Penn-Lincoln Gazette Catherine L. Keefe, Principal Newsletter April/May/June 2015 April Calendar March 27 – 3rd Marking Period Ends March 29 – April 4 – Five Below Fundraiser Sun 10 AM – 6 PM; Mon. – Sat. 10 AM – 9 PM March 30 – Chipotle Fundraiser 5 PM – 9 PM April 3 – SPRING BREAK – NO SCHOOL April 6 – SNOW MAKE UP DAY – SCHOOL IS IN SESSION (from March 2nd - Day 3A) April 6 – Report cards go home April 13-17 – PSSA ELA Window for Grades 3-6 May and June Calendar May 1 – Sixth graders visit Jr. High May 13 – Altoona Curve Game – 6th Grade May 25 – MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY – NO SCHOOL May 28 – Sixth Grade Recognition: Dinner 5:30 PM; Program 7:00 PM June 1 – Patrol Trip to Knoebels (Tentative) June 4– Snow Make-Up Day from Feb. 19, 2015 (Day 5B) Last day of School for Students June 6 – DelGrosso’s Family Picnic April 14 – Circus (K-2) April 17 – Circus (Grs. 3-6) April 20-24 – PSSA Math Window for Grades 3-6 April 27 – May 1 – PSSA Science Window for Gr. 4 April 29 – Last day of Buddy Club April 30 – Student/Basketball Game August Calendar August 26 – First Day of School for Students in Grades 1 – 6. SIXTH GRADE PARENTS: IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER April 29th – Last Day of Buddy Club May 1st – Sixth grade visits AAJHS May 13th – 6th Grade Altoona Curve Field Trip May 28th – 6th Grade Recognition Dinner and Ceremony June 1st – Tentative Patrol Trip- Knoebels Amusement Park, Elysburg, PA School Newsletter Page 2 of 5 Message from Mrs. Keefe, Principal… As we approach the last marking period, there is still plenty of learning to take place. All classes have integrated STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) modules into their daily instruction. These modules include plenty of cooperative learning and higher-level thinking skills. Most classes will be integrating the engineering component of their module in the weeks to come. Ask your child what special STEM module they worked on; they have become experts and I’m sure they would be glad to share their expertise with you! Much information about the PSSA is included in this newsletter as well as parent letters being sent home with your child. Please encourage your child to “Show what you know”; they do this every day in their classes, now is the time to show off that hard work! We have offered a few parent workshops during the school year (a few were not attended due to the snow) and parents seemed to enjoy the speakers/activities and meeting with other parents. If you have ideas for next year, please contact me at 946-8396. Safety is ALWAYS my primary concern for your children. Since we are a walking school, please be ever vigilant when bringing your child to and from school and follow all rules of safety. Cross at crosswalks, take advantage of the intersections with crossing guards and be a respectful neighbor (do not litter, stay on sidewalks, be courteous, etc.). It appears that Spring has arrived and our students will finally be able to enjoy our beautiful playground! Please make sure to send your children with appropriate footwear/outerwear so that they can take advantage of the fresh air as often as possible. Thank you ALL for your support this year! Our teachers and staff work extremely hard to make your child’s day/educational experience a great one. We work to help them grow academically and socially and prepare them for the future. We thank you for working with us as a TEAM; your children deserve the absolute best that we can give! UPCOMING SCHOOL EVENTS Jaffa Circus The circus is coming to town and WE are going! All grade levels will be going to the Jaffa Circus; grades K-2 will attend on April 14th and grades 3-6 will attend on April 17th. Funds to cover bussing are made possible by our fundraising efforts throughout the year. Thanks to parents and relatives who purchase and sell items to help our students! Family Picnic at DelGrosso’s Our PTO will sponsor a family picnic at DelGrosso’s Park on Saturday, June 6 th. DelGrosso’s has donated a pavilion for the day and will allow us to purchase all-day ride passes for a discounted rate. More information will be coming soon. School Newsletter Page 3 of 5 Kindergarten News Kindergarten will be dying Easter Eggs soon. We will also be going to the circus on April 14. We will soon be learning all about life on the farm. We are still working very hard on our DIBELS skills in preparation for the final benchmark in May. In June, we will celebrate a great Kindergarten year! First Grade In April, First Grade will be making Easter baskets and dying Easter Eggs! Please look for more information to come home about this fun event! Also, First Grade will be taking a field trip to see the Jaffa Shrine Circus. Students are NOT permitted to bring money for this field trip. More information will come home soon about this field trip. In May, we will be completing many fun Spring activities! We look forward to celebrating the warm weather! Also, we are preparing for the final DIBELS reading test. Please continue to practice any words or stories that are sent home with your child. Second Grade Second Grade has been very busy! We have taken trips to the planetarium to view sky shows with Mr. Jim Krug, as well as our visits to the Altoona Area Public Library with Ms. Adrienne Brown. In the classroom, we have been focusing on our STEM unit about soils. We recently welcomed our newest friends, red worms! Our upcoming field trip to the Jaffa Shrine Circus will be happening on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Third Grade Third graders are working hard on learning their Multiplication Facts! To motivate our third graders, teachers are planning an ice cream sundae party for all students who learn their multiplication facts. Parents can help their child by practicing math facts every night. In addition to math, third graders will visit the Altoona Public Library in March, April, and May. We are encouraging students to read every day! Fourth Grade Fourth grade will be busy during March and April. We are working hard to improve our Reading and Math skills in preparation for the PSSA tests in April. We are excited to be collaborating with the AAPL. We will be visiting two more times this year. We are also anxious to spend time with Mrs. Roberts during library instruction in March. Our classes are earning lots of PAWS for excellent behavior – We can’t wait to participate in the many exciting rewards that have been planned for the next two months (extra gym time, karaoke, board games)! Fifth Grade Hello Spring! Fifth grade is currently preparing students for the PSSA test, which will take place from April 13-24. Continue to read nightly with your children and remember we are taking a positive approach to behavior in our classrooms. Whether this be the PAWS program, or simply with kind words. Every child matters! Sixth Grade Sixth grade is working hard to prepare for PSSA and other end of the year activities. We will be attending a Curve game in May and patrols will again be going to Knoebel’s Amusement Park. We ask that you remain active in your child’s education. Please ask what he/she did in school and check to see if their homework is done and monitor ProgressBook. Those students that are not making good choices or doing their work will not earn field trips and special assemblies. Student Activities Committee We are continuing the “Pawsitively Awesome” Rewards Program. Your child has the potential to earn paws for positive behavior they show throughout the school day. This behavior may be as simple as working hard during the school day and raising his or her hand with questions rather than shouting out. He or she can then turn these paws in for rewards such as a movie or a special day. Be sure to encourage appropriate behavior in your child. Try mini rewards when you see this desired behavior. Page 4 of 5 School Newsletter Student Attendance Q-SITE An illegal or unexcused day of absence from school is any day of absence for reasons other than illness, health care, death in the immediate family, approved field trips, approved temporary absences, approved religious holiday, and any emergency approved by the Principal. A student will not be permitted to make up work missed as a result of an unexcused absence. (Reference: Board Policy 5008R4 – Make-Up Policy.) March is the last month for the Pizza Hut Book-It Program. Thank you for all of the students and parents that participated in this awesome program! All absences require a written acceptable excuse by the parents/guardians/physician regardless of student’s age or the absence is considered illegal or unexcused. The written excuse must be presented to the school when determined by the Attendance Director or the Principal’s designee, but no later than three school days after the return from absence. If a student is absent from school, he/she will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular activities after school on that particular day – no exceptions! You can view your child’s attendance through Progress Book at Reminders from the Cafeteria When sending money into school with your child, please place it in a sealed envelope with child’s full name, teacher’s name, and the amount written clearly on it. Please write checks out to AASD Cafeteria. Thank you. Please remember the PERFECT attendance prizes for the school year. One marking period of PERFECT ATTENDANCE = a free book and coupon Two marking periods of PERFECT ATTENDANCE = a free Penn-Lincoln drawstring bag Three marking periods of PERFECT ATTENDANCE = a free Penn-Lincoln T-shirt Four marking periods of PERFECT ATTENDANCE = a Mystery Prize!! Make sure you come to school on time every day so you can win these awesome prizes!!! Student Council Penn-Lincoln’s Student Council collected $420.67 to donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Way to go to Penn-Lincoln! Penn-Lincoln’s Student Council also has some very exciting ideas for April/May. Please look for more information in the upcoming months! Family Component (Dr. Seuss) News from the Nurse School physicals will be scheduled in either late April or early May. This involves K and 6 th grade. Notes will be sent to remind parents of this and also to request reports of physical exams done by private physicians. In addition, the school nurses are continuing to send notes home for updated immunization records. Prompt return of this information to the nurse is very much appreciated and helps to prevent repeated notes going home. School Schedule 9:00 9:10 3:20 3:25 3:30 AM AM PM PM PM First Bell (Students enter School) Classes Begin Kindergarten Dismisses Primary Grades Dismiss Intermediate Grades Dismiss March 2nd - Students brought their favorite Dr. Seuss story to read to another student. March 4th - Dr. Seuss Trivia Day and 10 winners received prizes. March 5th - School Door Decorating Contest. Winners were Ms. Miller, Mrs. Douglas, and Mrs. Donley – Winners received pencils and PAWS. Penn-Lincoln’s grand total was: 21,274 minutes read over seven days. Excellent job!!! Penn-Lincoln Elementary School 411 12th Street Altoona, PA 16602 Phone: (814)946-8396 We’re on the Web! Page 5 of 5 School Newsletter hool Newsletter From the Counselor Student Dress – SHORTS At Penn-Lincoln Elementary School, we will continue to strictly enforce our current dress code policy. Shorts may be worn in the months of April, May, June and August, September and October. No short shorts or short tops. We believe that student dress should not create a safety hazard and should not cause a disruption to the learning environment. Our main concerns are student safety and learning. Please review the policy in the Parent Handbook and support our school as we encourage students to dress for their “job”. If you are in doubt about the appropriateness of your child’s dress, the child should probably dress otherwise. Please be reminded of these key issues: 1. Clothes must fit properly; i.e., slacks are not permitted to hang low on students’ hips thus pant legs drag on the floor. 2. Inappropriate pictures and/or slogans on shirts are prohibited. Please use good judgment. The school’s discretion will be final. 3. Students should dress modestly. 4. Ripped or frayed clothes are not permitted. 5. Footwear must cover entire foot. NO SANDALS OR CLOGS. 6. Hair color and style must not disrupt the learning of students. Spending Quality Time With Your Child It is important to spend time every day with your child. Tuck your child into bed at night and talk about their day. Take an evening walk together. Have dinner or breakfast together. Your child can help you with the preparation and cleanup. Turn the music and cell off in the car and take advantage of having an uninterrupted conversation. If you don’t live with your child, spend as much time as possible with them. Find ways to talk to them every day over the phone or by email. These special efforts will help you stay connected with your child. It keeps the lines of communication open and positive. Penn-Lincoln Clear Expectations We come to school ready to listen and ready to learn We keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves We do not allow bullying We use polite, respectful language We respect the feelings, property, and space of others PENN-LINCOLN LIST SERV If you would like to join Penn-Lincoln’s List Serv, simply send in a note with your name, your child’s name and your email address. You will be added to the List Serv and begin receiving emails with important and up-todate information about our school.
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