D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV September 2013 Contents 1 Service Overview 1 2 Detailed Service Description 2 3 Commercials 4 4 Our G-Cloud Services 5 5 About Deloitte 6 1 Service Overview 1.1 Service Summary In a nutshell, what is it that Deloitte will do for you? This service delivers a proven workshop led by experts from Deloitte's commercial and procurement team about buying services from G-Cloud, and a tailored follow-up meeting with a senior professional from Deloitte to discuss the pros and cons of using G-Cloud services for the customer's needs. Deloitte will provide guidance and advice that has been prepared by our experienced commercial team specifically to help customers navigate the G-Cloud catalogue and understand the rules, limitations and opportunities of using G-Cloud to fulfil business requirements from the market. 1.2 Business Context What situations is this service designed to be used in? The G-Cloud catalogue can be daunting for business customers as well as procurement / buying teams because it represents a very different way of procuring services from suppliers. This service is designed for public bodies that see G-Cloud as a potential vehicle for buying commoditised services in a new and flexible way, but want access to specialists who can give guidance about how to use it. D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV 1 2 Detailed Service Description 2.1 Our Approach At a mutually convenient time and date, Deloitte will deliver our proven two hour workshop entitled "How to Buy from G-Cloud with Confidence and Success". This workshop is aimed at business customers and procurement / buying professionals. It is often best delivered to a mixed team from the customer, acting as a catalyst to gain common understanding and awareness of the options available. The topics covered include: Finding the right service and the right supplier, at the right price Demonstrating that the selected service is the most economically advantageous option available Identifying when G-Cloud is and is not an appropriate framework to purchase from This workshop covers the full breadth of the G-Cloud catalogue, including all four Lots, and is not restricted to Deloitte's services on G-Cloud. Following the workshop, Deloitte will provide a meeting of an hour or more with one or more of our senior client service professionals (often and Director / Partner level) to discuss the customer's specific situation and provide tailored advice about the options for procuring the services that the customer may require. 2.2 Inputs We have assumed that you will be in a position to provide certain inputs to the service, which we have listed here. If you are not in a position to provide all of these inputs then please get in touch to discuss options, as it is likely we can reach agreement to alter our approach to accommodate your situation. Information about your business need and context, such that the discussions can be tailored to the use of G-Cloud to procure services that meet your requirement Information about any specific rules, expectations or constraints to the way supplier services are procured in your organisation 2.3 Your Contribution Our services are designed to be delivered with you rather than to you. We have assumed that you will be able to make the following contribution to the work. If you are not in a position to take on these responsibilities then please get in touch to discuss options, as it is likely we can reach agreement to alter our approach to accommodate your situation. Making available the time of the relevant stakeholders to attend the workshop and follow-up meeting D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV 2 2.4 Outputs What will you get in terms of deliverables, outputs and outcomes from this service? Deloitte will deliver the workshop and follow-up meeting, and will provide advice and recommendations. There will be no written report or output from this service. 2.5 Scale and Complexity The effort involved in delivering our service is driven partly by what we will do (which we have described in section 2.1 above) and what you will do before we arrive and alongside us whilst we work (which we have described in sections 2.2 and 2.3 above respectively). It is also driven by the scale and complexity of your business situation. This section describes the scale and complexity that we have designed this service to address. If your business situation is bigger or smaller than this then please get in touch to discuss options, as it is likely we can reach agreement to alter our approach to accommodate your situation. This service is available to any public body that needs it. D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV 3 3 Commercials 3.1 Cost This service is offered on a fixed price basis as described. The price is published in a separate pricing document available to download separately. 3.2 Location We would normally deliver this service in our office in Central London, where we have appropriate facilities and meeting space. We are happy to consider delivering this service in the customer's premises or in one of our offices outside London (see http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_GB/uk/contactus/uk-offices/index.htm for a list of these), noting that this may incur additional travel expenses for us that would be agreed with the client in the Service Order. 3.3 Ordering and Invoicing Process There are two ordering routes available: 1. Visit our G-Cloud service homepage at www.deloitte.co.uk/g-cloud, which contains information about the service and also has an online form for ordering. 2. Send an email to g-cloud@deloitte.co.uk with the following information: a. Your organisation’s name b. The name of this service, which is D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud c. Your name and contact details d. A brief description of your business situation e. Your preferred timescales for starting the work We will invoice you upon completion of the service. Our invoices will be payable within 30 days. 3.4 Exclusions Our service description in section 2 above defines the scope of what we will deliver. For the avoidance of doubt, we have listed below any activities that (in our experience) are sometimes expected to be in our scope but which are not included within this service. Provision of any kind of legal advice Provision of an opinion about the relative merits of any specific G-Cloud services (we will advise about strategy, but cannot advise about whether one or other service meets the customer’s needs) D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV 4 4 Our G-Cloud Services 4.1 Our G-Cloud Strategy Deloitte offers a range of services on the G-Cloud Store. Our strategy is to provide commoditised services for the public sector, which are suitable for public bodies addressing the changes required of them in a digital world. Our services cover the breadth of Specialist Cloud Services from business analysis to design and development; transition management to project specification and selection. We also offer some software-as-a-service options on the store, and intend to expand our service provision in response to customer demand in the future. 4.2 Further Information For more information about our G-Cloud strategy and services, please visit www.deloitte.co.uk/g-cloud. D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV 5 5 About Deloitte 5.1 Our Business Deloitte LLP (‘Deloitte’) is a leading professional services firm, employing over 13,000 staff across 20 locations in the UK. Our Public Sector practice includes over 1,000 experienced specialists in central civil government, health, transport, defence and local and regional government, some of whom have previously worked at senior level. In addition, we have over 1,000 staff who can work in both the public and private sectors, enabling transfer of experience and methods. As a Big Four professional services firm, we are well positioned to draw upon skills across a wide range of service offerings to deliver Cloud-based services. We work across the public sector as a trusted advisor and as a supplier of leading edge technology services. This includes an extensive portfolio of Specialist Cloud Services available as commoditised services in the G-Cloud catalogue. Our public sector team plays an active role in the development of methodologies, value propositions and points of view to assist our public sector clients. We conduct research in areas that are of current and emerging interest to our clients, identifying best practice and new developments in the UK and internationally. In this section we outline some of the elements which differentiate us in the marketplace. 5.2 Professional Standards As a leading supplier, Deloitte operates to high standards of professionalism: We recruit highly capable staff and maintain effectiveness through training, performance management and continuous professional development Quality on every engagement is managed through a Quality Management Plan and partner sign off of deliverables on all engagements. Technology Consulting services are accredited to ISO9001, the international quality standard, which includes acting on customer feedback and continuous improvement plans As members of the Chartered Institute for IT (BCS), our Technology practice and individual members are bound to its Code of Practice and Code of Conduct which defines good practice for ICT and technology consultancy. We are also registered with the TickIT scheme We are a Green classified CESG approved company and have a number of CHECK Team Leaders Our project management methodology, which is aligned with PRINCE 2, provides mechanisms for managing all aspects of engagements, including project risks and issues. We have over 300 staff with PRINCE2 or similar PIM qualifications Our Focus on delivery includes regular contact with client management and frequent progress updates when issues can be identified at an early stage to enable easier risk mitigation and help avoid escalation Deloitte is reliable to work with and sets out to deliver the services needed. Our high reputation in the market is based on our commitment to deliver even in difficult circumstances, while building trusted relationships with our clients D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV 6 We actively promote sustainability within our supply chain and have a strong commitment to equality, diversity and corporate responsibility. Our firm is accredited to ISO14001, the international environmental management standard, and CAESAR (Corporate Assessment of Environmental, Social and Economic Responsibility). Deloitte is accredited to ISO27001, the international security management standard. We operate robust processes for safeguarding customer data and for confidentiality of information. We are registered under the Data Protection Act and have safeguards in place to protect the data of our own personnel or any personal data with which we are entrusted by clients We have processes in place to preserve the integrity and independence of the services we provide. For example, bids are subject to conflict checks to avoid conflicts of interest, all Deloitte staff are required to complete Anti-Bribery and Anti-Money Laundering training, partners and staff are subject to independence checks and there are frequent internal audits and compliance checks 5.3 Security The majority of our public sector team are vetted to Baseline Personnel Security Standard or cleared to National Security Vetting SC level. In total, this is over 1,000 people with some form of security vetting. Deloitte is a List X company. We employ a full time Security Controller and Security Team to manage security clearances, advise on development of Security Management Plans and manage compliance with security processes. We have comprehensive Business Continuity Plans in place in all locations. Staff are equipped to work remotely if client sites or Deloitte sites are inaccessible. 5.4 Responsible Business At Deloitte Responsible Business is not just a strap line. We appreciate that our everyday business activities affect wider society through our actions and through the actions of those with whom we do business. Our approach to Corporate Responsibility is fully integrated with our business strategy; as such we are fully committed to addressing requirements from the Social Value Act. In the last year we launched our inaugural Impact Report (http://www.deloitte.co.uk/impact/), replacing our traditional annual report and providing the platform through which we will measure our impact and contribution to society into the longer term. 5.5 Geographical Coverage Deloitte has 20 office locations throughout the UK, plus offices in Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. We also have a National Solutions Centre which is based in Belfast and provides software engineering capabilities for our clients. 5.6 Innovation and Continuous Improvement Deloitte understands the importance of innovation to public sector clients in their endeavours to reduce costs and ensure better outcomes. Deloitte approaches public sector engagements from the standpoint of delivering tangible or measureable outcomes and effective use of resources. Cloud provides a major opportunity to challenge existing provision of IT in the organisation, and improve working practices, service levels and reduce operating costs. We are willing to challenge current ways of working in the public sector and to harness technology and lean thinking to produce satisfactory outcomes that deliver the client’s objectives at lower cost. D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV 7 We seek to ensure that our people, methods, infrastructure and working practices deliver high quality services to our clients and an environment where our staff can work effectively. We recognise that this is only possible if our working procedures, methods and tools, staff skills and training continue to improve. We undertake a number of activities to set objectives for key processes, measure performance against these objectives and assess and adjust our operational and engagement procedures to sustain improvement. 5.7 Capability Transfer Deloitte prefers to provide capability, knowledge or skills transfer on most projects. We can also work in such a way that capability transfer is at the heart of the engagement. Examples include: Training client staff for team roles at the outset of an engagement to reduce costs and provide for continuity of skills after we exit from the client Providing only those services which a client cannot provide for themselves and avoid practices such as staff substitution as much as possible Delivering comprehensive capability transfer so that client staff are able to take over fully the operation or extension of a service or continue to manage a change programme from their own resources. We also have a programme of secondments both to and from the public sector, which enhances our industry insight while strengthening our relationship with public sector. 5.8 Our Business Structure Deloitte LLP comprises a number of business units. Our G-Cloud services are provided from across our business, bringing in the skills and experience we need. Because our business structure is set up as a group, some of our business units are constituted as wholly owned subsidiaries of Deloitte LLP. For the purposes of our G-Cloud services, the Deloitte MCS Limited (company registration number 03311052) is a sub-contractor that we may rely upon to deliver service. D-G4-L4-036 How to Buy from G-Cloud Deloitte LLP Service for G-Cloud IV 8 Important notice This document is not an offer and cannot be accepted. Should you wish to obtain our services, please contact us using the Ordering Process described in section 3.3 above to discuss your requirements and how we may meet them. Following these discussions and our internal acceptance procedures, we would then enter into a direct order with you in accordance with these Framework terms to confirm our appointment. The information contained in this document has been compiled by Deloitte LLP and includes material which may have been obtained from information provided by various sources and discussions with management but has not been verified or audited. This document also contains confidential material proprietary to Deloitte LLP. Except in the general context of evaluating our capabilities, no reliance may be placed for any purposes whatsoever on the contents of this document or on its completeness. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by or on behalf of Deloitte LLP or by any of its partners, members, employees, agents or any other person as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained in this document or any other oral information made available and any such liability is expressly disclaimed. In this document references to Deloitte are references to Deloitte LLP. Deloitte LLP is the United Kingdom member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), a UK private company limited by guarantee, whose member firms are legally separate and independent entities. Please see www.deloitte.co.uk/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of DTTL and its member firms. © 2013 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. Deloitte LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC303675 and its registered office at 2 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BZ, United Kingdom
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