AGENDA Heritage Revitalization Advisory Commission Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 5:00 pm Council Chambers, City Hall Mandate: to undertake heritage and revitalization projects as approved by Council and to advise Council on referred heritage matters. 1. AGENDA APPROVAL 2. ADOPTION OFJUNE 13, 2013 MINUTES * 3. COUNCIL REFERRALS/UPDATES None. 4. SIGN/FAÇADE APPLICATIONS a. Wild Poppy Bistro –541 First Avenue * b. Twisted Scissor Lounge – 809 First Avenue * c. Little Town Family Consignment – 30 Roberts Street * d. Claire’s Hair Design – 834 First Avenue * e. CMF Construction – 521 First Avenue * 5. HERITAGE PROJECT UPDATES a. Transfer Beach Pictorial Brainstorming Session 6. NEW BUSINESS None. 7. CORRESPONDENCE None. 8. UPDATES 9. NEXT MEETING Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 5:00 pm - Council Chambers, City Hall. 10. ADJOURNMENT *Attachment MINUTES Herritage Revitalization Advisory C Commissio on (HRAC)) Thursday, June 13, 2013 aat 5:00 p.m.. Council Ch hambers, Ciity Hall PRESEN NT: Chairr – Jennifer Robinson; Members M – Allen McDe ermid, Maurreen Martin,, Ann Rogers, Gerry Beltgens; B Council Liaisson – Councillor Bill Drysdale; Staff Liaiso on and Reco order – Ange ela Vincent REGRETTS: Member – Tamara Hutchinsson, Roman Buta, Berna ardien Knol GUESTS: Christtine Meutzn ner, Archivist The mee eting was ca alled to orde er at 5:00 p..m. 1. AGENDA A It was moved, m seco onded and carried c thatt the Agendaa of June 1 13, 2013 be e approved with the following additio ons: 7. 7 a. Herita age BC – He eritage Wee ek update 8. 8 Updates 2. MINUTES M It was moved, m secon nded and ca arried that the t Minutes of May 9, 2 2013 be ado opted. 3. COUNCIL C RE EFERRALS/U UPDATES None. N 4. SIGN/FAÇAD S DE APPLICTIONS a. a Suthe erland Block k – 428, 430, 432 Firstt Avenue Members review wed and sup pported thee façade prooposal for n new awningg and ng signage. Members appreciated a the new collour combin nation. awnin It was moved, m seco onded and carried c thatt the Heritagge Revitalizzation Advisory Commisssion recommend the pro oposed awn ning and aw wning signagge for the Sutherland B Block buildin ng at 428, 430, and 432 First Avenu ue. b. b Mainsstreet Building/Old Tow wn Bakery – 510 First A Avenue Members review wed and sup pported thee façade prooposal for n new awningg and ng signage. Members noted n that tthe black a awning and lettering loo oked awnin elega ant. It was moved, m seco onded and carried c thatt the Heritagge Revitalizzation Advisory Commisssion recommend the pro oposed awn ning and aw wning signagge for the M Mainstreet B Building and d Old Town Ba akery at 510 0 First Avenue. c. c Ladyssmith Tradin ng Companyy – 410 Firsst Avenue The owner o of th he Ladysmitth Trading Company rrequested tthe Commisssion review w potential paint colours and exterior styyles for up pgrades to the buildiing’s façade e. Heritage Revitalization Advisory Commission June 13, 2013 Members participated in an informal discussion and provided the following recommendations: Retain “Ladysmith Trading Co. Ltd.” sign Use of multiple complementary colours and tones to reduce monolithic look Use of materials and detail to provide variation in the exterior Improvement of the canopy – if unable to remove, make it a feature and add aesthetic details such as support chains. Potential for unique signage on side walls (such as a ‘ghost advertisement’) Remain authentic to the style. Must ensure that the upgrades complement the building’s diverse architecture styles. 5. HERITAGE PROJECT UPDATES a. Transfer Beach Pictorial A. McDermid explained that Project REEL Life recorded an interview with three senior residents regarding Transfer Beach. Project REEL Life has also offered to work with the Ladysmith Maritime Museum to produce a harbour/beach tour video. Quotes from these videos could be used in the interpretive panels, or will connect via a QR code to access video/audio online. Archivist Christine Meutzner provided some suggestions for how the Commission could approach the interpretive panels. Determine the purpose of the exhibit Recommend that members hold a brainstorming session to determine the best ideas and concepts to include in the panels Emphasize the visual - photos, maps, objects – rather than text Incorporating technology adds an extra dimension for younger generations Emphasize the fun nature of the project, especially since the location is primarily recreational Don’t get lost in details of industrial use – the concept and a few photos will educate but maintain interest Ensure the display can serve a variety of audiences including seniors, children, youth, people in a rush, etc. Involve pertinent local groups (i.e. Ladysmith Maritime Society) Start working with Stz’uminus First Nation early in the process Keep panels smaller (possibly 2 feet by 3 feet each) Incorporating artifacts into the design adds visual interest and entertains younger audiences Consider creative communication ideas (such as the etched glass looking out to sea, showing the size and location of the wharf) Commission members thanked C. Meutzner for her input. A group brainstorming session will be held at the HRAC meeting. 2 Heritage Revitalization Advisory Commission June 13, 2013 b. 6. Community Heritage Register Update J. Robinson, A. Rogers and G. Beltgens provided an update to the evaluation of properties on the Heritage Inventory for inclusion in the Community Heritage Register. They will meet during the next month to compare evaluations and plan to provide results at the next HRAC meeting. NEW BUSINESS None. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Heritage BC – Heritage Week update A. Vincent noted that the theme for Heritage Week 2014 is “Heritage Afloat”, and can include concepts such as historic ships and ship wrecks, First Nations, European contact, transportation, security, recreation and sport, and home and work afloat. Members noted the applicability to Ladysmith and the opportunity to work closely with the Ladysmith Maritime Society. 8. UPDATES Members provided the following updates: Heritage BC President Rick Goodacre is stepping down There is an opportunity for the Ladysmith Rotary Garden Tour to include interesting heritage information for local properties. The Ladysmith Museum has had low visitor numbers and wants to encourage more residents and tourists to visit. The Ladysmith & District Historical Society has seen much interest in family background research recently. 9. NEXT MEETING Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 5:00 pm - Council Chambers, City Hall 10. ADJOURNMENT It was moved seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned at 6:25 p.m. ____________________________________ Chair (J. Robinson) RECEIVED: ________________________________ Corporate Officer (S. Bowden) 3
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