JIDAY, JULY 26. 1930. THE OGDENSBURG REPUBLICAN-JOURNAL PAGF NINE By Reading These Ads You Learn How To Buy The Best Things At Lowest Prices 3Tt)e akepublitan-Jouraal Automotive Automobiles for Sale Merchandise Tf Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 AGENTS—Wonderful opportunity t o OSED OAR SPECIALS— make $10 a day -with our big new llne-of soaps. Highest quality. Beautiful packages. Large orders i n evChevrolet Coupe ery home. Steady repeat business.' Ersklne 4-door Sedan, 1928 model. Big profits. Particulars free. Albert Mills, 4664 Monmouth, Cincinnati, Two Ford Coupes, 1927 model Ohio. , -J. FRANKLIN SHARP BIG MONEY—Full or spare time. Sell Christmas Assortments a n d • Studebaker Dealer personal cards.. Experience unnecessary. Generous commissions. R e „ q u e s t samples. Artistic Card Co,, RECONDITIONED CARS— .» ^Elmlra, N. Y. Situations W a n t e d — F e m a l e 3(? Essex Coach, 1926' Model, $165.00. WORK—Part time work wanted by Oldsmoblle Coach, 1926-Model, 8395.00 young lady. Phone 173-J. Studebaker Coach, 1926 Model $325. Studebaker Sedan, 1927 Model $495. Situations Wanted—Male 5 ? POSITION—High School graduate Terms b u t no trade In f THE RIGHT PRICE ECCENTRIC HEIR TO MILLIONS BURIED QUIETLY SUNDAY, JUUY 27 (By Tfie Associated Press) ' " —t-, '" Programs In Eastern Standard Time. P.. M. unless otherwise Indicated. ' • 454.3—WEAF New York—660 (NBC Chain) S:0Q-Catliolic Hour-Also WBBI WJAR WTAG WCSHWRC WGt WWJ WIOD WSM WSAl' WFJC CKGW WGR WCAB K I W WRVA WHAS VVJAX WSB WFLA-WSDK WF1 WLIT ~ „ „ „m ^ „ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING People w h o read these ads each d a y Mrs. R. W. Swope 87, Dies 6:00—Mystery House-Also WEE1 WJAB WTAG WFI m WRC WGT WGR INFORMATION 6:30—SclLS-WBAF; Major l o w e s Family—Also WJAR WCAB WRC WGT WWJ WSAl WFJC WHAS WTAM WCSH WSM WIOD WSB W U A t C o u n t r y H o m e , Last All ads. are restricted to. their keep well posted o n current prices 7:S0-Choral Orch.-Also WJAR WTAG WCSH WRC WGY WGR WCAB propel; classification and to t h e regV?FJC WWJ WSAl WIOD WHAS WSB WTAM WPTF WRVA WLIT Year Inherited O v e r 5 0 8:00—"Our GovernmeSft-Also ular Republican-Journal style of WJAR WTAG WLIT WCSH WRC WGT and values. T h e y a r e seldom forced WCAE WHAS WSAl WFJC WSB WSM WTIC WJDX WWJ WIOD type. The publishers reserve t h e Million F r o m Sister right bo edit or reject classified a d 8:15—Half Hour Concert-rAIso WEB1 WRC WF1 WGX WGR WCAB WTAM vertising copy. to p a y anything m o r e t h a n t h e right TVWJ WSAl WSM WHAS WGN WSB _ _ Errors i n advertisements should be wants position, Write to Richard J. N E W YORK, ( A P ) . — Mrs. Re- 8:45-In Time of Roses-AlSO WEEI WGY. WGR WWJ WSAl WTAG WRC 9:15—Champions' Orctiestra—Also WTIC WTAG WFI WCSH WRC WGT Matthews. Morristown. N . Y. reported immediately. The RepubliARTHUR J. OtJIMETTE becca Wendel Swoipe, w h o s e brtcK price for whatever they need. Y o u WCAE WTAM WWJ WGU WJAR WEEI WGR _ . „„, can-Journal will n o t be responsible Business Opportunities 3 8 mansion surviving among b u s i n e s s Viking for more than one incorrect Inser- Oldsmoblle »:45-Setb Parktr^Also WCAE WHAS WFJC WJAX WWJ WFTF WGT GASOLINE SERVICE STATION-r-And buildings a t 39th street and Fifth WRC WEEI WIOD WSB WCSH WSM WTAM CKGW KYW tion. will find that Classified reading is a new house for sale or rent; good a v e n u e i s one o f t h e land marks of 10:15—Sam Herman, Xylophonlst—Also WRC WGT WWJ WSB CKGW business opportunity. 1100 xew N< Advertising ordered tor irregular Choir—WRC WFJC WWJ WSB WGT WTAM CKGW N e w York, died o n Sunday a t Quo- 10:30—Russian Cathedral York Ave. insertions takes t h e one time rate EXCEPTIONAL VALUES— 348.6—WABC New York—860 (CBS Chain) habit that p a y s ! gue, Long Island. No ad is taken for less than a basis 6:30—Globe Trotter—Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WCAIJ WMAL WHP WJAS Horses, Cattle, Other Stock 4 8 of. three lines. Count five average Buick Roadster Mrs. S w o p e wasi 87. H e r death WFBL WHEC WKBW WADC WHK WKRC WKBN WSPD WWNC words to the line. COLTS—For sale; one pair of bay Ford Roadster, Model A. w a s not announced for s h e a n d WDBJ WBRC WDOD WBT WPG „ „„.„ colts coming four; broken. Ernest Charged ads will b e received by Ford 1-2-ton and 1-ton Trucks, Mod her sister, Miss El!la Wendell, had 6:00-Columhia StringSymphony-Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WCAO WCAO Downing, <Houvelton village. e l T telephone, and If paid. at. tne Repubavoided public mention f o r m a n y WMAL WHP V J A S WFBL WHEC WKBN WSPD WWNC WDBJ lican-Journal office within ten days 61 Articles for Sale B. & S. MOTOR CO, y e a r s . Funeral s e r v i c e s w e r e held WDOD WBT , from the first day c' insertion, cash BARN—For sale. Must be torn down yesterday b e s i d e tble grave a t Trinrates will be allowed. 6:10—Round Towners—Also • WEAN WNAC WL.BZ WCAO WCAO -WMAL or moved away a t once. Good for PHONE 1168 212 GREENE ST. Special rates lor yearly advertising ity cemetery, o n upper A m s t e r d a m lumber and timber. Cheap for WHP WJAS WFBL WHEC WMAK WADC WKBN WSPD WWNC upon request. WDBJ WDOD W^T cash. Phone 531-J, avenue in New Work, where she 6:46—Dr. Klein—Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WPAM VVMALWHB WJAS Careful attention given t o moll was hurled. Auto Trucks for Sale 12 "WFBL WHEC WADC WKRC WKBN WWNC WDBJ WBRC. WDOD Rooms and Board Mrs. S w ° p e and Miss W e n d e l inWBT WPG C L / S S 1 F 1 E D ADVERTISING RATES USED TRUCKS—All sizes and makes. FENCES—Anchor Post Chain Link fences are sold and erected by 7:0O-Jesse erawford-Also WEAN WNAC WFAN WHP WJAS WJPBL WHEC Dodge coupe, Dodge sedan, StudeDaily rate per line for consecutive herited last y e a r t h e $50,000,000 t o 66 Wanted—To Buy Patrick Hackett Hdw. Co. Agents baker coupe. Stewart truck dealer, LISBON.—Jay Moore, w h o h a s WMAK WADC WKRC WKBN WSPD WWNC WDBJ WBRC WDOP Insertions: S100,000,000 e s t a t e of their sister, for St. Lawrence Comity. Plxone SMALL FLOOR CASE—1 1-2 or 2 ft. 717 Proctor Ave., Phone 269-"W. WBT / • • Charge Casii been confined to his home the past Georglana G. B . Wfendel, w h o died 522. by 3 or 4 ft. Cheap for cash. Mrs. 7:80—H. V. Kaltenborn—WEAN WNAC WCAO WMAL WJAS WLBW Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 One rime • 13 -Jg Ohas. K. Woods, DcKalb Jet., N. Y. few weeKs suffering: from in- in a sanitarium eairly in 1929. WFBL WMAK WADC WHK WSPD „ „ „ _ Three Times 10 -FLY-WHEEL °° Phone lfl-F-11. GEARS—Installed as GREETING CARDS—Birthday, conjuries' which he received in falling The fortune wias founded by valescent and everyday Greeting 7:45—Chick Sale—Also WNAC WCATJ WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS WLBW John Q. Wendel, grandfather of Six Times 07 -«° brought in. Ogdensburg Machine 68 Rooms without Board off the b a m while painting his roof, Cards. Fresh stock. Charles O. the w o m e n , w h o w a s a contemporWFBL WADC WHK WKRC WKBN WSPD WTAR WDBJ WBRC Minimum Charge - •*£ Co- Phone 233. FORD AVE., 611—For rent. Furnish- i s able t o b e out again. Scott, 331 Ford St. Phone 469. WDOD WBT ary of J o h n Jacob Astor i n t h e Minimum Cash '•• -3" TIMKEN ROLLER—New Departure ed rooms, heated, lights, hot water, 8 iOO—Theater of Air—Afto WEAN WNAC WCAU WCAO WMAL WJAS ball bearings for all popular cars. Carlton Mayne, o n e o f our B o y also garage. Phone 687-J. fur business and wlho used h i s prorhis oSice is open to receive adSAVOGRAN—Crack filler, Will n o t WLBW WFBL WMAK WDEL CFEB CKAC WADC WHK WKR<3 vertisements from 8:00 a. m. to 6 Ogdensburg Machine Co. Phone Scouts, is spending a week at Camp fits t o b u y real estate, I t w a s h i s shrink, repairs and replaces wood FRANKLIN S T . 208 — Furnished WSPD WWNC WSAZ,WTAR WDBJ WBRC WDODJVLAC „ „ . , . 233. p m. daily. All ads received up until surfaces. Send for sample and principle to invest his money in 9:00—Mayhew Lake'a Band—Also WEAN WNAC WCAU WCAO WMAL rooms for rent. Centrally located. Vigor. 11.00 a. m. will appear i n editions folder. Painters; Savogran removes Inquire above address. WHP WJAS WHEC" WKBW WADC WHK WKRC WKBN WSETi Mrs. Marion W i n s l o w o f Boston, real e s t a t e but nevier t o s e l l a parRepairing—Service Stations 16 ..the same day. ground-m dirt quick! Ask u sKNOX ST., 315—Furnished room for Mass., w h o h a s b e e n visiting h e r cel o n c e acquired, and t h i s princiWWNC WDBJ WBRC WDOD WLAC WBT „ „ „ about these products. Distributors, Phone Sour Classified Ad—to 859. AUTO REPAIRS—We live o n your rent. Inquire Mrs. Frank Stevens, troubles with your automobiles. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rob- ple w a s adhered t o b y h i s heirs. t:»0—Around the Samovar—Also WEAN WNAC WCAO WCAOV7MAL WHP The Green Mfg. Co., 115-U7 Lake phone 604-J. THe Ad Taker win gladly assist Bring them t o u s when i n need son, returned to h e r h o m e Friday. The brick mansion set among deSt. • WJAS WFBL WHEC WKBW WADC WHK WAIU WKBN WSPD you, 11 desired, so'jthat the copy for PLEASANT ROOM—For school teachof service. Seaman & Cole, 210 partment stores in New York's upMiss A d a Long v i s i t e d her sister, WWNC WTAR WDBJ WPG WBT rTmT • Greene St. Phone 1169. "In The er or student; excellent location, • your ad is prepared in such a manner UTILAC—The inexpensive, i,uick-dryMrs. Erwin Chilton, of Ogdensburg per thirties on Filfth avenue has 10:00—Observer—WABC only,; Back -Home Hour—Also WMAL WHP WFBL Alley." meals if desired. Write Box "F" «s to bring the greatest results _to ing enamel. Several pleasing colbeen for many y e a r s o n e o f t h e a f e w days l a s t w e e k . WHEC WKBW WKRC WKBN WTAR WDBJ WDOD WBT PLAT TIRE? When you need tires Journal office. vou. Ask your neighbor about It. Virginia and Aaron H i l l of Syra- unusual s i g h t s o f t h e city. B e s i d e 11:00—Choral Islanders': Ann- Leaf. Organist—WEAN WNAC WMAL W E P repaired have them, fixed a t 408 ors. John Barr Co., Inc. Phone 337-W. CLASSIFICATION INDEX WFBL WHEC WADC WKRC WKBN WSPD WMT WTAR WDBJ Ford St., by t h e expert tire man. cuse are spending t h e summer w i t h it i s a spacious yard, a s city y a r d s Real E»tate F o r R e n t The individual advertisements u n WBRC WDOD WBT Parking space i n t h e rear a t a Boats and Accessories 5 2 der the following classifications are their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, go, fenced off from Fifth avenue Apartments nad Flats 74 SlfSr-WJZ New York—760 (NBC Chain) small charge of 25c. King Shelarranged in ALPHABETICAL order by a hlgh.barbedVwlre-topped wall. MOTOR BOAT—One family motor Clark Speers. don. Fisk Tires. 6:00—Scores: El Ttng-c—Alio WJR WRVA WJAX WSM WFLA-W8U*rWBZ for quick reference. boat with four-cylinder Alto Quad FURNISHED FLATS—for rent. I n T h e yard w a s retained b y t h e Frank H o w i e h a s purchased t h e Announcements MR. CAR OWNERr—Have your electri6:30—Jo«ef Koesther Orchestra—Also WBZ WJRUTATIONS WGN WHAM WLW KDKA. motor, $300.00. Can be seen a t t h e quire W. O. Wilcox & Sons, Ford •T.-F" W e n d e l sisters, t h e story g o e s , i n EASTJtRN CLEAR CHANNEL Porter Gaddls farm. cal equipment checked by Official Street Garage. Hannan & Henry Motor Car Com7:00—Melodies by Misted Quartet—Also WBZ WHAM WJR WHAS WSM KDKA. Auto-Lite an. Am. Bosch Service M i s s J e a n P e m b e r t o n h a s r e -order that their piets m i g h t h a v e MORRIS ST.. 708—5-room apart6:S0—WABC (15m.); Lost Clue •< Monuments and Cemetery Lots 6 pany Garage. 272.6—WPQ Atlantt*. City—1'100 WJAX KTW WIOD WSB -WBAL 7:00—Pioneers; WPTF WRVA WFLA-WSUN WCKT Station. Ogdensburg Battery Co., Feature ment, furnished or unfurnished. turned from t h e Hepburn hospital, a place t o frolic. T h e h o u s e itself 5:00—Hymns: WABC M u w u M M ' l s — iieaastoneSi and MARINE ENGINES— Phone 726. 7:15—Spanish Metodiey—Also' WHAM KDKA WBZ WCKT 7:45—Same as WABC (2% hrs.) Inquire a t 715 Morris Street. 6:00—Oreh. (45m.); WABC (I5m.) . w h e r e s h e s*pent t w o w e e k s follow- i s said never t o h a v e contained a Markers. We do lettering on monu7:30—Goldman Band—Also WBZ KDKA10:00—Styles; WHAM WJRAtlantic WCKT City Parade _ a Niagara, 4-cyllnder. 8;15—Orchestra: Sextet ments already erected R. J. Bow77 ing an operation for appendicitis. telephone, a phonograph o r a radio. Houses for Rent Business Service Kernath, 4-cyllnder with starter. »;30-WABC (80m.): City Parade WHAM KDKA 8:45—Shakespearean Hours-Also CKGW WHAS WJDX •& 305.9—KDKA Pittsburah—980 ers, 800 State St. For appointments, Originally there w e r e s i x sisters H o m e r H a n n a of Minnesota a n d GREEN ST. 1101—Strictly modern 7Both thoroughly overhauled and 282,8—WBAL Baltimore—1060 phone 27-F-22. t:45—South Sea Islander*, Native String6:00—WJZ Music—Also KDKA WJR j (1WHAM hr.): Orchestra room house for rent. Inquire at 422 the Misses Bird*Ie and Stella Hanna and a brother. T w o s i s t e r s and t h e Business Services Offered 18 condition guaranteed. Priced right. 7:00—WJZ (ISm.V: Baltimoreans Initrumental Trio—Also WHAM J 10 Strayed, Lost, Found 6:30^Same as WJZ (3% lirs.} Ford St. s p e n t Sunday w i t h their brother brother, John G. Wendel, died 10:15—Nocturne 282.8—WTIC Hartford—1050 BOYS SHOES REPAIRED—Resoled s o m e y e a r s a g o . Miss Mary E l i z a 10:80—Reminiscences by Mala Quartet (30m.)—Also KDKA OGDENSBURG MACHINE CO. OJCPUBD—Black & White oxford lost 10:1B—SportsCKGW & WJZ Programs*&,'• 8:00—WEAF a s m . } ; Scores; Strings and h i s wife, Mr. a n d Mrs. W . J. to withstand t h e hardest wear Real Estate F o r R e n t between Dodd's Shoe shop and N . without sacrificing comfort. W. Astor W e n d e l died i n 192a and t h e 8:45—Organ (?0m.); WEAF (30m.) 260.7—WHAM Rochester—1150 Hanna. Phone 233 Y. C. depot. Phone 579-W. Reward. 9:45—Contralto; Merry Jttaacaps first public report of h e r passing 6:00—Sax- Smith Caroliers L. Bonner, 317 Ford St Shore, Mountain, Lake for Rent 79 Mrs. Stella Martin and daughter, 6:30—Same as WJZ (3% hrs.) BOYS' WRIST WATCH—Lost Thurs- LAUNDRY—New 422.3—WOR Newark—710 modern laundry Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers 56 COTTAGES—3 furnished cottages'at Mary, Edith R e y n o l d s a n d niece,, came w i t h t h e filing of h e r will a t day near Father Martins'. Reward 6:15—Maids; Orchestra: Choir 379.5—WGY Schenectady—790 equipment .All clothes dried out i n the Long Island coumty h o m e w h e r e Edgewater Park. Inquire W. C. Wll- Dorothy Reynolds, returned home if returned to 116 Ford St 7:00—String Quartet sunshine. Prompt service. The IT PAYS—to feed cows on pasture. 6:00—Sams as WEAF (5 hrs.) Monday, after spending several on Sunday Mrs. S w o p e died. Call 59. C-EM-DIE and Z1T fly cox & Sons, Ford Street Garage 8:00—Variety; Dance Sunshine Laundry, 823 Mechanic SPECTACLES—Lost; pair of gold T h e passing last, year of Geor302.8—WBZ Springfield—990 Spray. Maple City Milling Co. St. Phone 1025. 9:00—Life Stories; Flaynpuse rimmed spectacles. Finder return 81 days with Mr. and Mrs. John Wanted—To Rent giana W e n d e l and! n o w of Mrs. 10:30-r-The Moonbeams 5:00—Same as WJZ (3?i hrs.) to 726 Morris St. Reward. PAPERHANGING—Painting and decCheney of Oxford. 8:45—Melody Land: Sports Swope leaves Miss Ella W e n d e l 59 Household Goods 256,3—WCAU Philadelphia—1170 3ILVER FOXES—Two silver black orating by day or contract. Also Real Estate for Sale Little P a t s y Jackson of Brock- the only surviving m e m b e r of t h e 9:30—Ensemble Half Hour foxes. Pelts worthless now. Don't building and remodeling F. W CONGOLEUM RUGS—Gold Seal: 9x 6:30—WABC (4Em.>: Entertainers ville i s visiting h e r sister, Mrs. harm. Return or locate so that I Lagoe. 291-M 15 for S9.95; 9x12 for 58.95; 9x10-6 family. CENTRAL AND*SOUTHERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS Farms and Land for Sale 83 /'may get them i n good condition WELL DRILLING—See u s before for 87.95; 6x9 for $4.95. L. Katz, Pauline McCready. Mrs. Swope w a s said t o h a v e and same will be greatly appreciat825. Ford St. _ _ _ ^ FARM—155 acres, main state road, 7:30—-Violin (15m.): WABC (15m.) 4M.S—WLW Cincinnati—700 drilling. Hendrick & Moore, ConMiss Marguriete Brown left Sat- been t h e only onei o f t h e sisters S:on—First Baptist Church ed. Reward if foxes are unharmed. Gouverneur t o Antwerp, best of ELECTRICAL GOODS— We have in tractors, Canton, N. Y. 33-F-23. 6:00—Opera Story (30m.): WJZ urday for Ottawa, where she will 9:00—Same as WABC IZ hrs.) ever s e e n i n public. S h e visited, a t These foxes are properly marked soil, timber, medium size house, CI hr.): Variety WAVES—Tne new Ed- stock the latest In electrical a p large barns. With farm goes 25 spend s e v e r a l w e e i s with rela- long intervals, t h e opera or t h e 7:00—Orch. ' and can be identified by owner. S ' PERMAWANT 3E5.6—WHAS LpulsvilIe-7820 pliances. Our experienced men are 8:30—Soloists; Orch.; Concert . mond Permanent wave macnlne a t cows and some farming tools. PayM. Soutfiworth, Morristown, N. Y. the Blue Bird Beauty Shop Phone tives. at your service. Just phone 702-W. theater, but always unostentatious- 10:1$—Variety Programs (2% hrs.) 7:00—WJZ & WEAF (3% hrs.)" ment not heavy t o good practical 398.8—WJR DetroItrr-750 Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Baldwin ly and generally unrecognized. Bryant, the Electrician. 422 Ford 489 for appointment 10:15—Violins; Reporters farmer. Send for complete list of and Automotive St. family of B m s h t o n spent Sun7:15—Meditations (I5m.): WJZ 10:40—Hominc Program farms for sale. H. 0 , Rogers, GouvProfessional Services 2 8 OIL STOVES—New and used oil 8:4S—McConnell; Mummers day w i t h Mr. a n d Mrs. H o m e r erneur. N. Y. Railroad officials said that t h e 461.3—WSM Nashville—650 9:45—"WJZ <30m.>: Happy Pros. 11 C H I E O P B A C T O B — w r Haiey. PalAutomobiles for Sale stoves: used furniture. Jorm Livfamily. 7:00—WJZ (15m.); Concert train this morning waB forced by 11:00—Quartet; Dance (2 nrs.) 84 and ingston. 22 Lake St. Phone 378-J. Houses for Sale mer graduate, -office equipped with USKD CARS—inspect our line of 7:45—Concert (30mln.): WEAF Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wheeler freight trains to atop a t Juliette 405.2—WSB AtUnta—740 Neurocalometer 229 Ford street reconditioned used cars before 8:45—Church Services sale: 5-room house l o - w e r e called t o Saranac Lake t o and then t o stop again a t Sandy, 7:00—WJZ & WEAF Pros-ra.ms. Machinery and Tools 61 HOUSE—For Opp NaT Bank Phone 354 buving C. & V Oarage cated a t 824 Elizabeth St., all i m 9:45-Half Hour from .WEAF 8:45—Concert P r o m m provements, lot 50x150. A bargain attend the funeral of their cousin. 17 miles south of L o c u s t Grove a t CHIROPRACTOR—G. S. Cotton, 209 MAOHINERY-Contents of Dunn If 9:00—Journal Orchestra 270.1—WRVA Richmond—1110 a good ra.te o f s p e e d . — N e w York bought quickly; owner must sell. SEE OUR USED CARS FIRST—We 0:45—Same as WEAF 6:00—WJZ (30m.); Music Mr. and Mrs. "William Dandy State St. Hours 10-12 a m.. 2-5. Machine Shop and Foundry for have t h e best assortment of xised 11:15—BriKlit Spot; Orean See Henry O. Tyo, 200. Ford St. 7:00—WJZ (15m.); Music sale. Separately or collectively. Pric7-8 p. m Phone 816 and Mr. and Mrs. Sample o f Og- Times. cars ever offered. Both pleasure and 7:30—WEAF-(30m.;); Church Service 277.6—WBT Charlotte—10B0 ^ ed low for quick disposal. Inquire densburg called o n Mrs. Mary Repairing and Refinishing 29 commercial. Prices rlgnt, good 3:00—Radio Song and Story this writing. 423 King St. 6;00-Same as WABC U% Urs.) Dandy and daughter, Rachel, Wedterms. Will trade for other makes. VACUUM CLEANERS—If your cleanOtis Martin o f Spokane, WashMusical Merchandise THEATRICALS Headquarters for real bargains. 12 n e s d a y afternoon. er does not "pick up" as i t did the 8ATURDAY, JULY 28 ington, , arrived Thursday t o visit : Hannan & Henry Motor Car Co. Miss B e s s i e Thompson enter- h i s mother, Mrs. Sarah Martin, w h o day. you purchased i t . call Arm- PIANOS—Two small pianos, suitable (By The Auociated Press) strong Repair Service. Phone 1077-J. HIPPODROME S U N D A Y . tained h e r Sunday school class o f for cottage or home, $20 and $25. Programs In Eastern Standard time. P. M. unless otherwise Indicated. \ Is seriously ill a t t h e h o m e of h e r Will allow full amount, any time, USED CARS— T w o well-known s t a g e stars will boys a n d girls W e d n e s d a y after- daughter, Mrs. Charles B . W r i g h t toward another piano inside of Employment noon. «.4S_TT , . v 4 5 * ' 8 - w c A r * New York-860 (NBC Chain) two years. Valley's Music Store. 418 m a k e their s c r e e n debut -when Nasli Sedan, 7 passenger. Mrs. K a t e Craig, w h o h a s b e e n no,e A e Miss E v e l y n W i g g i n s of TJnadilla •:Jr""¥ 5 > David—Also WEEI WJAR WCSH WFI WRC WPATT w r t Lincoln Ave. Hudson Coach 32 Help W a n t e d — F e m a l e "Lord Byron of Broadway," Metro- is visiting h e r grandmother, Mrs. v i s i t i n g Mr. and Mrs. C. E . Forysc e ! Lincoln Sedan S «Ar§ ?J ,* P*«!C8 Orchestra-Also WRCI WJAR WTAG WCSH w w i t VICTOR—Talking machine. $250.00 the, h a s returned l!o_her h o m e i n Goldwyn-Mayer's all-talking comBell- Dawley. WOMAN—Wanted for pastry cooking Ea^cr. Coach 7 nS~li P U l n 2 " Mu«lC-Also WJAR WTAG WGT WTAM WWJ WRVA WRf value, -all electric, i n A - l condiat Hotel Seymour Mrs. Mary Thompson and daugh- Hammond. W H C W These cars are priced t o sell. tion. Will sell for $50. David P . e d y w i t h music, opens Sunday a t ™^&BS$¥JMWW3WKm " ^ ^ W T A G WGTJ W C S ^ ' w t l Myron T . Stockings a n d daughFEMALE HELP WANTED—We offer Easter, 820 Ford St. Phone 252-W. t h e Hiddodrome theatre. T h e stars ter, Mrs. Ida Palmer, of Flackyille, llve r ute A, W GEO M. MURRAY steady employment to experienced ter, Miss Emma, and Miss Mildred 2:2rt*! , S, r «o EEI WJAR WTAO WFI WRC WGT WTAM wwi 209 Isabella St Radio Equipment 62A are Charles Kaley, Broadway ju- visited their n i e c e a n d nephew, Maybe motored t o Fort Covington glove operators, also experienced 8;30-Band, Floyd Glbbons-Also WEEI WJAR WTAG M m WRI Mr. a n d Mrs. Morris Moore, Wedpower sewing machine operators. venile, recently of "Earl Carroll's U aisD "CSRS^ Thursday, w h e r e they s p e n t t h e KENT RADIO—Wondernesday. Apply at once. Dinberg Glove Co., ATWATER ful Screen* Grid Sets o n conven- Vanities," and Ethelind Terry, for Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s R o b s o n h a v e day w i t h K e n n e t h Heptonstall. Chrysler 60 Sedan, 1926 Model. 209 Catherine street. ient terms. Ogdensburg Machine Children's d a y wllll be observed Chrysler 70 Sedan, 1926 Model. three years, s t a r o f Zlegfeld's, returned t o their h o m e i n MichPRACTICAL NURSE—Under 30 wantCo. Phone 233. Pontiac Sedan, 1929 Model. ed for night duty for female. Light igan, after spending a couple o f n e x t Sunday morning a t t h e TJ. p . "Rio Rita." WHAS • * D * V W < R « e a t > - 0 ^ r W W J C W S C A Y V T A M WFJC WSH mental case. Steady work. Salary EDISON RADIO—The set t h e world All in A-l shape. Prices right. F o l l o w i n g t h e popular trend o f w e e k s a t t h e h o m e o f Albert Rob- church a t t h e usuali time. Rev. Mcawaited. Two large "Vlctrolas a s about $15 per week. Reply by mail 11:00_Dance Orch.-Also WRC WTAM WJAX WFJC WWJ WFiA-WSUW Farland of Syracuse, w h o i s FRED W, GILROY good as new a t a very low price. such pictures as "The Hollywood son. to Box 244, Clayton, N. Y., giving Ralph E. Kelly, 807 Montgomery Revue," "Devil M a y Care" a n d Relatives h a v e received word o f preaching e c h Sunday a t t h e Cen"The Chrysler Dealer" telephone number if any. iwv-ro... , „ , S48.6—WABC New York—860 (CBS Chain) street. Phone 725-R. "It's a Great Life," t h e production t h e serious illness of R e v . Ruther t e r church througlii t h e month of DEPENDABLE USED CARS— Help Wanted—Male 3 3 RADIO—For sale. 6-tube Mohawk ra- contains a variety o f catchy tunes Hargrave o f Huntsville, Ohio. Mr. July, will occupy t h e pulpit i n t h e PONTIAC COUPE; ' 1927 model, i n MAN—Wanted to work o n farm by Z dio complete, with B eliminator written b y N a c i o Herb Brown Hargrave h a s always m a d e a visit TJ. P . church Sunday evening. excellent condition, new tires, and the month. Edward Gokey, Heuveland* A battery. $10. Phone 531-J. and Arthur Freed, composers of to this place every year. H e h a s a M i s s Donna Murlton of Ogdensright every, way. Look this one ton. a 65 "Singhr* i n t h e Rain," "Wedding great m a n y friends w h o will b e burg visited h e r cousin, Miss Mary over. Wearing Apparel MEN—Wanted; Hawaii, Panama, West of t h e Painted Doll" and other hits. sorry t o k n o w o f h i s serious con- Lawrence, a d a y tlhis week." Coast. Apply Post Office, OgdensCHEVROLET LANDAU SEDAN. Pric• Mr. a n d Mrs. H o w a r d K e l s e y of burg, N. Y„ July 28. 1930. CLOTHING—Three sensible reasons T h e n e w numbers include "Should dition. '•oo—Dr. Torrance: Industrial America-WEAN WLBZ WFAN WHP WJAS ed right and runs fine. why men should wear Nash made I?" "A Bundle o f Old Love LetMAN—To oversee county sales. Only Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s W . Backus Syracuse a n d Mr. land Mrs, John ' ^ l ^ V ^ - ^ ^ C ^ ^ Nt i o n T B^ W DCB AJ DWDOD WPG^WB^8 W C A to order clothes—economy, com- ters," "The W o m a n i n t h e Shoe" and son, Kenneth, and George Gor- D a v i s of Detroit, Michigan, visited House giving free Landscape WWB W L WB w t ^ w m W » ^ L l ° WMAL WHP EIGHT" other good used cars from fort, appearance. Call 776-W. m i l t> ron£ J k S S V~ WADC WHK WKRC WKBN WSPD WWNO Course. Unusual opening. Federal $50 up worthy of your conslderadon motored t o Syracuse W e d n e s - Mrs. R o s e Moore recently. Frank Richardson. 726 Montgom- and "Only L o v e I s Real." a-nn-J!T?-R WDBJ WBRC WDOD WLAC WREC WBT WPG ar" w w"^ Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. day, w h e r e t h e y consulted a surery street. Clark T h o m a s anfi Mr. Mason of I n addition t h e r e will b e a talk».00-Movies-Also WEAN WNAC WLBZ WCAU WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS MAN WANTED-^-For Watkins route In WGHI? WI?RN? $££& ^WHEO WKBW CFRB WADC W H K ' S PHONE 578 FOR DEMONSTRATION i n g n e w s r e e l a n d talking vita- g e o n a t t h e Good Shepherd hos- T h e r e s a called o n Mr. a n d Mrs. Ogdensburg, Potsdam and Massena. TOog pital, w h o r e c e n t l y performed a n F r e d D . L o n g l a s t Friday evening, Average earnings $35.00 weekly. LADIES CLOTHING—-Ladles 83.50 p h o n e a c t s . l O ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ W ^ I ^ W ^ C ^ W Q A M ^ W P ^ ^ WGST WPRC Khaki Knickers t o close o u t only CRESCENT GARAGE operation on Kenneth's limbs. They Myron H . Bibboms of Canton Chance for reliable hustler t o 81.98. Welner'a. "Open Evenings." ^ ^ m ^ ^ , ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ WLBZ WCAU WMAL make big paying connection. Write 501 State St. returned t h e s a m e d a y with t h e s p e n t a couple o f flays l a s t w e e k Walnut Furniture at once, E. A. Ruhnke, 231 John,n ^ W D S D ^ W R E C WLA§ W B T N W S P ° W W N ° W T A R W D B 3 ^ ^ CAR BARGAINS— Wanted—To Buy 68 Through P e n n s y l v a n i a and t h e good n e w s that K e n n e t h would be with-Mr. and Mrs. David Moore, son Ave., Newark. N. J. A WHP WBA Whippet Coupe, 1929 Model. BICYCLE—A girl's second hand b i - colonies o f t h e South walnut w a s able t o walk w i t h t h e a i d o f Mr. W e r n e r of Harrisville w a s Help—Male and Female 34 c y c l e wanted. Write Box 58 a t this v e r y popular for furniture making crutches this w e e k . Nash Coupe, 1929 Model. a caller In t o w n l a s t w e e k . office. Chevrolet truck platform and stake HELP FURNISHED—also positions Miss V e l m a Gray i s visiting Mr. S o m e of t h e f i n e s t pieces o f ColoGeorge Hobbs of Ogdensburg ^ U ^ J & T % T ^ ^ ^ D ^ A ^ ^ WMAL WHP WSPD furnished a t t h e employment of- TABLE—Old walnut dining table nial furniture i n t h e s e sections and Mrs. E l m e r Craig and family. v i s i t e d h i s nephew, C. R . Thomp rack. •wanted t o buy. Write Box 25, care fice, 217 Ford St., Mrs. Sarah SatS9 All like new. For sale or exchange. w e r e m a d e o f w a l n u t son, last week. Mrs. Mary Speers i s very low a t g-on—o « . *-5—WJ2 New York—760 (NBC Chain) Journal Office, terley. MELVIN CREIGHTON W B Z ! 8: ^^S^^^SSE^BSS^ «~ScoreS_WJ2 Rensselaer Falls, N. Y. CKBW WRVA WPTF BvEDWlNA "CAP* STUBBS !:^W?OD VtcVc'KT* W ^ W S - o V ^ WJAX 2 2 £ r 3 £ ° Jesters-Also WHAM WCKT T T , Br 1 Man_ 6 1355 AN* wvw rao-es VOUK ov\, UTTUC fcov— y -DON^T 7-OcZri ro, . r, ? W E "WHAM KDKA WLW CKGW LWE JXMH TrW-rVWhY. T & U . HBFt. We' WMt» / s»r\*e. £*&*,, hw POP 3 ^ ^ S ? wlM1SWSraR W F L A - w l ^ W B A T W * S U S V / E t KrJOVO VOU!', F W E K £>0 PET*. K WHfST '£' V O O B . K K H E . / AH* W H E R E sx> yot> O G-^W.'C KM' — j wrmms YfV - S \ T T t M * KOOI-A | F 1 Sot:M^ a i , . Way "Sht=-Also KDKA WCKT WVTH VMS F E c T Uf»OW N 6 0 0 0 T H I N * -SHIS « i o t B J S0?U 5r * P i i P ? l " , S ' A I | W WBAL WJR KDKA CKGW WHAM ( utVE">>-> V in:»!tJr V Slumber Music—Also WBAL CKGW w m "* i J l J " ^NORNtN' V.-~ _ T T . J">OeA. e r \ W E ' D JM* K J5E6K, WHILE MOM, Lisbon •HvS & » a^Ktr?i£lf S g M ^B^r^^^^^^ii W^NC«J.W^ ^t A^ l;^P\^^^Jif ^^^^%i^^ "*«• 1 vn\A£- hH* noes > W R WT G-rVvNmpv -Susvr' TO W<E.Sl» A ' »SN* -«v~ **. HORE. •?TTV\V/SG-*MT*r« WE AWE.- 8ASTERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS 272.6—WPQ Atlantlb Clty>—110o J2S6.3—WCAU Philadelphia—1170 ?:9?-WABC (15m.); Concert 5:00—Adventures; News; WABC ,l:IS~Songs (16m.)-, WABC (2 hrs.) «:30—Feat.: Orch.; Talk: Tenor 10P00—Orchestra.{J^ hrs.):- WABC 8:00—Samn as WABC (4 hrs.) a2.8~.WBAL Baljt|m,ore-1060 305.9— KDKA Pittsburgh—980 ™>°,-WJZ (S0m.>: .Concert, 5:00—Band (45m.)i WJZ (30m.) 8j00-»-Sffme as WJZ (]> hr.) ' ' 6:15—Bits (15m.); WJZ (3% hrs.) gt'SJ—Around the Melodeon 10:00—Sports & Messages 9:30—Samt a s W J ^ t t f c 1irs.). 260.7—WHAM Rochester—1150 W2.8-WTIC Hartford—1060 6:00—Three Hours from WJZ 5:00—Mother Goose: News 9:00—Music Recital (30m.): Music 379.6— WGY Schenectady—790 «i?2~Symphonetto; Musicale 5:45—WEAF (15m.): Pianist 6.30—Broadway Favorite* (30m.).' 6:15—Same as WEAF (3% hrs.) 422.8—WOR* New«rk-«710 l8 U o n : 10:00—Dreams (15m.): WEAF f : 22"*H?° Sports; Feature 302.8—WB2 Springfield—990 H 2 ~ D i n n e r Music; EnsemWe i-JO-Amerlcan Legion; Banjo 5:45-WJZ (i% hrs.); Feature 7:30—Just for Fun* 7:4o—Baritone; Variety Proe. ' f : 22""2r E ^ n L s ^dlo: Orchestra . S.-30—WJZ (30m.): Orchestra . ? : 1 § ~ G l o b o Trotter; Orchestra tueBU .0:15—Broadway; Orchestra 10:30-The Moonbeams * 10:00—Sports; Midnight Melodies
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