Updated 3/25/15 THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION JOB BANK March 19th Back to the Future? Battlefield Nuclear Weapons in South Asia Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Host: The Institute of World Politics. To feature Jeffrey D. McCausland, Ph.D., Colonel, US Army (retired), Founder and CEO, Diamond6 Leadership and Strategy, LLC, National Security Consultant for CBS Radio and Television. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.iwp.edu/events/detail/back-to-the-future-battlefield-nuclearweapons-in-south-asia. 20th U.S.-Taiwan Relations Post-Elections Time: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation. Midterm elections in the United States and Taiwan changed the political and legislative configuration in both countries. What impact will these have on U.S.-Taiwan relations as both countries head into Presidential elections in 2016. The Heritage Foundation, in cooperation with the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA), has assembled expert panelists to look at the issue from both sides. Please join us as we examine the ramifications of changing political landscapes. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/taiwan-elections. 23rd NEW EVENT! Year Five of the Affordable Care Act: The Budgets, Deficit and Spending Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation. Five years following enactment of the Affordable Care Act, the Congressional Budget Office now states that the total fiscal effects of the legislation can no longer be determined. Nonetheless, its major provisions are still in the early stages of being enforced, while millions of Americans face higher premiums, deductibles, and increased tax burdens. Moreover, millions of Americans have already had their health insurance cancelled, and employer-based coverage is declining. Congress’s “deficit fixation” drove the law’s development and distracted Members from the right budgetary concern: how much the law would spend. The certainty of the Affordable Care Act’s massive spending combined with the uncertainty of revenues from politically unpopular taxes and unlikely Medicare cost savings is a virtual guarantee of future deficits. In short, the law’s reckless overreach threatens to hasten the deterioration of Washington’s fiscal condition. Join us as our panelists discuss their research and insight on this critical issue. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/aca-at-5. Scientism in the Age of Obama Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation. In his first inaugural address, President Obama pledged to “restore science to its rightful place." But has the Obama Administration restored science or abused it? In this talk based on the expanded paperback edition of his book Darwin Day in America (ISI Books, 2015), political scientist John G. West will examine how the Obama Administration has illegitimately invoked “science” to curtail basic freedoms, undercut ethical protections, and circumvent democratic accountability. He also will explore how during the Obama years free speech is being increasingly restricted in the name of science and how science is being misused to attack religion, especially in educational institutions. West will argue that science has produced great blessings, but its current abuse is bad for both science and a free society. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/scientism. NEW EVENT! Communicating Effectively on National Security in a 24/7 News Cycle Time: 4:30 PM Host: The Institute of World Politics. George Little is a Partner at Brunswick Group specializing in crisis communications, cybersecurity, reputational and public affairs matters. Prior to joining Brunswick, he was head of Marketing and Communications at Booz Allen Hamilton, a leading provider of management consulting, technology and engineering services to the U.S. government, corporates and non-profits. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.iwp.edu/events/detail/communicating-effectivelyon-national-security-in-a-247-news-cycle. 24th The Future of Our Parties Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation. For over a century, the Democratic Party has embraced the idea of progress. While the old progressivism focused almost exclusively on economics, the new progressivism has expanded its demands to cover everything from on-demand contraception to same-sex marriage. Progressive claims about the inevitability of progress are, however, increasingly undermined not only by the costs of progressive policies, but also by opposition from conservative Republicans. What are the principles and virtues that move each party? How will they stand up to events? Harvey Mansfield is the William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Government at Harvard University and a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is the author of nine books and of celebrated translations of Machiavelli and Tocqueville. Mansfield’s writings frequently appear in The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, National Review, and the Times Literary Supplement. He has received numerous awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship and a National Humanities Medal. Many of his writings are available at http://harveymansfield.org/. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/mansfield. 25th NEW EVENT! The Anglosphere, Trade and International Security Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation. The United Kingdom finds itself on the eve of a General Election and poised for an in/out referendum on its membership of the European Union – a decision with major implications for Britain’s relationship with America, global trade and international security. Owen Paterson argues that the European Union was always a political project, an attempt to create a United States of Europe governed with political and judicial apparatus such as a Council of Ministers, parliament, currency, flag and central bank. It is not that the UK wants to leave the EU, but that the EU has left the UK. The Eurozone has to become, in effect, a new country to make a full redistributive federal state where there are legitimate means of transferring funds from the wealth creating areas in Germany and Holland to those parts of Spain, Italy and Greece where it is simply not possible to create wealth at the rate at which their countries joined the Euro. This is a far cry from the Single Market that the United Kingdom signed up to. The UK should leave the political apparatus and enjoy a full trading relationship with Europe through the Single Market, the European Economic Area. This would free Europe to pursue its political project. And it would free Britain to take a full seat on the international global regulatory bodies that currently determine so much of global trade. It would strengthen the Anglosphere of great trading nations of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This has enormously positive implications for global trade and international security. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/owen-patterson-mp. Debate: Hobby Lobby Decision Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Host: The Federalist Society. The Freedom Restoration Act prohibits the federal government from requiring closely held corporations to provide contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care Act. The National Constitution Center, the Federalist Society and the American Constitution Society convene the first in a series of constitutional debates to be held across America. In the inaugural debate, Frederick Gedicks of Brigham Young University and Kevin Walsh of the University of Richmond argue for and against the motion: "Hobby Lobby was wrongly decided." To learn more and register, please visit http://www.fed-soc.org/events/detail/debate-hobby-lobby-decision. Let's Talk School Choice Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Host: America’s Future Foundation. How much do you know about school choice? What are effective policy initiatives and viable solutions to providing better proper education choices for Americans? More importantly, how do you communicate these ideas to your friends and family? Join communications expert Bob Ewing, The Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and a school choice expert for a crash course of the facts, communication tips, and a chance to practice your argument in a small group setting. Space is limited to 30 participants. A reception will follow the group practice. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.eventbrite.com/e/lets-talk-school-choicetickets-15916193764?aff=eac2. 26th NEW EVENT! The Way Forward in the U.S.-Afghanistan Security Partnership Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation. Join us as Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of Afghanistan, discusses the way forward for the U.S.-Afghanistan partnership. How can the two countries continue to work together to ensure Afghanistan’s long-term security and stability? What kinds of support do the Afghan security forces require to stave off Taliban advances? What should be the long-term U.S. role in helping to stabilize the country? Following months of political tensions over disputed election results, the two main contenders, Dr. Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani, agreed last fall to a power sharing arrangement in which Ghani became the country’s new President and Abdullah was sworn in as his Chief Executive. The two leaders will be in Washington for an official visit March 22-25. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/afghanistan. Debate: The Post-Desert Storm Plan to Improve Marine Corps Intelligence Time: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM Host: The Institute of World Politics. Marine Corps Intelligence entered Desert Storm with a force that was under-manned, under-trained, and under-equipped. As one great September 1991 Marine Corps Gazette article by an Intelligence Marine summed it: "Unfortunately, We Fought Like We Trained." In 1994, the Marine Corps implemented the post-Desert Storm plan to improve Marine Corps Intelligence. This discussion will cover the first 15 years of that plan, a period with 9/11 at its halfway point. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.iwp.edu/events/detail/the-post-desert-storm-plan-toimprove-marine-corps-intelligence. Can We End Poverty? Time: 8:30 AM – 12:15 PM Host: The Cato Institute. On January 8, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson delivered a State of the Union address to Congress in which he declared an "unconditional war on poverty in America." Johnson’s goal was not only to "relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it." Since then, federal and state governments have spent more than $19 trillion fighting poverty. But what has really been accomplished with all of that funding? This special half-day conference brings together a wide range of experts from across the political spectrum to discuss whether the War on Poverty succeeded in reducing poverty in the United States, what remains to be done, and whether private charitable efforts would be a better alternative to government welfare programs.. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.cato.org/events/can-we-end-poverty. 27th Treaties and National Sovereignty Conference Time: Fri 27, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM; Sat. 28, 8:15 AM - 2:00 PM Host: The Federalist Society. Ever since the Founding, the power of the United States to enter into treaties has been viewed as central to the then-newly-created nation's ability to exercise sovereign power. But treaties confer both mutual rights and mutual obligations on their signatories. Therefore when nations, including the United States, enter into treaties, they arguably both advance and limit their ability to pursue their own objectives. The conference will start with the recognition that there are certain supra-national norms that ought in some fashion to guide the conduct of nations. This recognition has a long and distinguished pedigree, and it has long been one of the lodestars of the United States’ involvement in the international arena. At the same time, it will recognize the very serious risks that pursuit of likely institutional implementation of this goal poses to the sound conduct of foreign policy and other instruments of our national sovereignty. Participants will discuss how to think about the treaty power in light of these competing considerations. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.fedsoc.org/events/detail/treaties-and-national-sovereignty-conference. 28th NEW EVENT! The Armenian Genocide: A Century of Sorrow Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Host: The Institute of World Politics. One hundred years ago, the historical persecution of Armenian Christians by Ottoman Turks culminated in the first holocaust of the twentieth century. During nearly a decade of execution, deportation, kidnap, and rape, over two million Armenian, Assyrian and Greek lives were lost. The victors confiscated and looted vast properties. They destroyed churches and Islamicized orphans. The descendants of survivors can be found around the world today. Some have only recently discovered their Armenian origins. A small group of brave Turks have called for an admission of these crimes against humanity. Without a just resolution, the Armenian Genocide will haunt generations to come. 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Speakers will discuss Turkey's role in world politics, hidden Armenians in Turkey, and unresolved issues such as property confiscation and restitution. The French documentary Turkey, the Legacy of Silence will debut on the East Coast at this event. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.iwp.edu/events/detail/thearmenian-genocide-a-century-of-sorrow. 30th NEW EVENT! Living Life to Its Fullest: Supporting the Sick and Elderly in their Most Vulnerable Hours Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation and The National Review Institute. In recent months, heartbreaking stories of Americans struggling with devastating diagnoses have captured our empathy. In response, activists are using these stories to advance legislation that has otherwise been rejected by the people. At least 13 states across the country are considering legislation that would legalize physician-assisted suicide. But legalizing physician-assisted suicide would be a grave mistake. The merciful thing would be to expect doctors to do no harm and ease the pain of those who suffer and support families and ministries in providing that care. Join us as an expert panel explores the medical, policy, and frontline aspects of this debate that leaves no family unaffected. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/living-life-to-itsfullest. 31st NEW EVENT! A Conversation with Vicente Fox Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation. Elected President of Mexico in 2000, Vicente Fox ended leftist rule that dominated the nation’s politics for seven decades. His administration implemented sound economic and fiscal policies that helped stabilize the Mexican national economy and paved the way for its current successes. President Fox will join us for a discussion on hemispheric issues including Mexico’s energy revolution, the continuing crisis in Venezuela, and the upcoming Summit of the Americas. His commentary will provide an important and critical perspective on what can be expected in Latin America moving forward. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/vicente-fox. NEW EVENT! Does Antitrust Trump State Regulation? - The Supreme Court’s North Carolina Dental Decision Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Host: The Heritage Foundation. In its February 25th North Carolina Dental v. Federal Trade Commission decision, the Supreme Court held that a state regulatory board that is controlled by market participants in the industry being regulated cannot invoke “state action” antitrust immunity unless it is “actively supervised” by the state. Will this decision discourage harmful protectionist regulation, such as the prohibition on tooth whitening by non-dentists at issue in this case? Will it also interfere with the ability of states to shape their regulatory programs as they see fit? A U.S. Federal Trade Commissioner and two expert commentators will address this important set of questions. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.heritage.org/events/2015/03/ncdental. NEW EVENT! The Sino-American Cooperative Organization/Naval Group China, 1942-1945: A Case Study In Special Operations Time: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM Host: The Institute of World Politics. Col. Preston McLaughlin will present a study of an Office of Naval Intelligence organization that conducted combined operations with the Nationalist Chinese Government in WWII. It is unique, as the relationship was codified by formal treaty. It is a classic case of a low investment-high payoff strategy in an Economy of Force Theater. This study offers insights into modern special operations forces and their relationships with intelligence, as well as allied Grand Strategy and the origins of the Cold War. Col. McLaughlin spent several years in the Asia-Pacific region during a 27-year military career. These assignments included: Amphibious Section Head, G-3 Operations, III Marine Expeditionary Force, Okinawa Japan; Commanding Officer, Combat Assault Battalion, 3d Marine Division, Okinawa, Japan; and Command Operations Officer, G-3 Marine Forces Pacific, Camp Smith, Hawaii; Combined Marine Forces Command, and Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Security Force Regiment. His final assignment was as the Chief of Staff, for Marine Expeditionary BrigadeAfghanistan. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.iwp.edu/events/detail/the-sino-american-cooperative-organizationnavalgroup-china-1942-1945-a-case-study-in-special-operations. April 1st NEW EVENT! Is Iran the New North Korea? Lessons From the Agreed Framework Time: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Host: American Enterprise Institute. America has engaged in off-and-on nuclear negotiations with North Korea for more than 20 years. The talks, resulting in the 1994 Agreed Framework, may have slowed Pyongyang’s weapons program, but they have not prevented North Korea from testing nuclear weapons or declaring itself a nuclear power. Now, Washington is engaged in negotiations with another would-be nuclear power: Iran. What are the similarities and differences between the deal America and its allies are trying to craft with Tehran and past deals Washington attempted to fashion with Pyongyang? Must US nonproliferation negotiations with rogue states end in failure, or is there an approach that can achieve satisfactory outcomes for America and the international community? Please join us at AEI for a panel discussion on the potential outcomes of the nuclear negotiations with Iran and how they will impact American and international security. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.aei.org/events/is-iran-the-new-north-korea-lessons-from-the-agreedframework/. Regulatory Humility in Practice: Remarks by FTC Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Host: American Enterprise Institute. Maureen Ohlhausen, a commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission, has called for regulatory humility, but what does that mean in practice for issues such as online privacy, the Internet of Things, and net neutrality regulation? During this AEI event, Ohlhausen will outline a step-by-step approach for putting the principles of regulatory humility into action and will identify high and low watermarks for the commission’s adherence to this approach. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.aei.org/events/regulatory-humility-practice-remarks-ftccommissioner-maureen-ohlhausen/. Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging the Faith Time: 12:00 PM Host: Family Research Council. What? Something has gone wrong in the Evangelical Community. Perhaps you have noticed that something is a bit off with younger Evangelicals' stance on same-sex marriage, religious liberty, big government, and even the sanctity of life. Right now America's youth in and outside of the church need leadership. If the brakes aren't applied immediately to the Christian Left, then the next generation is on track to abandon the moral foundations and ethical principles that have made America just. If U.S. Evangelicals disengage from the public square and also fail to keep watch at the doors of our own sanctuaries, then we risk losing our voice for truth, and then we risk losing our religious freedoms, and then freedom altogether. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.frc.org/upcomingevents/distortion-how-thenew-christian-left-is-twisting-the-gospel-and-damaging-the-faith. 2nd NEW EVENT! Drinks at your Fingertips: Klink & Regulatory Hurdles to Alcohol Delivery Time: 12:00 PM Host: The Cato Institute. What if, instead of heading down to your local liquor store, the next time you found yourself craving an alcoholic beverage, you could simply pull out your smart phone, place an order, and a short while later, get your drinks, all without leaving your home? That’s the concept behind Klink, an alcohol delivery app that brings the user-friendly connectivity of the sharing economy to one of the most heavily regulated industries in the nation. Join the Cato Institute for a lunchtime discussion of the role Klink is playing in the sharing economy, the tough regulatory landscape it must navigate, and what the app means for the future of alcohol delivery. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.cato.org/events/drinks-fingertips-regulatory-hurdlesdelivery-alcohol. 7th NEW EVENT! Did Affordable Housing Policy Cause the Financial Crisis and Can It Happen Again? Time: 12:00 PM Host: The Cato Institute. After more than six years and dozens of books and journal articles on the subject, the causes of the 2008 financial crisis continue to be hotly debated, perhaps none more so than the role of federal housing policy — specifically that of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Community Reinvestment Act. Most experts agree that the increase in the number of loans that required a low down payment, little documentation, and low borrower credit fueled the subprime boom and bust. But what caused lending and underwriting standards to deteriorate so dramatically? Did Wall Street greed drive the demand for subprime lending, or did federal mandates lead the charge? Please join us as Peter J. Wallison, author of the new book Hidden in Plain Sight: What Really Caused the World’s Worst Financial Crisis and Why It Could Happen Again, and John C. Weicher examine and debate the causes and consequences of these trends. Correctly understanding the impact of federal housing policy may well determine whether we experience another financial crisis or not. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.cato.org/events/did-affordable-housing-policy-cause-financial-crisiscan-it-happen-again. 10th NEW EVENT! British Patriot or Soviet Spy? Clarifying A Major Cold War Mystery Time: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM Host: The Institute of World Politics. You are cordially invited to a presentation analyzing whether former MI5 Director General, Roger Hollis, was or was not a Soviet agent. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.iwp.edu/events/detail/britishpatriot-or-soviet-spy-clarifying-a-major-cold-war-mystery. 15th NEW EVENT! Cage-Busting Teachers: Who Are They and What Can They Teach Us? Time: 3:15 PM – 5:00 PM Host: American Enterprise Institute. It’s no secret that teachers across the country are frustrated. Well-intentioned reformers have introduced a slew of initiatives to try to fix America’s schools, but in practice these have often left teachers feeling isolated, trapped, and stifled. But there is a way forward. In his new book, “The Cage-Busting Teacher” (Harvard Education Press, 2015), Rick Hess argues that only teachers ultimately have the power to make their schools great. But to do that, teachers need to enlist school leaders and policymakers to help create the schools in which they want to teach. Hess’s book features stories of teachers who have taken their place at the vanguard of school and system transformation. Please join AEI Education for a lively discussion among a distinguished panel who will highlight the work of these cage-busting teachers and the important lessons for those teachers’ 3 million colleagues nationwide. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.aei.org/events/cage-busting-teachers-can-teach-us/. New Incentives from Federal Transportation Funding Time: 12:00 PM Host: The Cato Institute. Featuring Randal O’Toole, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Baruch Feigenbaum, Transportation Policy Analyst, Reason Foundation; and Marc Scribner, Research Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute; moderated by Peter Russo, Director, Congressional Affairs, Cato Institute. The law authorizing federal highway and transit programs expires on May 31, and Congress is currently debating where the money will come from for a new transportation bill and where it should be spent. But a third question is even more important: what are the incentives created by federal transportation spending and how can they be improved to provide Americans with faster, cleaner, and safer transportation? Randal O’Toole will describe the perverse incentives that currently govern federal transit programs; Baruch Feigenbaum will discuss federal policies that make infrastructure unnecessarily expensive; and Marc Scribner will explore other incentives created by federal regulation and ask, “Is there a future for federal transportation policy?” To learn more and register, please visit http://www.cato.org/events/new-incentives-federal-transportation-funding. 17th NEW EVENT! Should GAO Audit the Federal Reserve? Time: 12:00 PM Host: The Cato Institute. Members of Congress in both houses have again introduced measures to repeal long-standing constraints on the ability of the Government Accountability Office to perform a program audit of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy actions. Auditing the Fed has become the topic of bitter debate, not along party lines, but instead pitting government transparency advocates against proponents of Federal Reserve political independence. Please join our panel as we try to answer these questions: What is “Audit the Fed” really about? What would it entail? And, most importantly, is it good public policy? To learn more and register, please visit http://www.cato.org/events/should-gao-audit-federal-reserve. 23rd NEW EVENT! And the Good News is … : A Conversation with Former White House Press Secretaries Dana Perino and Mike McCurry Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Host: American Enterprise Institute. In her insightful new book, “And the Good News Is … : Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side” (Twelve, April 2015), former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino reveals previously unheard stories from her years in the George W. Bush administration and lessons from her unlikely journey through politics and television. Perino, the first and, to date, only Republican woman to serve as White House press secretary, also shares her secrets to success — and civility — gleaned from her experiences. Please join AEI for a conversation between Perino and Mike McCurry, fellow former White House press secretary (Clinton administration), about Perino’s new book and her time in the White House. Books will be available for sale at the event, and a book signing will follow. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.aei.org/events/and-the-good-news-is-a-conversation-with-former-whitehouse-press-secretaries-dana-perino-and-mike-mccurry-book-forum/. May May 1st - 2nd NEW EVENT! RightOnline Time: See below Host: Americans for Prosperity. RightOnline is the tech conference where smallgovernment advocates can feel right at home. Americans for Prosperity foundation is bringing this signature event back to Washington, DC for the first time in years—and the programming and networking opportunities are stronger than ever. A recruiter from AFP Foundation will be on site to talk with potential job candidates about the varied roles in our organization—from entry-level on up! Top experts from Google, Microsoft, Facebook, i360 and more will be on hand to help attendees discover how the latest digital trends will shape our advocacy efforts. Plus, enjoy keynotes from investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson and WIRED UK Editor-in-Chief David Rowan. For just $79, participants can interact with some of the leading minds in the digital space, and the liberty-minded influencers who can help us implement their ideas—all in one building! Early bird registration ends March 15. Be sure to use the code HERITAGE to get a special discount only for Jobs Bank subscribers. This is an unreal amount of value for a two-day conference with meals, drinks and the best talent in the industry. Join for the networking, stay for the incredible learning opportunities. To learn more and register, please visit www.rightonline.com. 8th NEW EVENT! Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Host: Family Research Council. The years 1964-1965 witnessed the onset of a moral revolution. In quick and stunning sequence, the family in America came under fresh assault from: the new feminists; the advocates of population control; sexual radicals; the "counter-culture"; and the "New Left." With far too few exceptions, those responsible for protecting ordered liberty and morality-clerics, judges, college and university administrators, publishers, legislators-were either absent-without-leave or joined in the debauch. Before the decade was over, America had seen a total moral and legal overhaul, the consequences of which we are still reaping today. But exactly how did the social and moral revolutions of that decade reshape law and public policy? To what degree are contemporary American family pathologies-the decay of marriage, tumbling fertility, "fatherless" children, the "hook-up" culture, easy divorce-the consequence of the 1960s? What lessons from the past might help us in the task of family reconstruction which lies ahead?. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.frc.org/events/sex-drugs-androck-n-roll. 11th NEW EVENT! The U.S. National ID Law at Ten Years Time: 12:00 PM Host: The Cato Institute. In 2005, Congress gave states three years to begin issuing driver’s licenses according to national identification card standards. The REAL ID Act sought to coerce states into using machine-readable technology with federally defined data elements in their cards, capturing digital images of identity-source documents, and providing other states electronic access to information contained in their motor vehicle databases. Confronted by this unfunded domestic surveillance mandate, state leaders across the country instigated the “REAL ID Rebellion” in 2006. The Department of Homeland Security has never made good on the REAL ID law’s threat that Transportation Security Administration agents would refuse airport access to travelers from recalcitrant states. But the threat remains, and many states are inching toward putting their residents into the national ID system. Please join us for a discussion of the prospects for the U.S. national ID law 10 years along, and its incursion on the common law treatment of names. To learn more and register, please visit http://www.cato.org/events/us-national-id-law-ten-years.
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