Meet the staff Manager How to find us Maataa Waka K i Te Ta u I h u Tr u s t Gail MacDonald Admin 82 Seymour Street, Blenheim Jackie Jenkins Kirimoana Kingi Health Services Tamariki Ora Marion Rowe (Reg Nurse) Sharon Osborne (Reg Nurse) Ngaro Aldridge (Kaiawhina) Rina Pinker (Kaiawhina) Physical Activity / Nutrition Margy Crosby Shana Pinker Breastfeeding Co-ordinator Huia Crosby Antenatal Facilitator Olivia Doonan Social Services Social Workers Jannine Tipu Burie Lilly If you have any questions about accessing our services please contact us on Phone 03 577 9256 Fax 03 577 9259 email Our staff are available from 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday Youth Workers Malcolm Pitman Emma-Jaye King Seva McFadyen Maataa Waka K i Te Ta u I h u Tr u s t Kia Manaaki ai te iwi Let the people be cared for Health Services Tamariki Ora / Wellchild A wellchild service delivered by qualified Tamariki Ora Nurses and Kaiawhina. We will visit you and your pepi in your home to carry out well child checks, provide advice, child education and extra support if required. Antenatal and Parenting Support One on One or whanau friendly alternatives to mainstream childbirth education classes with a focus on kaupapa Maori Health assessments and support for expectant mums Whanau friendly parenting support and education group for mum’s and tamariki Outreach Immunisation Follow up and support for whanau to ensure their Tamariki are up to date with their immunisations. Physical Activity and Nutrition One to one support, exercise groups, goal setting, advice, healthy eating and exercise plans for whanau who would like to get fit, lose weight and become active. About Maataa Waka Social Services Maataa Waka Ki Te Tau Ihu Trust is a Kaupapa Maori Health and Social Service provider who provides Health and Social Services to whanau in Marlborough. Maori and Pacific Island Social Service Our objective is to support whanau to realise their strengths and reach their potential by providing a service based on Kaupapa Maori values and principles. • Addresses immediate problem • Develop a long term plan and set goals • Provide advocacy with Housing, Winz, Budgeting, employment and education. Our Board and Manager have an ongoing commitment to improving and maintaining the highest standards and have achieved ISO 9001:2008 accreditation quality standard. The team is built around a valued staff of experienced, skilled and committed people who contribute in numerous ways to our success. Mission Statement ‘Ki te whakarato i nga taputapu e hangai ana ki te kaupapa Maori kia whakapakari ake i te whanau’ ‘To provide tools within a Kaupapa Maori framework which make a positive difference for whanau.’ All services are free of charge Our Social workers will work alongside whanau to develop a plan which: Counselling Professional Counselling offered to Tamariki, Taiohi (Youth) and whanau. Mana Taiohi (Youth) Mentoring One to one mentoring and role modelling for Taiohi (Youth) between the ages of 12 – 17 years. Youth Group Programmes Group programme for Taiohi (Youth) to gain cultural knowledge, learn strategies to manage anger, gain increased self esteem. Supported Bail / Supervision with Activity Intensive one to one supervision and support for Rangatahi and their whanau who have entered the Youth Justice system.
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