Proceedings of the Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Stavanger, Norway, June 17-22, 2001 Copyright © 2001 by Tile blternational Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers ISBN 1-880653-51-6 (Set); ISBN 1-880653-52-4 (Vol. I); ISSN 1098-6189 (SeO ISO 12494 "Atmospheric Icing of Structures" and How to Use It Mogens H. Foder RAMBOLL Copenhagen, Denmark Abstract Now, after many years the new ISO 12494: "Atmospheric Icing of Structures" has been finished and is ready for use. As it is the first standard, where all issues about ice and dimensioning for ice have been collected in the same standard, it differs in its substance from "normal" constructional standards (codes of practice) for actions on structures. Therefore, it may be necessary to introduce the use of it for meteorologists, designers and other interested engineers as well as other users. Brief description of ISO 12494. In 1986 a working group ISO/TC 98/SC 3/WG 6 with representation from all countries which showed interest in participating was established with the purpose to work out an international standard for ice actions on structures: ISO 12494 "Atmospheric Icing of Structures". As said in the title, the aim was very broad and should include all necessary basic information about icing itself, because such information was found needed to make the whole subject understandable for the user, This paper explains how the structural designer or engineer should use the ISO 12494 and point out the most important facilities for this use. The types of actions specified are ice mass as well as wind action from wind load on the iced structure. The standard has been prepared in such a way that it invites to use small "calculation tools" which very much facilitates the use of information and improves the understanding of the whole structure of the standard. The standard is therefore very different in content compared to same type of standards for wind actions, snow actions etc. For wind and snow loads we know sufficient to be able to work out very' precise and detailed codes of practise for actions from those types of loads, but this is not the fact for ice load. It is our intention and hope that the content during coming years should be more like the other standards for actions on structures, but this might need a rather long period of gaining more experience and information of details in icing. The standard could be used also even if a National Standard of icing already exists, because more or less of the content could be adopted by the National Standard without any problems or contradictions. The ISO 12494 could e.g., be used for preparing icing maps for countries or part of countries, as National Bodies often want this. A lot of information in the standard are guidance, and that is to underline the uncertainties connected to the specific figures presented. Never the mind, we need to have those data for being able to do the necessary calculation for structures. We hope that (all) meteorologists in the future will help improving data reliability by concentrating for just some of their research on those matters which in particular are wanted updated or supplemented, in short: the content of most figures and tables. Because of that we have proposed e.g. a standard for measurements of ice actions (Annex B in the ISO) so as much as possible of new research can be made useful for future revisions of the ISO 12494. Keywords: Icing; structural design; ice actions; calculation of loads; combination of loads. Introduction As it is the first time a standard include all necessary information for dimensioning structures for both glaze and rime, a guidance for its use may be appropriate, and this paper might be a start. Basic nominal ice load information. In chapter 6 in the standard all basic information about ice is gathered. The "not so experienced user" will there find any information needed about the subject itself: ice. He can understand the difference between glaze and rime, precipitation and in-cloud icing, hard rime and soft rime etc. By reading here he also can understand, why it is important that he know both which type of ice but also which amount of ice he has to foresee on the structure in question. The definitions of Ice Classes for both glaze and rime as well as the principle for using the standard including examples of the most needed tools is presented and commented. The steps through the whole dimensioning process are shown and how this process needs connection to information of icing data, given in the standard. For practical use of cause it is necessary to have the ISO 12494 itself as only few examples from its content are shown in this paper, but it is possible to use the standard in a very constructive way when designing for atmospheric ice. 678 Paper No: 01-MF-04 First Author's Name: Mogens n. t'oder Page: 1 of 8 The expression: "Ice Class" (hereafter IC) has been introduced as the simple way to define which amount of ice is or will be present on the structure in question. ICs have been defined for both glaze and hard rime because characteristics for these differ. ICG is for glaze deposits and ICR for rime deposits (wet snow is here treated as rime). Table 1 is an example from the standard, which gathers some basic information on the types of ice accretion. Figure 1 is a guideline to predict the likelihood for the type of ice accreted on the site in question. Table 1" Meteorological parameters, controlling atmospheric ice accretion Type of ice Air temperature [ ~ C] Wind speed [m/s] Droplet size Water content in air Typical storm duration any any large flakes medium very high hours hours see fig. 1 see fig. 1 see fig. 1 medium medium small high hours medium days low days If you as an exception need to design for soft rime or wet snow (this is normally not necessary), the standard suggest that you "on the safe side" use the data for (hard) rime instead. [ Precipitation icing Glaze) Wet snow - 10 < ta <0 0 < ta < +3 ICs are defined by a characteristic value, the 50 years-retum period of the ice accretion on the reference collector. This reference collector is a 30 mm diameter cylinder of a length not less than 0,5 m, placed 10 m above terrain and slowly rotating around its own axis, see ISO 12494, annex B, chapter 3. ICs can be determined based upon: I In-cloud icing Glaze see fig. 1 Hard rime Soft rime see fig. 1 see fig. 1 Meteorological and/or topographical data together with use of an ice accretion model, or Ice masses (weight) per m structural length, measured on site. This means that a proper IC can be stipulated for certain sites, if one of the above mentioned sets of information is available. If other than 50 yearsreturn period is needed, the National meteorologists should find the necessary data for those. It could be mentioned that for most Norwegian sites the meteorologists have found 3 years-return period for ice mass to be 50% of 50 years-return period. Also the basic information about influence of topography is mentioned. This also helps the user (especially the more experienced one) to presume which type and amount of ice accretion could be expected on the site in question. A very useful "tool" is height factor curve shown below. The shown variation of ice mass with height above terrain may not be correct in al cases, but this variation could be object for more interest among scientists in the future. Such interest could lead to more reliable models or values for the equation shown and by this afterwards give us a fine utility for tuning our calculations. H (m): heigth above terrain 250 200 150 100 50 0 I ..... .. ". . . . . . . . . . 1 2 t 7i Ice Classes for Glaze Table 2 shows how glaze accretion has been defined. Glaze is designated ICGx, where "x" tells about the amount of ice accretion. There are 5 standard classes and a possibility to define your own class with an ice accretion higher than specified. It is fully possible to specify a higher value and this will not give any problems in the remaining design work for glaze accretion on a structure. i o.orHi ... i 0 [ i-- Mass of ice is always calculated as the cross sectional area of accreted ice (outside the cross sectional area of object inside the ice) multiplied by density of the accreted ice. In practise the ISO 12494 makes it possible to find the necessary information to design for any ice accretion on almost any structure if you just know which IC you are dealing with. 3 4 5 Table 2 - - Ice Classes for glaze (ICG). Density of ice = 900 [kg/m 3 ] i I 6 7 8 Height factor: Kh Figure 2 - - Typical variation of ice masses with the height above terrain In any case it is valuable to have something like the curve shown to use for fitting simple information for ice accretions, see example of calculations in concluding remarks which contains a result of investigations made by Norwegian meteorologists for a real site. Ice Classes IC G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 Ice thickness t [ mm ] 10 20 30 40 50 1c6 ]to be used for extreme ice accretions bigger than G5 10 0,6 1,7 3,4 ;5,7 8,5 Masses for glaze, m lkg/m] Cylinder diameter [mm] 30 100 300 1,1 3,1 8,8 2,8 6,8 18,1 5,1 11,0 28,0 7,9 15,8 38,5 11,3 21,2 49,5 In principle it is also possible to specify ICs in between the standard classes, but it should not be necessary and is not recommended. It should be noted that the definition for glaze classes is a specified ice thickness and nothing else. Density is defined fixed as 900 [kg/m3], not because it is not possible to vary, but because the natural variations for structural design are of no practical importance. Ice Classes What is needed in designing for ice load is in principle rather simple: Weights, dimensions and shapes. Based on these few data it is possible to do the necessary design and calculation work. Of cause it has to be followed by other, detailed information, but they can be taken from already known engineering science. The accretion model for glaze is shown in figure 3 and is very simple, but close to reality: a constant ice thickness around all possible cross sections of profiles. 679 Paper No: 01-MF-04 First Author's Name: Mogens H. Foder i3 Page: 2 of 8 wind direction, but at a slower rate than in the windward direction. In this way it is now possible to calculate all rime vane dimensions by means of rather simple equations, see Annex A in ISO 12494. ~ t Wind direction t t TypeA t Type B ,j/,. t \/t F i g u r e 3 m Ice accretion m o d e l for glaze Now, by using ICGx arid the model shown in figure 2 it is possible to calculate masses and dimensions needed, and in table 2 glaze masses are given for the cylinder dimensions 10, 30, 100 and 300 ram. Accreted glaze can easily be calculated for all other object dimensions. The 30 mm diameter has been included because it is the recommended diameter for standard measurements, see later. The shown model for glaze accretion can be used for all object dimensions, but for practical use the effect on structure dimensions is insignificant, when object dimension is around or above 5000 mm in cross section, so object size has been limited to < 5000 mm in cross section. I i< L 5 Type C 8t ._ max W /--. IC _~ It Type D \~, t --T /I~, iW~D ji t[<= at .. i _- max ½ W 8t _ max ½ W j-, , lee C l a s s e s f o r R i m e Rime in this standard has to be understood as "hard rime". In the same way as for glaze, a model for accreted rime has defined the amount of rime in different ICRs. However, the model itself has been constructed quite differently compared to the model for glaze because the nature of forming those types is very distinct. For rime accretions the ice mass has been defined constant in every ICRx and ice dimensions vary with both object/profile type and dimension. The table 3 below shows the definitions of ICRx, which have been numbered from ICR1 to ICR9, and as for glaze: ICR10 may be used for extreme rime accretions exceeding the defined classes. k i- i Type E -. L i., t ; Type F I t v ,] ! 8t -<- I I- ~ iI '/ i L i'\ • i max ½ "W EZ 8t >! 1 I L i .max½W r Table 3 ~ Ice Classes for rime (IC R) Ice mass Classes m IC R1 [kg/m] 0,5 R2 0,9 R3 R9 1,6 2,8 5,0 8,9 16,0 28,0 50,0 RI0 to be used :or extreme ice accretions bigger than R9 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Figure 4 m Ice accretion m o d e l for R I M E K~me o m m e t e r lmml lor object d i a m e t e r = 30 mm Ice Density of rime l kg/m3] ;300 55 69 88 113 149 197 262 346 462 500 700 900 47 43 50 62 77 100 131 173 228 40 47 56 70 89 116 153 201 1268 56 71 90 ll7 154 204 269 358 303 D a t a for d e t e r m i n a t i o n of ICs ' Now that ICs have been defined and a certain building site has been chosen, it is necessary" to find the most correct IC for the structure in question. 3 possible ways to use have been mentioned: - H o w to find the most c o r r e c t IC for the structure Collecting existing experiences Ice accretion based on known meteorological data Direct measurements of ice for many years In addition to profile cross section, the density of rime is a variable in the model for rime. This is necessary because the density in practice may vary within a broad spectre, and this variation results in rather different results. The effect can be seen by comparing rime diameters in table 3 for different values of rime density. A good starting method if you have several structures already placed in the area where to build, or if you need to recalculate existing structures. Additional information or assumptions about the parameters usually are necessary. Annex C and D in the standard describe the method. A (standard) measuring device must be in operation in the area or in a representative area during a long period. Annex B in the standard describes the method. In many cases an acceptable result can be achieved by combining 2 or all of above mentioned methods. In practise it is rather easy to distinguish between the different ICRs, but may be it is more difficult with the ICGs. On the other hand, olden more knowledge is available for glaze. When the proper IC has been found the standard shows exactly how to proceed. An example on the principle for use in calculations is shown in the standard, is table 4 below. The table shows vane lengths and widths for accreted rime in all ICRs for chosen profile dimensions up to 300 mm and rime density of 500 [kg/m3]. All that sort of presentations in the standard is The rime accretion model in figure 3 is valid only for object/profile dimensions up to 300 mm. For bigger cross sections the model changes, see later. The model shows the chosen principle of accretion: Rime is building up in windward direction and in the horizontal plane. Until an accreted vane length of W or lAW (see different types of profile), the accretion is occurring without any increase of object dimension perpendicular to wind direction. Beyond that point the accretion is growing also perpendicular to the 680 Paper N o 01-MF-04 First Author's Name" Mogens H. Foder Page: 3 of 8 based on this density and adjustment for correct density has to be done, see Annex A in ISO 12494. Table 4 - Ice dimensions for vane shaped accreted ice on bars, types A and B (Valid only for in-cloud icing. Density of ice - 500 [kg/m3] ) Types A and B Cross sectional shape Object width IC Ice m R1 ' ~,g/m] R2 0,9 R3 1,6 R4 2,8 R5 5,0 R6 8,9 R7 16,0 R8 28,0 R9 50,0 R10 I10 L 54 78 109 150 207 282 384 514 694 i 130 D 22 28 36 46 60 79 105 137 182 1300 Ice vanes dimension L D L D iL 34 35 13 100 4 54 40 23 100 8 82 120 174 247 348 478 656 47 56 70 88 113 146 190 41 67 106 165 253 372 543 Accreted rime on members inclined to wind direction In "real life" structural members (profiles etc.) cannot always be situated in a plane, perpendicular on the icing wind direction. It must therefore be possible to operate with all inclinations compared to wind direction. Figure 6 below shows how this correction should be done for masses and dimensions. The vane dimensions given or calculated in accordance with this standard must always be measured in the horizontal plane and in windward direction of the icing wind. D 300 300 100 14 300 104 24 300 114 42 3 0 0 129 76 300 151 136 300 181 217 317 223 344 349 Wind d i r e c t i o n , . _ l cemass m per unit 1 ~ \ L P ' - ~ ~ ~ x sin c, "~~'.-'--7 ~ __L (round bar shown) p ane to be used for extreme ice accretions bigger than R9 Now the principle for the rime accretion model is clearly shown: Because of the constant ice mass in ICRs, the rime dimensions are decreasing as profile dimension is increasing, and up to ICR3 and ICR7 ice accretion has not changed object widths 100 mm and 300 ram. This is in fine agreement with the effect observed in practise. The rime dimensions will vary slightly with the type of profile used, and this effect will be controlled by the correct use of equations, see Annex A in ISO 121494. Model for rime accretion on big objects Of cause profile dimensions cannot be limited to 300 mm cross section. When object dimension increases 300 ram, the obtained rime vane length for 300 mm is kept constant, and then only rime masses still grow, but not vane lengths and widths. Figure 6 m Calculations for inclined members Wind actions on iced structures An important parameter for calculating wind actions is drag coefficient (hereafter C-value). The standard has given an easy understandable principle for finding a c-value for any iced situation, but only for a single member, e.g. a bar, a profile etc. The values in the standard should be used unless the user has more reliable values from other sources. By doing more research on these subjects in the future the values in the standard could still be improved and thus increasing reliability. Glaze accretion The table 5 and 6 below show C-values for ICGs on bars/profiles and for glaze on big objects for ICG3. In the standard similar tables are shown for big objects and all ICGs. This model is valid up to object dimensions of 5000 mm, and beyond this dimension, rime accretion might be neglected or the same result as for 5000 mm might be used, if it seams reasonable for the structure in question. For objects of that size, rime accretion would normally be of almost no importance compared to all other, normal actions on the structure. Table 5 m Ci_coefficients for glaze on b a r s . Figure 5 shows the model for rime accretion, where only 2 different types of object shape have been found necessary to introduce: flat or circular ='- Wind [ ,! 150mm ,I,150mm V direction IC Thickness [mm] G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 10 20 30 40 50 G6 to be used for extreme ice accretions bigger than G5 0,50 C. coefficients for glaze on bars D~-ag coefficients without ice .= C O 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1,75 2,00 0,68 0,86 1,04 1,22 1,40 0,88 1,01 1,14 1,27 1,40 1,08 1,16 1,24 1,32 1,40 1,28 ,31 1,34 1,37 1,40 1,48 1,46 1,44 1,42 1,40 1,68 1,61 1,54 1,47 1,40 1,88 1,76 1,64 1,52 1,40 > 300ram r I ~,/ i It can be seen that all you need to know beside ICs is the C-value for the profile in question without ice, and this value can be found in the technical literature for all wanted cross sections. r Figure 5 w Ice accretion model for rime, big objects The principle for glaze accretions are that very smooth profile shapes (low C-values without ice) become more rough and very rough shapes (high Cvalues without ice) become more smooth with glaze accretion. When object dimensions are very big the effect of glaze accretion is negligible. cross sections. Again the equations in Annex A in ISO 12494 for big objects control the dimensions to be used. 681 Paper No: 01-MF-04 First Author's Name" Mogens H. Foder Page: 4 of 8 Table 6 - Ci-coefficients for glaze, ICG3, big objects IC Obiect wRith G3 [m]: Ci coefficients for glaze, b ig objects 1.~ '3 Drag coefficients without ice = Co 1,75 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1,54 1,04 1,14 1,24 1,34 1,44 0,961,081,201,331,45 1,57 210 310 >_+5,0 0,841,001,151,311,46 0,73 0,92 1,10 1,29 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25 0,50 1,47 1,50 2,00 1,62 1,66 1,64 1,69 1,77 1,85 1,75 2,00 single bar or profile or big massive object. It is also possible to use the principle for single bars even if several single bars form the structure. In that case the total structure load can be found as the sum of all single bar's load, but if the structure is a real lattice structure this method is much too conservative. ,-- Wind direction / Fw (90 °) ~ Rime accretion -'~ Almost the same principle is used for rime accretion. C-values for profile dimensions up to 300 mm are shown in table 7 below, and table 8 shows an example for big objects and ICR5. Table 7 - - -coefficients for rime on bars C i m R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R1 [kg/m] 0,5 0,9 1,6 2,8 5,0 8,9 16,0 28,0 50,0 to be used 0,50 0,62 0,74 0,87 0,99 1,11 1,32 1,23 1,41 1,36 1,51 1,48 1,60 1,60 for extreme ice 1,40 1,47 1,53 1,60 1,48 1,52 1,56 1,60 1,57 1,58 1,59 1,60 bars = Co 1,75 2,00 1,73 1,96 1,72 1,91 1,87 1,70 1,68 1,67 1,65 1,63 1,82 1,78 1,73 1,69 1,62 1,64 1,60 1,60 accretions bigger than R9 C i-cOefficient for rime, big objects R5 [m] 0,50 _<0,3 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 1,11 3,0 4,0 >- 5,0 1,09 1,02 0,96 0,89 0,83 0,76 0,63 0,50 Drag coefficient without ice = Co 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1,75 1,22 1,33 1,44 1,56 1,67 1,20 1,32 1,44 1,55 1,67 1,15 1,28 1,42 1,55 1,68 1,10 1,25 1,39 1,54 1,69 1,05 1,21 1,37 1,54 1,70 1,00 1,18 1,35 1,53 1,71 0,95 1,14 1,33 1,52 1,71 0,85 1,07 1,29 1,51 1,73 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1,75 (0)= Fw (90 °) sin20 Forces on an inclined member Ice mass on a lattice structure may with good approximation be found as the total sum of ice masses of all single members, but more precisely should allowance be given for overlaps of ice in joints of profiles, or shorter profile lengths than theoretical should be used. Wind load however, should be found in principle in the same way, you normally use for lattice structure without ice accretion. There is several methods for that, and some National Codes of Practice recommend a certain model to be used. Unless there is reliable information about the wind direction for the ice accretion situation and the highest wind speed and direction is the same for the two, the following principle must be used: • For rime accretions the ice vane should for not horizontal members be placed in a plane, perpendicular to the direction of the dimensioning wind. Because of the iced members some parameters in the calculation model must be changed: • • Table 8 - - Ci -coefficients for rime, ICR5, big objects width ~ Action on lattice structures As for glaze, there is a table for each ICR in the standard, so use of the standard does not necessarily mean a lot of calculating. Most of the figures you need for further calculating can just be taken from the tables. It is allowed of cause to interpolate between the values given, if you so wish, but be aware of the fact that improving those figures does not mean a more reliable calculation as sucht IC Object 0 = 90 ° Figure 7 - Ci coefficients for rime on Drag coefficient without ice 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1,07 1,29 1,51 0,84 1,13 1,33 1,52 0,94 1,37 1,53 1,03 1,20 1,27 1,41 1,54 1,13 1,22 1,33 1,44 1,56 IC Ice mass F,~_(90 o) sin30 y Wind area exposed shall be increased in accordance with the dimensions found for the iced members in the standard. C-value shall be adjusted in accordance with the C-values found for the iced members in the standard. If the model includes use of"structural panels" and solidity ratio these parameters also must be changed: 2,00 1,78 1,79 1,81 1,83 1,86 1,88 1,91 1,95 2,00 Wind angle incidence As for ice accretion itself you also need to be able to find wind action on elements sloping to the wind direction. Therefore following allowance shown in figure 7 for calculating forces on inclined members is used. By using the simple equations from figure 7 it is now possible to calculate any resulting force from ice mass and wind action on any normal, . . - Solidity ratio shall be increased with the ratio: total iced exposed area/ total un-iced exposed area. Increased solidity ratio will decrease wind load on all leeward placed panels of the structure. If nothing else is specified, it is allowed for ICRs (but not for ICGst) to use one class lower ice accretion on all leeward placed panels in the structure. If every aspect should be taken care of in the optimal way a rather advanced computer program for calculating ice and wind actions on lattice structures is necessary. We have for some years been using such programs with success. Combination of ice loads and wind actions An extremely important, but often forgotten part of calculating is the question of how to combine the different types of actions on the structure. Statistically of cause it is too conservative to combine to different types of load just by adding their full effect. 682 Paper No: 01-MF-04 First Author's Name: Mogens H. Foder Page: 5 of 8 This co-operation has for some years with success taken place between the Norwegian meteorologists and us as designers of big telecommunication masts for the greatest mast owner in Norway. The standard has given a rather precise answer to that question. The table 9 below shows how to combine wind and ice with each of the 2 actions as the major one. The table 10 shows the factor for reducing 50 years wind pressure, when this is combined with a heavy ice load (3 years) at the same time. To illustrate how some of the design work can take place below a normal procedure for a calculation of ice load and wind action on the ice load is shown for an approx. 200 m high guyed mast in the middle of Norway" If some national Codes of Practise give rules for these combinations, of cause they overrule this standard. But if you do not find anything about combining those two types of loads the method below is recommended. I n f o r m a t i o n from N o r w e g i a n M e t e o r o l o g i s t Specification of iceaccretion in accordance with ISO 12494 T a b l e 9 m P r i n c i p l e s for c o m b i n a t i o n of wind actions and ice loads 50-years ice (IC) 50-years ice (kg/m) ICR9 50 (% o f S0-years) 50 1,65 x ICR9 92 50 Combina(Major load) Wind action Wind pressure T (years) Ice loads Ice mass T (years) Height = I (wind) II (Ice) k " q s0 ~w" k - q s0 ~)ice" m Height = 200m 50 3 m 3 50 The factor ~w should be taken from national codes for the possible decrease of wind action for simultaneous variable actions. The factor k should be used to decrease wind pressure because of reduced probability for simultaneous 50 years wind action combined with heavy icing condition. Factor k has values as shown in table 10. k ICR 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 R R R R R :: . • . , . : : :;ilj ~ .i~: .i:..: . . : 1 2 3 4 5 R 6 R 7 .: i~:i~.. R 8 .:i ~:~.:ii ~:.::i; .. R 9 k 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,70 0,80 A n n e x A shows flowchart for a typical calculation procedure. A n n e x B shows the table of contents for ISO 12494. 0,90 1,00 It can be seen that it is assumed most unlikely that you will get maximum wind speed together with glaze and lower ICRs accretions. However, the higher ICR the more likely is the situation where you at the same time can get maximum wind speed and much ice accretion. This is partly because that type of ice accretion can remain in the structure for very long time before it melts or in other way disappears. In some areas this ice accretion can stay for several months. Concluding remarks The new ISO 12494 has already proved its value as en helpful tool for the designing engineers dealing with the difficult subject: Actions from ice load on structures. To make the full benefits of such a "design tool" a close co-operation between meteorologists and engineers are necessary. At best the engineers should tell the meteorologists which information or data they need for their calculations and the meteorologists should try to find them by including the subjects into their research. 683 Paper No: 01-MF-04 e°'°°°H To show how these matters look like in practice some photos of light and heavy rime accretions on masts and guy ropes are enclosed as separate paper. T a b l e 10 m F a c t o r for r e d u c t i o n of wind p r e s s u r e 1 2 3 4 5 e °'°°~H As can be seen, the specification is extremely simple but contains much more information that at first realised. • In level 100 m IC9 is estimated as a proper value. • In level 200 m ICR10 is found necessary and the value estimated to be 65% more than IC9. • 1-year ice accretion is estimated to be approx. 50% of 50 years value (more than the recommended 30% in the standard!). • Height factor is estimated to e°'°°6H instead of the recommended value of e °'°ill . This value is important because the equation is used to "smoothen out" the 2 single load values to a continuous load with an even variation with height. and qbware used to change actions and load from 50 years to 3 years occurrence. The factor (Diceis used to reduce 50 years ice to 3 years ice, and from to day's experience a value between 0,3 and 0,5 could be recommended. G G G G G • Factor K h (see f i g u r e 2 ) 100m ~ice ICG 1-year ice Level in mast First Author's Name: Mogens H. Foder Page: 6 of 8 Annex A F l o w c h a r t o f c a l c u l a t i o n p r o c e d u r e ref. I S O 12494" I ~. Find ICGx or ICRx } I ~i MethodA: Collectingexistingexperience ~ -] MethodB: Icingmodellingby meteorologists MethodC: Directmeasurementsfor manyyears . /Use / table 3 /Use / table 4 i ( Q iCRx ) ICGx ) ___>--- i2----- I Profile or big object dimen/ Usefi, i / gure 3 ~ - Ice weights (I.._ Big object dimension Profile dimension / Use figure 4 / and table 5 - 7 Dr. m and iced dimensions /Use figure 5 / and table 8 - 9 are calculated-~ Find drag coefficients o Use table 10 for bars and 1115 for big ob- Use table 16 for bars and table 1725 for big objects ~aCombine wind action " ~ nd ice load for dimen- i sioning structure / Calculate " - ~ wind action and ice load Adjust drag coefficient on sloping I elements for angle of incidence 684 PaperNo:01-MF-04 FirstAuthor'sName:MogensH. Foder 5;i': Page: 7 of 8 Annex B Table of Contents in ISO 12494 W i n d a c t i o n s on iced s t r u c t u r e s ................. S c o p e ......................................................................... 1.1 1.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 G e n e r a l .................................................................... A p p l i c a t i o n ............................................................. N o r m a t i v e r e f e r e n c e s ................................................. 8.1 8.2 D e f i n i t i o n s ................................................................. 8.3 8.4 8.2.1 8.2.2 A c c r e t i o n ................................................................ D r a g c o e f f i c i e n t ...................................................... G l a z e ....................................................................... Ice a c t i o n ................................................................. Ice class (IC) ........................................................... I n - c l o u d icing .......................................................... P r e c i p i t a t i o n icing ................................................... R e t u r n p e r i o d .......................................................... R i m e ........................................................................ Symbols . 9.1 9.2 G e n e r a l ...................................................... S i n g l e m e m b e r s ......................................... D r a g c o e f f i c i e n t s for g l a z e ......................... D r a g c o e f f i c i e n t s for r i m e .......................... A n g l e o f i n c i d e n c e ..................................... L a t t i c e s t r u c t u r e s ....................................... C o m b i n a t i o n o f ice l o a d s and w i n d a c t i o n s 10. G e n e r a l ...................................................... C o m b i n e d l o a d s ......................................... U n b a l a n c e d ice load on g u y s 11. F a l l i n g ice c o n s i d e r a t i o n s Annex A (informative) E q u a t i o n s u s e d in the I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d E f f e c t s o f icing Annex B (informative) 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Static ice l o a d s ........................................................ W i n d a c t i o n on iced s t r u c t u r e s ................................ D y n a m i c e f f e c t s ...................................................... D a m a g e c a u s e d b y f a l l i n g ice ................................. F u n d a m e n t a l s o f a t m o s p h e r i c icing 6.1 6.2 G e n e r a l .................................................................... Icing t y p e s ............................................................... Glaze Wet snow Rime O t h e r t y p e s o f ice T o p o g r a p h i c i n f l u e n c e s ........................................... V a r i a t i o n w i t h h e i g h t a b o v e terrain ......................... Icing on s t r u c t u r e s S t a n d a r d M e a s u r e m e n t s for Ice A c t i o n s Annex C (informative) T h e o r e t i c a l m o d e l l i n g o f icing 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.3 6.4 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.6 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 Annex D (informative) C l i m a t i c e s t i m a t i o n o f ice c l a s s e s b a s e d on w e a t h e r d a t a Annex E (informative) S h o r t i n t r o d u c t i o n a b o u t u s i n g this s t a n d a r d ...................... G e n e r a l .................................................................... Ice c l a s s e s ............................................................... D e f i n i t i o n o f ice class, IC ....................................... G l a z e ....................................................................... G e n e r a l ....................................................................... G l a z e on lattice s t r u c t u r e s .......................................... R i m e ........................................................................ G e n e r a l ....................................................................... R i m e on s i n g l e m e m b e r s ............................................ R i m e on lattice s t r u c t u r e s ........................................ G e n e r a l ....................................................................... T h e d i r e c t i o n o f ice v a n e s on the structure ................ Icing on m e m b e r s i n c l i n e d to the w i n d d i r e c t i o n ....... 685 P a p e r No" 0 1 - M F - 0 4 First A u t h o r ' s Name" M o g e n s H. F o d e r Page: 8 o f 8
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