BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 HELL’S CANYON GEM CLUB Serving the Valley for 62 YEARS P.O. BOX 365 LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 PURPOSE OF HELLS CANYON GEM CLUB, INC. The purpose of this nonprofit, social club is to promote the rock hound hobby by providing opportunities for the collection, working and displaying of gems and minerals, as well as educational programs in the field of geology. MEETINGS: 2nd Friday of each month Board Meeting 6 pm Regular Meeting 7 pm VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Dues: Adult [per person] $15.00; Junior [under 18] Free with a responsible adult membership. 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Steve Rand Mel Wilks Marylou Northrup Marilyn Sharp Linn Enger 208-791-2325 208-301-3939 208-743-6944 509-758-4218 208-746-4957 1st Year Trustee Richard Peterson 1st Year Trustee Jerry Blemka 2nd Year Trustee Betty Wilks 2nd Year Trustee Torch Yates Federation Director Jeremy Giard Federation Delegate Gail Giard HELLS CANYON WEBSITE: WEBMASTER: Rick Westerholm: 208-276-7077 509-758-7384 208-301-3939 208-743-3358 509-758-2581 509-758-2581 =================================================================================================================================== HOW TO FIND OUR MEETING PLACE Page 1 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Hello Rockhounds I hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather, I apologize for missing meetings but as most of you know I am in the process of moving and that’s a big chore. Looks like we had a good auction, and thanks to Mel and everyone that helped him to make it a success. I guess we decided on not having a show theme this year, but if you would like to help out on the show let Mel or Linn know and they can direct you to what needs to be done. Things should slow down for me by May a little bit and maybe we can get a few field trips going. So come join us on the 11th and bring some treasure’s to share with everyone. Steve =================================================================================== March 14 board meeting, 6:15pm In the absence of Steve Rand, Mel Wilks opened the meeting. Board members present were Mel Wilks, Mary Lou Northrup, Marilyn Sharp, Linn Enger, Richard Peterson, Jerry Blimka, Torch Yates, Jeremy & Gail Giard. Mel announced that Steve Rand will be moving to Spokane. Torch made a motion to accept the minutes. Jerry seconded it, Motion passed. Marilyn gave a treasure’s report. The ALAA newsletter was talked about. Bruce Borgelt will receive the newsletter instead of Linn Enger. The cost of $71.75 for the WSMC newsletter and membership was discussed. We agreed to table joining the membership until next month. In the meantime we will talk to Dan Cease to find out more about the council. The club auction was discussed. It will be held Saturday March 15, 2014 at Sacajawea hall on Lewis Clark College Campus. Check in and set up will start at 9:00am with the auction starting at 1:30pm. Any member can sell their rocks by giving a 30% commission to the club. These minutes were typed and written after the auction. It was a fun day with quite a few in attendance and lots of things to sell. October Show: Mel stressed that it takes a lot of effort and teamwork to put on a show. Most of the chairman positions were talked about with some being filled. A motion was made and passed to not have a theme for this year’s show. Flyers will be made before the Spokane show the last weekend of March. Richard Peterson made a motion, Torch seconded to raise admission price at the show to $3.00/day, Kids 12 & under are free. Motion passed. Mel announced the N.W. Montana Gold Prospectors will have a show May 3 & 4 in Kalispell, Montana. Meeting adjourned. =================================================== General Meeting 7:00pm Mel opened the meeting. He again announced that Steve was moving to Spokane. Mel told us the Moneysaver put our ad for the rock auction in the wrong section of the paper. He hoped people saw it. Auction is set for March 15 at the college. Bill Stonecipher who usually helps auction is on his way to vacation in Europe so will not be here. Guests present: Laura Rinehart, Vanice & Tom Roof, Don Craber, Michael Douglas, Robert Blakey. Rick Westerholm was finally able to beat the weather and take people to the rock pit for a field trip. Dan Cease attended the meeting and explained a little of what the Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC) does. Oct. Show was discussed. Admission cost will raise to $3.00/day at the door. Anyone wanting to help setup, take down, or be on a committee is welcome. A lengthy discussion on our own building came up with different view points. Jerry Blimka invited anyone to his shop to use his tools or be shown a skill. Lola Collinsworth asked if anyone was willing to step forward to be a field trip chairperson. Barry McMinn said he would be willing to take people on field trips but needed GPS coordinates to follow as he didn’t know where to go. It was brought up that the mailed newsletters are completely different than the computer ones. The computer ones have many more pages. The N.W.Montana Gold Prospectors are having a show in Kalispell May 3rd & 4th. Bruce Borgelt had a mineral/rock question and answer period. Page 2 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 Show & Tell—Vanice Roof showed a necklace made by her dad Jerry Blimka. Merlyn Brusven showed jewelry made from shells and garnets. Jerry Northrup told about the field trip to the rock pit. Many door prizes were given including a special necklace made by Jerry Blimka. The necklace was given to the third woman drawn, which was one of our junior members. Meeting adjourned. (submitted by Marylou Northrup). WSMC FIELDTRIPS 2014 ( Will be updated—see ) The Washington State Mineral Council plans guided fieldtrips to collecting sites. Open to member clubs, and the general public. Most trips are free. Included will be Pow Wow trips (must join to go on trips). Host clubs and contact persons will be set up as I gather info. For now, go to for updates, or contact Ed Lehman @ , or home (425) 334- 6282 cel (425) 760-2786. Date Host Site Meeting place and time Material Tools 04/19 MtBkr Racehorse Creek 9:00 @ IGA @ Nugents Corner Fossils Dig & Lt hard rock tools 05/17 Elb Saddle Mt 9:00 @ Matawa Leprechaun Market Petrified wood Dig, Lt hard rock 06/01 Canceled 9:00 @ store (park) Thulite -$1 # sm sledge hammer 06/14 Spk Tunk Creek, Riverside, WA Emerald Creek 9:00 @ Emerald Creek Star Garnet Area, Idaho 8:00 @ Fairgrounds see dues above 8:00 @ Lolo Hot Springs Star garnet Tweezers Petrified wood, agate, jasper, T-Eggs -$1 # Smokey quartz Dig, Lt hard rock Travertine Hard rock tools Wading 06/25-29 POW Madras, OR 07/13 Spk Lolo Pass 07/19 08/02 Msvl Darrington Rock 11:00 Darrington Show Salmon Creek I-5 Park & ride in Toledo Shltn 08/16/ NWOS Greenwater 9:00 @ Enumclaw Ranger Station Agate, petrified wood, pseudo coprolites Agate, Jasper 09/6-7 POW Red Top 09/13 NWOS Little Naches 8:00 @ camp (W fork M fork jct) Dues, see above 9:00 @ Enumclaw Ranger Station Agate, geodes, jade, jasper Thunder-Eggs Dig, lt hard rock 10/04 Msvl D.P. Mine & H.T. 9:00 @ Money Creek Camp Ore, picture Jasper Lt hard rock, light MtBkr Creek Blanchard Mt 9:00 @ I-5 240 exit gas Station Stilpnomelane & Chert Hard rock tool 11/08 Dig, lt hard rock Kit = Kitsap M & G Soc— T B D Msvl = Marysville R & G Club - Ed Lehman (425) 334-6282 or (425) 760-2786 MtBkr = Mount Baker R & G Club—Kris Menger @ (360) 927-0994 Elb = Ellensburg R Club—Steve Townsend—(509) 933-2236 Spk = Spokane Rock Rollers—Mike Shaw—(509) 244-8542 NWOS = Northwest Opal Soc—Tony Johnson—(253) 863-9238 This is just a work in process. Participants please respond for corrections and updates. Thanks, Ed Lehman ========================================================================================== Living on earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year. How long a minute is, depends on what side of the bathroom door you’re on. Birthdays are good for you; the more you have, the longer you live!!! Happiness comes through doors you didn’t even know you left open. Ever notice that the people who are late are often much jollier than the people who have to wait for them? Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside of us. If Wal-Mart is lowering prices every day, how come nothing is free yet? Page 3 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 2014 NFMS CALENDAR ITEMS NFMS Mid-Year Meeting Hosted by Lakeside Gem & Mineral Club Benton County Fairgrounds Tri-Cities, WA April 26-27, 2014 ---------The Multi-Federation Field Trip: Terry, Montana July 31, August 1, 2, 3, 2014 We are having a great response to the Terry Fieldtrip, have been getting lots of questions and signups. At the time of this printing all of the RV parks in Terry are full (34 spaces) The Hotel/ Motels are full (48 rooms) We have lots of RV dry camping and Tent spaces. But if you want a Motel or RV space you will have to make reservations in Miles City, Mt. about 37 miles away ( 30 minutes) drive. Four Full days of fun, 3 days of fieldtrips. The present plans call for 3 trips per day to the Yellowstone River for 3 days, 2 trips to the hunt for cretaceous sea fossils and I am working on one per day to trip for Dinosaur fossils. For more information contact Doug True, Fieldtrip Chair, (406) 670-0506, or email ---------- NFMS Annual Meeting Hermiston, Oregon August 15-17, 2014 For more information contact Mike Filarski or Judi Allison ================================================================================= If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal. A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, but is still fat. A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while a tortoise doesn't run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years. And you tell me to exercise?? I don't think so. Just grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, the good fortune to remember the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference. Page 4 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 STANDING COMMITTEES GEM SHOW 1. Bulletin Editor— Ed Shoemaker 1. Show Chairman--- COMMITTEES 2. Membership Chairman---Lon & Marilyn Sharp 2. Show Co-Chairman--- 3. Juniors Chairman---Mike Horne 3. Show Treasurer--- 4. Field Trip Chairman— 4. Dealer Chairman--- 5. Program Chairman --- 5. Advertising Chairman--- 6. Show & Tell Chairman--- 6. Displays Chairman--- 7. Claims Chairman--- 7. Demonstrations Chairman--- 8. Historian Chairman--- 8. Floor Plan Chairman--- 9. Library Chairman--- 9. Silent Auction Chairman--- 10. Sunshine Chairman--- 10. Kids Corner--- 11. ALAA--(American Lands Access Association) 11. Admissions--12. Security--- ========================================================================================================== NFMS MEMBER CLUBS’ SHOW SCHEDULE (Partial list) DATE & TIME CLUB SHOW April 2014 12th 10am - 6pm 13th 10am - 4pm Yakima Rock & Mineral Club April 2014 12th 10am - 6pm 13th 10am - 6pm Idaho Falls Gem & Mineral Society Annual Parade of Gems Adults $3.50, Students $2 Under12 free w/adult Golden Anniversary Show April 2014 26th 10am - 5pm 27th 10am - 4pm Lakeside Gem & Mineral Club Annual Rock & Mineral Show April 2014 26th 10am - 5pm 27th 10am - 5pm May 2014 3rd 9am 4th 5pm 10am— May2014 5pm 10am - 6pm 10th West Seattle Rock Club 47th Annual Rock Show Everett Rock and Gem Club 61st Annual show Bozeman Gem & Mineral Club Annual Rock Show Puyallup Valley Club Annual show 11th 10am - 4pm June 2014 6th 12pm—5pm 7th 10am—5pm 8th 11am—4pm LOCATION Washington National Guard Armory 2501 Airport Lane Yakima, WA Idaho Falls Recreation Center B Street Idaho Falls, ID County Benton Franklin Fairgrounds 1500 S. Oak Kennewick, WA Alki Masonic Temple 4736 Everett Community College 40th Student Fitness Center, Ave. 2206 SW. Tower St Everett, (W WA Gallatin County Seattle), Fair Grounds 901 WA N. Black, Bldg. #1 Boseman, Swiss Park MT 9205 198th Ave. E. Puyall up, WA Page 5 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 A- Mineral- Mazing Can you help Mini Miner Mike find his way through the fluorite mazes? Enter here EXIT HERE Page 6 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 Word Search: Minerals found on Mars NASA has had scientific vehicles roaming the surface of Mars, taking pictures and testing rock and soil samples. We are learning there was probably a lot of water on Mars at some time. Geologic features and minerals with water in them have been discovered and studied. Visit NASA’s website at You could spend hours looking at the videos, pictures and other great stuff about the Mars Rover expeditions. To get you in the mood, here’s a word search for Minerals Found on Mars . A D E P I G E O N I T E Y O P O M G R A P S D L E F K G Y P S U M T E A T E B G H Z R C M D A D P S I M F E I E O D A B O A U A A E M R T P X Y R L T L U G T A C I A Z E C S I F G N I T O S L N O N Q T U I E M I N O H I M A E E R T T O T K R G O E T H I T E I R E C A R B O N A T E S T H C L J H I O L I V I N E C P S I L I C A T E W O W OPAL, GYPSUM, OLIVINE, FELDSPAR, PYROXENE, CARBONATES, PLAGIOCLASE, MAGNETITE, HEMATITE, GOETHITE, SILICATE, JAROSITE, SULFUR, APATITE, PIGEONITE, AUGITE, CHROMITE, ZIRCON, MARS Page 7 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 Clever Household Handy Hints..... The simplest way to slice a bunch of cherry tomatoes is to sandwich them between two plastic lids and run a long knife through all of them at once! Keep brown sugar soft by storing with a couple of marshmallows Page 8 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #49 Issue # 4, 2014 Install a regular coat rack low down the wall to store shoes safely off the floor Use a magnetic strip to store bobby pins on inside of a cupboard. ...Or store them in an empty Tic-Tac dispenser! Page 9
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