Badger Tracks Heritage Elementary 9950 Rosewater Parkway, PO Box 309, Bennington, NE 68007 PH # (402) 238-2095 & Fax # (402) 238-3351 What’s Growing at Heritage... The Mission of the Bennington Public Schools is to provide educational opportunities in a safe, caring environment that will prepare all students to meet the challenges of the future. December 19, 2014 December 19 Report Cards sent home 20-Jan 5 Winter Break - No School January 5 No School/Staff In-Service Day 6 Spirit Day 12 PTO Meeting - 7pm 13 Audio Screening Day 19 No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day 28 Early Dismissal - 1:00 pm 28-29 NeSA Writing Test - 4th Grade only 30 Progress Report go home All of us at Heritage Elementary would like to wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! School Resumes on Tuesday, Jan. 6th We are truly grateful for our wonderful families here at Heritage. Thank you for thinking of us during this holiday time, from the food that was brought in, the treats that were given, to the gifts that were shared, we can not say enough thanks for everything you have done for us. Thank you again and enjoy the winter break— see you on January 6th! Notice of Nondiscrimination Bennington Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age or other protected status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Heritage 3rd Annual Spelling Bee Thursday, December 18th in the cafeteria My Apologies go out to Annabelle Wagoner in 3rd Grade. She was missed in our list of participants in last week’s newsletter. Finalists for Grades 1 - 3 Serena Formanek— Champion Kaden McNamara— Runner Up Charlotte Thiltgen - Runner UP Dylan Crnic— Champion Finalists for Grades 4 – 6 The Broadcast and Communications group is proud to announce the first production of “Good Morning Heritage!” Audio Screening Day Tuesday, January 13th Students in the Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th grades and new students will be having audio screening checks held on the morning of January 13th. If you have a child in the 4th or 5th grade and you have a concern, they can be screened also. All new students in our District will be screened as well. The school’s audio screening is not diagnostic; nor is it intended to replace regular preventive health care. The goal is to assist parents in the identification of potential hearing problems so they may seek appropriate medical evaluation. Students with abnormal results, at the initial screening will be rescreened by the nurse within 2 – 3 weeks and a parent will be notified of abnormal results. A request for screening may be made by contacting the school office. We would also appreciate any moms, dads, or grandparents that could volunteer to help us on the morning of Tuesday, January 13th. Please call the Heritage office at 238-2095 and let the office know. Lost and Found Items Please check the table out when you visit. It is currently located near the Gym entrance. All items unclaimed by Winter Break will be donated. Thanks for your help in claiming your student items. Second Semester Snack Milk The cost of snack milk is $39.00 per semester, or $19.50 per quarter, as stated in the handbook. This is for each student in K – 6th grade. If your child would like snack milk, please send the correct amount to the office by Friday, Jan. 9th. DWP Winners….. Audrey KA Ava 1K Ellie 2P Carter 4M Gabe 6J Kendrix KA Davis 1K Madison 3B Grace 5K Isaac 6M Wyatt KM Sophia 2B Landon 3B Corina 5K Rease 1P Mason 2B Todd 4L Carter 5K Classroom Winners for the Food Drive Ms. Camp - 3rd Grade Ms. Masterson - 4th Grade Thank you for all of your donations! Parent Teacher Organization Thank you to all the volunteers that assisted with this year’s Craft Boutique! A BIG THANKS to Amber McCoy and Melissa Beck for all of their hard work in organizing this wonderful event! All funds raised from this year’s Craft Boutique will go towards the Heritage Elementary Book Room! Remember to keep collecting your Box Tops for Education in for the 2nd quarter! Box Top collection jars are in each classroom or you may turn them into the school office. Classroom Winter Parties and Assemblies K through 2nd Grade Assembly: 9-9:45 a.m. Classroom party: 10-11:30 a.m. 3rd Grade through 6th Grade Classroom party: 8:30-10 a.m. Assembly: 10:15-11 a.m. Your Heritage Elementary PTO would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year! The December Heritage Elementary PTO meeting will be a holiday social event at the Stumble Inn in Bennington! THIS MONDAY, December 15th, 6:30 p.m. Come hang out, eat and enjoy an evening away from the school library. No formal dress. Just come as you are and enjoy good company! Please RSVP using the Evite sent to PTO members on November 30th or click the link below! Decorating Door Contest Best Theme Most Creative Jolliest Door Mrs. Babbel Ms. Stroberg Mrs. Martin Teammates Mentoring Program of Bennington Needs Your Help! If you are interested in becoming a mentor please contact Stan Turner as soon as possible at Badger Volleyball Club Parents Meeting WHAT: We will be meeting to discuss Bennington volleyball club. We’re looking to form teams of 11, 12 and 13 year olds who are interested in club, but could not commit to a club in Omaha/surrounding areas. These teams would be developmental teams, with 1 practice a week, and approximately 4-6 tournaments spread out between Feb, Mar, Apr, & May. Practices would begin in January based on the number of girls, number of teams, parent preference, and gym availability. WHEN: Monday Dec 29th at 6:00 p.m. WHERE: Meet in the High School Gym – come in the bottom door on the east side of the building that leads to the weight room/gym. WHO: Parents of kids ages 11, 12, or 13 who are interested in club volleyball Parents or community members interested in assisting with the development the club volleyball program in Bennington For more information, contact Coach Bierman at 402-327-1355 or If you’re unable to make the meeting, but are interested in BVC, contact Coach Bierman Follow on Twitter - @BadgerVBClub
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