How to maximize your Acupuncture Media Works purchase At Acupuncture Media Works, we are committed to your success! Our products only work when you use them. To help maximize your purchase, we have put together this information sheet full of tips, ideas and strategies on how to best use our marketing products to get new patients and grow your practice. If you have any questions, insights, or other ways to use our materials, please contact us at Thank you! How to maximize your Education Card purchase Acupuncture & Anxiety 3. Mail an education card (e.g. Allergies) to your patients with a copy of a recent article and a short letter that says: “Did you know I also treat seasonal allergies? Please check out the attached information and pass it on to anyone who might be suffering from allergies.” 4. Mail to other practitioners. For example you can mail our Fertility, Menopause, PMS or Pregnancy education cards to local gynecologists, naturopaths, nurse practitioners, MDs, or nutritionists with a short letter introducing yourself and requesting a time to talk and create a (referral) relationship. 5. Place a stack of cards at health food stores, local coffee houses, book stores or herb shops. (Make sure your contact information is on the back of the cards!) Feelings of anxiety, worry and fear related to significant and challenging events are justified and very common. Anxiety becomes a problem when emotional reactions are out of proportion with what might be “normally” expected in a Disorder (PTSD) is anxiety that results from Post-traumatic Stress situation, and when symptoms interfere previous trauma such as military combat, rape, a natural disaster, a with a person’s daily functioning or sleep patterns. anxiety seriousMild accident or other life-threatening events. Most people who leaves a person feeling a bit unsettled, while severe anxiety canevents be recover from them, but people with PTSD experience such extremely debilitating. continue to be anxious and severely depressed for months or even years following the event. They often experience flashbacks and Anxiety is used as a general term for several disorders that have behavioral changes in order to avoid certain stimuli. common symptoms - such as nervousness, worrying, apprehension and fear. Anxiety disorders can be classified into several more specific Acupuncture Can Help. A clinical study conducted in China in 2010, types. The most common are briefly described below. has concluded that acupuncture is a “safe and effective” treatment for mood by disorders including depression and severe anxiety, in some Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized unrealistic, proving to with increase persistent and excessive worry about everydaycases things. People this the effectiveness medication-based disorder often expect the worst and experience exaggeratedofworry and treatments. Additionally a 2009 tension, even when there is no apparent reason for concern. study, again in China, determined that acupuncture alone could help Panic Disorder is characterized by brief or sudden attacks of intense whonausea, suffer from anxiety terror and apprehension that leads to shaking,patients confusion, buttend cannot be chemically dizziness and difficulty breathing. Panic attacks to arise abruptly treated due to intolerable and seemingly out-of-the-blue, causing the individual to becomeside-effects of medications. preoccupied with the fear of a recurring attack. Photo Credit: [iStockphoto]/Thinkstock 2. Display them in your waiting room, lobby, check-in desk or treatment room. Increase awareness about the various conditions that acupuncture treats. (We also sell display racks and education card display inserts to highlight specific conditions.) According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults and costing more than $42 billion a year. Photo Credit: [Stockbyte]/Thinkstock 1. Personalize them with a label or a stamp (see image to the right). Be sure to include your name, clinic name, website and/or contact phone number. You would be amazed how many calls we receive from potential new patients trying to make an appointment with us when they really want to contact YOU! schools of thought, anxiety disorders are considered Phobia is an irrational fear and avoidance of In an many objectWestern or situation. to be dysfunctions in aorperson’s brain chemistry. An acupuncturist does Phobias commonly focus on flying, bridges, insects, heights, dental medical procedures and elevators. Having phobias can anxiety disrupt daily not view as a brain dysfunction, but rather as an imbalance routines, reduce self-esteem, limit work efficiency and put organ a strainsystem. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this in a person’s on relationships. imbalance is called Shan You Si (“anxiety & preoccupation”), and is believed to affect the main organs: the Heart, Lung, Spleen, Social Anxiety Disorder is characterized by aLiver, fear ofand being negatively Kidneys. Each organ is related to different aspects of judged and scrutinized by others in social or performance-related a person’s emotions. situations. Different variations of this type of anxiety include a fear of intimacy, stage fright and a fear of humiliation. suffering ForPeople instance, worryfrom is said to affect the Spleen, grief affects the this disorder can sometimes isolate themselves in an anger attemptthetoLiver, avoid fear the Kidneys, and lack of joy the Heart. Lungs, public situations and human contact. If a person experiences one or more of these emotions over a long period of time due to lifestyle, dietary, hereditary and environmental Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder factors, it can cause an imbalanced emotional state and lead to various characterized by unwanted or intrusive thoughts, which often make the anxiety disorders. sufferer feel compelled to repeat certain behaviors or routines. Even when the OCD sufferers know the irrationalityThe of role theirof compulsions, an acupuncturist is to investigate the underlying causes they feel powerless to stop them. They may obsessively wash of the anxiety bytheir carrying out a thorough diagnostic evaluation in hands, clean personal items or constantly check light order to switches, determinelocks which organ system has been affected and is out or stoves. of balance. The acupuncturist will then seek to restore the imbalance by inserting fine, sterile needles into the points correlating to those organs. Additionally, acupuncture helps to reduce stress, ultimately encouraging and supporting a greater sense of well-being and balance. 6. Hand out symptom-specific education cards to patients. Review your patients’ health history and notice other ailments that surface from time to time. For example, if a patient came to you for headaches but you see in their health history that he/ she also suffers from allergies, it may be helpful to hand them an Acupuncture & Allergies education card. In that moment you plant a seed in their mind so that the next time this issue comes up, they will think to come to you for help. Personalize here with 7. Display and hand out your education cards at events such as health fairs, your stamp or label wellness workshops, presentations, networking events and health classes. Resources: Zhang (2010). “The effectiveness and safety of acupuncture therapy in depressive disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis”. Journal of Affective Disorders, 124, 1-2, July 2010. Wen (2009). “Combination of acupuncture and Fluoxentine for depression: A randomized, double-blind, shamcontrolled trial”. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 15, 8, August 13, 2009. ©2011 Acupuncture Media Works. 866-696-7577 • 120511. *Note: You can order personalized stamps on our website. Ancient medicine for a modern world. Acupuncture is safe, natural, drug-free and effective. This little book can have a BIG impact on your life. Acupuncture works and has helped many people for the past 5,000 years. It can help you, or someone you know. Take a step towards optimal health and wellness. Call today! How to maximize your Acupuncture in a Nutshell purchase • Personalize them with a label or a stamp or attached business card. Include your name, clinic name, website and phone number. • Mail to patients along with their initial paperwork. • Send a stack to local practitioners along with gift certificates. • Leave a stack at local coffee shops or bookstores. • Challenge yourself to handout 50 Nutshells a month (consider attaching a promotional certificate to them). ©2012 Acupuncture Media Works • • 866-696-7577 • 011612 *Note: You can order personalized stamps on our website. Personalize here with your stamp or label ©2012 Acupuncture Media Works. (866)696-7577 How to maximize your Brochure purchase For new patients, include What is Acupuncture? or Your First Visit brochures along with intake forms. Between the 1st & 2nd visit, hand out the Acupuncture Questions & Answers brochure. How should I prepa re? Discuss and review the Steps of Care brochure as you talk about your findings, treatment plan and treatment goals. This increases their understanding of their healing process, the different phases of care and how they can track their own progression. • Writedownand bringan Weareheretohelpyou yquestionsyouhave. . • Wearloose,com fortable accesstoacupuncture clothingforeasy points. • Donoteatlarge mealsjustbeforeorafte yourvisit. r • Refrainfromov erexertion,worki ngout, oralcoholforup tosixhoursafterthevidrugs sit. • Avoidstressfuls ituations andbesuretogetplen .Maketimetorelax, tyofrest. • Betweenvisits, takeno mayhaveoccurred,suctesofanychangesthat hasthealleviat pain,painmovin gtootherareas,orchaionof inthefrequency andtypeofproblems. nges How safe is acupuncture ? Acupunctureisextreme lysafe.Itisana drug-freetherap ll-natural, y,yieldingnosid eeffects ofrelaxationand well-being.Thereislittl justfeelings infectionfromac upunctureneedlesbecaedangerof sterile,usedonc e,andthendiscarded. usetheyare How are acupuncturis Why did my acupu recommend herbs?ncturist Herbscanbeapowerfu ladjuncttoacu Theyareusedto strengthen,buildandspuncturecare. ortoclearitofe upportthebody xcessp acutepain.Yourpractit roblemslikeacold,feveror ionermaysuggeststart herbsandthena ingwith ddinga inthefuture.Thisissug cupuncturetoyourtreatment gestedt obuildupyourin strengthsoyou ternal canreceivethef ullbenefitsacup hastooffer. uncture Acupuncture Questions & Answers What can acupuncturis ts heal? Acupunctureisrecogniz edbytheNation Health(NIH)and theWorldHealthOrgan alInstituteof beeffectiveinth etreatmentofawidevaization(WHO)to problems.Below rietyofmedical aresomeofthe healthconcerns acupuncturecan that effectivelytreat: • Addiction • Anxiety • Arthritis • Asthma • Bronchitis • Carpaltunnel syndrome • Fatigue • Fertility • Fibromyalgia • Gingivitis • Headache • Reproductive problems • Rhinitis • Sciatica • Seasonalaffective disorder(SAD) • Shoulderpain After a series of visits, mail Wellness Care or Your Body is a Garden brochures to active patients educating them on the importance of continued acupuncture care. You can also send them to patients who have not been in for while. ts educated? Today,acupunct uristsundertake threetofouryears ofextensiveand compre nationallycertifiedscho hensivegraduatetrainingat ols.Allacupunct passanationale uristsmust xamandmeetst rictguidelinesto practiceinevery state. What to Expect Thesensationcausedb yanacupunctur varies.Wherethe eneedle acupuncturene edlehasbeen inserted,youma yexperi heaviness,tinglingord enceavaguenumbness, ullache.Sometimespe experiencealittl ople epaina asensationofenergyspstheneedlesareinserted,or readingandmovingaro theneedle.This und iscalled the“Qisensation”.Allth ese reactionsarego odand signthatthetreatment a working.Theneedlesaris onlyslightlythickerthane ahumanhair.Th edepth ofinsertionvarie sfrom persontoperson.After treatment,youm ayfeel energizedorma yexperi adeepsenseofrelaxat ence ion andwell-being. • Chronicfatigue • Colitis • Commoncold • Constipation • Dentalpain • Depression • Diarrhea • Digestivetrouble • Dizziness • Dysentery • Emotional problems • Eyeproblems • Facialpalsy • Hiccough • Incontinence • Indigestion • Irritablebowel syndrome • Lowbackpain • Menopause • Menstrual irregularities • Migraine • Morningsickness • Nausea • Osteoarthritis • Pain • PMS • Pneumonia • Sinusitis • Sleep disturbances • Smoking cessation • Sorethroat • Stress • Tenniselbow • Tonsillitis • Toothpain • Trigeminal neuralgia • Urinarytract Infections • Vomiting • Wristpain Distribute What is Acupuncture?, Acupuncture Questions & Answers and Acupuncture & Modern Research brochures to other local health care practitioners to educate them about the benefits and accessibility of acupuncture. ©2011 Acupunctur e Media Works. All rights reserved. 866-696-7577 • 062011 www.acupu Photo Credits: [Stockbyte]/Th [BananaStock]/Thinkstock. inkstock. [Keith Brofsky]/[Digit[Jupiterimages]/[Goodshoot]/Thinkstock. al Vision]/Thinks tock. []/ Thinkstock. How to maximize your Organ Sheet purchase • Hand them to patients with corresponding organ imbalances to educate them about their condition. Heart & Small Inte Patient education increases patient stine Organ She et loyalty. This patient handout is designed to give between appointm you ents in order to maximize tools to help you progress along vitality of the heart the path to wellness your healing process. & small intestine . Use this informati This sheet includes . on ina variety of tips that support the health and • Host a health care class using the organ sheets as your outline and as a diagram. Our organ sheets are designed for seasonal and symptom specific training for patients. Section #1: Functions While many of the ferences between organ functions how Eastern and overlap and are similar, Western different functions there are significant of each organ according medicine view them. This section gives you an overview difto each of these medical philosophie of the s. Functions accordin g to Western Medicine Heart • Removes metabolic wa • Pumps blood through ste out the body • Facilitates the movem ent of oxygen, nutrien and hormones ts Functions accordin g to Eastern Medicine Heart • Controls sweat • Controls blood vesse ls and circulation • Supports and controls • Manifests upon the co mental activities Small Intestine • Houses the “Shen,” w mplexion hich is equivilent to th • Supports the digestiv mind e e process with the ch breakdown of proteins emical • Facilitates absorption , fats and carbohydrates Small Intestine of food molecules into bloodstream the • Governs ingested flui ds and foods, separa • Aids in the secretion the “clean” from the “ ting of bile, pancreatic and impure” digestive fluids other • Sends food to the Larg • Sends impurities to th e Intestine for reabsorption e Bladder to be releas as urine ed Section #2: Physical/E motional Symptoms meridian system Each is unique and presents with various distinct signs and symptoms when it is balance based on the Traditional Chinese out of diagnosis system. Medical As you read through this list, you may notice one or more signs and symptoms you are experiencin that g or have in the past. Notes Section #3: Foods to Add/Avoid Certain create specific changes foods within the body. tion is here to guide This secyou to make food choices that support the health of the heart & small intestine. Physical Symptom s: • Anemia • Low blood pressure • Angina • Pain in lower • Aversion to heat abdomen • Celiac disease • Poor circulation • Difficulty turning head • Red/ashen facial • Frozen shoulder color • Hardening of arteries • Stiff neck and/or • Hearing problems shoulders • Heart attacks • Tennis elbow • Hemorrhoids • Thrombosis • High blood pressure • Urinary problems • Hot and/or painful join ts • Varicose ve • Hot flashes ins • Weak, irregular pulse • Insomnia • Weak abdominal tone Add Emotional Symptom • Agitation • Anxiety • Continuous laughter • Send a letter to patients saying, “I am hosting a “Stay Healthy in Fall” health care class. I will go over the function of all organs according to Eastern and Western medicine. We will discuss what you can do to support their functioning in the upcoming season. I would love for you to join us.” Notes Section #4: Meridian Associations This lists a specific sound section and an emotion associated with this meridian system, as well as the time of day and season when it is most active. • All fruit • Amaranth • Asparagus • Basil • Black beans • Brussel sprouts • Buckwheat • Celery • Chicory • Chives • Cinnamon • Crab apples • Cucumbers • Dandelion Season Summer • Dark, leafy greens • Dates • Dill • Endive • Figs • Grapes • Green beans • Kidney beans • Lettuce • Marrow soup • Mung beans • Nettles • Olive oil • Oysters • Paprika Time of Day 11 am-1 pm Emotion Joy Notes s: • Critical, cynical behav • Excessive and/or vivi ior d dreaming • Forgetfulness • Lack of joy or humor • Lack of self-love • Mania • Mental confusion • Poor self-esteem • Restlessness • Parsley • Persimmons • Quinces • Raspberries • Red beets • Red lentils • Salmon • Squash • Spinach • Vegetables Avoid • Bacon • Butter • Candy • Canned soup • Canned veggies • Fried foods • Hot dogs • High-fat snacks • Ice cream • Lard • Mayonnaise • Potato chips • Salt • Sugar • Red meat • Saturated fat • Whole milk Healing Tone HAWWW © 2012 Acupuncture Media Works. All rights reserved. How to maximize your Gift Certificate/Health Pass purchase For MD referrals, mail Acupuncture & Modern Research brochure to MDs with whom you are interested in building referral partnerships. This is an excellent brochure that documents the science and research behind acupuncture. • Give to patients when they say, “I feel great” and ask them to pass on to a friend, a co-worker or a family member. Display and hand brochures out at events such as health fairs, wellness workshops, presentations, networking events, health classes for patients, etc. • Mail to inactive patients. Drop off Acupuncture & Women’s Health, Acupuncture & Men’s Health or Acupuncture & Sports at gyms, local sports clubs or mail them out to local personal trainers in your community. Mail Children and Acupuncture along with a letter of introduction to pediatricians, doulas or family practice physicians in your community. How to maximize your Postcard purchase Send a Welcome postcard to new patients welcoming them to your practice. This is an excellent way to start nurturing the practitionerpatient relationship. Hand out a Referral Generator card to your current patients when they talk about how good they feel and how much their condition has improved. Ask them to forward the card to a friend or a family member who may also benefit from acupuncture. Use our Holiday postcards to extend good wishes for the upcoming year. Include a friendly note saying something like, “Haven’t seen you for a while. I hope your back is feeling better since your last treatment. Wishing you continued health during this new year.” Birthday postcards are a wonderful way to stay in touch with inactive & active patients. You can include a gift certificate for a free or discounted treatment as a birthday gift. This can be a great incentive for a return visit. Send the Four Seasons or Healthy Reminder postcards to invite patients in for a seasonal tune up. Announce changes or events happening in your practice with any of our acupuncture/wellness related postcards. • Pass them out at health fairs, open houses and talks. • Exchange them with other health care practitioners. How to maximize your Bookmark purchase • Place a bookmark in your new patient paperwork as part of your welcoming packet. • Leave a stack at a local bookstore, coffee shop or library. • Create a promo card (business card size) that says, “Stress Reduction Treatment for $10” (or another offer) and insert it into the slits on the bookmark. • Handout symptom specific bookmarks to patients to educate on specific symptoms. • Pass them out at health fairs, open houses and talks. • Remember to insert your business card in the pre-cut slits. Helpful tips for reducing stress Rubbing acupuncture points with your finger for 30 - 60 seconds can stimulate and promote the circulation of Qi within your own body, restoring health and well-being. Here are two common acupuncture points to reduce stress and promote health and wellbeing. Points are located on both sides of the body. Conception Vessel 17 Location: In the center of the sternum (breastbone), between the nipples. Function: Good for stress, anxiety, asthma, chest pain and tightness, indigestion, cough, dyspnea, hiccoughs, intercostal neuralgia, mastitis, palpitations, respiratory disorders, throat disorders, and wheezing. Also restores balance to both the heart and small intestine, regulates Qi and blood, strengthens the lungs, benefits the breasts and promotes lactation. safe natural Pericardium 6 - Location: On the inside of the forearm, in between the tendons, approximately two and a half finger widths below the wrist crease. Function: Used to reduce irritability, anxiety and stress. Helps regulate discomfort and pain in the hypochondriac region and chest, relieves irregular or painful menses and PMS. Also good for poor memory, insomnia, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, wrist pain, and neck aches. effective Acupuncture Works! Try this safe, natural, drug-free way of whole body healing. Precut slits to add your business card! ©2012 Acupuncture Media Works. (866)696-7577
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