Te Runanga o Ngati Maru (Taranaki) Trust 2015 Election of Trustees CANDIDATE PROFILES Election of SEVEN (7) Trustees BURROWS Karl 2 BURROWS Kiri - Ana 3 HOHAIA Holden 4 KOPU Michael 5 NGĀTAIERUA-MAXWELL Rōpata 6 NGERU Eddie7 PATUWAIRUA Dennis T 8 PATUWAIRUA Tristan 9 PERI Glenn Maraenui 10 PUATA Ronald Burnard 11 PUE Tamzyn-Rose 12 TAPUTU Rangi 13 WANSBROUGH Jordon 14 WOODS Te Aroha 15 BURROWS Karl Ko ahau e mihi ana, he uri no Ngati Teika, Ngati Rongonui, Ngati Hinemokai. Tena koutou katoa nga uri o Ngati Maru. I am a father of 3 children Kimiora, Tira and Kahu and we are based in London. I am putting myself forward to be elected as a trustee on the runanga to contribute to the development and growth of our iwi. Ngati Maru has a very unique story with its roots and home in Taranaki but now is one which reaches around the world. I want to be part of that story, to bring our people together and contribute to improving the welfare, prosperity and mana of Ngati Maru. I trained as a lawyer and practiced commercial lawyer in New Zealand for Govett Quilliam and in the UK for several multinational companies. I also worked in iwi liaison and as a policy analyst for the Taranaki Regional Council. In the UK I am the founder and MD of a company which energises, builds trust, improves communication and connects people to values utilising tools from Maori culture. I have been privileged to be a part of Ngati Maru’s recent development being part of a team that researched and prepared the Ngati Maru tupuna list which now forms the basis of our iwi’s membership. I am a regular visitor to Taranaki and believe through these visits and the use of modern technology that I can make a valuable contribution to Ngati Maru’s future. Kati ra. 2 BURROWS Kiri - Ana Ko Ngati Hinemokai, ko Ngati Teika oku hapu Ko Te Puata Ika Haehae kupenga, ko Mere Te Ikamatawhero Whakaruru Whatitiri oku matua tupuna Ko Kiriana Burrows toku ingoa. Tena koutou I’m staunchly proud to be Ngatimaru. I am passionate about our development as an iwi for the benefit of our tamariki and future generations. My professional background is in education. I live in Waitara and as a qualified teacher, I have been teaching at Waitara East School for fifteen years in the Kaupapa Maaori bilingual unit. I have had the opportunity to practise and refine many skills such as: • Organising and managing documents and accounts. • Time management and planning. • Reporting to boards on the progress and achievements of programs, clients and staff. • Communicating effectively with whanau, iwi and community. • Managing and organising staff and teams of people. • Devising effective programs to support learning and practice. • Being inclusive of whanau, to value and implement their voice. • Managing finances. • Planning from within a kaupapa Maori lens or world view. • Interviewing and research. While I can work collaboratively and cooperatively as part of a team, I am also an independent thinker. As a people we need the best skills and experience with the right determination, integrity, transparency and commitment to move our iwi into the future. The best contribution I can make to you is to ensure that the decisions made are in the very best interests of our iwi, to secure a positive future for Ngatimaru, our tamariki and the future generations. 3 HOHAIA Holden Kia ora whanau Ko toku tupuna koroua ko Tokotaua. Ko toku tupuna kuia ko Ngaone Te Manihera. Ko Ngati Hinemokai me Ngati Teika oku hapuu. I am proud to be Ngati Maru and love going back home to our marae at Tarata to reconnect with whanau. I have over the years worked to build our identity through our marae and as Ngati Maru. I have mainly done this through the wananga process, which I’ve been facilitating at the marae since the 90’s. Recently, as a court appointed Runanga trustee, I have been privileged to assist in the review of our tribal register to ensure processes are robust and membership based on Maru descent. Tribal decision making should be based on our marae and the Runanga and marae committee should work in partnership to bring our people back to the marae. My lovely partner, Marama, and I have a beautiful blended whanau of six well-behaved (most of the time anyway) children. Some of my qualifications, work experience and current roles include: • Solicitor of the High Court • Certified Maori Language Interpreter • President: Tunui Outrigger Club in Poneke • Trustee Te Runanga o Taranaki Whanui (Poneke) • Advisory Trustee – Te Aro Pa Land Trust • Currently Government and Community Relations Manager at NZ Post Recent roles include: • Director Iwi Engagement CYF • General Manager – Child Family Community Policy MSD • Trustee Palmerston North Maori Reserves I would be honoured to serve you as a trustee. Ngati Maru - Mana Tuupuna 4 KOPU Michael No profile supplied. No photo supplied. 5 NGĀTAIERUA-MAXWELL Rōpata Ko Rua Taranaki te tauheke maunga, te pouherenga o nga waka e toru Ko ona hekenga wai katoa, ko au Ko toku Matua no te Marakiraki o Taranaki, Ko toku Whaene no te Matongatonga tae atu ra Ki te Awa Tupua o Whanganui Tenei au e mihi ake nei kia koutou oku nei whanaunga no roto mai I to tatou iwi o Ngati Maruwharanui ki tuawhenua Ki nga mate huhua ki waenganui I a tatou, haere hoki atu ra koutou ki nga Hawaiki o nga Matua o nga Tupuna okioki atu ai. Tena koutou, Tena Tatou Pai Marire! “Maru kai atu, Maru Kai mai” At present I am working at Te Kopae Tamariki Kia U Te Reo Te Kohanga Reo based in New Plymouth as a Kaiwhakaako Reo Maori. Previous to this position I was a Tutor and programme Co-ordinator for the Traditional Maori Performing Arts Programme at WITT. I have a Diploma in Te Reo Maori, Diploma in Traditional Maori Performing Arts and presently studying towards my Teaching Degree with Massey University. I have of late taken a strong interest in iwi affairs especially with NgaRuahinerangi and Ngati Mutunga and observing as to how these 2 of my iwi have or are strategically planning for the future of all their descendants. Two very different iwi, with two very different paths forward for themselves but with the same intention of leading their people into the future with very vibrant and achievable goals This is what I see for Ngati Maruwharanui... (abridged) 6 NGERU Eddie I’m Chairperson of the Ngati Te Ika Hapu Trust, a Hapu of Ngati Maru Iwi. I’ve lived, taught, worked and farmed in the Matau, Purangi and Tarata areas most of my life. During that time I’ve canoed and walked along the Waitara River from the waterfall to Waitara town many times; canoed the Whanganui River from Taumaranui to Pipiriki several times; walked the Matemateaonga track from Makahu to Tieke; followed the Whangamomona river from Whangamomona to Aotuhia; followed the Tangarakau river almost to the Whanganui river; walked to the coalface of the Tatu coalmine; hunted pigs, deer, possums in the Tangarakau, Whitianga, Te Wera and Ngati Maru Forests. I was a Ngati Hawe Hapu member on the Ngati Ruanui working party and eventually became their Hapu representative on the Ngati Ruanui Runanga Trust (NRRT) when Ngati Ruanui settled with the Crown. Now I am content to be the deputy Trustee for Ngati Hawe on the NRRT. Ngati Te Ika Hapu is not being recognised as a tuturu Hapu of Ngati Maru by the Ngati Maru Runanga. It is important that our Hapu rights be pursued and safeguarded. Ngati Te Ika has always been autonomous and made its own decisions to protect its interests for the benefit of all its descendants. It is our intention to gain back from the Crown those many Ngati Te Ika Hapu assets which were stealthily acquired. I have listened to the stories, been to visit and seen the places which were taken by the Crown. 7 PATUWAIRUA Dennis T Rev’d Dennis T Patuwairua I have been working with Ngātimaru since 1981 when The Kaumātua Tainui Tokotaua and Mister Pue approached me about helping rebuild Ngātimaru... This was the beginning of the fight to resolve our Muru mete Raupatu settlement with the Grown. I have had many troubles to resolve with Ngātimaru and it has made my whanau weary. At this juncture many of the people involved have taken Ngātimaru to so many different places. I was called the King of the road because I did what the tipuna did I hitchhiked to all the meetings called in Wellington because I believed in the work I was doing, it cost Ngātimaru nothing. My cousin Peter Patu and I put in a proposal for the funding to The Runanga Iwi Act and we were the first Iwi in Aotearoa to received the $100,000 dollar Grant, this grant helped us build the Wharekai and the new ablution block. So this has been my commitment to my iwi and I will stand and make sure that our Rangatahi and tamariki get what are legally their rights. 8 PATUWAIRUA Tristan Tini whetu ki te rangi, ko Ngati Maru ki te whenua....... Tena tatou katoa e te iwi o Ngāti Maru. My name is Tristan Patuwairua and I am honoured to put my name forward to stand for Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Maru, and to represent our families, our hapū and our iwi. I am the eldest son of Jack Patuwairua, the grandchild of Ati and Jane Patuwairua, and a proud decendant Te Ikatere, and of course Patuwairua himself. I live in Whaitara with my partner Candy Harrison and our 5 children. I am currently the head chef at the Bach on Breakwater and run the restaraunt and supervise 8 staff members. I am also in my last year of my masters degree in Mātauranga Māori where I am writng my thesis on the different levels of Hapū development. I bring a vast variety of skills wich I believe will benefit Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Maru, however I will do my upmost to provide and support our people, our Marae, our Hapū and Iwi. These skills include Management, administration, buisness, life skills and of course my passion - Te Reo me ona Tikanga. Tena koutou katoa!! 9 PERI Glenn Maraenui • Born in 1965 • Live in New Plymouth, Taranaki • Business Owner of Chain Group 7 years • My mother – (Hazel) Pareteuira Ngataierua Tekere • My father – Raymond Peri (Kaperiere) Overview / Experience I am the Managing Director and Owner of Chain Resources Group. I have 20 years experience in the Oil and Gas / Energy sector locally, nationally, and internationally. Chain Resources Group is 70% Maori employed with 45 employees, we are a Maori proud Company. My father Raymond Peri and koro Albert Peri were both past Ngati Maru committee members. I am honest, I have empathy for people and also a strong business sense. I serve no need for myself, other than clarity and dignity for the people that I will represent in the Runanga committee and wider Ngati Maru environment. I am a forward thinker and very resourceful in making things happen when needed, a network second to none, a whanau base that is self sufficient, self made and financially secure. I would ask you give me the chance to help support, advise and make sound recommendations on any issues forthcoming for all of our Ngati Maru people. Community Involvement 2014 • Choices – Te Whare Oranga Ake / Prison Reintegration program. • Employment Advisor for Maori Youth. • Pathways – Boys High students / school to employment. Sponsorships 2014 $40,000 within Taranaki. Interests My family, Travel, Work, Maori Business Development. Character References Wharehoka Wano, Colin Cooper, Taranaki Public. With Respect, Glenn Maraenui Peri. 10 PUATA Ronald Burnard I am Ronald Burnard Puata and I was born in 1937 at Purangi. I lived my early years in the bush heartland of Ngati Maru, surviving off the land and fishing village settlements at Waitara. I am an active, outgoing and healthy person and I enjoy working to the highest personal standard. I am a capable and reliable person who strives for the best of my abilities in all things. I believe that our young children will need to learn their whakapapa/tikanga/kawa through the help of the Kaumatua and Kuia. I am honest, outgoing and have a good sense of humour. It is time to look forward. Ngati Maru is behind most of the Taranaki tribes in completing Treaty Settlement Treaty Settlement talks with the Crown. Fisheries, Forest and Land Claims should be finished this year then we can talk about developing benefits for our people and our marae. I was told by my wise Kaumatua and Kuia that helped me grow up, that I should share the histories and memories to our people and I want to see a better world for Ngati Maru. I can help the process to get back land and money that belongs to Ngati Maru. Work & Training History: • 1953-1954 Building and Framing Houses, Joinery • 1955-1955 New Zealand Army/Regular Army United Nations Forces for • 4 years in East Asia, 7 years Training Officer 11 PUE Tamzyn-Rose “He puawai ahau nō runga i te tikanga He rau rengarenga ahau nō roto i te raukura. Ko taku raukura he manawa nui ki te ao...” Iwi/Hapū Affiliation: Ngāti Maru te iwi – Ngāti Kui te hapū Occupation: • Te Kōhanga Reo o Ngā Pekanga Kaimahi • Radio Broadcaster Personal Interests: Whānau, Iwi, Reo Māori, Kaupapa Māori Community Involvement: I co-tutor a community based Haka Team which represents Taranaki – Language and History I MC events quite often and facilitate forums etc Relief teaching at various kura and teaching reo and kapahaka to anyone who is keen to share in the learning Candidate Statement: The most important role for me is being a very devoted Mummy to my son Rākaiao Nuri. On that note, he is 1 of the most important reasons why you are reading my profile today. Him and the unborn mokopuna of Maruiwi to come. It’s been enriching to say the least being a rūnanga member for the past few years. We’ve had many trials and tribulations and I am very optimistic about the future of our Ngāti Maru people. It’s been wonderful serving our iwi interests and I am extremely proud to belong to Ngāti Maru. We all have stories about our love and devotion to our iwi and some of us are fortunate enough to have grown up at Tarata on our marae, Te Upoko o Te Whenua with our old people who have now gone before us. It would be great to continue to encourage our people to... (Abridged) 12 TAPUTU Rangi As a former Trustee of the Ngati Maru Trust I wish to make this submission related to the request from Judge Harvey for our individual CV’s. I wish to indicate I have been involved in many matters relating to the iwi since 1985. I wish to see the process of negotiations with the Crown proceed as soon as it can be achieved. I wish also to be part of that process to see my whanau benefit from that outcome. The following are the organisations that I have been involved in over the years and still am, as I have a great desire to see my people benefit from my involvement. 1985 Ngati Maru Marae Committee Treasurer 1989 Ngati Maru Research Group 1987 Te Rangatahi o Taranki Trustee of the MACCESS Programmes 2007-09 Kura Talaho Organisation 2007-09 Kaumatua Kaunihera o Pukeariki (KKOP) 1988 Taranaki Maori Access Committee 2008-09 Toastmasters International 2003-04 NZQA Wananga o Aotearoa Advanced Te Ara Reo Trustee of Ngati Maru Claims Progression Trust Taranaki Diabetes Support Group DHB Te Mate Huka Group Board Member 2007-09 NZQA Te Reo o Taranaki 13 WANSBROUGH Jordon Kia ora Whanau Ko toku tupuna koroua ko Te Puata Te Ika Haehae Kupenga. Ko toku kuia ko Mere Te Ikamatawhero Whakaruru Whatitiri Te Ika Puata. Ko Ngati Teika me Ngati Hinemokai oku hapu. I am passionate about Te Ao Maori and making connections through whakapapa. My personal goal is to bring my whanau home. This has motivated me to organise my whanau in setting up our own trust and led me to put myself forward as a Trustee for our Iwi. After achieving the Diploma in Performing Arts, I have continued my studies at Te Wananga O Raukawa, working towards a degree in Matauranga Maori which I will complete at the end of 2015. I have always loved animals and I am a keen equestrian. Currently I am an Australasian Junior Show Jumping Judge. I also enjoy karaoke and a good game of pool. I have found contributing to the community a challenging and rewarding experience and have been involved with: • The Porirua City Youth Council, as a Youth Councillor • The Discovery Programme (for teenagers) as a support worker; and • The New Zealand Heart Foundation (Zipper Kids) as a member and support person Although this would be my first experience in a Trustee role, I am a quick and willing learner. I feel my passion for whakapapa along with my continuing studies; will be seen as an asset given the opportunity to represent our Iwi as a young person. Noho ra mai Na Jordon Marshall Wansbrough 14 WOODS Te Aroha Tēnā Tātou te Iwi nui tonu o Maruwharanui, Ko ōku Mātua Tupuna, Ko Tamatea Teika, Ko Merania Peri, ratou Ko Titi Tihu. Ko Te Aroha Woods tōku ingoa, anei taku mihi ki a koutou kātoa. I was born and raised in Taumarunui; in a large supportive whanau; I acknowledge their support in my nomination. I currently reside in Whanganui, I have four children; and work as a self-employed consultant. My background is in business and accountancy; with ten years work experience, and concurrent study. I am studying towards of a Bachelor of Business with an Accounting major. I have worked closely with many Maori Organisations, including recent involvement with an Iwi in the context of Post-Settlement Governance. I am passionate about Iwi Development, and the economic growth of our people. This can only be achieved by strong leadership, transparency, accountability and creating initiatives that encourage iwi participation. Trustees need to make sound decisions, reflecting the overall aspirations and tikanga of the Iwi. If successful, I would look to improve these things as part of the wider team of the Rūnanga. I am also interested in ways to create opportunities for our people at the grass roots level. My whanau describe me as efficient and capable, able to exercise humility when required, though still able to stand up for what is right. I bring honesty, transparency and the faces of my tupuna to the table of Ngāti Maruwharanui, and I offer myself for election. Ki te Wheiao, Ki te Ao Mārama 15 The candidate profile statements in this booklet have been provided by the candidates. In some cases, where the content exceeded the word limit, the profiles have been abridged. Other minor editing may have been applied. The Returning Officer accepts no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the statements.
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