I s s u e F r i e n d s o f t h e E a r t h i n s p i r e s s o l u t i o n s 19 8 A A u ut ut um mn n 2 20 0 04 9 t o e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o b l e m s w h i c h m a k e l i f e b e t t e r f o r p e o p l e Edwin Poots His views on incineration, plastic bags and planning. page 02 Ice-age u-turn Drawing a line in the glacial sand. page 03 Green New Deal The solution to recession, unstable fuel bills and carbon emissions. page 04 The wave Making waves for climate justice. page 04 Copenhagen climate talks Have they failed before they’ve started? Edwin Poots Contacts Edwin Poots, Environment Minister, shares his thoughts on some of the issues in his in-tray. Friends of the Earth Lisa Fagan Interim Director Tel: 028 9023 3600 Email: lisa.fagan@foe.co.uk Declan Allison Campaigner Tel: 028 9089 7591 Email: declan.allison@foe.co.uk Courtesy of the Northern Ireland Assembly 7 Donegall Street Place Belfast BT1 2FN Tel: 028 9023 3488 Fax: 028 9024 7556 Email: foe-ni@foe.co.uk Website: www.foe.co.uk/ni Energy-from-waste: My Department is committed to the Waste Management Strategy, which places waste prevention as the top priority, followed by recycling, then energy recovery and finally landfill. Edwin Poots MLA is the Environment Minister. Great progress has been made in recycling and we are on course to meet the strict 2010 EU targets for landfill diversion. Through further increases in recycling, and the introduction of Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT), Northern Ireland will be able to meet its short term targets but this alone would not represent best value in the longer term. potentially heat, while diverting waste from landfill and contributing to our renewable energy targets. Carrier Bags: The results of the latest voluntary agreement with supermarkets revealed that in Northern Ireland carrier bag usage has been reduced by 38 per cent, a reduction of some 7.6 million bags. Although this trend is positive, more needs to be done. Given the current economic climate, I prefer not to overburden shoppers with additional costs if the voluntary approach succeeds. However, it is important that everyone plays their part by using their own bags when shopping. While plastic bags make up less than 1 per cent of household waste, packaging is responsible for around 20 per cent. Greater effort is required to tackle this problem in conjunction with efforts to further reduce the consumption of single use bags. Planning Reform: I am committed to ensuring that we have a modern, efficient and effective planning system which serves the needs of all in Northern Ireland. I believe that the proposed reforms, which have recently been subject to public consultation, will help us to transform our planning system into a more effective and responsive one which helps to enable appropriate development, while balancing this with the aims of protection of the built and natural environment, and contributing to sustainable development. Even if we manage, as planned, to radically change attitudes towards waste, reducing waste arisings and increasing recycling to at least 50 per cent of our household waste by 2020, we will still require energy recovery to ensure we meet our landfill diversion targets cost effectively. My officials have been analysing all of the consultation responses received to determine what impact, if any, these will have on the initial policy proposals. Following consideration of the consultation responses I intend to take the final proposals to the Executive in January 2010. Stephanie Kerr Office Manager (maternity cover) Tel: 028 9023 3488 Email: stephanie.kerr@foe.co.uk I understand the concerns of opponents of energy-from-waste. However, the proposed facilities will employ modern technology and will have to comply with strict emissions regulations. These facilities will generate electricity and It is essential that all the key stakeholders in the planning system play their part in ensuring that we have a fit for purpose planning system in place to meet the needs of all its users. Local Groups Activist round-up Banbridge and Mourne Friends of the Earth Bonnie Horsman Tel: 07730 401331 Email: bonniehorsman@yahoo.co.uk Bannside Friends of the Earth (meets in Coleraine) Clare Armour Tel: 028 2955 7289 Email: c.armour@ulster.ac.uk Belfast Friends of the Earth Andrew McMurray Tel: 07909 900883 Email: belfastfoe@googlemail.com Craigavon Friends of the Earth Allison Neill-Rabaux Tel: 07890 190889 Email: sylialli@yahoo.fr Website: www.cfoe.org.uk The Belfast local group has achieved early successes in its campaign to create Northern Ireland’s first cycle city. Their target is for 10 per cent of all journeys in Belfast to be made by bike by 2020. This would put Belfast in the top 10 cycling cities in the UK. So far they have: published a report entitled, “Belfast Cycle City”; staged a mass cycle from Belfast city centre to Comber; persuaded Belfast Lord Mayor Naomi Long to support the campaign; and delivered a copy of the report to Minister for Regional Development, Conor Murphy. Mr Murphy is currently receiving advice from his Department on the proposals and Belfast City Council will vote in full in November on adopting the report’s recommendations. Two Friends of the Earth local groups have organised screenings of the climate change documentary, The Age of Stupid. Bannside hosted their event on 12 September in Coleraine Town Hall, while North Down held their event at the Excelsior cinema, Comber on 15 October. Age of Stupid screenings are an easy way to promote climate change activism in your community. If you would like to organise your own screening of the film, go to www.indiescreenings.net to find out more. Downpatrick Friends of the Earth Keith Bradford Tel: 028 4461 2260 Email: iehynds@yahoo.co.uk Courtesy of Belfast Friends of the Earth Niall Bakewell Activism Co-ordinator Tel: 028 9089 7592 Email: niall.bakewell@foe.co.uk Belfast Friends of the Earth is campaigning for 10 per cent of all journeys in Belfast to be made by bike. Thank you John and good luck After a decade as Director of Friends of the Earth in Northern Ireland, John Woods has moved on to pastures new. Fermanagh Friends of the Earth Contact Niall Bakewell Tel: 028 9089 7592 Larne Friends of the Earth Leanna Filbey Tel: 07919 098751 Email: foelarne@googlemail.com North Down and Ards Friends of the Earth Lorna Hamilton Tel: 028 9146 2789 Email: HamiltonPLJM@aol.com Much like the global temperature, John’s 10 years at the helm were marked by a series of highs and lows underscored by a clear upward trend in the organisation’s confidence, expertise, media exposure and reputation. John also managed to lever in additional resources to enable the team to grow from two full-time staff to a complement of five. John has been a tireless campaigner for environmental justice and sustainable development. Campaign high points under John’s watch have included successful alliance building on public transport; well researched alternatives to road building; creating a vision for local food production; effective lobbying for the quarry tax; a suite of complaints to the European Commission on breaches of EU law and subsequent Judicial Reviews; and impressive consensus building for an independent Environmental Protection Agency. John was instrumental in establishing Friends of the Earth Ireland and worked closely with the southern team on climate change. Recently John has been instrumental in establishing the Green New Deal Group and began discussions exploring alternatives to GDP that included happiness and well-being. The staff and volunteers of Friends of the Earth would like to thank John for his leadership over the past 10 years and wish him well for the future. We’re sure we haven’t seen the last of him. Editor: Declan Allison Contributors: Niall Bakewell, Lisa Fagan Edwin Poots MLA, Jim Kitchen and David Gordon. Designed by: LSD Limited. Printed on: Paper made from 100% post-consumer waste. F r i e n d s o f t h e E a r t h i n s p i r e s s o l u t i o n s t o e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o b l e m s w h i c h m a k e l i f e b e t t e r f o r p e o p l e Friends of the Earth is a collective name for Friends of the Earth Trust, registered charity 281681, company number 1533942, and Friends of the Earth Limited, company number 1012357, both of which may use the above information. In both cases the registered office is at 26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ Tel: 020 7490 1555 Fax: 020 7490 0881 Email: info@foe.co.uk Website: www.foe.co.uk, company number 1012357 © Friends of the Earth 2009. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means nor translated into a machine language without written permission. Friends of the Earth would like to keep you up to date on our work and what you are helping us to achieve. If you would prefer not to receive any further communication from us please contact: stephanie.kerr@foe.co.uk or call 028 9023 3488 with your contact details. Ice-age u-turn Friends of the Earth claimed victory late last year when the then Environment Minister Sammy Wilson made a climb-down on the protection of an ice-age site in County Tyrone. Last winter the Minister revealed his intention to designate a 350 acre site at Lisnaragh near Donemana, reversing his earlier refusal to protect the site. The site was declared an Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI) in late March 2008, marking the beginning of a six month period of consultation with landowners. But despite assurances from his officials and statutory advisors that the science was robust and the consultation comprehensive, Mr Wilson refused to confirm the ASSI, instead rescinding it. His decision followed pressure from landowners and the Assembly Environment Committee. The announcement that he would re-declare the site came in response to the prospect of judicial review, as Interim Director Lisa Fagan explained: "We wrote to the Minister setting out the six legal errors he made in rescinding Lisnaragh ASSI. We warned him that unless he redesignated the site, we would begin a legal challenge.” The site merits designation because it contains a 'moraine' created by glaciers retreating along the Burn Dennet valley at the end of the last ice age, between 13,000 and 17,000 years ago. The moraine is commercially as well as geologically valuable: the glaciers left sand and gravel deposits in their wake, prompting opposition from local landowners. But ASSI legislation does not allow the consideration of commercial factors: "Either the site meets the geological criteria and must be designated, or it does not. The legislation is clear: ASSI designation is a matter of scientific judgement, not ministerial discretion." She concluded: "Mr Wilson's interference in the scientific work of the Department he controlled undermined the many hardworking officials who are doing their best to give Northern Ireland's environment the protection it deserves. Sammy Wilson unintentionally, but convincingly, made the case for an independent environmental protection agency, something he has vociferously opposed." The relisting of Lisnaragh ASSI should protect it from over exploitation for sand and gravel. road to Copenhagen Bairbre de Brún, MEP, discusses the prospects for a climate change agreement in December. Next month in Copenhagen thousands of delegates, organisations and activists from more than 190 countries will gather for the crucial UN climate talks. I will attend as part of the European Parliament delegation. Copenhagen must deliver an ambitious agreement and an agreement which treats the developing world fairly. Industrialised countries need to show more ambition, consistent with the 2oC target. They need to ensure they are making emissions reductions at home as well as providing sufficient, stable and predictable finance and technical help to developing countries. We need a framework that allows for further developments on figures for both emissions reductions and finance as our knowledge of the scale of the challenge develops based on the latest science. Assistance to help developing countries face the climate challenge will be a big issue both before and at the Copenhagen conference and will include providing new and increased financing, over and above overseas development aid. Some estimates put the required figure at €120bn annually. A LOT rEMAINS TO BE DONE AND TIME IS ruNNING SHOrT. WE ALL NEED TO STEP uP A GEAr. THE DEADLINE IS NOT BEING SET By DEvELOPED Or DEvELOPING COuNTrIES BuT By THE PLANET. Developing countries must also have a full participatory role in deciding how this funding is managed and distributed. Finding a system to distribute funding that is deemed efficient, accountable, effective and representative will be important in ensuring early finance for the least developed countries in particular. Meanwhile the complexities of the US lawmaking process mean that much may remain unclear about the exact figures the US will commit to for both emissions reductions and financing at Copenhagen. The House of Representatives has passed climate legislation but the Senate now looks unlikely to do so before the end of the year. Many of the emerging economies now have climate action plans that go some considerable way in the right direction. Whether they will commit to putting on the table what is asked of them by other partners remains to be seen. The EU has binding targets for emissions reductions but these targets need to be met, and increased in line with the latest science. After a false start, Belfast City Council finally voted against a proposed waste incinerator on 22 June. Belfast City Council is one of 11 councils in the ARC21 waste umbrella group. ARC21's waste management plan includes incineration but no facility has been developed yet. The council was considering proposals for an incinerator and a Mechanical and Biological Treatment plant. After a city wide consultation the council rejected incineration in a contested vote. The vote was retaken on 22 June and the council again rejected the incinerator proposal. Declan Allison, Campaigner with Friends of the Earth said: “This is a brave decision by Belfast City Council. Incineration is not the answer to our waste problems. Waste should be seen as a valuable resource to be reused, recycled or composted. Incineration destroys that resource.” Mr Allison continued: “Proponents of incineration prefer to describe it as energy-from-waste and group it with sustainable energy generation such as wind, tidal and solar. However, if the need to replace the materials burnt in an incinerator is factored in, incineration is really a net user of energy – hardly a sustainable option.” The decision to reject incineration gives the council space to develop a sustainable waste strategy. Evidence from the Waste and Resources Action Plan (WRAP) suggests a well designed waste collection system can maximise recycling and composting, and reduce waste as home-owners can clearly see how much they generate. In contrast, opponents of incineration say there is a real danger it could undermine recycling schemes as waste is diverted to feed the plant resulting in a de facto waste maximisation policy for Northern Ireland. Concluding, Declan Allison said: “ARC21should reconsider anaerobic digestion if it wants to develop sustainable energy-from-waste. It is a proven technology and produces a biogas that can be used in an energy efficient combined heat and power plant.” Planning Service is currently considering another application for an incinerator near Ballysillan. Putting renewables at the heart of our executive strategy alongside energy efficiency can place us on the right path to a sustainable and prosperous economy, with all departments making their own contribution. A lot remains to be done and time is running short. We all need to step up a gear. The deadline is not being set by developed or developing countries but by the planet. Bairbre de Brún is one of three MEPs for Northern Ireland. Courtesy of Sinn Feín Belfast rejects incinerator Meanwhile at home the Executive and Assembly have a role to play. A major initiative on energy efficiency and home insulation in particular can lower the level of premature deaths each winter due to fuel poverty and maintain or create jobs in construction as well as helping to meet our climate goals. I s s u e 1 8 A u t u m n 2 0 0 9 The Northern Ireland ‘Green New Deal’ Jim Kitchen, Head of the Sustainable Development Commission, explains how business leaders, trades unions, environmentalists and civic society have come together to explore the potential for a Green New Deal for Northern Ireland. In the eyes of many the Executive in Northern Ireland is in an unenviable position. Indeed, at first sight it may appear that it is constrained in what it can do to arrest rising unemployment, much less restore employment to previous levels. Yet key policy levers industrial and energy policy, education and training, the environment and social policy - are in devolved hands. It is crucial that all sectors - public and private, community and voluntary - work together to provide solutions that will help our elected representatives, benefit the entire community, kick start the local economy, and secure the transition to a low carbon future. A coalition working to these principles could make a positive contribution to society, the economy, and the environment. The Green New Deal Group is such a coalition. Using the skills and expertise of a number of different civic society groups it hopes to act as an aide to government and policy makers here. of innovative, exciting and world leading businesses in Northern Ireland. The main goals of the Northern Ireland Green New Deal are to: “The vast range of experience, talent, and the tradition of innovation represented in the Green New Deal Group make it an exciting and credible driver for assisting with economic recovery. The recommendations that it will make in a number of key areas should have a positive impact on thousands of families across Northern Ireland.” • • • • Refurbish existing homes with full insulation and renewable energy. Transform the energy performance of public and commercial buildings. ‘Decarbonise’, regionalise and localise the supplies of both electricity and heat. Create around 24,000 ‘green collar’ jobs. Commenting, Nigel Smyth, Director of the CBI said: “An opportunity exists for the Executive to promote sustainability through a Green New Deal and achieve the goals in the Programme for Government. This will help to lay the foundation for a new generation Detailed papers on each of these key areas are currently being prepared by the Group. These will form the basis of a comprehensive plan with common goals and committed actions. Summing up Jim Kitchen said: “In recent weeks the Green New Deal Group has made presentations to a number of governmental and nongovernmental bodies. The benefits of The Green New Deal could create thousands of jobs in home insulation. quickly and reduce inequality, particularly by tackling fuel poverty. These are the outcomes that we can all deliver on.” investing now are clear. Not only will it make a fundamental contribution to the development of a low carbon economy, it will also create jobs Cold house for the environment? David Gordon, Belfast Telegraph Investigations Correspondent, explores politicians’ attitudes towards the environment. The last two and a half years must have been tough going for anyone working for environmental NGOs in Northern Ireland. That’s one of the dispiriting conclusions I reached in reviewing the Assembly’s record since the restoration of devolution in 2007. One of the recurring themes of my newly published book, The Fall of the House of Paisley, is the hostility within Stormont to green campaigners and their causes. The prevailing mood, in many of the places where it mattered, seemed to be based on “Thatcherism for Beginners”. Environmental ‘policy’ often appeared to consist of mainly wanting to ease planning restrictions and other regulations on developers and farmers. If you doubt this, go and look at some of the comments in the Assembly in September 2007, when it looked like a private developer was going to be handed responsibility for a new visitor centre at the Giant’s Causeway. That plan did not work out too well, but few wider lessons were learned. The same simplistic faith in private sector solutions lived on. supporting action to counter climate change was the official policy of his party and the Executive. And yet the Environment – yes, the Environment Minister – did not believe in it. Relatively few people batted an eye at that massive contradiction. And that surely speaks volumes about what passes for politics here. It has to be said that the system of Government has not helped. Only one party opposed the creation of an independent environmental protection agency. Yet because this party had taken the Environment department, the reform was blocked. And then came a year of Sammy Wilson as Environment Minister. The central point on his climate change scepticism is not the legitimacy or otherwise of his views. It’s that The Fall of the House of Paisley is published by Gill and Macmillan and went on sale on November 6. Making waves for climate justice At an outdoor concert and mass action, organised by Stop Climate Chaos Northern Ireland, activists will get the opportunity to enjoy great music and take part in a visually impressive display of support for strong, government-led action on climate change. The event will take place in Bank Square in Belfast city centre – just behind Tesco and right next to the famous Kelly’s Cellars pub – from 1pm onwards. On stage will be virtuoso violinist/composer Ruby Colley, singer/songwriter Ken Haddock, folk songstress Juliet Turner and multi-cultural music collective Beyond Skin. The event will be compered by BBC broadcaster Joe Lindsay. THOSE WISHING TO PArTICIPATE IN THE EvENT ArE ASKED TO BrING ALONG ANyTHING BLuE THAT CAN BE HELD ALOFT DurING THE ACTION. The action itself will involve everyone in the crowd holding up something blue, like a painted placard or a piece of cloth, to form a vast undulating Wave of colour, which will represent both the rising sea levels caused by climate change, and the rising tide of support for a fair and robust global deal on reducing carbon emissions. Those wishing to participate in the event are asked to bring along anything blue that can be held aloft during the action. People can dress in blue or paint their faces or hands blue. The organisers will also have a few blue placards available on the day for those without a prop. Courtesy of SCC-NI. After two years of ringing the Changes, campaigners will mark this year’s International Day of Action on Climate Change, on Saturday 5 December, by surfing The Wave of desire for a just international treaty at Copenhagen. Ireland and ulster rugby star Stephen Ferris launches the ‘Get in the game’ campaign for a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill. The coalition recently launched a campaign, Get in the Game, which is calling on the Stormont Executive to introduce a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill to complement the Westminster Climate Change Act, and ensure that we make our fair share of cuts to the UK’s carbon emissions. To find out more about Stop Climate Chaos Northern Ireland and The Wave go to www.stopclimatechaosni.org
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