How to find us IVG Asticus Real Estate Ltd 39 St. James's Street UK - London SW1A 1JD Fon: +44 (0)207.6590-800 Fax: +44 (0)207.6590-801 Northampton Letchworth Cambridge Hemel Hempstead 25 Harlow Hoddesdon 1 Oxford Chesnut Watford 40 Borehamwood 25 Harrow 11 Reaging LONDON 4 CITY City-Flughafen Richmond 3 25 Greenwich Tham es Esher Leatherhead Warlingham 20 Reigate 26 23 15 km Sevenoaks Crawley ury sb L t Leicester Square r nd Bo ad Ro St Old Piccadilly Piccadilly Circus Circus ra et t en t ee t. Whi te- t hall Hyde Park ee Str s's me Ja St. t ee Str yS ele rk ark g Re Str Be ym Ha Royal National Academy Gallery of Arts y l nd dil a t e c t e Trafalgar c i r S t P nS Square my Jer Charing Cross St. James's Green Park Square l l a M Scotland illy St. ad Yard ing cc K i P l l Pa Horse St. James's all Guards e M St. James's h T Parade Park St. James's 400 m Palace Zentrum re Ac g on Zentrum e St . Co nd u it ee ee t St Cross St r e Br . t nd r we e re Bo Soho St w ak Be St. Sh aft Ne LONDON et Stre nt Gr Conduit Street e or arlb M eat n Dea Rege hS oug H Street t. urdo Wa Oxford Circus Soho Square orn olb H igh nu Street t. xford S New O Monmouth Tottenham Court Road ing Char Paddington Regents Park Av e Oxford Ashford 25 Southwark Southampton Flughafen Heathrow By Plane There are 4 major airports, London Heathrow, London Gatwick, Stansted and London City Airport. From London Heathrow by Train Take the London Underground, the Piccadilly Line all the way to Green Park, exit station on the South Side of Piccadilly. From London Gatwick by Train Take the Gatwick Express to Victoria Station. Then take the London Underground, the Victoria Line to Green Park, exit station on the South Side of Piccadilly. From Stansted by Train Take the Stansted Express to Liverpool Street Station, then take the Central Line to Oxford Circus. Change at Oxford Circus and take the Victoria Line to Green Park, exit station on the South Side of Piccadilly. From City Airport by Train Take the special airport shuttlebus to Liverpool Street Station, then take the Central Line to Oxford Circus. Change at Oxford Circus and take the Victoria Line to Green Park, exit station on the South Side of Piccadilly. Alternatively, you can take a cab from the airport to Liverpool Street. Directions by Car from Eurotunnel Join A20 and then M20, follow the motorway all the way until you join A20 again which goes straight into Central London. From Green Park on Foot Turn right out of Green Park Underground Station and walk past the Ritz, which is on your right. Cross over Arlington Street and the next road you come to is St James's Street. Westminster St. James's Street
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