Northern Ireland delegates told how to LOVE YOUR PEOPLE Some 40 delegates at the Northern Ireland St Valentine’s CIPD event LOVE YOUR PEOPLE heard how three of the province’s best organisations improve performance by leading managing and developing their people effectively. Joy Chambers from IiP Champions outlined the organisation’s strategies for talent management and left delegates envious of the exceptional Work life balance practices instigated in NTNI. John Mulholland local Branch Chair was delighted by the turn –out and the feedback from delegates: soundbytes The Newsletter of the Northern Ireland Branch - Volume 3, Issue 4, Spring 2007 Northern Ireland is about to introduce a smoking ban, how will organisations manage the change? If you are not yet ready these are the steps you should follow: 1. Develop a policy. Establish a group to provide assurance that the law will be complied with in your organisation.The group needs to be representative including management and employees but especially smokers and non-smokers. Ask the trades-union representatives to help. Identify those responsible for implementing the policy. Fortified by chocolate fondue and Indian head massages Marie Lindsay Principal of St Mary’s College gave a comprehensive overview of practices, which have led the school to achieving the European Quality Award (twice). Having achieved Specialist School for Science status St. Mary’s will continue to invest in all its people pupils staff and parents to create a challenging environment to raise the quality of teaching and learning for pupils and ultimately standards of achievement. PRINTING & PUBLISHING MPACT Home Office statistics indicate that smoking materials were a factor in a substantial proportion of accidental fires in recent years. If number of fires attributed to accidental causes fall, then employers who demonstrate compliance with the new rules may be able to negotiate more favourable insurance deals for their businesses. Offences and penalties will include: • Failure to display minimum statutory no-smoking signs Fine: up to £1,000 or fixed penalty notice of £200 • Smoking in a smoke-free place Fine: up to £200 or penalty notice of £50 (discounted to £30 for early payment) • Failure to prevent smoking in a smoke-free place Fine: up to £2,500 For more information see consult the Health Promotion Agency site 2. Communicate and consult. Communicate the policy to employees, consult on the options and gather the views of staff. Ensure that employees are aware of the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke. Offer health information and help to those wishing to quit.The policy should state that it complies with the law and applies to all staff without exception as well as visitors, customers, subcontractors, and so on. It should include the names of those responsible for implementing the policy, arrangements for smokers and information about disciplinary action for non compliance. "I am delighted that we were able to showcase the people management practices of local organisations which have received national and international acclaim. Hopefully delegates will be able to replicate their success." Joanne Morrow felt that there was: "a good mix of talks and creative/innovative sessions." Based in Belfast, Heat Ltd is the largest Heating Installation & Servicing company in Ireland and one of the top ten in the UK. Last year Heat came 31st in the Sunday Times BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR.The organisation commits heavily in terms of corporate social responsibility and last year spent £60,000 on social events for its staff, as well as a further £60,000 on charitable donations as requested by staff. The longer term positive effects extend to improved health of the work force which is the whole point of the legislation. Employers can look forward to reductions in sickness absence as a result of a decline in smoking related chronic illness. Paula Vernon summed up the thoughts of many delegates when she enthused: "This has been one of the most informative and interesting conferences I have had the pleasure to attend. The speakers were excellent, the day was fun and relaxed and the chocolate and head massage…WOW!!!" CIPD NI Belfast Business Centre, Cathedral House, 23-31 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2DX Tel: 028 90436631 Registered Charity No: 1038333 3. Implementing and monitoring. Allow as long as possible for implementation but it much be enforced by Monday 30th April 2007. Display copies of the policy in-house, give it to all staff and publish it in employee handbooks, on intranets, etc.After the ban comes into force, display statutory no-smoking signs in accordance with the law. Make provision for the disposal of cigarette ends and provide for on-going monitoring of the ban. From the experience in the Republic of Ireland and later Scotland, most people have responded very positively to a cleaner working environment. The ban will normally be taken to include smoking in company vehicles which does present a difficulty for enforcement. Exemptions will include hotel bedrooms, nursing homes and prisons. Courtesy of Health Promotion Agency Page 2 "Grab life by the throat" Gerry Faloona, guest speaker and former student at Belfast Institute of further and higher education, (BIFHE), told his audience "It’s not how high you reach in life that matters, its how quickly you get up again after you get knocked down". He mentioned during his talk that he had spent several years building up a business in Belfast, only to lose everything in the final dying throws of civil unrest.An early morning telephone call confirmed his company vehicles and equipment were part of a burning barricade at the centre of a street riot; his entire business had literally gone up in smoke. Gerry told us that he felt lost and numb for a few days but then decided he had to "grab life by the throat" He went on to explain how his positive never say die attitude got him back on top. He shared with us his philosophy that when successful people decide they are going to be successful, they are, and stressed his belief that one of the most important things in being successful was the continuous quest for knowledge. Gerry has no formal academic training but took a management course at BIFHE in his late 30’s some twelve years ago. Gerry is currently the senior partner in a successful training company and a recognised professional speaker in great demand. During his talk he made references to two personality types; vacuums and radiators. A vacuum (he suggests) is a person with a negative outlook on everything; one who can suck away all of your confidence and enthusiasm, a radiator is one with a positive view of life; one that exudes the encouraging and enthusiastic, traits needed to help people to excel. We were warned to avoid the vacuums and embrace the radiators; not bad advice. Nominations open for CIPD Student Awards Letters have just gone out to CIPD course providers to announce the High Achievers Awards 2007. In Northern Ireland at any one time during the academic year, well over 200 students are participating in programmes at certificate level (Personnel Practice and Training Practice) and at masters level (Professional Development Scheme) provided by Further and Higher Educational Institutes and Universities. Some senior practitioners also achieve these professional standards through an ‘Assessment of Professional Competence Route’. These students are mainly in full time employment, studying on a parttime basis devote many hours in their own time to attain their goals. The Awards Ceremony will be incorporated into the HR Challenges 2007 event to be held in Belfast during October. The conference is aimed at the all of the local membership but including those students enrolled in CIPD courses. The organisers estimate that delegate numbers will be a substantial up on last year’s event which attracted about 130 people. This is a premier event provided by the CIPD local branch, a unique experience, adding value and vital continuing professional development to HR professionals.The conference is also directed at tutors providing An objective of the Northern Ireland CIPD branch is to engage with other organisations and this was one of the reasons that the committee agreed to support BIFHE student event for their school of business. The well supported event was also supported by the IAM (Institute of Management) and CMI (Chartered Management Institute). Guest Speaker Gerry Faloona has been named by CMI as chartered manager of the year N. Ireland 2007 and is one of the final dozen nominees for the UK manager of the year 2007. Gerry’s Faloona's company ETE is an organisation specialising in providing training and qualifications for both staff and management mainly but not exclusively in Retail, Wholesale and Food service companies. Gerry Faloona 2nd from right them with a chance to meet nationally respected authorities in different subject areas of HR. On this occasion the event and the High Achievers’ Awards also to be sponsored by Penna. Nominations will be accepted for Students who commenced their study on or after 1st April 2006 and finishing at the end of the normal academic year, 30th June 2007, so the closing date for receipt of documents to the Judging Panel will be Monday 20th August 2007, without exception. The small independent Judging Panel will be chaired by Adela Ginn, Chartered FCIPD, past Chair of the N.I. Branch and of course their decisions will be final. The minimum qualifying criterion is that the nominated student has received an overall distinction in their study.The Judging Panel will use further agreed short-listing criteria as appropriate to the selection process. There will be no personal interview within the judging process. Contact for Advertising If you are interested in placing an advert reaching 2,600 HR/Personnel and Training professionals then contact: Tel: 028 9043 6631 e-mail: 1/2page @ £800 or 1/4page @ £500 plus VAT CIPD Northern Ireland publishes advertisements in its newsletter as part of the overall service to members. This does not represent an endorsement by the Branch of any of the Companies or Organisations who advertise with us. ‘If HR managers don’t defend the training budget when the going gets tough, then who else will?’ By Gabriel Finnegan Some employers feel aggrieved at the idea that they need to spend money training employees to address skills gaps – "why does the education system not prepare people adequately for the workplace?" Accountants class training as an expense ‘not central to operational activity’. The opposing argument is that the world of work is now changing at a faster rate than it has done at any time in the past. Businesses that hope to remain competitive must equip their staff with the latest skills to win new and retain existing customers. Quality of product and service is seen, as the aspect that separates successful businesses from failing ones, so to what extent is there a link between the commitment of an organisation to learning and development and the quality levels realised? Quality standards generally focus on managing and involving people and present a chance for the HR manager to exhibit an understanding of the strategic impact of quality improvement on business performance. Business success is the achievement of a better return on investment for shareholders than might be achieved were the resources simply deposited in an investment account at the bank. Key to the confidence that shareholders require is the understanding that the business has a high level of confidence that the organisation can meet customer requirements consistently. Having an external auditor come in and regularly assess against set criteria provides an additional check that the business can provide customer satisfaction. Human Resource managers have not been traditionally credited with full understanding of the financial implications of learning and development activities within their organisations.When asked to justify training costs they are much more likely to quote Reid & Barrington’s subjective list of benefits: • • Training helps new employees learn the job more quickly Trained staff are less likely to make costly errors or to have accidents at work • Recruiting high-quality staff is easier when the organisation has a reputation for training. • Trained workers are likely to be more flexible and able to undertake a range of jobs • Trained employees may be more committed to the organisation and less likely to leave for other jobs • Training can help to focus employee attention on how to achieve high levels of quality and customer service In lean times, corporate accountants focus on cutting costs that are not seen as central to operational activity and as a consequence, usually, the first two areas to suffer are: advertising and training.The HR manager has an important responsibility to establish the value of each training activity so that when the challenge presents itself the response can be made in terms of investment in human capital and the value that people have in meeting strategic objectives. In establishing the need for training it should be demonstrated that it helps employees to quickly acquire new competencies and a commitment to a different organisational culture. Training must be a value-adding investment, essential to the future of the business. The strategic objective should be continuous improvement of performance, and continuous improvement of the organisation, teams and individuals. A focus on training also serves to build a general climate of selfinitiated learning and development. HR professionals are best placed to make a compelling case to continue with key training initiatives. If HR managers don’t defend the training budget when the going gets tough, then who else will? To help with this, it may be useful to down load the "Costing your spend on training" factsheet from Page 5 Page 4 VOYPIC VOYPIC, the Voice of Young People in Care, is a registered charity that acts as an independent regional voice for young people in care and care experienced young people. Its aim is to give these young people a voice in decisions that affect their lives. Currently around 2,500 young people are in care in Northern Ireland. Some information about VOYPIC can be seen on its web site at Recently VOYPIC has won a major contract from the DHSSPS worth around £3m over five years.This has presented the present board with a major challenge and the board is seeking to improve the corporate governance within the body and to strengthen itself by taking on new directors from specific backgrounds. The Organisation wishes to canvass among CIPD members for a volunteer board member. The ideal candidate would be a qualified member of the CIPD and possibly come from a care background or have experience of working in the broader care field within the health and social services or within one of the many voluntary bodies within the sector. However, this is not a necessary prerequisite as the main need is for an experienced HR professional. Billy Lyttle will be able to provide you with more information about VOYPIC and the role of the new director if you would be willing to assist them. Billy Lyttle Tel [internal] 39191 Tel: [external] 028 90823191 Smoking ban puts jobs at risk When the smoking ban comes into effect in Northern Ireland, it is very likely to have a similar impact as the ban in Scotland. There the Scottish Licensed Trade Association reported that drink takings were down 11% and as a result a third of bars reduced their staffing levels. However conditions for staff did improve, air pollution surveys in bars found that air quality had improved by 86%. Scottish BMA chair, Peter Terry, claimed the ban had made a "huge difference" to public health, and said that "Much more needs to be done to reduce the numbers of smokers, particularly among the young and pregnant women". Clearly Northern Ireland will need more than smoke-free legislation, there will be an on-going need for education and the use of NHS backed cessation projects. Perhaps surprisingly only one smoker and one business have been taken to court under the year old law in Scotland and 175 people have paid the fixed penalty, (not requiring court appearance), for breach of the law. As a CIPD member, what can I access on its Website? Paul Benedict J. R. tops my favorites list on my web browser ever since I came into contact with CIPD. As a learning professional, it is worth every penny I pay for my yearly membership fee. Besides the popular pod-casts, bookstore discounts, regularly updated fact sheets, ever-lively discussion forums, brilliant student support materials, ground-breaking research and policy publications like Change Agendas, Guides, Event Reports, Public policy perspectives, Survey Reports, Information on Innovative Training courses, prestigious conferences and exhibitions, weekly e-newsletters, and the national level branch activities, the following FOUR exclusive membership benefits are my favorites from the website. Over 650 Company Profiles ( CIPD Library and Helpful Librarians ( Over 12,000 books and reports, 140 journal titles with over 16,000 journal articles, hundreds of special collections including examples of company policies, Surveys - including salary surveys, statistical publications, directories and training manuals –I could not believe my eyes, when I personally visited the Library last year – such was the experience to see all that is relevant to your career at one place. Whilst some resources are reserved for reference only, I was told that most items are available for loan to CIPD members and can be sent to me through the post. Last month I asked for a particular book and it came to me the next day by recorded delivery. I rang their Enquiries service (020 8612 6210) once for some factual information on a topic and the staff were extremely helpful in guiding me step by step to unleash the potential resources available online. Have you ever tried the ‘advanced search’ option at the website? Try once and you will be its frequent visitor. ( I cannot but mention that once I stretched my request a bit more and WORKPLACE & EMPLOYMENT AWARDS On 12th April the Irish News will launch an exciting new awards initiative aimed at the business sector in Northern Ireland which will culminate with a high profile, black tie event on June 21st namely ‘The Irish News Workplace and Employment Awards’. The awards will provide the platform to profile and celebrate the talent and creativity that exists within companies, both small and large. If you want the opportunity to spotlight your excellent worklife balance initiatives or impress us with your flexible working policies now is your chance. The Irish News Workplace & Employment Awards promises to be an exceptional night attracting many of the top employers and employees within the Northern Ireland business community. We would very much like you to be involved in what will surely be a superb night of celebration as it recognises and rewards all that is good within Northern Ireland business. Look out for your Workplace & Employment Awards pack coming your way soon. Business Partners Industry Partners When I googled for SWOT analysis it generously brought forth 1300000 links and I was lost in that immensity. I was desperately looking for specific examples of SWOT reports from top companies of the UK. After a while, logged on CIPD’s website and to my surprise, there I found 650 company profiles compiled and produced by Datamonitor. The links provide us with up to date information on leading UK, US and European companies with their histories, key employees, major products and services, performance reports, top competitors and of course, their SWOT analysis reports. This section also has nearly 5000 industry reports, 1400 country economic reports to provide you with Market Analysis and industry forecasts. Oh! What an enlightening experience when you find them at a time when you need them most. asked the staff to do a search of the Library database for me on a particular topic. They gladly obliged and sent me a reading list by email the very next day. That was a wonderful experience of being a part of this professional body. Have a go yourself…to experience it. Hundreds of Practical Tools and Training Activities ( As a person working in the Learning and Development Department, I found this section is very helpful to me. It has plenty of interactive aids, checklists, diagnostics, frameworks and ideas to help us review, plan and implement change in our organizations. It has an alphabetical list of Over 330 Online Journals ( Last year while writing my Management Report on Diversity Management, I was frantically looking for the latest efforts taken by the industry leaders. CIPD website provided me with downloadable fulltext articles, totally free of charge from over 330 profession specific, business and management journals, with an exception of only a few. It’s extensive back files go as far as 1950s and 1940s and with some even earlier: (Harvard Business Review is available from Oct, 1922, altogether 85 Volumes!). It is a sheer joy to find whatever you need, whenever you want, right in front of you. practical activities and exercises for trainers to use in groups or for individual assessment. I would recommend the Methodical Madness exercise (a creative, problem solving exercise), Diversity Awareness Exercises, and one or two Induction exercises to understand their power and user-friendliness. Whenever you are asked to present or to write on any of the HR issues, let CIPD website be your starting point. Just log on and click ‘Information Resources’ on the left panel. With over 70,000 relevant pages on the website, you are sure to win. This was the key message emanating from the Management & Leadership Conference – Leaders Aim Higher held at the Culloden Hotel on February 28th. The conference, organized by MLN (with the support of UU, DEL, SfBN, Invest NI and Construction Skills) attracted some 180 managers from across Northern Ireland. Delegates were treated to inspirational words from leadership guru Rene Carayol MBE (from BBC’s ‘Clear your Mortgage in 2 Years). Uplifting presentations were also given by a local manager (Eileen Sowney, AIB), a local leader (Andrew Lowden, Glenaden Shirts) and local entrepreneur (the indomitable Hugh Daly). MC for the day Noel Thompson guided attendees through a balloonmaking icebreaker, awards presentations and breakfast & lunch networking opportunities A.G.M. NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Northern Ireland Branch CIPD will be held on Thursday 10th May 2006 in the Holiday Inn Ormeau Ave, Belfast, at for the transaction of the following business:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Apologies Adoption of the Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 11th May 2006. Matters Arising from Meeting 11th May 2006. Chairperson’s Report Adoption of the Audited Accounts for year ending 31 March 2007 Appointment of a Branch Auditor for 2007 Election of Branch Officers and General Committee to serve for 2007/ 2008. Any other Competent Business MARTYN SLOMAN TO ADDRESS A.G.M. Feedback from the event has been quite incredible with comments ranging from "the best £50 I have spent in 20 years" to "the most inspirational and powerful seminar in my career". Keep your eye on for a full review of the conference including access to the presentations from the day.We will also keep you informed on further MLN events throughout the year. Leadership Lunch Series Proves Popular and Informative Management Month saw the first in a series of Leadership Lunches hosted by Leadership Management International (LMI).The theme of the event was around the subject of "Leading Change in Your Business".The guest speaker for the event was Aidan Donnelly of Fenix Solutions Ltd where he talked about the leadership challenges facing the management buyout of Kingston Communications over the past year. Fenix Solutions Ltd is involved in the telecommunications sector.Aidan described how he was able to gain 30% extra productivity from attending a LMI programme recently which has resulted in spectacular growth for his own organisation. Plans are in place to hold Leadership Lunches in June, September and December this year. Eric Cairns has agreed today to be the guest speaker at the next Leadership Lunch planned for the 18th June.The theme of this lunch will be around "Developing Your Organisation" where we will be examining the phases and associated problems when we grow our businesses and how to overcome them. If you are interested in becoming involved with the Leadership Lunch Series contact Michael Clarke on 02891 452576 or email Michael on (From left to right) – Bill Manson (chief Executive of the MLN);Aidan Donnelly (Director of Fenix Solutions Ltd);Alistair Risk (GM of the Holiday Inn ; Barbara Douglas (B4B); Kieron McGuire (MD of Fenix Solutions Ltd) and Michael Clarke (Director of Leadership Management International) Page 7 Page 6 With the right Attitude you can reach a higher Altitude!!! Martyn Sloman was appointed to his current position of Adviser, Learning, Training and Development at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in January 2001. He has responsibility for research into the role and contribution of learning and training in organisations, for e-learning and for the links between people management and technology. He is currently leading a major project investigating the extent to which a global model for learning, training and development has emerged. Martyn will speak on The Changing World of the Trainer New business models demand new approaches to training and learning, but what does this mean in practice? What new frameworks for trainers are emerging in the global knowledge and service economy? How are our perceptions of the role of the trainer changing? How will cultural and contextual issues determine best practice and will China prove to be radically different? Using illustrative case studies drawn from different countries the session will explore how training and learning is building competitive advantage in organisations across the world. WANTED SOME NEW MEMBERS Our Annual General Meeting is approaching fast and I would urge you to come along and share your views on how we can take CIPD forward in Northern Ireland. Members of the current committee provide a broad range of experience and expertise in personnel and development and we have been successful in achieving the objectives set out in our business plan. I am delighted that we have been able to bring in some new blood to the committee Elsewhere in this edition you will read about some of the highlights of a highly successful Management Month and I am delighted that the local branch has made our contribution to that. CIPD sponsored the ‘Grab Your Life by the Throat’ event and I must admit I thought where else but Belfast could you get away with a title like that! I am delighted to report on the success of two of the main contributors of our Love Your People eventNorthbrook Technology who recently received their Investors in People Champion award and HEAT who made the top 10 of the Sunday Times Top 100 organisations to work for. Congratulations to both of them and congratulations also to Botannic Inns and CEEA who came in at 49 and 69 respectively. On the theme of success as a result of Wendy McCulla’s article in the last "Soundbytes", Richard Taylor and Mark McCrory have come forward to join the Branch committee. Mark recently won the Labour Relations Agency Award for Best Dissertation in MSc (HRM) 2005/06 in UUJ and it provides a great link not just to promote our High Achievers Awards but also to confirm a date for our Student Conference on 17th October 2007. Please check the website for further details.We will in touch with the local providers by the end of April to confirm details. this year, and this has helped freshen things up a bit. It is very encouraging that many of this year’s new members have enjoyed the experiences, have made a positive contribution to the Branch and all being well, will take on a little more responsibility next year. Hopefully the commitment is not all one way, and committee members gain a great deal in terms of networking, CPD and learning by working with a group of enthusiastic and motivated practitioners. A word of warning however– we want people who will follow through on their commitments. Its not just a case of turning up to get your photograph in Soundbytes! With this in mind, I would like to thank this year’s committee for their hard work, enthusiasm and support throughout the year. Financially we made a profit; the feedback from events programme has been very positive; we have a more proactive approach to member service and I hope you will agree each edition of Soundbytes has improved in terms of content and presentation. Best wishes John Mulholland, Chair.
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