How to Make a Complaint to North Kesteven District Council

How to Make a Complaint to
North Kesteven District Council
North Kesteven District Council
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This information can be made available in large print, Braille, audio tape,
electronic formats such as CD or in a different language.
If you would like to make a request, please get
in touch with the Complaints Officer using the contact details on page 6.
1 Making a complaint
This leaflet is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to make a
complaint. We take complaints very seriously and deal with them quickly
and efficiently.
We are committed to providing excellent customer service. But we realise
that sometimes things can and do go wrong. We want
to know if you are unhappy or dissatisfied with our service so that wherever
possible we can try to put things right. We value your role in helping us to
improve our services.
We will investigate your complaint promptly and fairly. We will provide you
with a full explanation of our investigation into your complaint. There may
be occasions when we cannot do what you want but we will try to be as
helpful as possible and give you as much information as possible.
You need not worry that complaining will result in you being given a poorer
service. We genuinely want to know when things have gone wrong. Any
complaints we receive are treated strictly confidentially and information is
only shared with those who need to know.
If you would like help to complete the complaint form please get in touch using
the contact details
on page 6.
Ian Fytche
Chief Executive
Making a complaint 2
What we mean by a complaint
We treat a complaint as: an expression of dissatisfaction about our action or
lack of action; or dissatisfaction about the standard of service we have
provided (or services provided on our behalf).
The Complaints Procedure is not an appeal system to question Council
decisions. It is our way of sorting out your dissatisfaction with the services
we have or should have provided.
We welcome all types of feedback but not all matters can be handled under
this policy.
If you are unsure who should handle your complaint, or for more details on
how to make the following types of complaint, please get in touch with the
Complaints Officer who will be able to help you. Alternatively, you can also
go to the Council website for more information -
The Council Complaints Policy does not cover:
• Requests for Council services, such as reporting an abandoned vehicle or
graffiti. These may become complaints if they are not dealt with correctly
or quickly enough;
• Requests for information or explanations of Council policy or practice.
However, we will acknowledge and record comments against a Council
policy so they can be reviewed;
• Complaints that have a legal remedy;
• Complaints about the conduct of Councillors; or
• Matters for which there is a right of appeal or review: by a Government
Minister; external tribunal or board; or within the Council.
If you are unsure who should handle your complaint please contact the
Complaints Officer
for more information.
3 Making a complaint
How the Complaints Procedure works
Stage 1 – Informal complaint
We will first try to deal with your complaint informally. If you are unhappy
about the service you are receiving or have received, then the quickest
way to let us know is by contacting the person or service you have been
dealing with.
If you have not been dealing with one specific person then ask to speak
to someone in the service area you are concerned with.
You may then be referred to a line manager. You are entitled to speak to a
line manager or supervisor and can ask to do this at any time. This person
will then try to resolve the issue for you.
Stage 2 – Formal complaint (investigation)
This process is used if you either not satisfied with the results of your
informal complaint, or you wish to make your complaint formal from the start.
If so, you should make it clear that you want your complaint to be referred to the
Complaints Officer. They will ensure your complaint is investigated and
responded to by either the Head of Service, or the relevant Senior Manager, for
the service area you have been dealing with.
We will acknowledge your formal complaint within four working days and will
send you a full response within a further 15 working days.
Stage 3 – Formal complaint (review)
If you remain dissatisfied with the results of your complaint, you
can then refer it to the Head of Customer Services, who will independently
review the complaint.
We will acknowledge this request within four working days and you will
receive a full response within a further ten working days.
Making a Complaint 4
If you’re still not happy
Our Complaints Procedure ends at Stage 3. However, if you are not happy,
you can take things further by contacting the Local Government
Ombudsman (LGO).
The LGO is completely independent of the District Council, and has a legal
duty to investigate complaints about local councils.
The Ombudsman will usually only consider a complaint after it has
been through the Council’s Complaint Procedure.
For more information and details on how to contact the LGO Advice Team:
Write to:
0845 6021983 (Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm)
Local Government Ombudsman
PO Box 4771
0762 4804323
Alternatively copies of the LGO complaint form are available from the
Council Complaints Officer. Please see contact details on page 6.
5 Making a Complaint
How to contact us with your complaint
You can complain about the services we have provided in a number
of ways:
• Fill in and return the complaint form in this leaflet;
• Fill in the complaint form on the Council website at;
• Email your complaint to;
• Telephone the relevant Council department or the Complaints Officer on
01529 414155 or 01522 699699 (if calling from the North of the District);
• Write to the relevant Council department or the Complaints Officer at
• Visit the Council offices in Sleaford or one of the Council’s Community
Access Points, which are located around the District. For more details
please contact Customer Services or visit the
Council website;
• Contact your local District Councillor. For more details please contact
Customer Services or visit the Council website; or
• Send a fax to the relevant Council department or the Complaints Officer
on 01529 413956.
Making a Complaint 6
Formal complaints in writing
If you wish to make a formal complaint (stage 2 or 3) you will need to put
this in writing. This is to make sure we have got the correct details of your
complaint before investigating it.
Help filling in the form
If you would like any help or advice on filling in the form please get in touch
with an officer in the relevant service area or the Complaints Officer. The
details of your complaint can be written for you and you will then be asked
to confirm this information by signing the form.
Anonymous complaints
You can make an anonymous complaint at stage 1. But if you want to make
a formal complaint, as explained in stages 2 and 3, you will need to provide
your contact details. This is so we can carry out a proper investigation and
let you know the results of our investigation.
We understand you may find it difficult to complain but you need not worry
as making a complaint will not result in you being given a poorer service.
We want to know when things have gone wrong and your complaint may
result in a better service for future customers.
Please be assured that all complaints against the Council are treated in the
strictest confidence and details are only shared with those who need to
All personal details will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act
1998 and only used in relation to investigating your complaint.
7 Making a Complaint
North Kesteven District Council
North Kesteven District
Council Complaint Form
For office use only
Ref no: _____ / _______
Please use additional sheets if there is not enough space for you on this form.
Section 1
First Name:
Your Address:
Daytime contact phone number:
Email address:
Section 2
1 Would you like to make an informal or formal complaint? Informal I
2 What do you think the Council has done wrong or failed to do?
Continued on the back of the page.
3 How has this affected you?
4 What do you think the Council should do to put things right?
5 Have you told us about this complaint before?
6 If yes, who have you been dealing with?
Yes I
No I
If you have any documents to support your complaint, for example, letters or forms, you can
send them with this form and we will copy them and return the originals to you. Alternatively,
you can take them to one of the Council’s Community Access Points to be copied.
Signature (Signed by person making complaint):
Personal Data
We shall use the information you have given us, together with other information from or
about you, to investigate your complaint. (All personal data is collected and processed in
line with the Data Protection Act 1998.)
Where personal data is requested through forms, such data will not be sold to any third
parties. However, this authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers
and to this end may use any information you provide for the prevention and detection of
fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or
administering public funds for these purposes.
Please detach and send this form together with the equality monitoring form.
Monitoring Our Equal
Complaint Form
For office use only Ref no: _____ / _______
North Kesteven District Council aims to promote and ensure equality. It is important,
therefore, that we ask the following questions in order to gather information to monitor equal
treatment. This information will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
This personal information will not be used or affect the way your complaint is handled or the
outcome of your complaint.
North Kesteven District Council
1 Are you...?
Male: I
Female: I
2 What age were you on your last birthday?
Over 75
Do not wish to answer
Do not wish to answer: I
3a Do you have any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity?
(Long-standing means anything that has troubled you over a period of time or that is
likely to affect you over a period of time.)
I Yes please answer the next question I No please go to question 4
3b If yes does this illness or disability limit your activities in any way?
I Yes I No I Do not wish to answer
How would you describe your Ethnic Group?
Asian or Asian British
White British
White and Black Caibbean
Any other White background
White and Asian
White Irish
Black or Black British
Any other Black background
Any other Asian background
White and Black African
Any other Mixed background
Any other Ethnic Group
Any other Ethnic Group
Do not wish to answer
Continued on the back of the page.
Thank you for completing this form.
Please detach this form and return it together with your complaint form to
the Complaints Officer.
You can post the form to ‘FREEPOST NKDC’ you do not need to use a
stamp or you can take your completed form to one of the Council’s
Community Access Points. For more details on your nearest Access Point
please contact customer services or visit the Council website.