D+C 05 I 2011 In German in E+Z EntwickLungund Zusammenarbeit. AccessibLe on the internet at www.DandC.euand www.EundZ.eu Monitor Social media indispensable for aid workers I Yunus fired and 180 exonerated 1North Korea awaits a famine IBrazil's waste management has a future I Germany third largest weapons exporter 1 Binayak Sen free again IVoter fraud in Haiti IMedia contort migration from Africa 1 Nigeria's election furthered division I"Sustainable Energy for All' UN Motto for 2012 IHydroelectric mega-powerplant in Ethiopia I Imprint I Focus: Islam in politics 190 Bijan Ka[I: Young Egyptians have faith in democracy How to save the rainforest Sustainable forestry is essential for protecting the cli- Interview with IvesaLiibben: The current role of the Muslim Brotherhood 192 Maren Zeidler: 195 mate, Brazil is making progress towards exploiting natural resources in a sensible manner. GIZexperts Thomas Jaeschke Turkey's divisive government: religious rhetoric and mostly liberal policy and Heike Friedhoff lead to economic benefits and respect social needs, Tropical deforestation 198 Interview with Martin Beck: point out that. in order to last. projects have to protect the environment, is contributing gas emissions, Page 15 % to global greenhouse 212 Identity polities in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan 200 MohammadAli Khan: Pakistan's sad history of manipulating the faith for political purposes Interviewwith MahfuzulH. Chowdhury: 203 Suspicions of Saudi influence on Bangladesh's traditionally tolerant culture Edith Koesoemawiria: Indonesians remember how their dictator fell 206 Ali Fathollah-Nejad: Recent books on the Islamic Republic ofIran 208 Maternal health In some poor areas of Kenya. healthcare vouchers are making a significant difference, More women are taking advantage of professional medical services, Nancy Ndungu of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the multinational accountancy, assesses the experience of an innovative five-year test scheme that is funded by KfWEntWicklungsbank. One result, so far, is that more couples are making use of long-term contraceptive methods. Page 210 Tribune 210 Nancy Ndungu: Payment after delivery- vouchers for maternal healthcare in Kenya Thomasfaeschkeand HeikeFriedhoff: Protecting the Amazon rainforest - and the climate 212 fan PeterSchemmeland SaskiaNagel: International assessment of new technologies' 214 consequences Debate Comments on how development policy can support democratisation in North Africa, what difficulties Egypt's revolutionaries are facing, in what sense China is making progress on climate change, and why budget-support donors are putting pressure on Malawi's president, D+C Vol.38.2011:5 216 Arab Spring Dirk Niebel. Germany's minister for economic cooperation and development. spells out how international agencies can support democratisation in North Africa, Helmut Danner. a former resident representative of the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation in Cairo. discusses the difficulties Egypt's revolutionaries face, Page 216f. 179
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