How to find the Ark Centre Ring Road Town Centre Motorway (M3) Alton (A339) N Ring Road Newbury A339 Newbury A339 The ARK Conference Centre Dinwoodie Drive, Basingstoke Hants RG24 9NN ST S T MICHAELS MICHAELS HOSPICE HOSPICE Aldermaston A340 A3 M4 JCT 11 A3 3 40 Tel: 01256 360 400 Fax: 01256 360 420 A ARK RK C CAR AR PA R K PARK A3 4 10 Bracknell Bracknell 5 Farnborough Farnborough A3 A25 A34 Herriard Herriard A287 Guildford G uildford 8 Alton Alton By Rail. From Oxford/the West, Basingstoke is reached via Reading Central, from where there is a frequent service taking approximately 30 minutes. From London, Basingstoke is reached via Waterloo Station, fast trains taking 3/4 hour. Farnham Farnham A31 M3 A31 A34 A3 A32 9 A286 10 P Petersfield etersfield A272 A272 TAXI Give Way 2006 TM Tel: 0800 019 0027. OS data. PU 100040256. Crown M3 JCT 6 Public Transport A3 A339 A 3 010 BASINGSTOKE TOWN CENTRE A30 6 10 CHURCHILL WEST WAY Alton (A339) Whitchurch Basingstoke Town Centre AY Woking Woking M3 B asi a s i ngstoke ngstoke Ring road A3 M25 4 A339 B BASINGSTOKE A S I N G S TO K E S STATION TAT I O N GW 3 A322 A33 M3 1 12 A329 A4 Ring Road A339 Reading (A33) RIN 11 Newbury Newbury H HEATHROW EATHROW A AIRPORT IRPORT Aldermaston (A340) Popley Oakridge TH M4 Ring road A339 Aldermaston (A340) Reading (A33) (M3) 4 15 Daneshill Industrial Estate NOR 12 7 40 M4 13 8/9 A4 A3 Reading Reading Aldermaston A340 39 Maidenhead Maidenhead A4074 Newbury A339 Reading A33 16 Slough Slough R I N G WAY 39 M25 M40 A404 A34 TH A3 A4130 NOR P PAY AY & DISPLAY D I S P L AY By Taxi. Taxis are available from outside the railway station - approx 5 min journey time. 2003. Call the team to make your booking on telephone: 01256 360400 or email: How to find the Ark Centre M3 MOTORWAY (from London or Southampton) BY RAIL Leave the M3 at Junction 6 and take the northbound dual carriageway ring road, passing the AA high-rise building on your left. Continue on the ring road to the Aldermaston Road turn off, and at the roundabout take the 4th exit on the A340, Aldermaston Road. Follow the sign to the Ark Conference Centre continuing through the set of traffic lights and then take the first turning on the left (sign posted "Ark Conference Centre"). Continue straight and take the third left. The Ark Centre is situated on the left hand side after about 400 metres. From Oxford/the West, Basingstoke is reached via Reading Central, from where there is a frequent service taking approximately 30 minutes. From London, Basingstoke is reached via Waterloo Station, fast trains taking 3/4 hour. BY TAXI Taxis are available from outside the railway station. Approximately 5 minutes journey time. M4 MOTORWAY (from Oxford / the West) Leave the M4 at Junction 13 and proceed south on the A34 to Newbury. South of Newbury, take the A339 past RAF Greenham Common, Kingsclere by-pass to Basingstoke. Follow signs for the hospital at the Aldermaston Road turn off, and take the 1st exit on to the A340 Aldermaston Road. Follow the sign to the Ark Conference Centre continuing through the set of traffic lights and then take the first turning on the left (sign posted "Ark Conference Centre"). Continue straight and take the third left. The Ark Centre is situated on the left hand side after about 400 metres. PARKING The Ark Conference Centre car park is situated opposite the Ark building. The ARK Conference Centre Ltd, Dinwoodie Drive, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9NN T: +44 (0) 1256 360400 F: +44 (0) 1256 360410 W: M4 MOTORWAY (from London) Leave the motorway at Junction 11 and follow the A33 to Basingstoke, to the northbound ring road. Continue toward Newbury (A339) until the Aldermaston Road turn off, and at the roundabout take the 4th exit on the A340, Aldermaston Road. Follow the sign to the Ark Conference Centre continuing through the set of traffic lights and then take the first turning on the left (sign posted "Ark Conference Centre"). Continue straight and take the third left. The Ark Centre is situated on the left hand side after about 400 metres. Call the team to make your booking on telephone: 01256 360400 or email:
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