& Amelia Aviator • Anchor • Ambassador Ergonomics and

Aviator • Anchor • Ambassador
APRIL 2012
Ergonomics and
Your Office Space
How to Prepare
for an IRS Audit
Dealing With
Aging Parents
content | herlife
April 2012
Amelia Earhart
mother's perspective
green living
working women
in the city
scene and be seen
On the ground or in the air, Amelia Earhart is one young lady to be reckoned with. True to her ancestor’s
name, she doesn’t believe in doing anything small. Besides studying to become a meteorologist for 9News in
Denver, she is working towards a transatlantic flight from Washington, D.C. to Paris, France, this summer—and
she isn’t stopping there. She has set her sights on the big flight around the world in the Cirrus SR-22, which
is a single engine aircraft with a parachute built into the plane. This flight will be her personal re-creation and
symbolic completion of Amelia Earhart’s 1937 flight from which she never returned.
Have you asked yourself this question, if my parents need help when they grow older, am I willing
to help them? As the cost of eldercare escalates
and Social Security spirals down, am I planning for
their future, as they have planned for mine?
Ergonomics and Your Office Space
While sitting at a computer may seem like a fairly safe
activity, it can actually be harmful and even detrimental
to your health. By definition, “ergonomics” refers to
the scientific study of equipment design, such as office furniture, for the purpose of improving efficiency,
comfort or safety. Many people are not aware of the
many significant benefits of an ergonomically-correct
workplace environment which, in recent years, has
become as important to many job seekers as pay scales
and benefits packages.
herlife | welcome
Adve n t u r e s o f
a Ne w F o o d i e
t’s that time of year again! I’m beginning to become pretty excited
about my cherry tree. I can’t help but wonder how many delicious
pounds of cherries I’ll be able to harvest this year. I can’t wait until
those few days in June when I will be frantically defending the tree
against the hungry squirrels and robins with my hose and aluminum
ribbon. Each day, the cherries will become a little redder, a little bigger and a little sweeter.
And when the day finally comes to pick them, I’ll be out there
with buckets and bags to hold all my cherries. There are so many
things to do with all those yummy cherries. I will make pie, infused
vodka, pork chops with a cherry glaze and some of them will just be
eaten in their natural state. It’s only April, and harvest day is a little
over two months away, but I can hardly wait!
In the meantime, I will have to satisfy my kitchen creativity with
some other non-cherry recipes. I’ve decided to make it a goal every
month to try one new cooking adventure, so this month is mozzarella
month! I can’t wait to make my own mozzarella and then pair it with
some ripe tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. I will make enough for
several recipes including pizza, lasagna (with homemade noodles, of
course!), bruschetta and perhaps even some friend mozzarella. All
things in moderation, right? And if my mozzarella experiment goes
well, then I may need to venture into other cheese-making adventures.
Cheese is, after all, the yummiest food!
So April is mozzarella month for me. Yay! I have 30 whole days
to figure out May’s kitchen adventure! Happy Spring!
photo by dusty volke l o f vo l ke l i m a ge
Kristi Price
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herlife | health
Dealing With
Aging Parents
For the baby boomer generation,
also known as the ‘sandwich’
generation, we are experiencing the
decision whether to take care of
our parents, how to take care of our
parents, and when to take care of
our parents.
realized his mother needed help. They now call this assisted living.
So we packed up, left our home across town where we raised our two
children, two dogs, one cat and a short-lived hamster in an already
established neighborhood, and moved in with Corrinne.
For the baby boomer generation, also known as the ‘sandwich’
generation, we are experiencing the decision whether to take care of
our parents, how to take care of our parents, and when to take care of
our parents. The latter can be a painful decision, because no one wants
by elizabeth rosenbe rge r
to lose their independence; the person assuming the care giver role, or
the parent that has to come to terms with being cared for.
ime Magazine quoted Bette Davis saying, “Old age isn’t for
sissies!” My mother-in-law used to say, “It’s for the birds!”
Have you asked yourself this question, if my parents need
To some, this decision or mission is easy, and for others a daily
struggle. For my husband and me, we began to prioritize. I had the
type of job that enabled me to be home in the middle of the day. This
help when they grow older, am I willing to help them? As the cost of
helped with doctor appointments, shopping needs and other things
eldercare escalates and Social Security spirals down, am I planning for
that would come up.
their future, as they have planned for mine?
Steven Ross, a recipient of the Henry Pearce Award from the Jew-
“If my mother comes to live with me, I will have to give up my
life!” That is the number one reason I hear from most of my friends
ish Association of Services for the Aged wrote, “Hard working, caring
that are facing this situation today. When we started assisting Corrinne
women and men, who were in the past only expected to be parents to
at home, I tried to do it all myself and quickly realized I couldn’t. It
their children, are now expected to also assume a parenting role with
was healthy for her and I to use outside sources that are available to us.
their parents. Parents are living into the eighth and ninth decades of
Ladies from two different church organizations come weekly to take
life.” Ross had even more insight in his introduction when he added,
her out. Maybe they would go to lunch or Wal-Mart. Sometimes she
“As children we were naturally taught the skills, values and roles
would do a ride along for a doctor’s visit. And we always encouraged
needed to be good citizens, workers, moms and dads. But where in our
her to continue doing what she loved, like bowling. Even though she
upbringing were we educated on how to care for our aging, dependent
didn’t see very well, she continued to go bowling once a week with the
parent or spouse?”
senior citizens group. And if you were to ask what her average was, the
Nine years ago, my husband and I made this type of decision.
Due to Macular Eye Degeneration, my mother-in-law Corrinne
could no longer live on her own. The time came when my husband
reply would be “terrible.” Her “terrible” was a 154 average. I would tell
her she still did better than me if I was using bumper pads.
There are also organizations such as Elder Care that will come
in the home and oversee if you have to be at work or gone on a trip. If
you choose a facility venue for your parent(s), it is best to approach it
with the same care and time as if you were choosing childcare for your
children. Have a checklist of expectations in place. The libraries are
full of books and resources to aid you through this process. The web is
another resource with inexhaustible information. I have always found
that word-of-mouth is the best reference. Talk to friends and co-workers. Find out if they are using facilities for their families and obtain
names and numbers, but always follow-up with your own footwork.
What may work for one person, may not work for you. There are good
facilities that offer wonderful care, and there are facilities that don’t
offer such care; however, it is your job to weed them out.
The most important step in this process is the conversation you
need to have with your spouse, your parents and siblings. Waiting until
something needs to be done can cause unnecessary stress on the family. It’s not shameful to discuss with the family what your plans would
be if and when the time came that your parents needed caring for.
Show your parents how much you care. Start by having conversations
and letting them know what you’re willing to do and find out how they
want to spend their later years. They deserve quality of life, and when
you look back, you’ll be thankful you took those steps. ■
Sources for this article are Ross, Steven: The Caregiver’s Mission:
A Comprehensive Practical Guide on Caring for Your Elderly Parent,
Spouse or Family Member, Eldercare.gov.
herlife | spotlight
The Chanda Plan Foundation
by ka t h l e e n m . k ru e ge r | p h o t o g r a p hy by p e g gy d ye r
hen you look into the face of Chanda Hinton Leichtle,
and physical therapy. During this time she gained 20 pounds and
you see vitality and radiant health; you see a young
become almost pain-free. In addition, her endurance, strength and
woman with passion and determination; you see a
movement increased dramatically. As she regained her physical health,
person of strength and purpose. If you glance down from her face,
she also regained her clarity of mind and her hope for the future. In
you will see her wheelchair, and you realize that the goals of the
her own words: “It saved my life.”
nonprofit organization she founded and directs are rooted in her own
personal story.
Chanda suffered a spinal cord injury at the age of nine, when she
One of the primary goals of The Chanda Plan Foundation is to
educate the disabled community about the benefits of integrated therapy in order to bring improved overall health to those with disabilities.
was accidentally shot in the neck by a young teenager with a .22 rifle.
Another major goal of The Chanda Plan Foundation is to destroy one
Her young life was changed forever through this accident. Besides the
of the major roadblocks that stands between the disabled community
obvious issues of dealing with the lifelong disability from her severed
and their access to integrated therapy—lack of financial funds to pay
spinal cord, Chanda experienced a continual cycle of secondary health
for these types of treatments.
conditions that gradually, over the next ten years, depleted her health
Chanda, and many like her, have discovered that Medicaid,
and strength. At age 19, she was hospitalized, a skeletal figure, weigh-
which is the primary insurance that people with disabilities often have
ing only 59 pounds. Her primary physician feared for her life, but had
to turn to for healthcare expenses, will not fund integrative treat-
exhausted all his resources and means of treatment without success.
ments. Without insurance coverage or income to pay for these types of
When Chanda's sister Crystal suggested they try integrative treatment
treatments, the pathway to health which Chanda discovered remains
methods, he supported them in that exploration outside traditional
unreachable for the majority of persons with disabilities.
Western medicine.
In the months that followed, Chanda participated in integrated
therapies that included acupuncture, massage therapy, diet changes
It is this gap between treatment needs and financial funding that
The Chanda Plan Foundation was created to span, to become a bridge
of hope and healing for many in the disabled community who have
One of the primary goals of The
Chanda Plan Foundation is to
educate the disabled community
about the benefits of integrated
therapy in order to bring improved
overall health to those with
disabilities, and to remove the
roadblock of lack of financial funds
to pay for these types of treatments.
state of Colorado will begin in July of this year, largely due to the efforts of The Chanda Plan Foundation with the Colorado legislature.
The Foundation also now has their own liaison in Washington, D.C.,
working to bring this pilot program into visibility on the national
level with hopes of bringing reform in this area of our national
healthcare policy.
As a nonprofit, The Chanda Plan Foundation is dependent on
donors, grants and fundraising efforts. Each year the foundation hosts
four main promotional and fundraising events. One of their biggest
occurs this month, on April 19. 'People to Know' is an evening of food,
entertainment and empowerment, and a great way to learn more about
The Chanda Plan Foundation while enjoying an evening out.
Through The Chanda Plan Foundation, Chanda has had the
opportunity to share her story at many school assemblies and nonprofit
been frustrated by the limitations placed upon them regarding their
organizations. This May she will be one of the presenters at the Front
own healthcare.
Range TED Conference in Loveland, Colorado, an opportunity about
The Chanda Plan Foundation is attacking these financial bar-
which she is very excited. Chanda is living a life of purpose and fulfill-
riers from two main fronts: funding integrative therapies to qualified
ment that she never dreamed she could have. Through the Founda-
recipients through their Quality of Life Program, and by advocat-
tion, she hopes to provide new doors of hope, health and opportunity
ing for changes in legislation at both the state and federal level that
to others who can benefit from integrated therapies, just as she did. ■
would provide insurance coverage for integrated therapies to the
disabled community.
Major victories have taken place in the effort to advocate. A
three-year pilot program that provides acupuncture, massage and
Details about the fundraising events and information on how to
donate to The Chanda Plan Foundation can be found on their website,
thechandaplanfoundation.org, along with contact information for booking Chanda for speaking engagements.
chiropractic to persons with spinal cord injuries on Medicaid in the
herlife | beauty
Plastic Surgery
Making the
Right Choice
for You
by linda maranno
lmost everyone has something about themselves that they
surgeon. This includes a minimum of five years of residency training
don’t like. And, as we age, that list of things we don’t like
in all areas of surgery, including at least two years devoted entirely to
can become a lot longer. At some point, the reflection you
plastic surgery. To become certified, the doctor must also pass com-
see in the mirror no longer matches how you feel inside. So, as you
remove your makeup at the end of the day, you start the nightly ritual
prehensive written and oral exams.
Some plastic surgeons also have additional board certification
of grabbing your skin on each side of your face and pulling upward.
from the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Sur-
Suddenly…you look ten years younger! It’s at this moment most
gery (abfprs.org), and their online directory can be a good resource
women start to wonder whether plastic surgery might be an option
for surgeons as well. To be certified by the American Board of Facial
worth considering.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery the surgeon must complete an ap-
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look your
proved residency that includes training in all aspects of facial plastic
best and plastic surgery is an option that can provide stunning results
surgery, must have earned previous board certification from another
when performed by a qualified skilled surgeon. Whether you are
board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties
considering improving specific areas of your face—such as your eyes
(preferably from the American Board of Plastic Surgery) and must be
or nose, or thinking about a more extensive procedure such as a face-
able to submit proof of at least two years of clinical experience and
lift, there are many things to consider and finding the most qualified
having completed a minimum of 100 facial plastic surgeries.
surgeon should be your number one priority. Where do you start?
These are really the only two certifications you should consider
Your first step should be to find a surgeon in your area who is board
in your research for a qualified plastic surgeon, because they both
certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). You can
require extensive training and/or experience in plastic surgery. The
do that by visiting their website (abplsurg.org) and searching their
American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (americanboardcosmeticsur-
directory by city or zip code.
gery.org) does not require training in plastic surgery.
A plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of
As you review a surgeon’s profile or bio, it’s important to make
Plastic Surgery has graduated from an accredited medical school and
note of where they attended medical school and where they complet-
has completed at least five years of additional training as a resident
ed their residency. It would also be to your advantage to find a board
certified plastic surgeon who is affiliated with a medical school medical center, and if they are also a faculty member—that’s even better.
Of course, just because a doctor is board certified doesn’t necessarily guarantee that his or her patients are always satisfied with their
results or that their personality will be a match for you. Fortunately,
there are a couple of websites that feature doctor reviews by patients
that can provide valuable information so you can make an informed
choice— RateMDs.com, a user-friendly, free service which enables you to access reviews nationwide, and AngiesList.com, which
requires a membership fee and limits access to reviews only in your
geographic area.
Getting a second opinion is always
good advice before deciding
on any medical procedure, and
it is especially important when
considering plastic surgery.
In addition to taking the time to do thorough research on the
background and qualifications of any surgeon you may be considering, it’s also important that you fully understand the process involved
for the particular procedure you are interested in as well.
The most informative and helpful online site for reviews of
cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures is called RealSelf.com, an
online community created to help people make informed decisions
about cosmetic procedures by enabling consumers to share reviews
about their “real” experiences regarding various cosmetic procedures,
including overall satisfaction rate, cost, pain, recovery time, doctor
ratings, photos and video diaries. You can search their site for patient
reviews of any particular procedure you might be interested in—eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty (nose job), facelift and many others.
In your plastic surgery research you will more than likely
come across intriguing ads for “branded” facial surgical procedures
marketed by national companies that promise great results in less
than an hour at affordable rates. Just remember, pretty pictures don’t
always tell the full story, and when you make your decisions based on
cost alone, you run the risk (high risk) of getting substandard results.
Although the American Society of Plastic Surgeons hasn’t taken an
official stand on these branded procedures, it advises consumers to
“Get a second opinion from someone who doesn’t have a big ad.”
Getting a second opinion is always good advice before deciding on any medical procedure, and it is especially important when
considering plastic surgery. If you invest extensive time and effort in
your research to find a qualified plastic surgeon, you will be pleased
to see that the new reflection in your mirror will be a younger more
vibrant you. ■
herlife | inspirations
The World
“I came to realize that ‘taking my life into my own
hands’ simply means never expecting others to
comply with my plans, but rather enjoying and
appreciating when they do. We will be let down a
thousand or more times in our lives, but you can’t
be let down if you don’t have an expectation of how
things *should* turn out.”
by elizabeth rosenbe rge r
photography by kelli n i xo n p h o to g ra p hy
hair and makeup by lin d s ay a m b ro s i o o f m a ke u p m a d a m e . c o m
shot o n location at th e c e n te n n i a l a i rp o rt
n July 2, 1937, 40-year-young Amelia Earhart disappeared.
“When I make the decision to do something, nothing can stop
In route from Lae, New Guinea, to Howland Island (locat-
me,” Amelia says. “When I got my pilot’s license, I realized that there
ed in the Pacific Ocean) during her inaugural flight around
were no limits to where this could take me. That is when I decided to
the world, Amelia’s plane lost radio contact. Despite the United States
government spending $4 million looking for her, making it the most
fly around the world.”
On the ground, Amelia is the 9News Traffic anchor where each
costly and intensive air and sea search in history at that time, Earhart
morning and afternoon, she guides Denver through the rush hour traf-
was never seen or heard from again.
fic. On the weekends she does the weather on the weekend morning
Fast forward to 2012 when Denver’s 9News reporter Amelia
shows on 9News and My20. And in this is where one of her passion
Earhart will take to the clouds this summer in a transatlantic flight in
lies. From her love of flying was born a passion for the weather. She is
the Cirrus SR-22 from Washington D.C. to Paris, France. She is also
studying to become a meteorologist at Mississippi State University.
in training to re-create a flight around the world made famous by her
From anchor to aviator, she is one young lady to be reckoned
“I fell in love with learning about the weather when I was working towards my private pilot’s license,” she says. “Understanding the
weather is critical to being a safe pilot so I have developed a love of
with. True to her ancestor’s name, she doesn’t believe in doing any-
learning that will help me both in flight and also with my career here
thing small. Besides studying to become a meteorologist for 9News
at 9News.”
in Denver, she is training for a flight around the world in the Cirrus
Amelia was born in California and spent most of her life moving
SR22, which is a single engine aircraft with a parachute built into
around the country. To date, she’s lived in 29 different homes, finally
the plane. This flight will be her personal re-creation and symbolic
landing in Denver in 2003. But to understand her love for adventure
completion of Amelia Earhart’s 1937 flight from which she never
is to have a glimpse into her childhood where her strong spirit of
independence was fostered through a loving family. Starting with her
“Wings Over the Rockies is very close to my heart because of their
dedication to promoting both careers in aviation and general aviation,” Amelia adds. She also dedicates time to local school visits about
aviation and her namesake, planting a seed in the future of America to
reach for the skies. “I love speaking to kids about living an adventurous
life and making the choice to be in control of the outcome of each day
you have.”
In the air, Amelia may have her head in the clouds and her
eyes on the horizon, but her feet are planted firm on solid ground.
She meticulously trains for her flights and works tirelessly to become
the best at what she does—an aviator. And she certainly doesn’t ride
on the coattails of her namesake. This is evident on her blog where
she writes out her fears, hopes and challenges, and the choices she
consciously makes to tackle each one. In her blog dated February 3rd,
she shares this, “As pilots, we plan for the weather, because we are
taking our lives into our own hands. In the past, I have viewed this as
life and death. Literally. As in, ‘I can die if I get into a situation that is
dangerous.’ After a good work out and a few hours to calm my mind, I
came to realize that ‘taking my life into my own hands’ simply means
never expecting others to comply with my plans, but rather enjoying
and appreciating when they do. We will be let down a thousand or
more times in our lives, but you can’t be let down if you don’t have an
expectation of how things *should* turn out. If you plan on rockin’ it
long-term, it is time to forego allowing the actions of others to ‘let you
namesake, Amelia’s destiny was an open window on the horizon.
“They truly gave me the best gift I could ever imagine…my
down’ and instead, be above it. I know, I know, easier said than done
and I am certainly battling with my own ability to do so, but in the
name!” she exclaims. “My parents wanted to give me a positive female
end, your attitude will determine your success. Don’t be let down, but
role model to look up to and since my father’s last name is Earhart,
rather elevate yourself.”
they just knew I should be named after Amelia.”
Along with having a name that no one would ever forget, Amelia
This summer, Amelia’s transatlantic flight will start in Washington, D.C., and go to Halifax, Nova Scotia; Gander, Newfoundland;
says her mom, dad and both step-parents are completely supportive
Narsarsauq, Greenland; Reykjavik, Iceland; Faroe Islands; Edinburgh,
of all her goals, no matter how dangerous or how far those adventures
Scotland; and end in Paris, France.
take her.
“My parents are the most interesting people I know,” she explains. “They have been true adventurers in the way they approach
“We will fly approximately 7,800 nautical miles round trip, which
is about 50 hours of flight and a whole lot of fuel,” Amelia explains.
Away from work, Amelia spends most of her free time at Centen-
change, opportunities and difficulties. They all like to watch me on
nial Airport working on her Instrument flight training. But regardless
the news and keep up with my adventures. They aren’t shocked any
of where Amelia is at in her life–Aviator, Anchor or Ambassador–she
longer when I call and say things like, ‘I am going to fly around the
always prides herself on encouraging others to pursue their dreams,
world.’ They already know it and believe it just like I do. When the
especially women.
phone rings and it’s from me, they already know it’s going to be something crazy.”
She sums it up with age-old philosophy. “I try and embody the
Greek word ‘areté.’ It is the act of living up to one's full potential,” she
Amelia is also Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum’s
explains. “In ancient Greek culture it was thought of as ‘courage and
(WINGS) Ambassador to Youth where she enjoys participating in the
strength in the face of adversity’ and it was to what all people aspired.
museum’s programs for kids that deal with aerospace and aviation.
There is nothing better than seeing the smile on the face of someone
WINGS opened in 1994, and is Denver's first Aerospace Museum, and
who feels like they can do great things. I truly believe there is plenty of
is the official Air and Space Museum of the State of Colorado, as des-
room for everyone to be great!” ■
ignated by the Colorado State Legislature. The museum is dedicated
To follow Amelia’s flight plan and adventure as she flies across the
to education, science, mathematics and technology. With 165,000
world, you can read her blog at flywithamelia.wordpress.com. You can
square feet under one roof, the museum also serves the Denver Metro
also join her on Facebook at AmeliaRoseEarhart or join her on Twitter @
community as its third largest event venue.
“When I make the decision to do
something, nothing can stop me,
When I got my pilot’s license, I realized
that there were no limits to where
this could take me. That is when I decided to fly around the world.”
herlife | cravings
by a n ge l tu c c y | p h o t o g r a p hy p r ov i d e d by r ya n h e d ri ck p h o to g ra p hy
here’s a brand-new restaurant on the Denver horizon called
fordable menu, yet stays true to the amenities you’d expect from a Broker
The Cork House Broker Restaurant, which is the first new
property such as the famous shrimp bowl and their signature steaks.
restaurant the owners of The Broker have opened in 30 years.
The Cork House is located at 4900 South Colfax, on the corner of
Customer demand for a neighborhood Broker Restaurant located away
Colfax and Eudora. Far enough away from the downtown location, and
from the hustle of downtown, as well as in response to the love that
nestled into the edge of a residential area, the sprawling Cork House
their customers have for their favorite restaurant, led to opening the
takes up a third of a city block. The property is equally as historic as the
new location in January 2012. They say that food is love, and in this
Broker itself, having been a restaurant for probably 60 years.
case, customers want their neighborhood steakhouse along with their
Enter the quaint front door, and you’re instantly transformed
favorite shrimp bowl to be closer to home. When you love something,
away from the traffic outside. The Cork House is just as much a place
you want more of it, right where you are, and that’s what the new Cork
for romance as it is for families to gather. There are a lot of requests
House Broker Restaurant provides.
to dine amongst one of the five fireplaces throughout the restaurant,
Like all Denverites, when you think of the Broker restaurant, your
especially if you’re here for an intimate dinner for two. But The Cork
mind immediately goes to the downtown Denver location. The Broker
House can equally accommodate your large family and make you feel
is the second oldest restaurant in Denver, and has been a part of the
just as comfortable as you do in your own grandma’s kitchen.
Denver landscape and memories of special dinners and occasions for
Linen tablecloths, candlesticks, napkins and romantic seating
40 years. Being a part of your special memories is just what the owners
ensure that The Cork House is the place to make your romantic din-
of The Cork House hope to achieve.
ner reservations. The Cork House wants to be the restaurant you go
In the last several years, Denver has seen the openings and unfor-
back to every year to celebrate your special milestones. They long to
tunately, the closings, of multiple fine-dining establishments, many with
remember that Mr. and Mrs. Smith come back on the third Friday in
great locations, tremendous chefs and delicious menus. The Broker
April and always request table 12. If you’re looking for a restaurant that
has shown its staying power because of their commitment to being a
offers uninterrupted romance, you won’t be bothered by the wait staff,
neighborhood favorite. The Cork House is poised to foster relationships
yet you’ll still be attended to, quietly and discreetly. You can make the
with their neighbors as well. The restaurant offers free parking and an af-
evening even more special by following the tip from Sales & Marketing
The restaurant offers free parking and an affordable menu, yet stays
true to the amenities you’d expect from a Broker property such as the
famous shrimp bowl and their signature steaks.
Manager, Sarah Bourgoin, “Send flowers and include the time of the
reservation on the card.”
These days, it’s often a celebration just to have the family all
gathered together at the table at the same time. The Cork House wants
to be your local, neighborhood, family restaurant. They cater easily
to large groups so bring the family and the Cork House will turn your
Tuesday night into a celebration.
Entertaining your business clients isn’t as common as it was in the
glory days of the 90s, but you still need a go-to restaurant on your speed
dial. There are times when your restaurant choice can make or break
a business deal. The Cork House offers fine dining, excellent service
and with the benefit of Wi-Fi, you’ll be negotiating and shaking hands
on deals in a professional setting that will impress your clients and not
make your accountant wince when you submit your expense report.
When the weather allows, The Cork House will expand their
dining room experience to the outdoor framed-in patio covered in
homegrown grapevines. With floating twinkle lights, specialty music
and flowing water fountains, you’ll feel as if you’ve entered the Garden
of Eden right in the middle of your local neighborhood.
There’s not a nicer place in Denver. Nice restaurant. Nice
people. Fall in love with The Cork House. After all, food is love. ■
Call The Cork House Broker Restaurant at 303-355-4488, or visit
their website at corkhousedenver.com. Open Tuesday through Saturday,
4pm–10pm. Closed Sunday and Monday. Their Happy Hour is every
night from 4pm–6pm, and be sure to check out their famous $6 martinis.
Angel Tuccy hosts the most positive business talk show, the Experience Pros Radio Show, on 560 KLZ and
was named Influential Leader of the Year with the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce.
herlife | culinary
Al l a b o u t S a l t
by k ri s te n d oy l e
n almost every kitchen across America,
Table salt is a superfine salt commercially
Inexpensive and widely popular, Kosher
it’s likely you will find salt, one of
refined with preservatives to deflect mois-
Salt is a coarse salt with large flakes that
the most common seasonings used.
ture, making it easy to pour out of salt shaker
cooks can easily “pinch” to sprinkle over
Although table salt is the most well-known
containers. Table salt is often kept out on
dishes as they cook. Kosher Salt is ideal for
form of salt, there is a wide assortment of
the table, allowing people the opportunity
use in savory dishes, and is also a key ingredi-
salt varieties on the market today. HERLIFE
to adjust the flavor of their food to suit their
ent in preserving food. The large flakes of
explored the qualities of the most popular
individual tastes. Table salt can certainly be
Kosher Salt draw out moisture in food with
types of salt to help you take the guesswork
used in most recipes but its physical proper-
the most effectiveness. Kosher salt is a great
out of which salt you should use in your
ties of fine grains that dissolve quickly make
“go to” salt, no matter what your skill level
kitchen and when.
it ideal for using in recipes for baked goods.
might be in the kitchen.
Sea salt is derived from evaporated seawater and has a distinct coarse
mineral look and feel. Strong in flavor, a pinch of sea salt goes a long
way to enhance soups, savory dishes and sometimes can even be used as
a finishing touch on desserts such as caramels or chocolate cookies.
Grey salt is a salt that has taken on great popularity in the culinary
world over the past several years. Made popular among mainstream
cooks by idolized television chefs, Grey Salt is currently considered
one of the premium choices when it comes to salt for cooking. Available in both coarse variety as well as an extra fine grain, Grey Salt is
worthy of room in your spice drawer.
If you are looking for a lightly flavored, delightful salt to splurge
on, Fleur de Sel is an excellent option. Fleur de Sel (“flower of salt”)
is a French salt hand-harvested by skimming the top of the sea. Fresh,
with a delicate flavor, Fleur de Sel is the ideal finishing salt to enhance
special recipes
When you think about salt, think beyond your kitchen to the healing powers of this special seasoning. Salt has been used for centuries to
heal irritated skin, and to reduce the swelling of injured muscles and
joints. Sea salt dissolved in water can do wonders for an aching body,
which is why sea salt soaks are often offered at spas.
Salt has many excellent properties which make it an ideal seasoning
to have around. When salt is used correctly, and in moderation, it is
one ordinary ingredient that can make an extraordinary difference in
your health and cooking. ■
Source: The Spice Bible by Ian Hemphill
herlife | recipes
O ven B aked Panko Cr u s t e d Sh r i m p
recipes and photos by k ri s te n d oy l e
20 large shrimp, peeled, deveined
1 egg
with tails intact
1 cup Panko bread crumbs
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon Creole seasoning
1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
3 Tablespoons olive oil, divided
1. Preheat oven to 450° F. Drizzle a baking sheet with 2 Tablespoons olive
2. Place shrimp in a large bowl and sprinkle with Kosher salt and black
pepper. Toss.
3. Beat the egg and pour over the shrimp. Stir until the shrimp is well
4. On a large plate, combine the Panko bread crumbs with Creole seasoning. Mix well.
5. Coat each shrimp with the bread crumb mixture. Place on the baking
6. Drizzle the shrimp with remaining 1 Tablespoon olive oil and bake for 8
minutes or until golden brown. ■
Par mesan Tilapia
¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
salt and pepper to taste
3 Tablespoons butter, melted
(4) 4-ounce tilapia filets
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1. Preheat oven to 400° F and spray a foil-lined baking sheet with non-stick cooking
2. In a shallow dish, combine the cheese, butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
3. Place tilapia on the foil-lined baking sheet. Spread cheese mixture over the top
of the tilapia filets and bake for 10-12 minutes or until fish is opaque in the thickest
part. ■
herlife | mother’s perspective
Mother and D aughter Relationships
B u i l d i n g a Dynamic D uo
by e l i z a b e t h ro s e n b e rge r
t happens in a flash. Your baby girl’s tiny hand is wrapped around
That? explains why mother and daughter relationships are so com-
your finger, then wrapped around a crayon, wrapped around the
plicated. She says, “Mothers and daughters talk more about personal
steering wheel of a car, then wrapped around a diploma. It takes 18
topics. That means they may be closer but they also risk offending each
years for all this to happen because if it went any faster, it would break
our hearts.
How do we, as a mother, navigate the transition of our baby girls
other much more.”
Like looking through a kaleidoscope, the landscape of the
mother-daughter relationship is ever-changing in a myriad of colors,
from dolls to diploma, and crayon to college, while building a bond of
shapes and sizes. Although there is no magic formula and no perfect
mother-daughter, a deep sense of family and friendship that will last a
mother-daughter relationship, Tannen says there are ways to make your
relationship thrive beyond traditional boundaries.
I am sad to say, my mother and I never had the bond of friendship
that pulsated deep within me to have. However, I’m glad to say that
before my mother passed from this life, I finally became resolved with
This is probably the most important element in your relationship.
that desire. Taking the bull by the horns, I made a conscious choice
If your daughter feels like she can talk to you about anything…chances
to care for her in her dying days, and from that came a great bond that
are she can. Of course, age appropriate conversation takes precedence,
carries me through not only the moments of deep loss in missing her,
but once you are able to establish a pipeline of conversation, do what
but in building a strong connection with my own adult daughter.
you can to keep it that way. As she grows older, her problems grow with
Deborah Tannen, author of the best-selling book You’re Wearing
it and become more complex. She may not always be seeking your
approval or input, but that’s not the point here. Letting her know that
includes going to a rock concert where you can’t pronounce the name
you are a ‘safe place’ where she can say anything without judgment or
of the group or seeing a movie you have no interest in watching.
being criticized is the goal.
There comes a point in your daughter’s life where watching your
If this means biting your tongue, then so be it. It’s easy to call
actions becomes louder than hearing your words. When this happens
your daughter ‘Your Best Friend’ when she’s small and does everything
exactly no one really knows. She watches how you interact with your
you ask. But what about when she’s older and she’s deviated from the
family. She watches how you act at the grocery store, or when driving
preconceived path you’ve laid out for her? The more you try to talk,
the car. Do you practice what you preach? You have the awesome
the less she’ll listen. The more you listen, the more she’ll talk to you.
responsibility to teach your daughter how to trust…and how to be
Eventually, after the turbulent years of middle school and pressurized
society of high school, the most beautiful words that you will hear
since she first said “Mommy, I love you” will be “Mom, what’s your
Words of affirmation can be your strongest parenting tool in
raising your daughter. This doesn’t mean we can’t give constructive
Just because your daughter is growing up doesn’t mean there’s
no longer room for play. As she transitions, so should you. The days of
sitting at a child’s table surrounded by her dolls and pretending to sip
input or our point of view. Just be sure it doesn’t carry an overtone of
criticism. As mothers, we tend to call it ‘caring’ but our daughters read
it as ‘criticizing.’ Positive words create powerful connections.
A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments
tea and munch cookies may be gone, but that same sense of play needs
of the present, and the hope and promise of the future. It does go in the
to pulsate through your relationship even more so as she grows older.
blink of an eye. But you can still savor the moments. For it’s those very
Mother-daughter dates can be made magical by stepping outside the
moments that become memories which warm and comfort your heart
box and doing something daring and fun. Remember one important
after your daughter has long moved out and started her own life. ■
rule: your daughter has her own sense of style—so go with it. Yes, that
Visit Deborah Tannen’s website at georgetown.edu/faculty/tannend.
herlife | green living
O r g a nic
F l owe r s
The E co-Fr iendly Way
To Say You Care
by linda maranno
ith Mother’s Day quickly approaching next month,
Their eco-friendly flower arrangements include roses, calla lilies,
most of us will be sending flowers to our mothers,
tulips, gerbera daisies, hyacinths, sunflowers, alstromeria lilies and blue
grandmothers and other loved ones. In fact, according to
iris. Roses are available in classic red, pink, white, lavender, yellow and
flower industry expert, Amy Stewart, Americans spend $1.9 billion on
peach, and sell for $49.95 for one dozen. Other arrangements range
flowers and plants on Mother’s Day.
from $29.95 to $79.95.
I would imagine it’s probably safe to say that most of us rarely
Not only are their flowers and plants grown using sustainable
think about where or how flowers are grown when purchasing an
methods, their packaging is also eco-friendly as well. Their shipping
arrangement. We just want to send someone we care about something
boxes are made from recycled and recyclable materials and printed
bright and cheery.
with nontoxic, low VOC water-based ink. Paper plant sleeves are made
Cut flowers are a $40 billion industry worldwide, and Americans
from Kraft paper that is manufactured with sustainable processes and a
spend about $6.2 billion on cut flowers each year. An estimated 78
large percentage of recycled fiber content. All gift cards and inserts are
percent of all cut flowers sold in the United States are imported,
printed on recycled materials using soy-based inks. And glass vases that
primarily from Colombia and Ecuador, and almost all of those flowers
accompany all orders are made from 100 percent recycled glass.
are grown with conventional methods using synthetic pesticides,
herbicides and chemical fertilizers.
If you want to send your loved one a more eco-friendly gift of
You can also purchase flowers to benefit a variety of charities
through their Flowers for Good program. Organic Bouquet will
donate five percent of your purchase to the charity of your choice.
flowers for Mother’s Day and other occasions throughout the year, here
You can select from 53 different charities participating in the program
are a few options.
including PETA, Physicians for Peace, EarthShare, Breast Cancer
Fund, Action Against Hunger, American Lung Association and
Organic Bouquet
Amnesty International.
Headquartered in Northern California, Organic Bouquet is the
leading online organic florist and the first company to create a market
for sustainably grown flowers. All flowers sold are grown in an environ-
California Organic Flowers
Based in Chico, California, California Organic Flowers is a
mentally friendly manner on select flower farms in California, Ecua-
small family farm with just a handful of employees that includes an
dor and Colombia that follow stringent growing practices monitored by
all-female farm crew lead by the co-owner. They plant every seed
a number of certification agencies and associations.
themselves and harvest each bloom by hand. All flowers are certified
organic and field-grown without the use of chemical pesticides or other
dangerous chemicals.
Their website includes a photo gallery featuring a lovely selection
of their flowers and videos explaining helpful tips for arranging a living
bouquet, as well as how to improve your soil with a cover crop.
Their selection of flowers available changes regularly depending
on the season and include anemone, dahlia, chrysanthemums, tulips,
ranunclus, lilies, sunflowers and ornamental pepper.
Average price for an arrangement is $47.95, and all flowers are
shipped Priority Overnight for $14.95 regardless of location.
Whole Foods Market
If you plan to deliver your flowers in person, your local Whole
Foods Market may have just what you’re looking for. They offer flowers
sourced locally throughout the U.S. and around the world that include
roses, lilies, orchids and hydrangea, as well as seasonal favorites such as
tulips, peonies and sunflowers.
Their earth-friendly selection includes: World Trade Flowers
– grown according to strict criteria for ethical trade, earth-friendly
farming and the highest quality; Veriflora Certified Flowers – that meet
standards for sustainability, such as equitable hiring and employment
practices, safe workplace and housing conditions, and the prevention
of child labor; and Certified Organic Flowers—grown without
pesticides and other harmful chemicals, but available only in very
limited supply.
Local Harvest
This website is an excellent resource to find local sustainably
grown products including flowers. Just key in “flowers” and your location, and search results will provide a list of local farmers in your area
that grow flowers. Please note that not all farmer listings specify exactly
how their flowers are grown, so you may need to contact them to ask
whether they use synthetic chemicals.
If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a devoted organic gardener, surprise them with organic tulip bulbs for their flower garden.
Based in Brightwood, Virginia, Eco-Tulips is the only American source
of organic pesticide-free tulip bulbs. Each year, the U.S. imports
approximately 800 million tulip bulbs from Holland, all grown using
toxic pesticides that negatively impact the environment and have been
linked to the hive collapse in the honey bee population.
In addition to tulips, Eco-Tulips also offers crocus, daffodils,
hyacinths and fritillaria. Prices range from $8.99 to $11.99 depending
on the number of bulbs purchased. All bulbs are shipped in the fall—
the appropriate planting time for all of their flowers, and free shipping
is available for orders over $50. ■
Sources organicbouquet.com, californiaorganicflowers.com,
localharvest.org, wholefoodsmarket.com and ecotulips.com
herlife | trendsetter
Spr ing S ensatio n
photography b y g e r a l d s ch u s t e r p h o t o g r a p hy
emcee jesse o ga s
hair by zink e k n o e b e l / ch a z s a l o n
mak eup pop-u p s t a t i o n s b y e s t e e l a u d e r, l a n c o m e a n d c l i n i q u e
all available a t M a c y ' s t w e n t y- n i n t h s t r e e t
models all do n a t e d t h e i r t i m e
dancer s bobb y ch a n , l a u r e n c e c u rr y a n d j o s u e s a l e s o f
streetside dan c e s t u d i o s
fashions from m a c y ' s t w e n t y n i n t h s t r e e t b o u l d e r
runway produ c t i o n b y m a r s h a b e y e r - v p m a c y ' s 2 9 t h s t r e e t
susan william s - m a r k e t i n g m a n a g e r m e n t a l h e a l t h p a rt n e r s
kristen tuck er - e v e n t s c o o r d i n a t o r m e n t a l h e a l t h p a rt n e r s
herlife | working women
and Your Office Space
by l a u ra w y n n
hile sitting at a computer may
purchase of an ergonomically-correct chair or
Where a person puts their derriere really
seem like a fairly safe activity,
keyboard can immediately help relieve some
can determine the quality of work produced.
it can actually be harmful and
of the ailments associated with an ergonomi-
The first step in creating an ergonomic
cally-incorrect environment.
workstation is to make sure that the chair
even detrimental to your health. By definition, “ergonomics” refers to the scientific
The thing to keep in mind when
study of equipment design, such as office
creating an office workstation is that what is
allows for good blood circulation and lets
furniture, for the purpose of improving ef-
ergonomically “right” for one person won’t
the arms comfortably remain in the proper
ficiency, comfort or safety. Many people are
necessarily be the same for someone else.
typing position. An ergonomically-incorrect
not aware of the many significant benefits of
While individual preferences may vary, em-
chair does not provide proper back and leg
an ergonomically-correct workplace environ-
phasis and priority should be placed on the
support, leans back at an improper angle and
ment which, in recent years, has become as
basics when designing any ergonomic work
does not contain arm supports. Adjustability
important to many job seekers as pay scales
area. There are plenty of companies and
is an important feature in assuring proper
and benefits packages. Employees want to
products available to help maintain personal
alignment while seated at a desk. Choose an
know that the time they spend in the office on
preferences and styles. Key components of
adjustable office chair with good lumbar, or
a daily basis is not contributing to the onset
an ergonomic work space that should receive
lower back, support, which helps maintain
of afflictions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or
emphasis are seating, desk height, keyboard/
the natural “S” curve of your spine. Feet
Repetitive Stress Injury. Setting up an ergo-
mouse position, and display or monitor
should remain flat on the floor. If the seat is
nomically-correct workplace is not as hard as
positioning. There are a range of ergonomic
too high or too low, and has a person’s legs
most would think. If it seems overwhelming
office workstation solutions on the market
hanging off the edge or bent upward, it will
to revamp an entire office space, remember
that can be combined to satisfy almost any
put strain on the lower back muscles.
that taking small steps regularly can add up
personal style.
to big benefits in the end. For instance, the
Let’s begin with the end, so to speak.
is comfortable and promotes good posture,
A properly fitted desk also plays an
important role in making a workplace ergo-
nomic. The desk should have adequate clearance for the user’s legs
underneath. It’s also very important to make sure that the desktop
keyboard and mouse are in a comfortable position because incorrect keyboard and mouse height can cause damage in elbows and
shoulders. An often overlooked aspect of an ergonomic workstation,
but one that is extremely important, is how easily work materials can
be viewed. The monitor should be at or around two feet away from,
as well as directly in front of, the user. Leaning to or away from the
monitor causes improper neck posture and puts stress on the spine,
and shoulder and neck muscles. The top of the monitor should ideally be positioned slightly below eye level. Pay attention to where the
ergonomic workstation is set up in relation to windows and outside
light to avoid glare on the screen. Of course, keeping the monitor
screen free of dust and smudges will help with easy viewing of work
materials. A dirty display makes it difficult for eyes to adjust to and
read what is on the screen.
If cost is an issue, begin an ergonomic rehab by replacing one
item at a time throughout the office space. This will assist in bringing
the office current on ergonomic regulations without having to spend a
large chunk of money at once. Making small improvements will help
take the monetary pressure off, while still allowing for ergonomic improvements. There’s much value in peace of mind, knowing advances
are being made toward working in a safer, healthier environment. ■
Sources used for this article are thefreedictionary.com,
articlesnatch.com and ezinearticles.com.
herlife | finance
H ow t o P r e p a r e fo r a n
I RS A u d i t
by c a t i e wa t s o n
t begins with an envelope in your mailbox marked “Official Government Business” or a phone call from the IRS. If you’re lucky, the IRS
is communicating with you about a small error in your tax return that
The purpose of an audit
is to review the financial
records of an individual
or business to determine if
financial information has
been correctly reported.
services of an experienced tax attorney or CPA as your representative.
can be taken care of by return mail. If you’re not so lucky, you will be
Having someone on your side who understands tax law will help protect
told that the IRS has decided to conduct a full audit of your return. The
your and your money.
first thing to remember is to keep a clear head and avoid panic. Knowing
Even if you secure the services of a tax professional, you are still
that you are being audited can be unnerving, but you can make the
responsible for gathering and organizing your financial records. If you’re
experience less stressful by following instructions provided by the IRS
unable to find all the required documents, you’ll need to contact your
and properly preparing for your audit.
bank or employer. In an article on The Motley Fool financial website,
According to information provided on the IRS website, the purpose
author Roy Lewis shares some tips about the records you provide for an
of an audit is to review the financial records of an individual or busi-
audit. The IRS is not responsible for documents that are lost during an
ness to determine if financial information has been correctly reported.
audit, so you need to protect yourself by supplying copies rather than
An audit also seeks to determine if the reported tax liability is correct.
original documents. And while it’s important to supply everything you’re
A tax return may be flagged for audit when information reported does
been asked for, don’t include additional records that may raise questions
not match an official form (such as a 1099 form). Each year a certain
that you otherwise would not have had to answer.
number of taxpayers are randomly chosen for auditing, so being selected
Your audit may be conducted by mail or through a face-to-face
for an audit does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong
interview at an IRS office, in your home or at the office of your tax
with your return.
representative. Ask if you can reschedule your appointment if your tax
It’s important not to ignore any communication you receive from
representative is unavailable at the time scheduled by the IRS. Don’t be
the IRS–this is especially true when an audit is involved. You will gener-
surprised if your representative requests that you not attend the audit;
ally have 30 days to respond to notification of an audit. If you don’t
many tax professionals would rather not risk the taxpayer disclosing
respond in a timely manner you may lose the right to appeal additional
unnecessary information. If you will be attending your audit, appear on
tax liability claimed by the IRS. Your IRS audit notification will provide
time and conduct yourself in a professional manner. It’s important to let
a list of documents that you’ll need to assemble for the audit. This
the auditor know that you are taking the audit process seriously.
shouldn’t be a problem if you’ve following the IRS guideline to hold
You can anticipate your audit resulting in one of three outcomes.
on to all financial records used to compile a tax return for at least three
There may be no change to your return; there may be changes that you
agree to; or there may be changes that you don’t agree with. The best
Before you respond to the IRS you’ll need to decide whether you
outcome that you can hope for is a change to your return in your favor
want to have your audit handled by a professional tax expert or whether
and a payment from the IRS, but this is not the most common outcome.
you will handle it yourself. If your return was professionally prepared,
Instead, you may be asked to make a payment for additional taxes. In the
you should contact your preparer. A tax professional who is licensed to
case where a taxpayer does not agree with the results of an audit, further
appear before the IRS can be given power of attorney (IRS form 2848) to
review, mediation or an appeal may be the next course of action. The
represent you in the audit. This is a good approach to follow if you have
advice of a tax professional is invaluable in this situation. ■
full confidence in your tax preparer. Another alternative is to retain the
Information for this article can be found at irs.gov and fool.com.
herlife | home
Little Things
Make a Big
by catie watson
Making over your home doesn’t have to be a big deal. A variety of small
and simple changes can make a big difference in the look of your home.
Here are some of our favorite simple room makeover ideas that can
help you refresh and redefine your interior style without the time and
expense of a major remodel.
Replace Lighting
Nothing dates a room as quickly as outdated lighting. Replacing
gray or beige. Use cool shades of green or blue to create a relaxing
atmosphere. For a cozier feel, use a deep rich color like burgundy
old lamps can transform the look of a room. Evaluate whether your
or emerald green. If you’re short on time, create an accent wall by
current lamps provide the correct amount of light, and match the
covering one wall with a different shade or color, or with a textured
proportion and style of your other furniture. If a lamp comes up short,
wall treatment.
it’s time to find a replacement that improves the design of the room. If
your lamps don’t need replacing, buy an inexpensive white lampshade
and paint it with an eye-catching color, or add sparkle by hanging
prisms or strands of crystal beads from a light fixture or wall sconce.
Hang Some Art
One of the simplest ways to add personality to a room is to hang
artwork on the walls. Frame an original piece of art or a reproduction, and then find some blank wall space. Wall art doesn’t have to
Change the Mood with Color
Painting the walls of a room is one of the easiest ways to make
a dramatic change. Add serenity to a room with neutral shades of
cost a fortune—you can frame pictures cut from coffee table books or
calendars. If you have a flair for photography, enlarge and crop some
of your favorite photos to create a personal photo gallery. Don’t worry
about buying matching frames. Groups of mismatched frames and
the addition of a framed mirror add variety to your gallery.
Add Interest with Fabric
Fabric accessories are one of the best ways to add color, texture
and pattern to a room and to mark the change of seasons. Add pillows
with bright colors and bold graphic prints to punch up a neutral sofa
or chair. If you crave luxury fabrics, look for pillows made from silk
or velvet, embellished with embroidery. For a retro vibe, one of the
most current trends is bargello needlepoint pillows with pop art patterns straight out of the 70s. Drape a soft chenille throw on the back
of a sofa to add color and create a cozy feel.
Organize Coffee Table Accessories
If you have a beautiful tray tucked away, use it to organize and
display coffee table accessories. Stack items on the tray with large
items on the bottom and small items on top. Besides organizing a
table top, a tray is also practical. When guests arrive and you want to
declutter, simply move the tray to another location.
Use Book Shelves to Showcase a Collection
A book case can be more than a home for books. If you have
a collection of small decorative items, frames or collectibles, place
them on book shelves to add personality and interest to your room.
Avoid visual clutter by placing one or two items on each shelf and
only using items that are larger than a grapefruit. Create a dramatic
backdrop by wallpapering the back of bookshelves with an interesting
Bring the Outdoors Inside
Adding greenery is a great way to bring new life to a room.
Place houseplants on coffee tables and cabinets and in unused
corners of rooms. Highlight your plants with containers made from
brass, terracotta and glass. Add some Zen style with small groupings
on shelves and tables of natural items like river rock, driftwood and
shells. Place an interesting branch in a vase for a dramatic natural
Refresh Your Bath
Bring a touch of spa style to a bathroom by replacing a plastic
shower curtain with a fabric curtain and waterproof liner. Find interesting bowls and vases made from bamboo, pewter or stoneware to
hold essential items like toothbrushes, soap and hand towels, or move
sink clutter to cabinets. Create a tranquil atmosphere with candles
and a small bouquet of cut flowers. Look for a plush cotton rug with
an interesting pattern to add visual interest and after-bath comfort. ■
Sources for this article are Los Angeles Times Home Section,
December 31, 2011, housebeautiful.com and goodhousekeeping.com.
herlife | pets
F o o d a n d P l a n t s
T h a t A r e To x i c
To Yo u r P e t
by l i n d a m a ra n n o
ur adorable cats and dogs are curious by nature and
vous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, abnormal blood
inevitably end up chewing on or eating something they
acidity, coma and even death.
shouldn’t. Many of the foods we enjoy on a regular basis
can actually be quite dangerous for your pet. Plants you may have in
your home, garden or front yard can also pose serious problems.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
All varieties of chocolate (dark, milk, white and cocoa powder)
are toxic to both cats and dogs because they contain a methylxanthine
(ASPCA) has compiled an extensive detailed list of foods and plants
chemical similar to caffeine called theobromine, which acts as a car-
that can be toxic to your pets. Other recommended online resources
diac stimulant and diuretic. The darker the chocolate, the more severe
include The Humane Society and WebMD. Each site offers differ-
the reaction will be if ingested by your pet. Symptoms include vomiting
ent information on the topic and is worth your time to review. The
and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity,
following provides a general overview of foods and plants that are
abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and even death.
considered dangerous for pets.
Grapes and Raisins
The leaves, fruit, seeds and bark of avocados contain a substance
called persin, which is harmless to humans but can be toxic to your
The actual substance in grapes and raisins that causes toxicity has
yet to be identified, but consumption of both can cause kidney failure
for your pet.
pets causing vomiting and diarrhea. If you grow avocados at home,
make sure your pet can’t get access to them.
Macadamia Nuts
Frequently used in many human treats, macadamia nuts can cause
The danger posed by alcohol is not merely limited to the
consumption of beer, wine or liquor, but also your personal care
serious problems for your pet including weakness, depression, vomiting, rapid heart rate, tremors and hyperthermia. Signs usually appear
within 12 hours of ingestion and last approximately 12 to 48 hours.
products such as mouthwash, cough syrup and cologne, which can
be easily tipped over and spilled if the cap is not tightly closed. It’s
also important to read labels for dog and cat oral hygiene products
Onions and Garlic
All forms of these vegetables—powdered, raw, cooked or dehy-
carefully before purchasing to make sure they do not contain any
drated—can cause gastrointestinal irritation and could lead to red
alcohol. Alcoholic beverages and other products containing alcohol
blood cell damage, causing anemia. Although cats are more suscep-
can cause vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central ner-
tible, dogs are also at risk if a large amount is consumed. Symptoms of
anemia include weakness, vomiting, little interest in food, dullness and
Raw/Uncooked Meat, Eggs and Bones
Raw meat and raw eggs can be harmful because they contain
bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli which can cause serious
problems for your pet. A bone is considered dangerous because your
pet may choke on it or the bone can splinter and become lodged in or
puncture your pet’s digestive tract.
Used as a sweetener in many products such as gum and candy,
xylitol can cause your pet’s blood sugar to drop to dangerously low levels, which can lead to liver failure. Initial symptoms include vomiting,
lethargy and loss of coordination, progressing to seizures, with elevated
liver enzymes and liver failure occurring within a few days.
The ASCPA lists approximately 400 species of plants that can be
toxic to both dogs and cats if ingested. They provide both an alphabetical list with photos as well as an option to search for a particular plant
by name so you can easily check on the safety of plants currently in
your backyard or in your home as well as help you carefully choose
new plants.
Some of the plants that pose a toxicity problem for your pets (and
the symptoms they cause) include: Amaryllis (vomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hyper salivation, anorexia, tremors); Azalea (ingestion of only a few leaves can cause serious problems such as vomiting,
diarrhea, hyper salivation, weakness, coma, hypotension, CNS depression, cardiovascular collapse, death); Begonia (oral irritation, intense
burning and irritation of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling,
vomiting, difficulty swallowing); Daffodil (bulbs are the most poisonous
part and large ingestions cause convulsions, low blood pressure, tremors,
cardiac arrhythmias); Daisy (vomiting, diarrhea, hyper salivation,
incoordination, dermatitis); Geranium (vomiting, anorexia, depression,
dermatitis); Hisbiscus (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, anorexia); Hydrangea
(vomiting, depression, diarrhea); Periwinkle (vomiting, diarrhea, low
blood pressure, depression, tremors, seizures, coma, death); and Peace
Lily (oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of mouth, tongue and
lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing).
Fortunately, there are over 500 plants that are considered safe for
both dogs and cats and included among them are African Violet, Bamboo Palm, Blue Daisy, Boston Fern, Chamaedorea, Christmas Cactus,
Flamingo Plant, Gloxinia, Hawthorn, Lace Flower Vine, Petunia,
Rose, Spider Plant, Sunflower and Zinnia.
If your pet should happen to accidentally eat any of the items
mentioned in this article or anything else you suspect may be toxic,
contact your local veterinarian immediately or call the ASPCA Animal
Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435. ■
Sources: humanesociety.org, webmd.com and aspca.org
herlife | spotlight
by ka t h l e e n m . k ru e ge r
photogr a p hy by a n ge l a wa g s t a ff
of vinta ge c u p c a ke p h o to g ra p hy
Combining a variety of stain
colors in a kitchen or adding
some painted pieces to add
additional character to the wood
tones of the rest of the cabinetry
is becoming a common choice for
homeowners who don't want the
visual monotony of consistency
throughout their kitchen.
of color, space, flow and texture together in a living space, creating a
functional area that was as practical as it was beautiful.
This led Todd to transfer his focus from architecture to designing interior spaces. Because of the creative combination of function
and form that is so heavily invested in kitchen and bath design,
Todd chose that as his specialty niche when he established Boxwood
Design in 2009.
You won't find the same big-box brands of cabinetry in the Boxwood Design center that you find everywhere else. Todd spent time
researching custom cabinet providers and has personally chosen his
three lines–Berloni, Homestead and Dakota–because of their unique
character, high quality construction and the enormous amount of
flexibility they offer him as a designer.
Many clients will ask Todd how many door styles or stain colors
they have from which to choose. His challenge back to them would
be to come up with door style that he can't provide as an option. As
far as stain colors, his versatile suppliers do not limit him in that area
f you're looking for true distinction in your kitchen or bath de-
either. They are quite willing to match stains used in other areas of
sign, a uniqueness that goes beyond the term ‘custom cabinetry,'
a home's design to assure that a client's cabinets fit in perfectly with
then you'll want to shake hands with Todd Jenkins, the owner
the rest of the interior décor.
and chief designer at Boxwood Design.
It was during his years studying architecture at the University of
Looking for authenticity in your rustic kitchen? How about cabinet doors made from reclaimed barn wood? These are just some of
Colorado when Todd discovered that the interior of a home was the
the possibilities that Todd has incorporated into his kitchen designs.
area of design he enjoyed the most. He loved putting all the elements
Another unique and recycled option offered through Boxwood De-
sign's Homestead line is the use of 'urban wood' in the construction
of the cabinet doors. Urban wood is a term being used to define a
well with the natural beauty of the Colorado landscape.
Todd encourages his clients to go beyond the limits of conven-
new movement to utilize wood from trees removed from urban set-
tion when designing their kitchens. He has designed kitchens that
tings. Rather than ship downed trees to the city landfill, as has been
have married together elements of contemporary and classic design
the practice in the past, companies like Homestead are purchasing
to create a truly unique look. Combining a variety of stain colors in
the urban wood and using it in their cabinet shops. This is another
a kitchen or adding some painted pieces to add additional character
green innovation so simplistic that it surprises people to hear it is a
to the wood tones of the rest of the cabinetry is becoming a com-
'new' option.
mon choice for homeowners who don't want the visual monotony of
The Berloni line of cabinets has more than an Italian name;
it is a true European cabinet supplier located in Italy. You don't
consistency throughout their kitchen.
In spite of the personalized design service that Boxwood Design
simply get a 'European flair' with this cabinet line–you get true
offers, don't make the mistake of assuming that they service only
contemporary European design and construction. You'll see the
high-end clients. Todd made sure that his choices in cabinet lines
typical minimalist and functional design that you would expect from
provided price point options affordable to the average homeowner,
European cabinetry in their Modern Collection, but with a distinct
as well as the open-ended option for the ultimate in custom design.
flair. If you're looking for 'old world' Italian, their Classic Collection
You can expect the same personalized design service if you have a
will transport you to the warm feel of an old Italian villa. Add the
$10,000 budget or a million dollar budget.
creative design input from Todd, and your kitchen will certainly be
There has been a movement towards more contemporary design
Boxwood Design is not just another cabinet shop; it's more like
an art studio where Todd Jenkins combines his creative skills with his
talent for capturing the personal style and tastes of his clients. The
elements in Colorado during the last five years, according to Todd.
end product is a livable, functional piece of creative art that becomes
This movement, he says, which goes beyond just a trend, is encom-
the centerpiece to a family's home. ■
passing every element of interior design. You'll find it in the flooring
You can visit Boxwood's showroom at 1232 Bergen Parkway, Suite
and light fixture choices, as well as the cabinets and countertops.
#102 in Evergreen, call them at 720-536-8637 or visit their website at
Client choices in color have warm tones and an earthy feel which fits
herlife | in the city
C alendar of Eve n t s
NOTE: All calendar events must be received by April 5th for the May issue and adhere to our guidelines.
E-mail melonie@herlifemagazine.com for guidelines to submit entries.
A pril 5
April 9
April 13
22nd Annual Taste of Vail
Dates: April 5–April 7
Colorado Rockies
Home Opener
Garrett Ammon’s
Rock Ballets
Times: Daily, times vary
Date: April 9
Dates: April 13–April 15
Location: Vail Village, Vail
Time: 2:00pm
Times: Friday and Saturday 8:00pm,
Details: In its 22nd year, the Taste of Vail is
Location: Coors Field, 2001 Blake Street,
Sunday 2:00pm
the nation's premier spring food and wine fes-
Location: Performing Arts Complex at
tival, held at several venues throughout North
Details: Don't miss the Colorado Rockies
PCS, 1001 West 84th Avenue, Denver
America's favorite ski resort. Participants at
Home Opener where the Colorado Rockies
Details: Ballet Nouveau Colorado’s most
the Taste of Vail experience the Vail Valley's
square off against the San Francisco Giants.
requested production premiered to sold-out
world-class restaurants, fine wine poured
crowds in 2008. Experience this critically
by winemakers and winery owners from top
acclaimed show again, or for the first time, as
wineries around the globe, spirits and beer,
along with interactive seminars, auction, the
April 10
BNC’s artists perform to the music of Queen,
INXS and David Bowie. There is simply no
Colorado Lamb Cook Off, après ski tasting
Aspen Shortsfest 2012
and the popular mountaintop picnic sensory
Dates: April 10–April 15
extravaganza at the top of Vail Mountain. For
Times: Daily, times vary
more information, visit tasteofvail.com.
Location: Wheeler Box Office, 320 East
A pril 7
Details: Recognized as one of the world's
"50 Leading Film Festivals" by IndieWIRE,
The Cookie Chase 5K and
1K—A Race for Wishes
Bunny Trail EggVenture
Aspen Shortsfest is one of the world's premier
Date: April 14
Hyman Avenue, Aspen
better way to close our Season 10 celebration.
April 14
international short film and video showcases
Time: 10:00am
Date: April 7
for the trendsetting art form: the short. This
Location: Greenwood Village City Hall,
Time: 10:00am
Oscar-qualifying international competition of-
6060 South Quebec Street, Englewood
Location: Children's Museum of Denver,
fers a lively, thought-provoking and humorous
Details: Don't miss Make-A-Wish of Colo-
2121 Children's Museum Drive, Denver
selection of drama, comedy, animation and
rado's Cookie Chase—A Race for Wishes.
Details: Hop down to the Children’s
documentary—all at 40 minutes or less.
The Cookie Chase is a certified, timed 5K
Museum for a spring extravaganza! At our
face that winds through Greenwood Village.
friends, gather delicious springtime treats,
Social Buzz Network’s One
Year Anniversary
hear stories with the Big Bunny and craft
Date: April 10
sters and youngsters at heart. With sponsor-
spring artwork!
Time: 6:00pm–8:00pm
ships from Otis Spunkmeyer and Royal Crest
Location: Denver Aquarium, 700 Water
Dairy, we can assure you plenty of milk and
Street, Denver
cookies at the finish line!
“eggsploration stations” you can meet animal
Details: You are invited to join Social
Buzz Network in celebrating its ONE YEAR
ANNIVERSARY at the Denver Aquarium
More Info: SocialBuzzNetwork.eventbee.com
A 1K Family Fun Run with a scavenger hunt
and obstacle course is available for the young-
in 2001, Biz Bash has become a must-attend
springtime tradition features special events
event that provides sponsors with mingling op-
and activities for girls and boys, and more
portunities, silent auction winnings, energetic
than 15,000 tulips that adorn the world-
entertainment and most importantly, the op-
renowned Pearl Street Mall throughout the
portunity to give back to our community.
spring season.
April 27
April 29
Greenwood Village
LEGO® KidsFest
Cherry Creek Sneak
Details: Join us at Soigneé for a Denver
Dates: April 27–April 29
Date: April 29
Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA)
Times: Daily, times vary
Time: 7:45am
event. A donation of sales proceeds will go
Location: Colorado Convention Center,
Location: Cherry Creek Sneak, Steele and
A pril 18
Support Denver Center for
the Performing Arts
Date: April 18
Time: 11:00am–1:00pm
Location: Soigneé Elegant Attire, 2500 E.
Orchard Road, Cherry Hills Marketplace,
to the DCPA. Mimosas and cookies will be
700 14th Street, Denver
Ellsworth Streets, Denver
served. Come have a little fun and support
Details: The LEGO® KidsFest, a nationally-
Details: Denver’s Cherry Creek Sneak was
the DCPA. See our Spring Fashions and Hats
traveling giant LEGO® expo, will be stop-
founded in 1982 and has become a Den-
just in time for Hattitude, Red Hat Day and of
ping in Denver. Covering over three acres of
ver tradition for families and elite runners
course the Kentucky Derby.
space, the LEGO KidsFest brings all of the
alike. Every year more than 10,000 runners
More Info: soigneeattire.com
creative hands-on, minds-on fun of LEGO®
participate in the 5-mile, 3.1-mile (5k) and
brick building and experiences together in
1.5-mile sprint courses. There’s even a ½-mile
an activity and entertainment-packed family
Kids’ Fun Run for kids ages 8 and under, and
event for children of all ages and builders of
Diaper Dash for little ones in the Kids' Fun
all skills and interests. For more information,
Zone. And the Cherry Creek Sneak has added
visit legokidsfest.com.
a NEW 10-mile course to challenge longer
A pril 22
Rocky Mountain
Bridal Show
Date: April 22
Time: 11:00am–4:00pm
Location: Colorado Convention Center,
distance runners. For more information, visit
April 28
Details: Congratulations on your engage-
History Colorado Center
ment. Now let the planning begin! Turn your
Date: April 28
wedding day dreams into reality at Colorado's
Location: History Colorado Center, 12th
most elegant bridal show where we have the
Avenue and Broadway, Denver
700 14th Street, Denver
Save the date!
may 5
most vendors, the most prizes and the most
Details: Designed to ignite imaginations of
choices with EVERYTHING you'll need.
all ages about Colorado history, this new mu-
Furry Scurry
seum and hub for civic engagement creates
Date: May 5
a rich experience for visitors through exhibits
Time: 7:00am
and programs that will blend technology,
Location: Washington Park, 1000 S. Down-
media, environments and artifacts.
ing Street, Denver
Date: April 26
Tulip Fairy and Elf Parade
for a two-mile walk for animals in Washing-
Time: 6:30pm
Date: April 28
ton Park. This fundraiser helps us care for as
Location: Fillmore Auditorium, 1510
Time: 3:00pm
many as 24,000 homeless pets every year. We
Clarkson, Denver
Location: Pearl Street Mall, 1420 Pearl
look forward to seeing you there! For more
Details: Featuring acts like The Doobie
Street, Suite 200, Boulder
information, visit ddfl.org.
A pril 26
CoBiz Financial Biz Bash
Brothers, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, REO
Details: Spring officially arrives in Down-
Speedwagon and the Charlie Daniels Band,
town Boulder when the beautiful, colorful
the Colorado Biz Bash has proven to be
Tulip Fairy, along with pint-sized fairies and
an exciting benefit concert that provides
elves, parade around the Pearl Street Mall
entertainment for all ages. Since its inception
‘waking up the tulips.’ This much beloved
Details: Join Denver Dumb Friends League
herlife | scene and be seen
Beauty From Ashes
photography by ryan h e d ri ck p h o to g ra p hy
n February 16th, Colorado Woman of Vision presented “An Evening with Sheryl
WuDunn,” co-author of Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for
Women Worldwide at the Newman Center for Performing Arts. Elisa Morgan,
Mary Louise Lee and Beth Klein raised their voices to make a difference in the lives of
women and children around the world affected by poverty, illiteracy and human trafficking.
For more information, visit ColoradoWomenofVision.org.
EverWedd Bridal Show
photography by amy l o rray n e p h o to g ra p hy
verWedd's Bridal Show on February 26 was a success! EverWedd, a group of
screened professionals, had 34 booths at the show, including florists, photographers,
instrumentalists, a singer, DJs, caterers, wedding venue owners, a limo service, a wed-
ding planner, invitation designer, guest accommodations and much more. EverWedd greeted
brides at the entrance with a lovely gift bag full of goodies, discounts and contact information.
All the members of EverWedd know one another personally, and love to see each other at
events. EverWedd professionals work behind the scenes to make weddings perfect! For more
information, visit EverWedd.com.
herlife | scene and be seen
Soigneé Elegant Attire on the Runway for Denver Fashion Week
photography by gerald s ch u s te r p h o to g ra p hy
oigneé Elegant Attire was amongst Denver boutiques chosen to be part of the opening
night fashion kickoff for Denver Fashion Weekend. Diane Lessnau, owner of Soigneé
Elegant Attire, shared, "Soigneé has been open now for over a year and we are making
a fashion statement in Metro Denver. Even though the crowd was younger than my typical
clientele, elegant clothing transcends age. The fashion-conscious attending the runway show
at the EXDO Hall were amazed by the production assembled to celebrate spring. The entire
night was white, shiny, sparkly and dazzling. Beautiful gowns, beautiful models and driving music
made a memorable opening act."
Happy Hour At Revalla Plastic Surgery & Medical Aesthetics
photography by ryan h e d ri ck p h o to g ra p hy
n early March, the office of Dr. Lisa Hunsicker was filled with
laughter and camaraderie as patients and friends gathered for
happy hour. People mingled and enjoyed delicious food and
wine as they took the opportunity to learn about the latest in facial
rejuvenation products and procedures. Dr. Hunsicker, along with
Angela Buttolph, Revalla’s Medical Aesthetician, and other industry
experts, led discussions about injectables, laser treatments, skincare
and ongoing aesthetics treatments. Revalla Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics is located at 7750 S. Broadway, Suite 150 in Littleton,
or visit them online at Revalla.com.
TOP PHOTO: Dr. Lisa Hunsicker visits with a patient between
discussion sessions.
SECOND ROW: Nicole Gossett explains a step-by-step customized
skincare routine. Angela Buttolph, Revalla’s Medical Aesthetician, consults
with a new patient about the benefits of regular dermaplaning and
chemical peels. Alex Pinck talks about the various sunscreen options
available in the Image Skincare line offered at Revalla.
BOTTOM ROW: Holly Rogers takes a break from greeting guests to pose
for a quick photo-op.
herlife | horoscope
S tar J o u r n e y s
by john sandbach
e are all aware now of what is not working in our lives and need to restructure what we’re
doing. When things go wrong they are trying to teach us something, and the more receptive to learning we are, the happier we will be. This can be a month of very great gains
being made, as long as we address those things we can do something about. The best thing you can do
this April is access your own inner wisdom, and know that you have everything you need to meet the
tasks at hand.
(October 23-November 21):
(November 22-December 21):
(December 22-January 19):
(January 21-February 18):
(February 19-March 20):
(March 21-April 19):
(April 20-May 20):
(May 21-June 21):
(June 22-July 22):
Get back to basics now. Lay solid and sure foundations for yourself. Come back to reality in a clear
way and it will positively reinforce all you’re trying
to do. Make sure you let things stabilize before
moving forward too fast. Slow, patient and grounded
effort is what is going to work best. Carefully listen
to your own desires and cravings for they’re letting
you know what kind of nourishment you need.
It’s really good now to be acutely aware of the agendas of others and how they think. This will help you
greatly to communicate with them in such a way
that you can both work together more effectively.
Many little problems can crop up now, but you can
be amazingly resourceful in finding ways to solve
each and every one. Take it as it comes and keep
your attention on what’s in front of you.
Don’t focus on the obvious now—you already know
about that. Look at what’s hidden beneath the obvious and go with what your inner eye is seeing. If you
find your mind going in many different directions at
once, don’t get caught up in the chaos of it all. Ask
yourself, “What’s at the core of all this?” and then
listen to what your intuition tells you about what is
really happening.
(July 23-August 22):
(August 23-September 22):
(September 23-October 22):
There can be so much whirling around you now, and
much of it is other people’s stuff. Stay at the center of it
now for in the eye of the hurricane is peace. Don’t get
caught up in the negative dramas of others. If you keep
looking inside you will see that you’re very certain of
what you know, and that is what you need to guide
you. You have your way of doing things, and don’t let
anyone talk you out of it.
If there are missing pieces in your life you might try
just making something up to see how it fits. There
can be some abrupt changes in your life now that are
caused by suddenly seeing situations in a new way. You
may feel yourself going from one extreme to the other,
but don’t worry about this. It’s probably a necessary
part of finally getting into a balanced state.
The labels we put on things can have a powerful effect
on how we see and handle those things. You need now
to make sure that you put a positive spin on whatever
you’re doing. You need to redefine your world, sometimes in small ways, maybe also in big ways. The way
a problem is stated can be a key to how it is solved.
Think big and optimistically, and the forces around
you will reach out to you generously.
Things can come together in very strange ways now,
so your life is anything but dull. New elements can
suddenly be added to situations that change them
completely and create a need to rethink your strategies.
To get the greatest benefit from this you need to be
very open-minded and not allow your expectations to
limit you. There can be reversals of fortune now that
are downright funny as well as ironic, and which can
relieve you of burdens.
If you have been overextending yourself, now is the
time to relax back into what is, and to take care of basics. Simplicity can be of tremendous benefit now so if
you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t allow those feelings
to coerce you into action. Take your own good time in
dealing with important things, and if you need to stop
and take a breather, do so. Simple pleasures now can
be so nourishing and comforting, and can bring you
back to the business of living with newfound energy.
You may have to wing it now—to play the tunes of
life by ear. Being a Virgo I know you would much
rather have all your ducks in a row and your facts in
place, but that’s just now the name of the game at
this time. If you maintain a calm poise and go with
your gut feelings, things can turn out beautifully for
you truly do know what you’re doing, though maybe
not consciously. This is a time for developing your
There is so very much going on now in your life, so
many opportunities and possibilities you’re aware of.
This can make it very hard to choose. Don’t worry
though for it seems that whatever you choose there will
be the possibility of changing your mind later if you
need to—there’s not going to be much you lose this
month, and whatever you lose you’re probably going to
find you didn’t need anyway.
You are very tuned in to patterns now, and by observing them you can clearly see how things are going to
play out in the future. It’s as if you’ve used a powerful
eyewash this month that allows you to view your life
with a new clarity. It can be difficult to make decisions
now, and when needed, be arbitrary in doing so—
which is much better than wavering and not deciding.
You have a great ability now for putting things
together, for finding just the right blend that is going
to work. Your imagination is very strong now, but your
logical abilities not so much. So let your vision shine
forth, do things with panache and let your style be
your message. It’s very much now about how you do
things rather than what you do.
p h oto g ra p hy by HE R L I F E Sta f f