T. Sakai et al.: Methods to make camera ready copy in English Contributed paper | Short communication | Technical note | Review article | Data 1 Secretariat handling Font size: 10 point, and new paragraph. Subject ofto thethe paper: use Times Roman font, 14 How to make camera ready copy of paper contributed Journal ofNew JASS point. Setin line spacing to19 - Method using Microsoft Word software English - point. 5 New paragraph Tetsuro SAKAI*, Katsuo OKAMOTO**, Shigeo OGAWA *** Set line spacing to15.2 point. Name: use Times New Roman font, 12 Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan point. Set line spacing to 15.2 point, ** National Institute for Agro-environmental Science, Japan and arrange from center. *** National Institute for Rural Engineering, Japan * 10 (Received 12 September 2007; in finalRoman form 30 September Affiliation: use Times New font, 10 point.2007) Set line spacing to 15.2point. Summary Times NewitRoman font, point,title, bold.a Japanese The paper should be written in Japanese or English. When writing anUse English paper, includes an 12 English 15 title, organization name and author’s full name and Japanese summary. Add an address (including zip code), author’s mail address to a foot note on page 1 and a foot note of the Japanese summary. A copy of the original paper (symposium paper, short communication, technical report, general remark, and data.) is prepared following the above, with the title and author’s Text: use Times New Roman font, 10 point. Set line name added in Japanese and English. The opening page of the paper (After the title and author’s name, before start of the spacing to 15.2point. discussion) includes an English summary. In the summary, describe the purpose of the study, materials, experiments, results, 20 examination, and conclusion succinctly and concretely in order to clarify the content of the study for the reader. The summary UsebeTimes Newthan Roman font, The following text describes the format that should be used for a paper presented to the should no longer 400 words. 10 point, “Journal of thebold. Japanese Agricultural Systems Society”. Key Words: Camera ready,English paper Headline of section: use Verdana font, 10 point, bold. Leave a blank line in front of and behind headline. 25 1. Introduction The purpose of this outline is to standardize the format of papers contributed for publication in the “Journal of the Japanese Agricultural Systems Society use a text Use Times New Roman (JASS)”. Footnote: A contributed paperbox. should be horizontally respectively. The author’s name should be Times New Roman font, 12 point. The line spacing of the subject is the is point 0.39 inches givenSpacing value 19 (Fig.6), except that the subject is the given value 15.2 point (Fig.7). The foot notes on page 1 in the text and on the last page foot notes of the Japanese summary, should include the point. Setpaper, line spacing to 15.2 point.as the written onfont, A4 10 landscape in the same layout Setting the format: the “up and printed version. Thetextbox point and the check Englishin summary address (including zip code) [Note 1]. The chart should be thegroups section,of“the of 50 character should bedowns” writtenat in onelapel step, lettersstrings”. per of page. anchor: check settings the section, step, and Movement 46 lines per Margin are: “move top 2.5with end of the article. character theand section, lines “fix are the cm, bottom 2.5 cm,strings”, left and and rightcheck 2.0 cm anchor”. numbered. 2. Template inserted in an appropriate place in the text or attached at the Address:font useofhalf “*”. New Write in The standard thewidth text characters should be to Times the zip code and address (start from prefecture). Roman, 10 point. The subject and section titles should be includes an outline (can be downloaded at the JASS web thefont address thepoint country the same Write or larger thanincluding the text, 14 andname. 12 point site). As a template, you can use an MS Word file that This template file contains all the formats and styles * Yoshida Hommachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan which are used in the text. ** 3-1-3 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan If you have any questions about the format of the paper, *** 2-1-6 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8609, Japan when you have read the document and template file, you (Correspondence: jass_p@ml.affrc.go.jp) should refer to the paper in the current issue. T. Sakai et al.: Methods to make camera ready copy in English Fig.4 Page setting:, Setting line numbers Fig.1 Page setting: Paper size Fig.5 Setting the columns: width and spacing Charts and photos: after insertion, make a section with the text box. Use MS P GOTHIC font, 10 point. Set line spacing to 15.2 point. Change the format settings, after grouping charts, photos and sections. Setting the textbox format: check in the “up and downs” at the section, “the lapel of character strings”. Movement of anchor: check the section, “move with character strings”, and check the section, “fix the anchor”. Fig.2 Page setting: Margins Fig.6 Setting the line spacing :title Fig.3 Page setting: select line numbers from [etc] tab, Fig.7 Setting the line spacing: except title setting 2 T. Sakai et al.: Methods to make camera ready copy in English 3 3. Segmentation of sections To each section of the paper, you should attach consecutive numbers as shown in the example. Section titles should be left justified, and written in Verdana, bold, 10 point. At each section title, you should leave one line blank between the title and the text above it and one line Fig.8 Appropriate place to paste the figure blank between the title and the text below it. and the list: arrange it in up or dawn by step width or page breadth. 3.1 Sub-section 5.2 Figures, photos and tables At each sub-section, you should attach a number as Headline of sub-section: use Times New Roman font, bold, 10 and point. The titles explanations of figures and photos in the shown above. Sub-section titles should be left justified and Numbering: leave a blank separating it from the upper text, but don’t manuscript should be written in textboxes. written in Times New Roman, bold, 10 point. At each a blankleave separating it from thebetween lower text. Figures should be drawn using a computer, and it should sub-section title, leave you should one line blank the title and the text above it, but you should not leave a be possible to make the plate without modifying it. You should attach a consecutive number to each figure blank between the title and the text below it. and photo and insert each in an appropriate space in the text or after the last sentence (Fig.8). 3.1.1 Sub sub-section When a figure consists of many drawn objects, all At each sub sub-section, you should attach a number as Headline of sub sub-section: Times New Roman font, bold, 10 point. objects must be grouped as one object. A figure or a photo shown above. Sub sub-section titles should be left justified Numbering: leave a blank separating it from the upper text, but don’t should be posted horizontally in the center, either above or and written in planeleave style (10 separating point). Atit from each the sublower text. a blank below the column or the page. A headline of a figure or sub-section title, leave blank lines in the text, as at the title of a sub-section. 4. Notations and units shoulduse be Verdana written infont, MSP10Gothic point,aand Headlinephoto of section: point,font, bold.10Leave blank posted below the figure and the photo or in the horizontal line in front of and behind the headline. center of the stage or the page. All notes and the explanation should be written in the lower part of the To use an abbreviation in the text, you should write the figure. official name in the summary or text where it appears the The textbox used to input the figure and the photo first time. You should write scientific names in italics, but should be grouped. This lets us handle the figure and the should not use italics to write var.,f.,sp. etc, The unit of the headline as one object and we can avoid losing sight of the a sign should be written using the International System of headline, when for example, a figure or a list have been Units (SI) as a rule. But also adding the gravity unit will be moved. approved. After the figure is posted, we sometimes disrupt the layout by reorganizing the document, so I suggest 5. Equations, Figures and Tables changing the format as follows as a way to avoid disrupting the layout 5.1 Equations 1) At “format setting of the figure”, select the tab “layout”, click “detailed setting”, and make “top and Equations should be written at the center of the step, Headline sub-section: Times New Roman font, 10 of point. bottom” thebold, setting “lapel of the character string”. After with consecutive numbers right of adjusted as theuse example Numbering: leave a blank separating it from the upper text, but editing “the anchor” don’t on the same page, move to the shows. leave2a blank separating it from the lower text. paragraph where a page does not move to (refer to Fig.11). (1) E = mc In the text, for equations, refer to it as (Equation 1) 2) Select the tab “format setting of the figure” “layout”, in the main text, and prepare it either using the click “detailed setting”, select “layout”, turn the check off equation editor or the normal text. at “move character string together” and turn the check on at “fix the anchor in a paragraph” [note 2]. This can the T. Sakai et al.: Methods to make camera ready copy in English 4 disruption of the layout. Refer to Fig.9 below. The headline and the explanation of a table should be written in English, but both English and Japanese should not be written. A list should be consecutively numbered beginning with 1 and inserted in the appropriate place in the paper or posted after the last sentence. A list should be posted on the Fig.11 After editing, move anchor with dragging to the paragraph where a page does not move to Fig.9 Setting of the figure: From the tab of “layout” to “Advanced...” Fig.12 Setting the option from the tab of “Picture Position”. Fig.13 Page setting: release the number of lines Fig.10 Change the kind of lapel from the tab of “Text Wrapping”. Table 1 File form of the manuscript and record media Manuscript and media File form Record media(when you mail) May be the responsibility of the receiver Headline of the list: useorthe MS P GOTHIC font, 10point. MS Word(.doc) Ichitaro(.jtd) or Acrobat(.pdf) [a] Numbering: Put it directly in the center of the page or Floppy disk or CD-ROM or USB memory [b] column at the top of list. Corporation, Ichitaro is the registered trademark of JustSystems [a] MS Word is the registered trademark of the Microsoft Annotation ofofthe list: Systems use smallIncorporated. letters (ex) [a], [b]…). Use Times New Corporation, and Acrobat PDF is the registered trademark Adobe Roman font, 10Memory, point. USB is the abbreviation of Universal Serial Bus. [b] CD-ROM is the abbreviation of Compact Disk Read-Only T. Sakai et al.: Methods to make camera ready copy in English 5 page. The headline should be written in MSP Gothic font, ・ When you have quoted collected papers of an 10 point, and posted horizontally in the center of the page international congress or domestic congress or meeting, or the stage above the list. The explanation should be you should write author name, year, title, congress name written under the headline at the top of the list. Notes (or name of collected papers), site, date of event, should be written under the list. Horizontally in the center publisher, name of city where published, volume, issue, above or below the column or the page. The headline page. should be written in MSP Gothic font, 10 point, and posted Abbreviations of names of cited journals should follow in the horizontal center of the page or the stage above the customary practice. Quoted text should not be numbered. list. The explanation should be written under the headline at the top of the list. The notes should be written under the 7. Digital copy of a contributed paper list. When you contribute a paper for screening, you should 6. References submit it in MS Word format or Ichitaro format or as an Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) file. We will The headline of each reference should be written not accept it in any other file format (Table 1). without a number, left justified, and in MSP Gothic font, 10 point as shown by the style sheet example. There should 8. Submission of the paper not be a blank line between the headline and the reference catalogue. author wishes to have a paper accepted by Headline of section: use VerdanaAn font, bold,who 10 point. Leave a blank The catalogue of referred literature should be arranged “THE JOURNAL OF JASS” must present a manuscript line in front of and behind the headline. in alphabetic order by the author’s name at the end of the that conforms to the format described in the writing point text. When written by same author (the first on the list), in the foregoing paragraphs. You should e-mail the digital you should write in order by year of publication. When manuscript as an attached file to the following e-mail written by same author in the same year, you should write address or upload it to a data server that we can download. in the order that you quoted each work, and you should E-mail: jass_p@ml.affrc.go.jp write a,b,c... after the year (example: 2003a). When there When you mail the manuscript, you should mail 3 st were 3 or more authors, you should write as “1 author et copies of the printed matter and a digital copy to the al.”. I have shown the reference citation method below. In following address. brief;: Kannondai 3-1-3, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan ・In the case of a book or compilation, it should be written National Institute for Rural Enginnering in the order: author name or editor name, year, title, Department of Land and Water Resoureces publisher name, name of city where published. (JASS Laboratory of Rural Land Resources 1996) Editing Committee of JASS ・When you have quoted a part of a book or a compilation, Shigeo OGAWA you should write: author name, year, title, editor name: The media you can use to send the paper includes, a headline, publisher name, name of city where published, floppy disk, CD-ROM, USB memory formatted to read in first and last page referred to, in that order.(Okamoto MS-DOS, Windows or Macintosh (Table 1). For inquiries, 1998, Okamoto et al. 2003 a) please contact the above address. ・When you have quoted an internet source, you should write author name, year, title, name of web site, URL, 9. Format of final manuscript publisher name, name of city where published in that order. (Mather and Aplin 2003, JASS 2006) ・When you have quoted a journal, you should write author name, year, title, name of journal, volume, issue, page in that order. (Okamoto et al. 1998, Okamoto and Kawashima 1999, Okamoto et al. 2003b) The manuscript of “Journal of JASS” will be printed as a photo makeup after being edited by the editorial committee. So the author should prepare a camera ready manuscript and present 3 copies of a clear printout and a digital copy to the address shown T. Sakai et al.: Methods to make camera ready copy in English 6 in the previous paragraph. The layout of the final and itemize the explanations corresponding to these manuscript that you contribute when publication has numbers. been confirmed is the same as that which you [Note 2] In Word files, basically figures are inserted submitted for screening (But, do not attach line connected with lines or paragraphs. There is a number,) It is written horizontally on A4 portrait mark called the “anchor” that shows which paper, that is the same layout as the printed paragraph the figure is connected to. To display version. The point and English summary the anchor, check “anchor mark” from the should be written in groups of one step, 50 tab;”tool” “option”, “expression”. letters per step, and 46 lines per page. Margin [Note 3] As explanatory notes in a table, you should use settings are: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left small letters, such as [a], [b], .... You should and right 2.0 cm. show locations where explanatory note are Headline of reference: useand Times Newthen Roman font,New bold,Roman 10 point. The paper should be presented in MS Word format, needed, itemize in Times Arrange from the Ichitaro format or as an Acrobat PDF file. But a paperDon’t write the number. font, 10 points under theleft. table. presented as an Acrobat PDF file will not be modified by the editorial committee. An author who presents a paper as References an Acrobat PDF file must modify the paper until its Mather, P. M., and Aplin, P., 2003, Instructions to authors appearance satisfies the established format as required by of papers to be published in the proceedings of the the committee. If this demand is not satisfied, the paper annual meeting of the Remote Sensing and may not appear. Photogrammetric Society 2003. In http://www.geog. As the media used to submit a digital manuscript, you nottingham.ac.uk/~rspsoc03/RSPSoc-2003-Author-Instr can use a floppy disk, CD-ROM, USB memory formatted uctions.html, The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric to read in MS-DOS, Windows or Macintosh (table 1). If it Society, Nottingham. will be difficult for you to make a camera ready manuscript, Okamoto,Catalogue K., Yamakawa, S., and 1998,font, of reference: useKawashima, Times New H., Roman please call the address aboveuseand the New committee of flood damage to rice production Headline of acknowledgement: Times Romanwill font, bold, 10Estimation 10 point. Arrange in alphabetical order in byNorth name of point. Don’t the number. Arrange from the left. support givewrite you financial support. Korea writer. in 1995.Arrange International Journal of Remote Sensing, those written by one author according Vol. 19, 365-371. to No. year2,itpp. was written. Arrange those written by one the same year, according to reference Acknowledgement Okamoto,author K., andinKawashima, H., 1999, Estimation of order, and b, c…after year. Include This text was prepared with reference to Instruction to rice-planted areawrite in a,the tropicalthe zone using all a of the authors. Authors of Paper to be Published in the Proceedings of the combination of optical and microwave satellite sensor Annual Meeting of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric Society 2003 (Mather and Aplin 2003) data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 1045-1048. and the methods of preparing a manuscript from “how to Okamoto, K., Yokozawa, M., and Kawashima, H., 2001, Headline of annotation: use Times New Roman font, bold, 10 point. contribute the paper” (JASS 2006, Kobayashi 2000) Evaluation of changes in climatic indices using Don’t write the number. Arrange from the left. appeared on the JASS web site . combined analysis of remote sensing and GIS. In Info-tech & Info-net: A Key to Better Life, edited by Y. X. Notes Zhong, S. Cui and Y. Wang, held in Beijing, China, on [Note 1] Use asterisks (*,**), to indicate the footnotes of 29 October - 1 November 2001, IEEE and People’s the author’s name. But in place of three or more Posts & Telecommunications Publishing House, Beijing, †‡¶ asterisks, you can use , , . We will not allow any other symbols. When it is unavoidable that pp. 133-138. Okamoto, K., Shindo, J., and Kawashima, H., 2003, you construct paperNew arranging thefont, explanatory Contents of annotation: use aTimes Roman 10 point. Write Sustainable rice cropping and water resources in Asia. In Advances in Ecological Sciences 19: Ecosystems and the number. notes, the headlines of the explanatory note with no number, left justify before each reference. In Sustainable Development IV, edited by E. Tiezzi, C. A. the text, you should indicate notes as [note 1], Brebbia and J-L. Usó, WIT Press, Southampton, U.K., [note 2], ... where an explanatory note is needed, Vol. 2, pp. 1057-1065. T. Sakai et al.: 研究論文|短報|技術報告|総説|資料 改行 Methods to make camera ready copy in English 7 MS P 明朝 10 ポイント MS P ゴシック 14 ポイント 「システム農学会誌」投稿論文の原稿作成要領(英文用) 行間設定 固定値 19 ポイント How to make camera ready copy of contributed paper in Journal of JASS - Methods using Microsoft Word software in English 所属:MS P 明朝 10 ポイント 行間設定:固定値 15.2 ポイント システム農学会会長* 酒井徹朗 システム農学会企画委員長** 岡本勝男 システム農学会編集委員長*** 小川茂男 名前:MS P 明朝 12 ポイント 行間設定:固定値 15.2 ポイント 要旨 右に揃える 研究論文は、和文または英文とする。英文の場合は、和文の表題、所属機関名および著者名、和文要旨を付ける。本 文第1頁の脚注および英文サマリ(または和文要旨)の脚注に住所(郵便番号も)と著者連絡先のメール・アドレスを入れ る。原著論文以外の原稿(シンポジウム論文、短報、技術報告、総説、資料をいう。以下、論文と略す)も上記に準じ、和 英双方の表題と著者名を入れる。 論文の巻頭(表題、著者名の後、緒言の前)に、本文が和文の場合は和文要旨を、本 文が英文の場合は英文サマリを置く。要旨は、読者が一読してその論文の内容を的確に把握できるように、研究の目的、 本文:MS P 明朝 10 ポイント 材料、方法、実験、結果、考察、結論の概要を簡潔かつ具体的に記述する。要旨の字数は、和文 800 字以内、英文 400 行間設定 固定値 15.2 ポイント 語以内とする。以下の文章は、「システム農学会誌」へ提出される論文に用いる書式について述べる。 キーワード:1 論文 6 語以内(短報は 3 語以内)、英文は abc 順、要旨と英文サマリの後、和文および英文、和文はアイウ エオ順 脚注:テキストボックスで作成。 MS P 明朝 10 ポイント 行間設定 固定値 15.2 ポイント テキストボックスの書式設定 文字列の折り返し 「上下」 アンカーの移動 「文字列と一緒に移動する」をオフ 「アンカーを固定する」をオン *は半角、郵便番号、住所(県から書く) * 〒606-8501 京都府京都市左京区吉田本町 ** 〒305-8604 茨城県つくば市観音台 3-1-3 ***〒305-8609 茨城県つくば市観音台 2-1-6 (Correspondence: jass_p@ml.affrc.go.jp)
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