CASS CITY CHRONICLE-THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1968 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Agent's Corner By Mrs. Ann Roes Extension Agent From breakfast to dinner, from picnic to snacks, we've been changing our eating habits over the last 10 years. Despite the fact that our supermarket shelves are loaded with an "Arabian Nights" abundance and variety of food, our diets have slipped nutritionally, says Mrs. Ann Ross, Thumb Extension Home Economist. The spotlight was put on American eating habits when the first report on the 19651966 Food Consumption In U.S. Households survey was released by the USDA early this spring. The facts: that only half Book Review Oriental intrigue fills Tower of Babel' PAGE THREE 4-H Wranglers lasso new corral with donations, desire and determination The combined efforts of members and interested residents have produced one of the finest training areas In the Thumb for the Cass City 4-H The author of today's novel where appears the original Wranglers club, following comIs no stranger to readers of "Tower of Babel", (in Genesis pletion of a new corral on Cemethis column, He has written 11.) As we read the stories of tery Road, south of Cass City. Cash cost to the club was much that is a contribution to the book's principal characters, we find ourselves thinking of about $225, Leader Al Seeley this nation's fiction literature. I recall reviewing for "The oriental Intrigue, faces covered estimated this week. The total Chronicle, "The Shoes of The with burnooses, as a protection needed was kept to a minimum ever-present sand by aid from interested resiFisherman" and "The Am- against bassador." Undoubtedly my storms, while camels parade in dents. The site of the facility is Jhe bjicjcgrojond. TTTe~"plcture~~Is~play e3"to~day~ seven~acres-owned~by-Drr~Ed~ that the number of poor diets several books which have come Scollon who lets the club use increased - from 15 to 21 per- from Mr. West's talented pen. — in fact I should say, the pic- the land free. tures are played today. The Morris L. West is a native cent — during the interval beThe corral site was leveled tween the 1955 and 1965 sur- of Australia born in Melbourne middle East in our time, is by volunteer workers. Lee in 1916. At the age of 14 he the ground on which a Six-Day veys. Hartel donated time and a tracIt's quite a paradox and one began studying as a postulant War is planned. The cast in- tor and Marshall Implement that's puzzling the experts; our with the Christian Brothers, but volves five dominant leaders, let us use equipment, Seeley incomes are higher and real left twelve years later, not hav- active leaders who are not above explained. food costs relatively low, but ing taken his final vows. In plotting the death of the others Gravel for the road to the adequate income is no guar- WWII he became an officer in if it seems to make some sort corral was donated by Tuckey's. of Oriental sense. Australian Army Intelligence, antee that adequate diets will, The five leaders are Adorn Club members worked three follow. Even at a $10,000 and. following this with a flourishing lucrative) transcription-• Ronen, an Israeli spy in Dam- full Sunday afternoons painting above level, 9 percent of these (and and erecting the fence. families had poor diets. Best business which included re- ascus; Saffreddin, the Director Cash for the project was of Security for Syria; Jarrah, explanation is that we're not cording, as well. He left that donated by interested resimaking good nutritional choices business when he decided that a terrorist of the Palestine dents, Seeley concluded. from our almost overwhelming he much preferred to write for Liberation Organization; ChaThere are now 41 members himself rather than for spon- kry, an international banker in abundance. Beirut, and Baratz, the Dir- in the club and they will begin The biggest losers at meal- sors. A stay in Italy resulted in ector of Military Intelligence training at once for competitimes have been fruits, tion at the Tuscola County Fair vegetables, milk and milk prod- his book, "Children of the Sun," for Israel. Most of these men this summer. ucts. Nutrient-wise that means which became a best seller in display a very multi-faceted ability to find out what the others 1957. There followed two novels we're falling short of vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium — published In The United States. are planning. The reader gains the feeling the important ingredients con- In 1958, Mr. West returned to tributing to glowing skin, Italy as Vatican correspondent that the events of the novel are The pledge service for 'G8sparkling eyes, general growth, for The Daily Mail, which ex- ultimately real, so fine is the resulted in "The line drawn between them. healthy gums and body tissues, perience '69 was observed when the To quote another reviewer: WSCS met in the United Methand strong bones and teeth. Devil's Advocate" in 1959, What's afoot to reverse this which created quite a sensation "Indeed, this is one of the odist church Monday evening. sold over two million wonders of the novel that in trend? More emphasis on help- and Presenting the program were Ing homemakers use more milk copies! Since then, Mr. West addition to being a great human Mrs. Keith McConkey, Mrs. products, fruits and vegetables has produced four new novels, drama, it possesses an extra- Robert Keating, Mrs. Harlan in meals; an increased effort to the latest being "The Tower Of ordinary sense of political real- Dickinson and Mrs. Gary get bread enrichment a law in Babel" which we are reviewing ity. Mr. West unlocks all the Christner. all 50 states; more interest in for your pleasure this week. We secret doors, takes the reader The theme was "money kept adding calcium to bread prod- should take notice that Mr. not only inside the meeting in the purse was only paper ucts, and a new look at the West, with his wife and four rooms but also into the partici- and coins." But if put to the possibilities for fortifying dry children, now lives in Rome, pants' minds and leaves him right use it gives hope to milskim milk powder with vitamin Italy. We can logically expect with the conviction that this is lions and teaches humility, at least one more novel, whose the way it really is." A. mercy, compassion and proFor nutrition information, setting is in that historic place. "Suspense" is the one-word vides the means for service. As I read "The Tower of description of the mood of this The program ended when each ask for Bulletin No. E26atyour Babel", I reached for my Bible, novel. If you admire books that local Extension Office. put a pledge at the altar. are filled with suspense (susMrs. Howard Rexin conpense with realism), read this ducted the business meeting novel! and members were urged to attend the East Central disThe Tower of Babel, by trict meeting at Port Huron, Morris L. West, William MorThursday, May 9. Mrs. Hoy row & Company, N. y. 1968. Chlsliolm was chosen delegate Available from the Elkland to the Detroit Conference MeetTownship and Cass City library. ing which will t)e held at Metropolitan Church in Detroit, May 21. Group 4, Mrs. Albert GalSaturday, May 11 - Glen lagher and Mrs. Keith MrConkYenglln will hold an auction ey, co-chairmen, wrve'J the sale of restaurant equipment 6:30 dinner. at 173 East Huron St., Bad Axe. By Rev. R. J Searls Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses Issued or applied for In Tuscola county during the week were: Robert Wayne Rocheleau, 26, of Gagetown and Judith Raye Hayward, 27, of Snover. William Charles Armbuster, 77, of Pigeon and Beulah Gertrude Kidd, 76, of Mllllngton. Robert John Wisnewskl, 18, of Caro and Elolse Alice Spencer, 18, of Fair grove. James Carl LaPfatt, 21, of Caro and Diane Sue Vollmar, 18, of Cass City. Victor Manuel Gomez, 22, of Caro and Mary Ann Varela, 22, of Caro. Elden Stuart Engler, 26, of Millington and Nancy Ann Coleman, 21, of Millington. Stephen Nakoneczny, 21, of Warren and Robina Candace Joseph Hubert Plucker, 28, of Chicago, HI., and Brenda Lou Malers, Caro. Danny Lewis Summerfield, 18, of Vassar and Luella Valosta Wilton, 19, of Millington. Gary Thomas Threehouse, 21, of Vassar and Linda Mae Robinson, 18, of Vassar. SPORTS FANS! ASSISTANT LEADER Lloyd Bryant does more than instruct. Helping him is his daughter Pam. WSCS holds annual pledg-e,service By H. M. Bulen C;, ^_ jtjjt and second. . . What would happen?. . . Oddly, such a possibility is not covered specifically in the rules.. . However, umpires say this is the one case where another runner would be allowed to come in and finish the trip around the bases for the fallen man, provided the ball was out of the park and not In play. '»...-- .:',.(•»-. THIS CORRAL is 150 by 300 feet and will handle 100 horses in a class at once. Do you know where the word "Olympics* comes from?. . . It's from the Greek word •Olympiad', which means every four years. ..And, in the ancient Greek times, as today, the Olympics are held every four years. DRAWING WINNERS Coming Auctions Clark Jackson Martiniz Gaeretown LUNCHEON Rosemary Gallawaj Linda Herron, Roffer Guinther Saturday, May 11 - A household auction will be held to settle the estate of Alice Jackson, at 4093 N. Seeger St., Cass City. Saturday, May 18 - Lester Auten Sr. will hold a household auction at 4293 Leach St., Cass City. Saturday, May 25, - A personal property auction will be held at Stevens Nursing Home, 4365 S. Seeger St., Cass City. How to raise your sights without raising your new-car investment. Price check an Olds 88. You'll discover a lot of so-called low-priced cars cost as much or more. And Olds gives you big-car room. Big-car comfort. Big-car performance. Plus the extra assurance that's yours in an Oldsmobile. What are you waiting for? See your nearest Olds dealer today. iiies - Tfc- iS \fl t" » J\ BULEN MOTORS CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE 6617 Main Phone 872-2750 DILIGENTLY WORKING are Sharon and Scott Hartel. Copyright Local Markets BEANS Navy Deans Soyl-eans 8.20 2.54 GRAIN Wheat, new crop Corn shelled bu. Oats 36 Ibs. test Rye 1.1C .95 .67 .87 LIVESTOCK Calves, pound Cows, pound Cattle, pound • Hogs, pound - .20 .30 .18 .20 .20 .23 .21 LESLIE LOUNSBURY (SEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCE AS ASSISTANT TO THE PRESENT COMMISSIONER) MM V IKItllllCI y surprise you . . .Do you know exactly how great a hitter Ted Willlams was? . . .Many fans are surprised to learn that he finished with a higher lifetime batting average than all these famous men. . . Trls Speaker, Babe Ruth, George Sisler, Lou Gehrig, Nap Lajoie, Eddie Collins, Paul Waner, StanMuslal, Joe DIMaggio, Jimmy Foxx and Honus Wagner to name Just a few. . . Ted's lifetime average was .344. --!- ^:Tr JJ REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR TUSCOLA COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER Get a better buy during "youngmobile savin* season" - M,^. lor drain commissioner Leslie Lounsbury, 5-1, of Cass City has filed for the office of Tuscola County Drain Commission and this week started his formal campaign with announcements in county papers. Lounsbury, who has been an employee of the Commission for seven years, needs little Introduction to area natives. He has been a resident of Cass City for 34 years. He is a 1929 graduate of Cass City High School and attended an agricultural short course at Michigan State in 1933. Lounsbury has been a trustee in Elmwood Township for 15 years. He and his wife, the former Lucille Thane, are members of the .Sunshine Methodist Church. Until about a year ago, Lounsbury operated a farm west of Cass City. He will be seeking the office held by Freeland Sugden who Is not running for re-election. The Lounsburys have five children. A son, Tom, Is at home. On duty with the Air Force Is a second son, Carl. Three daughters are married. Mrs. Jim Scharl lives in Clio, Mrs. Ronald Hlla is in Owosso and Mrs. Donald Smith is at Macklnac Island. Here's a real puzzler for you ... Suppose a batter In baseball hit a home run, but as he rounded first base he collapsed and fell unconscious between first AUG. 6 PRIMARY ELECTION PD. POL. ADV. AN ARTISTICALLY DECORATED CAKE from SOMMERS Your Choice 7, 8, or 9 men sizes Other sizes on Special Order A Reminder . . To Register now for the decorated Mother's Day Cake to be given F-R-E-E SATURDAY, MAY 11 * NO OBLIGATION * NOTHING TO BUY SOMMERS BAKERY '/ SECOND GENERATION OF QUALITY
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