Connoquenessing Elementary School Newsletter Mr. Hundertmark, Principal Mrs. Robinson, Secretary 724-214-4040 April 2015 Principal’s News Upcoming Events Spring is here! Hopefully we can start to see warm weather, sunshine and other beautiful elements spring brings to our surroundings. This time of year also brings PSSA testing and class field trips. Classrooms are ironing out specific field trip logistics and will be sending home information to parents soon if they have not done so already. All parents attending field trips must comply with our new Volunteer policy (916) and obtain proper clearances. 4/8 – PTC Meeting 4/10 – Father/Daughter Dance 4/15 – Report Cards During the next few weeks, students in grades 3-6 will be participating in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA). Each test provides the district, school, and individual student with vital information regarding the effectiveness of our programs and data regarding student achievement. There is no need to study for these assessments. We take pride in showcasing our students’ success and are confident they are adequately prepared. 6/11 – last day of school (1/2 day for students) Mr. Hundertmark Connoquenessing PSSA Schedule Mr. Hundertmark ELA (English Language Arts) PSSA Grades 3-6 April 14-17 – 9:30 – 11:00 AM Grandparents Day Tuesday, May 5 2015 10:00-11:45 MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! Grandparent’s Day is approaching and we have a wonderful celebration planned to show our appreciation for the special role that they play in the lives of our children. A response form will be coming home soon. **Please note the time change to allow both students and grandparents ample time to go through metal detectors. Grandparents can leave belongings in the car. Only proper ID is required. Math PSSA Grades 3-6 April 20-22 – 9:30 – 11:00 AM Science PSSA Grade 4 April 28-29 – 9:30 – 11:00 AM Please be sure students get a good night’s rest and eat a nourishing breakfast. If possible, please make student appointments in the afternoon to not conflict with PSSA testing. Any child coming in late after 9:30 will remain in the office until that day’s testing is complete. Consolidation Families should be assured that all District schools have caring and supportive teachers and principals. Each school will continue to provide the resources and support necessary to meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of all students. Pending board approval on May 6, Connoquenessing would look as follows: 300 students 14 Classrooms K-4 3 Kindergarten Sections Average Class Size 20 2 LS Classrooms Rooms for Art, Music, Speech, and Gifted
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