Newsletter – February, March, and April 2015 A message from Mr. Dambeck, Principal It’s hard to believe that we are already one month into the new year and at the half way mark of the school year. The teachers and staff are all continuing to work together with a focus on making sure that each of our Juniata students are making progress and striving to reach their fullest potential academically and behaviorally. Winter certainly has taken a strong hold on the area, I urge all students and parents to use caution when coming and going home from school, this also means that we need to make sure children (even 6th graders) are properly dressed for the temperature or weather conditions. This also means making sure that your children are not showing up at school or the bus stop too early. We don’t want to expose students to the outside conditions any longer than necessary. In an on-going effort to help keep parents informed about Juniata, I have set-up an account with This allows me to send one-way text messages to anyone that signs up. I have been utilizing this to “remind” students and parents about things like hat days, fundraiser pickup, or evening events. If you havn’t already signed up, all you have to do is send a text message to 81010 with the message @junfamily to start receiving these one-way text messages with information about Juniata. Please continue to support your child with assignments, projects, and studying as we begin the third marking period. Make sure that you visit ProgressBook often to check your child’s progress. Just by doing these few simple things nightly you can help your child be more successful: check homework and assignment book nightly, study a little bit each night leading up to a test, complete homework / study in a comfortable and quiet place with good lighting and little distractions. Finally, make sure that your child is getting a good night sleep and eats a healthy breakfast so they have the rest and energy they need to be a productive student all day long. Please remember that one of the most important parts of the learning process is regular attendance at school. Please make every attempt to be on time, even 10 minutes late could result in a student missing out on important instruction. Parents are required by law to send in an excuse for each absence explaining the reason why the child missed school. These excuses must have a valid reason (sick) and be turned in within three school days of returning to school. When valid excuses are not present, students are marked illegal. Multiple illegal days could lead to the development of a Truancy Elimination Plan and/or possible monetary fines from the local courts; this is why it is so important that you provide the school with an excuse for any absences. As always, if you have any questions or I can be of any help please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Erik Dambeck SNOW MAKE-UP DAYS The first snow day (January 26) will be made up on: Friday, March 20 which is a 5B 2014-2015 PSSA SCHEDULE 3rd – 6th Grade PSSA ELA April 13-17 3rd – 6th Grade PSSA Math April 20-24 4th Grade PSSA Science April 27 – May 1 Please make sure to mark these very important dates on your calendar. Please make every attempt to have your child in school during the testing days. All testing will take place in the morning, so please make sure your child is on time, as well, once the testing session starts they will not be permitted to enter their classroom and will have to wait in an assigned location until testing is complete. Additionally, they will need to make up the missed section at a later time. Tips for PSSA Success Good attendance is a must – taking the test with your classmates and teacher is easier than a make-up session. Reassure your child that the PSSA is only one of the many ways we look at children to measure their ability – it’s not the whole picture. We want children to work hard and do their best! Express a positive and supporting attitude about the PSSA and help build your child’s confidence that they have the ability to do well on the test. Realize that putting too much pressure and emphasizing the test can result in an increase in test anxiety and prevent your child from performing at his or her best. The Night Before the Test 1. Make sure your child gets a good night sleep. 2. Consider talking about the test to reassure and encourage your child to do their best. 3. Let them know that you understand tests can be hard, but it’s a chance for them to show how well they can do. 4. Be very encouraging, but don’t dwell on the test as this might make them worry. The Morning of the Test 1. Get up a little bit earlier to avoid rushing around and being late. 2. Make sure your child eats a good breakfast, at home or at school, but don’t force them to eat. 3. Get your child off to school on a positive note and encourage them to do their best. After the Test 1. Talk to your child about the test and continue to offer encouragement – even if they say it was hard. 2. Reward your child in someway for doing their best on the test. GROUP PICTURE DAY Provine School Pictures, Inc. will be at Juniata Elementary on Wednesday, February 18th to take classroom group pictures and Spring Fever pictures. Please be sure if purchasing a group picture your child brings in the envelope with money enclosed on February 18th. APPOINTMENTS AND EARLY DISMISSALS Please remember that a note is to be sent into the teacher when your child is going to be picked up during the school day for an appointment. Make sure to include on the note your child’s first and last name, the time you will be picking your child up and the name of the person who will be picking them up – this will help with the continued safety of all our students. Please make sure that you are keeping your child’s cafeteria account up-to-date. Balances of negative $5.00 or more may cause your child to be placed on a cash only status as outlined by the District Charge Policy. Payments to your child’s account can be made in the form of cash or check, with checks being made payable to the Altoona Area School District. Be sure to include your child’s first and last name on the check and/or their ID number. VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY The Valentine’s Day party in each classroom will be held on Thursday, February 12th at 2:00 P.M. Please check with your JEO Head homeroom parent for details regarding volunteering and donations. The only parents/guardians that are permitted to help with the parties are people who have already been pre-approved by the classroom teacher and the Juniata JEO. MUSIC CONCERTS Early dismissals are only acceptable for health related appointments. All City Strings Spectacular JUNIATA CAFETERIA NEWS All school year the AASD string students have been diligently practicing and preparing for the 2015 All-City Strings Spectacular Concert that will take place on February 20th in the AAHS Auditorium at 6:30 p.m... The Spring Spectacular and All-City Strings Concert s are combined into one awesome district-wide string extravaganza. This concert features fifth and sixth grade students from across the district that auditioned and will be performing several pieces in the string spectacular portion of the program. Band Bash The Altoona Area School District Music Department is presenting a ‘Band Bash’ evening event Thursday, March 19th for every Altoona Area School District Band Member in grades 4 – 12. This event will be held at the AAHS Auditorium, at 7:00 p.m. We hope to see you at these musical events. You are in for three very entertaining and enjoyable evenings. A MESSAGE FROM THE GUIDANCE COUNSELOR – Mr. Koch Help your child develop realistic, reachable goals and encourage him/her to have a plan for achieving those goals. Talk with your child about rethinking goals and plans when something doesn’t go as expected and not quitting or giving up. Help your child recognize his/her strengths and develop confidence in his/her abilities. Help your child develop perseverance by encouraging him/her to continue a task even when it is difficult. Provide support but resist the urge to jump in and rescue your child when something becomes challenging. We are all presented with difficult situations and obstacles in our lives. Let’s work together to foster an attitude of resilience in our children. KINDERGARTEN & FIRST GRADE REGISTRATION Kindergarten and first grade registration for the 2015-16 school year will take place at Juniata on Tuesday, March 3rd from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. To register your child for kindergarten he/she MUST BE FIVE YEARS OF AGE ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30, 2015. What parents need to bring— BOUNCING BACK Resiliency is the capacity to “bounce back”, to rebound in the face of adversity, when dealing with everyday life situations or bigger problems. As counselors, we encourage you to foster a resilient attitude in your child by working with him/her on the following skills: 1. Proof of age is required by State Law and this MUST be presented at time of registration. An Official certificate of birth is preferred. If this is not available, parents should bring a hospital certificate, baptismal certificate, or the ORIGINAL notarized statement indicating name, date of birth and place of birth. 2. Parent or guardian Photo I.D. 3. If an adult other than the parent is registering the child, a copy of guardianship paper or a sworn affidavit must be presented at registration. This copy will be kept by the school district. 4. Current custody applicable. papers, if 5. Proof of Residency – Current lease, Current utility bill (No water bills accepted) or Photo I.D. with correct address. 6. It is MANDATORY that all children starting school have their immunizations of: Diphtheria and Tetanus (4 or more doses of DPT, Td, DT or any combination of these with the last dose given after the age of four. Poliomyelitis (3 doses of oral vaccine or 4 doses of inactivated vaccine). Measles, Rubella and Mumps (2 doses of measles vaccine preferably given as a second dose of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR). The Measles, Rubella and Mumps inoculations must be given at age 12 months or older. Hepatitis B vaccine (3 properly spaced doses). Chickenpox vaccine (2 doses as per Dept. of Health requirement) or date of disease. Please contact the PA Department of Health, Cricket Field Plaza at 946-7300. Immunizations are given there by appointment only or contact your child’s pediatrician. PARENTS: YOU MUST BRING YOUR CHILD’S SHOT RECORD WITH YOU AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. CHILDREN WILL NOT BE REGISTERED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORZED FORMS DATES TO REMEMBER February 6 February 12 February 13 February 16 February 18 February 20 February 20 March 3 March 6 March 8 March 17 March 19 March 20 March 27 April 2 April 3-6 April 10 April 13-17 April 17 April 20-24 April 27May 1 School Spirit Day Wear School Colors Valentine’s Day Party Teacher In-Service – NO SCHOOL President’s Holiday – NO SCHOOL Provine Group Pictures All City String Spectacular AAHS Auditorium – 6:30 PM Twin Day Juniata Kindergarten Registration – Conference Room – 8:00 am – 5:00 PM School Spirit Day – Wear School Colors Daylight Savings Time - Turn your clocks ahead 1 hour Green-Out Day Band Bash - AAHS Auditorium – 7:00 PM Snow Make-Up Day (5B) SCHOOL IN SESSION rd End of 3 Marking Period Report Cards go home Spring Break – NO SCHOOL Crazy Hair Day PSSA ELA/Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 School Spirit Day – Wear School Colors PSSA Math/Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 Grade 4 PSSA – Science
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