26 February 2015 Term 1, Week 5 Bush Telegraph Principal’s Report: A full list of class coordinators will be published next week along with a proposed meeting date to set up organisation for the year. WHOLE SCHOOL PHOTO Monday 2 March Next Monday we will be having a whole school photo and would like all the students to wear sports uniform on that day—red shorts, white polo, white ankle socks & runners. This will allow a more unified look for our 60th birthday photo. Well I have certainly hit the ground running this week after my lovely holiday last week. Thank you to Ms Phillips who did an amazing job filling in for me during my absence. WHOLE SCHOOL PHOTO- Monday 2 March Next Monday we are having all the students and staff photographed in the formation of a “60” to celebrate Manly Vale Public School’s 60th birthday. We would like all students to come in their sports uniform (white shirt, red shorts, white socks and runners) for this photo. Could you please ensure that your child comes to school in their sports uniform. This is not our normal school photo day so no other photos will take place on that day. Parent Information Evenings Thank you to all the parents who attended the parent information evenings over the past 2 WHAT’S HAPPENING weeks. It is a great opportunity to get to know your child’s teacher NEXT WEEK and become familiar with classMonday 2 March room routines. On those evenings Whole School Photo parents had the opportunity to Stewart House bags due volunteer as class parents/ coordinators for the year. Many Tuesday 3 March parents have given their email and contact details to these coorWednesday 4 March dinators so that contact lists can be set up. If you were not at the Thursday 5 March information night please make sure you forward your details to the class teacher or parent coorFriday 6 March dinator so that you are able to be PSSA registered for these contact lists. Parent Information Evening—3/4A Mrs Lucy Ashton was unable to attend the Stage 2 parent information evening last week due to illness so has rescheduled her class to have their information night on Tuesday 3 March at 6.30pm in her room. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. SRC meeting and badge assembly Tomorrow is a very exciting day for our school leaders and SRC representatives. The SRC representatives along with the Library Monitors and Band Leaders will be presented with their badges for 2015 followed by their first meeting for the year at 11.30am. The assembly will be on the back oval at 9.00am. Congratulations to all SRC representatives that were elected by their class mates to represent them in this very important meeting. Thank you to Ms Phillips who does an amazing job in organising these students and the school leaders to run these meetings. PSSA Lunch Orders- To be discontinued! Fridays are a very busy day for the school with many students leaving the school before lunch to go off to PSSA games. As buses leave at 12.30pm for sport and assembly and SRC meetings taking place just beforehand, students are not getting enough time to eat lunch orders before they go off to sport. The canteen is pressured to provide lunches before the buses leave, after opening for breakfast in the morning. It has been the decision of the school and the canteen committee to cancel lunch orders for PSSA students on a Friday and encourage them to order on a different day. We will give parents and students time to adjust to this change so that the last day for PSSA lunches will be Friday 6 March. As from Friday 13 March there will be no lunch orders for PSSA teams. Congratulations Daniel! Daniel Povah has participated in the Saturday Orienteering School Series over the past 3 weeks. He has won the year 5/6 event each week. Well done Daniel! Manly Vale Public School 77 Sunshine Street Manly Vale 2093 PHONE: 9907 9672 FAX: 9907 0890 EMAIL: manlyvale-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website: www.manlyvale-p.schools.nsw.edu.au PAGE 2 B U S H T E L EG RA P H Parent Planner App We have not set up the Parent Planner App this year and would like some feedback on its usage last year. With the website and Bush Telegraph as our main sources of communication with parents we are assessing whether the time spent on administering this App is beneficial. We will send out a survey next week for you to comment and give us feedback. 2015 SCHOOL CALENDAR Term 1 Week 7 Mon 9 Mar Tues 10 Mar Leadership Camp Tina Lee Principal STEWART HOUSE SCHOOL CLOTHING APPEAL 2015 Stage 2 Colonial Excursion Leadership Camp Thurs 12 Mar Kindy Teddy Bear’s Picnic @ Manly Dam Fri 13 Mar Zone Swimming Week 8 Wed 18 Mar SCHOOL PHOTOS Week 9 Parent/Teacher Interviews Clothing bags were handed out last week and are due back at school for collection on Monday 2 March 2015. There were not enough bags for all classes, so if you did not receive a bag please come to the office and collect one. An ordinary garbage bag can be used as well. Week 10 Thurs 2 Apr Last day of Term 1 School Terms 2015 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Wednesday 28 January to Thursday 2 April Tuesday 21 April to Friday 26 June Tuesday 14 July to Friday 18 September Tuesday 6 October to Wednesday 16 December Student Representative Council (SRC) Leader Badges The following students will receive their SRC badges tomorrow morning at the 9:00am assembly. The SRC meetings are a forum for students to engage in free speech, decision making and participate in a democratic process where they present ideas, vote and have their leaders follow up on their suggestions. These students will be attending SRC meetings and will present suggestions and speak on behalf of their class mates. We would like to congratulate these students and wish them well in their leadership position. Parents are invited to attend the SRC meetings which are scheduled every three weeks in Friday assemblies at 11:20am in the school hall. Class SRC Reps Class SRC Reps KF Atticus Lee & Charlotte Martin KK Risheet Mazumdar & Saskia Russell KM Louella Goodsir & Isaac Lau KP Mitch McCombe & Charli Lehmann 1B Mackenzie Jeffs & Keanu Jewell 1H Hannah Murgatroyd & Adam Turner 1PM Phoebe Crowe & Josh Turner 2F Douglas John & Emily Levingstone 2M Joshua Galang & Matilda Graham 2O’G Mia Lougher & Zak Zmijewski 3/4A Oliver Atchinson & Eve King 3/4L Jamie Sternburg & Esther Schroeter 3/4M Poppy Pickering & Ella Dos Ramos 3/4W James Stevens & Sienna Kelly 5F Zara Halliday & Elliott Rowe 5/6D Indra Adnyana & Lucia Cole 5/6P Elijah Goh & Jacinta Blundell Band Captain Badges—We would also like to congratulate Matt Cook and Jacinta Blundell who have been elected by the Band Conductors to be the Band Captains. Their badges will also be presented on Friday morning along with the term 1 Library Monitors: Rick Andrews, Elliott Rowe, Owen Guard, Bella Pickering, Isabelle Gay, Harrison King, Somerset Hanna, Charley-Rose Erskine, Tyler Tolhurst, Jade Nelson, Ruby Duke-Smith, Katia Bjorkmann, Mackenzie Davies, Nicole Karaseva. PAGE 3 B U S H T E L EG RA P H CANTEEN ROSTER TERM 1 MON 2 Mar Kristen Welch TUES 3 Mar Jo Bryson 4 Mar Deb McCarthy 1-1.30pm WED THURS 5 Mar Fiona Telfer & volunteer needed FRI 6 Mar Heidi Galang & Jo Poulos MON 9 Mar Katie Harper TUES 10 Mar Mel Lovell 11 Mar Talofa Pouli 1-1.30pm WED THURS 12 Mar Mel Grsic & volunteer needed FRI Greg Pryor & Matt Koorey 13 Mar Please note: The canteen is only open from 1.001.30pm on Tuesdays for snacks. It is really important to find a replacement if you can’t do your rostered day! If you can help in the canteen please call Sarah on 9948 7038 or email langley.sarah8@gmail.com LIBRARY NEWS It was great pleasure to meet up with new parents and to see familiar faces at the information evenings held over the last two weeks. Your children have started the year with great enthusiasm for borrowing and reading and exploring new ideas. We appreciate your support and encouragement by helping your children to remember their library day and to take an interest in the books they borrow and the library work they may bring home each week. Premier’s Reading Challenge begins in early March. I will provide further information soon, in the meantime you may wish to explore the website: https//products.schools.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.html Happy Reading Glynis Poole—Teacher Librarian CANTEEN NEWS CANTEEN OPENING MONDAYS Don’t forget the canteen is continuing to open on Mondays for lunch orders for EVERY week this term! The trial will be reviewed again at the end of the term and unless it is supported by the school community it will not continue beyond then. Sarah has a yummy new Monday menu so get your Monday lunch orders in. POSITION VACANT The canteen is in desperate need of some new fill in supervisors to assist when Sarah is on leave. It's a fun position, you get to meet new volunteers, and you get paid! If you're interested we'd love to hear from you so please call Lucy on 9938 4804 or email manlyvalepscanteen@gmail.com. PSSA LUNCH ORDERS PSSA students won’t be able to order lunch from the canteen on a Friday from 13 March onwards. SPECIAL MORNING TEA Thank you to Lois Nethery for helping out on the day. The canteen raised $130.00. Canteen Committee NOTES SENT HOME THIS WEEK NOTE Excursion to The Rocks Leadership Camp PSSA Code of Behaviour School Sport Tennis School Sport Multi SENT TO Yrs 3 & 4 School Leaders PSSA Players Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Yr 3 OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT FUNDRAISER LAST CHANCE TO VOTE FOR THE MOVIE THIS FRIDAY BEFORE SCHOOL AT CAFÉ OWL, MOVIE ANNOUNCED AT MORNING ASSEMBLY! VOTES SO FAR Curse of the were rabbit 39 Babe 4 The Pirates Band of Misfits 12 Harry Potter and the philosophers stone 45 Chicken Run 19 Nanny McPhee 0 PAGE 4 B U S H T E L EG RA P H Holiday Camps Kids Tennis Lessons After school & Saturday Kids 4-9 years of age Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs at 4pm AND Sat 8am & 9am 5-7 per group $165/term Kids 10yrs + OR competition standard Tues, Wed & Thurs at 5-6.30pm 5-7 per group $209/term Teenage Class Mon 5pm; 5-7 per group $175/term BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL Private lessons $45 for 1/2 hour & $85/hr Tennis lessons for adults? Timetable keirleparktenniscentre.com.au Jan, April, July, Oct 9-12pm, 9-3pm Plus, NEW 12.45-3pm option All standards from 4 to 13 yrs of age. Ph 9977 1307 Bookings essential Owners : Wendy Camelotti and Howard Smith COMMUNITY NOTICES Forestville Fun Run & Fair Sunday 22 March 2015. More information & registration theforestrun.com.au Mosman High School Open Night Thursday 5 March, 5.008.00pm, displays and student performances, information on special programs, Principal’s welcome. JETS Allambie Rugby Club Open Day, Allambie Oval Friday 6 March from 4.00pm. Kids aged 4-8 can try modified rugby (non contact), meet new friends & have fun. Enjoy a sausage sizzle, info@allambierugby.com Warringah Council presents ‘Raising Responsible Digital Citizens’ with Leonie Smith the Cyber Safety Lady. Tuesday 24 March, 7.00-9.00pm, Cromer Public School. FREE but bookings essential on youthbookings@warringah.nsw.gov.au. For more information call 9942 2681. UNIFORM SHOP Opening times: Tuesday 8.40 to 9.00am Friday 8.40 to 9.00am Any enquiries email manlyvaleuniformshop@outlook.com OWLETS Owlets meet on Mondays from 9.15-11.00am in the school hall. Feel free to join in! For further information contact Kyrralyn 0422 404 273. Scholastic Book Club Any enquiries regarding orders please email Kylie Freeman on pkfreeman@iinet.net.au MANLY VALE OSHC CENTRE Before and After School Care 0430 369 288 P&C MEETINGS Every 2nd Tuesday @7.30pm in the Administration Block unless otherwise advised. PSSA SPORT Please check the school’s website for cancellations of PSSA sport due to the weather www.manlyvalep.schools.nsw.edu.au
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