Dr SR Biggs Mr PD Dennis Title: Combined Ozonation-Flotation for the Treatment of Potable Water 2002: $49,000 2003: $51,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $52,000 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Hunter Water Australia Summary: Water Authorities are tightly regulated to guarantee removal of pollutants such as algal cells and toxins, cryptosporidium oocysts, and geosmin from drinking water. Processing options such as membrane filtration are effective but become very expensive when continuously operated to protect against occasional contamination events. This project aims to develop a fully-integrated process combining flotation and ozonation which can be operated continuously when required in a number of different modes to provide a barrier against a range of contamination events. The process utilises much of the existing water treatment infrastructure reducing capital and operating costs. *** LP0214978 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Mr PM Geary Dr R Drysdale Title: The Sustainable Effluent Irrigation Project - Effects of effluent irrigation on soil sodicity and groundwater quality. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3001 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Hunter Water Corporation Summary: The land application of recycled municipal effluent is now regularly practised by a number of local authorities and agencies responsible for centralised collection of wastewater, its treatment and disposal. Treated municipal effluent is often land applied and used to grow hardwood plantations. Hardwood plantations are very effective in producing large amounts of biomass and also assist agencies in off-setting wastewater treatment and disposal costs associated with advanced wastewater treatment to remove nutrients. This project will examine the effects of effluent irrigation on soil chemistry and groundwater quality at two hardwood plantations in the Hunter Valley, NSW. It is increasingly clear that large-scale reuse schemes, particularly those involving hardwood plantations, must be designed to be sustainable and have no significant impact on soil chemistry (increasing sodicity) and groundwater. This project will develop irrigation regimes for hardwood plantations which will promote soil productivity and optimize effluent application rates for pollutant removal and biomass production. *** LP0212035 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Prof MG Jones Dr R Pan Em/Prof AW Roberts Mr CW Benjamin Mr AC Burleigh Mr J Nemeth Ms LE Plambeck Title: Optimisation of Mass Flow Bin Design Using 3D Parametric Modelling 2002: $46,000 2003: $56,000 2004: $61,000 Category: 2905 - MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Gulf Conveyor Holdings Pty Ltd Summary: The storage, feeding and transfer of bulk solids are of vital importance to the resource and process industries. The current techniques used for the design of storage vessels are reliable but time consuming and limit the degree of optimisation that can be achieved. This project will develop a design methodology for bulk solids storage vessels such that it can be integrated with the parametric design system developed by Gulf Conveyor Holdings to provide a reliable, accelerated design process that provides a high degree of optimisation. This will lead to greater use of the technique in industry and a consequent increase in reliability and cost effectiveness. *** LP0211206 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle A/Prof GA Kuczera Mr P Coombes Dr RH Dunstan Prof JD Kalma Dr BL Berghout Mr I Grimster Title: Optimal Source Control in Urban Water Cycle Management 2002: $116,274 2003: $118,057 APDI - Mr P Coombes 2004: $118,057 APA(I) Award(s): 2 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Hunter Water Corporation Gosford-Wyong Council's Water Authority Hunter Region Organisation of Councils Hunter Public Health Unit Summary: Major opportunities exist to improve the management of the urban water cycle by better use of source control technology such as the use of rainwater tanks and water-sensitive design. This program will optimise the use of this technology at three scales, allotment, subdivision and regional, using genetic algorithms, parallel computing and shadow pricing. The aim is to minimise community lifecycle costs subject to sustainable use of ecosystems and maintenance of public health standards. The benefits include national savings of the order of $2 billion and significantly reduced demand on water supply and stormwater infrastructure and its supporting ecosystems. *** LP0214188 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Dr KL Mengersen Mr C Witte Title: A toolkit of statistical methodology for a state-of-the-art software and decision support system for forest assessment using new airborne data 2002: $45,245 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $32,145 2004: $32,745 1 Category: 2302 - STATISTICS Industry Partner(s): Department of Natural Resources, Forest Ecosystem Research&Assesst Summary: The aim is to develop statistical methods for efficient collection and interpretation of airborne laser data and videography, used to describe characteristics of the forest such as tree species, stand history and vertical distribution of foliage, and hence biodiversity and biomass. This is significant for meeting Australia?s international and national environmental obligations, providing quality information to farmers and industry, and hence developing potential jobs in regional areas. Outcomes include a toolkit of statistical methods applicable to spatial modelling and analysis of very large datasets, a statistically valid software product, marketable estimation methods in carbon accounting, technology transfer, training, publications. *** LP0210468 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Dr B Moghtaderi A/Prof KP Galvin Dr J Ashton Title: Application of a Novel Reflux Classifier for Separating Nut Shell Fragments from Powdered Food Mixtures 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Sanitarium Heath Food Company Summary: An important operation in the food industry is the physical separation of valuable particles from a mixture containing waste materials, such as shell fragments. The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of a novel gas-solid fluidised bed system, utilising parallel inclined plates to radically amplify the differential segregation rates to produce separations based on particle size. Our aim is to develop a fundamental understanding of the principles governing the nature of this system. The project should result in considerable technological and economic benefits for the food industry, a well trained and educated person at the postgraduate level, and a stronger collaborative link between the University and Sanitarium. *** LP0211210 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Dr BM Ninness Dr SR Weller Dr CJ Nicol Dr LM Davis Title: Advanced Space-Time Coded Multiuser Wireless Communications via Test-bed Development 2002: $62,659 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $59,380 2004: $72,246 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies) Summary: Meeting the global demand for mobile and wireless communications depends critically on reliable and high rate data transfer. Unfortunately, communications medium idiosyncrasies pose formidable challenges. Very recently, in combatting this, major breakthroughs have been achieved whereby the use of multiple antennas allows for drastic data-rate increases. These advances use sophisticated Space-Time coding methods, and while they are causing great excitement in terms of their simulation performance, it is not clear how they will perform in practice, or in fact how they are to be realistically implemented. This project will address this issue by building a world-first testbed that implements a high rate wireless communications system using Space-Time and other coding methods. *** LP0211994 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Dr PM O'Neill Dr PM McGuirk Dr KJ Mee Title: Effective public housing management strategies for rural and regional Australia 2002: $62,000 2003: $62,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 3704 - HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Industry Partner(s): NSW Department of Housing, Hunter and Central Coast Region Summary: Public housing authorities face growing demand for low cost housing from a diversifying range of households. This project addresses three parts of this problem for an emblematic region. It develops robust geographic information systems models to predict low-cost housing demand in rural and regional areas. This major technical advance is situated within studies of institutional behaviours affecting operations of housing authorities. Further the project evaluates public sector influence on housing markets in rural and regional NSW in order to enhance intervention practices. Output also includes three PhDs and applied knowledge of use to public housing authorities alongside academic research outcomes. *** LP0219641 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Prof JW Patrick Mr MA Cole Dr MJ Mahony A/Prof CE Offler Mr GW Marschke Title: Rebuilding Sustainable and Functional Biodiversity following Coal Mining 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Thiess Contractors P/L Summary: Open-cut mines are a significant land-use in Australia and generate considerable GDP. Poor management prior to mining has caused much topsoil to be lost and microbes vital to sustainable nutrient cycling reduced to <10% that of a sustainable forest. To address this problem we are developing a rehabilitation model using Mount Owen open-cut coal mine which passes through a Upper Hunter forest. This project will discover ways of utilizing microbe-derived nitrogen vital to a sustainable supply for native forests. Our aim is to reestablish these microbes in mine soils and determine their impact on forest community development. *** LP0214182 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Em/Prof AW Roberts Prof M Jones Mr SJ Wiche Mr RR Law Mr LI Burrell Mr GL James Title: Advancements in Belt Conveying 2002: $92,000 2003: $91,000 2004: $93,000 Category: 2905 - MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Engineering Services and Supplies Pty Ltd Control Systems Technology Pty Ltd Bechtel Services (Australia) Pty Ltd Summary: Belt conveyors are of considerable importance in bulk material handling operations worldwide. This research will be undertaken in collaboration with three industry partners and will develop fundamental models to predict and improve the performance and reliability in the areas of belt cleaning, belt weighing and belt indentation resistance. A collective approach to the research will significantly enhance the project outcomes due to the strong interrelation of fundamental parameters. The research outcomes will significantly enhance the fundamental knowledge of belt conveying, and strengthen Australia's international standing in the field of bulk materials handling research and industrial application. *** LP0219565 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Dr AS Sajeev Title: A Generic Software Architecture for Web-Based Applications on Micro-Mobile Systems 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2803 - COMPUTER SOFTWARE Industry Partner(s): Total Internet Centre Pty Ltd Summary: The next generation of computers that will capture the imagination of the society are likely to be micro-mobile devices such as personal digital assistants, mobile phones, smartcards and chips embedded in home and office items. Developing applications for information processing using a wireless network of such devices is an emerging challenge. This project will develop and evaluate a generic architecture for web-based applications on micro-mobile devices. This will make it easy to design applications that can seamlessly interact with different kinds of devices. The project will be carried out in partnership with Total Internet Centre, a Newcastle based regional enterprise. *** LP0234271 Administering Organisation: The University of Newcastle Dr L Wang Mr R Peirce Title: Optimisation and Control of Bagasse Handling System in a Sugar Mill. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): CSR LTD Summary: Bagasse, the fibre residue from sugar cane, is used as fuel in suspension fired boilers for energy production for the sugar milling process. The use of bagasse as a fuel is currently gaining more prominence as the sugar industry looks to co-generation joint ventures with traditional electricity supply and generation authorities. This project is aimed at applying optimisation and control techniques to bagasse handling system in a CSR sugar mill so that the fibre residue from sugar cane can be used to gain maximum efficiency in generating energy supplies in the sugar mill. If the project succeeds, other sugar mills from CSR would implement the advanced control system. *** The University of Sydney LP0209231 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr JL Blows Dr SC Fleming Dr S French Dr P McNamara Dr W Xu Mr P Blazkiewicz Title: Optical parametric amplifiers with exceptional qualities using highly nonlinear optical fibre 2002: $163,869 2003: $153,479 2004: $153,479 APDI - Dr JL Blows APDI - Mr P Blazkiewicz APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Nortel Networks (Photonics) Summary: Current optical fibre networks use only a fraction of their capacity. This is in part because optical amplifiers with enough bandwidth do not exist. However, it will soon become necessary to exploit all of this capacity. This project will create a new highly nonlinear optical fibre with very low loss and tailored dispersion properties. This will then be used to make an optical fibre parametric amplifier with a world record bandwidth, which will enable the full capacity of optical fibre to be exploited. *** LP0211670 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr CM de Sterke Prof LC Botten Dr AL Carter Title: Mechanical stresses in holey fibres 2002: $80,000 2003: $82,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $84,000 1 Category: 2402 - THEORETICAL AND CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS Industry Partner(s): Nufern Inc. Summary: The development of holey fibres constitutes arguably the most exciting development in fibre optics in recent years. We will analyze the mechanical stresses in these fibres, which, together with the optical calculations and associated experiments, will allow us to design novel fibre-based devices. This will allow Nufern to develop new products based on holey fibres. *** LP0211940 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney A/Prof G Evans Dr L Gillan A/Prof WM Maxwell Dr SW Ashworth Dr EM Gregory Ms SJ Rindfleish Dr M Trowbridge Title: In vitro prediction tests of fertility of frozen semen of sheep and cattle 2002: $72,634 2003: $72,781 2004: $73,467 APDI - Dr L Gillan Category: 3004 - ANIMAL PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Total Livestock Genetics Pty Ltd Livestock Breeding Services Pty Ltd AllStock Technology Pty Ltd Brecon Breeders Pty Ltd Summary: Variation in fertility after artificial insemination (AI) of frozen semen is high and leads to economic loss. Routine assessment of the quality of frozen semen relies on crude, simple tests of motility and morphology of sperm. More sophisticated sperm ultrastructural and function tests have recently been developed, but it is not known how these tests relate to fertility in the field. In this project we will test a range of in vitro methods of assessment of motility and morphology of sperm and compare them with fertility of frozen semen samples after AI, leading to more objective methods of semen analysis. *** LP0211430 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr JH Field Prof M Archer Mr A Border Title: Riversleigh and Cuddie Springs: Unravelling Key Factors in the Extinction of the Late Pleistocene Megafauna 2002: $140,225 2003: $129,500 2004: $144,264 Category: 4302 - ARCHAEOLOGY AND PREHISTORY Industry Partner(s): Australian Museum Environmental Protection Agency Summary: The project will construct a clear picture of faunal change during the Late Pleistocene, a period of well documented extinctions of giant animals (megafauna). Archaeological excavation at Riversleigh, in north-west Queensland and palaeontological excavation at Cuddie Springs, in northern N.S.W. will complete a picture of the animals, people and environment of the prehistoric period at each site. With this information, the roles of climate and people in the extinction process can be assessed. This study will complement the current research direction and public education programs of the Australian Museum and the EPA's management plans for the World Heritage Riversleigh site. *** LP0212029 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr JL Finkelstein Ms M Powell Title: Sailing into the Future: Training Australia's digital generation for the future demands of the new economy 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Department of Defence Summary: The Young Endeavour tall ship in association with the Department of Navy provides a team-building and skill development training scheme for all Australian youth. The purpose of the training is to provide young people with life-long skills; to provide a positive experience that will resonate through the adult life of those who sail on the ship, and to prepare these individuals for a future that is always and already undergoing changes both enconomic and social. The purpose of this research project is to ensure that the aims of the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme are met, and to create a long-term planning strategy that will improve and expand the work of the training scheme in anticipation of the next 10 years. *** LP0215947 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Prof L Gething Mr W Johnston Title: Post retirement support solutions for people with intellectual disabilities and their parents/carers 2002: $65,000 2003: $61,000 2004: $52,000 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Centacare Summary: The current generation is the first to contain a substantial number of people with intellectual disabilities who have survived to old age. Policy makers have yet to focus on their wellbeing following retirement from supported employment. Evidence cited by agencies such as Centacare, the Industry Partner, indicates that these older people and their ageing parents experience severe disadvantage and worry about retirement. The project aims to redress this situation by investigating ways of preparing people for retirement and mechanisms for enabling supported employment agencies to provide services and supports that optimise post retirement wellbeing. *** LP0211048 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney A/Prof TW Hambley Prof GB Deacon Dr LK Webster Title: Design, Evaluation, and Selection of Novel Pt(IV) Complexes as Anticancer Agents 2002: $80,000 2003: $105,000 2004: $110,000 Category: 2502 - INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Instutite of Drug Technology Australia Limited Summary: Platinum anticancer drugs are arguably the most widely used anticancer agents in the world but serious problems remain with toxicity and resistance. Platinum(IV) compounds have numerous advantages in terms of stability and thereby, lower toxicity. In this project we will exploit these advantages along with others that we have discovered recently and our understanding of the chemistry and biology of platinum(IV) to develop novel platinum(IV) compounds to the point where the industry partner can commercialise them. *** LP0222406 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr DF Hochuli Dr DA Keith Title: Does Ecological Restoration Work? Invertebrate Diversity And Fundamental Ecological Processes In Restored Remnants Of Agricultural Landscapes 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Summary: The restoration of native vegetation is critical to ensuring the success of long-term biodiversity conservation in Australia. Despite massive effort and expenditure on revegetation in damaged ecosystems, little is known of the effectiveness of different approaches. This project assesses the success of current practices of native vegetation restoration in agricultural landscapes using insects and their ecological roles as indicators of the sustainability of restoration efforts. By describing the extent to which fundamental ecological processes have returned to restored areas this project will generate assessment techniques and data identifying priorities for future restoration efforts. *** LP0231065 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Mr CL James A/Prof J Lea Mr PA Pholeros Title: Improving thermal performance of low-cost houses for better health of occupants and to reduce costs of temperature control. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3102 - BUILDING Industry Partner(s): Healthabitat Summary: Recent projects in rural and remote Australian Indigenous communities show that internal house temperatures can vary from accepted temperature ranges that promote well-being, particularly in young children, by up to 20ºC in both summer and winter. Low-cost housing with poor thermal performance often results in reliance on 'active', often costly-torun, heating and cooling appliances. Measured internal temperatures, energy and water-use data from Indigenous houses will be analysed to demonstrate the link between low-cost house design and poor thermal performance. A methodology and prioritised guidelines for improving temperature control in existing and new lowcost housing will be formulated. *** LP0209578 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney A/Prof JS Jin A/Prof J Xue Mr Y Zhong Title: A scheme of local compilation of mobile collectors for image and video search engines 2002: $45,000 2003: $38,803 2004: $35,687 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): HYPERSOFT International Summary: The object collector is an important component in a Web search engine. A collector collects Web objects (text, image, video, etc), extracts their features and builds an index file for the search engine. Sending each object to the collector is always the worst option with respect to resource usage because it is the feature, not the entire object, which will be used in indexing and retrieval. An alternative is to send a collector to the source site, which has an advantage of distributing computational load and performing summarization and compression. This project proposes a locally compiled mobile collector for image and video search engines. *** LP0218848 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Prof IR Kennedy Dr GW O'Hara Dr JG Howieson A/Prof A Sessitsch Ms R Deaker Title: POLYMER-BASED COATINGS TO INCREASE THE SURVIVAL OF MICROBIAL INOCULANTS APPLIED TO AGRICULTURAL SEEDS 2002: $72,000 2003: $72,186 2004: $72,000 APDI - Ms R Deaker Category: 2703 - MICROBIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Bio-Care Technology Pty Ltd Council of Grain Grower Organisation Ltd Ballard Seeds Summary: World-wide, there is much active research to maximise the use of Rhizobium for legumes and to develop a new range of growth-promoting micro-organisms for application to agricultural crops including cereals. However, very poor survival of inoculant bacteria after application to seed severely limits their effectiveness. New polymer coatings on seed may enhance survival of inoculants. By collaboration between chemists, rhizobiologists and the inoculant and seed-coating industries, innovative technology can now be generated, improving inoculum potential, giving higher crop yields using less fertilisers. The technology will generate a rural service industry providing coated seed products that reduce farmers' input costs and help maximise their income. *** LP0209078 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr CJ Kepert Dr SJ Thomson Dr OA Matthews Mr TP Anderson Title: Porous Mineral Formulations for Controlled-Release Applications 2002: $90,000 2003: $95,186 2004: $97,000 APDI - Dr SJ Thomson APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2502 - INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Crop Care Australasia Pty Ltd Summary: The controlled release of biologically active agents from host materials is a process that is used routinely in pharmaceuticals delivery but has received only limited attention in large-scale, low-cost areas such as the agrochemicals industry. Here we identify a number of rare tubular mineral phases as having great potential for low-cost controlled release. These little-studied minerals, for which high quality deposits exist in Australia, consist of hollow tubules of nanoscale dimension. This project involves the first ever studies of the kinetics of guest release from these fascinating hosts, and promises to generate important new technologies in agrochemical delivery. *** LP0210715 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr TA Langrish Dr DF Fletcher Dr SJ Sykes Prof RG Prince Title: Design and Optimisation of Spinning Cone Columns 2002: $52,000 2003: $56,000 2004: $56,000 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Vamhire Pty Ltd T/A Flavourtech Research Summary: This project will optimise the design and operation of spinning cone columns, a novel industrial distillation technology that has been developed in Australia. Novel and significant outcomes include applying Computational Fluid Dynamics to the design and optimisation of food processing equipment, understanding fundamental modelling issues in simulating strongly swirling flows, and allowing scale-up to be performed reliably from first principles. The result will be a "virtual model" of the equipment, allowing design and optimisation of the equipment to be performed from first principles. *** LP0219336 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney A/Prof GM Llewellyn Prof TR Parmenter Mr JB Chan Title: Classifying support needs of people with disabilities 2002: $81,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $77,000 2004: $77,000 1 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Centre for Developmental Disability Studies Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney Summary: The aim of this research is to develop a valid and reliable assessment and classification system of the support needs of people with diverse disabilities. Current methods are found wanting due to neglect of the complex interactions between health condition, activity and context and inability to account for type and intensities of supports needed. The development of a robust system which can be used to assess and classify the support needs of people with a wide range of disabilities and across settings will enable human service agencies to be responsive and tailor their services to individual needs. *** LP0225352 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney A/Prof GM Llewellyn A/Prof J Wangmann Title: Inclusion of young children with disabilities in mainstream early childhood services 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Department of Community Services (NSW) Summary: The aim of this APAI doctoral project is to investigage the barriers to, and factors which facilitate effective inclusion of young children with disabilities in mainstream early childhood services in the Australian funding, policy and practice context. The proposed project combines quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the process and outcomes of inclusion in long day care, preschool and family day care. The findings will inform policy and practice by enabling early childhood agencies to be more responsive and to better tailor their services to individual child and family needs. *** LP0219791 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr MD McLeod A/Prof DD Ridley Dr S Stanley Dr S Westwood Title: A New Synthesis of Steroid Conjugates for Illicit Drug Detection 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2503 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): NSW Thoroughbred Racing Board Summary: The prevention of drug abuse in horse racing is vital to preserve the large contribution to employment, Government revenue and to economic activity provided by the Racing Industry. This collaboration aims to develop new highly sensitive analytical procedures for the detection of performance enhancing drugs in horses. The project will develop novel chemistry for the production of standard compounds that are essential for this testing program and are currently unavailable by other means. The methods developed will have wider application to the testing of drugs in athletes and the detection of recreational drugs. *** LP0229120 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr GA Meagher Dr KE Healy Mr RW Urquhart Title: Currencies of Care: Establishing the scope of performance indicators in child and family welfare services 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): Uniting Care Burnside Summary: This project aims to establish the scope of performance indicators for assessing outcomes in welfare services in urban, regional and rural contexts. Its significance lies in the analysis of outcomes, in addition to service outputs, and in advancing understanding of performance assessment beyond a narrow focus on urban service delivery environments. The project combines UnitingCare Burnside's experience in and commitment to delivery of high quality services with the CIs' interdisciplinary expertise in evaluation of caring work. Anticipated outcomes include development of a conceptual framework for performance assessment which will be used by the industry partner in managing and delivering services. *** LP0211846 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr D Mills Prof GL Morrison Dr CJ Dey Mr MJ Roberts Mr M Perinasso Prof BS Haynes Title: Multi Tower Solar Array (MTSA) for combined heat and power applications in urban areas 2002: $130,000 2003: $130,186 2004: $110,000 APDI - Dr CJ Dey APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2404 - OPTICAL PHYSICS Industry Partner(s): Solahart Industries Management Engineering and European Consulting (MEEC) Summary: The MTSA is a highly compact, middle-scale (0.5 - 10 MW) solar power concept designed for urban areas. It comprises an array of small towers with high mounted receivers which collect sunlight from a very densely packed reflector field below. Reflectors can be aimed at different towers during the day to minimise blocking and shading losses. A prototype MTSA system to be constructed will test new reflector modules developed in conjunction with Solahart Industries (Perth). Innovative receivers incorporating spectral control, and both photovoltaic and thermal electricity generation paths will also be developed. *** LP0211226 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr KM Owen Dr C O'Donnell Dr GR Griffith Ms J Moxon Mr DG Harris Title: The importance of price and perceived quality to the demand for fresh fruits and vegetables 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 3404 - ECONOMETRICS Industry Partner(s): NSW Department of Health Harris Farm Markets NSW Agriculture Summary: It is estimated that the direct and indirect cost of diet-related diseases to Australia is between $2-3 billion per annum. One of the most important things that can be done to prevent diet-related disease is to encourage the population to eat more fruits and vegetables. The aim of this project is to examine the effect of price and perceived quality on the type and quantity of fruits and vegetables consumed, especially among low-income households. The project will employ modelling techniques that are novel to this product group and that will provide valuable insights to the constraints and opportunities for increasing fruits and vegetables intake, as well as benchmarks for future research. *** LP0211196 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney A/Prof DD Ridley Dr MD McLeod Dr S Stanley Title: Synthesis and analysis of equine anabolic steroid metabolites 2002: $70,000 2003: $73,000 2004: $73,000 Category: 2504 - ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): NSW Thoroughbred Racing Board Summary: The Australian Racing Industry has an annual turnover of over $11,000M and is Australia's highest employing industry. Its credibility is dependent upon the enforcement of regulations relating to illicit substances. The aim of the project is to devise testing procedures for illicit drugs in the equine. To achieve this a variety of hydroxylated anabolic steroid equine metabolites are to be synthesised as reference standards and for studies on analytical procedures. These analytical studies will involve production of antibodies, and of the appropriate testing procedures. *** LP0225913 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr AJ Ruys Title: Fibre-Polymer Composites With Graded Microstructure 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2914 - MATERIALS ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Australian Surgical Design and Manufacture Pty. Ltd. Summary: This project concerns the development of a novel fibre-polymer functionally graded composite material that mimics the structure of the spinal disk. The spinal disk comprises a soft core (nucleus) and a tough fibrous periphery (annulus). The graded composite approach of this proposal represents a significant advance over spinal fusion, and over the current generation of spinal disk protheses (metal plates with springs/polymers as shock absorbers). Chronic back pain affects a significant proportion of the population and is primarily caused by failure of the spinal disk. Therefore a strong social and economic imperative exists to develop engineering solutions to this problem. *** LP0219774 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Prof AW Snyder Prof JE George Title: What Makes a Corporate Champion? 2002: $70,000 2003: $70,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $70,000 1 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): McKinsey & Company Summary: Great corporations aim to imbue their organisations with a champion mindset. The world?s largest management consultancy company, McKinsey & Company, have joined this proposal which aims to assist realising this goal by developing a framework to identify and replicate championship in individuals and organisations. A multi-disciplinary team will apply quantitative and qualitative measures to address issues raised from the Centre for the Mind's existing research. Findings will contribute significantly to the social and economic benefit of private and public sector organisations. Expected outcomes are refined understandings and application of championship in corporations; the publication of reports, a book, refereed articles and a training video. *** LP0219420 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr JA SVED Dr DC HARDIE Mr ES SMITH Title: Fruit fly pests in northwestern Australia: invasion, hybridisation or evolution? 2002: $100,000 2003: $90,000 2004: $90,000 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): Kununurra Pest Control Committee Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry & Fisheries Kununurra Pest Control Committee Agriculture Western Australia Summary: In northwestern Australia, recent events suggest that a new and serious fruit fly pest is now present, wher previously none existed. Due to difficulties in accurate identification, we do not know whether these new pest fruit flies are endemic fruit flies that have changed their behaviour, invasions of Queensland fruit fly, or hybrids between them. This project will use DNA microsatellites to distinguish between these possibilities. It will also establish whether the different species involved are actually different species, or should be regarded merely as different races. Such distinctions are important both scientifically and for export quarantine purposes. *** LP0214139 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney A/Prof GG Warr Dr TW Davey Dr BS Hawkett Mr RJ Rounsley Mr IJ Tolliday Title: Improving explosive emulsions by understanding surfactant interactions 2002: $80,000 2003: $80,186 2004: $80,000 APDI - Dr TW Davey Category: 2501 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (INCL. STRUCTURAL) Industry Partner(s): Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific Ltd Clariant (Australia) Pty Ltd Summary: This project will design new surfactants that will lead to more cost effective, stable and reliable explosive emulsions. The pressure required to force dispersed phase droplets to coalesce will be measured both directly and by osmotic stress. These parameters have not previously been measured for an inverse emulsion system. The measurements made will be correlated to the structure of the stabilising surfactant enabling new and more effective surfactants to be designed. *** LP0212110 Administering Organisation: The University of Sydney Dr L Ye Prof Y Mai Mr A Chhor Dr M Young Title: Thermoforming Mechanisms for Cost-effective Manufacturing of Advanced Composite Structures 2002: $52,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $58,000 2004: $67,000 1 Category: 2902 - AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Pacific Engineering Systems International Pty Ltd Summary: The cost barrier in thermoforming, due to the lack of understanding of shear deformation and wrinkling, has inhibited the large-scale application of fibre-reinforced composite structures in aerospace and automobile industries. This project aims to develop a cost-effective diaphragm thermoforming process through an in-depth understanding of the thermoforming mechanisms. The outcomes will include novel theories for thermoforming, a standard method for material property characterization and new finite element models compatible with the most popular software available for industry. The project will form the basis for establishing the effective production window and enhance greatly the competitive edge of the Australian manufacturing industry. *** University of Technology, Sydney LP0235872 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney Prof AT Baker Mr NL Anderson Title: Application of Silver Coatings to medical Devices for Antimicrobial Properties using Electroless Deposition 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2915 - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Advanced Metal Coatings Pty Ltd Summary: Silver compounds, eg. in topical creams, can be used to treat chronic infections. The results are mediocre, and there may be significant side effects. Metallic silver when coated on bandages or medical devices is gaining wider acceptance, but the dissolution rate muct be improved to minimise infection. In this project an electroless silver coating process will be developed, with bath chemistry and coating conditions optimised for an ideal dissolution rate. This project will lead to the development of improved medical devices that will have significant social and economic benefits for Australia. *** LP0235474 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney Prof D Eamus Dr KD Montagu Title: Tree water use and amelioration of dryland salinity 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): State Forests of NSW Summary: Dryland salinity is a huge problem for large areas of Australia. One proposal for ameliorating dryland salinity is to plant trees in upslope sites in the landscape. Such planted forests reduce movement of water through the landscape, thereby reducing mobilisation and discharge of stored salts downslope onto agricultural and sensitive riparian areas. This project will investigate tree water use in a native forest, compare it with a planted forest in the same location and investigate fundamental relationships among climate, tree size, canopy area and water use. The outcome of this project is a deep mechanistic understanding of the efficacy of trees for salinity abatement. *** LP0219771 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney Prof AM Johnson Dr G Vesey Title: Antigenic analysis of the surface of Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts 2002: $86,844 2003: $82,047 2004: $82,047 Category: 2703 - MICROBIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): BTF Pty Ltd Summary: Infection with Cyclospora cayetanensis is an emerging disease that causes significant morbidity in human populations. Although prevalent in developing countries, recent outbreaks in the USA confirm it is now emerging into the developed world. The research described here will analyse and characterise the antigens on the surface of the oocyst of C. cayetanensis which will add significantly to our sparse knowledge on this important human parasite. We will also develop the first commercial antibodies and technologies which will rapidly and accurately detect the parasite in human patients and our drinking water supplies, thus securing a global market for Australian technology. *** LP0219784 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney A/Prof JR Leaney A/Prof RM Braun Mr A Kadi Dr K Sandrasegaran Dr T O'Neill Mr M Hunter Mr W Getto Dr N Keswani Title: Architecture-based Open Network Management Systems for Next Generation Telecommunications 2002: $128,819 2003: $130,602 2004: $130,602 APDI - Dr T O'Neill APA(I) Award(s): 3 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Alcatel Australia Summary: We aim to develop an open, policy-based architecture for the management of next generation telecommunications networks. It is expected that a comprehensive Open Architecture-based Telecommunications Management Network (AuTuMN) framework could be put in place to manage the network based on centralised policies and roles rather than having to handle individual users and elements. Significantly, the scientific knowledge of open systems and network management systems for next generation networks will be extended. *** LP0219562 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney A/Prof MJ Lyons Title: The challenge to member based organisations and their responses 2002: $56,000 2003: $51,000 Category: 3699 - OTHER POLICY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Industry Partner(s): Sport Industry Australia NRMA Member Service Clubs NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation Australian Friendly Societies Pharmacies Association Inc Summary: The project will explore participants' construction of the meaning of membership in member based organisations (MBOs), and will carry out comparative analysis of MBOs' responses to membership decline, to identify common challenges and innovative responses. This will enhance Industry Partners' knowledge of members' motivations, and disincentives to membership, and outline examples of good practice in other fields. The results will offer practical strategies for improved member recruitment and retention in MBOs, which continue to play a significant role in Australian economic and social life. The research will make significant contributions to existing bodies of social capital and voluntary association theory. *** LP0219563 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney A/Prof HT Nguyen Dr AM Sanagavarapu Mr R Thompson Dr W Smith Title: Development of electrical probes and advanced classification algorithms for early detection of cancer 2002: $65,000 2003: $35,675 2004: $31,738 Category: 2915 - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Polartechnics Limited Summary: The curable precursor of cervical cancer is cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN). Various cancer probes will be constructed for the identification of CIN based on electrical measurements on tissue. Through studies of the cellular structure and the junction between cells, a theoretical model of the electrode/mucus/tissue system will be developed at and below the surface of the tissue under examination. Theoretical modelling, probe development and detection algorithms will be used to identify CIN in real-time with concurrently high sensitivity and specificity. Effective electrical probes for early detection of cancer (cervical, lung and breast) will be of enormous national and international benefit. *** LP0219552 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney A/Prof JA Onyx Mr B Fowler Title: Measuring and enhancing community capacity in outback NSW: the case of Broken Hill 2002: $60,000 2003: $55,000 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Commonwealth Dept of Family and Community Services Summary: The project will elucidate the necessary conditions for rural renewal through intensive analysis of social capital formation and mobilisation in one outback community in NSW. This entails a multidimensional analysis of social capital at the micro and macro levels in Broken Hill, in relation to cross-sector collaboration, interaction with economic, human and ecological factors, the role of community organisations and the social entrepreneur. The project directly addresses the widely acknowledged need to find effective pathways for sustainability of rural communities. The project will produce practical recommendations to policy makers and the community, and will contribute to social capital theory. *** LP0235376 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney Prof RL Raison A/Prof KW Broady Dr M Horne Title: The mucosal immune system of fish: analysis of the immune repertoire in gut-and gillassociated lymphoid tissues in trout. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): Novartis Aqua Health Summary: Infectious disease causes major economic loss to the aquaculture industry, highlighting the need for effective vaccination strategies. While oral or immersion vaccination represents the most cost effective means of protecting fish against infectious disease there are problems associated with inducing an effective immune response in fish that will assist our industry partner (Novartis Animal Vaccines Ltd) to develop improved fish vaccines. The project will provide postgraduate training in the area of fish immunology that is vital to the developing Australian aquaculture industry. *** LP0219673 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney Dr L Schaverien Prof S Alexander Ms S Vecchiet Dr J Tomkins Ms N Mockler Ms N McCredie Title: School-University e-Learning research partnerships for scaling up innovation 2002: $67,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $63,000 2004: $60,000 1 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): MLC School St Paul's Grammar School Loreto Normanhurst St Ives North Public School Summary: Despite optimism about new technologies for learning, e-learning innovation has been slow to scale up. This project tests a novel research strategy for engaging schools sustainably with e-learning. Teams of students (school and university), teachers (including beginning teachers), community members, consultants and e-learning researchers are constituted, in schools, to identify, collaboratively, hard-to-learn (technology-and-science) concepts and effective teaching approaches, develop ways of exploiting new media to teach such concepts and scale up their solutions within and beyond their schools. Re-conceiving the problem so students and teachers gain equity as e-learning researchers yields a model for scholarly, future-oriented educational renewal. *** LP0219763 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney Prof GB Smith Dr P Swift Mr E Joseph Title: Cost effective high output polymer fibre optic lighting systems 2002: $54,000 2003: $52,000 2004: $60,000 Category: 2404 - OPTICAL PHYSICS Industry Partner(s): PolyOptics Australia Pty Ltd Summary: A new flexible composite polymer can transport light over distances beyond 30 metres within diameters of 5mm to 25mm and still be intrinsically bright. The link between composition, transport efficiency and output will be established. Input studies will include tailored external optics and full integration of bright LED's inside the cable. Prototypes evaluated will include, lighting inside display refrigeration, "on person" safety and fashion lighting (including novel jewellery), solar powered LED lighting for remote areas (including roadworks, stand alone signs, developing country and remote rural homes), daylight and lamps together in the one cable, and general lighting. Many of these will be developed by the industry collaborator. *** LP0219780 Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney Dr J Zhu Dr Q Ha Mr W Robertson Title: High Efficiency Low Cost Low Noise Variable Speed Compressor Drive for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems 2002: $120,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $100,000 2004: $100,000 1 Category: 2909 - ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Kirby Refrigeration Pty Limited Summary: This project aims to break the major barriers to the commercial production of efficient refrigerators and air conditioners by developing a high efficiency low cost low noise variable speed compressor drive. High performance PM motors, power electronic fault tolerant converters/inverters, and intelligent algorithms for motor control and temperature control will be developed to meet the specific requirements of compressor drives in collaboration with Kirby Refrigeration. The new technology will contribute to the reduction of CO2 greenhouse gas emission by reducing the energy consumption of refrigerators and air conditioners and once commercialised will greatly enhance the competitiveness of Australian industry in the world market. *** University of Western Sydney LP0219614 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney A/Prof DK Burnham A/Prof WG Noble Dr G Leigh Title: Captions for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired: Availability versus Accessibility 2002: $47,000 2003: $47,000 2004: $46,000 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Australian Caption Centre Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children Australian Hearing Summary: The availability of educational, informational and recreational services for deaf and hearing-impaired people has been dramatically facilitated by (i) increased television captioning due to the 2001 introduction of the Television Broadcasting Services Act; and (ii) trial introduction of real-time captioning in educational settings. These innovations must be matched by equally innovative ways of increasing the accessibility of captions, which is currently limited by English literacy, caption speed, and caption reduction techniques. Here, systematic manipulation of these factors in experiments on television captioning with adults and educational captioning with children will determine how resources might best be directed to improving caption accessibility. *** LP0228405 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney A/Prof R Bushell Dr R Staiff Mr N Conner Title: Improving the contribution of protected areas to quality of life in rural and regional communities 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3009 - LAND, PARKS AND AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service Summary: This research addresses the fundamental question of how local communities value the contribution of natural and cultural heritage, in particular in Protected Areas, to their wellbeing, and how these 'community' values differ from those of protected area managers and policy makers. It examines the role of nature based tourism as a vehicle for improving quality of life in rural communities, and how regional development strategies can be enhanced through the contributions of Protected Areas. *** LP0233827 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney Dr E Chang Dr L Chenoweth Dr K Hancock Mrs M Clarke Title: Improving the quality of nursing care and health outcomes for elderly patients during acute hospitalisation 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2 Category: 3211 - NURSING Industry Partner(s): Health & Ageing Research Unit, SESAHS The Prince of Wales Hospital Sutherland Hospital St George Hospital & Community Health Service Compugenics Pty Ltd Wentworth Area Health Service Summary: This study aims to compare the perceptions of nurses, elderly patients and their carers in terms of the nursing needs of elderly hospitalised patients'. It will also investigate reasons for any differences found between expectations and reality of care provided. The significance is that the elderly are the largest consumers of health care yet this is the first collaborative Australian study to investigate the needs of elderly patients. Expected outcomes are an education program for nurses and the development of evidence-based models of nursing care for elderly patients, increased patient satisfaction and health outcomes. Hospitals ultimately benefit in cost-effectiveness and efficiency. *** LP0219468 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney Dr C Halse A/Prof JM Ussher Prof HW Marsh Prof J Bailey Title: Multiple Perspectives of Eating Disorders in Girls 2002: $68,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $70,000 2 2004: $69,000 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Children's Hospital Educational Research Institute, Westmead Hosp Centre for Digestive Summary: This study explores the subjective experiences of anorexic adolescent girls and the perspectives of their parents and other professionals to identify the beliefs and constructs underpinning the identification, management and experience of anorexia. Using a multi-method heuristic approach, we will analyse congruence and dissonance in perspectives, the mechanisms individuals and groups use to assert and justify their views and actions, and the reflexive impact of these on others. The study will generate basic knowledge to improve support for girls and families, development better preventative education and inform the education of professional in the field. *** LP0219317 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney Prof AP Jeary Mr B Atkinson Ms S Rusbridge Title: The Characterisation of Fires in Tunnels 2002: $77,000 2003: $62,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $26,000 1 Category: 3102 - BUILDING Industry Partner(s): State Rail Fire & Emergency Service Engineered Fire Safety Solutions Ltd. Summary: A series of 22 fires ranging from 2 megawatt up to 20 megawatt intensity will be set under controlled conditions in unused tunnel facilities, in New South Wales. Instrumentation in the tunnel, donated by the State Rail Authority of New South Wales, will monitor the movement of particulates (smoke). This information is vital to tunnel design, and for passenger life safety. This information will be applicable to all tunnels worldwide. *** LP0219693 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney Dr S Malloch Prof M Prior A/Prof DK Burnham Title: An Investigation of Intersubjectivity: Music Therapy and Hospitalised Infants 2002: $65,000 2003: $57,000 2004: $41,000 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Summary: A contingent relationship is vital for normal infant development. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which supplies life-saving modern medical technology to very sick infants, is also an environment where contingency is rarely available to the infant . In this environment, a Music Therapist ?improvising? with the infant, can re-introduce contingency to the infant, and encourage infant selfregulation. This project investigates the efficacy of a Music Therapy intervention in improving infant health, and micro-analyses the interaction between infant and therapist in order to further understand the nature of the Communicative Musicality of the interaction. *** LP0234648 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney Dr H Malson Dr S Clarke Mrs G Anderson Title: A critical psychological investigation of nurses' experiences, understandings and perceptions of nursing eating disordered patients 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Westmead Hospital Summary: This innovative project will investigate the experiences, understandings and perceptions of nurses working with eating disordered patients in hospital contexts. Nurses currently nursing eating disordered patients will be interviewed in depth using a semi-structured interview schedule. Interviews will be audio-recorded and transcribed verbatum. The interview transcripts will then be systematically analysed using a qualitative discourse analytic methodology. The aim will be to identify the specific discursive resources that nurses use to frame and make sense of their experiences, understandings and perceptions of nursing eating disordered patients. The project has clinical and social scientific significance, and will contribute to improved treatment outcomes. *** LP0219302 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney Prof HW Marsh Mr C Perry Dr J Savis Dr A Martin Title: Mental Toughness: What Makes a Champion? 2002: $56,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $50,000 2004: $48,000 1 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Australian Institute of Sport Westfields Sports High Summary: "Mental toughness" is claimed to be what makes champion athletes; separates winners from losers and those who buckle under pressure. Despite widespread use in sport (business, military, etc.) there exist no well-validated mental toughness measures. In collaboration with Australian Institute of Sport and Westfields Sports High School, we will develop a multidimensional, hierarchical measure of mental toughness, test it across gender, age, and different sports, validate it in relation to relevant outcomes, and evaluate its growth/development in athletes varying in age and sporting development. Potential benefits include improved talent identification, counselling, self-concept, coping strategies, coaching, benchmarking, tracking, and athletic performance. *** LP0233452 Administering Organisation: University of Western Sydney Dr EC Morris Dr DA Keith Title: Plant diversity in restored native vegetation of agricultural landscapes 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3009 - LAND, PARKS AND AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service Summary: This project will assess the success of current practices of native vegetation restoration in agricultural regions, ie whether they provide sustainable habitat for native plant species. While there is currently a massive expenditure on revegetation in agriculture, there has been almost no assessment of whether it works well or not. This study will compare the plant species present in restored and comparable native vegetation. Additionally, intensive study of some key plant species will be undertaken to determine what features of these plants enable them to persist in restored patches. Outcomes include new assessment techniques and original data. *** University of Wollongong LP0219462 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Prof HR Brown Dr GM Spinks Dr KJ Jessop Title: An investigation of the mechanism of lacquer adhesion failure on electrolytic tinplate 2002: $77,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $77,000 2004: $77,000 1 Category: 2903 - MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): BHP Flat Products, BHP Steel Summary: "Tin" cans used for food packaging are actually made from tin-plated steel and, in most cases, the metal is coated with a lacquer. This lacquer is required to protect the can from corrosion and the contents from taint. The incidence of adhesion failure between the metal and the lacquer has increased recently for unknown reasons, causing considerable economic loss. This project will investigate the mechanisms of adhesion failure and improve our fundamental understanding of the problem. The results will be used to enable the selection of process conditions and lacquers that are more robust and reduce the incidence of adhesion failure. *** LP0230322 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Dr Z Chen Prof DP Dunne Title: Effect of Chromium and Manganese on the Formations of Graphite and Carbide on the surface of Low Carbon Sheet Steels 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): BHP Steel Flat Products Summary: Surface graphite and surface carbide are two surface defects observed in cold-rolled low carbon steel sheets after batch annealing under non-oxidising atmosphere. The surface defects detract from the appearance of the steel sheets and diminish the surface treatment potential of the sheets, causing significant and costly material losses. The aims of the project are to study the inhibition of surface graphite formation by the additions of Chromium and Manganese and to study the mechanism of formation of surface carbide with the aim of developing an alloying / processing strategy which eliminates both the surface graphite and the surface carbide. *** LP0215952 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Prof RJ Dippenaar Dr D Willis Mr W Renshaw Title: Surface reaction kinetics of zinc gas relevant to the ZINCALUME coating process 2002: $72,000 2003: $64,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $64,000 1 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): BHP Innovation Summary: The proposed project aims to develop a sound understanding of the mechanism and rate of condensation of zinc vapour on clean and partially oxidised steel strip surfaces. This Fundamental scientific knowledge is the key to furthering our understanding of the effect of process variables on the occurrence of pinholes and bare patches on ZINCALUME coated steel strip. Should the fundamental causes of defect formation be established, product quality can be improved, process costs reduced and the Australian industry's competitive position in the market place retained. A new experimental approach will be taken; conductive to the training of the researchers involved in advanced research techniques. *** LP0214179 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Prof SX Dou Dr G Wang Prof J Lee Dr SJ Kennedy Title: Developing New Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries Using Australian Mineral Resources 2002: $83,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $84,000 2004: $84,000 1 Category: 2599 - OTHER CHEMICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Queensland Nickel Technology Pty Ltd (A Division of Billiton) Sons of Gwalia Ltd Summary: This project will bring together expertise in electrochmistry, materials science and structure characterisation to conduct collaborative research with Australian industry partners, Queensland Nickel Technology Pty Ltd and Sons of Gwalia Ltd. The aims of this project will be to investigate a series of cathode materials for use in lithium-ion batteries. The significance of this research is that the technology for preparing a series of new electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries will be developed by taking advantage of abundant Australian minerals resourecs. The expected outcomes will be to identify several new cathode materials with high energy density, long cycle life, low toxity and low cost. *** LP0219629 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Prof SX dou Dr XL Wang Mr M Ionescu A/Prof MD Sumption Title: Fabrication and Characterisation of Magnesium Diboride Superconducting Wires 2002: $110,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $100,000 2004: $100,000 1 Category: 2914 - MATERIALS ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Alphatech International The Hyper Tech Research Inc. Summary: The newly discovered superconductivity at 40K in magnesium diboride (MgB2) opens a technical window to a range of electric power applications, previously thought accessible only with high temperature superconductors. The aim of the proposed project is to investigate the fabricability and properties of MgB2 superconducting wires using a number of processing techniques established in previous low temperature and high temperature superconductors. The expected outcome is to have a MgB2 conductor that has a higher performance in a field than niobium-titanium (NbTi) alloy, a higher operating temperature (up to 20K), but at a cost less than currently commercial NbTi wire. *** LP0219458 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Dr AK Ghose Title: Integrated constraint-based planning and scheduling 2002: $45,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $39,000 2004: $45,000 1 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): BHP Steel (JLA) Pty Ltd Summary: Constraint programming is a relatively new technology based on artificial intellgence techniques that is becoming a popular tool for developing industrial optimisation solutions. While constraint programming has been used extensively for solving industrial scheduling problems, very little has been done in developing constraint-based integrated producting planning and scheduling systems. The size and complexity of typical production planning and scheduling problems requires the innovative use of the latest developments in constraint programming technology, together with a variety of other artificial intelligence techniques. This project seeks to develop and implement a new conceptual framework for integrated constraint-based planning and scheduling, using BHP Steel as a test - bed. *** LP0230453 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Dr AK Ghose Dr R Clarke Mr P Hyland Title: Practical methodologies for agent-oritented conceptual modelling 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): State Emergency Service Summary: Conceptual modelling involves using knowledge representation techniques to support the requirements engineering phase of the software life-cycle. Agent-oriented conceptual modelling is a relatively new technique that offers significant benefits in modelling complex organisational information systems. However, several problems need to be addressed with current agent-oriented conceptual modelling languages and methodologies. In the context of a PhD dissertation, this project will develop an improved agent-oriented conceptual modelling framework and related requirements elicitation techniques drawing on advances in Artificial intelligenct, Requireents Engineering and Organisational Semiotics. The practical deliverables of this project will address the needs of a large complex government organisation. *** LP0220726 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Prof PR Howe A/Prof WL Bryden Title: Development of novel omega-3 enriched poultry products 2002: $56,343 2003: $57,988 Category: 2901 - INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY AND FOOD SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Bartlett Grain Summary: New Health recommendations and changes to the Food Standards Code encourage greater dietary intake of omega-3 (w-3) fatty acids. Our core research on modifying fatty acid composition of poultry tissues and preliminary studies with our industry partner's proprietary fishmeal product (PorcOmega) have indicated the feasibility of producing novel meat products and eggs with high w-3 contents, which would qualify to carry a new nutrition label. We now propose, in collaboration with our industry partner, to assess the viability of producing such products by conducting poultry feeding trials with PorcOmega on a commercial scale and evaluating both the levels of w-3 enrichement of chicken breast, thigh and sausages, shelf-life and consumer acceptability (sensory evaluation) of these products. We expect to establish feeding strategies for adoption by commercial producers of premium poultry and eggs for local or export markets. *** LP0220843 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Prof PR Howe Dr T Mori A/Prof L Tapsell Dr B Meyer Title: Development and evaulation of novel foods enriched with very long chain omega-3 fatty acids 2002: $121,788 2003: $115,100 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $32,545 1 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Meadow Lea Foods Ltd Clover Corporation Ltd Summary: This project is a collaborative effort between Meadow Lea Foods, Clover Corporation, and the Universities of Wollongong and Western Australia. The aims are 1) to develop a range of functional foods enriched with omega-3 from tuna oil; 2) to see whether the recommended omega-3 intake, currently nor met by most Australians, can be achieved by including these foods in the diet; 3) to evaluate sensory and health attributes and other factors that may impact on consumer acceptability hence market potential of the food range. There is little evidence of the feasibility let alone health and social benefits of utilising novel foods to meet the dietary omega-3 recommendation. We expect a) to show how consumers could benefit by using a range of such foods in their customary diet; b) to critically set this achievement within the context of current social trends in food product development. *** LP0214170 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Dr BN Indraratna Dr N Sivakugan Mr V Wijeyakulasuriya Mr G Fannelli Title: Effectiveness of prefabricated vertical band drains (PVD) in the stabilisation os soft clays 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Amoco Chemicals Pty Ltd Queensland Department of Main Roads Summary: Stabilisation of structures in low-lying coastal Australia is affected by excessive settlement, low bearing capacity, and high lateral displacement of soft clays upon loading. The use of prefabricated vertical drains (PVD) prior to main construction can ensure pre-compression of soft clays by rapid pore water pressure dissipation, thereby increasing the soil strength and minimising its post construction deformation. The main goal is to fully understand the stabilising mechanisms of PVD in soft clay, and to minimise the unfavourable effects of soil disturbances (smear) during installation. Extensive laboratory and field studies plus computer modelling will result in innovative design concepts and enhanced construction practices. *** LP0219309 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong A/Prof HK Liu Dr S Zhong A/Prof J Ahn Title: Investigation of Nano-materials for use in Lithium Rechargable Batteries 2002: $67,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $60,000 2004: $60,000 1 Category: 2914 - MATERIALS ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Jindalee International Pty Ltd QNI Technology Pty Ltd Summary: Lithium ion batteries are emerging as a new generation of rechargeable batteries for power sources of portable electronics. The aim of this project is to explore potential applications of novel nanomaterials such as intermetallic alloys, transition-metal oxides, and carbon nanotubes as anode materials in lithium-ion rechargeable batteries. Significance and expected outcomes will be the development of alternative anode materials with improved performance in energy capacity and cycle life over existing anode materials. This could open opportunities for Australian mineral companies to take advantage of the developments to produce value-added new products. *** LP0210486 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong A/Prof F Naghdy Dr EA Kazmierczak Mr C Daly Dr S O'Leary Title: A clinically valid simulator with tactile sensing to train specialists to perform cochlea implantation 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Cochlear Ltd Summary: This project aims to create a medical simulation system with tactile sensing for cochlear implant operations. The developed system will provide an opportunity to study cochlear implantation process and examine its effect in a patient before it is carried out. It will be also used to train ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) specialists in cochlear implantation, thus replacing the current costly and non-effective method of using temporal bones. *** LP0232383 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Dr S Perera A/Prof VJ Gosbell Mr P Windle Title: A methodology for the control of harmonics due to large distorting loads 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2909 - ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Powerlink Queensland Summary: The ideal electricity supply has a voltage of prescribed frequencey and value with a sinusoidal waveshape. Modern electronic equipment such as digital commuication equipment and automatic manufacturing lines draw non-sinusoidal currents which distort the voltage waveform. Electricity suppliers are responsible for limiting voltage distoration to levels set by national standards. Techniques have been developed to allow them to determine the maximum level of current distortion to which a particular customer is entitled. This project will developand verify a method for determining if a particular customer exceeds that entitlement. *** LP0214143 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong A/Prof R Safavi-Naini Dr PO Ogunbona Title: Semantic Authentication of Visual Data 2002: $77,632 2003: $77,632 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $77,632 1 Category: 2805 - DATA FORMAT Industry Partner(s): Motorola Australian Research Centre Summary: Data authentication systems can detect the smallest modification to a message. Authentication systems for media objects such as images, and audio and video clips have a different requirement they must ensure authenticity of the content without needing all the changes to be detectable. The aims of this project are to develop a framework for design and analysis of image and video authentication systems, and construct secure and flexible systems that can be used in practice. This research addresses the urgent need of providing security for multimedia objects in electronic commerce and is of high importance to the acceptance of advanced communication and information services. *** LP0214169 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Dr GM Spinks Mr D Bieniak Title: Adhesive Bonding for LoadBearing Joints in Aluminium Fast Ferries 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2914 - MATERIALS ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Vantico Pty. Limited Summary: The aim of this project is to investigate new chemical pre-treatment techniques and new sensor technologies for specific use in adhesively bonding aluminium in the Australian Fast Ferry industry. These technologies are important in increasing the use of adhesives in ships, possibly leading to considerable weight savings, which, in turn increases the payload of the vessel. These advances in shipbuilding practice can help maintain the world-leading status of the Australian Fast Ferry industry. The technology also has the potential to expand the market for Australian-manufactured adhesives. The project also offers a stimulating learning environment for a PhD student. *** LP0219322 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong A/Prof DG Steel Dr YX Lin Dr X Zhang Title: Seasonal adjustment using disaggregated short time span data 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2302 - STATISTICS Industry Partner(s): Australian Bureau of Statistics Summary: Seasonally adjusted economic and social times series are vital information used by governments and businesses in decision making. This project will develop statistical methods to estimate and remove seasonal factors from economic and social time series using finely disaggregated data for a relatively small number of time periods. This will enable better and quicker estimation of seasonal factors when new series are introduced or there a major changes to existing series, improving the analysis of such series and the decisions based on them. *** LP0219291 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong A/Prof AK Tieu Title: Roll bite lubrication in hot strip rolling 2002: $63,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $55,000 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2903 - MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Hot Strip Mill Quaker Chemical Australia Summary: Roll bite lubrication has been applied in hot strip rolling with significant cost savings in reduced rolling force, reduced roll wear and increasede productivity. However the mechanics of roll bite lubrication in the interface is not well understood due to the high temperature of the strip, scale oxide on the surfaces and contact asperities. It is known how the surface roughness is generated after rolling. This proposed project will develop a model to simulate the roll bite lubrication process, to determine the roughness transfer from the roll surface to the strip surface, and optimise roll bite lubriation process. *** LP0235491 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong A/Prof AK Tieu Dr C Lu Title: Strip shape performance at tandem cold mill 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2903 - MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): BHP Steel Summary: The shape of the strip at the cold mill are affected significantly by machine conditions and key process variables, and yet the inter-relationship between these key areas are not known and operators rely on trial-and-error methods to operate the mill. At high speeds, the shape of the strip leaving the mill is not good, causeing problems to rolling mills downstream. The project proposed here will integrate practical knowledge and numerical modeling of the strip shape of tandem cold mill at high speeds to optimise the quality of the strip exiting the cold mill, and enable the mill to operate at higher speeds than the current practice *** LP0228370 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Dr XL Wang Title: Fabrication of Magnesium Diboride (MgB2) thick films 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2402 - THEORETICAL AND CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS Industry Partner(s): SFC Enterprises Pty Ltd Summary: The recent discovery of superconductivity at 39 K in MgB2 has stimulated considerable interest in terms of both fundamental research and applications. The purpose of the proposed project is to conduct fundamental studies on the synthesis, structures and microstructures, and physical properties of doped and undoped MgB2 thick films. The ultimate goal of this study is to fabricate high quality MgB2 thick films on different substrates and to gain a better understanding of their various properties with a view to device application. *** LP0224911 Administering Organisation: University of Wollongong Prof RJ Whelan Dr K French Dr ( Baker Title: Assessing the potential for and success of animal tranlocation: The Eastern Bristlebird as a case study 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): National Parks and Wildlife Services Summary: Translocation is set to become an important tool in the biodiversity conservation "toolbox", especially in securing species of small, cover-dependent, poorly dispersed passerine birds. Although there is a good theory for translocations, too few have been studied in detail to direct actions or predict outcomes. This project will develop a translocation methodology for the endangered Eastern Bristlebird and use detailed trapping and radio-tracking to determine the success of founder populations and the impacts of removing animals from source sites. *** Northern Territory Northern Territory University LP0219425 Administering Organisation: Northern Territory University Mr A Griffiths Prof JC Altman Ms F Salmon Title: Timber harvest management for the Aboriginal arts industry: socio-economic, cultural and ecological determinants of sustainability in a remote community context 2002: $48,030 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,265 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation Summary: The Aboriginal arts industry is one of few development opportunities for Indigenous people in remote communities: in some regions a vibrant industry has been established for three decades. Yet there has been limited research that has combined assessment of the social, ecological and economic determinants of arts production sustainability. This project addresses this issue with reference to the rapidly expanding manufacture of sculptures marketed by Maningrida Arts and Culture in central Arnhem Land. The project will survey resource use and availability, examine the ecological and economic viability of this emerging artistic tradition and make practical recommendations to enhance sustainability. *** Queensland Central Queensland University LP0229923 Administering Organisation: Central Queensland University Dr N Ashwath Mr JC Ng Prof DJ Midmore Dr L Van Zwieten Title: Phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated sites using arsenic hyperaccumulating plants 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 3001 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Environmental Centre of Excellence Phytolink Australia Pty Ltd Queensland Rail Qld Health Scientific Services Summary: The legacy of using arsenical compounds in pest control activities has resulted in many contaminated sites. Since the inorganic arsenic is carcinogenic, stringent laws have been enforced to control arsenic (As) in the environment. This project investigates the potential of using the recently discovered (Ma et al, 2001) arsenic hyperaccumulating (22,000 mgAs/kgDW) fern, Pteris vittata, in the removal of arsenic from dip sites and railway tracks in Qld, and orchards in northern NSW. The impacts of growing hyperaccumulating plants on grazing animals and the environment, and the disposal of arsenic from contaminated plants will also be studied. *** LP0229532 Administering Organisation: Central Queensland University Prof GA Lawrence Mr JN Kelly Title: Farmer Adoption of Sustainable Land Management Practices in the Fitzroy Basin, Central Queensland 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3009 - LAND, PARKS AND AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Dept of Natural Resources and Mines Summary: The research project will identify the barriers to, and facilitators of, the adoption of sustainable land management practices in the grazing industry in the Fitzroy Basin, Central Queensland. Current agricultural extension approaches to environmental innovations in grazing have been criticised for their inability to facilitate rapid implementation of necessary on-ground changes. This research is significant in identifying key socio-economic and environmental factors that need to be considered in developing regional policy approaches to sustainable agricultural development. Outcomes will include better uptake of environmental measures by graziers and policy advice to government and industry on sustainable development options. *** LP0229730 Administering Organisation: Central Queensland University Prof GA Lawrence Ms E Orupold Title: Governance, Institutional capacity and regional planning: a Central Queensland case study 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): Qld Dept of Local Government and Planning Summary: To coordinate development in non-metropolitan Australia, governments are creating new regional frameworks of participation and decision making that exist outside current institutional settings. The aims are to: review and explain the purpose, formation and operation of CQ: A New Millenium; compare and contrast it with other planning processes; and discover the institutional or other impediments to its success. Findings will demonstrate the place of a new regional body in local planning. Outcomes will include: clarification of the concept of regional governance; an understanding of institutional capacity; and identification of the features that promote, and inhibit, community-based action for regional sustainability. *** LP0230710 Administering Organisation: Central Queensland University Dr X Yu Dr R Broadfoot Title: Developing a smart supervisory control system for pan stage operations in sugar factories 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Sugar Research Institute Summary: This project aims to develop a prototype smart supervisory control system for pan stage crystallisation operations in raw sugar processing. Intelligent systems technologies will be tailored to provide a standardised approach for pan operations by using key process measurements and combining them with the collective expertise and knowledge of pan operators. This project will lead to a significant advance in the development of intelligent systems techniques for industrial applications and provide a better decision making strategy for pan stage operations with the benefit of reduced costs of sugar manufacture and increased profitability of the Australian sugar industry. *** Griffith University LP0222934 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Prof GJ Bamber A/Prof MA Barrett Title: Effectiveness of Leadership Development in Driving Organisational Change 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Queensland Rail Summary: Queensland Rail faces challenges in managing changes brought about by deregulation, pressures for better customer service, changing technologies, and decentralised systems of industrial relations and human resource (HR) management. According to organisational development notions, leadership training and improved management practices can help achieve such changes. However, which training and related HR approaches are most effective and how effectiveness can be measured and benchmarked have not been fully explored. The study will evaluate links between leadership training and organisational-change goals in QR; develop key performance indicators for the change process and its outcomes; and undertake comparisons with another enterprise (Telstra). *** LP0211870 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr JA Cameron Prof AL Brown Title: Evaluating Community Consultation: Criteria and Tools for Assessing Processes and Outcomes 2002: $62,000 2003: $62,000 2004: $55,000 Category: 3704 - HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Industry Partner(s): Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning Summary: Planning agencies are expected to include community consultation as an element of the decisionmaking process. Past research has focussed on developing effective consultation techniques. Little research attention has been given to guidelines for evaluating consultation activities. The proposed project will contribute fundamental knowledge on evaluation of consultation programs. It will do this through assessing a major regional planning exercise (SEQ 2021). It will develop and test comprehensive evaluation criteria and tools. The project will result in ready-to-use evaluation materials for SEQ 2021, and for other planning and decision-making authorities in Australia, representing a significant breakthrough in evaluation research and practice. *** LP0209529 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr W Chaboyer Dr E Kendall Dr A Mylvaganam Ms M Foster Title: Developing a Model of ICU Transition Care; Enhancing Services, Enabling Nurses, Empowering Patients 2002: $40,000 2003: $40,000 Category: 3211 - NURSING Industry Partner(s): Gold Coast Hospital Gold Coast Hospital Foundation Summary: The transition from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to the ward is traumatic for patients and families and difficult for ward nurses. Using focus groups and an intervention study, this research will develop and evaluate a model of ICU transition care and demonstrate the extent to which appropriate transition care improves a variety of outcomes for patients, families and staff. We anticipate that this model will influence practice and policy decisions and be useful in other setting and with other groups who face life transitions such as the military, corrective care and rehabilitation. *** LP0211583 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr PE Dale Dr NG Sipe Dr PL Daniels Title: Impact of Mosquito Control Strategies: Cost Benefit Analysis 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Queensland Health Summary: Arbovirus diseases are increasing in Queensland (and in Australia). In Queensland, Local Government is responsible for mosquito control. Even though mosquito control programs have existed in Queensland for several decades, no one has assessed their impact on the incidence of disease or on mosquitoes nor have the benefits and costs of control been measured. We propose to investigate this via a PhD scholarship which will survey local government in Queensland, assess the costs and benefits of mosquito control and analyse differences in their distribution in time and space, with a view to explaining the differences and ultimately informing management. *** LP0234224 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr T Gatfield A/Prof CA Smith A/Prof MC Harker Title: Identifying and testing the decision-making factors related to 'smart industries' choice of location 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Office of Economic Development Summary: Australia is moving towards becoming the smart country. As a result industry restructuring, realignment and relocation become central concerns. This research is directed towards industry relocation with a focus on the newly emerging 'smart industries' with a test case examination of the Brisbane City Council economic region. The research will investigate, identify and test the quantitative and qualitative criteria used by 'smart industry' companies in their location decision making. Outcomes will include a Masters of Philosophy thesis, a tested and validated test instrument for industry practitioners, three seminars, a conference paper and a number of international journal articles. *** LP0219320 Administering Organisation: Griffith University A/Prof JM Hughes Dr Z Xu Dr M Hunt A/Prof K Lundkvist Title: Hoop pine nitrogen and water use efficiency: improving the understanding and management with advanced stable isotope, physiological and molecular techniques. 2002: $85,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $76,000 2004: $76,000 1 Category: 3006 - FORESTRY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)-Forestry Summary: This project represents the first attempt to integrate the use of innovative stable isotope, physiological and molecular techniques for improving the understanding and management of genetic and environmental factors regulating hoop pine nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and water use efficiency (WUE). The successful conduct of the project will result in improved stable isotope, physiological and molecular techniques for NUE and WUE studies; improved understanding and management of hoop pine NUE and WUE for enhancing plantation productivity; and successful training of a high-calibre postgraduate student and sustaining a pool of world-class researchers to meet the needs of Australian forest industry. *** LP0210569 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr SJ Lee Dr RM Connolly Title: Enhancement of fish stock by habitat manipulation in artificial coastal waterways 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Gold Coast City Council Summary: Human settlement significantly changes the spatial characteristics of natural coastal waterways. The value of artificial waterways, such as canals, as a habitat for fish is poorly known. We will evaluate the significance of artificial canals as a fish habitat, and test the effect of habitat modification by artificial reef installation on fish distribution and abundance. We will investigate whether artificial reefs enhance fish production in canals, rather than simply acting as fish aggregation devices. This research will address an important question in fisheries ecology and help formulate management guidelines for artificial waterways. *** LP0219660 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr AJ Moran Dr G Griffin Title: Place through moving image: A case study of the Gold Coast 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 4001 - JOURNALISM, COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA Industry Partner(s): Gold Coast City Council Summary: Relocation of populations in urban and cosmopolitan centres increasingly makes our sense of place an imagined one. Yet, although film and television are intimately involved in this process, there has been little systematic attempt to explore the profound social and cultural meaning of such a relationship. Using the Gold Coast as a case study, this innovative, multidisciplinary project fills this gap, increasing theoretical knowledge in relevant disciplines. The research also provides significant practical results for building community identity, cultural tourism and regional promotion. *** LP0211723 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Prof D Nguyen A/Prof CA Smith Dr PJ Crossman Dr CH Williams Title: Determinants of Variations in Productivity Growth across the States of Australia: Aggregate and Sectoral Analyses 2002: $40,000 2003: $40,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $40,000 1 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Queensland Treasury Summary: This research project will investigate factors which account for differences in economic and productivity growth performance across the states of Australia. This is a topic of considerable significance to academic researchers, policy-makers, and the public at large. The proposed project will be at the forefront of international research in two sub-areas, namely analysis of interstate productivity growth at a sectoral level, and measurement of productivity growth in services industries. It will break new ground in Australian research in two respects, namely estimation of state capital stocks, and analysis of total factor productivity on an interstate basis. *** LP0211555 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr FV O'Callaghan Dr PA Creed Title: Evaluation of treatment outcomes for court-referred and voluntary clients in residential and outclient substance abuse treatment programs 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Mirikai Summary: Very little research has been conducted evaluating the relative effectiveness of substance abuse treatment programs for court-referred clients, compared with voluntary clients. This project will obtain psychological, social and health measures in order to compare short- and long-term treatment outcomes. Its significance lies not only in its potential to evaluate the success of treatment for clients diverted from the criminal justice system, but also in its unique focus on a wide range of outcomes for different client groups. *** LP0219314 Administering Organisation: Griffith University A/Prof JR O'Toole Dr BV Burton Title: Countering the bullies : action research on policy change and teacher re-education through innovative and pro-active techniques in schools. 2002: $41,000 2003: $36,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $37,000 1 Category: 3303 - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS Industry Partner(s): Education Queensland Summary: Bullying is a major and intractable problem of contemporary schooling. Systemic policy is reactive and imposed on teachers and students. This project aims to effect change by implementing and evaluating an innovative, grass-roots, whole-school approach to bullying through the normal curriculum which empowers teachers and students to address bullying pro-actively. The proposed use of action research places the responsibility for confronting bullying in the hands of the school community. The major outcome will be a system-wide and eventually nation-wide redefinition of bullying policy, and revised structures and practices in schools for bullying management by an alliance of teachers and students. *** LP0212038 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Prof CJ Sampford A/Prof D Kimber Dr J Uhr A/Prof S Zifcak Prof S Miller Mr M Segon Title: Conceiving and Implementing National Integrity Systems Assessments (NISA) 2002: $63,696 2003: $50,745 2004: $55,608 Category: 4401 - PHILOSOPHY Industry Partner(s): Transparency International - Australia Office of Public Service Merit and Equity Summary: Integrity and corruption are conceptually linked opposites. Integrity systems (or 'ethics regimes') are the most powerful tools for dealing with corruption. They involve a range of institutions, law, procedures, practices and attitudes which encourage integrity and discourage/sanction its absence among public servants and those who might wish to corrupt them. This project will examine the way Australian government and business integrity systems (some of which have received international praise for their design and conception) function in order to improve their operation in Australia and to provide examples for other countries. *** LP0219589 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Prof DV Thiel Title: Electromagnetic field strength simulator (ELMO) for RF hazard assessment 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): ICOMMs Summary: There is significant community fear related to exposure to mobile telephone radiation. The computer program ELMO will be designed to accept information about all RF transmitters in the vicinity of cellular telephone towers from an existing database, and to calculate the total field strength. This will allow hazard assessment for both RF technicians working on the tower and adjacent residents. *** LP0219286 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Prof M von Itzstein Dr V Ferro Dr M Kiefel Title: The development of a rapid diagnostic test for heparanase activity 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2503 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Progen Industries Ltd Summary: Heparanase is an enzyme that has been implicated in a number of disease states such as cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory diseases. Characterisation of this enzyme has been slow, due in part to the lack of a reliable direct activity assay. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, this project seeks to establish a rapid assay that will provide easy determination of heparanase activity. Furthermore, this assay could provide a useful diagnostic tool in a clinical environment that would allow for the rapid assessment of these diseases, their progression and indeed response to therapy. *** LP0219363 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Prof M von Itzstein Dr JC Wilson Dr RJ Thomson Dr TJ Brown Title: Development of Multivalent Hyaluronan Derivative Therapeutics 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2503 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Meditech Research Limited Summary: Over-expression of the hyaluronan receptor CD44 has been identified at pathological sites of diseases such as cancer, psoriasis, arthritis and asthma. The research described in this proposal aims to develop novel therapeutic compounds which target CD44 whilst eliciting a therapeutic index. The design of these new therapeutics is based on a template structure which incorporates known cytotoxic or anti-fungal agentsas well as hyaluronan, a naturally occurring carbohydrate, ubiquitous in nature. *** LP0208975 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr GA Watson Prof NC Dempster Title: Sustainable models of teacher information and communication technology (ICT) professional development that empower multiliterate classroom practices 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Suncoast Cyberschools Summary: New concepts like 'multiliteracy', 'rich tasks' and 'repertoires of practice' as identified by recent education documents such as "The New Basics" and "Literate Futures" (Education Queensland 2000a & 2000b) require new teaching practices that demand advanced levels of information and communication technology (ICT) interaction. Such involvement with ICT requires new models of teacher ICT professional development that have a well researched foundation based on their transformative realities and long term sustainability. This project will establish a conceptual understanding of what is required of teachers for 'multiliterate' learning and develop a professional development model that has as its goal 'multiliterate' student outcomes. *** LP0210478 Administering Organisation: Griffith University Dr RL Zevenbergen Dr SP Lamb Title: Numeracy, Youth and Employment: A study of numeracy demands in contemporary workplaces in regional Queensland 2002: $37,000 2003: $37,000 2004: $39,000 Category: 3302 - CURRICULUM STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Gold Coast City Council South Coast Industry School Connections Organisation Gold Coast Institute of TAFE Queensland School Curriculum Council Employment National Centrelink Rosemary Adams, Consultant Summary: In contemporary workplaces, the numeracy demands are varied, yet little is known about their form or skill requirements. In order for schools and other agencies to better prepare Australian youth for the demands of contemporary work, a clearer understanding of the intersection of numeracy and work is needed. This project seeks to identify the numeracy demands across a range of industries in the Gold Coast region of Queensland. As well as examining the types of numeracy demands, the project identifies some of the best ways in which numeracy skills can be improved to meet the demands across those industries. *** James Cook University LP0211348 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Dr D Blair Dr M Waycott Dr JG Luly Ms JJ Maclean Title: Molecular tracing of spectacled flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) movements in rainforests and orchards of wet tropical Queensland 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers Tolga Bat Hospital Summary: This project uses molecular markers to trace movements of spectacled flying-foxes in the wet tropics of north Queensland. The intention is to determine the origins of bats visiting orchards, determine patterns of seasonal and intra-seasonal migration of bats and to document the significance of such migrations to estimation of population numbers and trends. These data are critical to conservation of bat populations, to the ecologically sustainable development of fruit growing in the region and the long term sustainable management of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. *** LP0211806 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Prof JN BURNELL Dr SG VASUDEVAN Title: Characterisation of snake venom components and screening venom for bioactive compounds. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Wilsha Holdings Pty Ltd Summary: Animal venoms are a rich source of bioactive compounds. This project will separate and characterise the protein-containing components of the North Queensland taipan. It will also involve constructing a cDNA library from mRNA isolated from the venom glands of the same snake and individual clones will be isolated and sequenced. Individual snake venom components, purified either from whole snake venom or synthesised via in vivo expression, will be tested in a variety of rapid throughput screening assays to identify specific bioactivities. This project will train a post graduate scientist in methods involved in the discovery of novel bioactive compounds. *** LP0209546 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Dr JA Holtum Dr IE Woodrow Dr AJ Ash Title: Quantifying the Effects of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions on an Australian Savanna 2002: $136,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $122,000 2004: $122,000 1 Category: 3002 - CROP AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Queensland Nickel Proprietary Limited Summary: Queensland Nickel's Yabulu refinery produces 3,400 tonnes of CO2 daily. CO2, a fertiliser, may affect plant growth in surrounding coastal savannas. QNPL is sponsoring research that uses an open-air CO2-enhancement facility to assess the potential benefits and costs of emissions. An Australian first and a world tropics first, this research will quantify potential impacts of CO2 on vegetation dynamics, soil processes, soil carbon dynamics and livestock management options Expected outcomes include the validation and extension of biophysical grazing management models, estimation of the carbon sequestering capacity of tropical rangelands, and increased understanding of climate change effects on the Australian tropics. *** LP0209596 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Prof Dr SB Kaye Mr MA Barrett Mr M Neal Title: Impact of Native Title on Local Government in Australia 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3901 - LAW Industry Partner(s): Environmental Defenders Office of North Queensland Summary: This project will consider in detail the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (Qld) (IPA) and how the implementation IPA Planning Schemes will impact upon native title rights to land and sea. The project will also look at the impact of IPA on development applications made by native titleholders themselves. It will provide for identification and analysis of the relevant legal arrangements affecting native title, and the creation for taxonomy of impacts arising out of the interaction of the two legal regimes. The project will indicate strategies to facilitate cooperation between local planning authorities and indigenous stakeholders within existing legal structures. *** LP0211499 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Dr DC King Ms L Anderson-Berry Dr J Nott Title: Natural Hazard Vulnerability: A study of risk, vulnerability, behaviour, attitudes and perceptions of warnings 2002: $61,184 2003: $62,967 2004: $62,967 APDI - Ms L Anderson-Berry Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Bureau of Meteorology Summary: This project builds on original research into community vulnerability, awareness and preparedness for natural hazards. During the second half of the United Nations International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, the trend in emergency management and disaster mitigation research has been towards the social and community impacts of natural disasters. The aim of the project is to examine risk perception amongst hazard vulnerable communities. The expected outcomes include an improved awareness campaign and a better understanding of the ways in which warnings and forecasts are filtered and distorted by the public. *** LP0230323 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Dr IR Lawler Prof HD Marsh Dr RG Coles Title: The quality of seagrass as a dugong food resource: the importance of the effects of season and water depth 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Northern Fisheries Centre QLD Parks & Wildlife Service, Environmental Protection Authority Summary: Australia has international obligations to conserve dugongs (sea cows). Dugongs rely on seagrasses for food. Knowledge of the abundance and quality of seagrasses, and how these change in response to the environment, is vital if dugong conservation is to have the necessary scientific basis. Research has focussed on intertidal seagrass as food for dugongs. However, deepwater seagrasses are a mainstay of most significant dugong populations, such as the population in Hervey Bay, Queensland. This research will provide information on the effect of season and water depth on the quality of seagrasses as dugong food. *** LP0212026 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Dr Y Leong Dr J Liow Mr GC Du Plessis Title: Enhancing Ammonium Phosphate Slurry Output from the Pre-Neutraliser Reactor via Rheological Study and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modelling 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2918 - INTERDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): WMC Fertilizers Summary: A thorough understanding of slurry rheology is required for the design and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of slurry reactor to obtain optimal performance. A poorly designed reactor will have poor mixing, flow short circuiting and stagnant zones. This project will provide a means of characterising the ammonia phosphate slurry rheology on-line for WMC fertilizer plant, perform detailed rheological characterisation of the slurry with and without trace elements, and provide fluid flow behaviour within the reactor through CFD simulation. A mere 1% improvement over the current solids output of 100tonnes/hr will enhance the revenue by $2.5million/yr for WMC. *** LP0219428 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Dr BG Lottermoser Title: Polymetallic phytoextraction applied to mine waste 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2603 - GEOCHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): BHP Cannington Summary: Phytoextraction involves the use of hyperaccumulator plants to grow and concentrate a metal. Subsequently, the crop is harvested and the metal extracted. The aim of this research is to investigate the uptake and chemically induced uptake of heavy metals (Ni, Co, Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, Pt, Pd, Cr) by plants grown on mine tailings and mine waste materials. Outcomes will include practical methods of metal extraction that are cheap to employ where metal concentrations are subeconomic and of potential environmental impact during mining and after mine closure. *** LP0211959 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Dr MJ RIDD Dr D KLUMPP Mr LB HORE Mr M ROCHE Title: Arsenic speciation in Cleveland Bay, and controls on its uptake in commercial crab species 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2599 - OTHER CHEMICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): BHP Cannington Townsville Port Authority Summary: Marine organisms from the Great Barrier Reef exhibit elevated arsenic concentrations. It is not known if arsenic constitutes a human health risk since its chemical form has not been determined. The factors which control arsenic uptake in the GBR environment are unknown, making it difficult to predict how changes in water quality (such as phosphate which is chemically similar to arsenic) may alter arsenic concentrations in these organisms. This project will determine the chemical form of arsenic in biota, sediment and water, and will test the hypothesis that the elevated arsenic levels reflect the low phosphate concentrations in the water. *** LP0211482 Administering Organisation: James Cook University Prof RM Thorpe Dr A McMahon Dr KJ Thomson Mr M Bishop Title: FOSTER CARE FOR CHILDREN IN CARE AND PROTECTION OF THE QUEENSLAND DEPARTMENT OF FAMILIES, MACKAY WHITSUNDAY REGION 2002: $48,000 2003: $42,000 2004: $34,000 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): Queensland Department of Families Summary: The project aims to undertake a wide-ranging study of the foster care system and foster carers in a Regional area of Australia. Particular attention will be focused on: a cost benefit analysis of foster care; the qualities of good foster carers; the special needs of foster children with disability; the situation of Indigenous and Australian South Sea Islander foster children. The project's significance lies in addressing issues relevant to the current serious crisis in providing good quality alternative care for children unable to live with their own parents. The research program will provide the identification of improved policies and programs. *** Queensland University of Technology LP0235431 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology A/Prof JM Bell Dr TW Farrell Dr G Will Title: Mathematical modelling of dye-sensitised titania solar cells: a route to improved efficiency in production 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2399 - OTHER MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Sustainable Technologies International Summary: Dye-sensitised titania solar cells (DSCs) provide a technically and economically credible alternative to silicon photovotaic devices. Increasing the efficiency of commercially produced DSCs to 12% from the current production cell efficiency of 6%,will result in significantly lower delivered energy costs than the current alternative photovoltaic devices. This project will develop a mathematical model of a DSC as a first stage in the development of a decision support capability for the manufacture of more efficient DSC's. The model will extend existing models to incorporate full transport modelling and side-reactions in the electrolyte and will be validated by experimental work. *** LP0235814 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology A/Prof JM Bell A/Prof EM Gray Mr J Kavanagh Title: Electronic properties of diamondlike carbon for applications in planar optical waveguides 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2404 - OPTICAL PHYSICS Industry Partner(s): Laserdyne Pty Ltd Summary: This project will explore new applications of diamondlike carbon in the area of integrated optics for telecommunications systems. Diamondlike carbon offers opportunities to create novel electro-optic devices owing to its high refractive index and its ability to be deposited directly onto silicon substrates. This project will conduct a thorough study of the electronic properties of diamondlike carbon deposited by two techniques and develop potential niche applications in the $5 billion integrated optical telecommunications devices. The work will combine fundamental studies of thin film electronic properties with leading edge industry applications of technology and provide an excellent research training opportunity. *** LP0235258 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Dr R Brown A/Prof RL Frost Title: Research and development of devices to improve the quality of stormwater by removal of gross pollutants such as soil, litter and sediment. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2911 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): C-M Concrete Products Pty Ltd Summary: Oil,litter and sediment are serious pollutants in stormwater which go hand in hand with human and industrial activity. An outcome of this research will be to develop a device capable of removing such gross pollutants from stormwater at higher efficiencies than that currently commercially available. Vital wetland resources such as Moreton Bay near Brisbane, a wetland of international significance that contributes around $400 million to the local economy,are under threat from polluted stormwater. Similar problems are occuring right around the entire coast of Australia and also in some inland waterways. *** LP0219438 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Prof SD Cunningham Prof J Hartley Dr GN Hearn Dr JJ Radbourne Mr I Catlin Mr S MacIntyre Mr M Paddenburg Title: Creative Industries in Queensland: Cluster Mapping and Value-chain Analysis 2002: $185,340 2003: $74,098 2004: $118,178 Category: 4203 - CULTURAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Arts Queensland Queensland Department of State Development Brisbane City Council Summary: 'Creative industries' is a new term in academic, policy and industry discourse that captures 'new economy enterprise' dynamics which associated categories 'the arts', 'media' and cultural industries' do not. This project will advance the conceptualisation of creative industries and assist policy and industry by analysing the creative industries in Queensland with a business model of value chain and cluster mapping. Significantly, it will highlight integrated value chain relationships rather than 'silo' constructions of the sector; and produce data useful for informed economics and cultural development strategies by industry partners. Its innovations will benefit industry, and governments, agencies, and councils. *** LP0230519 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Prof SD Cunningham Prof S Garlick Dr C Spurgeon Title: Regional development of audiovisual industries in the digital era: Prospects for the Northern Rivers region of NSW. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Northern Development Task Force Screenworks Limited Hatchling Productions Summary: This project explores drivers and impediments within audiovisualindustries in the global digital era that impact on the industry's develoment in non-metropolitan regions. The project uses the Northern Rivers region of NSW as the major case study. It will evaluate opportunities arising from technological, economic and societal changes associated with the digital media era and identify relevant public policy influences. It will facilitate the development of tools and strategies for regional development practitioners and entrepreneurs in the 'Creative Industries' sector. It will highlight policy instruments for governments wanting to take advantage of benefits from the 'new' services and knowledge-based economies. *** LP0219712 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology A/Prof RL Frost Dr JT Kloprogge Mr B Balwin Dr CR Landis Mr S Macnish Ms O Carmody Title: Development of smart material for the adsorption of oil spills on roads 2002: $154,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $138,000 2004: $138,000 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Integrated Minerals Technology Ltd Montgomery Watson Queensland Dept of Main Roads Summary: The cost of road fuel spills in both Australia and worldwide is enormous. The research objective is to develop an admixture suitable for the absorption/adsorption of fuel and oil from road spills. The material will be designed to be contained within a fabric. The innovation is the application of the admixture in the form of a carpet, which is designed as easily used, non-toxic, recyclable and environmentally friendly. The application is rapid. The successful development of the material has enormous economic benefits to Australia, providing a new industry with many employees. This new industry has the potential to bring great wealth to Australia. *** LP0219658 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology A/Prof GG Gable Dr G Stewart Prof B Avolio Title: Organisational Readiness for Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): SAP Australia Pty Ltd Summary: An ERP implementation is a significant organisational intervention and its success is affected by many variables including the organisation's culture, decision-making strategies, risk taking orientation, leadership strategies and perceptions of the value of Information Technology. We seek to develop a organisational behaviour modification program in order to position the firm to succeed by overcoming barriers in these elements. We will (1) identify key variables that inhibit an ERP implementation; (2) develop strategies to orient the organisation to achieve business benefit from the ERP implementation; and (3) track the effectiveness of these strategies through a program of participative action research. *** LP0219676 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Dr SJ Grieshaber Dr NJ Yelland Dr G Matters Mr T Cook Title: Beyond letters, numbers and screens: new basics, technologies, numeracy and early childhood education. 2002: $77,000 2003: $70,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $70,000 1 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Education Queensland Summary: This project will create detailed models of the 'New Basics' approach to teaching and learning numeracy using information technologies (IT). The models will provide springboards for action for Queensland and Australian teachers. The project will document how numeracy can be learned through IT to produce students who are more technologically aware and whose numeracy skills are enhanced. Resulting data will inform the research and educational community about the cognitive and social aspects of young children learning numeracy through IT. The findings will be of strategic importance for planning educational opportunities to produce citizens of the 21st century. *** LP0219595 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Dr E Kozan Prof AN Pettitt Dr L Ferreira Mr I Dall Dr C Oguz Mr M Newman Mr MF Ross Title: Optimisation of Rail Network Infrastructure Capacity under Dynamic Train Planning 2002: $83,118 2003: $82,707 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $84,881 1 Category: 2301 - MATHEMATICS Industry Partner(s): Queensland Rail Summary: Recent changes in railway operating environments have caused significant operational and management problems in Australia. This research will lead to improvements of railway's key managerial functions, namely: network capacity planning; rollingstock planning; train scheduling; and maintenance planning. The major outcome of the research will be to develop an optimisation model to significantly improve the operating efficiency and assets productivity of Australia's rail system. The novelty of the research is that it will be undertaken using innovations based on modern job shop scheduling and sequencing optimisation techniques as the complexity of the problem makes it impossible to solve by classic optimisation techniques. *** LP0234229 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Prof AJ Maeder Dr WW Boles Title: Image processing techniques for artificial human vision systems. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 2004: $22,545 Category: 2915 - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Cochlear Limited Summary: Blindness affects millions of people worldwide and over 100,000 Australians. Our project supports quality of life improvements for them by developing image processing techniques necessary for artificial human vision systems: "bionic eyes". Our approach will extract the most visually informative content in a scene,allowing low resolution images to be generated which optimise usage of the limited number of eletrodes available in prototype bionic eye implants. Psychophysical tests presenting such modified images to normally sighted participants will verify the effectiveness of this approach. The techniques developed will provide a real-time image processing toolkit for visual protheses, with significant commercial and social benefits including enhancement of Australilia's neuroprostheses industry profile. *** LP0219590 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Dr L Morawska Mr D Gilbert Dr ZD Ristovski Dr GA Ayoko Title: Developing and validating an air quality assessment model for application in human exposure assessment, housing/urban planning and policy setting. 2002: $63,000 2003: $44,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $42,000 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Department of Housing Summary: At present there does not exist a model for assessing human exposure to airborne pollutants in places where people live, work and rest. In addition, experimental exposure assessments display large discrepancies dependent on the measurement method used. This research aims at developing and validating an air quality assessment model that would enable predictions of air quality in various mircoenvironments for the purpose of exposure and risk assessment, housing and urban planning, and policy setting. This research will provide scientific foundation and a tool for developing future directions for management and control to protect the community and the environment. *** LP0235856 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Prof B Pham Prof AJ Maeder Title: QUA:Queensland digital Ultra-Atlas 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): VIRTUTECH Summary: This project aims to design and develop a digital ultra-atlas of Queensland which integrates the capabilities of GIS(geographical information system) with interactive 4D graphical modelling,knowledge extraction and context-based query and retrieval. This ultra-atlas would allow users to discover knowledge on natural resources,cultural characteristics and historical changes,as well as simulating different effects by providing advanced search capabilities and engaging display of spatial and thematically-linked data. Such an ultra-atlas would have enormous impact on facilitating strategic planning and performance in many applications(e.g fire control,environment and urban planning). *** LP0219339 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology A/Prof NF Ryan Prof J Quiggin Dr KA Brown A/Prof A Peachment Title: Redistribution and Risk in Contracting Out Government Services 2002: $35,000 2003: $35,000 Category: 3602 - POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Industry Partner(s): Department of Premiers & Cabinet Department of Contract & Management Services Summary: Governments across Australia spend billions of dollars per year on contracting out of their services, yet there is very knowledge of the costs and benefits of contracting out. The existing research on contracting out tends to focus narrowly on issues such as cost. This research will examine a much broader range of consequences associated with contracting out including changes in the distribution of resources, changes in political power between groups and changes in the nature of service delivery. The research will have three outcomes: testing of a systematic framework for evaluating contracting out, new knowledge on the impacts of contracting out across a wider range of outcomes, and an analysis of the distributive relationships associated with contracting out. *** LP0235651 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Prof MC Sheehan A/Prof R Tay Dr G Pitman Title: Intermittent reinforcement scheduling: Improving methods for deploying speed enforcement resources 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3904 - LAW ENFORCEMENT Industry Partner(s): Queensland Police Service(QPS) Summary: Road crashes cost Australia $6 billion a year and excessive speed is a major cause of severe traffic crashes. The innovative research will compare the impact of 'intermittent reinforcement scheduling' and 'fixed reinforcement' programs on the target behaviour. This research offers a rare opportunity to vary speed camera deployment to determine the optimal learning and deterrence mechanisms for speed control. This research will develop a parsimonious model of "best practice" in speed camera enforcement that will be used at the state, national and international levels to improve traffic enforcement and road user safety in metropolitan, rural and remote communities. *** LP0219666 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Ms LE Simpson Prof D DeLeo Prof P Yellowlees Title: The Development and Evaluation of an Online Support System for Mental Health Workers in Rural, Remote and Regional Areas 2002: $100,000 2003: $80,000 2004: $75,000 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Kids Help Line Queensland Health (on behalf of the Qld Govt Youth Suicide Prevent Lifeline Brisbane Office of Ageing Women's Justice Network Summary: Suicide has been estimated to cost Australia over $460 million/year. Rural suicide workers have mulitfaceted roles pivotal to their communities' social well being, yet suffer professional isolation and inadequate access to resources and expertise through geographic remoteness. Online technologies potentially offer effective support mechanisms. This research will increase fundamental knowledge by: * developing, implementing and rigorously evaluating the effectiveness and transferability of an innovative online model for professional support and expertise; and * systematically addressing the complex ethical, professional and technical issues associated with using online technology to assist suicide reduction. *** LP0235648 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology A/Prof S Sridharan Title: Automatic audio segmentation, classification, identification, search and retrieval 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Commercial Monitors P/L Summary: The research aims to develop generic tools for automated audio segmentation, classification, identification and search, with lowest possible computational complexity and highest accuracy and speed. The tools will be applicable to audio archive management, search of audio material over WWW and personal archives of music and audio-assisted video analysis. The industry will use the tools for automated broadcast verification and identification for copyright surveillance and calculation of royalty payments, aiming to penetrate both Australian and overseas markets. The area of real-time audio scene analysis is in its infancy and the research aims to make significant contributions to this area. *** LP0232302 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology A/Prof R Tay Mr L Clarence Dr W Murray Mr JD Davey Title: Work related road safety countermeasures in a large fleet (QFleet) 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3504 - TRANSPORTATION Industry Partner(s): QFleet (Queensland Services Group) Summary: Despite accounting for more than 20% of the road crashes, relatively little research has been conducted on fleet safety in Australia. This research will develop guidelines for current best practice and design, implement and evaluate several new countermeasures. More importantly, it will develop a comprehensive model for future design, implementation and evaluation of fleet safety that will extend the frontier of knowledge in crash analysis and prevention. By working closely with QFleet, current fleet safety thinking will be advanced to reduce the frequency and severity of road crashes thereby reducing road trauma and increasing business effectiveness. *** LP0233238 Administering Organisation: Queensland University of Technology Prof RJ Troutbeck Prof L Ferreira Dr JM Bunker Mr GH Hollingworth Mr MM Mitchell Mrs MJ Haldane Title: Assessing the full impacts of high efficiency heavy vehicles in urban traffic networks using new analytical tools. 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $22,545 2 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Queensland Main Roads Summary: Significant economic benefits result from new innovative heavy vehicles, which are able to carry up to twice the payload of standard semi-trailers. In addition, those vehicles have the potential to reduce overall accidents and evironmental degradation. Those benefits need to be traded-off against the impacts on other road users. This research will improve the operation of such vehicles in regional centres by producing: (1) an assessment methodology to deal with options for network efficiency gains which will capture the full impacts; and (2) a computer modelling tool based on fundamental research to quantify those impacts, in terms of delays and accident rates. *** The University of Queensland LP0218238 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr NM Ashkanasy Title: Antecedents of innovation vs. conservatism in rural industries and communities. 2002: $68,000 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Queensland Department of Primary Industries Summary: This project will investigate antecedents of conservatism and innovation within rural communities and industries. Whilst effort, from government, community and industry, has focussed on social, economic and environmental reform, intended shifts in thinking and practice are frequently not realised. .Personality literature suggests individual differences in conservatism/innovation. Further, people are drawn towards situations that satisfy intrinsic needs and away from situations that do not. The result may be greater concentrations of particular personality types in conservative industries and communities and a quite different concentration in innovative groups. Validation of this hypothesis would permit more appropriate and effective policy and management strategy. *** LP0214958 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr SC Barker A/Prof R Speare Title: Resistance to pediculicides in head lice, Pediculus humanus var. capitis. 2002: $60,449 2003: $54,525 2004: $54,525 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Environmental Health Branch, NSW Department of Health Summary: The number of children with head lice in countries like Australia is increasing. One factor that promotes lice is resistance to pesticides. Yet until now resistance has not been studied in Australia. We propose a new approach to studying resistance: "field" tests by school nurses and other health workers. Existing tests require lice to be sent alive to labs in cities. Our test will, if successful, allow people in the "field" to test lice. Expected outcomes are: (i) scientific information on resistance to pediculicides in head lice, and thus, improved control of head lice; (ii) reduced exposure of children to pesticides; and (iii) a strategic alliance between six organisations that should outlive the project. *** LP0211022 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland A/Prof RT Barnard Dr GR Barnett Title: Production and application of novel diagnostic and therapeutic reagents using transgenic mice 2002: $59,905 2003: $73,629 2004: $60,810 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): PanBio Ltd Summary: The project will be a collaboration between the University of Queensland and PanBio Ltd. We intend to use humanized transgenic mice to produce fully human monoclonal antibodies. Fully human antibodies have great advantages over murine antibodies as diagnostics and therapeutics. These reagents will be used to 1)replace human sera , 2)replace antigens from infectious organisms in a range of diagnostic kits for animal and human infectious disease and 3) as therapeutic leads and 4)to discover vaccine leads. The project will allow production of diagnostic kits where this was previously not feasible or not economically viable (eg. uncommon and/or dangerous animal or human diseases) and will lead to development of novel infectious disease diagnostics and therapeutics. *** LP0211611 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr JR Botella Dr PL Young Mr CH Scott Title: Benign strategies to engineer nematode resistance in plant crops. Applications to other plant pests. 2002: $217,830 2003: $184,876 2004: $183,928 Category: 3002 - CROP AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Golden Circle Ltd. Queensland Agricultural Biotechnology Centre Summary: Control of plant pests relies on the heavy use of chemical insecticides that cause an extraordinary impact on the environment. Some insect pests have been controlled by the production of toxins (like BT) by the plant. We will combine newly discovered RNA interference and genomics methods to develop innovative solutions to nematode resistance and insect control. Our methods can be tailored to any pest with wide or narrow spectrum of action and does not require the production of toxins by the plant. The novelty of our approach will generate a large amount of intellectual property. *** LP0219019 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr WP Clarke A/Prof LL Blackall Dr PR Bell Title: Development of a Trickle Filter for Treating Sour Water from Oil Shale Processing Plants 2002: $38,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $31,000 2004: $40,000 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Southern Pacific Petroleum N.L. Summary: Oil is extracted from oil shale by pyrolysing pre-dried crushed shale. Despite drying , the shale retains a residual moisture level of approximately 5% which ultimately ends up as an aqueous phase in the condensate stream from the pyrolysis process. This aqueous phase, know as sour water, contains a range of organic compounds, including carboxylic acids, nitorgen heterocyclics and ketones. This aim of this proposal is to develop trickle filters to treat the sour water. The biofilms that develop in trickle filters are ideal for supporting slow growing microbial species. Research is needed to transfer native microorganisms in the oil shale desposit to the durable gravels that will be used in the filter. *** LP0211926 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr BM Degnan Title: Enhancing aquaculture production of the tropical abalone using complementary genetic and environmental approaches 2002: $59,877 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $48,035 2004: $48,035 1 Category: 3007 - FISHERIES SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): MG Kailis Exports Pty Ltd Summary: While temperate abalone are one of our most valuable seafoods, there is a growing demand worldwide for the ?cocktail?-sized tropical abalone Haliotis asinina. Australia is well positioned to capture the market for this rapidly growing species. We propose to enhance the already favourable growth rates of Haliotis asinina in aquaculture by delineating critical environmental and genetic factors that effect production. This proposal uniquely melds commercial production practices at MG Kailis Export Pty Ltd with expertise in aquaculture and marine biotechnology present at The University of Queensland and CSIRO Marine Research. This knowledge will enhance the development of this new aquaculture industry in tropical Australia. *** LP0211446 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof RG Dimitrakopoulos Adj/Prof J Whittle Prof P Dowd Title: Uncertainty and Risk Quantifying Optimistion for Open Pit Mine Design and Production Scheduling 2002: $105,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $100,000 2004: $80,000 1 Category: 2907 - RESOURCES ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): MIM BHP Minerals Summary: Open pit mine design and production scheduling (OPDPS) deals with the management of cash flows in the order of hundreds of millions of dollars, and is a critical aspect of mining ventures. To enhance decision-making under conditions of uncertainty, this proposal aims to develop a new methodology for OPDPS based on mathematical and statistical techniques which model uncertainty in key parameters, geological, mining and market/cost and their effects on economic forecasts. The new formulation is founded on stochastic integer programming, and its integration with spatial stochastic simulations of geological attributes. Methods developed are computerised and tested in field studies. *** LP0215939 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr PJ Halley Dr F Rasoul Title: Novel injection moulded polymer substrates for solid phase applications 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2914 - MATERIALS ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Polymerat Summary: Solid phase organic reactions form the basis of many applications in drug design and development and medical applications. This project proposes the development of novel solid phase materials via control of novel insitu crosslinking and foaming processes and novel process molding control. This will enable more controlled large scale rapid production and detection of materials for biological and medical uses. *** LP0208982 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland A/Prof PC HAYES Dr E JAK Prof AD PELTON Title: ADVANCED THERMODYNAMIC AND PROCESS MODELS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE METAL SMELTING TECHNOLOGIES - A COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAM IN PYROMETALLURGY 2002: $299,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $270,000 5 2004: $270,000 2005: $270,000 2006: $270,000 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): Imperial Smelting Processes (ISP) Ltd, (Zn Sinter project) Imperial Smelting Processes (ISP) Ltd, (Spinel project) Mount Isa Mines Ltd METALEUROP NORD SAS Noranda Technology Center Pasminco Smelter Technical Support MIM Process Technologies (Pb Sinter Project) MIM Process Technologies (Cu Project) QNI Pty Ltd Tasmanian Electrometallurgical Company Summary: This 5-year ARC Linkage project developed by the Pyrometallurgy Research Centre, UQ brings together several consortia of major mineral companies in a genuinely collaborative way to address a range of complex technical problems associated with the high temperature chemical processing of minerals and metals. The UQ research team brings new state-of-the-art research methodologies, and experimental and computer modelling techniques to provide scientifically important research outcomes which can be used by the industry. The research program will provide fundamental thermodynamic and physical property information on the complex chemical systems encountered in industrial processes, powerful computer models, and applied research outputs for industry. The project will also importantly provide research training in the field pyrometallurgy, deliver competitive advantage to the Australian mineral industry and bring economic benefits particularly to regional Australia. *** LP0209909 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr TJ Horberry Dr GM Wallis Dr H Dia Title: Drivers' Behavioural Responses to Traffic Signs 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Department of Main Roads Summary: Traffic signs are ubiquitous in the road environment; research to improve their effectiveness can be very cost-effective in terms of safety improvements. Conducting traffic sign research on real roads has many difficulties, such as ethical considerations and lack of control. To overcome this, the research will be conducted in a driving simulator, in which the interaction between drivers and their equipment/environment will be studied. The aim of this project is to further understand drivers? behavioural responses to traffic signs, the expected outcome being to make the exchange of information between the driver and traffic sign as smooth and efficient as possible. *** LP0219659 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr T Howes Dr PA Lant Dr E Von Muench Title: Improving biological nitrogen removal by enhanced mixing in non-aerated bioreactors 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Brisbane Water Summary: Mixing has been identified as a key factor in achieving enhanced performance out of existing and upgraded bioreactors. There is currently a poor understanding of the relationship between non-ideal flow and performance in wastewater treatment bioreactors. The project will determine this relationship and subsequently use it to show how reactor performance can be improved, providing first criteria by which mixing can be assessed, and second a systematic methodology for improving reactor performance by improving mixing. *** LP0218929 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr MP Jennings Dr PJ Blackall Title: Novel vaccines and serotyping scheme for Haemophilus parasuis 2002: $61,539 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $56,363 2004: $56,363 1 Category: 3004 - ANIMAL PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Bioproperties (Australia) Pty Ltd Summary: Glasser's disease, caused by the bacterium Haemophilus parasuis, is a significant problem in Australian and overseas pig industries. Current approaches to the management of Glassers disease utilise antibacterials and also vaccines. However, antibacterials are of limited effectiveness in juvenile pigs (weaners) that are difficult to medicate other than by injection, and current vaccines are only protective against the serotypes included in the vaccine. We propose to examine the immune response to natural infection and identify potential vaccine candidates which will then be tested in vaccine trials. The APAI will focus on developing a DNA-based typing scheme for H. parasuis. *** LP0233570 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof DJ Kemp Dr KR Trenholme Dr CA Hyland Title: Red Cell Polymorphisms and Malaria 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2701 - BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Australian Red Cross Blood Service Summary: Certain red blood cell disorders have been associated with innate protection against malaria infection. However many early studies were inconclusive. We intend to carry out a comprehensive study to investigate the effect of red blood cell differences on the invasion and/or growth of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro using improved techniques. Identification of red cell components involved in interaction with P.falciparum would give a better understanding of host parasite interactions which may in turn suggest novel approaches or pathways to persue. This may eventually lead to the development of novel therapeutics. *** LP0215950 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof W Kitching Dr JJ De Voss Title: STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS IN PLANT EXTRACTS WITH POTENTIAL FOR THE CONTROL OF OVINE LICE AND PARASITIC WORMS. 2002: $60,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $60,000 2004: $60,000 1 Category: 2503 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): MediHerb Department of Primary Industries Summary: The control of lice and parasitic worms are two of the major problems currently confronting the Australian sheep industry. Several plant extracts utilized in traditional medicine have shown a remarkable efficacy in the control of these pests in humans. This project will investigate the sheep lousicidal and anthelmintic activity of a number of plants, and identify and chemically characterize the active constituents. This research will lead to the production of more environmentally friendly pest control methods and overcome problems of insecticidal resistance currently facing the industry. *** LP0230563 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof KK Kubik Dr M Bennamoun Mr J Williams Title: Automated Vector Extraction from Airborne Laser Scan Data 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): AAM Geoscan Summary: This project considers the problem of automatically extracting and vectorising the outlines of objects from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data. The industry partner, AAM GeoScan, is a leading user of ALS systems in Australia, and has a need to develop automated solutions to this problem. ALS data is typically a dense cloud of 3D point data which represents the local terrain, as well as any trees, buildings or vehicles which may be in the field of view. Spatial data is a very important resource, widely used in many types of urban and rural planning operations. Planning software packages require vectorised descriptions of building outlines and other spatial data, however this is not presently available from raw ALS data. The project will investigate this problem and develop new and effective means for producing it automatically from raw ALS data. Expected outcomes include a successful research masters studentship, the development of novel solutions to the problem which are directly applicable to the industry partner's core business, peer reviewed publications, and an strengthened link between the universities and the industry partner. *** LP0214142 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof JD Litster A/Prof IT Cameron Title: Scale-up and Intelligent Control of Granulation Processes 2002: $140,000 2003: $127,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $127,000 3 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Incitec Ltd MSD Australia WMC Fertilizers Pty Ltd Summary: Granulation is the process that forms granular products with carefully targeted properties from powdery or liquid feeds. Granular products abound in the pharmaceutical, agricultural & industrial chemicals, and food & consumer goods industries. Poor understanding of the granulation causes delays in the time to market of new products and poor efficiency in large scale continuous granulation plants. This project will build on recent advances in the understanding of granulation fundamentals to (1) develop new robust design and scale up rules (2) develop intelligent control schemes for continuous granulation circuits, and (3) develop a new generation of regime separated granulators. The project is receiving substantial support from 3 industry partners (MSD Australia, Incitec and WMC Fertilizers) with cash contributions over 40% of the ARC grant requested, as well as very substantial in-kind contributions. *** LP0214967 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof GQ Lu Dr H Zhu Prof MA Wilson Title: Development of Effective Bentonite Adsorbents for Colour Removal from Wastewater and Process Streams 2002: $68,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $61,000 2004: $61,000 1 Category: 2918 - INTERDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Integrated Mineral Technology Ltd Summary: This project aims to develop cost-effective adsorbents from natural bentonite clay for the removal of colour organics in water and other process streams. A new method for modifying the clays will be developed and investigated systematically. Adsorption of various dyes onto clay-based adsorbents will be examined to obtain a better understanding of the adsorption equilibrium and kinetics. The project will study the effects of various parameters to optimise the processing conditions for maximum removal efficiency. The project contributes to the mineral industry in value-adding and will also lead to cost-effective processes for water pollution control. *** LP0214956 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr JN Marshall Prof O Hoegh-Guldberg Dr WC Dennison Dr SR Phinn Prof JD Pettigrew Dr DI Vaney A/Prof SP Collin Dr K Bryceson Dr J Zeil Dr MC Ball Title: Vision and remote sensing: using nature?s technology to examine the health of The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. 2002: $195,000 2003: $176,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $176,000 2005: $170,000 2006: $170,000 2 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): SE Queensland Regional Water Quality Management ITRES Research Ltd. BallAIMS Summary: We aim to use what is known and what we will discover about animals visual systems to examine environmental health on The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. Technology and knowledge from 8 university departments, 4 industry partners, and 7 international collaborators will be combined to both learn and provide information. The innovative aspect of our approach is to examine the world with the eyes of birds, fish and invertebrates. Tricks animals employ to solve visual tasks will be implemented at scales of instrumentation from hand-held to remote sensing and used to address problems such as coral reef bleaching. *** LP0215943 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland A/Prof RG Morgan Dr PA Jacobs Dr DM Jenkins Title: Development of large scale expansion tubes 2002: $42,000 2003: $52,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $52,000 1 Category: 2902 - AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): WBM Pty Ltd Summary: The aim of this proposal is to develop a high Mach number scramjet simulation capability by modifying the X3 superorbital expansion tube at UQ for high suborbital operation at very high total pressures. This will enable Australia to do true Mach number simulation at higher speeds than is possible anywhere else, and mantain an international advantage in the development of scramjet flight propulsion. It will also put Australian researchers in a strong position to participate in the next generation of US ground testing facilities, foreshadowed by the recent NASA purchase of a large shock tunnel driver. It will enable Australia to maintain a position of leadership in the development of new space travel concepts. *** LP0210917 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Mr JF Mueller Dr M Ridd Dr MR Mortimer Mr DB Haynes Title: Application and evaluation of passive samplers for monitoring aquatic pollution 2002: $102,000 2003: $82,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $50,000 1 Category: 2599 - OTHER CHEMICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Queensland Health Scientific Services Department of Natural Resources Queensland Environmental Protection Agency Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority ERGO-Forschungsgesellschaft mbH South East Queensland Water Strategy UK-Environment Agency Summary: Pollutants in water bodies pose a threat to environmental and human health. Monitoring of chemicals in water has thus become a key challenge for environmental authorities. Sampling based on the analysis of grab samples is expensive, complicated and provides only patchy data. Passive sampling devices that allow time integrated sampling of pollutants are a promising alternative. This collaborative research aims to evaluate a series of existing and novel passive samplers both in laboratory and field conditions and determine sensitive parameters that significantly influence sampler behaviour. The project should provide a set of new tools for more effective management of water pollution. *** LP0209614 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr AF Neal Miss CC Boag Title: An evaluation of the effects of individual and environmental factors on participation in training, and the quality of training outcomes 2002: $85,000 2003: $87,000 APDI - Miss CC Boag 2004: $87,000 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Department of Industrial Relations Summary: The aim of the project is to examine the factors that influence the effectiveness of personnel training programs. The outcomes that will be examined include trainee satisfaction, learning, and subsequent job performance (transfer). The project will involve an annual survey of all trainees, trainers, supervisors and workplace assessors associated with the training programs being delivered as part of the Queensland Public Service Enterprise Bargain. The research program will contribute to a growing body of research examining the contribution of individual differences and environmental factors to training quality. The major practical benefit of the research will be the development of training management and audit systems that allow organizations to maximise the effectiveness of training. *** LP0210658 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr LK Nielsen Dr SM Brumbley Dr MG O'Shea Dr G Piperidis Mr M Purnell Dr T Bull Title: Metabolic engineering of sugarcane: production of a biodegradable bioplastic as a testcase 2002: $112,000 2003: $101,186 2004: $101,000 APDI - Mr M Purnell APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations Summary: The aim of this project is to produce a commercially valuable bioplastic called PHB in transgenic sugarcane. This bioplastic has similar properties to petrochemically produced polypropylene, but is fully biodegradable. PHB has been produced in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana at commercially viable levels. The expected outcome of high-level production of PHB in sugarcane would have significant benefits to the Australian sugar industry, the rural economy, and the Australian environment. *** LP0214185 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland A/Prof BN Noller Dr JC NG Dr R Sadler Title: Development of a risk assessment tool to minimise mixed metals toxicities from mine tailings 2002: $110,251 2003: $99,385 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $99,385 1 Category: 3205 - PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Queensland Health Scientific Services Pasminco Queensland Government Environmental Protection Agency Gympie Gold Ltd Summary: Research based on animal uptake from mine tailings is required to quantify comparative bioavailability of mixtures of metals to provide data for mine rehabilitation design during the planning stage. Such data also provides risk assessment in humans. The optimum balance is minimum environmental effects from the rehabilitated mine structure versus minimised cost through planning prior to project commencement. The significant cost of mining ore bodies, particularly by modern open cut methods, is the removal of rock and soil. The research on animal toxicity testings will provide a tool to more accurately detail mine rehabilitation and give quantitative indicators for closure. *** LP0219352 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr JM O'Neil Dr WC Dennison Dr DD Waite Dr T Lukondeh Title: Prediction and Management Strategies for Blooms of the Toxic Cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula in Coastal Australian Waters 2002: $107,116 2003: $97,727 2004: $97,727 APDI - Dr T Lukondeh Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): WA Waters and Rivers Commission South East Queensland Regional Water Quality Management Strategy Air Whitsunday / Coral Air Department of Primary Industry-Forestry, QLD Summary: Blooms of the toxic cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula in Australia coastal waters are resulting in severe ecological and economic impacts, including significant human health problems. What is urgently needed is the capacity to predict the onset of a Lyngbya bloom and the development of management strategies to reduce or control blooms. We have assembled a dynamic team of active and experienced researchers using various state-of-the-art technologies to elucidate the key factors contributing to Lyngbya blooms and have industry partners willing to implement large scale testing of various controls. We have a unique opportunity to potentially solve a pressing environmental problem. *** LP0211914 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof HP Possingham Title: Landscape-scale monitoring and adaptive management of woodland birds in the Mt Lofty Ranges 2002: $38,550 2003: $36,000 2004: $36,000 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Department for Environment and Heritage Summary: Despite the fundamental role of scientific monitoring in nature conservation, its research importance and potential is widely neglected. There is an urgent need to improve quantitative rigour, particularly to ensure adequate statistical power is achieved when monitoring at a landscape scale. We will apply new analytical tools to the problem of devising a powerful and flexible monitoring regime for a highly threatened woodland bird community in South Australia. Monitoring will be embedded within a decision-making framework with explicit links to local management agencies. Results will be broadly applicable across agricultural areas of Australia, where bird assemblages are in general decline. *** LP0212117 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof HP Possingham Dr RA Tyre Mr DP Niejalke Title: Predicting metapopulation dynamics with multiple patch states 2002: $65,884 2003: $63,281 2004: $63,467 APDI - Dr RA Tyre Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Western Mining Corporation Summary: Classical theory allows metapopulations to have subpopulations in one of two states, occupied or unoccupied. However, patches may have their own dynamic created by ecological succession or disturbance processes such as grazing. We will develop new theory incorporating patch dynamics, and test the theory on a spatially explicit metapopulation in the real world, the mound spring invertebrates of the Great Artesian Basin. We will use the theory to forecast the risk of extinction for these endemic species, and develop methods to quantify the statistical power of monitoring for environmental trends. *** LP0214974 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland A/Prof VV Rudolph Dr FY Wang Title: Discrete Element Method for Analysis and Design of Pharmaceutical Encapsulation 2002: $74,000 2003: $66,000 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Herron Pharmeceutical Pty. Ltd. Summary: Tablets represent the preferred method of dose delivery in the pharmaceutical industry, with over 80% of the market. PressFit ? gelcaps have recently been developed, which encase a tablet core within a gelatin coating. The product combines the consumer appeal of capsules with the processing convenience of tablets, and provides a high degree of tamper-resistance. An important issue is that the caplets are required to have very precise dimensional precision, an issue not previously of high priority for tabletting . This project seeks to enhance the competitive advantage of this new technology, through a combination of advanced mathematical modeling supported by experiments. *** LP0211915 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr RP Rutgers Dr BR Bhandari Title: Microstructure and Rheology of Starch-Gelatine confectionery products as a function of manufacturing process 2002: $48,048 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $26,628 2004: $26,628 1 Category: 2901 - INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY AND FOOD SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): CADBURY SCHWEPPES PTY LTD Summary: We propose to develop a novel continuous extrusion process for manufacturing confectionery jellies. Jellies are traditionally manufactured in a multi-step labour and capital-intensive batch process with inter-batch variability and difficult to automate. Continuous processes offer many advantages including high throughput, efficiency, straightforward automation including quality monitoring and control. They are little used in this industry because of the inability to relate product requirements through fundamental microstructural properties to processing conditions. This project addresses these key technical obstacles to gain the competitive advantage of continuous extrusion processing, through advanced mathematical modelling informed by experimentation. The proposed techniques derive from advanced polymer processing and characterisation capabilities. *** LP0222203 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr TK Saha Prof T Downs Title: POWER DELIVERY IN A DEREGULATED ENVIRONMENT 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2909 - ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): iEnergy (Australia) Pty Ltd Summary: The recent deregulation of the power industry has opened up new technical challenges that must be addressed in order to ensure fair and equitable market operation. Significant among these is the availability of alternative routes for the delivery of power, between and across different ownerships. In this scenario, a major challenge is to determine the minimum cost contractual arrangement for the delivery of required power. To achieve this, new techniques for the analysis of power systems are required. This proposal aims to provide solutions to these analysis problems and hence to provide software to assist with market operation. *** LP0219039 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland A/Prof H So Dr J Davie Dr NW Menzies A/Prof D Lamb Dr PJ Dart Dr B Schafer Mr C Smeal Title: Land disposal as a final treatment for saline industrial effluent 2002: $107,000 2003: $71,000 2004: $73,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2 Category: 3001 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Goodman Fielders Ingredients Ltd Summary: Sustainable land disposal of industrial effluent with high salt and nutrient (N) content, requires a different approach to the disposal of sewage effluent. To maintain plant growth, salt needs to be leached from the soil without off-site movement of nutrients, particularly N. Using irrigation and tree planting, methods of achieving this will be developed experimentally in conjunction with the Goodman Fielder Beaudesert Gelatin factory, based on development of a detailed understanding of the processes involved in the interlinked mass balances of salt, N and water. A sustainable and ecologically balanced disposal system will have application for many industrial plants with similar wastes. *** LP0216561 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr CF Tilse A/Prof JE Wilson Dr DS Setterlund Prof L Rosenman Title: The Management of the Assets of Older People: Prevalence, practices, preferences and responses 2002: $89,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $63,000 2004: $65,000 1 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): Department of Families, Office of Ageing Public Trustee, Community Services and Development Guardianship and Administration Tribunal Adult Guardian Public Advocate Summary: Industry partners with the investigators, have identified the need for foundation knowledge about asset management by and on behalf of older people. The current environment of changing legislation and demography, and the extent of the assets held offer new challenges to older people, families, public and private asset managers and substitute decision makers. This study identifies the prevalence of asset management; the experiences of older people and their asset managers; the nature and disposition of disputed matters; the operationalisation of public and private sector asset management policies. The results will be used to develop appropriate and targeted responses to promote good practice and prevent finanical abuse. *** LP0212099 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof I Toth Dr WD Meutermans Title: Development of Liposaccharide Peptide Conjugates for Peptide Drug Delivery. 2002: $87,424 2003: $83,894 2004: $83,894 Category: 3205 - PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Alchemia Pty Ltd Summary: We aim to adapt the Solid Phase Oligosaccharide Synthesis technology patented by Alchemia to develop methodologies that will allow the assembly of sugar, lipid and peptide units on a single solid phase resin. This synthetic technology will then be used to generate a library of liposaccharide conjugates of two model peptides (LHRH and TRH) to investigate and optimise a broadly applicable peptide drug delivery system which improves peptides oral absorption, metabolic stability and bioavailability. *** LP0212073 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland A/Prof GH Walter Mr D Papacek Title: Mass-production of beneficial insects for commercial pest management physicochemical definition of oviposition sites for development of cost-efficient artificial substrates 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2705 - ZOOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Bugs for Bugs Summary: The mass-production of beneficial insects for commercial purposes demands the development of cost-effective techniques for breeding and distributing them to growers. Many predatory beneficial insects lay their eggs in sites that prevent effective mass culturing. To circumvent this difficulty, it should be possible to define such oviposition sites in chemical and physical terms, and then use the information to develop artificial substrates that are convenient for mass rearing the insects and for disseminating them to growers. We will use the mealybug predator Cryptolaemus montrouszieri to test the feasibility of this approach and to assess its application to other beneficial species. *** LP0211375 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr ID Whittington Dr I Ernst Title: Integrated management of pathogenic monogenean (flatworm) parasite infections in warm water finfish aquaculture 2002: $186,727 2003: $144,351 2004: $143,481 APDI - Dr I Ernst APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3005 - VETERINARY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Nutreco Aquaculture Japan Gibsons Ltd South Australian Marine Finfish Farmers Association Summary: Sea cage farming of warm water finfish is expanding worldwide, with potential for lucrative aquaculture industries. These, however, are threatened by monogenean (flatworm) parasites that weaken and can kill sea-caged fishes. Current control methods provide only short-term solutions and increase production costs. Monogeneans jeopardize the fledgling kingfish industry in South Australia and remain pests in Japanese yellowtail aquaculture (value, AUS$2.4 billion/year). With Australian and Japanese industry partners, our innovative field and laboratory approach will revolutionize management of fish parasites with direct life-cycles. Outcomes include: integrated long-term strategies to manage parasites; lower production costs; ability for new finfish industries to thrive. *** LP0212910 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland A/Prof DJ WILLIAMS Mr VC WIJEYAKULASURIYA Mr MJ GOWAN Title: Development of a Risk Assessment and Cost-Effectiveness Model for Optimising Geotechnical Roadway Assets 2002: $69,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $62,000 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Queensland Department of Main Roads Golder Associates Pty Ltd Summary: Roadway performance is strongly a function of the topography and foundation conditions through which the roadway passes, dictating the need for cuttings and fills, and approaches to handle problematic foundation conditions. The project aims to develop a risk management model to minimise the geotechnical risks and costs involved in roadway construction and maintenance, and maximise design life. In Queensland, the value of roadway geotechnical assets is about $ 7.5 billion, with $ 0.5 billion spent annually adding to and maintaining these assets. The expected outcome of the project is maximising the life of geotechnical roadway assets for the funds available. *** LP0230324 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Dr Z Yuan Title: Coding Error Isolation in Computerised Simulation Models with Application to Wastewater Treatment Systems 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): HEMMIS N.V. Summary: Simulation code verification through program testing and debugging is crucially important, but is tedious and often difficult. A novel approach will be studied in this project. The approach involves detecting coding errors through back-to-back testing using two independently implemented versions of a given mathematical model, and isolating the coding errors through systematically analysing the test error signal generated (the difference between the outputs of the two models). This is possible because one of the two versions is implemented in such a way that the test error carries an easily identifiable feature. This project could revolutionize the area of model verification. *** LP0211060 Administering Organisation: The University of Queensland Prof MP Zalucki Dr BW Cribb Dr DJ Merritt Dr B Scholz Title: Life hanging on a thread; disrupting the structure and function of lepidopteran silking behaviour. 2002: $57,513 2003: $58,178 2004: $58,178 Category: 2705 - ZOOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Queensland Department of Primary Industries Summary: The production and use of silk by many invertebrates is vital for their survival. We develop a means of visualising and understanding the role of silking behaviour as a survival mechanism for Helicoverpa larvae (a key world-wide pest) with a view to disrupting silking. This novel project allows us to understand not just where larvae go but what they do along the way. The project outcomes will have wide application to the study and control of lepidopteran pests in natural and agricultural ecosystems and is of interest to applied and fundamental projects associated with insect pest control, behaviour and ecology. *** University of the Sunshine Coast LP0219421 Administering Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast Dr T Schlacher Dr RM Connolly Title: Effects of river plumes on nearshore ecosystems: organic matter flows and food web consequences 2002: $49,985 2003: $44,972 2004: $44,972 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): South East Queensland Water strategy Summary: River plumes may subsidize nearshore food webs by exporting land-derived material and by stimulating marine phytoplankton production via nutrient delivery. Whereas previous documentation of the biological responses to plumes has been mostly limited to large rivers and to primary production, this project targets small systems that discharge directly onto open coasts, and focuses on the fate of plume material. Work on carbon pathways will centre on pelagic and benthic food chains associated with plumes, and will also test whether nearshore waters and sandy beaches are coupled via onshore advection of plume material. *** LP0218877 Administering Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast Ms R Stokoe Dr H Wallace Dr D Lee Dr SJ Trueman Title: Potential of Corymbia torelliana hybrids for hardwood forestry and investigation of their seed dispersal by Trigona bees 2002: $65,129 2003: $64,281 2004: $62,967 APDI - Ms R Stokoe Category: 3006 - FORESTRY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Department of Primary Industries Forestry Summary: Cadaghi (Corymbia torelliana) and their hybrids with spotted gums (C. variegata complex) have enormous potential for plantation forestry. These hybrids have many excellent features that make them exciting as hardwood species, such as resistence to disease, tolerance of marginal environments, good wood properties, and fast growth rates. This project will create hybrids between Corymbia torelliana and spotted gums to identify hybrids which are suitable for sustainable wood production on marginal agricultural lands. An unusual feature of Cadaghi is that native Trigona bees disperse their seeds. This project will investigate this unique seed dispersal mechanism and identify features of hybrids that are not attractive to bees. This will prevent environmental problems by preventing hybrids from dispersing seeds, becoming weedy and harming the Trigona bees. *** South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia LP0210081 Administering Organisation: The Flinders University of South Australia Dr CB Le Gal La salle Dr PJ Dillon Dr JL Hutson A/Prof H Fallowfield Title: Sustainability of aquifer storage and recovery: the effects of nutrient load and water quality on aquifer clogging 2002: $70,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $60,000 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2605 - HYDROLOGY Industry Partner(s): Australian Groundwater Technologies United Water International Pty Ltd Summary: Aquifer storage and recovery, ASR, stores excess water or treated effluent for subsequent beneficial use. Microbial and geochemical reactions can through clogging reduce aquifer permeability, increase pumping cost and may threatened the sustainability of the system. The relationships between injectant composition and biological geochemical clogging are poorly understood. Expanding on prior field and column studies and techniques this project will study geochemical and microbial processes at on well-instrumented ASR trial site in South Australia. The relationship between effluent composition and change in hydraulic conductivity will be quantified, with a view to developping generic, practical decision-support tools and improve predictive model. *** LP0210306 Administering Organisation: The Flinders University of South Australia A/Prof K Mack Dr SL Roach Anleu Title: The Changing Role Of The Magistrates Court 2002: $170,795 2003: $162,084 2004: $177,241 Category: 3903 - JUSTICE AND LEGAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Magistrates Court, Victoria Magistrates Court, Northern Territory Magistrates Court, Australian Capital Territory Magistrates Court, Queensland Magistrates Court, South Australia Magistrates Court, Tasmania Local Court, New South Wales Court of Petty Sessions/Local Court Association of Australian Magistrates Summary: Magistrates courts have far more contact with the community than any other court but have rarely been the subject of direct research. Recent changes include greater professional qualifications for magistrates and increased volume, complexity and seriousness of cases. This project will survey the changing social/demographic characteristics of magistrates; analyse their daily work, especially increased judicial functions; and examine roles played by social service providers. It will produce a better understanding of magistrates courts, emphasising ideas of judicial independence and accountability, essential to ensuring high standards for the Australian legal system and its relation to the community. *** LP0220040 Administering Organisation: The Flinders University of South Australia Dr N McClure Prof DE Catcheside Prof JF Wheldrake Title: Use of Organic Residues in Edible Mushroom Production 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 2703 - MICROBIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Adelaide Mushrooms (Nominees) Pty Ltd Van Schaiks Organic Soils Pty Ltd Summary: The aims are to develop growth and casing materials for mushroom production based on organic wastes. Casing peat is the most expensive raw ingredient used in mushroom production and there are major concerns over supply due to increasing environmental concerns in supplier countries and quarantine issues such as the recent foot and mouth outbreak in Europe. This project will develop alternatives to imported peats as casing materials and investigate a range of organic residues which can be used as basic growth media for button and exotic mushrooms. This will increase the viability and sustainability of the mushroom industry in Australia. *** LP0219387 Administering Organisation: The Flinders University of South Australia A/Prof DF Pate Dr WH Adams Dr K Walshe Dr L Leader-Elliott Prof D Bass Dr PA Smith Title: The Adelaide Hills Face Zone: Reconstructing the cultural landscape and the identification of sites of cultural significance. 2002: $61,184 2003: $62,967 2004: $62,967 APDI - Dr PA Smith Category: 3101 - ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN ENVIRONMENT Industry Partner(s): Boral Resources Pty. Ltd. Planning SA Planning SA City of Onkaparinga Adelaide Hills Council Tourism SA Mitcham Council City of Tea Tree Gully Marion City Council Summary: Aim is to document historical cultural impacts on the landscape of the Adelaide Hills Face Zone, to identify and document sites of cultural heritage significance and to develop selected sites as cultural tourism destinations.The study will test developing methodologies for the interpretation of cultural landscapes with potential to pioneer the application of cultural heritage management strategies to a broad landscape. University departments and industry groups from diverse backgrounds will collaborate to develop management strategies and cultural tourism opportunities in a significant landscape. Outcomes will include improved planning strategies and new economic opportunities for semi-rural and rural communities. *** LP0211832 Administering Organisation: The Flinders University of South Australia Dr M Staniforth Title: The Port Adelaide Historical Archaeology (PAHA) project 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 4302 - ARCHAEOLOGY AND PREHISTORY Industry Partner(s): SA Maritime Museum The Maritime Union of Australia Summary: The aim of this project is to investigate the concept of neighbourhood archaeology in relation to the working class of Port Adelaide. There has been limited previous research on the residents of Port Adelaide and what has been done has mainly been from a town planning and sociological perspective. The traditional history of Port Adelaide has marginalised the role of the residents in the development of Port Adelaide. Archaeological excavation, therefore, along with extant collections, can provide information not available from other sources. Comparison with previous work undertaken outside Port Adelaide will also provide useful insights into life in early Port Adelaide. *** The University of Adelaide LP0234466 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide Dr D Abbott Title: Telematics: Research & Development of Mobile Link for Telemedicine 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Motorola Australia Software Centre Summary: This project is aimed at producing a reliable mobile video link between ambulance and hospital. In an emergency situation, video footage greatly assists the medical team in accurate deployment of resources to save lives. Motorola will be the industrial partner and this mobile telemedicine project fits into their telematics core business area. Together with Motorola, we will investigate video coding schemes, protocols and network issues, to produce a commercially viable software/hardware solution. The outcome will be a working testbed that can be trialed at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. The IP generated will benefit Motorola's telematics directive and training will generate a potentially useful future employee. *** LP0229165 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide A/Prof AD Austin Dr JT Jennings Title: Ecology and conservation of a unique, threatened guanophilic invertebrate community 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): National Parks & Wildlife SA Summary: This project aims to study the biology and ecology of a unique assemblage of insects and other invertebrates that live specifically in bat guano at Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area. The caves are a major ecotourism and research location because of their world famous Pliestocene fossils, and because one cave is a critical breeding site for the large bentwing bat, Miniopterus s. bassianii. The guano cave, which contains numerous endemic invertebrates, is potentially threatened by both direct and indirect human impacts. The results of this research will form the basis of a long-term management strategy to conserve this diverse community. *** LP0234320 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide A/Prof AD Austin Dr PT Bailey Dr NA Schellhorn Title: Beneficial arthropods in Coonawarra vineyards and sustainable grape production 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3003 - HORTICULTURE Industry Partner(s): Coonawarra Grape Growers Association Inc. Summary: Many species of pest and beneficial arthropods live in vines and groundcover of vineyards. Vignerons often devote considerable effort to sustain populations of what they believe to be beneficial arthropods. However, the types of natural enemies and techniques to enhance their effectiveness are poorly known. This project aims to identify and quantify the role of natural enemies in controlling the main pest in Coonawarra vineyards, identify their food and shelter requirements, and improve management practices and other techniques to optimise populations of beneficial species. The significance of this project is that it will enable the promotion of insecticide-free production of winegrapes in the Coonawarra. *** LP0233450 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide Dr RN Butler Ms MA Campbell Title: New uses for milk-derived products for eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection and gastro-intestinal site-specific delivery of active agents 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 3210 - CLINICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Northfield Laboratories Pty Ltd Summary: Helicobacter pylori is the most significant bacterial pathogen in the world, infecting 50% globally. Current treatments are inducing rapid antibiotic resistance and are thus becoming increasingly less effective. The infection is acquired in childhood and new methods to prevent and/or treat the infection, minimising acquisition of antibiotic resistance are urgently required. This project seeks to develop new ways of doing this that combine novel antibacterials with techniques to deliver them (and monitor this delivery) as well as modify the complex protective habitat in the stomach. *** LP0219680 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide Dr C Colby Dr HR Maier Dr BK O'Neill Mr P Bradshaw Mr B Van Der Wel Title: Desalination Options for Metropolitan Adelaide's Water Supply & Implications for Water Resource Allocation to Regional Communities 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Water Policy Infrastructure SA Summary: This project will present a proposal for water supply augmentation by desalination to alleviate rising salinity concerns and supply uncertainty of River Murray water supplies to metropolitan Adelaide in South Australia. It will investigate the feasibility of desalination options available and their consequences for regional agriculture and industry that rely on river water from metropolitan water supply pipelines for their economic survival. The project outcomes will have significant implications for government water policies and private and public sector water-infrastructure investment. It will be the first detailed study of large-scale municipal desalting costs under Australian conditions. *** LP0233457 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide Dr BB Dally Dr PG Marshallsay Em/Prof RE Luxton Title: Investigation of Strategies to Improve the Efficiency of Industrial Radiators and Cooling Coils 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2999 - OTHER ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): CBM Technologies Pty. Ltd. Summary: Innovative strategies for improving in-service effectiveness of tube & plate-fin heat exchange 'coils' will be explored. Such coils are used throughout chemical process industries, diesel powered plant, vehicles and air-conditioning systems. Coil manufacture is a 'mature' industry, but design concepts have changed little since 1950. Fouling of diesel engine 'radiators' in dusty conditions and in marine environments is endemic. New design concepts evolved via Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis will be manufactured and tested in the unique heat and mass transfer wind tunnel on the University's Industry Liaison Campus. The major outcome will be a rugged design methodology with broad applicability. *** LP0219576 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide Dr GS Heinson Mr M Hatch Prof SA Greenhalgh Title: Optimisation of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Electrical and Electromagnetic Investigations 2002: $58,000 Category: 2602 - GEOPHYSICS Industry Partner(s): Zonge Engineering and Research Organization Summary: Electrical and electromagnetic geophysical methods have been used extensively for mineral exploration, and are developing a role in salinity mapping and contaminant identification. To enhance the utility of such methods for very shallow targets (in the case of salinity) and deep targets (minerals beneath regolith)improved signal processing methods are required. The project involves the development of time-series processing techniques using robust-statistical methods and remotereferencing to improve signal-to-noise data quality. Instrumentation hardware and software developments are required for in-field data acquisition and interpretation, applied to direct current (DC) resistivity, induced polarisation (IP) and time-domain EM (TEM). *** LP0219662 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide Dr C Lim Dr WW Marwood Dr J Choi Mr SW Cumpston Mr MJ Liebelt Mr AD Massie Title: Multi-channel reconfigurable high dynamic range digital receivers 2002: $86,795 2003: $86,795 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $86,795 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Ebor Computing Summary: Wireless communication systems have important defence and commercial applications, most obviously in the form of the mobile telephone network. Future wireless systems will require much higher levels of performance, in the form of ability to receive and distinguish signals from multiple sources that are physically close together and transmit on similar frequencies. In this project we will develop a test system that will allow us to undertake research on new algorithms that will achieve these higher levels of performance. Our objective is to demonstrate dramatic improvements in the capabilities of receivers for future generation mobile phone and defence surveillance systems. *** LP0227320 Administering Organisation: The University of Adelaide Dr DJ Walker Title: The Prediction and Analysis of Complex Morphology in Coastal Environments 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Department for Water Resources Summary: Coastal features, incorporating river, tide and wave induced flows and associated sediment transport, represent highly complex systems. At present it is impossible to analyse anything but the simplest forms, yet it is often necessary to determine their overall properties and behaviour in engineering analysis and design. The aim of the project is to develop and verify a modelling approach using the concept of entropy and an efficient optimisation algorithm to allow key properties of complex coastal systems to be determined. The proposal represents an innovative approach to the coastal modelling problem that would overcome significant limitations of current morphological models. *** University of South Australia LP0210134 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Prof J Cheek Dr J Jones Ms A Ballantyne Mrs LI Byers Title: Changing Places: An exploration of factors influencing the move of older people from retirement villages to residential aged care 2002: $55,000 2003: $40,000 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Village Care Limited Summary: Older Australians living in retirement villages, an increasing community population segment, make choices both about the place at which they live, and the support needed to optimise health and wellbeing at that place. Changing places for this group often involves moving from retirement village to residential aged care facility. This study explores how and why this change occurs, how it might be avoided, and, when the move is unavoidable what can improve the moving process. Findings will inform innovations in policy, service and health care provision designed to facilitate appropriate ageing in place congruent with best practice principles. *** LP0214128 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Prof WA Dawson Dr A Fletcher Mr G Roach Mr M Rodgers Capt P Armitage Title: How tired is too tired? Determining the effects of fatigue on pilots' performance in a simulated flight environment 2002: $110,240 2003: $108,057 2004: $108,057 APDI - Mr G Roach APA(I) Award(s): 2 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): Civil Aviation Safety Authority Qantas Airways Limited Summary: Increasingly, pilots are required to work more flexible flight schedules that expose them to greater levels of work-related fatigue. Consequently, a recent federal parliamentary inquiry recommended that a fatigue risk management approach be applied to the regulation of pilots? flight and duty times. A key aspect of such an approach, and the aim of the proposed project, is to determine the level of fatigue at which pilots? ability to operate an aircraft reaches a safety-critical level. This research will provide a scientifically validated benchmark for regulating pilots? flight and duty times. Ultimately, this will improve safety for the flying public. *** LP0211968 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Dr K Dogancay A/Prof LC Jain Dr JY Khan Mr A Mahajan Dr M Chitayev Title: Intelligent Resource Allocation Techniques for Next Generation Wireless Mobile Communication Networks 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Motorola Australia Software Centre Summary: The project will develop radio and network resource allocation techniques to maximise network utilisation and to offer guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) for multimedia traffic in 3G/4G wireless mobile communication networks. In particular, this work will study the problem of radio channel allocation in wireless IP (Internet protocol) multimedia networks. The project will develop resource allocation algorithms based on traffic conditions, link qualities and service requirements using statistical traffic models, mobile software agents and neural network techniques. *** LP0210770 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia A/Prof MF Dollard Title: Flash Point in the Third Sector: A longitudinal follow up study of the clergy care 'battle' within The Salvation Army 2002: $45,000 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): The Salvaton Army Summary: Increasing community demands for social support from clergy, along with organisational pressures is thought to underlie the repeated observation that clergy work is highly stressful. The Salvation Army specifically is alarmed by current low retention and recruitment rates. This innovative longitudinal study of clergy well-being and productivity uses a participatory action research design to follow-up army officers over a one year period, during which time one-third will be required to relocate to various Australian states in accord with their vocation. Findings will be important for increasing awareness and implications for clergy care in both The Salvation Army and clergy universally. *** LP0214981 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia A/Prof D Fornasiero Dr D Beattie Dr S Buckingham Title: Polymers in the Depression, Aggregation and Dispersion of Particles in the Mineral Industry 2002: $113,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $102,000 2004: $102,000 2 Category: 2907 - RESOURCES ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Australian Mineral Industries Research Association Summary: The aim of this project is to use a generic approach to the selection of the best-suited polymer for specific applications such as in the depression, aggregation and dispersion of particles in the mineral industry. A "tool box" of particular tests will be developed based on key chemical structure-solid surface activity relationships between the polymer and the host solid surface in each application considered. Potential process improvements leading to improved flotation grades, increased fine particle recovery, increased slurry throughput in pipelines and decrease in reagent dosage will result. *** LP0211571 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Dr AR Gerson Dr JE Thomas Mr FL Peddie Dr RW Shaw Ms L Esdaile Title: The recovery of Cu from chalcopyrite-pyrite containing concentrates, ores and tailings 2002: $55,000 2003: $55,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $55,000 2005: $43,859 2006: $55,000 1 Category: 2501 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (INCL. STRUCTURAL) Industry Partner(s): Trading on Technology Resources Pty Ltd Summary: Chalcopyrite, a major source of Cu, is often associated in ores with the valueless mineral pyrite. The development of more efficient methods for the retrieval of the Cu is of considerable economic importance to Australian minerals processing companies. We aim to develop methodologies allowing the more efficient : - separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite; - leaching of Cu from ores and tailing in a heap leach environment and - leaching of Cu in a concentrated chalcopyrite-pyrite reactor environment. These aims will be achieved via an integrated surface-solution speciation approach allowing the manipulation of surface properties. *** LP0219304 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Dr AJ Grant Dr M Rice Dr S Naguleswaran Dr L Schubert Title: High Bandwidth Efficient Schemes for Portable Multimedia Communications 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): DSpace Pty. Ltd. Summary: The introduction of multimedia services for mobile users has resulted in a shortage of satellite spectrum. Spot beam technology is used to provide service in areas of high user density. Adjacent overlapping beams are allocated different frequency bands, however interference from neighbouring beams limits capacity. Multi-User Detection is a technology capable of significantly increasing capacity by frequency re-use in adjacent spot beams. The aim of this project is to investigate receiver design for multi-user spot-beam channels and develop associated synchronisation and channel estimation methods. The outcome will be efficient communications systems supporting higher user populations, without increasing the bandwidth required. *** LP0220954 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Dr B Gurd Prof MM Smith Title: Developing Management Control Systems for SMEs using the Theory of Constraints 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3501 - ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND ACCOUNTABILITY Industry Partner(s): AEM Australia Pty Ltd Summary: The Theory of Constraints (TOC) has helped organisations to move from a mindset of maximising efficiency and production to a new paradigm built around smoothness of flow and maximisation of throughput. Typically it is used for manufacturing management to improve factory floor operations in large companies. To achieve its full potential in small and medium enterprises (SME's) they need to align their management control systems with the TOC approach. Using an action research approach this project will meet these challenges. In particular, an exemplar accounting and performance measurement system will be designed for planning, control and decision-making. *** LP0215770 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia A/Prof SE Hill Prof N Yelland Ms K Thelning Title: Children of the new millennium: Using information and communication technologies for playing and learning in the information age 2002: $49,000 2003: $45,000 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Dept of Education Training and Employment Summary: This research explores the development of young children's expertise with information and communication technologies from the preschool to the second year of school. It examines where young children in diverse socioeconomic areas use information and communication technologies, how many forms of it they use and to what extent technology relates to other forms of play and learning in literacy and numeracy. An assessment tool will be developed to explore how children's knowledge, understanding and use of technology changes over time. The research will inform policy and curriculum directions in the early years of education. *** LP0220842 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Dr S- Kumar Dr M Conlon Title: Attachment of Growth Factors to Pure, Plasma Modified and Coated Titanium Substrates 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2915 - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): TGR BioSciences Summary: Titanium and its alloys are routinely used as medical and dental implants. Despite coating with hydroxyapatite, a material well known to improve implant fixation, many such implants fail because of lack of strong integration with bone. This proposal aims at achieving long-term stability of titanium implants through their surface modification and subsequent attachment of growth factors. The use of latter has already been shown to help bone-implant integration. Successful project implementation will provide titanium implant surfaces that will help achieve speedier and improved implant fixation with long-term stability. Knowledge, expertise and techniques developed will help the industry partner expanding its research base and business and generating wealth in Australia. Training of world-class research students in the emerging field of biotechnology will be another major outcome. *** LP0214176 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Dr GE MORRIS Dr PG SELF Mr MA DE VOS Title: STABILISATION OF TITANIA PIGMENTS FOR IMPROVED WATER-BASED PAINT APPLICATIONS 2002: $55,000 2003: $55,000 Category: 2501 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (INCL. STRUCTURAL) Industry Partner(s): Tiwest Joint Venture Summary: This project aims to improve the stability and optical properties of titania pigments in water-based paints. Tailored dispersing agents will be used to stabilise pigments in paints in both the wet and dry state. Enhanced understanding of the dispersing agents interaction with the titania pigment surface and the subsequent stability of the pigment in dry paint films will allow advances in water-based paint stability. This understanding facilitates continued movement away from solvent-based paints required by environmental and health legislation. The potential growth in market share for the Australian pigment industry is in excess of $50M pa. *** LP0216266 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia A/Prof JE Schroeder Prof LB White Dr M Rice Dr S Naguleswaran Title: Optimal Waveform Design and Compensation Techniques for Non Linear Communication Channels 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): DSpace Pty. Ltd. Summary: Distortion effects in satellite amplifiers have a serious impact upon communication system performance, for example, by increasing the error rates. The research study we are proposing involves analysing these distortion causing non linear effects and designing techniques to compensate for them. Although we are initially interested in the nonlinear satellite channel, we intend the results to be extended to other difficult nonlinear channels such as will be present in future 3G and 4G mobile communication systems. The proposed research will place Australia at the forefront of cutting edge Information Technology and Communications research. *** LP0226593 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia A/Prof J Schroeder Mr E Bullen Title: Adaptive Modulation For OFDM Signals 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Inspiration Technology Summary: The sub band Signal To Noise Ratio in an OFDM communications channel varies by as much as 30 dB. In order to optimise the bandwidth efficiency of OFDM signalling it is desirable to adapt the chosen modulation technique such as M-ary QAM to the SNR available in sub bands. In this way high quality channels transmit the highest bit rates, whilst low quality channels accommodate the lowest bit rates. The net result is that the capacity of the communications link does not have to be limited by designing for worst case conditions. *** LP0212013 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Dr LA Sheppard Ms CM Landorf Title: Architecture and healthy ageing: an investigation into the relationship between aged care facility design, management and the well being of residents 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3211 - NURSING Industry Partner(s): Italian Benevolent Foundation SA (Italian Village) Summary: Residential care for the future will need to meet expanding demands for aged care in a manner which responds to more discerning older people including those from non-English speaking backgrounds and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with expected increases in the number of services required. To do so design processes must incorporate the needs of those involved in residential care yet meet the requirements of statutory authorities standards for health care provision. This research will provide a comprehensive picture of the issues that impact on the design process and the effect on residential care facilities ability to provide residents and workers with the highest possible quality of life. It will inform accreditation and certification standards. *** LP0212906 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Prof RS Smart Dr JE Thomas Dr SD Miller Dr RC Schumann Title: NEUTRALISING MINERAL REACTIONS IN ACID MINE DRAINAGE CONTROL 2002: $100,000 2003: $110,000 2004: $110,000 Category: 2501 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (INCL. STRUCTURAL) Industry Partner(s): AMIRA International Summary: The project addresses the serious environmental problem of acid and toxic element release from iron sulfides in waste rock dumps and tailings storage in the mining industry. Long-term neutralising capacity, currently not tested in laboratory assessments, is available from the reaction of some silicate and aluminosilicate minerals. This potential has not been systematically tested or modelled. The research project aims to understand the relative mechanisms and rates for long-term alleviation of acid production with mineral layered and blended combinations. Improved understanding will provide methodology for assessment and control of acid mine drainage. *** LP0224189 Administering Organisation: University of South Australia Ms J Thomas Dr B Gurd Prof R Blandy Mr J Rice Title: Strategic responses of Australian family-owned businesses in the manufacturing sector to the pressures of globalisation 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Family Business Australia - SA Chapter Summary: It is critical that Australian family owned manufacturing businesses respond in the most advantageous way to the pressures of globalisation. Possible strategic responses include selling out to larger companies that have a stronger strategic position, competing off-shore, or take a niche position in the value chain. This research will use a series of case studies to determine the contingent factors that best explain strategic response within the ownership and management structure of the family business, and track the impact of specific strategic choices. From this may flow some general principles of appropriate strategic responses given a range of circumstances. *** Tasmania University of Tasmania LP0210383 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr LA Barmuta Dr AJ Boulton Dr PE Davies Dr S Munks Dr PD McIntosh Title: How does forestry impact headwater streams? 2002: $65,000 2003: $58,000 2004: $58,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Forest Practices Board Summary: Although headwater streams make up much of the catchment of rivers, the effects of forestry on instream species composition, habitat types, and ecosystem functions remain uninvestigated. We aim to fill these three gaps so that managers can: 1. determine whether stream side buffers are necessary and 2. identify which species and ecosystem functions are the most sensitive and reliable variables for future monitoring of instream ecosystem health. *** LP0211106 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr MS Barrett Dr H Smigiel Mr P Weingott Title: Australian Children and the Arts: Meaning, value and participation 2002: $20,000 2003: $19,000 Category: 3399 - OTHER EDUCATION Industry Partner(s): Australia Council Summary: This project employs innovative research techniques in the fields of social research and educational inquiry to explore a research problem of major economic and cultural significance to Australia, that of the meaning and value of the arts in the lives of Australian children. Outcomes of the research include new knowledge concerning: the meaning and value of the arts for Australian children; and the ways in which Australian children engage with the arts. This new knowledge shall inform the development of future arts policy and practice and advance knowledge in the discipline of arts education. *** LP0212100 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Prof Dr F Bullen Dr E Bruce Mr SL Hughson Title: Optimisation of Road Network Maintenance Strategies for Life-Cycle Costs 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Maintenance Management Austalia Summary: The future of Tasmania and the nation as a competitive force in the international market is intimately linked to its transportation infrastructure network. The successful maintenance and performance of the road component is essential for an efficient and integrated system and minimisation of freight costs. The research proposes to develop a less empirical and phenomenological method of predicting the future performance of pavements, based on optimisation of maintenance strategies, by incorporating the use of probabilistic methods and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) into new Whole of Life Costing (WOLC) models. *** LP0214145 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr JC Ellison Dr AJ Seen Mr P Hedge Mr J Bradbury Title: Assessment of the potential consequences of large-scale eradication of rice grass from the Tamar Estuary, Tasmania 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2601 - GEOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment Summary: Introduced Rice grass has trapped large volumes of intertidal sediment, yet reduced amenity values of the Tamar Estuary, transforming beaches into muddy rice grass meadows, threatening aquaculture industries, and silting up coastal developments. This project will investigate the consequences of rice grass eradication, by determination of sediment volume trapped, contaminants contained, and monitoring of processes active after removal. The outcomes of this research will enable informed decisions on management of the Tamar rice grass infestation, and provide an understanding the impacts of large scale eradication to management authorities of similar infestations in Victoria, New Zealand, Europe, China and the USA. *** LP0209557 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr A Koutoulis Mr GW Leggett Miss LJ Sherriff Title: Breeding for improved Australian hop varieties by induced mutations 2002: $48,364 2003: $46,109 2004: $46,109 Category: 3002 - CROP AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Australian Hop Marketers Summary: Hop (Humulus lupulus) plants are vital to the brewing industry. Their main commercial products are alpha-acids and oils, which contribute to the bitter taste and aroma of beer. Hops possess different alpha-acids, including humulone (desirable) and cohumulone (non-desirable), and different oils, including humulene (desirable). Recently, beta-acids have been identified as useful compounds for emerging markets. Induced mutagenesis will be used to alter the genetic make-up of hops, to obtain varieties with: (i) higher humulone; (ii) lower cohumulone; (iii) higher humulene; and (iv) higher beta-acids. This research will greatly assist the Australian hop industry by short-cutting traditional breeding performed by crossing. *** LP0219705 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr MA Line Dr DA Metcalf Title: Integrated biological control of Sclerotinia minor root rot of pyrethrum crops. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3003 - HORTICULTURE Industry Partner(s): Botanical Resources Australia-Agricultural Services Pty Ltd Summary: Tasmania is a major global supplier of natural pyrethrum, producing 25% of the world's requirements. However the industry has a major problem with Sclerotinia minor, current chemical treatment being expensive and providing limited effectiveness. The aim of this project is to develop long term integrated control measures for this disease, particularly by the application of biological control agents targeting S. minor at planting. It will also examine possible break-crops biocidal to the fungus, and other integrated control measures. The significance/outcomes will be improved crop productivity to the industry, improved competitiveness with overseas producers and reduced dependence on chemical pesticides. *** LP0212042 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr C McArthur Mr DC Close Dr PH Brown Dr MJ Hovenden Dr CL Beadle Dr GK Holz Prof AE Hagerman Title: Understanding and manipulating stress physiology of eucalypt seedlings to improve survival and growth 2002: $61,184 2003: $62,967 2004: $62,967 APDI - Mr DC Close Category: 3006 - FORESTRY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Timbercorp Treefarms Pty Ltd North Forest Products Narromine Transplants Forest Enterprises Australia West Australian Plantation Resources Floriana Forestry Tasmania Australian Paper Plantations Pty Ltd Summary: Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens are the major species being established to meet the 2020 Vision (Anon 1999) of trebling Australia's plantation estate. Seedling mortality and/or reduced growth after planting, linked to the transition from ideal growing conditions in the nursery to stressful conditions (high drought and browsing risk) at the planting sites, significantly increase the costs of plantation production. By investigating physiological mechanisms of seedlings and their responses to drought and browsing stress during establishment in the field, methods for the production of seedlings acclimated to drought or browsing stress will be developed. The research outcomes will help maximise the financial return on over $28 M per annum being invested by the 8 project partners in seedling production and planting over 80, 000 ha per year for the next 19 years to meet the requirements of Vision 2020. *** LP0212077 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Prof PM McCulloch A/Prof R Coleman Dr R Govind Title: Improved Geodetic Modelling through Very Long Baseline Interferometry 2002: $72,000 2003: $74,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $99,000 1 Category: 2910 - GEOMATIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): AUSLIG Summary: 2005: $99,000 2006: $99,000 We plan to develop a geodetic VLBI capability to provide independent confirmation of results from alternative techniques such as GPS and SLR and allow us to characterise and remove the systematic errors inherent in these systems, to produce an optimum, unified terrestrial reference system based on VLBI measurements, together with GPS/SLR data, especially for the Antarctic region. The ITRF is based on the VLBI ICRF linking our astrometric and geodynamic research programs. We will estimate motion at sites from the combination of VLBI, GPS, gravity and tide gauge data for geodynamic effects, such as post-glacial rebound and tectonic motion, global mean sea level change and determine length-of-day (LOD) variations, focused primarily on understanding the contribution from the Southern Oceans. *** LP0214138 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr CL Mohammed Dr M Battaglia Dr C Beadle Mr T Wardlaw Dr J Bulinski Dr D de Little Title: Risk, impact on productivity and control of Mycosphaerella infections in plantations in plantations of E. nitens and E. globulus 2002: $68,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $61,000 2004: $61,000 1 Category: 3006 - FORESTRY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Timbercorp Treefarms North Forest Products Forestry Tasmania Australian Paper plantations Pty Ltd APT Forestry Pty Ltd Forest Enterprises Australia Lid Private Forests Tasmania WA Plantation Resources Summary: Mycosphaerella, a defoliating fungal pathogen of eucalypts, has the potential to change markedly the economics of plantation development. This research will explore the fundamental physiological and pathological processes associated with the disease, link these findings into established process-based models of forest plantation growth for predictive purposes and utilise hyperspectral remote sensing techniques to scale impact from the tree to plantation level. In doing this research not only are questions of key importance to an important and growing industry sector addressed, but an innovative approach to disease impact assessment established and a skills base and methodology widely applicable to other tree and agricultural disease problems established. *** LP0211065 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr SJ Pethybridge Dr CR Wilson Dr FS Hay Mr B Chung Mr T Groom Title: Epidemiology of Phoma spp. complex and other foliar pathogens affecting pyrethrum 2002: $129,045 2003: $114,445 2004: $114,445 APDI - Dr SJ Pethybridge APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2704 - BOTANY Industry Partner(s): Botanical Resources Australia - Agricultural Services Pty. Ltd. Summary: We will quantify the spectrum of fungal plant pathogens found on pyrethrum (Tanacetum cineariifolium L.) foliage and their relative impact on yield and pyrethrin assay. For those fungi having a significant impact on production (such as Phoma ligulicola) we will conduct detailed epidemiological studies to determine how disease levels change with environmental parameters and geographical factors. This study will adapt radiometric technology for disease assessment in pyrethrum, and develop predictive models for disease development based on environmental conditions and furthermore, assess the effect of simulated climate change events on disease severity in the future. *** LP0224971 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr MJ Roach Title: Archaeological Geophysics at Port Arthur 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2602 - GEOPHYSICS Industry Partner(s): Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority Summary: This project will apply geophysical technology for rapid non-invasive archaeological investigations at Port Arthur, Australia's premier convict era historical site. It will be the first comprehensive integrated geophysical study of a major European archaeological site in Australia and will provide a framework for future geophysical archaeological investigations at other Australian historic sites. The main direct outcomes from this project will be an improved understanding of the location and nature of obscured cultural features at Port Arthur and a significant improvement in the efficiency of archaeological investigations. *** LP0210823 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr ME Robertson Mr AE Fluck Ms CG Murray Title: Children, on-line learning and authentic teaching skills in primary education 2002: $37,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $30,000 2004: $30,000 1 Category: 3303 - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS Industry Partner(s): Department of Education, Tasmania Catholic Education Office Telstra Summary: The main aim of this project is to identify the authentic skills and strategies adopted by teachers of online learning programs in rural and urban locations. By studying teaching and learning behaviours in primary education we seek to match best practice in teaching with quality online learning outcomes. ICT experts acknowledge the urgency of this knowledge. Without clear indicators for teachers we run the risk of mismatched traditional techniques and minimising teaching effectiveness. The expected outcomes will be benchmarked data linking numeracy and literacy standards with best practice in on-line teaching, and an accompanying interactive web based professional development package grounded in theory. *** LP0210907 Administering Organisation: University of Tasmania Dr M Watts Prof NW Pankhurst Title: The cellular basis of temperature impairment of reproductive function in Atlantic salmon 2002: $66,097 2003: $64,793 2004: $62,967 APDI - Dr M Watts Category: 3007 - FISHERIES SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Salmon Enterprises of Tasmania Pty. Ltd. (SALTAS) Summary: Elevated summer and autumn temperatures, either as a result of normal climate variation or global warming, inhibit reproduction in salmonid fishes by disrupting endocrine (hormonal processes). The mechanisms involved are unclear but are known to involve inhibition of ovarian estrogen and the assembly of egg-yolk proteins. This project will investigate the cellular basis of the inhibitory effect of high temperature on reproduction, at the ovarian and hepatic levels. The understanding developed will be an essential component of amelioration strategies for managing the continued successful rearing of salmon and trout under warming environmental conditions. *** Victoria Deakin University LP0212095 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr G Allinson A/Prof F Stagnitti Dr R Armstrong Title: Improving water use efficiency of grapevine production in the Great Western region using effluent water and soil amelioration practices 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2911 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Grampians Regional Water Authority Department of Natural Resources and Environment Grampians Winemakers Inc. Summary: Irrigation of vineyards with municipal wastewater is a desirable option for the viticulturists of the Great Western region of Victoria, but only if vineyard soil structure is not adversely affected. This project will (1) study the impact of dissolved chemicals in the waste water on the structure of the local sandy soils; (2) model the data to enhance understanding of the key chemical and physical mechanisms controlling grey water impact in heterogeneous environments. The resulting predictive tools will have direct application in the Great Western region?s vineyards, and for irrigation of grey water in vineyards across Ausralia. *** LP0211649 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr CM Austin Dr LJ Laurenson Dr SA Wilcox Title: Design and Development of DNA Oligonucleotide Microarrays (Biochips) for Fish Species Identification From Processed Food Products 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3007 - FISHERIES SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): GeneScan Australia Summary: Australia's seafood industry (valued at A$2 billion/annum) imports and exports a wide variety of fish and shellfish products. This industry is open to exploitation, specifically in respect of product labelling. A rapid and reliable method for identifying commercial and endangered fish species in seafood products is urgently needed for effective management and regulation of the industry. New genetic biochip technology enables any species or strains of an organism to be rapidly, and accurately, identified by non-experts. In collaboration with GeneScan Australia, this project applies this new technology to develop a diagnostic tool for checking the labelling of Australian seafood products. *** LP0211801 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr MR Barnett Dr E Pereloma Title: Exploiting Annealing Reactions for New Steel Grade Development 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): BHP Steel Summary: Overseas steel markets are demanding thinner and cheaper formable products. The proposed work aims to establish how the reactions that take place during annealing can be exploited to create new products to meet these needs. The processes of recrystallization texture development, which controls the ease with which the product can be drawn into shapes, precipitate dissolution, which impacts on surface quality, and creep, which can lead to annealing defects in thin products will be studied. The objective is use the knowledge generated to remove over-design of processing parameters and steel composition to develop new cost effective export grades. *** LP0218422 Administering Organisation: Deakin University A/Prof VA Clarke Dr DJ Higgins Title: Development of an intervention to enhance rural and regional service delivery to human service clients 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Department of Human Services (Barwon-South West Region) Summary: A proactive program managing organisational stress and isolation in rural community service organisations is urgently needed to reduce unplanned absences and costly staff turnover among professionals working in a difficult environment. The intervention program focuses on extremely high risk regional workers - professional staff having daily contact with potentially difficult clients (e.g., persons suffering from neglect, abuse, drugs). Strategies at both organisational and individual levels will be aimed at preventing rather than merely reducing stress. An educational package will be developed, subjected to two cycles of process and outcome evaluation, and prepared for use in this and other regional/rural organisations. *** LP0211160 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Prof GA Duff Dr I Lunt Dr F Coates Title: Grazing as a management tool for biodiversity conservation: adaptive management strategies for threatened grassland ecosystems. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Parks Victoria Summary: Lowland temperate grasslands are threatened Australian ecosystems that support an important, and in many cases threatened, biota. These habitats are significantly under-represented in the reserve system, and occur in bioregions that have been subjected to extensive vegetation clearing, intensive production and high stocking densities. This project will develop strategies for maintenance of species and habitat diversity in grasslands through the application of adaptive management principles informed by rigorous ecological research. Outcomes include best-practice approaches to on- and off-reserve management in grazed ecosystems, and better approaches to the interaction between research and biodiversity conservation *** LP0214290 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Prof GA Duff Dr D Simmons Dr F Coates Title: Vegetation change in coastal Parks and Reserves: risk assessment and management of woody invaders 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Parks Victoria Summary: Coastal heath ecosystems contain some of the highest diversity of plant species for any vegetation type within temperate Australia. These communities exist within and outside the Reserve system, but even those within Parks and Reserves may be undergoing rapid change in structure and composition as a result of invading environmental weeds, resulting in a significant loss of biological diversity. As agriculture, tourism and other developments place increasing pressure on these diminishing ecosystems, the maintenance of their biodiversity takes on increasing importance. This project will identify threatening processes and devise cost-effective, practicable management strategies in a context of competing stakeholder interests. *** LP0215942 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr L Hancock Ms V Sheen Title: Negotiating Transitions to Retirement 2002: $20,000 2003: $20,000 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Council on the Aging (Australia) Summary: This project will track diverse pathways in work/retirement transitions, by analysing how the present policy mix accommodates shifts in labour markets, demographic shifts and shifts in households and income distributions. Focused on cohorts aged 45 to 64, it firstly analyses national data sets to track the impact of the current policy mix in terms of income security, industrial relations, housing, health, education and training and work/life. Secondly, it draws on qualitative data to further examine how these transitions are played out. The research will develop a new policy matrix for older workers that addresses risk, social exclusion and social protection. *** LP0211773 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Prof PD Hodgson Dr MR Barnett Title: Development of a Microstructure Model for Process and Product Development 2002: $72,000 2003: $64,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $64,000 1 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): Smorgon Steel Summary: It is possible to mathematically model the evolution of the microstructure of steel during hot rolling and cooling to room temperature. By linking the microstructure to the product performance these models can be used for computer based development of new products and processes. The current work involves an extension of these concepts to the Smorgon Steel minimill. The project involves the development of new equations to handle the high residual content from the use of remelted scrap and the use of these models to enhance current and future local and export grades. *** LP0219785 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Prof PD Hodgson Dr MR Barnett Title: Hot Rolling Model for Control of Nb Bearing Steels 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): BHP Steel Summary: High strength Nb bearing strip steels are used to reduce the weight of automotive and construction products. The manufacture of these steels is challenging because of difficulties encountered in maintaining constant properties and strip thickness. The aim of the current work is to develop a model for Nb bearing steels that describes the effect of processing conditions and composition on the microstructure evolution during hot rolling. The model to be developed will incorporate a new approach to describing dynamic recrystallization and will lead to better property and dimensional control. It will also assist in new grade development. *** LP0210686 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr D Hutton Mr P Silk Mr J Hayes Mr GT Waller Mr PJ Hester Title: Safe and unsafe workplace behaviour: the impact of organisational culture and climate 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): KAAL Australia Pty. ltd Kmart Australia Summary: This APA(I) project involves a study of safety cultures of organizations and safety climates of workgroups. It will develop and trial safety interventions derived from an understanding of the normative and individual psychological contracts of safety. It is hypothesized that such contracts will impact on safety behaviors and injury rate. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Kmart and KAAL (Alcoa) who experience very different levels of risk. The ultimate aim is to develop a better understanding of the complex human systems which impact on safety behaviors and injury rates in organizations. *** LP0214948 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr K James Mr R Drew Title: Planning for the adaptive management of wetland rehabilitation; Kanyapella Basin Case Study 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Field & Game Australia Inc. Summary: Australia's ephemeral wetlands are being lost or degraded primarily through drainage. There is a pressing need to conserve the ecological character of remaining systems, and rehabilitate degraded ones. Rehabilitation is invariably constrained by water availability, community expectations and uncertainty about ecosystem responses to different water regimes. This project applies the adaptive management model to wetland rehabilitation. Adaptive management addresses uncertainty through experiments integrated into the rehabilitation process. It uses monitoring, and information feedback loops to inform current management actions. A generic model for the adaptive management of wetland rehabilitation will be developed which will predict responses to different re-wetting scenarios. *** LP0211918 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr SM Kenny Dr KM Brown Ms E Cham Title: New Trends in Foundation Formation 2002: $20,000 2003: $20,000 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Philanthropy Australia Summary: The encouragement of philanthropic giving is a current priority of governments globally. The creation of foundations is one strategy for expanding philanthropic activity, with profound implications for public policy and existing foundations. Working with Philanthropy Australia, this study will explore the concept of charitable foundations and recent trends in foundation formation such as the development of 'community owned? enterprises and pressures on business to become more 'socially responsible'. The study will produce data of vital importance to informed policy making and to the effectiveness of philanthropic foundations. *** LP0216014 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr SW Lewis A/Prof NW Barnett Dr PJ Scammells Title: The Synthesis and Analysis of Certain Explosives and Illicit Drugs for Improved Forensic Detection 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2504 - ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Victoria Forensic Science Centre South Australia Forensic Science Summary: There is an increasing demand within law enforcement agencies, worldwide, for selective and sensitive methods for the determination of illicit substances. Over the last decade Deakin University chemists have played a major role in establishing the utility of chemiluminescent reactions for the determination of a variety of pharmaceutical opiates in process streams. This project seeks to build upon these successes, in order to develop innovative analytical strategies for forensic detection of certain illicit drugs and explosives. The results of this research have the potential to revolutionise key aspects of forensic analysis. *** LP0209274 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Prof WS Logan Mr JD Sweet Ms KF Altenburg Adj/Prof SM Sullivan Title: Cultural Heritage Site Significance, Management and Interpretation in China and Australia: A Comparative Analysis in a Cross-Cultural Framework 2002: $39,861 2003: $37,801 2004: $40,996 Category: 3101 - ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN ENVIRONMENT Industry Partner(s): Sullivan Blazejowski & Associates, Cultural Heritage Conservation Australian Heritage Commission/Dept of the Environment & Heritage Summary: The Nara Document 1994 asserts that East Asians see 'cultural heritage' differently from Westerners and that conservation practice should reflect the culture in which it takes place. Given Australia's growing tourism links with China, and China's growing importance in the Asia-Pacific, it is timely to reflect on the Chinese understanding of cultural heritage. Conversely China's relatively new cultural heritage industry can learn from Australian practice. This project aims at better mutual understanding by researching key issues of site significance, management and interpretation. The research will fill a gap in the literature and provide a model for further cross-cultural heritage analysis. *** LP0219732 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr MB Luther Title: Natural and Artificial Lighting Control Energy and Visual Optimisation for a Low Energy Building 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 3101 - ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN ENVIRONMENT Industry Partner(s): Clipsal Intergrated Systems Summary: Artificial lighting is highlighted as the most significant area of opportunity to reduce energy as well as greenhouse emission. The application of intergrated daylight design together with artificial lighting control is researched. Control strategies of switching and dimming the artificial daylighting in conjunction with set-point levels, user preferences and daylighting maximisation are measured. The goal is to find the most effective saving strategies whilst maintaining visual comfort *** LP0211833 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr F Mansouri Dr SM Kenny Dr KM Brown Ms DE Smiley Title: Economic and social rights of asylum seekers in Australia: Challenges for Community Associations 2002: $25,000 2003: $25,000 2004: $25,000 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Victorian Arabic Social Services (VASS) Summary: This project will investigate the contribution of a community association providing humanitarian assistance to newly-arrived refugees holding Temporary Protection Visas (TPV). The project will assess the capacity of non-government organizations (NGOs) in delivering basic social services and identifying areas of immediate concern. The anticipated outcomes of the project are: (a) the establishment of effective models of best practice in the delivery of social services by a NGO, (b) the potential for partnership between such an organization and the State in developing social policy, and (c) the contribution to theoretical examination of the role of civil society in the new Globalisation era. *** LP0220238 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr R Miller Dr R King Title: Videoconferenced supervision for trainee professionals: Unintended effects 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): South West Healthcare Summary: Government agencies are investing heavily in videoconferencing networks for purposes that include the education and supervision of trainee professionals. This initiative is seen to promote equity of access for professionals in remote regions. Yet the assumed equivalence between videoconferencing and face-to-face communication remains untested. The teaching principles underlying face-to-face may be inappropriate for videoconferenced supervision. Aims of the project are to develop an investigative framework for videoconferenced supervision and to determine how videoconferencing affects the learning and affiliation processes in supervision. The main outcome will be the identification of principles to establish standards of best practice for videoconferenced supervision. *** LP0219706 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr MS Muralitharan Dr GP Kadkol Dr DM Cahill Dr T Stevenson Dr SF Chandler Title: Development of molecular markers for resistance to blackleg disease (Leptosphaeria maculans) in canola 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): Nugrain Summary: Canola (Brassica napus) is a valuable oil seed crop grown in many parts of the world and contributes annually $A450 million to the Australian economy. The overall aim of this project is to develop molecular markers for blackleg resistance using Australian germplasm along with evaluation in Australian disease nurseries which are regarded worlwide to develop the highest levels of disease pressure. Once molecular marker systems are developed and evaluated, they will be applied to facilitate the selection of Nugrain's (Industry Partner) canola breeding programs. Any molecular markers and QTL developed for Australian cultivars would find commercial application in breeding programmes. *** LP0211488 Administering Organisation: Deakin University A/Prof S Nahavandi Dr L Kong Dr A Kouzani Title: A Distributed Virtual Factory in Agile Manufacturing 2002: $92,033 2003: $111,752 2004: $71,381 APA(I) Award(s): 2 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Backwell IXL Summary: The aim of this research is to develop an Intelligent Distributed Virtual Factory consisting of several distributed precise simulation models connected by several synchronisation mechanisms named Time Bucket algorithms. Intelligent Distributed Virtual Factory will then be applied into precise evaluations of the whole manufacturing system under two major types of manufacturing operational logics, PULL and PUSH methods. *** LP0219798 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr AJ Rollo Dr GJ Byrne Title: Researching the Development of Benchmarks for Determining both Relative and Sustainable Levels of Infrastructure for the Aged within Regional Victoria 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 3101 - ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN ENVIRONMENT Industry Partner(s): City of Greater Bendigo Warrnambool City Council Summary: The decline of country towns and subsequent population shifts to larger regional centres often places significant stress on the facilities within these larger centres. Of particular importance to local government are the implications regarding the provision of services for the aged. This project will research the development of benchmarks and indicators to assist local governments to understand the current and future needs of their aged communities. The research will comprise a pilot study involving the Cities of Bendigo and Warrnambool to establish the current situation regarding physical infrastructure and service provision and indicating future needs as the demographic profiles change. *** LP0212293 Administering Organisation: Deakin University A/Prof JE Sherwood A/Prof F Stagnitti Mr J Hill Title: Monitoring and Modelling Hydrogeochemical Interactions with Groundwater : Implications for Mine Dewatering on Groundwater, River and Lake Chemistry 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2599 - OTHER CHEMICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Alcoa World Alumina Australia Summary: Alcoa operates a power station and brown coal mine at Anglesea in western Victoria. Following heavy rain in 2000 acidic water entered the Anglesea estuary causing precipitation of iron and aluminium flocs and fish kills. Estuary closure to tourism resulted. This project will identify the cause(s) of this phenomenon by modelling groundwater movement and studying geochemical processes. The resultant hydrogeochemical model will also be applied to simulating longer term water quality changes in the catchment arising from current mine dewatering operations and future rewatering following mine closure. *** LP0211035 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr GJ Treloar Dr BD Ilozor Title: Embodied energy modelling of individual commercial buildings 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3199 - OTHER ARCHITECTURE, URBAN ENVIRONMENT AND BUILDING Industry Partner(s): Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd Summary: This research will develop a method for modelling the energy embodied in individual commercial building construction. Construction material manufacturing emissions are well known in most industries, but the total embodied energy of the construction supply chain is difficult to model for individual buildings. For efficient commercial buildings, the embodied energy can represent up to 40 years of operational energy. The results will be used to develop cost effective strategies for optimising the total life cycle energy of individual commercial buildings. This will in part improve the environmental performance of the Australian construction industry. *** LP0210010 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Prof X Wang Adj/Prof P Brady Dr L Wang Dr A Kaynak Title: The characterization and pocessing of Australian grown hemp fibres 2002: $130,000 2003: $108,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $86,000 2 Category: 2903 - MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Fibrenova Ltd Summary: This project will, for the first time, systematically examine the characteristics and processing behaviour of Australian grown hemp fibres. The hemp industry is an emerging new industry in rural Australia. This research will tackle a number of complex problems concerning characterization, degumming, and processing of Australian grown hemp, and will engineer the finest and softest yarns as well as industrial products from this hemp. This will position the local hemp industry as well fibre processing industry in a very strong position to meet the growing demand world wide on this "green" fibre. *** LP0212999 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Prof X Wang Dr L Wang Title: Controlling and Predicting the Pilling Propensity of Fabrics 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2903 - MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Australian Country Spinners Pty Ltd A & B Knitwear Pty Ltd Casaveen Holding Co. Calcoup Inc Pty Ltd Country Road Clothing Co. Pty Ltd Graham Walters & Assoc. Pty Ltd Macquarie Textile Group Ltd Riverina Wool Combing Pty Ltd Summary: Pilling adversely affects the appearance of fabrics and garments. It is one of the most serious quality problems for the textile industry, particularly the wool industry. This project will examine and control the key factors that contribute to fabric pilling in the fibre-to-fabric conversion processes. It also aims to predict fabric pilling performance from these factors. This will help the industry, along the fibre to fabric chain, to understand the mechanism of pilling and to work together to manage and control this long-standing problem for the benefit of the textile industry as well as textile consumers. *** LP0211089 Administering Organisation: Deakin University Dr SJ Wellard Dr C Beanland Ms ME Lewis Title: Investigating consumer partnerships in the context of complex health service delivery 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3211 - NURSING Industry Partner(s): Box Hill Hospital Cabrini Hospital Summary: Whilst increased consumer participation has been demonstrated to improve health outcomes, there has been no translation to people with chronic illness using acute care services. People with chronic conditions represent an increasing proportion of health care consumers and due to the existence of co-morbidities their needs are usually complex. Despite this, they have been marginalised in the current development of participatory models of service delivery. This project will investigate the determinants of participation for consumers during episodes of acute health care, identify barriers to their participation, and develop testable strategies for increasing effective consumer participation in acute health care services. *** La Trobe University LP0219627 Administering Organisation: La Trobe University Prof TS Dillon A/Prof E Chang Title: Virtual Collaborative Logistics and Partner to Partner Information Systems 2002: $162,100 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $91,000 2 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Seapower Resource Australian Pty. Ltd Seapower Resource International Limited Summary: Increasingly there is a tendency around the world for logistics companies that provide transport and warehousing services to band together to share their physical resources so they can extend their reach beyond their current region of operation. When this is coupled with internet ordering and status monitoring one has an e-logistics company that is a virtual logistics provider that gives access to these shared resources. Such a virtual collaborative logistics consortium requires very strong partner-to-partner IT support and communication. This project investigates the use of XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) enabled mobile software agents to provide this support. *** LP0211909 Administering Organisation: La Trobe University Prof JJ Fitzgerald Ms J Lydon Mr PC Macgregor Title: Images of Chinese in Australia, NZ and SE Asia, 1850-1950. 2002: $43,352 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $43,352 2004: $43,352 1 Category: 4301 - HISTORICAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Museum of Chinese Australian History Inc Summary: This project combines historical analysis and database software to review all accessible extant images of Chinese in Australia & NZ for the period (and a selection of images from Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore), to (a) develop a sophisticated research tool for historians, which combines detailed annotations of content and context of images with means for cross referencing these against a framework of people, organisations, places, events, dates and concepts; (b) utilise this research tool, and visual discourse analysis, to investigate, for Australia and Asia: (i) how Chinese chose to represent themselves, and (ii) how Chinese were represented by Europeans. *** LP0211754 Administering Organisation: La Trobe University Prof V Lin Ms M Wise Dr T Keating Dr P Sainsbury Title: Strengthening the capacity of public health organisations to deliver effective public health services 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): National Public Health Partnership Central Syndey Area Health Service Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care Department of Human Services, Victoria Heart Foundation (NSW Division) Queensland Health Department Summary: In an effort to maintain and improve the health of the population Australia has defined the core public health functions that must be carried out. This project will examine public health infrastructure and capacity in three states ? mapping the implementation of core functions, assessing current infrastructure, comparing organisational approaches, and developing measures of local public health capacity. These will then become industry benchmarks to guide investment and interventions, and to assess the quality of these. The project will investigate the context in which core public health functions are successfully delivered and develop tools to measure local capacity and delivery functions. *** LP0218591 Administering Organisation: La Trobe University Prof PE Murphy Dr JA Jackson Title: Adding value to natural advantage through business clustering:Winners and losers along the Murray River 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Sunraysia Area Consultative Committee Albury City Council Mildura Grand Hotel Investment Albury Wodonga Summary: In terms of river-based business activity, the success of cities located on the Murray River, such as Albury/Wodonga, Echuca, Swan Hill and Mildura varies. We shall identify how some towns along the river have added value to the natural advantage of the river through business clustering while others have not. Processes by which successful communities have gained and retain advantage will be compared with strategies applied by less successful towns. The concept of business clustering not only permits regional diversity to be more readily understood, but points to future initiatives for less successful regions. *** LP0211598 Administering Organisation: La Trobe University Dr RJ Seviour Dr BB Johnson Dr JA Soddell A/Prof JD Wells Dr PJ Pigram Dr MJ Angove Mr M Stamos Title: Causes of and Cures for Microbiological Foams in Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plants 2002: $84,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $75,000 2004: $75,000 1 Category: 2501 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (INCL. STRUCTURAL) Industry Partner(s): South East Water Limited Summary: Little is known of the true diversity of the bacteria causing foaming in activated sludge systems, or why and how they cause these foams. This application seeks funds for an interdisciplinary approach to address these issues, involving input from microbiologists and surface chemists and physicists. Molecular techniques will be used to determine precisely the foaming bacterial communities and their physiology, while their surface chemistry and organisation will be studied to understand the mechanisms involved in foaming with the intention of developing control strategies for this global problem suitable for large scale application. *** Monash University LP0219725 Administering Organisation: Monash University Dr DW Albrecht Dr K Ting Dr DL Dowe Dr A Kowalczyk Title: Developing Minimum Message Length and Support Vector Machine methods to predict user behaviour. 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Telstra Research Laboratories Summary: Predicting and modelling customer behaviour enables considerable savings in the telecommunications industry and elsewhere. The resulting predictive models facilitate identifying novice users, identifying fraud, responding to users' needs, guiding and advising users, and forwarding useful information. We consider two cutting-edge data mining approaches, Minimum Message Length (developed and led by Monash) and Support Vector Machines, in order to create efficient tailor-made software. Our software will respond to specific groups of users, and their changes over time, rather than just the average user. Moreover, it will integrate the functionalities of existing individual data mining software. *** LP0219665 Administering Organisation: Monash University Dr AM Bouazza Title: Settlement of municipal solid waste 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Pioneer Australia Waste Management Pty. Ltd. Summary: The mechanisms governing municipal solid waste settlement are many and complex. There is a clear need to adopt a methodology to forecast the landfilling space based on high quality full scale data where composition, method of placement, compactive effort employed during placement of the waste, thickness of daily cover, stage filling and local moisture content are all recorded. This is the only sound scientific way forward to develop a predictive model that links settlement to these parameters. This project will contribute to developing such a methodology for the benefit of the Australian waste containment industry. *** LP0220941 Administering Organisation: Monash University Dr AM Bouazza Title: Hydraulic durability of geosynthetic clay liners in steep slope sealing systems for landfills constructed in former quarries 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Geofabrics Australasia Pty. Ltd. Summary: Old quarries are increasingly used for the construction of landfills. The engineering challenge in constructing such landfills includes developing an appropriate lining system for the often steep sided quarry walls. The use of GCLs as part of the lining system can be a viable and a cost effective solution. However, this solution suffers from the lack of meaningful data on their hydraulic durability in this particular situation. This proposal presents an original approach to investigate this durability under operating conditions typically encountered in steep sided quarries. This work is expected to provide benefits to waste containment efforts at national and international level. *** LP0214141 Administering Organisation: Monash University Dr L Churilov A/Prof J Wassertheil Mr MA Ibrahim Title: Information Technology Driven Reengineering of Emergency Health Care Facilities in Australia: a Process Intelligence Perspective 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Peninsula Health Care Network Summary: Peninsula Health provides services to over 290,000 people. The number of cases when its emergency departments reject ambulance arrivals and close on "by-pass" has recently increased dramatically. Lack of reliable forecasting tools, underdeveloped models for resource allocation, the absence of scenario analysis and process dynamics tracking tools that are able to simulate different scenarios, all contribute to current challenging situation. This research investigates the issues of planning, design, implementation, and monitoring of an integrated IT-based decision support system aimed at reengineering the Industry Partner's business process flow in order to satisfy the demands for the emergency medical care program. *** LP0211068 Administering Organisation: Monash University Prof JP Cull Title: SCANEM : A Scanning and Inspection Method for Urban Pipeline Systems 2002: $80,000 2003: $73,000 2004: $73,000 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): CSIRO Tyco Water Pty Ltd Summary: Water and sewage utilities are crucial factors limiting economic growth and urban amenity. However many of these facilities are subject to corrosion, fracture and collapse and new strategies are now required to provide a sound basis for systematic remediation and replacement. Suitable strategies involving a structural audit and statistical analysis have been proposed by CSIRO and Tyco Water. However new geophysical inspection methods are now required to provide the key physical parameters relating to pipeline condition. Hopefully the EM inspection tool resulting from this project will provide the industrial partners with a unique capacity to satisfy a major global market. *** LP0216013 Administering Organisation: Monash University Prof D Kinley Ms S Joseph Mr M Davison Ms J Schultz Prof D Weissbrodt Prof P Muchlinski Title: The Human Rights Responsibilities of Multinational Corporations 2002: $31,419 2003: $50,643 2004: $52,934 Category: 3903 - JUSTICE AND LEGAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Premier Oil Plc Normandy Mining Limited Reputation Qest Summary: Human rights abuses are perpetrated by multinational corporations, yet they are subject to few laws protecting human rights. Given the global power of these bodies, it is imperative and inevitable that greater legal accountability mechanisms will be developed. Working with a consortium of major industry partners, this project will identify current legal obligations on corporations to protect human rights, their means of enforcement and investigate their likely future extension in Australia and internationally. Best practice models for corporate compliance with these laws will be constructed and all results will be widely disseminated and accessible in a variety of formats. *** LP0212063 Administering Organisation: Monash University Mr H LINGER Dr F BURSTEIN Dr KB KORB Dr AE NICHOLSON Mr C RYAN Mr J KELLY Title: IMPROVING METEOROLOGICAL FORECASTING PRACTICE WITH KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 2002: $60,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $100,000 2 2004: $84,000 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Bureau of Meteorology Summary: This research aims to improve meteorological services through the application of knowledge management to the forecast process. A comprehensive framework of knowledge management will be developed that includes models of forecasters? explicit, tacit and experiential knowledge. Such models allow forecasters to share knowledge and learn from their collective experience. The development of computer based support systems, based on this framework, will enhance the Bureau of Meteorology?s ability to compete internationally in the provision of complete forecasting systems. Generalising the outcomes will provide industry with the means to adopt knowledge management practices and enhance its ability to participate in the knowledge economy. *** LP0214129 Administering Organisation: Monash University A/Prof SM McKemmish Dr CM Williamson A/Prof F Burstein A/Prof J Fisher Ms JM Anderson Ms S Lockwood Title: An intelligent, user-sensitive portal to breast cancer knowledge online. 2002: $81,500 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $82,000 2 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Breast Cancer Action Group (VIC) Inc. BreastCare Victoria Summary: Research indicates dissatisfaction with the quality of information provision amongst women with breast cancer and their families, particularly in rural and regional areas. Information and decisionsupport needs vary depending on disease stage, education, age, location, and ethnicity. Customised, in-time information access is critically important to BreastCare Victoria and the Breast Cancer Action Group as it impacts significantly on health and life-style decisions. This joint project analyses user needs, assesses and describes resources in user-sensitive ways, and designs and prototypes an intelligent portal that provides differentiated access to breast cancer resources online. It also advances general understandings of intelligent information provision. *** LP0212010 Administering Organisation: Monash University A/Prof C Mingins Title: A Framework for Software Component Conformance Testing 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2803 - COMPUTER SOFTWARE Industry Partner(s): Powerflex Corporation Summary: This research aims to establish a framework - a method, set of tools and business process - within which Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software components can be tested for conformance to client user requirements. There currently exists no general method for validating COTS components without access to source code. We will ?wrap? components in human readable and executable requirements specifications that will be the basis for: client/supplier negotiation about component functionality; generating conformance test cases; documentation for integration testing; advertising component capabilities. Outcome: a universally applicable component conformance framework directly beneficial to SMEs, and supporting the development of a robust component marketplace. *** LP0212047 Administering Organisation: Monash University Prof CA Silagy A/Prof B Cesnik Dr SE Green A/Prof J Anderson Dr F Carinci Title: A novel Internet-based clinical trial service 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Southern Health Summary: The best way to test whether a clinical treatment intervention is effective is a randomised controlled trial (rct). Rcts are expensive, both in terms of resources and time. The internet may provide a method of conducting rcts which is efficent and provides access to those in remote communities. The purpose of this project is to assess the feasibility of developing a structure for conducting rcts using the internet. *** LP0214973 Administering Organisation: Monash University Prof NJ Tapper Dr LW Russell Dr ID Bell Title: Indigenous Weather: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander's perspectives on weather. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): ATSIC Bureau of Meteorology Summary: This project aims to collect, synthesise and interpret Indigenous Australian knowledge on weather patterns, seasonal variations, environmental and climatic change. The development of an Indigenous weather knowledge data-base will be incorporated into the Bureau of Meteorology's external web page and will provide much needed infomation on Indigenous people's understanding of their enviroment. *** LP0211671 Administering Organisation: Monash University Dr CJ Trotter Dr RJ Sheehan Title: Women's access to welfare after prison 2002: $25,000 2003: $25,000 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): Catholic Social Services Summary: This project aims to examine the nature of welfare services available to women after they leave Victorian prisons, how the women access these services and the extent to which the services meet their needs and contribute to their rehabilitation. Although female ex-offenders are likely to have a high need for welfare services, and the evidence suggests that these services can make a difference to their successful re-integration, little is known about whether and how women access services or benefit from them. The results of the project will inform the development of welfare services by the industry partner and elsewhere. *** LP0211772 Administering Organisation: Monash University Prof A Trounson Dr JR Morrison Dr Z Du Title: Developing technologies that support the genetic modification of rats. 2002: $127,728 2003: $118,348 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $118,348 2 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): CopyRat Pty Ltd Summary: Rats and the mouse play critical roles in medical research. Until recently, the targeted genetic modification of a mammal was limited to the mouse. This was due to a technology that was unique to the mouse: embryonic stem (ES) cells. These cells have not been isolated from any other species. The recent development of animal cloning allows for an alternate strategy for targeting genes. We propose to develop cloning strategies in the rat that supports the genetic modification of this animal. The development of this technology will bring considerable benefits to the areas of physiological research and drug design. *** LP0214164 Administering Organisation: Monash University Prof AO Trounson Dr RA Mollard Title: The Production of Respiratory Cell Lineages from Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Towards a Cell Replacement Therapy for the Treatment of Respiratory Specific Deficits 2002: $75,749 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $68,174 2004: $68,174 1 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): ES Cell Australia Pty Ltd Summary: Embryonic stem (ES) cells are a primitive embryonic cell type that can be maintained and grown in vitro. Mouse ES cells can be instructed to develop into a wide range of specific adult cell types. Research into human ES cells has more recently commenced and has already resulted in the controlled production of specific nerve cells by our group. The following project aims to create respiratory lineages from both mouse and human ES cells. Such an undertaking thus aims to provide a basis for the treatment of respiratory specific diseases such as cystic fibrosis and emphysema. *** LP0230976 Administering Organisation: Monash University Prof AO Trounson Dr A French Title: Identification of nuclear reprogramming factors in oocyte cytoplasm 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): Genetics Australia Co-op Ltd Summary: The mature oocyte contains dominant factors that are capable of erasing tissue specific gene expression profiles of somatic cells. These reprogramming factors would be valuable for dedifferentiation of cells and for nuclear transfer in animal cloning. The research involves determination of reprogramming factors present in active cytoplasm following enucleation of the germinal vesicle, blockage of transcription and translation, and timed cultures. The assays will involve maintenance of reprogramming ability and erasure of somatic gene transcription. By subtractive elimination the function of isolated proteins which are involved in reprogramming will be identified for potential recombinant production. *** LP0219691 Administering Organisation: Monash University A/Prof HR Wu Dr B Qiu Dr J Zhang Dr Z Yu Title: Vision Model Based Perceptual Digital Video Coding 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Motorola Australian Research Centre Summary: Digital video coding and compression is an enabling technology and has diversified applications in audiovisual communications, multimedia computing, digital television broadcast and electronic entertainment industries. The project aims at spearheading research in theory, techniques and implementation of perceptual video coding in order to achieve constant and guaranteed quality in visual communications and services. It will explore a new approach to digital video coding other than the constant bit rate coding techniques which have dominated digital video research for the past four decades. It will form a part of the theoretical foundation and principles for the next generation video coding and compression techniques, and may lead to new standards and practice. *** LP0211384 Administering Organisation: Monash University Dr AB Zaslavsky Dr S Loke Title: e-Hermes: Context-rich mobile agent technologies to support information needs of financial institutions 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2803 - COMPUTER SOFTWARE Industry Partner(s): BJD Financial group Pty Ltd Summary: How do we achieve flexibility and efficiency of financial services in electronic commerce environment using mobile software agents? To address this question the project will extend a system architecture based on mobile agents, which retrieve, pre-process and deliver relevant information to potentially mobile users. Two major components ? information processor and agent mission processor - will be researched and developed by two PhD scholars to be supported by this application. The project results could be commercialised by the industry partner. The project is innovative in that it considers the emerging agent paradigm as an integrated distributed system in the e-commerce environment. *** RMIT University LP0219355 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Prof SK Bhargava Dr DB Akolekar Dr SC Grocott Title: Low Temperature Catlytic Wet Oxidation of Organics from Strippped Sour Water 2002: $50,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $50,000 2004: $50,000 1 Category: 2599 - OTHER CHEMICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Southern Pacific Petroleum (Development) Pty Ltd Summary: The commercialisation of a ~$3billion Australian oil shale industry heavily depends upon environmental sustainability of its technology. One key environmental issue of this technology is a need to remove organics from an aqueous industrial stream (stripped sour water). This proposal aims to develop a method based on catalytic wet oxidation for removing organics from stripped sour water. Research will be focused to develop and study potential catalytic systems to lower the activation energy of the rate-determining step and to increase the rate of organics oxidation. The development of such a method would be a substantial technology achievement with many applications in pollution control for wastewater treatment in many other industries. *** LP0219326 Administering Organisation: RMIT University A/Prof WE Cartwright Dr S Miller Mr K Mitchell Title: Development of Representation, Presentation and Interaction Models for the 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2910 - GEOMATIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Webraska Australia Pty Ltd Summary: The primary aims of this research are to develop representation, presentation and interaction models for the delivery of geospatial information using WAP-enabled cellular phone and mobile Internet technology and to implement these for the purposes of Australian fleet drivers. Research and testing relating to small-screen delivery of geospatial information is necessary to ensure that future products and services are usable and satisfy user needs. Expected outcomes include a greater understanding of the requirements of the Australian market, new models that will contribute to the evolution of the geospatial mobile Internet industry and a functional prototype with the potential for commercialisation. *** LP0226418 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Dr T Dalton Mr G Johnson Dr J Murphy Title: A longitudinal study of the housing stability of the homeless in Victoria 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3602 - POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Industry Partner(s): Argyle St Housing Service Summary: This is a longitudinal panel study of the homeless in urban and rural Victoria; it will interview residents of transitional housing over two years, analysing factors that contribute to success or failure in achieving housing stability. The research starts from the assumption that homelessness is not simply a condition of being without shelter at a specific point in time, but is a situation of chronic housing instability. The project proposal has the support of a consortium of housing agencies in urban and rural Victoria who anticipate specific outcomes in service design evaluation and in detailed knowledge about the causes of homelessness. *** LP0219466 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Prof RW Faff Prof DE Allen Prof TJ Brailsford Title: An Evaluation of the Morningstar System of Managed Fund Ratings in Australia and New Zealand 2002: $36,000 2003: $36,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $36,000 1 Category: 3503 - BANKING, FINANCE AND INVESTMENT Industry Partner(s): Morningstar Summary: This project evaluates the Morningstar system of rating managed funds. Fund ratings considerably influence who manages A$590 billion (June 2000 - AXISS Australia) in investment funds and are thus important to the efficient operation of the Australian capital market. Key project elements are: (1) thorough investigation of the domestic Morningstar ratings methodology, identifying its strengths and weaknesses; (2) comparison of the US and Australasian methodologies; (3) analysis of the predictive ability of ratings; (4) an investigation into the feasibility of rating funds on stock selection and market timing; and (5) an investigation of the impact of Morningstar ratings on fund flows. *** LP0222482 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Dr S John Dr T Vinay Prof I Herszberg Title: Active Vibration Control of a Cricket Bat using Piezoelectric-based Smart Materials Technology 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $22,545 2 Category: 2903 - MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): MB & KJ Davison Pty Ltd Kookaburra Sport Pty Ltd Summary: Improvement of sporting equipment performance of late has largely ignored the game of cricket. Using the combined disciplines of advanced materials and control technologies, it is anticipated that the traditional cricket bat can be vastly improved while keeping to bat modification guidelines as specified in the rules of the game. This project involves the dynamic study of the bat using established experimental techniques. Once the various regions of high strain rates are determined, smart materials technologies will be used to reduce the transient vibrations transmitted to the batsman. The effect of this monitoring and control is to increase the comfort level and hence, effectiveness of the batsman. *** LP0219346 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Dr J Keating A/Prof R Teese Dr J Polesel Ms V Volkoff Prof P Allen Title: Education and training and regional networks: the implications for outcomes and governance. 2002: $72,000 2003: $67,000 2004: $65,000 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Dept Education, Employment and Training Summary: The project will investigate local learning and employment networks (LLENs) that have been established in Victoria. It will analyse the effectiveness of networks in delivering education and training services and improving outcomes for young people. The inter- and intra-action of networks, and their relationships with government in policy formation will also be analysed. The project is located in a major and unique innovation in education and training, and for the first time will apply meso level theory and methodology in this area of public policy. It will provide new findings on effectiveness of networks in education outcomes. *** LP0219239 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Dr TA Macrides Dr PF Wright Mr JM Broadbent Title: Natural Therapeutic Products from Shark Bile 2002: $85,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $90,000 1 2004: $90,000 Category: 2503 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): McFarlane Marketing Aust Pty Ltd Summary: Scymnol and its sulfate are natural therapeutic products from shark bile with highly potent antioxidant and liver-protective activities. The Industry Partner and Macrides have co-patented the synthesis of scymnol to avoid using scarce natural resources. However, unresolved problems in scale-up of production have prevented them from supplying the growing demands of cosmetic and health food companies. Our research group has recently developed a potential synthetic route for scymnol sulfate. The present project aims to develop a commercially-viable scale-up of this synthesis for manufacturing scymnol and scymnol sulfate to solve current supply problems; and to provide essential safety information for their appropriate use; and evaluate potential new therapeutic uses. *** LP0231424 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Dr P Miller Dr JB Smart Ms L Boston Title: Girls, Empowerment, and Markets in Education: A History of The Mac.Robertsons Girls' High School 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 4301 - HISTORICAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): The Mac.Roberton Girls' High School Summary: With its centenary approaching, the school wants to evaluate its past. In cooperation with RMIT, the writing of a school history can produce three important outcomes. As historian in residence, the doctoral scholar can provide focus for self reflection by the school community. As social history, the work can fill a significant gap in the understanding of publicly funded education in Australia. As contribution to policy, it can address two continuing debates: about the place of selective state schools in a national system of education, and about the dynamics of single sex schools, and the education of girls more generally. *** LP0219474 Administering Organisation: RMIT University A/Prof S Murray Prof M Berry A/Prof P Downton Title: The Ageing of Aquarius: Designing new housing solutions for Australia's baby-boomers 2002: $45,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $49,500 1 Category: 3101 - ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN ENVIRONMENT Industry Partner(s): Mirvac Victoria Pty Ltd Cash Engineering Research Pty Ltd Summary: The economically most powerful demographic group in Australian society is the relatively wealthy baby-boomer cohort as it enters a period of unprecedented and extended retirement activity. This period will create unique housing demands and require new insights into the nature of dwelling provision and preferences for this group. The housing industry is historically hampered by an inability to innovate and provide these types of solutions. This research will establish design-based methodologies and practices that would enable industry to discern and provide for the future housing needs of this group, and contribute to the development of innovation in the industry generally. *** LP0218928 Administering Organisation: RMIT University A/Prof L Padgham Dr J Harland Ms W Liu Dr A Lucas Mr A Hodgson Title: Flexible and Robust Protocol-Based Interaction between Agents in Open Systems 2002: $72,862 2003: $66,862 2004: $66,862 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Agent Oriented Software Summary: There has been much discussion of the importance of software agents for supporting a wide variety of interaction between businesses and individuals over the internet. Important applications include ecommerce and b2b applications. For the potential of software agents to be realised in open systems, issues of flexibility, robustness, and extensibility are critical. This project addresses the development of flexible and powerful mechanisms for interaction, within the context of FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) standards. The project uses FIPA's Agentcities as a test bed, enabling us to build on and co-operate with a large European project starting mid 2001. *** LP0219455 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Prof B Probert Ms P Hall Title: Drivers and contexts of affirmative action, equal opportunity and diversity strategies 2002: $55,000 2003: $24,000 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency National Diversity Think Tank Incorporated Summary: This project will use a case-study approach to provide a series of rich accounts about the introduction, implementation and evaluation of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity strategies in twelve Australian organizations. Focussing on in-depth interviews with key personnel from the Chief Executive Officers to those women intended to benefit from such strategies, the research will provide ground-breaking evidence about the drivers behind such organizational change, the factors associated with successful implementation, and the range of indicators on which such strategies have been evaluated. *** LP0234988 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Prof AJ Sinclair Dr R Stockmann Dr T Stelmasiak Title: Tomato and vegetable oil synergies for healthier foods 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2901 - INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY AND FOOD SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Anadis Limited Summary: Vegetable and fruit products are recognised for their content of health-promoting phytonutrients. This project will investigate the bioavailability and subsequent in-vivo antioxidant activity of tomatoes and vegetable oils alone or in combination. A second aim will be to isolate particular phytonutrients from tomates and selected vegetable oils, and then to combine them for determination of synergistic interactions affecting antioxidant activity. Opportunities for the preparation of new phytonutrient-oil combination foods with increased antioxidant activity and the potential to enhance the health status of consumers will be developed. The research will provide food processors with expertise to develop novel plant-derived ingredients and food products for sale in the internationally growing functional foods market. *** LP0218853 Administering Organisation: RMIT University A/Prof Z Tari Prof WF Appelbe Mr R Mullings Mr G Walmsley Title: Developing Robust Mobile Middleware for Large Scale Distributed On-line Applications 2002: $70,500 2003: $60,500 2004: $60,500 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): CMS Transport Systems Pty Ltd Summary: Existing electronic commerce have shown profound limitations when dealing with key issues related to electronic commerce applications, such as data interoperability, mobility and performance. The aim of this project is to understand the complexity of the underlying problems related to electronic commerce applications, and to subsequently produce a robust and efficient infrastructure to support them. It is significant because it is expected to automate most of the tedious and complex activities of on-line transactions. The main outcome will be a set of techniques and programs that will form the basis of the commercial software, with a significant export potential. *** LP0232264 Administering Organisation: RMIT University A/Prof S Watkins Mr LR Mole Title: Variable Geometry Cooling Intakes for Passenger Vehicles 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 2904 - AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Ford Motor Company, Product Development Summary: Cars reject engine heat via air forced through the grille, radiator and engine bay. The associated "cooling drag" increases total aerodynamic drag by 10-15% hence increasing fuel consumption. The highest heat load that needs to be rejected by the engine determines the quantity of cooling air, resulting in systems that are over designed for typical driving. This research provides a strategy of adjusting the cooling airflow to match the engine requirements (via variable geometry intakes that can be under the control of the engine management computer) offering substantial reductions in fuel consumption and emissions. *** LP0219406 Administering Organisation: RMIT University Dr I Yarovsky Dr HR Treutlein Dr DR McKenzie A/Prof JA Carver Prof M Bilek Title: Response of Proteins to External Non-Ionising Radiation: an Experimental and Computer Modelling Investigation 2002: $80,000 2003: $85,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $85,000 2 Category: 2506 - THEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): Cytopia Summary: The expanding use of digital technologies such as mobile phones has led to major health concerns about the effects of non-ionising pulsed radiation exposure which has been shown to produce instantaneous temperature rises undetectable by normal thermometry. The health implications of exposure are not understandable without establishing molecular mechanisms by which pulsed microwaves can cause biological effects. We aim to establish methods for studying the molecular mechanisms of protein structural and energetic changes occurring due to non-ionising radiation. The results will help our industry partner to design specific drugs as well as formulate a scientifically based standard for microwave utilisation. *** Swinburne University of Technology LP0219469 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology Prof TW Burke Dr D Hayward Title: Inner urban public housing redevelopment: a case study of the high rise estate at Kensington, Melbourne 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3704 - HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Industry Partner(s): Office of Housing Summary: Many of the old public housing estates in Australia require redevelopment, the first of these high rise towers now due for demolition in Melbourne. This project will trace the redevelopment process on one estate from conception to post-occupancy, analysing the financial, organisational, political and construction hurdles that had to be overcome. This analysis will serve as a comprehensive model for other imminent developments, particularly as a model for the incorporation of private sector development interests. *** LP0232196 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology Prof TW Burke Dr D Hayward Title: Public-private partnerships as a solution to housing affordability problems: a case study of an inner urban development 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3704 - HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Industry Partner(s): City of Port Phillip Summary: Through a case study of an innovative inner city, medium density, low cost housing project, the characteristics of a public-private partnership will be described and analysed in many contexts. The financial, political and institutional impediments to the development of such ventures will be identified and broadened to a solution for other Australian municipalities. This will be achieved by policy and process recommendations. The model will be used to provide a practical solution to low cost inner city housing, which to date has not been sustainably achieved in Australia. *** LP0232200 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology Prof TW Burke Dr D Hayward Title: Managing medium density development: a municipal case study 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3704 - HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Industry Partner(s): City of Boroondara Summary: There has been no applied, local government-focused research on medium-density residential development. This issue creates the most political and planning problems for many urban local governments in Australia. Using the case study municipality of Boroondara (Melbourne), the aim is to identify, explain and address the many problems associated with such development. This will advance our knowledge about the implications of medium density housing for municipalities and thus enable the implementation of better management practices. *** LP0211171 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology A/Prof SR Clarke Title: Dynamic prediction models in Australian rules football using real time performance statistics 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2302 - STATISTICS Industry Partner(s): Champion Data Summary: The study is a collaborative venture with Champion Data, the Australian leader in the collection and transmission of real time sporting data, and official provider of the Australian Football League (AFL) statistics. The aim is to develop a real time on line predictive model for AFL football. The model will use the statistics Champion Data collect as the match progresses as inputs to continually update estimates of the probabilities of various outcomes of interest such as the winner of the match and the margin of victory. The project will assist Champion in their strategic aim to provide an on line form guide. *** LP0211975 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology Dr MF Malherbe Prof KC Pratt Dr K Ahmed Dr PC Andy Title: Reforming of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels for Application in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Technology 2002: $67,000 2003: $70,186 2004: $70,000 APDI - Dr PC Andy Category: 2501 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (INCL. STRUCTURAL) Industry Partner(s): Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited Summary: The project will aim at developing a fuel processing system for solid oxide fuel cells which will have the advantages of being fuel flexible through the conversion of liquid fuels (gasoline, LPG, diesel) for application in small to medium stationary power generation systems. This investigation will also generate fundamental information and understanding concerning the catalytic reforming of liquid hydrocarbon fuels to produce adequate feeds for SOFCs. These distributed energy devices are of high efficiency and with a novel technology the industrial partner will aim to offer products with high value propositions in the critical areas of price, reliability and service. *** LP0232442 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology Dr SH Masood A/Prof M Brandt Title: Laser Assisted Machining of Hard-to-wear Materials for Slurry Pump and Mineral Processing Equipment 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 2903 - MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Warman International Ltd Summary: The project aims to develop techniques for commercially applicable machining of very hard-to-wear materials using high power laser beams. Traditional techniques of machining such components using cubic boron nitride (CBN) based cutting tools are highly time consuming and expensive both in terms of labour costs and inserts costs. The laser assisted machining of these materials is expected to reduce the cost and lead time of manufacturing, provide improved tool wear life, and improved on time delivery of products. The technology will have application to the manufacture and use of slurry pumps associated with the mineral processing and mining industries. *** LP0233470 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology Dr SH Masood Dr PG Iovenitti Title: Development of High Performance Mechanical Sorting of Plastics for Recycling 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 2903 - MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Visy PLastics Company Summary: This research program aims to develop and test a range of high performance, mechanical in-process plastics sorting technologies in conjunction with Australia's lead recycling company. Currently, recycling techniques result in an insufficient purity and quality level, thus limiting the extent of recycling and opportunity for end product applications. Increasing the purity of recycled plastics and economics of recycling, without compromising throughput levels, will result in an increase in recycling rates and the range of applications of recycled plastics. *** LP0219307 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology Prof SM Moore Title: Enhancing psychosocial adaptation after temporal lobectomy surgery for control of epilepsy seizures 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria Summary: Preliminary data from individuals who have experienced temporal lobectomy surgery for control of epilepsy seizures suggests that (a) psychosocial adjustment problems may occur even when the neurological outcome is excellent, and (b) satisfaction with surgery/ post-surgery adjustment relates to perceived control over pre-surgery decision- making. The aim of this study is to improve presurgery procedure and post-surgery support by investigating psychosocial outcomes of epilepsy surgery, and relating these to perceived and actual pre-surgery preparation, including education, counselling and social support. The results of the study will inform development of resource material for the medical profession and potential surgery clients, as well as contributing to improved understanding of the relationship between pre-surgery procedures and psychosocial outcomes. *** LP0227129 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology A/Prof YS Morsi A/Prof J Mazumdar Title: Particle deposition in the human lung - Computer Aided Design 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Finite Element Analysis (Australia) Pty Ltd Summary: Inhaled particles can cause a variety pulmonary injuries and diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) etc. A limited multiple-path model will be employed to simulate efficiencies of particle deposition in the human lung. The model developed in this work is different from other available models in that it is based on an asymmetrical branching network for first three generations. This project aims to assist people to monitor atmospheric quantity and assess the risk of deposition of particles. A new commercial code will be developed as new marketable software packages. *** LP0228782 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology A/Prof YS Morsi Title: Flow field evaluation of AusIron top submerged injection system 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2913 - METALLURGY Industry Partner(s): Ausmelt Ltd Summary: The top submerged gas injection system is widely used in the metallurgical industry in many metal refining processes. The AusIron process, which uses dual top submerged lances injection, has been developed recently for direct smelting of iron ore to produce pig iron using low quality coal as fuel and reductant. Successful implementation of the process requires optimum furnace design. This project aims to study fluid flow within the furnace using a laboratory scale model, plant trials and numerical analysis. The project will enhance our fundamental understanding of the top submerged injection processes and assist in optimising AusIron furnace design. *** LP0210409 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology A/Prof CR Nagarajah Dr PG Iovenitti Dr KW Thomson Title: Zero Defect Manufacturing of Complex Assemblies 2002: $66,088 2003: $51,162 2004: $47,336 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Nylex Industrial Products Summary: The aim of this research project is to develop the tools required to design and implement zero defect manufacturing systems. It is intended that generic guidelines will be developed for achieving zero defect manufacturing of complex assemblies in a cost effective manner. Methodologies and techniques derived from these guidelines will be tested and validated on an existing door trim assembly production line. This project with its emphasis on utilising manufacturing systems involving a mix of human and robot based operations and in process inspection techniques to achieve defect free manufacturing is particularly relevant to medium size component suppliers. *** LP0233378 Administering Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology Dr I Sbarski Dr SH Masood Title: Development of composite materials from waste paper and plastics 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2914 - MATERIALS ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Visy Plastics Company Summary: Significant tonnages of plastics are currently not recycled because of paper impurities. This project will develop compounding and processing procedures, define the thermal and mechanical properties of the recycled composites and develop novel composite materials using plastics as a matrix and waste paper as a filler. These processes will then be applied to factory trials. *** The University of Melbourne LP0211548 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Prof MA Abernethy Prof MK Horne Prof FH Selto Dr AM Lillis Title: Design and Implementation of a Clinical Services Performance Management Model 2002: $65,000 2003: $65,000 2004: $61,000 Category: 3501 - ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND ACCOUNTABILITY Industry Partner(s): Southern Health Network Summary: This project aims to develop and test the efficacy of a balanced scorecard-based performance management model in a large public hospital. The project seeks to address significant performance management issues in the health care sector associated with the need to balance clinical care quality and resource management in an environment where conventional performance measurement systems are inadequate. The outcome will be a performance management model developed in collaboration with clinicians, field tested experimentally in a range of clinical settings and evaluated for effectiveness. The outcomes of the project will make a substantive contribution to the development of 'best practice' management protocols in the health care sector as well as a significant and innovative contribution to the management control literature. *** LP0211315 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Prof MA ADAMS Dr P HOPMANS Dr JM SASSE Dr JD MORRIS Title: Improved growth of Pinus radiata through better modelling and management of photosynthesis and respiration. 2002: $231,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $147,000 2004: $147,000 2005: $147,000 2 Category: 3006 - FORESTRY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Hancock Victorian Plantations Pty Ltd Summary: This research will use recently developed technologies to deliver the first comprehensive analysis of the effects of thinning and fertilizer on distribution of photosynthetically active proteins and nitrogenous metabolites in P. radiata. We seek to develop mechanistic and empirical understandings of photosynthesis, respiration, water use and growth and thus better model and predict effects of management actions on yield of commercial softwood plantations. We will also apply similarly new but complementary and compatible technologies to assess photosynthesis, water use and respiration characteristics of a range of P. radiata genotypes of known growth potential. Our aim here is to develop new tools to help selection of high-yielding genotypes. The data collected will again be used to inform our development of a new growth model where the 'driver' of growth is respiration and where hydraulic architecture and soil water balance limits photosynthesis and water use. *** LP0219348 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr K Alford Dr DC Voaklander Dr KD Kelly Dr G Jones Title: Rural General Practitioners in Australia: Costs, Returns and Relative Work Value of Rural Compared with Urban Private General Practitioners 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3602 - POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Industry Partner(s): North East Victorian Division of General Practice Summary: Aims: * To conduct a rurally focused study of GPs in Australia, to address rural GPs' concerns about remuneration, and consumers' concerns about access to rural GPs. * To examine costs, prices, returns and work value differentials between rural and urban GPs. Significance: * The first systematic economic evaluation of rural GP remuneration and work value in Australia. * Reflection of the profession's geographical heterogeneity in policy recommendations. Expected outcomes: * Improved measurements of effects of geographcial location on costs, remuneration and relative work value of rural GPs. * Improved understanding of effects of differential rates of GP bulk-billing. *** LP0210017 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr L Aye Dr A Ooi Dr G Rosengarten Prof M Behnia Title: Thermal Storage for Built Environment 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2918 - INTERDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Fantech Pty Ltd Environmental Control Services Pty. Ltd Bassett Applied Research Summary: Thermal storage systems with Phase Chage Materials (PCM) can be ulilised to reduce the energy required to cool and heat buildings. The PCM used has a freezing point around 20C. Thus alowing cool summer night air to freeze the PCM overnight. During the day warmer outside air is cooled significantly as it melts the PCM. PCM systems can be retrofitted to existing systems to precool the outside air, and thus significantly reduce the energy required to cool a building. This project deals with design, simulation and optimisation of this kind of thermal storage system. A laboratory prototype system will also be built and tested. *** LP0218840 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr PL BHALLA A/Prof MB SINGH Title: Expression of value added product in wheat 2002: $120,416 2003: $94,008 2004: $94,008 Category: 3002 - CROP AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Access Genetics Pty Ltd Summary: Wheat is an important food crop due to nutritional value of its seeds. Advances in development of reliable methods for plant genetic transformation now make it possible to apply genetic engineering to the improvement of this important crop. In this linkage application, we aim to introduce a gene for a value added nutraceutical product in elite cultivars of wheat. The successful outcome of the proposed project will lead to the development of value added wheat varieties that cannot be achieved through conventional breeding and will provide Australian industry competitive advantage in rapidly growing world wide market for new health promoting foods. *** LP0215949 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr JI Borland Mr AD Harding Title: Job vacancies in Australia 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): ANZ Summary: The objective of this project is to improve understanding of available measures of job vacancies in the Australian economy, and how those measures can be applied to study the operation of the labour market and in forecasting macroeconomic outcomes. It will increase knowledge about the appropriate use of alternative measures of vacancies, and how those measures have been affected by changes to methods of job search and hiring with the advent of the internet and labour hire agencies. The significance of the project derives from the important role of measures of vacancies in labour market and macroeconomic analysis in Australia. *** LP0211919 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr G Bossinger Dr SG Southerton Dr GF Moran Dr Q Wang Dr MA Leitch Title: Identification of genes controlling wood fibre properties in Eucalyptus nitens 2002: $60,090 2003: $54,081 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $54,081 2 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): Sappi Forests Research Summary: Australian forestry is shifting to high intensity eucalypt plantations and increasingly focussing on development of breeds and clones with superior wood and pulp traits. Many of these traits are under moderate to strong genetic control and DNA markers have helped identify regions on eucalypt chromosomes that influence these traits. This project aims to identify the genes at these chromosomal locations that influence wood fibre development and which have a strong influence on major commercial traits. The project will increase our understanding of wood and fibre development in eucalypts, and facilitate development of genetic markers to track superior genes during breeding. *** LP0211045 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr PA Collier Dr FJ Leahy Prof IP Williamson Mr BA Murphy Title: Defining and developing a marine cadastre for Australia 2002: $92,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $92,000 2 Category: 2910 - GEOMATIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): AUSLIG Department of Natural Resources Land Victoria Summary: Australia's ocean territories cover an area 1.5 times larger than the nation's land mass. Systems for the management and administration of land in a spatial context have been developed over many years but no such system exists for the nation's oceans. A marine cadastre aims at providing a comprehensive spatial data infrastructure and spatial analysis tools for the assessment, administration and management of rights, restrictions and responsibilities in the marine environment. The objective of this project is to investigate the issues and define the problems associated with the development of a marine cadastre, thereby providing the foundation for future research. *** LP0211396 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr DE Dunstan Mr MK McNamara Title: Characterisation and Stability of ISCOM Vaccines 2002: $75,162 2003: $65,102 2004: $65,102 Category: 3202 - IMMUNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): CSL Limited Summary: ISCOMS® are particles comprising saponin, cholesterol and phospholipids which when mixed with proteins form potent vaccines. When proteins are associated with ISCOMs® a variety of different sized particles with various surface chemistries can be formed. This project aims to understand the physico-chemical mechanisms governing ISCOM® formation. This understanding will allow development of methods for controlling the size, characteristics and long-term stability of these particles. In addition the size and surface chemistry of the particles will be correlated with their effectiveness as vaccines. Both these outcomes will support the ongoing commercial development of ISCOM®-based vaccines at CSL. *** LP0211046 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr MA Elgar A/Prof C Briggs A/Prof DL Ranson Title: Forensic entomology and time of death estimation in Victoria 2002: $60,669 2003: $44,285 2004: $44,285 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Summary: Assessing time of death is a notoriously difficult, yet critical component of homicide investigations. Forensic entomology can provide reliable death time estimates using detailed knowledge of the ecology and life-history characteristics of local carrion insect species. However, these data are largely unavailable for Victoria and elsewhere on the eastern Australian seaboard. This project will measure growth rates of carrion insect larvae, investigate carrion insect ecology in different habitats, and describe the larval morphology of key species. We will also investigate the efficacy of a new method for estimating time of death using corpse chemistry. *** LP0211929 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne A/Prof RB Grayson Prof JD Kalma Dr JP Walker Dr M Abuzar Dr DM Whitfield Mr A McAllister Dr R Maskey Title: Use of remote sensing actual evapotranspiration estimates and water delivery data for assessing water use efficiency in an irrigated landscape 2002: $70,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $49,000 2004: $29,000 1 Category: 3001 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Sheparton Irrigation Region Implementation Committee Summary: Improving management of water in irrigated agriculture will lead to increased sustainability, decreased environmental impacts and increased profitability. Quantifying water use efficiency for an irrigation district is a vital part of improving water management. This project aims to develop new methods for quantifying water use efficiency by combining actual evapotranspiration estimates with water delivery information at the farm scale for an entire irrigation district. Remote sensing techniques will be utilized to map actual evapotranspiration and water meter data will be combined with cadastral and channel network data to map water delivery. *** LP0219749 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr SK Halgamuge Title: Intelligently Activated Sensor Clusters for E-Commerce Applications 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Ajax Technology Centre Summary: This project will investigate intelligent management of large sensor clusters installed in mechanical structures for use in Electronic Commerce applications. Finding algorithms for optimised placement of remotely controlled power supply and the communication unit in each sensor cluster is the first aim. Development of a sensor management algorithm that process user inputs submitted through the Internet and that exploits past sensor data is the second aim. Since there is no such system available in the market, the project will have strong impacts in E-Commerce applications and bridge instrumentation systems useful to a wider community also advancing the research in clustering and expert systems. *** LP0214174 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Prof AC Jackson Dr L Joubert Dr GN Meadows Dr DA Barton Title: The Evaluation of Stuctures and Processes for Effective Client, Carer and Community Outcomes: A Model for Rural Mental Health Services 2002: $31,000 2003: $31,000 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): South West Healthcare Summary: The South West Healthcare Area Mental Health Service ( Warnambool) has demonstrated according to key performance indicators, an effective system of service delivery. This evaluative research project seeks to identify key components within the organisational structures and processes of a rural mental health service that contribute to these effective outcomes for clients. The research process will test these key components against other rural and urban mental health services in Victoria and will result in the development of a model for rural mental health service delivery of both local and national significance. *** LP0211152 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne A/Prof MJ Keough Mr A Longmore Title: Building effects of marine pests into nutrient management strategies 2002: $79,000 2003: $71,000 2004: $71,000 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Department of Natural Resources and Environment Summary: The input of nutrients has long been a key management focus for coastal waters, and the organisms living in soft sediments play a very important role in the removal of nutrients from these waters, thereby reducing the risk of environmental degradation. In recent years, marine pests have emerged as a major threat, with the potential to alter the abundances of a wide range of native organisms. Nutrients and pests have largely been treated as independent threats, but pests could interfere with denitrification processes. We will test whether this occurs, and provide key information for managers devising nutrient management strategies. *** LP0211472 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Prof ML Langton Prof Dr L Behrendt Ms M Tehan Ms L Palmer Title: Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements with Indigenous Peoples in Settler States: their role and relevance for Indigenous and other Australians 2002: $111,817 2003: $95,866 2004: $95,258 APDI - Ms L Palmer APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3901 - LAW Industry Partner(s): Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Commission Summary: The project aims to examine treaty and agreement making with Indigenous Australians, including legal history and foundations, and the nature of the legal rights encompassed by agreements and treaties. It would include an audit of the current state of agreements with Indigenous parties, their purposes, status and outcomes; and would include international comparative research on treaty and agreement making. Outcomes would include a database on treaties and agreements in Australia and overseas and publication of collected papers and would contribute to the efforts by Indigenous organisations to secure political and economic rights through agreements with governments, industry and the community. *** LP0211174 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Prof TL McCormack Title: Australia's Post World War II War Crimes Trials of Japanese Defendants 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3901 - LAW Industry Partner(s): Australian War Memorial Summary: Contemporary war crimes trials regularly refer to historical precedent - particularly post-WWII war crimes trials. One virtually unknown group of trials were those conducted by Australian Military Tribunals - the primary sources for which are readily available (Australian War Memorial and National Archives) but under-studied. Australian Tribunals sat in judgment over 814 Japanese Defendants in 296 separate trials and yet there has never been a systematic study of this chapter of Australian Legal and Military History. This project is intended to provide the first study of the trials and will also "unlock" the under-utilised but vast documentary resource for future researchers. *** LP0211991 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Prof SE McKechnie Mr RM Grove Dr CJ Stevens Dr S Malloch Mr D Price Title: Conceiving Connections: Increasing industry viability through analysis of audience responses to dance performance. 2002: $148,927 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $140,259 2004: $142,841 2 Category: 4101 - PERFORMING ARTS Industry Partner(s): Australian Dance Council - Ausdance Inc Australia Council The Choreographic Centre Summary: The development of audiences is identified by the Australian dance industry as vital to the future of the sector. The current project will investigate how audiences respond to highly evolved danceworks. It will explore the kinds of meaning communicated by such works, and the value assigned to them by tutored and untutored audiences. Methods for enhancing audience engagement will be tested through studies in both metropolitan and regional centres. Dance-scholars, artists and cognitive psychologists collaborate with three industry partners to identify and address significant concerns for artists, presenters, advocates and funding bodies, and to train postgraduate reserachers in inter-disciplinary modes. *** LP0216268 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr PA Mendis Title: Seismic performance of concrete beam-slab-column systems constructed with a reuseable sheet metal formwork system 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Decoin Pty Ltd Summary: When designing for earthquake induced loading it is very important to know the ductility and any other inherent deficiencies in structural systems under lateral deflections. The main purpose of this application is to investigate the seismic performance of an efficient beam-slab-column system constructed with a re-useable sheet metal formwork system, Corcon, which is becoming popular in Australia and overseas. The proposed research will ultimately lead to revised design guidelines for these systems, suitable for local and overseas practice where different levels of seismicity occur. *** LP0211848 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne A/Prof AM O'Brien A/Prof CM Alder Ms KJ Donelan The Hon BS Barrow Ms M Katsonis Mr MA Watt Title: A cross-disciplinary investigation of creative arts as intervention activity for young people at risk in urban and rural Victoria 2002: $114,809 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $129,255 2004: $153,751 1 Category: 4199 - OTHER ARTS Industry Partner(s): Melbourne Magistrates' Court Arts Victoria Whitelion VicHealth Department of Human Services Broadmeadows Magistrates Court Department of Justice Visy Cares Centre Youth Junction Inc Bendigo Youth Resource Centre Summary: The research project will investigate whether the involvement of "at risk" teenagers in creative arts activities can act as effective diversions from harmful risk taking behaviour. The project will set up, document and analyse creative arts projects in three urban and rural Victorian localities where there is a high proportion of marginalised youth. This research will explore how involvement in creative expression results in increased self-esteem, an improved sense of goal setting and achievement together with community commitment. It will provide justice and social agencies with a model for effective youth program planning which will facilitate re-education and work opportunities *** LP0211545 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr LJ Parry Prof RJ Summers Dr CS Samuel Prof GW Tregear Dr EN Unemori Title: Relaxin action in the heart, kidney, lung and uterus: understanding fibrosis 2002: $155,327 2003: $124,926 2004: $125,026 APDI - Dr CS Samuel Category: 2706 - PHYSIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Connetics Corporation Summary: Relaxin is a peptide hormone associated with pregnancy. We have recently generated a relaxin gene knockout mouse and exciting preliminary data show that without relaxin, non-pregnant mice develop signs of fibrosis in the heart, lung and uterus. Combining our expertise in molecular biology, pharmacology and physiology, the overall objective of this project is to investigate the functions and mechanisms of relaxin action in these organs. Our findings will provide important basic information on relaxin physiology and enable us to implement a long-term partnership with Connetics to understand how relaxin regulates collagen production and/or the development of fibrosis. *** LP0211604 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr JY Scheerlinck Dr EN Meeusen Title: Application of DNA vaccination to the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in livestock 2002: $137,145 2003: $128,600 2004: $128,600 Category: 3005 - VETERINARY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Novartis Summary: Gastrointestinal nematode parasites inflict great losses in sheep and cattle and reliance on anthelmintic drugs for their control is problematic. Vaccination would provide a better alternative but has been difficult to achieve. This proposal aims to apply novel DNA vaccination strategies to the development of parasite vaccines through optimisation of DNA delivery, development of new vaccination vectors and modulation of immune responses by co-delivery of cytokine genes. The results of these studies will not only add a new approach to vaccine development against gastrointestinal parasites but will also contribute to our knowledge of DNA vaccination in large animals. *** LP0212072 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr CH SCHIESSER Prof KP GHIGGINO Dr PJ BARKER Title: Performance Chemistry of Thermoset Surface Coatings 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2599 - OTHER CHEMICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): BHP Innovation Pty Ltd Summary: Surface coatings employed in the COLORBOND® range of pre-painted steel products are remarkable materials that are warranted against fading, peeling and cracking for 25 years. Unfortunately, the desired durability can never be uniform across all applications and performance failures do occur and are costly. Classic durability testing often provides misleading information. This project aims to develop a sound mechanistic model for polyester-isocyanate performance chemistry and to develop strategies for 'superdurable polyester' formulations based on these findings. This research will provide recommendations to BHP Coated Steel Australia on adoption of isocyanate based technology in the COLORBOND® range of products. *** LP0211015 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Ms R Sloggett Prof GI Opat Dr A Roberts Title: The Behaviour of Western Artists' Materials in Tropical Environments 2002: $25,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $23,845 2004: $24,045 1 Category: 4003 - CURATORIAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): National Heritage Board Balai Seni Lukis Negara Australia Centre Australian Embassy, Bangkok National Gallery of Victoria Summary: This project is a study of the behaviour of western artists materials in tropical climates through the visual examination and scientific analysis of both simulated and aged paintings from four museums in Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. This will form new methodologies and guidelines for the preventive care, transportation, storage and conservation treatment of western artists materials in hot, humid climates. The success of this project will have profound implications on the analytical techniques available for conservation research. *** LP0218847 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne A/Prof RA Strugnell Dr BS Crabb Ms T Hinton Dr JC Ruby Title: The molecular pathogenesis of Equine rhinitis A virus, a major respiratory pathogen of horses 2002: $70,184 2003: $71,781 2004: $71,967 APDI - Ms T Hinton Category: 2703 - MICROBIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): CSL Animal Health Summary: The equine industry in Australia is worth $15 billion a year. Equine respiratory disease costs Victoria, alone, $5-10 million per year. Equine rhinitis A virus is a major cause of acute febrile respiratory disease in horses. This project aims to develop an infectious clone to study the pathogenesis of the disease, and subunit antigens for use as vaccines. These reagents will increase our understanding of the pathogenesis of ERAV and will lead to experimental vaccines which will be tested in horses. *** LP0211993 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr AC Sutton Dr SP James Dr I Dussuyer Title: Assessment and Redevelopment of the Community Safety Officer Role in Victoria and Associated Retraining 2002: $56,663 2003: $73,529 2004: $30,092 Category: 3904 - LAW ENFORCEMENT Industry Partner(s): Department of Justice Crime Prevention Victoria Summary: A 30-month action-research project spearheaded by the Department of Criminology, to reassess and redirect the Justice Department's "Safer Communities" strategy. This sophisticated strategy has experienced extensive program drift, and key objectives and outcomes must be redefined. Research aims include: assessing the roles of the State's thirty-two Community Safety Officers; reviewing and revising job descriptions, activity profiles, skill requirements and supervisory structures; and retraining relevant personnel. Outcomes will be independently assessed. Crime prevention and safety strategies are being implemented in most Western countries, and similar problems are being experienced. Hence the project is of national and international significance. *** LP0211899 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Prof JS Van Deventer Title: Modified activated carbons for recovery of gold from thiosulphate solutions 2002: $68,000 2003: $61,000 Category: 2907 - RESOURCES ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Placer Dome Asia Pacific Limited Summary: Thiosulphate is currently being considered by various international mining companies as an environmentally friendly alternative to cyanide for gold extraction. Although little is available in the open literature, most confidential research on recovery from thiosulphate leach slurries has focused on ion-exchange technology. Activated carbon as a more practical sorbent has been ignored completely owing to the general perception that it has a very low affinity for gold thiosulphate. On the basis of promising preliminary work, the aim of this project is to develop physically and chemically modified activated carbons with a high affinity for the sterically large gold thiosulphate complex. This project will aim to prove the hypothesis that the graphitic edges of an active carbon should be maximised and the organic active sites minimised for optimal adsorption. *** LP0211474 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr AJ Vingrys Title: Developing tests for the early detection of eye disease. 2002: $92,272 2003: $57,943 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $57,943 1 Category: 3210 - CLINICAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Medmont Pty Ltd Summary: Australians have a tradition of innovative design in perimetry. A good example being the Frequency Doubling Technology produced from work performed at the Australian National University. This technology, however, is manufactured by an overseas company (Welch Allyn, NY, USA). The Medmont company is a local perimeter manufacturer and we hope to improve their product with innovative design to yield a distinct marketing advantage. We will consider the fundamental issues underlying cone-interactions and methods that stress retinal function. We believe that this approach will have advantages over conventional techniques and prove more sensitive for the early detection of eye disease. However, this is a high risk venture requiring substantial developmental cost and technical commitment by the company. Successful innovation will enhance the company's international penetration, continue the trend for Australians to be seen as leaders in this field and have impact on eye care. *** LP0214178 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr ID Walker Mr E Uren Dr J Kanellos Title: Development of an ultrasensitive assay for human prion proteins 2002: $77,590 2003: $69,831 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $69,831 2 Category: 2504 - ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Industry Partner(s): CSL Limited Summary: The aim of this work is to enable the detection of prion proteins in human blood and other tissues. The assay system to be developed will detect much lower levels of these disease-causing proteins than is possible at present; it will be more rapid and will measure prion protein levels more accurately than existing assays. The outcome of the work is expected to facilitate the production and certification of prion-free blood and blood products. Prions cause Bovine Spongiform Encaphalopathy and Creutzfeld Jacob Disease and attempts to control of these diseases would be greatly abetted by an optimal test for the disease-causing agent. *** LP0219312 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr MJ Wallace Dr SW Gallagher Title: Seismic velocity problems associated with Cretaceous-Tertiary carbonate sediments that overlie oil and gas fields of the North West Shelf 2002: $70,000 2003: $60,000 Category: 2601 - GEOLOGY 2004: $60,000 Industry Partner(s): Woodside Petroleum Limited Apache Energy Santos Ltd Wiltshire Geological Services Summary: The major aim of this collaborative study between Partner Oil Companies and The University of Melbourne is to understand seismic velocity problems associated with tropical carbonate sediments on Australias? North West Shelf. These problems can hinder the hydrocarbon exploration efforts below these carbonates. The project is a multi faceted study and will involve integration of seismic stratigraphy with sedimentological, micropaleontological, and geophysical data. The methods outlined below would underpin any seismic depth migration applications, thereby assisting with the delineation of new gas and oil fields, and help with the estimation of reserves in existing fields. *** LP0234684 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Prof RE White Dr PD Fisher Title: The dynamics of organic matter turnover in soils to improve the productivity of Australia's agricultural industries 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3001 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Irrigated Cropping Forum Summary: Two recent national reports on the soils issues facing Australian agriculture (Reeves et al, 1997; CSIRO, 2000) concluded that soil structural degradation remains, after salinisation, our major threat to the sustainability of agricultural production. This research will provide fundamental understanding of how the dynamics of organic matter turnover benefit aggregate formation and stability. This will advance the understanding of organic matter from simply considering the quantity of carbon present, to one of predicting the short- and long-term benefits to soil structure. This approach is innovative in the study of soil health, and has the potential to greatly advance the development of conservation farming systems. *** LP0211170 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr KJ Williams A/Prof ID Bishop A/Prof JW Cary Dr TJ Webb Dr MJ Brown Mr JE Hickey Title: Acceptability of Forest Harvesting Systems 2002: $40,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $40,000 2004: $30,000 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Forestry Tasmania Bureau of Rural Sciences Summary: Fierce public debate over forest management has prompted forest agencies to develop and test alternative harvesting systems. This project will examine community response to these harvesting and regeneration options. It will avoid the biases of existing research by developing an interactive simulation of the forest environment that will allow participants to view visual, ecological and economic outcomes of harvest options, as well as changes over time as forest regenerates. Public judgements of the acceptability of harvesting options will be integrated with the outcomes of related biophysical studies to identify socially and ecologically sustainable management options for Australian native forests. *** LP0211491 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne A/Prof CJ Wilson Title: The Golden Gift gold mineralisation, Stawell, Victoria 2002: $113,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $113,000 2004: $113,000 1 Category: 2601 - GEOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Stawell Gold Mines Pty Ltd Summary: The structure and the nature of the fluid flow that produced the mineralisation in the newly discovered Golden Gift orebody at Stawell, Victoria, will be investigated. This project will provide reasons for the distribution of the gold lodes, the distribution of major quartz vein arrays and associated fractures. Using both the existing and new geologic data and numerical models it should be possible to establish the primary setting for the Stawell goldfield. The models will be applicable not only to the Golden Gift orebody but will provide insights into the importance of these processes in controlling the localisation of gold mineralisation in other terranes. *** LP0211407 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr JL Wilson Dr EF Gad Mr AJ Moore Title: Response of residential structures to blast vibration 2002: $72,000 2003: $74,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $68,000 2 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Terrock Pty Ltd Summary: This proposed project combines the expertise and disciplines of residential construction, structural dynamics and blasting technology. The ultimate aim of the project is to develop a rational methodology for assessing the damage potential of ground vibration resulting from blasting on typical Australian residential structures. The project involves field blast vibration measurements, static and dynamic laboratory tests on structural sub-assemblages in a controlled environment, and comprehensive analytical modelling of both loading and response. The outcomes from this research will have direct application to the mining, insurance, construction and defence industries. *** LP0211686 Administering Organisation: The University of Melbourne Dr WR Wobcke Dr RB Johnston Dr R Ronnquist Prof EA Sonenberg Title: Agent-Based Frameworks for Coordinated Activities in E-Business: Supply Chain Management and Workflow Applications 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $22,545 2 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Agent Oriented Software Summary: As e-commerce over the Internet expands, the level of integration of businesses and consumers will increase, necessitating innovative approaches to decision-support and information management to facilitate within-business, business-to-consumer and business-to-business transactions. In conjunction with a local designer of business solutions, Agent Oriented Software Pty. Ltd., this project aims to build agent-based frameworks for the support of selected within-business and business-to-business activities in supply chain management, implement an agent-based workflow system based around document management, and provide research training in this key area of technology through joint university-industry supervision of two research students. This will enhance Australia's competitiveness in the provision of leading edge technologies to support e-commerce. *** University of Ballarat LP0234316 Administering Organisation: University of Ballarat A/Prof R Green Prof JC Richards Title: Too close for comfort? Adoption and management of professional and personal roles in rural welfare practice. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): Wimmera Uniting Care Grampians Community Health Centre Child & Family Services Ballarat Incorporated Ballarat Health Services Summary: Stressors such as maintaining role boundaries, dual and multiple relationships, professional practice, personal and family safety exist for rural welfare professionals who live and work in the same communities. Rural social welfare practice presents dilemmas due to potential conflicts between personal and work roles. The study examines individual attributes for coping and resilience, and contextual issues. Implications for employing agencies, and educational and training institutions regarding recruiting, retention and training welfare professionals, as well as management of occupational health and safety concerns will be highlighted. The study will provide recommendations for employing agencies, professional associations, and educational institutions. *** LP0233460 Administering Organisation: University of Ballarat A/Prof ME Westbrooke Title: A new hypothesis for the development of hollows in Box-Ironbark forest 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Forests Service, Dept. of Natural Resources & Environment Summary: Timber harvesting in Box-Ironbark forest over the past 150 years has significantly affected the habitat of hollow dependent fauna. Current management aims at speeding the growth of trees to accelerate hollow formation. Recent studies suggest that hollows form in trees of the Box-Ironbark forest following basal stem damage by fire or windstorm, rather than from branch damage as previously assumed. This hypothesis will be tested in relation to wildfires in 1985, 1991 and 1993 and by experimental simulation of these events. The results of this research are likely to have major implications for the management of Box- Ironbark forests. *** LP0235347 Administering Organisation: University of Ballarat Prof ME Westbrooke Title: The impact of high kangaroo populations on regeneration of arid woodland tree species. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3009 - LAND, PARKS AND AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Parks Victoria Summary: Remnant arid woodland in south-eastern Australia is threatened by regeneration failure resulting from high grazing pressure from sheep, rabbits and kangaroos. Elimination of sheep grazing, reduction in rabbit populations as a result of RCD and a decision to cull kangaroos has provided an unprecedented opportunity to ascertain the impact of kangaroos on regeneration, in particular the degree to which kangaroos put a selective pressure on seedlings of overstorey species. Research proposed in association with Parks Victoria, will make a major contribution to understanding of the need for active management of remnant woodlands and assist in the preservation of significant communities. *** Victoria University of Technology LP0231059 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology A/Prof D Bruck Title: Reducing fire deaths - a new approach to smoke alarms 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Onesteel Manufacturing Pty Limited Summary: Disturbingly, those most at risk of dying in residential fires are also least likely to awaken to the current smoke alarm signal, now mandatory in Australian residences. This project will develop a new alarm (using Gibsonian, naturalistic sounds and/or a voice signal) and compare its waking efficacy with the current smoke alarm. Testing will involve three vulnerable groups; sleep deprived young adults, children and alcohol intoxicated. The research is innovative with important implications for community public safety, the national and international smoke alarm industry, performance based models of building safety and our theoretical understanding of cognitive processing during sleep. *** LP0229117 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology Dr D Charman Dr AT Fisher Prof I Prilleltensky Prof B McAvoy Ms M Field Title: Research and action in medical practitioner wellbeing: Testing a conceptual model 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Central Highlands Division of General Practice Summary: Being a medical practitioner in general practice is a hazard to wellbeing. However, not all practitioners succumb. Factors that promote resilience as well as vulnerability have been identified and developed as a conceptual model. This research aims, firstly, to enhance this model by consulting directly with general practitioners. Secondly, this enhanced model will be evaluated on stratified samples within two socio-economic regions and a rural area in Victoria. Thirdly, its heuristic value will be assessed by evaluating an intervention program based on the model. The outcome will help to enhance wellbeing and retain medical practitioners in under-resourced primary care settings. *** LP0227365 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology A/Prof S Dean Dr CM Leung Mr V Coull Title: Challenging Disadvantage: The Social Outcomes of an Early Educational Intervention with the Family 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 3801 - PSYCHOLOGY 2004: $22,545 Industry Partner(s): Glastonbury Child and Family Services Summary: Theory and observation indicate the importance of early parent-child interactions in determining the well-being of individuals in society. However, rigorous research is needed to explore whether early intervention in family life can enhance such development, particularly the proposed capacity of changed parenting roles and family interactions to interrupt the trans-generational perpetuation of socio-economic disadvantage. This project investigates the usefulness of an early intervention program new to Australia, the Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY). It examines the processes of HIPPY and possible consequent mediating effects of family relationships on child development outcomes, in a disadvantaged Australian-born community in Geelong. *** LP0219578 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology Dr MA Deery A/Prof LK Jago Prof BE King Title: Managing the Volunteer Workforce: Flexible Structures and Strategies to Integrate Volunteers and Paid Workers. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Melbourne Museum National Museum of Australia Summary: Volunteers now play a vital role in many service-oriented organisations. This project proposes an innovative framework to assist organisations to develop flexible and appropriate structures and strategies for the management of volunteer and paid workforces. The approach draws upon Atkinson's (1984) "Flexible Firm" concept. A flexibility model is applied to the relationship between volunteers and the broader workforce. The project aims (a) to understand, conceptualise and evaluate the roles, functions and structure of volunteer groups within paid workforces; (b) to investigate how positive relationships, training, effective communication and flexibility can enhance the contribution of volunteers in the workforce and (c) to propose mechanisms which can improve the deployment of human capital within larger service-oriented organisations such as the National Museum of Australia and Museum of Victoria. *** LP0219696 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology Prof RD Francis Dr A Armstrong Dr I Dussuyer Mr M Bourne Title: Evaluating the community governance of crime prevention and community safety. 2002: $68,000 2003: $59,000 2004: $59,000 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Victorian Department of Justice Summary: In partnership with the Victorian Department of Justice this research aims to evaluate the Safer Cities and Shires program using both in-depth data analysis and focus groups. It questions the theoretical assumptions underlying the program; identifies effective and cost-effective community governance structures and factors that enhance or inhibit a community's capacity to participate in and respond to community safety initiatives; and evaluates the impact of the program on the incidence of crime and perceptions of safety and security. The outcomes will advance knowledge in community psychology and inform future policy and allocation of resources to community based crime prevention programs. *** LP0228546 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology Prof M Kostanski Ms D Cadilhac Title: Coping in the face of life adversity. A model of resilience for stroke survivors. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 1 Category: 3212 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Industry Partner(s): National Stroke Foundation Pfizer Pty Limited Summary: Little is known about the resilience processes of adults, particularly following severe and chronic illnesses. The purpose of this study is to address this lack in knowledge by testing a model of resilience following stroke. Outcomes will be used to develop educative and preventative programs for adults and also to assist a higher percentage of stroke survivors to adapt better to their changed lives. *** LP0210398 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology Dr IM O'Brien Dr A McGrath Ms M Shapley Mr H Dellal Title: Aliens and Others: Representing citizenship and internments in Australia during WW2. 2002: $53,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $47,006 2004: $47,525 1 Category: 4301 - HISTORICAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): National Archives of Australia Australian Multicultural Foundation National Museum of Australia Summary: This project will consider an episode in Australia's wartime history, the classification and internment of aliens in Australia during WW2, and analyse its different representations in historical discourse and personal and collective memory. In partnership with the National Museum of Australia and the National Archives of Australia, an on-line interactive exhibition and an archive incorporating written, spoken and visual memory will be developed, a public conference presented and scholarly articles written. These outcomes will be a dynamic multi-layered analysis of the changing interactions between history, personal and social memory. *** LP0228987 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology Prof I Prilleltensky Title: Promoting Well-Being in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Groups: Towards Evidence-Based Practice 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3702 - SOCIAL WORK Industry Partner(s): Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service Inc. Summary: In order to serve families from diverse communities properly, we require models of well-being that reflect the unique circumstances of their lives and culture. At present, the helping professions lack models of well-being that are sensitive to cultural diversity. Therefore, the study will develop models of well-being that are unique to four different cultural groups: Anglo-Australians, Vietnamese, Maltese and Italians. We will compare community members' conceptions of well-being with those of the professionals helping them. The research will produce theory regarding cross-cultural well-being and will inform practice as well. *** LP0214957 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology Prof PJ Sheehan Dr S Islam Prof AJ Phillimore Prof M Munasinghe Title: Climate Change, Industrial Structure and the Knowledge Economy: Key Issues for an Effective Response on Greenhouse Gases 2002: $69,000 2003: $60,000 2004: $60,000 Category: 3402 - APPLIED ECONOMICS Industry Partner(s): Department of Industry Science and Resources Business Council of Australia Australian Greenhouse Office Summary: The objectives of this project are to undertake a major, long term study of the impact of global structural change on greenhouse gas emissions and on climate change, and to develop a detailed knowledge base concerning trade in embodied emissions. It is hoped that the knowledge generated will both inform global responses to this vital problem and contribute to the continuing development of effective responses within Australia. The output - a book and many papers - will be directed in part to contribute to the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report. *** LP0228917 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology Dr A Tam Dr R Gallagher Title: Structured natural language descriptions for semantic content retrieval of visual data 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2801 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS Industry Partner(s): Lonely Planet Publications Summary: The richness of visual data complicates the task of indexing their content for database retrieval. Retrieval based on semantic content is more natural than retrieval based on textures or colours but the most common approach - keyword search - lacks precision, while a newer approach - automatic parsing of free-text descriptions - lacks accuracy. We propose a system of metadata and content descriptions, where content descriptions must be phrases composed of basic grammatical terms. Description components may be elements from external resources such as thesauri and databases, providing a rich superstructure for meaningful retrieval of visual data by semantic content. *** LP0228785 Administering Organisation: Victoria University of Technology A/Prof YM Xie Title: Development of Topological Optimisation Techniques for the Conceptual Design of Multi-storey Buildings 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2908 - CIVIL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Felicetti Pty Ltd Summary: The building design process often begins with a case based preliminary design which derives its main parameters and features from a number of existing buildings of similar dimensions and functionality. This project aims to develop a design tool which incorporates two topological optimisation techniques in the conceptual design of multi-storey buildings. This design tool will enable inefficient materials to be automatically removed from the design, thus producing a structurally efficient building system. At the same time, the new topologies generated by these optimisation techniques can be used by the designer to create innovative forms and layouts for the building. *** Western Australia Curtin University of Technology LP0235289 Administering Organisation: Curtin University of Technology A/Prof EG Barrett-Lennard Title: Urban salinity in Kalgoorlie-Boulder: Causes, extent and treatment through revegetation - a pilot study for Australian rural towns 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Summary: The National Land and Water Resources Audit suggests that salinity will threaten 200 towns in Australia by 2050. The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has a salinity problem caused by shallow, saline groundwater. This project will: (a) document and map the extent and causes of salinity, (b) determine whether salinity can be controlled through improved surface drainage and revegetation, and (c) conduct adaptation trials of ornamental trees and shrubs for tolerance to salt, waterlogging and inundation. The work will be conducted in partnership with the City Council and local Urban Landcare Group. Outcomes will be disseminated through WA's Rural Towns Program, national conferences and scientific papers. *** LP0235349 Administering Organisation: Curtin University of Technology A/Prof EG Barrett-Lennard Dr IW Watson Title: Assessing long term change in rangeland health and building models for change, using historical photos and monitoring data 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Agriculture Western Australia Summary: Long-term photo sites and vegetation data will be used to make an assessment of change over the last few decades in the arid pastoral rangelands of Western Australia. The aims are to: make a judgement about whether the changes have been positive or negative (for particular value systems); make a case for causality; explore links between vegetation data and soil surface, biodiversity and remotely-sensed data; and contribute to the building of models of expected change. Outcomes will include the meeting of national and international conventions and strategies, and an increased ability of the pastoral industry to access international markets. *** LP0219704 Administering Organisation: Curtin University of Technology A/Prof GJ Giddings Dr GB Dellar Dr RF Cavanagh Ms P Moss Mr K Newton Title: Building professional learning communities in a large Australian school district: School leadership within an information and communications technology (ICT) environment 2002: $71,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $60,000 2004: $60,000 1 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Education Department of WA Summary: Recent school restructuring in Australia has centred on devolution and the development of selfmanaging schools. In another layer of workplace complexity for school leaders, the past decade of educational restructuring has also been characterised by increased implementation and reliance upon ICT within the educational system, schools and classrooms. Through a unique collaboration between a University and an entire School District as an industry partner, this study examines leadership attributes in an ICT rich environment. The study will provide information about how to maximize leadership skills in ICT-rich environments by developing an empirically-based innovative professional development model for Australian schools. *** LP0219752 Administering Organisation: Curtin University of Technology Dr GI Metternicht Prof MJ McGregor Mr G Beeston Title: Collaborative planning support tools for optimising farming systems (CPSTOF) 2002: $62,000 2003: $55,000 2004: $55,000 Category: 2910 - GEOMATIC ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Agriculture WA SpecTerra Services Pty Ltd Summary: What you know about what you can grow is becoming a key issue in farm management. Better guidance on alternative land cropping systems that can be grown to optimise farm productivity is needed. Micro-level land classes maps have been identified hby AgWA, farmers and regional development and community groups as an urgent need to enable them to design resilient and diversified farming systems. To this end, we propose integrating high resolution digital multispectral images, GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis techniques to help farmers use input appropriate to the productive capacity of their paddocks and to elaborate sound farm planning based on the potential of the land for specific land uses. *** LP0219750 Administering Organisation: Curtin University of Technology Dr B Oliver Dr PB Bertola Mr B Bunt Ms M Lindgren Title: A multi-media history of the Westrail Workshops at Midland 2002: $64,390 2003: $83,085 2004: $61,285 Category: 4301 - HISTORICAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Midland Redevelopment Authority City of Swan Australian Manufacturing Worker Union Australian Services Union Aust Rail, Tram & Bus Industry Union CEPU Unions WA Western Australian Museum J S Battye Library Australian Society for the Study of Labour History Summary: The project will produce histories in two formats, a book and a CD-ROM featuring a virtual walkthrough of the Workshops. These outcomes will reflect a variety of views and concepts of the Workshops and the community, gathered from the interviews, photographs, documentary and ephemeral material of past employees of the Workshops (collected from 1998-2001). This material will have a wide range of applications including scholarly research, educational material, and public information and will assist in the interpretation and re-development of the Workshops site. The project will be a significant and innovative approach to history writing. *** LP0219720 Administering Organisation: Curtin University of Technology Dr A Witcomb Ms J Sassoon Title: Place, taste and tradition: A history of ideas about heritage in Western Australia as a foundation for change. 2002: $61,184 2003: $62,967 2004: $62,967 APDI - Ms J Sassoon Category: 4301 - HISTORICAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): National Trust of Australia (WA) Summary: This project aims to provide an agenda for change in heritage practice and legislation in Western Australia. It will do this through exploring a history of ideas about heritage and the built environment to trace a genealogy of a growing awareness of heritage in a variety of forms in Western Australia, and the more recent history of the heritage movement through the National Trust in Western Australia. This project will provide historical understanding to current practice, an agenda for legislative and practical change within the heritage arena, a history of the National Trust of Western Australia and several scholarly articles. *** Edith Cowan University LP0219583 Administering Organisation: Edith Cowan University Mr LG Barratt-Pugh Dr P Standen Mr J Pollaers Title: Extending Leadership and Learning: Improving the effectiveness of new learning technology for culture change and improved regional business performance. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3502 - BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Industry Partner(s): Bank of Western Australia Summary: This research project explores the complex relationships between new technology and learning, and the subsequent impact on organisational change and business effectiveness. The study will examine the use of video-conferencing and on-line training packages in the regional locations of a major bank, in order to determine more effective configurations of learning architecture that support organisational culture change and impact on business performance. The organisation has a strategic commitment to cultural change towards leadership and learning. This research intends to examine how new learning technologies can more effectively impact on achieving such cultural change and improved regional equity. *** LP0210214 Administering Organisation: Edith Cowan University Prof AW Black Dr JD Duff Dr A Larsen Ms MT Macnish Title: Country practices: an analysis of factors affecting the wellbeing of general practitioners and their families in rural and remote WA. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Great Southern Division of General Practice Ltd Summary: This project will analyse relationships between (1) the shortage of general practitioners in rural and remote Western Australia and (2) the wellbeing of practitioners and their families. The study will use an appropriate sociological framework, together with data drawn primarily from participant observation and intensive interviewing. It will deepen our understanding of problems in attracting and retaining general practitioners to work in rural and remote communities, and of ways in which these problems might be addressed. Innovative aspects of the study include the use of ethnographic research methods and the inclusion of family members in the analysis. *** LP0211998 Administering Organisation: Edith Cowan University Dr P HORWITZ Dr S LUMLEY Dr S NIKOLETTI Dr M TONTS Prof D RAPPORT Mr J RUPRECHT Dr M STRAWBRIDGE Title: Indicators of ecosystem health in Western Australian recovery catchments 2002: $45,090 2003: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Water and Rivers Commission Summary: Dryland salinity and rural community decline in Australia are important and inter-related issues. Any ecosystem recovery actions proposed to address salinity should be examined for their potential to assist rural communities, rather than exacerbate their problems. The framework theories of ecosystem health and participatory research embrace these issues. A PhD student placed in each of two recovery catchments will use methodologies adapted for these approaches to develop indicators for the detection of trends in recovery or deterioration of ecosystem and community well-being. This will allow for adaptive changes to recovery actions, and for an analysis of causal relationships. *** Murdoch University LP0234169 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Dr P Arabzadeh-Bahri A/Prof RM Allen Title: Economic Operability Assessment of Leaching Process at Kwinana Nickel Refinery. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2906 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): WMC Resources Ltd Summary: Process operability is concerned with systematic analysis and improvement of process performance in the face of variable operating conditions. This project will develop a rigorous methodology for analysis of process operability with respect to short-term and transient disturbances. The proposed technique will be applied to the Kwinana Nickel Refinery Leach section, in order to reduce the plant variability and increase nickel throughput and plant availability. This can be considered as significant move by a process industry to embrace advanced theoretical developments and will act as a benchmark to promote future links between Australian industry and academia. *** LP0229011 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Prof CV Baldock A/Prof PM Harris Dr J Barratt Title: Creating Age Friendly Communities. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3701 - SOCIOLOGY Industry Partner(s): St Ives Murdoch Summary: The project aims to explore ways in which Australian communities can enhance the social belonging of their older citizens. The study addresses significant questions at the heart of age care: how to ensure that older people are able to remain active members of their communities, without feeling isolated as they age. The research will take place in an inner city community which is multi generational, economically and culturally diverse. The main expected outcome is the development of age friendly practices at community level. The project embodies concepts central to the mission of the Industry partner, St Ives Aged Care Services. *** LP0219585 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University A/Prof B Dell Ms S Collins Title: The Biology, Ecology, Pathology and Control of Mycosphaerella Leaf Blights in Australian Eucalypt Plantations. 2002: $69,000 2003: $62,000 2004: $62,000 Category: 3006 - FORESTRY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Integrated Tree Cropping Summary: Leaf spot diseases, caused by Mycosphaerella, have become widespread in over 150,000 ha of Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum) plantations in Western Australia, causing severe reduction in canopy area of young trees. This project will research the epidemiology of these diseases by studying the life cycles of the key pathogenic Mycosphaerella species identified in a previous project, modes and timing of spore dispersal, the infection process, and host specificity. The economic impact of leaf spot diseases will be assessed from large exclusion trials. A predictive integrated management package for Mycosphaerella foliar diseases will be formulated and evaluated to minimising disease impact. *** LP0219473 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Dr GE Hardy A/Prof B Dell Dr MC Calver Dr I Colquhoun Dr B Shearer Title: The Potential of the Fungicide Phosphite to Control the Autonomous Spread of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Natural and Rehabilitated Ecosystems. 2002: $124,032 2003: $80,258 2004: $80,258 Category: 2704 - BOTANY Industry Partner(s): Alcoa World Alumina Australia Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd Department of Conservation and Land Management Summary: Phytophthora cinnamomi is recognised by the Federal Government as a key threatening process to Australia?s biodiversity. This project will enhance the existing methodologies and protocols to improve the effectiveness and persistence of phosphite to reduce or contain the autonomous spread of this pathogen through susceptible and threatened plant communities. It will provide environmental, mining and land-care organisations with improved techniques to control P. cinnamomi in a range of plant communities and environments associated with mining and natural ecosystems. *** LP0227820 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Dr GE Hardy A/Prof JA McComb Dr IJ Colquhoun Title: Saprophytic Ability and Long-term Survival of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Rehabilitated Bauxite Mines and Adjacent Eucalyptus marginata (Jarrah) Forest. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2704 - BOTANY Industry Partner(s): Alcoa World Alumina Australia Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd Summary: The plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi is listed by the Commonwealth as a ?Key threatening process? to Australia?s biodiversity. This study will examine the physical, chemical and biological factors that influence long-term survival of P. cinnamomi in a range of jarrah forest and mine site soils, by examining saprophytic ability and endogenous dormancy. Managers will be provided with better tools for determining the presence and predicting the persistence of P. cinnamomi by obtaining information on the environmental factors that influence survival time in different soils and how to manipulate these to decrease the pathogen?s survival. *** LP0218993 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Prof RJ Hobbs Dr C Yates Title: Landscape Fragmentation and Rare Plant Species: Can We Develop a General Framework of Population Responses? 2002: $32,877 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $30,489 2004: $30,489 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Department of Conservation and Land Management Summary: The project aims to categorise threatened plant taxa on the basis of functional attributes, and choose taxa for detailed investigation on the basis of their distribution across the landscape and potential to deliver quantitative data. Models will then be developed for each functional group of how rates of pollination, seed production, genetic diversity and seed fitness are affected by population size and landscape context. Information from models for each functional group will then be extrapolated, where possible, to other taxa in that group to provide guidelines for flora conservation, including translocations, threatened ecological communities and restoration / revegetation programs. *** LP0219690 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Prof MG Jones Dr S Sharma Title: Hidden Enemies of Crop Plants: Developing Novel Methods to Identify Plant Parasitic Nematodes 2002: $68,000 2003: $70,000 Category: 3002 - CROP AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Agriculture Western Australia Summary: Plant parasitic nematodes are microscopic worms that invade roots of plants. Globally they cause annual crop losses of $2billion ($400million in Australia), making them the fourth most important plant pathogens worldwide. However, study of these pathogens has been neglected: there are few trained nematologists in Australia. There is thus a need to apply new technologies to identify nematode problems. In this project a novel approach, that of protein profiling using mass spectroscopy, will be used to develop rapid, cost effective methods to identify nematodes. This will allow advisers and growers to identify nematode problems and so to control them appropriately. *** LP0230977 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Prof A McHoul Dr M Broderick Ms C Griff Title: Is Australian Pay TV Meeting Its Promise? 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 4203 - CULTURAL STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Australian Film Commission Summary: This project aims to explore the emergence of Pay TV in Australia and its cultural and industrial outcomes. Its significance lies in comprehensively researching a new, expanding and evolving communications medium in Australia. The research will be both quantitative (TV ratings and market penetration analyses) and qualitative (audience focus groups). It is anticipated that the research outcomes will inform public policy-making regarding local content legislation for drama, documentary and children?s programming, leading to public recommendations and published findings. *** LP0231496 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Dr PA O'Brien Dr IJ Colquhoun Title: DNA Method for Detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Soil and Plant Material. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2704 - BOTANY Industry Partner(s): Alcoa World Alumina Australia Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd Summary: The need to impose strict quarantine procedures to prevent the spread of Jarrah Dieback disease hampers the activities of the mining, tourism, wildflower, nursery, and bee keeping industries. These procedures are time consuming and require a high degree of technical expertise. They result in false negatives facilitating the spread of the disease in asymptomatic material. This project will develop a DNA test for detection of the pathogen in soil and plant material to make detection easier, quicker, and specific. The outcomes will be a test for detection of the dieback pathogen and technology to detect pathogens in soil samples. *** LP0232431 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Dr PA O'Brien Dr RS Bower Title: Fungal Glucanase Genes for Engineering Disease Resistance in Plants. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Grain Biotech Australia Summary: Plants can be engineered for resistance to fungal diseases by transformation with recombinant genes encoding chitinase or glucanase. Although fungi are prolific producers of glucanases, with some species producing novel forms, they have been unexplored as a source of useful glucanases. This project will isolate glucanase-producing fungi from soil, screen them for antifungal activity, and clone the glucanase genes from one or more isolates. In view of the high degree of biodiversity in WA soils, we have a high expectation of finding novel glucanases which will be useful for engineering disease resistance in plants, or for other industrial processes. *** LP0219781 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Dr G Phillips A/Prof SE Volet Dr D Maor Mr D Guilfoyle Ms S Tapsall Mr B Bunt Title: Production Challenges in the On-Line Learning Environment 2002: $37,000 2003: $35,000 2004: $35,000 Category: 3301 - EDUCATION STUDIES Industry Partner(s): Australian Broadcasting Corporation Summary: The shift of responsibility from teacher-centred learning to learner-centred learning has raised important questions of access for diverse groups in Australia and overseas. The project seeks to investigate new delivery mechanisms that respond to worldwide trends in virtual communities and self-directed learning. This research will explore the relationship between content pedagogy, use of technology, and work-related issues and expectations. It will adopt a qualitative and quantitative research methodology in identifying opportunities, producing a learning prototype, testing and trialing that prototype and applying research outcomes in the context of emergent new educational models that draw upon convergent media. *** LP0219617 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University A/Prof JA Reynoldson Prof RC Thompson Dr S Reid Dr A Armson Dr W Best Title: Exploitation of a Novel Drug Target for Controlling Animal Trypanosomiasis. 2002: $128,941 2003: $125,276 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $125,276 1 Category: 3005 - VETERINARY SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): GlaxoSmithKline Summary: Trypanosomiasis greatly reduces livestock productivity in countries where it is endemic and is a threat to livestock and native wildlife in countries such as Australia where it is exotic but there is a risk of entry. New trypanocidal drugs with different modes of action are urgently needed to overcome growing resistance. This project aims to characterise trypanosome tubulin and, with this information, produce new tubulin-binding compounds for assessment in vitro and in vivo. Upon completion of the project it is expected that drug binding sites on trypanosome tubulin will be characterised and at least one candidate for clinical trials identified. *** LP0219331 Administering Organisation: Murdoch University Dr JM Robinson Prof RL Dowden Dr C Rodger Title: A Cost-Effective System for Monitoring Lightning Strikes Across Australasia. 2002: $25,343 2003: $20,000 Category: 2403 - ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS; NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS; PLASMA PHYSICS Industry Partner(s): Low Frequency Electromagnetic Research Ltd Department of Land Administration Summary: Lightning causes many major fires in Australia, and rural fire managers would benefit from access to lighting data. Lightning data have been prohibitively expensive because acquiring them requires a dense monitoring network. Low Frequency Electromagnetic Research Ltd (LF*EM) has developed an alternative, cost-effective technology for monitoring lightning based on a sparse network of stations monitoring VLF radiation. We propose to translate LF*EM?s basic science results into a product that can deliver lightning data to fire managers and other users across Oceania. *** The University of Western Australia LP0221076 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr MC Brundrett Dr J Koch Dr K Dixon Title: Factors influencing the reovery of orchids and their mycorrhizal fungi in the postmining landscape. 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3001 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Alcoa World Alumina Australia Summary: Australian terrestrial orchids are highly vulnerable to reductions in soil fungus diversity after disturbance, due to their highly specific associations with soil fungi. This project would investigate how mycorrhizal fungal diversity and spatial variability changes with time during restoration of jarrah forest vegetation after bauxite mining. The impact of mycorrhizal fungi and other soil and habitat factors on orchid taxonomic diversity and habitat preferences in rehabilitated bauxite mine soils will be investigated. The post-mining environment will also be contrasted with undisturbed jarrah forest to understand why some orchids are common and others rare in these environments. *** LP0234452 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia A/Prof GK Chelvanayagam Dr GK Tay Title: The Relevance of the Bovine Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) to Milk Production. 2002: $45,090 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $45,090 2004: $45,090 2 Category: 2802 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Industry Partner(s): Agri-BIOTECH Pty Ltd Summary: The objective of this project is to provide the dairy industry with an integrated package that includes a ?dairy performance database? linked to DNA-based information to complement existing breeding practices. Our intention is increase the profitability of the dairy industry, hence making a dairy farm a sustainable venture in a deregulated environment. Profitability results from a combination of several factors. The drivers of the industry include political, market, environmental, husbandry, nutrition, and genetic factors. These factors are interrelated. In this proposal, we are specifically interested in the relationship between milk yields and the DNA profile of dairy cattle. *** LP0218037 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Prof JA Considine Dr SL Krauss Dr P Weston Title: A biological basis for the efficient breeding of native plants for export markets: a case study with the Australian Goodeniaceae 2002: $57,231 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $50,403 2004: $50,403 1 Category: 3003 - HORTICULTURE Industry Partner(s): Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority AGWEST Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Summary: The native plant family Goodeniaceae exhibits enormous potential for the world potted-plant trade. To provide vital biological information for the efficient breeding of these plants, we will (i) determine the molecular evolutionary relationships of species, (ii) assess chromosomal variation within and among species, (iii) characterise mating patterns in natural populations using DNA fingerprinting for paternity analysis, (iv) develop techniques to overcome barriers to wide crossing, and (v) use DNA fingerprinting for the rapid identification of artificial hybrids. Expected outcomes are an understanding of evolution and mating in the Goodeniaceae and the efficient development of horticulturally significant material *** LP0210571 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia A/Prof WA Cowling Dr M Francki Dr K Bayliss Prof SG Kailis Title: Exploiting the Arabidopsis genome sequence as a molecular ?toolbox? for Brassica improvement 2002: $83,729 2003: $85,326 2004: $85,512 APDI - Dr K Bayliss APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 3002 - CROP AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG Council of Grain Grower Organisations Ltd. Summary: Australia's position as a major exporter of canola (Brassica napus) is under threat from genetic improvements in yield and quality being made by our international competitors. We will identify genes from Arabidopsis (the 'tool-box') that will be used to increase the speed of selection of new canola varieties with improved oleic acid content, disease resistance, and agronomic traits such as early flowering and cold tolerance. Genome similarity between Arabidopsis and canola will be exploited to map specific genes from Arabidopsis directly into canola. Based on this knowledge, we will develop gene-specific molecular markers for rapid selection of Australian-adapted canola varieties. *** LP0211987 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr M FRANCKI A/Prof WA COWLING Title: Brassica genome organisation and evolution: unlocking the potential of using genomespecific repetitive elements for crop improvement. 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 1 Category: 2702 - GENETICS Industry Partner(s): 2004: $22,545 Council of Grain Growers Organisation Summary: Introgression of chromosome segments from related Brassica species provides an opportunity to develop locally adapted varieties with improved agronomic and quality traits. There is a need to understand Brassica genome organisation and how this information can be used for enhancing the efficiency of cultivar development. Dispersed and tandem repetitive DNA sequences provide valuable information on the organisation and evolution of plant chromosomes. Methods for monitoring chromosome segment transfer across Brassica species will be developed based on detecting and quantifying genome-specific repetitive DNA sequences. Australian Brassica improvement programs could benefit from this research by adopting methods to detect chromosome segment transfer during interspecific hybridisation. *** LP0214954 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Prof RJ Gilkes Dr DA Jasper Dr JM Koch Title: Optimizing mine floor ripping strategies for diverse regolith types to enhance rehabilitation success 2002: $65,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $58,000 2004: $58,000 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Alcoa World Alumina Australia Summary: The aim of the project is to identify poorly structured subsoils developed in regolith materials in rehabilitated bauxite mines and develop procedures for minimising the effects of poor soil structure on tree growth. Well structured regolith types will also be identified as sites requiring less ripping. Large-scale field trials will be established to examine the impact of ripping on different regolith types. Methods will be developed to enable prediction of regolith structure based on instumented rippers, drill hole data and remote sensing. Greater success of revegetation practices and a decrease in annual ripping costs ($1.3 m) are anticipated. *** LP0214150 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr PF GRIERSON Prof MA ADAMS Title: Ecological sustainability and changing land use in the Pilbara 2002: $119,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $108,000 2 2004: $108,000 2005: $106,000 2006: $106,000 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd Summary: Land use change is frequently associated with large changes in key elements of ?sustainability? ? biodiversity, productivity, and water and nutrient cycles. However, in the Pilbara, fires and flooding rains are so frequent that detecting consequences of land use change is frequently confounded by other ?disturbances?. We aim, through controlled field experiments, to disentangle effects of land use change (e.g. de-stocking of rangelands, altered water availability through mining activity or infrastructure) from those of natural disturbance and variability (both spatially and temporally). This research will improve understanding of key areas in resilience of rangelands and of major processes that are critical for sustainable management. *** LP0214964 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Prof DI Groves Dr NJ McNaughton Dr L Snee Title: A Multi-Isotope, Multi-Mineral Approach to Chronology of Deformation, Metamorphism and Gold Mineralisation in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia 2002: $95,000 2003: $95,000 2004: $48,000 Category: 2601 - GEOLOGY Industry Partner(s): AMIRA International Summary: Following recent research, an excellent framework is emerging for the evolution of the Eastern Goldfields Province. However, the weak link remaining is the precise timing of post-depositional geological events. The majority of available ages are equivocal because only single ?non-robust? isotope systems were used. This project will be the first to take a multi-isotope and multi-mineral approach to constrain the temporal framework for the geological history of the Province. It will also provide an unequivocal guide to the robustness of the various isotopic methods and enable a careful reassessment of existing data and identification of appropriate methodology for future research. *** LP0216012 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr FA HAYNES Title: DEVELOPING CREATIVE THINKERS THROUGH THE ARTS - A longitudinal and comparative mapping of student learning in an innovative Arts programme 2002: $60,000 2003: $55,000 2004: $50,000 Category: 3302 - CURRICULUM STUDIES Industry Partner(s): AWESOME ARTS AUSTRALIA LTD EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Summary: Recent curriculum reforms which integrate learning areas, increase community participation and emphasise learning rather than teaching were driven by industry?s demand for school-leavers who demonstrate creative initiative. Monitoring student progress however relies on domain-specific outcome statements. This project monitors students? progress towards creative competencies as they are fostered by an integrated Arts programme. We will map how K-10 students in 120 AWESOME Festival project classes develop critically and creatively over three years. Complex innovative datacollecting requires the development of interactive evaluative software. Theoretical findings on arts learning and appropriate thinking skills will be presented in an academic book, Re-Thinking Thinking. *** LP0211883 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr CB Hinz Prof LA Aylmore Title: Risk Assessment of Pesticide Contamination of Surface Water and Groundwater Trigger Mechanisms for Fast Transport 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3001 - SOIL AND WATER SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Water Corporation Summary: Pesticide and herbicide transport to groundwater and surface water poses a risk to the environment and humans alike. A new event-based risk assessment approach of pesticide movement to surface water and groundwater will be developed. With the use of rainfall simulation partitioning between surface runoff and infiltration will be quantified in an agricultural catchment. Pesticide contamination events will be identified from climatic data such high intensity rainfalls and soil properties controlling runoff and preferential flow. Results will be used to develop management strategies to reduce offsite movement of pesticides. *** LP0214131 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia A/Prof MS Johnson Dr SL Krauss Title: Rapid delineation of genetic provenance for rehabilitation and revegetation of native plant communities. 2002: $55,231 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $48,603 2004: $48,603 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Landcare Services Pty Ltd Summary: The rehabilitation and/or revegetation of degraded, remnant or post-mining bushland is an increasingly important activity. Data and general principles for the delineation of genetic provenance are urgently required for effective rehabilitation, as well as for the conservation of genetic diversity. We will apply a new and powerful genetic technique for the rapid delineation of provenance in over 30 native plant species in south west Australia. Our aim is to generate provenance guidelines and principles, as well as provenance data for the most important species for bushland rehabilitation, which will be produced for rehabilitation practitioners through a "provenance atlas" book. *** LP0212260 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr M KEEP Dr RR HILLIS Title: Integrating Stress and Strain Data from the North West Shelf, Australia: Implications for Hydrocarbon Seal Integrity 2002: $140,000 2003: $130,000 Category: 2601 - GEOLOGY Industry Partner(s): MINERALS AND ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Summary: Many exploration wells in the Australian North West Shelf encounter residual columns from which hydrocarbons have leaked due to fault reactivation. Recently there has been a significant increase in our knowledge of contemporary stress (from data such as borehole breakouts) and strain (from fault reactivation styles) on the North West Shelf. This project will integrate information on stress and strain in order to investigate whether the current state-of-stress is consistent with observed reactivation styles, and thus develop predictive models for fault reactivation and hydrocarbon leakage based on the distribution of stress and strain. *** LP0211478 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Prof Dr JT Lambers Dr EJ Veneklaas Dr JM Koch Title: An ecophysiological analysis of key factors determining jarrah forest productivity on rehabilitated bauxite minesites 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2707 - ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Industry Partner(s): Alcoa World Alumina Australia Summary: Following bauxite mining, soils are prepared for rehabilitation. After sowing or planting of the original species, a vegetation is established. Despite a successful first phase of rehabilitation, there is large variation between stands 5 to 10 years later. The aim of this project is to analyse the causes of this variation, especially variation in performance of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) between sites. Nutrient and water status of trees will be assessed, in a search for correlations with plant performance. Effects of fertilisation and irrigation on plant peformance will be investigated. The remarkably high phosphate-use efficiency of jarrah will also be analysed. *** LP0212108 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr JS McCarthy Prof RC Thompson Ms C Jones Prof JM Behnke Title: Coproantigen detection tests for diagnosis of intestinal parasitic nematode infection. 2002: $39,594 2003: $34,003 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $34,003 1 Category: 2708 - BIOTECHNOLOGY Industry Partner(s): Cellabs Pty Ltd Summary: The aim of this project is to develop new tests for detection of hookworm and Strongyloides, two common intestinal worm infections of humans. These tests offer the potential to replace current tests, namely stool microscopy and serodiagnosis, both of whose performance is unsatisfactory due to deficiencies in sensitivity, specificity and operator convenience. The tests will rely on monoclonal antibodies to detect parasite products in stool. Such testing technology is amenable to configuration in a robust format, suitable for large-scale manufacture. Given the worldwide prevalence of these parasites, the tests will have a market potential of international significance. *** LP0212905 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Prof GJ Milne Dr A Griffiths Title: Design and Formal Verification of Control and Data Acquisition Protocols 2002: $57,988 2003: $60,300 2004: $62,710 Category: 2803 - COMPUTER SOFTWARE Industry Partner(s): Foxboro Australia Pty Ltd Summary: This research will develop new specification and verification techniques for remote control protocols, used among interconnected sites in supply utilities such as electricity grids, based on a proven formal methods technology. These protocols are used in the monitoring of data from remote sites, and the transmission of control commands to such sites from a central location. Benefits to the industrial partner include increased assurance that their control technology does correctly realise the adopted protocols. Assurance of correctness is significant in that incorrect protocol implementation may cause errant operation of equipment, and lead to economic and environmental damage. *** LP0219249 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia A/Prof J Pan Title: ACTIVE CONTROL OF SURFACE OCEAN SHIPS 2002: $85,000 2003: $77,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $77,000 1 Category: 2912 - MARITIME ENGINEERING Industry Partner(s): Seastate Pty Ltd Summary: This research is to design nonlinear robust adaptive control systems using active actuators (flaps, fins and rudders) for course keeping and path tracking of surface ocean ships, which are inherently nonlinear and with uncertainties. The outcome of the research will lead to the development of nonlinear control strategies, which result in simple-to-implement and effective controllers. These controllers are robust to the environmental disturbances and uncertainties, adapt to unknown parameters of the ship and actuators. Only a few control gains are required to be tuned. The success of this project will significantly increase the international competiveness of Australian shipbuilding industry. *** LP0219300 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia A/Prof CB Pattiaratchi Dr DP Hamilton Dr RJ Ranasinghe Title: Hydrodynamics of Intermittently Closing and Opening Lakes and Lagoons 2002: $55,000 2003: $28,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $25,000 1 Category: 2604 - OCEANOGRAPHY Industry Partner(s): Centre for Natural Resources Summary: Intermittently closing and open lakes and lagoons are shallow coastal water bodies that are connected intermittently to the ocean. Sixty of the 135 estuaries in New South Wales are considered to be ICOLL's. The closure of the Lake/Lagoon entrance to the ocean prevents water exchange that can lead to poor water quality. Detailed field and numerical model studies in two ICOLLS (Coila Lake and Wamberal Lagoon) are proposed using modern instrumentation. It is recognised that a fundamental understanding of the circulation and mixing characteristics of ICOLLs is imperative for the development of proper management strategies for these systems. *** LP0224002 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia A/Prof CB Pattiaratchi Mr N D'Adamo Dr E Wolanski Mr R Brinkman Title: Hydrodynamics of Fringing Reef Systems 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 2604 - OCEANOGRAPHY Industry Partner(s): Marine Conservation Branch Summary: This project aims to develop a numerical circulation model applicable to fringing reef systems, in particular, the Ningaloo reef, Western Australia. The model will include the effects of tides, winds, surface gravity waves and density. The model results will be compared to field measurements collected by the Australian Institute of Marine Science. After the model has been developed and validated, it will be used to investigate processes such as water exchange between lagoons and open sea, effects of contaminant spills and recruitment within the reef systems. An understanding of these processes is essential for the sustainable management of these systems. *** LP0211951 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr JA Plummer Adj/Prof K Siddique Dr P White Dr DJ Harris Title: Invesitgation of environmental staining and storage discolouration in Faba Bean 2002: $22,545 2003: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3002 - CROP AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Agriculture Western Australia Chemistry Centre (WA) Summary: Faba beans are an important pulse crop in Australia. They are exported to the Middle East and Europe for human consumption where buff coloured beans are desired. A third of beans become discoloured in storage. These are downgraded to stock feed with a loss of $50 per ton to the grower. Currently little is known about the causes. Environmental factors and selected genotypes will be assessed to determine the potential causes of discoluration. Analytical techniques will ascertain the discolouration process and the compounds produced. The aim is to provide growers with information on management strategies and breeders of strain resistant genotypes. *** LP0211175 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Prof Z Rengel Dr JW Bowden Title: Role of stubble management in improving soil fertility 2002: $79,000 2003: $79,000 APA(I) Award(s): 2004: $79,000 1 Category: 3002 - CROP AND PASTURE PRODUCTION Industry Partner(s): Agriculture WA Summary: In highly-weathered nutrient-poor soils of the south-western Australia, the amount of nutrients in stubble is critical in nutrient cycling as well as in determining optimal amounts of fertilisers to be applied. Stubble management is therefore an integral part of crop fertilisation and nutrient management. We will characterise nutrient cycling in the stubble-soil-crop continuum in a range of cropping situations. Computer modelling will be used to extend applicability of results over space and time. This project will provide the knowledge required for improving fertiliser recommendations to take into account changes in the cropping systems that have occurred in the last 10-20 years. *** LP0209081 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr TA Robertson Prof JM Papadimitriou Dr JC Richardson Title: How critical is the inflammatory response in senile plaque formation in a mutant APP transgenic mouse model? 2002: $69,300 2003: $65,340 2004: $65,340 Category: 3207 - NEUROSCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Glaxo Wellcome Australia Ltd trading as GlaxoSmithKline Summary: The aims of this project is to examine the brains of mice genetically engineered to produce a human mutant form of insoluble beta amyloid protein known to play a critical role in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). If the "trigger" for AD is an inflammatory reaction, then the relevant examination of the early stages of senile plaque formation in these animals could lead to pharmaceutical intervention to delay the development of this debilitating disease. A 5 year delay would significantly reduce the number of people with AD, not only adding years of improved quality of life, but also saving hundreds of millions of Australian dollars in health costs. *** LP0211988 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr GG Thompson Dr PC Withers Dr RA How Title: Improved quality and interpretation of terrestrial fauna surveys for environmental impact assessments in the mining industry 2002: $22,545 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $22,545 2004: $22,545 1 Category: 3008 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Industry Partner(s): Department of Conservation and Land Management Environmental Protection Authority The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia Summary: This study will improve the quality and interpretation of the terrestrial fauna surveys used as a basis for Environmental Impact Assessment in the mining industry. As a consequence, the Environment Protection Authority will better understand the potential impacts of mining on biodiversity and ecosystems, and can place more appropriate conditions on mining companies and their rehabilitation programs. In addition, the study will report on strategies for detecting rare and endangered species, and the development of appropriate databases to enable terrestrial fauna data to be interpreted in the context of soils and vegetation at habitat, landscape and regional scales. *** LP0214171 Administering Organisation: The University of Western Australia Dr ME Tobar Mr JH Searls Dr JG Hartnett Title: High Performance Microwave Oscillators for Radars, Comminication Systems and Precision Noise Measurements 2002: $168,022 APA(I) Award(s): 2003: $125,790 2004: $118,296 1 Category: 2917 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Industry Partner(s): Poseidon Scientific Instruments Pty. Ltd. Summary: The aim of the project is to develop a new class of microwave oscillators with unique combination of properties including low-noise, high frequency stability and reduced sensitivity to vibration. Such oscillators are essential for expanding fields of radar, fiber optics, optical frequency synthesis and metrology. The industrial partner's focus will be on demands for reduced cost and improved environmental performance, the university team will focus on improved frequency stability, optimal tuning and novel vibration immunity techniques. Achieving the project goals will broaden the international markets for the industry partner's products and lead to increased export income for Australia. ***
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