How to Read the 2006-2007 School District Special Education Reports Beaver Falls SD 101 9885 Oak Blvd Beaver Falls, OR 97000-8888 2006-2007 Special Education Report April 2008 The Oregon Department of Education is proud to issue the second annual special education report. Reported indicators and targets correspond to the information in the State Performance Plan (SPP) for Special Education that is required by the United States Department of Education. As Oregon schools and districts continue to face many challenges, educators remain committed to providing the highest quality education for Oregon students. This report is not meant to tell you everything about your district, but it offers a starting point for discussions about where improvement might be needed and for celebrating successes in education for Oregon’s children. 2006-2007 This table shows the percentage of students graduating with a regular diploma during the 2006-2007 school year. Data are collected from each school district on the High School Completers collection. Susan Castillo, State Superintendent of Public Instruction DISTRICT INFORMATION 1 Students Graduating 2006-07 Students with IEPs graduating with regular diploma This table shows the percentage of students in grades 9-12 that dropped out of school during the 2006-2007 school year. Data are collected from each district on the Early Leavers collection. SCHOOL DISTRICT Dear Parents and Community Members, 1 Students Graduating 2 High School Dropout 2006-2007 BEAVER FALLS 2 High School Dropout 2006-07 Students with IEPs dropping out District 88.1% 1 District 2.3% 1 State Target 72.0% or more State Target 5.4% or less Least Restrictive Environment Students removed from regular class less than 21% of day Students removed from regular class greater than 60% of day District 65.2% Students served in public or private separate schools, residential placements, or homebound / hospital 8.2% 2.0% State Target 1 72.5% or more 1 10.1% or less 1 2.3% or less 3 Special Education §300.39(a) Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. LRE = Least Restrictive Environment 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(5) and §300.114(2)(i)&(ii) To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are nondisabled; and special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. IEP = Individualized Education Program A written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised by an IEP Team. Department of Education Notes -- No data available. * Not displayed because at least 6 students are needed to maintain confidentiality. 1 Due to changes in federal requirements, the 2006-2007 district data are not comparable to the 2006-2007 state targets. For more information, contact your local school or district. 3 Least Restrictive Environment This table shows the district percentages for placements in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) compared to the state targets for placement. Students are placed in classes based on decisions by the student’s IEP team. Data are collected from each school district through the Special Education Child Count (SECC) and the Systems Performance Review & Improvement (SPR&I) process. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with Oregon stakeholders, set the state targets which were approved by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in Washington, D.C. 4 Department of Education Notes This section is used for definitions and citations that clarify the information displayed on the Special Education Report. Also, this section is used for footnotes that clarify information displayed on this panel of the report. 4 How to Read the 2006-2007 School District Special Education Reports 5 Students Receiving Special Academic Achievement: Percentage of 1 Students Meeting Standards The graphs show the percentage of students with IEPs in the district at the indicated grades that met or exceeded state grade level standards and alternate standards on the 2006-2007 Oregon Statewide Assessments in Reading and Math Knowledge and Skills. Displays are also shown for three other groups: Oregon students with IEPs meeting or exceeding grade level standards, district students with IEPs meeting or exceeding alternate standards, and Oregon students with IEPs meeting or exceeding alternate standards. Education Services DISTRICT INFORMATION 1 Academic Achievement: Participation by 2 Students with IEPs District students with IEPs meeting or exceeding grade level standards Oregon students with IEPs meeting or exceeding grade level standards District students with IEPs meeting or exceeding alternate standards Oregon students with IEPs meeting or exceeding alternate standards 83% 53% 80% 81% 72% 41% 53% * 2006-2007 English Language Arts 2 Percentages for Participation by Students with IEPs include all students with IEPs in the district who participated in the 20062007 Oregon Statewide Assessments in Reading, Math, and/or Extended Assessments. IEP teams consider assessment options and assign the most appropriate statewide assessment available for each individual student who is on an IEP. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with Oregon stakeholders, set the state targets which were approved by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in Washington, D.C. The participation rate of 95% was established for all Oregon students and matches the standard set for compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act requirements. Percentage of Students Meeting Standards The graphs below show the percentage of students in your district that met or exceeded the state standards on Oregon Statewide Assessments during the last school year. In 2006-2007, Math included a knowledge and skills assessment for each student in grades 3-8 and 10; ELA included a reading assessment for each student in grades 3-8 and 10. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with Oregon stakeholders, set the state targets which were approved by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in Washington, D.C. Grade level standards were established for all Oregon students and match the standards set for compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act requirements. Alternate achievement standards were developed for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Data are collected through the Oregon Statewide Assessment process, the Special Education Child Count (SECC), and the Spring Membership collection. Academic Achievement 3 Participation by Students with IEPs 2006-2007 Mathematics State Target 96.7% 95.0% Regular statewide assessment 95.2% Note 2 Regular statewide assessment with modifications 0.0% Note 2 Alternate statewide assessment measured against grade level standards 0.0% Note 2 Alternate statewide assessment measured against alternate standards 1.5% Note 2 District AYP for progress / proficiency of students with IEPs State District Target Met Note 3 District State Target 4 Parents who report schools 5a,5b,5c facilitated parent involvement as 26.2% 41.0% means of improving services and results 4 Students Receiving Special Education Services District State Target District identified with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in special education and related services that is the result of inappropriate identification No No District identified with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification No No District State Target Timeline for Eligibility District Statewide assessment Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Parent Survey Results 5 IEP Goals and Transition Services Youth aged 16 and above with IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable student to meet postsecondary goals Suspension / Expulsion District identified with significant discrepancy in rate of suspension / expulsion for more than 10 days 6 6 Timeline for Eligibility 7 This table shows the percentage of students with parental consent to evaluate who were evaluated and eligibility determined within 60 school days. Data are collected from each school district through the Child Find Indicator 11 collection. 100.0% 100.0% District No State Target 9 LOCAL INFORMATION PROVIDED BY YOUR DISTRICT For this indicator, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with Oregon stakeholders, set criteria which were approved by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in Washington, D.C. Students with parental consent to evaluate who were evaluated 100.0% 100.0% and eligibility determined within 60 school days State District Target This table shows whether the district was identified with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in special education and in specific disability categories. Students with IEPs in racial/ethnic categories are compared to students without IEPs in racial/ethnic categories. Students with IEPs in racial/ethnic and specific disability categories are compared to students without IEPs in racial/ethnic categories. Data are collected from each school district through the Fall Membership, Special Education Child Count (SECC), and the Systems Performance Review & Improvement (SPR&I) process. 8 Note 6 For more information, contact the Oregon Department of Education, Office of Student Learning & Partnerships at 503-947-5600 Data are collected through the Oregon Statewide Assessment process, the Special Education Child Count (SECC), and the Spring Membership collection. 7 IEP Goals and Transition Services This table shows the percentage of youth aged 16 and above with IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet post- secondary goals. Data are collected from each school district through the Systems Performance Review & Improvement (SPR&I) process. Department of Education Notes 10 -- No data available. * Not displayed because at least 6 students are needed to maintain confidentiality. NA Too few test scores or students to determine a rating. 2 All assessments are included in the 95% target above. 3 The state target is based on an annual percentage increase in the number of districts that met the criteria. 4 All parents are not surveyed. A sampling of parents complete the Oregon Parent Survey. 5a Data displayed are Parent Survey data collected in 2005-2006 from a sampling of parents in your district. 5b Data displayed are Parent Survey data collected in 2006-2007 from a sampling of parents in your district. 5c No parents in your district were surveyed. 6 The state target is based on an annual percentage reduction in the number of districts identified with a significant discrepancy. A “No” for the district is preferred. IEP = Individualized Education Program A written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised by an IEP Team. For more information, please view documents at Beaver Falls SD 101 (3333) 3 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) The federal No Child Left Behind Act requires the annual determination of whether schools, districts, and the state have made adequate yearly progress (AYP) toward the goal of having all students meet rigorous state academic standards by the 2013-2014 school year. Each year, the performance of all students in the school and district, as well as subgroups of students, is measured against annual performance targets. 8 Suspension / Expulsion If all groups meet the targets in English / Language Arts and Mathematics, and the school and/or district meets the target for attendance or graduation, the school and/or district is designated as Meeting AYP. If any target is not met, then the school and/or district is designated as Did Not Meet AYP. This table shows whether the district was identified with a significant discrepancy in the rate of suspension/expulsion for more than ten days by students with IEPs compared to students without IEPs. Data are collected from each school district on the Suspensions, Expulsions, and Truancy collection, the Special Education Child Count (SECC), and through the Systems Performance Review & Improvement (SPR&I) Process. For the Special Education Report, the focus is on the progress / proficiency of the group students with IEPs. A rating of Met or Not Met indicates whether the district as a whole, for the group students with IEPs, met AYP. For this indicator, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with Oregon stakeholders, set criteria which were approved by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in Washington, D.C. The state target is the percentage of Oregon school districts that met AYP requirements for the group students with IEPs. For 2006-2007, the state target is 10%. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with Oregon stakeholders, set the state target which was approved by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in Washington, D.C. 4 Parent Survey Results This table shows the percentage of parents who report schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results. Between years 2006-2010, each district will have been selected once to collect parent survey results through a random sampling of parents of students with IEPs. Parents are requested to complete a paper survey that is sent through the US mail and returned for tabulation. The results of the survey are displayed for the district from that year forward through school year 2010-2011. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in collaboration with Oregon stakeholders, set the state targets which were approved by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in Washington, D.C. The 2010 target is displayed. 9 Local Information Provided By Your District The information in this panel was provided by the local school district for the patrons of the district. This information has not been reviewed or approved by the Oregon Department of Education and is not shown in the special education reports posted on the Oregon Department of Education website. 10 Department of Education Notes This section is used for definitions and citations that clarify the information displayed on the Special Education Report. Also, this section is used for footnotes that clarify information displayed on the inside pages of the report.
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