ROTARY Invercargill CQ 2015 Invite

Rotary Club of Invercargill’s
Thursday 14th May 2015
Civic Theatre
Show Time: 6.00 pm
“Circus Quirkus is a non-­‐animal circus spectacular and family fun experience. A unique showcase of the finest performers from all around the world.” Circus Quirkus is guaranteed to amuse, astound and delight both young and old. 90 minutes of fun and fantasy! The complimentary tickets are “sponsored” by local businesses to allow your clients and their families the chance to enjoy this engaging performance for free. Don’t miss out – Call or Email us A.S.A.P! * VENUE: CIVIC THEATRE, 88 TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL * * DATE: THURSDAY 14TH MAY 2015 * TIME: 6.00 PM * Contact: Organisation: Business Address: Postal Address: (if different) Phone: Email: Lynda MacDonald
Aroha Early Learning Centre
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 104 Broughton Street, Gore
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 03 208 5656
_____________________________________________ NO. OF TICKETS REQUIRED: Fax: ___________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20
6.00 PM SHOW Please return form to: Fax: 03 929 6588 Email: ! PO Box1529, Invercargill, 9840 "03 929 6587 “From all of us involved we hope you enjoy Circus Quirkus"