"' Mobwrloincs FOR SALE - New moon trailer. 14 ft x 55 ft. Call 585-3300. (36-tfn) HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used mobile horfies. We come with the cash; call Bresette Home, Corp. F 8 K 6 2 5 0 . (3-12-1tc) ft* NEED A MOBILE HOME? Have a Mobile Home to Sell? Need Service On Your Home? Contact: Bresette HOMES CORP. PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. Route 22 South, Exit 36 off North way. 24 hour service. 7 days. 563-6250 Evening Home Phones CarlBurnell 563-8042 Alan Gordon 834-9474 Remember our motto - "If you-can't make a deal with us, you can't make a deal anywhere." Pets STUD SERVICE - AKC Registered Yorkshire Terrier, 4 yrs. old, weight approx. 8 lbs., rare silver coloring, proven. Bring female to my home in Lewis. Fee: $100 or pick of litter. Call 8736479anytime (8-1 - tfn-nc) FOR SALE - ARC registered German Shepherd puppies - Females $60.00, Males $80.00 with shots. Call 585-2226. (3-12-1tc) IRISH SETTER Kennel Reduction, ages 8 months to 3 years. All are champion sired with outstanding pedigrees, 942-7167. (3-12-3-26-3tc) pr I • POQOLE Puppwc. n M n i T H , < e y t . M n d M d t . M t i d colon, I W Panfeeolow #75.; toy* #160. Cat L«wi. 873-2246 brfor. 2 p.m.or K i w o i l 834-7S78. i314-tfwc> Recreational Equipment FOR SALE: 2 large Sleds made with ski runners. Can be used for pleasure back of Ski-Doo or to draw wood from the woods. Mrs. Dorothy Pinalis, Old Lake Shore Road. Merrill, N.Y. 12955. (3-12- FOR SALE: 1973 Yamaha 350. Very good condition. 497-3157, XhatSaugay. (3-12 - 3-19-2tp) FOB ;SA£E: Fife'House, Church St., Elizabethtow'n, NY. Inquire Village Office, Woodruff St., betweertthe hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. (Mbn.-Fr,.) 873-6460. (7-11fifn ; FOR SALE - Cape Cod style house but of village of Westport. 4 bedrooms, 1-2 acre of land: Call 962-8950. (2-20 tfnj SINGLE FARM HOUSE in Wadhamswith ^bedrooms, view 5 • • "• _oij, cheat -with capabilities of wood- heat - for ap for vacant land. Call BY CpNER, small 3 bedroom hbuje iaGhamplain for $26,000. £13,000 -down, balance by "payment plu ta No Interest. Phone 298 2101 (3 1 - 3-:i9 * - ; " FOR SALE IN Tl 2 fam y:ri Good Investment. Writeii"' a Tronau. 503 No. A w Upper Nyack V ri t FOB SALE: u a y Satthg located on app. 1 acre of land, on Boejiiet River,fa;2 2 , 3 mi. N, of Westport. 4 BR, Large LR, Modem Kftcrjen, Central Heafirig. fl8jS0p|J0 By Owners: Ridhafd-Mary; doff; R. D. 1; Box 1Q7. lytechanicville, N.Y. 12118. (518) 899-6677, after 5:30. (3-12 4-2-4tc» HOUSE FOR SALE-Jay. 3 Bedrooms, living room, kitchen, plus garage on 1-2 acre. $25,000. Call-647-5955. (3-12-3-19-2tc) SALE - Black' Brook area, 5 Bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen. Also a shop in back plus a Garage on 4 acres. $30,000. Call 647-5955. (3-12 3-19-2tc) LAKE CHAMPLAIN AREA Lakeview lot 3500. New three bedroom ranch $31,500. Antique school house $12,500. Easy terms. Free property list. Safe buy realty, PO Box 336, Willsboro, N.Y. 12996, phone 963-7893 <2-27-3-19-4tc) MOACRES HALF A MOUNTAIN! Lovely 5 bedroom home in excellent condition with attached shop and 2 car garage. Antique paneled 'ving room with beam eiling and fireplace, large kitchen and dining area, 2 full baths, large porch, full cellar, hot water heat, spring water. Large barn with 4 horse stalls and 1 1 stanchions. 160 acres mostly wooded with 2500' road frontage. Located 3 1-2 mi. north of Westport. N.Y.. on the AINGERVILLE RD. Priced right at $67,000. RIGSBEE Broker 493-4711 ForfUnt WOODSPLITTErHor rent by day or week jContacr North Country Welding for information prices If no -answer call after 6 p m 962 4804 (8-1 tfn nc) IMPROVEMENTS Have a proWem? tyHKL* *mafr & large repair? WeM s new addition or new house? Don't wart for .contractors that don't show up Call Joe Basfle, Constructnn^Phone Lewis873 6424 (5-3<Etfnci ._ FOR RENT - Shampooer $1 per day. Marvin's Sons. 873-6847. (10-25-tfnc) BACKHOE BULLDOZER AND DUMP TRUCK RENTALS £all Joe Basile Construction Lewis 873-6424. (5-30-tfnc) HOUSE FOR RENT: Located between Au Sable Forks and Clintonville. Partially Furnished, two bedrooms, living room, kitchen. No Pets. Call: Ronald Wilkins 647-5987. (3-5-3-19-3tc) BEFORE YOUR NEXT GATHERING (20 to 500), check with us. Buffets-full course dinners. Free estimates. For a Catering Service that will "highlight" your party and leave a dollar in yourjpocket, call 585-9931 between Kftfca.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ask for Bill:.(3:12TWO STORY APT. available;'" --JL^. • April-1st- Reasonable-rent,- gas"- S.tfn). water heater, pot.burner, lawn' and garden. 16 Oak St:, " TEXTURED CEILINGS make Champlain. 298-9673. (3-12-3tc) yourt'home more beautiful, with sprayed on textured ceilings by FOR RENT: 5 BR Colonial CounKeiley Homes. (10 ft. by 10 ft. try Home, partially furnished, • room 'only $40) Free estimates. Country Kitchen, DR, LR; 1 Ca!&63-7893. (2-27-4-16-8tc) Bath, Large yard. Super location, close to Northway commuting (Westport-Elizabethtown). Available 4-1; $175.00 plus util. Deposit required. CaH 518-899-6677 after 5:30. (3-12 3-19-2tc> "THE ACTION AUCTIONEER4 ROOM APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Telephone 914-358-3018 . or write Mrs. J . Porcelli, 503 No.. Midland Ave., Upper Nyack, N.Y. 10960. (36-tfn-np) MALONE, N.Y. (518)483-1670 UPSTAIRS 2 bedroom apartment with electric heat for $150 a FREE APPRAISAL month located at 55 Church Street in Rouses Point. 298-9301. (2-27-3-12-3tc) AUCTIONEER BOBSffELLEY COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE ORMSBYS SPORTS WORLD' VALINS Willsboro TV 963-7230. Service will build our business. Authorized Zenith TV Sales and Service. (10-25-tfnc) Realtor YE OLD Strip Shoppe, Route 9, Keeseville, NY 12944. Call 8347736. (10-25-tfnc) WANTED - Remington Model 8 and 81, any caliber, any condition. Marshall Fish, Westport, NY. 518-962-4897. (1-16-tfn-c) Westoort. NY 12993 (518)962-8990 Specializing in Country Properties CARPENTRY SERVICE, Westport area, $7.00 per hour or by labor bid. Call Nick Vaughan 962-4807. (3-5-3-12-2tp) NORTH COUNTRY REALTY WESTPORT, N.Y. "All Types of REal EState" OFFICE 962-8300 Salespersons Carol Buchanan.... 962-8623 Mary DeGroff 962-8292 Electa Vaughan . . . . 962-4516 . Donald Mclntyre . . . 962-8910 EdKroeplin 962-4366 H and P WELDING and Machine Shop, Portable Arc and Acelylene; also Lathe Work. Route 374, Brainardsville, 4253511. (3-5-3-26-4tc) TREE REMOVAL SERVICE, experienced and insured, free estimates. Low rates. Call 585-6212. (3-12- 4-2 -5tp) REAL ESTATE Elizabethtown HENRY W. KURTENBACH Lie. Real Estate Broker 873-6828 HARRY P. JOHNSON Real Estate Salesman 873-6454 BLUE RIDGE 24x34 Cape w/full porch and expandable attic S11.980 Basic Log Home Package LTD. Mai Authorized Distributors Harry and Catherine Schuette R.D. 3v Westport 518-9624439 MSS!S Harry and Catherine Schuette R.D. 3, Westport UNITEDFARM MEANS REALESTATE Housecleaning? RENT-A-KID [ELECTHOLUX) SALES & SERVICE UNITED FARM AGENCY Or for appointment Call: Gary debus Schro6nUke...532-7191 Barbara Winrock Lewis 873 2640 NORTH END REPAIR 35 Boynton Ave. Pittsburgh. N.Y. (518)563-4360 •YAMAHA Snowmobile* Motorcycles & Accessories •STIHL Chainsaws •FUJU b •SCHWINN •Bike* •Motorcycle & •Bike Repairs 873-6408 BABYSITTING: I would like to babysit. Experienced and dependable, can furnish references. Phone 298-8417, Pauline Laporte. (3-12-3-26(3-12-3-26-3tc) •354150 Acres W/River Build your dream home. Sub dividable with marketable timber. Close to tourist area & 187. Only $50,000 with $14,000 down & liberal owner financing. 1353 Land Lots of Land! 350 acres of prime woodland with million- dollar view! Trout stream & roads run .through. Highway frontage near tourist area. Priced to sjslI,at;$J2&000 with only $30,0 owner financing. | . TROPHIES & ENGRAVING Specializing in Bataball. Softball, Hockey. Uniforms & Equipment CORNER OF CORNELIA &2COGANAVE PLATTSBURGH. N Y 561 3845 Services or for appointment call: CaryClebus Schroon lake 532-7191 Barbara Winrock Lewis. 873-2640 Send$4forillu trated planning book Beat Tjhe Housing Crunch with*LOG HOME N SURREY ANTIQUE SHOW AND ^AtE North Country Shopping Center Pittsburgh, N.Y. 561-2020 Building, Remodeling, Roofing caii: PETES SALES & SERVICE Authorized Dealer For Wheel Horse Botens. Lawn Boy. Ariens.Stihl Pioneer & Weed Eater 97 Smith Street Dannemora, N.Y. Tel. (518)492-561 mwM ANI ?H V\ at?- Dvvyer s in Ma?* , 1 7 « iScJ ; BBt •3 jTrW'ISngor, p.rru<3i&-3^ Invited to Participate in Program Owners and managers of rental housing, in Franklin County are invited to participate in the Section 8 Existing Housing Assistance Payments Program which wjlt provide rental assistance to low-and moderate income families in Franklin County..Funds,for this program,have been provided by the United; StatesDepartment of Hpusing and Urban Development, to the StateofiMew York. The Franklin County Community Housing Council. vvilK administer the program on behalf of the NewJtarkjState Division oi Housing and Community Renewal,-under theierms of an agreement between the two agencies. Under the Section 8 Program, direct monthly payments will be made to owners on behalf of eligible persons to cover part of .their rental costs. In j>rder to qualify fo.r the Program, housing units must meet program housing standards and must fall, within the following HUD Fair Market Rent Limits for this area:,- : .: . 1 bedroom - $130.00; 2 bedroom - $155.00; S bedroom $171.00; 4 bedroom4 $1:90.00 For further information call the Community Housing Council at 483-5934. . and correct List of all nominations of candidates for offices to be filled at the LIST OF CANDIDATES Village Election in the FOR VILLAGE ELEC Village of Champlain, N. Y., TION to be. held on Tuesday, To the Voters of the Village March 18th, 1980 between of Champlain: the hours of 12 Noon p.m. The following is a true and 9:00 p.m. in the Village Hall, as filed with the Village Clerk pursuant to the provisions of the Election Law: WANTED for private collection, Citizens Union Ticket German beer steins with metal lids or covers. Write PO Box 338Trustee - Ralph L. J. Elizabethtown, N.Y. 12932. (8Cookman - Two Years 1-tfn-nc) Trustee Richard WANTED: Babysitter in my Crichton - Two Yean Independent Ticket home, 5 days. Call 585-6812 after 5 p.m. (37-3t-np) Trustee - None Trustee - None TOP PRICES PAID for your Dated at Champlain, New furs. I don't advertise huge York, this 1st day of March prices and then don't pay them. 1980 I pay what your fur is worth to Lawrence Paquette begin with. Also scrap metals, Village Clerk Roy P. Fleury, 7 Eagle St., Westport, N.Y. 12993. Ph. ( 3 - 1 2 - h e ) 1094 NC 962-4361. (2-13 - 4-16 -'10tc.> Legal Notice Wanted WANTED TO BUY: One (1) oil or gasoline storage tank, new or used. Capacity 4,000 to 10,000 gallons. Contact Leonard Snow, Pur. Agent, Au Sable Valley Central School, Clintonville, N.Y. 12924, Phone 834-7706. (3-12Itc) WANTED - Remington Model 8 and 81, any caliber, any condition. Marshall Fish, Westport, NY. 518-962-4897. (1-16-tfn-c) NORTHLAND HIDES Would like your dead & disabled cattle & horses. Prompt, courteous service. Call collect anytime, day or night. ~> days a week. 518-594-3953 •'WANTED TO BUY: Silver and Gold Coins and Rings. Clad Haffs . '65 thru '69; Canadian Silver Coins up to 1970. Percy Prue; Brushfon, N.Y. 529-7302: (3-12 3-19-2tc) WANTED: Comic books' Marvel's and DCs. Your collection may be worth $100's. Top prices paid. Call or write Joe Miller, 43 1-2 Lafayette St., Plattsburgh. (518) 563-9159. (3-12 3-26-3tp) - How to make the work for you. Answer it. Your answers provide.the information federal and local government departments need to determine funding for projects for your community, like new schools and parks. Answer the Census. CENSUS'80 I \ Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council WANTED - 3 bedroom house by 1 May, Ti area, locaj family. Call 585-7421. ('3-12-tfn-n.p.) House For Sale? WANTED Antiques, Used. Furniture. Complete Households, contents of cellars, attics, bams. Call 834-7374 or write "The Glad Shop", Keeseville, N.Y. 12944. NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1. J.D 2010 Whl Ldr. B'hoe No. 20092 $8 850 00 2. J.D 400 Whl Ldr. B'hoe No. 120944-514.500 00 3. J O 300-B Whol. Ldr. B'hoe No 327019 $20,500.00 4. J O 510 Whl Ldr. B'hoe No. 191658-,$25,000 00 Advertise In The Classified Section dirondack Record Post 647-8191 County Republican - hateauqav Record 497-6142: Valley News 873-6368 •: orth Countryman297j912! The TimesofTi 585162041 HEAVY EOWRMENT, INC. P,OBox67 ' Pittsburgh, NY 12901 * • ^ l i S f e ^ . -%i
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