Karakia: Prayers: Karakia Timatanga: E te Atua Lord He mihi tenei ki a koe This is a greeting to you Mo au painga ki a matou For your kindness to us I tenei wa At this time Amine Amen Karakia Whakamutunga E te atua Lord Kua mutu a matou mahi mo tenei wa Our work is finished for this time Arahina matou ki o matou ka inga Guide us to our home Ko ihu karaiti to matou Ariki For Jesus Christ, our Lord’s sake Amine Amen Karakia Kai E te atua Lord Whakapaignia enei kai Bless these foods Hei ora mo o matou tinana As sustenance for our bodies Amine Amen Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School Marae Complex In the past a pa was a Maori village consisting of ceremonial and living quarters, food pits, food storage houses and palisades like a fortress. On Mangere Mountain there is an example of historic pa living. www.mangeremountain.co.nz Another good example of one of New Zealand’s oldest pa’s is One Tree Hill. http://www.tki.org.nz/r/socialscience/curriculum/SSOL/onetreehill/background_e.php Today a marae consist of only a few buildings. These are usually the wharenui, Marae wharekai, wharepaku and storage sheds. In the past there would have been numerous buildings. Marae refers to the place where people formally come together on a specific occasion for a specific function. These can include hui, tangi, weddings, reunions and birthdays. Marae Atea The sacred ground in front of the meeting house or wharenui. The full name for this Te Maraenui Atea O Tumatauenga, The greater marae of Tumatauenga, Guardian of War. Wharekai This is the dinning hall where all meals are held. Cooks or chefs were referred to as the ringa wera. This is a place of noa opposite to tapu. Most marae have their own protocols and rules but the main rules to observe are DO NOT sit on tables ANYWHERE DO NOT smoke in the wharekai DO NOT throw food at all DO NOT pass food over anyone head. Wharenui The main building of the complex. It is also known as a whare tupuna. It may or may not have carvings. It is the place where all formal procedures occur for hui, tangi and gatherings. The building itself is usually named after an ancestor and at times is structured to symbolically represent the ancestor. Wharehoroi This is the bathroom, shower block, wash house. Sometimes the wharepaku or toilets are combined with the wharehoroi. Flag Pole Some marae have flag poles. The flags flown represent the iwi, issues or people of the marae. Sometimes they are flown on an important occasion to notify iwi and hapu. Memorial Some marae have a memorial to those that have died usually during wars. Others have memorial stone if a marae or urupa have been moved and or the place where Stone something of significance has been buried beneath. Pa Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School Wharenui Other names are whare whakairo, whare moe, whare tipuna, whare tupuna, whare hui, or whare runanga. When you enter a whare you are not just entering a building but you are being embraced by the tupuna or ancestors or that marae, that iwi. His or her arms are outstretched to greet you. Tekoteko The carved figure or head at the top. This is in front of the wharenui. Koruru Is usually under the tekoteko and represents a direct descendant of the ancestor. Maihi Two large beams sloping downwards from the tekoteko. They can also represent the arms of the ancestor. Raparapa Amo Tahuhu These are found at the end of the maihi and represent the fingers of the ancestor. Two front carvings at each side of the meeting house supporting the maihi. These represent the side of the ancestor. Large beam inside the building holding up the roof. It runs the entire length of the building and is often decorated with kowhaiwhai patterns. Heke The rafters on the ceiling running between tahuhu to the walls and often decorated with kowhaiwhai patterns. Poupou These are the carved figures along the walls of the meeting house. They usually are named after important ancestors. Sometimes they can also represent other tribes. Panels between the poupou showing various designs woven in pattern representing Maori concepts. Tukutuku Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School Powhiri A welcome to a marae Tangata Whenua The people who belong to the marae. The hosts. Manuhiri The visitors to the marae. Inoi Wero Karanga Mihi Waiata A prayer said near the beginning of a powhiri. A challenge from the tangata whenua to the manuhiri The call from the tangata whenua to bring the manuhiri onto the marae. Greetings and Speeches The songs that follow each speaker. Koha Donation or gift. Hongi The traditional Maori greeting, the pressing of nose and forehead. Kai Te Wharenui The sharing of food, eating of a meal by manuhiri and tangata whenua. The meeting house. Poroporoaki The farewell Kaumatua Kuia Elders of the marae. Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School Marae PD Workshops Marae Across the Curriculum: Marae is an excellent example how Te Ao Maori, the Maori World can be incorporated across the curriculum. Maori is not stand alone subject to learn a bit of language or learn protocols or tikanga. Maori is a living breathing culture where reo, tikanga and akoranga or learning is forever taking place. A brief look at how Marae can be used across the curriculum in your class. a Patokatoka – Whai- String Games: Patokatoka is a simple game that can be played on the Marae using strings or harakeke (flax). It can be played by all ages and tests speed and reaction. It also increases awareness. This game was designed to test the persons ability to focus multitask and concentrate on two different tasks at once. Ta Potaka – Putahi: Ta Potaka (spinning tops): Whip tops made of wood were used for competitions. You needed excellent eye/hand coordination. A skilful technique was necessary when competitions were held between hapu. Instructions: Wrap string around the top tightly making sure you leave enough string to hold on to. Hold onto the top to keep it steady and quickly pull the string towards you - hard!. The top should start to spin, if not KEEP TRYING. Putahi (board game): A game of strategy and skill. Two opponents out-thinking each other - similar to the game of drafts but much faster! Instructions: Two people pay where one has four striped perepere and the other player has four plain perepere. The perepere are set up in the outer ring alternating. Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School One perepere is moved by a player at each turn. A perepre can only move into an adjacent space or into the centre if it is empty. When your opponent cannot move your have won and you call out "PUTAHI" Kowhaiwhai: Kowhaiwhai are the painted patterns usually decorated on the wooden rafters of a carved whare. Traditionally the colours are black, white and yellow. Although sometimes blue, yellow or green is added. Waiata: Participants will learn three waiata or songs. They will also learn their meanings so that they could use them in their classes or in different situations such as powhiri situation e.g. Welcoming visitors, tangi, assemblies. Why do we sing a waiata after each speaker? Can we sing any song on any occasion? Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School Marae Across Pacific Maori: A brief look at Marae across Pacific Maori. Comparing Marae with Tahiti, The Cook Islands and New Zealand, or mala`e in Tonga or malae in Samoa and Hawaii. Whakairo: Whakairo or carvings is not just about carving the stories but reading the stories from the carvings. Maori historically was not a written language but an oral one. Carvings tell us about our history and the deeds of our tupuna or ancestors. Tititorea: Tititorea or double short sticks. There are many games for playing, learning and competing with tititorea. Other than the obvious hand eye coordination skills needed, waiata would need to be learnt, team work established and opportunities for socialisation. There is no age limit and both children and adults can join in. You can start simply from changing hands with the sticks you have to more complex activities such as changing sticks coming from behind and having to be caught whilst moving. Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School Marae Resources: http://history-nz.org/maori5.html http://www.korero.maori.nz/forlearners/protocols/marae.html http://www.maraeonline.co.nz http://www.welcome2manukau.com/tourism/product/?product=airportmarae http://www.airportmarae.co.nz http://www.aucklandairport.co.nz/Social-Responsibility/Marae.aspx http://www.maori.org.nz/tikanga http://www.tki.org.nz/r/literacy_numeracy/professional/teachers_notes/r eady_to_read/tchr_notes/at_the_marae_e.php Marae Meeting Places By Indira Neville- Curriculum Concepts Te Reo Kori Introduction Activities- PE Advisers Hamilton Reinforcement Activities Maori Language by Anna Carlisle Te Kawa O Te Marae- A guide for all Marae visitors By Wena Harawira Te Marae By Hiwi Tauroa At the Marae By Marion Rego and Phillip Paea The Marae By Warren Pohatu Nga Moteatea By Apirana Ngata Te Marae- A Guide to Customs and Protocols By H and P Tauroa He Tikanga Marae Tikanga Whakaaro- Key concepts in Maori Culture By C Barlow Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School Te Pou Te Pou Te pou, te pou Te tokotoko I whenuku Te tokotoko I wherangi Tokia, tukia Ko te mumu ko te awha Ko te mumu ko te awha Ko te manihi kaiota Takiri panapana Ka rau I runga Ka rau I raro Ka whai tamore I runga Ka whai tamore I raro Tena ko te pou Tena ko te pou Te pou o rongo No rongo Mauri ora Ka oa e ee Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae. Compiled by Lysandra Stuart. Sir Keith Park School
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