HOW TO PRESENT YOURSELF IN THE CURRENT MARKET Wednesday 24 April 2013 18:30-21:00 (Registration from 18:00) Revolution Bar, Arch 7, Deansgate Locks, Manchester M1 5LH MYCAG invite you to attend their latest event, which not only offers a networking opportunity, but also provides insight into one of the key professional skills - making a positive first impression! The session will provide techniques and knowledge on how to present yourself,to make the right impact in the professional market and to stand out from the crowd. These tools will be essential for you to build your personal brand, whether that is to win business or to develop your reputation within your profession; and will assist in securing those all-important promotions within your respective firms. The presentation will also provide a valuable insight into how the use of online mediums can be all important to not only build, but also maintain that positive image. The first part of the evening will be delivered by Sellick Partnership. The second part of the evening will offer you some top tips on how to how to present yourself and dress for success – as Oscar Wilde once famously said “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”! Cliff Burgess from TM Lewin will deliver this interactive session. The charge for this seminar is £10 including VAT which includes a buffet and two drinks. If you would like to attend please book online at or complete and return this form. BOOKING FORM Wednesday 24 April (18:30 – 21:00) I would like to attend the How to Present Yourself seminar on Wednesday 24 April 2013 Event Code DMANCOR130424 Name: …………………………………………......................................................................................... Position: ...................................................................................... Organisation: ................................................................... Address: ..................................................................................... ......................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Postcode: ........................................................................ Tel: .............................................................................................. E-mail: ............................................................................. Institute Membership No: I enclose a cheque made payable to the MSCA RETURN TO: Regions Central Events, ICAEW, PO Box 6083, Milton Keynes, MK10 1PG Tel: + 44 (0)1908 248179 Fax: +44 (0) 1908 248053 Email: For event booking conditions please refer to MCA website. INSPIRING CONFIDENCE
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