Wednesday, November 2, INS Th Sout Lyon H~.W 13* ScumLyon HwSd, Nonnib.r 2, 1988 POUCE BLO1TER 1%svn used a large pickup tnick to steal a homemade log splitter and a cement mixer, valued at a total of ~JtNO, from a Twelve Mile Road ~1~mç, according to the Oakland S vo~tty Sheriff’s Department. The victim told polIce the wheeled ~hg ~uue. witicti had an eight ~onepower Briggs and Stratton i.rghls, and mixerwere missing from . the side of his home when he returned :j~P~ Monday, Oct. 24, froni a weekend i~fffl. &. Police said tracks at the scene In~j1lcatesomeone backed a truck onto ~‘the property to remove the equip~;pent. The case Is closed for a lack of ~aes. ;~L A 23-year-old Hamtramck man &~~ were slightly Injured when horse trailer being towed on Ten Mile Road broke loose and roiled over -. . 1— saId. - - ZItwoThe driverinofthethetrailer trailershifted told polIce horses their a. -~-jositioi~ In the four-horse trailer ?jwhkh caused him to lose control. The ~ilnickand trailer crossed the center line and then the trailer broke fee before rolling over, police said. -7:-. Ott hone received Injuries to a tearleg and the other was tmharm--ed;~kt~ dilver also claimad minor Injuries, pollee said. An apparently stray bullS went throu~the wail of a Brainley Circle . -- home’s front morn about 2 p.m. on &mday. lit homeowner said he ~beara what sxaided like a shot sUlkbig the home and then fo*S the slug ~-~cnthe1lvSgvosa-Ooor~psiIcesaid The camIs open. A Kay Street resident reported an to 1100 pIece of geM Jewehy ~oIen frem her bsdrocin fresserThe jewehy was last seenon Oct. 16. ~-• - - dbe can Isopen, pollee said. LET!ERS Caring candidates are in race Someone apparenUy entered a horse barn on Napler Road sometime Thursday night and led a 14-year-old gelding outside a fence surrounding the barn, police said. - The horse’s owner said the animal was found outside the fence about 5:30 am. Friday. It had a bloody nose and several wounds on the left side of its neck. The case is open, police said. In the City of South Lyon, an Oxford Street man was struck In the right shoulder by a ball bearingfired at him out of the darkness about 9:30 Sunday night, according to a South Lyon Police Department report. The victim told police he heard something strike his house and went outside to investigate. After finding one ball beating In the grass, he was hit. The man reported he thought a third shot was fired at him as he went back Into the house. The case Is I’m writing to express my deep dlssatisfactloo with the letter concernlng the candidates last week. I would like to make It clear to the perSons of Lyon TownabIp that this Is only one person’s opinion. Therefore, you should take Into cccount a number ofother things when deciding who your next Lyon Township officials will be. Thrtugh the artIcle, the writer tinplied that the only reason the Democratic trustees ran Is because CITY OF SOUTH LYON under investigation. police said. NOTICE A 30-year-old New Hudson man was arrested Sunday night after he refused to leave the police station. According to a report, the man knocked on the station door, 211 W. Lake St, about 3 a.m. demanding to see an -Oaklant tty~Sheflffl~~ Department deputy he Identified as Jacobs. Police said the man was obviously highly intoxIcated and was told Jacobs did not work atthe station. He was then told to leave. However, he contimied to ask for Jacobs and br~”’ethrnte’ilng toward Ihe dc°ty, police said. The man was arrested for being disorderly and was Issued an appearan~Ucketto be decided In ROLL Ml (Eleven Mile Road Paving) Ii on till In the office ot City Treasurer. This roll may be reviewed and payinenta made It South Lyon City Hail, 214 Weal Lake Street, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am. to 5:00 p.m. SPECiAL ASSESSMENT ,~. ~- .I. - _ 5 —~-.; . - -—•w- Thom Doughsflyl Herald p~ct,slatsd from 24 p.m. Fñday, Nov. 11 ii ths First Unitid n.rIssch’duledDic.12. Olkiand County 52nd DIstrict Court, CflY OF SOUTH LYON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CHAIRMAN. Z.tA. . r -:1 ——— — — — U— I 122W. Dunlap, Northvilie Uj 4 for by Commilisi To Eici Judas RichArd P. I1.thI*Iy, 212*-David Scott Bldg., D.ItOiI, Mich 41221 349-0611 RAY J. CA8TERLINE 1513-1159 ,,,., , — ~ ~ ~ — — — —— . C C Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Susan Matz saId that the committee must now prioritize any additional actIvities that need to be incorporated in the ~fine arts curriculum, set up a Umellne to ac- - ~1’ NOTICE OF ELECTION PRECINCT SPLIT CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF LYON LI Election Precinct No. I lisa bean split to comply with Michigan ESctIon --- I -ta*s~Prsclncrteo. p Hudson, aellgnated by ftiap~*lfl90tatttftI TotnaMpNfl; 57100 PontIac Trail, New Ml for govemmat electiona. ~. Pot. No. I and No. 3 vote at 57100 PontIac Trail, New Hudwa, Mi. Pot. No. 2 vote at 27025 MilfOrd Rd., South Lyon, MI Please call the Township Mali at 431-2240 for further infounation oi questions. LYON TOWNSHIP CLERK a a— — - — — ~ It I FIve Styles.On Our Truck To Choose From! Call 544-7010 For Free 8-Page Brochure! Goes On & Ott Aulomailcally! Gaslamps Converted! SMMEDIATE INSTALLATION! OFFER ENDS DECEMBER 1, 1988 3~YEARWARRANTY! 10655 Galaxie Ave. a ‘p~ Ferndale, Mi 48220 ~9oqne resinctions &pp~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ———— — GflA ~ ‘IT LOAN FOR LESS MICHIGAN EDUCATION TRUST D&N Savings Bank has Michigan Education Trust (MEDThere Loansare available at below marketfor rates, two basic D&N options MET Loans: a fixed rate loan for up to 4 years, and a variable rate loan for up to 10 years at just 1% over the prime rate, Either can be secured by a primary residence to take advantage of federal tax deductions. And further discounts are available, up to a full1% off, for those who open or have a checking account, cerfificate of deposit, IRA account or mortgage loan with D&N. The Michigan Education Trust is a great deal and now you can get it for a great deal less, at D&N Savings Bank. D&N MET Loans are available of any of the D&N offices listed below or by calling (517) 546-8000. Enrollment deadlines ore approaching call today and beat the rush! . While Fabulous Value! Gallery Edition, 5 blade, 3 speed 50” fan with turbo body. Snow white and bright brass with light kit. Choose from an assortment of glass fixtures to complement any decor. — — ‘V a__I F .~ ‘4 b*t Latitude Adjustment. Daily routine 90t you down? Does the thought of gray skies, snow blowers and w,ndchill factors also get you down? Sounds like a little “latitude adjustment’ is in order. Let AAA Travel Agency arrange a special trip toyota favorite p4ace in the sun. ~ could change your whole attdude toward winter. “Make your Delta Dreams coma true In the Waft Disney World Resort!” Prices start at 5419.0O~pqq pçea~ f~q Detroit departures. Pylon start at *549.00* p~çp~çea~ for Grand Rapids departures. tncn mdus Miss wd ~m~OL PS, ~5flCfl, bsssd or doub4e occ*ipsflcy. a 0 ~Tut~wL V . ‘ ~ . CERTIFIED agenc) Brighten kM Travel Agency 8491 West Grand River 229-7100 Plymouth MA Travel Agency 44511 Mn Arbor Road 453-5200 9880 [ast Grand RLver ‘4 ring ~uppi,r’. .nd I ighi HuI)’~ Thsr: 229-9576 I U .u,,, I ~)N TUgS WED SAT 230-600 tIIIJRS FRI 9 30-I 00 61 1 East Grand R1ver 546-3610 PINCKNEY 524 West Grand R:ver 223-9163 1075 East Main Street 875-3127 10490 Highland 2aad 301 South Lafayette 437-8186 632-7495 MON HOWELL FOWLE RVI LLE HARTLAND - ~1~ I rI I I I I I I I I. . SOUTH LYON American Cancer Society. Guidelines for Breast Cancer Detection: a A baseline mammogram between the ages of 35 and 40. followed by annual or biennial mammograms from 40 to ride . Steel . bsfted radial conatnieboti deIi~rs stisrigth. (read wear and fue1 efficiency Tread designed to dissipate heat br bre durab4Ilty L OPO whLt* pace a P155/80R13 P165/80A13 ax P1 85/loRl 3 53.25 P185/75R14 57.10 P195175R14 P800 nc-c a p205/75A1 4 P205.flSRl 5 P215/75R15 P225/75R15 P235/75R1 5 sianlng at age 20. a Profescional physical examination of the breasl at three-year intenais between the ages of 20 and 40; annually thereafter AME~CAN CANCER5 SOOETY . Help us keep wInnIng. I custth .1 ~LIfl pact poivum Pang. p 53.95 P165/80R13 70.90 74.60 P195175R14 P205175R14 P1851?5R14 57.35 ltso , I!’ . Fuel conssSng ra8al ply conseuclon Sure400wd eacboa wet or dcy flu~cord bIfts sfl PS nfl LOW pace 4340 54.60 rio u~ M~ 91.55 R.b co.jflt and sdt*.IM sybag nry ~. lift ISIO*1~ a Pasta P215/75R14 P225/15R 14 P206/15R1 5 P21 5/iSA15 Pfl5/75R1 5 P235/ThAI 5 19 aa a — ———— front wheel catec camber and toe on can wies adjataae lulpeflion while ie$ereflCing thns ai.g4e. MI 4 *beels aligned or maximum bis m~Ieage.Co.npuwtiigned haul end ‘a with United mn~ let 90 dan or 4,000 wt,~ coma ~it Brands n~&I sery by location a sva~ LOW paon U U U U Iten: no~pa iypss peat isis T ~ ~ a — — — — — T~~~ —Computerized —— — Coollng System Oil FilteG chassis I I Wheel Allgnment Lube & Oil Change I Radiator Protection I set I $995 Pressure I ~38 test the Lubricate chassis, entire cooling system drain oil and refill I and radiator cap. I up to five quarts Drain radiator and I cooling I of major brand system. Inspect water pump, all motor oil, and install a new oil filter. hoses and belts, and tighten all clamped Note: special diesel oil and filter type I connections. (Antifreeze/coolant extra.) I may result In eK’a charges. U I I I —— — _ — — ~ — —— 3. a rear to exact manu~ctureciettlisgt cost 0, shi~Sand niallalion extra wtbsqe rsqthred. Cassettes. Fierot light trucks. 4-wrest dnm aliiciea and cars regi4nng MacPherson Strut co,recton extra. Lssd~,—~ 6 ~ I mat ~ t0 0 ~a miSs — — ~It S. a NobodyFitc You Like Goodyear pqtcEs,* Just Say charge It, ~‘bu fly use Goodyear , ~r crdrI card 0, Am.r.can - Csr1~BiancN. - D.neri Oub . ~,co.’ C.’d - MaS*TCJrd - ~1SA R~ OC~ - I~~ ~ “j o~ ~. ..z• ~a ~ ,~ed.c. .fl1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~W’t•d UWIED ~B- RPJ4IJES. CREDiT TERMS, ANO AUTO SERV,cE arct PS sHowN s&AatE AT GOODYEAR AtJTU SERV)ct cENTERS~SEE ANY OF THE anew Lis,tD tHOP140HT DEALERS FOR THEIR COle- pci-mw PffiOEB, eRM.AN~TWS. 5)40 CREDI7 TERMS. Goodyear Dealers 49. annual mammograms from 50 on. a Monthly breast self-examInatIon SteelBelted Radial F1e~Ib~e 110ew5115 deliver a smooth. comicriable I fr54 I Inn. .Me, i.,&r ‘n,,n., ~ BRIGHTON . I SAVINGS BANK a Attend the Rose Bowl Football Game . Round trip airfare icr r~oto LA. U Threr days/two nights at \‘LIla CasahIan~a U -S I ,~T< ash spcndin~moncv A,k us about details CUSTOM POLYSTEEL* Gas Saving TIEMPO The Original All Season Radial — UN. e%s~%HiLN(* ROSE PARADE CONTFSr U RidctheCasahlanLa Float in the Rose NraJC L theexisting fine artsareas. I it IA%IL hiLl-u- 37400 W 7 MILE ROAD LIVONIA. MI 48152 • 1313) 464.2211 From there, the committee brainstornied ideas for expanding — LI — — —— — —— — 0 lL:2cst IFAUAj~I[ t C(’~4S P.~C’ Reports were given on the three grade levels, indicating the status of the present fine arts curriculum. ~! COLONIAL LAMPLIGI-ITEIIS • 514-7010 FRED A. CASTEMLINE - RAY J. CASTERUNE ii BROSE ELECTRICAL putting emphasis on the f~e At the second meeting, Oct. 10, ~C committee broke into the three .S~committees and looked Into the arrent fine arts programs being dllkcd to see If thereIs anything Isr~’~g.~ The board of education silo jostructed j~rnmmItt~ ID ptvvllk certain information to the board S Dec~19. TM next fine arts meeting Is scheduled fr Nov. lEa! 7:30 p_rn- at the board office. M4tz encourages district participation. school. V For Appeals court ~ planning. Designed specifically to ease the burden ot tuneral planning. There are too many IF ONLY in our lives. Your tunerai needn’t be one of them. ~en I) trw’ James A. Crews Democratic candidate for Lyon TownshIp trustee :~ broken down Into three categories: elementary, middle school, and hIgh Hathaway A Community Business Since 1937 We nowotferffocethought” tuneral I oriented regarding Pearl Harbor? Were the leaden of the AllIed Forces not one-Issue oriented with regard to stopping total world domination by Germany? It would seem to me that throughout the ages, emotIons of a peopleabout one Issue have truly set the course of history. It’s not a bad record either- SLH) q ORDER BEFORE THE GROUND FREEZES I Judge I i~I,i~ng F . ‘ ure~ I nr I have recently been called a “oneIssue” candidate with only the problems of Cobblestone Village In mind. While It may have been the Issue of Cobblestone Village that prompted my Involvement In local politla, my reasons foe seeking offlee have been much wider In scope. In the process of seeking a wiutlon to the problems of Cobblestone, I tatlon? Were the citizens of the United States on Dec~7, 1941 not one-Issue 18th District ~ S. Castcrlincffuncrd 2iome, Jnc. He’s hot ‘one-issue’ candidate Tea Party not one-Issue oriented regardingtaxation without represen- The South Lyon Schools FIne Arts complish them, figure pr**ble Committee, which met for the third costL aDd set up ponibie. f’~’g time Oct. 24, has elected Linda HedThe fine fl commUtes first den as chairperson. Redden, a parent who has been a gathered on Sept. 13 to Sni to guS member of the committee from the speaker Cynthia 01*. nsctd~te beginning. Is also the subcommittee director for the M$”pn Alliance for chair-person for the middle school Arts Education. She explained that art ~ a Iqncategory. Each subcommittee presented a damental part ofbasic e&’eV’~’and study on separate grade levels that the state and n~t~ ,~ U.S. Congress ~ ~ t IV~ (11-2-88 SIN) KOHUT The ZonIng Board olAppeaia will mnt On Thuraday, November 17, 1916 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. 214 W. lake St. to hear a request from the owners of 61440 Dean Drive for a variance On S sldiywd setback Toe an attaChed garage. LAURIE S1OWELL (11-248 SLH) Susan Shanks have attended numerous meetings. During these meetings I have seen many frustrated residents leave the township hail after theIr “particular Sue” had been dIscussed wIthout resolution. Let me ask those who have said I am a “one Issue” candidate to conside: Were the members of the Boston LOUELLA M. POWELL, Elect Troy Attorney Gary policesaid- “,. S Ui ~ Talting onr till rsMs of SdasNp for His Sowth Lyon KSsnhs Club Methodist Church- Thou who h$fl dONS blood baton WIN bs cli for INs-fl are (from lift) Tmnurse OSion Tlpp, Vice PvsaWsnt ad to make lppolntmlnh$- OWisrs who would Nki to mM’ Mi lIWOW~ Tony Spasfl, PrnlSnt Jack RwSck wdSsctstaty Al chadwIck. Thi mont to give blood may cli Emily KIsbS of Us Rsd Cross VStmtiIt ifub-iponsnandstyof pwgrsms sSurlty siMoe profEta Turn at W4511. AnOther schsdukd nt dst~for KlflflIlflIk 0* throughout 0* yur. Coming up is this club’s qsstuty Blood IS annull Christmas d4nnsr for usa union ovir Ti ysfl o4 db- era baked ~ gifts and The thurth S located ~ Grtawc4d ~çIai*sare awfl ~ lten wblcb Road at the cern~ci T~iMile Road. wulbe~.dforsa1eMtheur’ Hours forthebaznrareSa.ztto4 Saturday, Nov.12. .i.*5:hittmas ~s.Str at the Cree of pa A luncheon will be available. Chr~L4Mbe~anCbirch. going to do something about It. These people may have been motivated by Cobblestone. But they are In the i-ace to help Lyon Township and the citizens of Lyon Township. They are motivated indIviduals who can set a goal and meet It. 0*11. IA. SMO4~AAZ ‘ . .. Kiwanis braintrust Church will host bazaar . of Cobblestone. Recently, a significant amount of the Cobblestone subdivision problems were wived C Including the drainage problems.) Therefore, the article, which Implied that the foul- township trustees ran because of the Cobblestone lisie, would bedisregarded. If this were true, then why are these candidates stUl running? Why do we see campaign signs and literature? The reason Is because these caring people are not In the race for Cobblestone, they are In the race for Lyon Township. Tnt many became Interested In the township because of Cobblestone. But everyone needs something to push them into doing something that tells a personthis Is not right and Pm Fine arts group picks chairperson ANN ARBOR AUTO. SERVICE CENTERS 2260 W. StadIum 994-5100 971-3500 3451 Washtenaw NOVI INDEPENDENT DEALER VIP Tire & Automotive NORTHVILLE INDEPENDENT DEALER NOV1-MOTIVE INC. 21530 NovI Rd. 349-0430 PLYMOUTH INDEPENDENT DEALER March TIre 767 S. Main St. 455-7800 48705 Grand River 348-5858 ~
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