NGĀTI MĀKINO HERITAGE TRUST ANNUAL REPORT 2014 2 Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust 2014 Annual Report Otamarakau Marae Saturday 29 November 2014 3 4 Trust Directory DATE OF FORMATION 20 October 2014 NATURE OF BUSINESS Development – Social, Cultural and Environmental BOARD OF TRUSTEES Awhi AWHIMATE (Chair) Hare WIREMU Margaret WILLIAMS Stewart NGATAI Raewyn BENNETT ACCOUNTANT Glen Hawkins & Associates Ltd AUDITOR Cookson Forbes SOLICITOR Tupono Law BANKER Westpac Bank, ROTORUA REGISTERED OFFICE 46 Jellicoe Street Shop 4, Palmer Court PO Box 479 Te Puke 3119 Telephone: 07 573 3370 Email: 5 Table of Contents ITEM PAGE Trust Directory ............................................................................................................................. 5 Agenda ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Minutes ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Chairperson’s Report ............................................................................................................... 17 Financial Summary .................................................................................................................... 21 Financial Statements ................................................................................................................. 23 For the Year Ended 30 June 2014 ........................................................................................ 23 Attendance Register .................................................................................................................. 44 Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 45 6 Agenda NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting of the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust will be held at Otamarakau Marae, State Highway 2, Otamarakau, Te Puke on Saturday 29th November 2014 at 1:00 p.m. 1. Apologies 2. Minutes & Matters Arising 3. Annual Report a. Chairman 4. Audited Consolidated Financial Statements 5. Appointment of Auditor 6. Karakia 7. Whakamutunga Matawhaura 7 Minutes Minutes of the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at Te Puke Memorial Hall, Settlers Lounge, 130 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke 3119 on Saturday, 19 October 2013, 10:00 a.m. 1. KARAKIA/MIHI – Te Ariki Morehu opens hui with a karakia. Mihi from Hare Wiremu (Deputy Chairperson). 2. APOLOGIES - Huriwaka Rewa, Te Waiiti Atutahi, Trisha Atutahi, Purua Tipiwai, Wehipu Galvin, Josie Reha, Edna Thomas, Te Ata Ngatai, Amiria Ngatai, Grant Ngatai, Leighton Ngatai, Steven Williams, Rupa Williams, Pia Bennett, Jimi Leigh McLean, Oriwa Sissons, Bernice Sissons, Trisha Awhimate, Taniora Maihe, Te Mari Tikao, Kiri Hiha Resolved: That the apologies be accepted. Moved: TohuRipeka Te Whata Seconded: Te Ariki Morehu Carried QUORUM – The hui is advised that a quorum of twenty (20) registered Iwi members is required for this to be a legal meeting. After a head count, it is found there are not enough members for this hui to take place therefore, no resolutions can be approved. Chair advises this can be an informative hui only. A quorum according to the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust Trust Deed is 20 beneficiaries. Definition of Beneficiaries – “Living individuals and decedents as at the date of this Deed who are members of Ngati Mākino”. Hui is deemed legal based on the definition of beneficiaries as noted in the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust, Trust Deed. 3. CHAIRPERSON’S WELCOME – Mihi from the Chairperson Awhi Awhimate. 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – Taken as read by the Chairperson. Amendments a. Pg 4. Attendance – Amend Tania Cottes to Tania Coates. 8 Resolved: That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted subject to amendment to Pg 4 of previous minutes. Moved: TohuRipeka Te Whata Seconded: Riria Atutahi Carried Matters Arising from Previous Meetings Minutes – None raised. 5. ANNUAL REPORTS a. Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust Annual Report – The Chair provides an overview of the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust’s Annual Report. Annual report is for year 2012/13. Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust was initially registered as a charitable entity for noncommercial gain. In August 2012 a delegation of Ngāti Mākino members attended the historical third and final reading of the Ngāti Mākino Settlement Bill in Parliament; duly passed and enacted a month later when full and final settlement was received. The newly formed Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust was launched in July 2013 taking on portfolios such as Social, cultural and environmental under the umbrella of the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority. In view of its current charitable status it was decided the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust would be retained as the development (non-commercial) arm of the new organisation. A new governance group was elected in February with Jimi McLean being appointed as the Manager on in July. Pia Bennett continues her role as Environmental Officer holding the Environment portfolio and is acknowledged for her mahi. Trustees are acknowledged for their support and dedication to the Trusts new path and ther hard work during the year to drive change within the business. Noted there is a desire to bring independent trustees on board with strong professional backgrounds in education and social sectors to support these strategies in the future. 9 NMHT business plan was put in place in June 2013 that set targets and actions that will move us directly towards our goals over the next 12 months. Resolved: That the Annual Report be received. Moved: Raewyn Bennett Seconded: Marilyn Williams Carried 6. NGĀTI MĀKINO HERITAGE TRUST AUDITED ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 - Chair introduces Mere George of Glenn Hawkins & Associates who will be presenting the Trust’s Financial Statements and Audit Report. Noted these financial statements are for 12 months to the year ended 30 June 2013. a. Auditors – Cookson Forbes and Associates Ltd. b. Unmodified Audit Opinion - Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust received an unmodified audit opinion from the auditors. This means that the Trusts financial statements comply with the generally accepted accounting practices in New Zealand and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Trust as at the 30th June 2013. Noted, the financial statements also comply with all the reporting requirements of the Trust Deed. c. Statement of Financial Performance i. CFRT / WOG – No movements in terms of income this year however expenditure of $173,037 has been included. This is an indication of Treaty Settlement work, where the funding dries up, but the work must continue in order to finalise settlement. ii. OTS Funding – No activity this year as all OTS work was finalised in the last financial year. iii. Marae Revitalisation – No income has been received this year. $50,000.00 was granted to Te Takinga Marae for Marae revitalisation purposes. Noted, Marae Revitalisation funding sits in a Term Deposit. iv. Cultural Impact Assessment – Funding of $29,500 was received to undertake a Cultural Impact Assessment. We have incurred $25,150 in expenses in undertaking that assessment. 10 v. Mauri Assessment – Income of $53,623 was received for Research relating to the Rena. Expenses of $41,607 were incurred; therefore a profit of 12,017 was made on this particular contract. vi. Iwi Environmental Development Plan – No movement. vii. Cultural Monitoring Maketu Waste Water Project – Funding of $29,610 was received from Western Bay of Plenty District Council for the monitoring of the wastewater treatment plant project in Maketu. Expenses total $14,000 to date. Noted, a profit of $15,610 was been made on this contract this year. viii. Sundry • Interest – Interest of $42,262.00 was received and when comparing those figures to last year questions could be asked as to why the big drop. Mere explains, this is because of bank interest rates dropping and also due to the statements being for 18 months. Only 6 months worth of interest has been recorded in these statements. • BOP Regional Council – Environmental Sponsorship – $1,000 reimbursed for Iwi Sponsorship Programme. Environment Court Costs Awarded – Court costs of $50,000 was awarded to Ngāti Mākino for costs relating to Rotoma Wastewater Treatment Plant appeal. • Offsetting these expenses for Ngāti Mākino to undertake this appeal were legal expenses that total $103,363.00. Compared to last years Sundry, where there was a profit of $85,550, we are now operating a deficit of $11,960. • Maketu Shoreline Debris Recovery – Funding was received from Aecora Limited specifically for this project. Contractors were hired to assist with the Maketu shoreline clean up. Total cost of recovery $22,653.00 l. Statement of Movements in Equity – Summary of all the different cost centres. m. Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) - Summary of our bank accounts, current assets, non current assets, investments, current liabilities etc. 11 n. Marae Revitalisation Funding – Funding is tagged for Marae Revitalisaiton purposes only. Resolved: That the financial report be accepted. Moved: Raewyn Bennett Seconded: Tutewharerimu Awhimate Carried 7. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR – Recommendation that the Trust re-appoints Cookson Forbes & Associates as the auditors for the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust in the year ending June 2014. Resolved: That the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust re-appoints Cookson Forbes & Associates as the Trusts Auditors for the financial year ending June 2014. Moved: Laurence Tamati Seconded: Paeraro Awhimate Carried 8. AMENDMENT TO NGĀTI MĀKINO HERITAGE TRUST TRUST DEED – The Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust seeks to amend Clause 5.6 of the Trust Deed that relates to when it shall convene an Annual General Meeting (AGM). The amendment relates to a change in the balance date for Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust from 31 December to 30 June. Current Clause: “5.6 Annual General Meetings (a) The Chair of the Board shall convene an Annual General Meeting no earlier than 30 June and no later than 31 August in each calendar year to report back to the beneficiaries (“AGM”). Amended Clause: “5.6 Annual General Meeting (a) The Chair of the Board shall convene an Annual General Meeting no later than 31 December in each calendar year to report back to the beneficiaries (“AGM”)”. Resolution: That the Board approves amendment to clause 5.6 of the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust Trust Deed. Moved: Stewart Ngatai Seconded: Morris Meha Carried 12 9. MANAGERS REPORT – Jimi gives an overview of the Managers report. a. Background to Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust – Mandated in February 2008 to advance discussions with the Crown and before the Waitangi Tribunal on behalf of Ngāti Mākino to seek the settlement of Historic Ngāti Mākino Treaty claims. Registered as a Charitable Trust with the NZ Charities Commission. Settlement negotiations with the Crown concluded September 2012. Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority was established as the “Post Settlement Entity” to manage and administer the settlement assets on behalf of and for the benefit of Ngāti Mākino. Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust was retained as the Charitable or “development” arm of the Iwi Authority under the new structure. b. Current Staffing – Two staff members currently operate within the Heritage Trust. Jimi McLean appointed as Manager on 12 August 2013 in a full time capacity to manage the establishment and operations within the terms of the Trust Deed and Statement of Intent. Pia Bennett is employed as the Environmental Officer on a part time contract and is responsible for all environmental matters for Ngāti Mākino. c. Annual Business Plan 2013 / 2014 – First annual plan prepared by the group who have identified and prioritised key work streams. Priorities – Establish itself as an effective efficient organisation to fulfil the responsibilities set out in the Trust Deed and delegated to it by the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority. Summary of Key Tasks – A summary of the key tasks to be undertaken is given. d. Marae development – NMHT have assisted 3 Mākino Marae to undertake restoration and revitalisation projects. These are: • Pukehina Marae • Te Takinga Marae • Otamarakau Marae The Trust has also pledged further financial support to Te Awhe o te Rangi Marae for their marae rebuild project. 13 Other marae affiliated to Ngāti Mākino have been invited to seek support for any upcoming projects they may have. Resolved: That the Managers Report be received. Moved: TohuRipeka Te Whata Seconded: Hare Wiremu Carried 10. GENERAL BUSINESS a. Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Annual General Meeting Date: 16 November 2013 Time: 10:00 a.m. Venue: Te Takinga Marae Mourea, Rotorua b. Distributions – Queries regarding whether Ngāti Mākino will be allocating distributions to its members i.e. tertiary grants, travel assistance, kaumatua grants etc. Noted the managers report sets out a summary of tasks to be undertaken by the board/management that includes developing policies for the distribution of grants. c. Matawhaura/Otari Pa Update – Discussions with Ngāti Pikiao have been ongoing in relation to Matawhaura/Otari Pa. We were each given a part of Matawhaura and now have to set up a joint entity to look after those two taonga. Pikiao are currently going through a process to try and determine what hapu whakapapa to Matawhaura and Otari Pa. We are now at a stage where Huiterangiora committee need to meet with their koeke to discuss the outcomes of their process. Following that a hui a iwi will need to take place. d. Otamarakau Marae Revitalisation – Demolition has been undertaken leaving the developers Watts & Hughes with a clear site to work with. Foundations have been laid for the Wharekai and Wharepaku. Restoration work has also started on the Wharenui. Any men interested in 14 going down and helping out with the restoration of our tupuna whare are encouraged to do so. e. Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Trustee Elections – Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority Trustees are calling for nominations to their Board. Members advised to call the office to check or update their contact details if they have not received voting packs. 11. KARAKIA – Te Ariki Morehu. 12. WHAKAMUTUNGA 15 Otamarakau Marae Restoration of Otamarakau Marae Complete (30 August 2014) 16 Chairperson’s Report Kō Matawhaura te maunga Kō Ngāti Mākino te iwi Kō Whakahau te tangata Kō Rotoiti te moana Te Roto kite a Ihenga I Ariki ai Kāhu Kō Matawhaura te maunga Kō Ngāti Mākino te iwi Kō Rotoehu te moana Kō Taingāru te tangata He taniwha ngā tāngata He paruparu ngā kai Nau mai, piki mai, kake mai, kua tae mai, kua tae mai, kua tae mai. Hōmai te wai ōra ki ahau, kā tu, taki wai, taki wai ōra e. Tena koutou katoa Ngāti Mākino, nau mai haere mai, nau mai whakatau mai ki a koutou katoa, kua tae mai ki te hui-a-tau o Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust 2014. I take this opportunity to extend welcome to you all to our Annual General Meeting for the Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust 2014. Unfortunately I can not be with you all today as my other job takes me away from the rohe from time to time, however I am honoured today to present the 2014 Annual Report to the peoples of Ngāti Mākino inside of our first year in operation. The Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust (The Trust) is the developmental arm of the Ngāti Mākino Group that stands possessed of the Trust Property for the benefit of Ngāti Mākino for exclusively charitable purposes. Under the objects of the Trust Deed, The Trust is the representative body of Ngāti Mākino in all aspects that relate to the social, environmental and educational development plus the vehicle for the development of understanding of all peoples the history and tikanga of Ngāti Mākino. I take time to acknowledge the tireless work of our current Board being: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Hare Wiremu Raewyn Bennett Margaret Williams Stewart Ngatai Awhi Awhimate as Chairman 17 The Board are selected and appointed by the Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority and all bring specific skill sets to addressing the requirements set out within the objects of the Trust, in particular addressing and leading social and cultural imperatives on behalf of the Trust. I also acknowledge the services of Mapihi Raharuhi who resigned as a trustee earlier in the year. Mapihi relocated to Wellington for work and personal reasons hence the reasons for her resignation. I wish her all the best in her new endeavours ahead. I have received strong support from our trustees for our vision and the three supporting key drivers: • • • Establishing an effective and efficient organisation; Develop and build the capacity and capability of the Trust to fulfill its responsibilities; Develop and improve the cultural, educational, social and health status of iwi members. A new business plan was put in place in June 2014 to set the targets and actions that will move us directly towards our goals over the next 12 months. Key tasks include: • • • • • • Develop and implement a small number of small, high profile projects to address significant needs in order to build understanding and support among iwi members for the operation and objectives of the Trust. Develop comprehensive, integrated plans to address high priority needs in conjunction with relevant agencies Build contract development and management capability Implement comprehensive plans progressively, measuring progress and reviewing objectives and methods to ensure best results Work in conjunction with Te Arawa Lakes Trust and Bay of Plenty Regional Council to conduct an environmental scan of the rohe Gathering information on which to base remedial and mitigation action. The plan includes ambitious key performance indicators and concrete actions driving towards each of the strategies. Action Points from 2013 / 2014 included: • • • • Develop systems, policies and procedures to establish the NMHT as an effective and efficient entity. Understand the current social, cultural, educational and health status of iwi members, in relation to national benchmarks and standards. Understand the roles, capabilities and responsibilities of relevant local, regional and national agencies in funding and providing services to address significant gaps and shortfalls in the current social, cultural, educational and health status of iwi members, and Develop networks with relevant agencies to inform them of needs and enlist their support to fund and/or deliver remedial and capability-building projects and programmes. 18 I believe we have set a strong foundation from which to launch our social, cultural and environmental strategies. Key outcomes are to improve the performance of our iwi in all aspects of our wellbeing. I am also pleased to confirm our annual accounts for the year ended June 2014, once again indeed a pleasure to have received an ‘unqualified’ opinion from the auditors, Cookson Forbes. Our Manager for the Trust, Jimi McLean, ably supports our Board. He has been steering our waka on a steady path as we develop initiatives for our people. Likewise Pia Bennett as Taiao Mākino (Environment Manager) has been very busy over the months. Key work strategies have included submission to the BOP Regional Council on the resource consent application to leave the Rena Wreck on Otaiiti; as well submissions to BOP Regional Council on their Regional Policy Statement. Not forgetting Awhina Awhimate who supports our organisation and to whom we are most appreciative. These are exciting times for Ngāti Mākino as we look forward, knowing from where we have come. I thank you all for your attendance today. Nā Awhi Awhimate (Chairman) 19 Ruapotango I: Day before demolition (10th March 1988) Ruapotango II: Closing Ceremony (17 September 2013) Ruapotango III: Opened (30 August 2014) 20 Financial Summary The audited Consolidated Group financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014 are provided in the back of this report. Consolidated accounts are required to comply with generally accepted accounting practice under the Financial Reporting Act 1993. This is a summary overview for the year. The Auditors are Cookson Forbes & Associates of Opotiki and they have provided an unmodified (clear) audit opinion. Key financial trends and information have been extracted from the financial statements, as follows: SUMMARY OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE 2014 $ 2013 $ INCOME Donation – Ngati Makino Iwi Authority Contracts Interest Other Total Income 285,106 212,413 16,471 513,990 133,509 42,262 51,000 226,771 EXPENDITURELESS EXPENDITURE Operations Marae Revitalisation Contracts Depreciation Total Expenditure 248,495 302,596 163,642 1,787 716,520 276,399 50,000 103,410 1,859 431,668 Net (Deficit)/Surplus (202,530) (204,897) Debt Forgiven – Ngati Makino Iwi Authority Net Movements in Equity 651,160 $ 448,630 $ (204,897) Income has been received via a donation from the Ngati Makino Iwi Authority, contract income and interest on previously invested funds. There has been a decrease in the operating expenses of $27,904 which relates mainly to lower legal fees. There have been increases in wages and trustee fees as activity has increased. Contract expenses relate to the seven contracts that have been in place over the past year and it’s notable that administration of these contracts has been covered by a reasonable surplus from all of these activities. 21 The Marae revitalisation costs are specific to the three other Marae that have been provided with support in the past year (excluding Otamarakau). The overall outcome is a similar net deficit to last year. The debt write off by the Ngati Makino Iwi Authority has created an overall positive movement in equity. The Balance Sheet has improved as a result of the significant commitment to Otamarakau Marae via the Marae revitalisation funding. SUMMARY OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 2014 2013 $ $ ASSETS Bank Deposits and Cash 34,334 24,943 IRD - GST 624 Tax Refund Due 3,326 3,325 Sundry Assets 54,266 Property & Equipment 1,471,747 223,202 BNZ Term Deposit 920,000 Total Assets 1,509,408 1,226,360 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Annual Leave Accrual Income in Advance Ngati Makino Iwi Authority Total Liabilities NET EQUITY 8,346 10,902 21,000 40,248 35,589 11,538 158,702 205,829 1,469,160 1,020,531 Fees paid during the year to the Trustees were as follows: TRUSTEES' PAYMENTS Gross Fees $ 5,775 1,250 750 1,600 1,750 750 2,000 2,500 3,225 $ 19,600.00 A Awhimate M Awhimate P Awhimate R Bennett S Ngatai M Raharuhi L Tamati M Williams H Wiremu Total 22 Travel $ 1,209 320 316 252 330 144 533 89 1,004 $ 4,198 Financial Statements For the Year Ended 30 June 2014 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 \ 43 Attendance Register Ngāti Mākino Heritage Trust Annual General Meeting Saturday 19 October 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Te Puke Memorial Hall, Settlers Lounge, Jellicoe Street, Te Puke 44 Notes 45 46
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