BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 HELL’S CANYON GEM CLUB Serving the Valley for 61 YEARS P.O. BOX 365 LEWISTON, IDAHO 83501 PURPOSE OF HELLS CANYON GEM CLUB, INC. The purpose of this nonprofit, social club is to promote the rock hound hobby by providing opportunities for the collection, working and displaying of gems and minerals, as well as educational programs in the field of geology. MEETINGS: 2nd Friday of each month Board Meeting 6 pm Regular Meeting 7 pm VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Dues: Adult [per person] $15.00; Junior [under 18] Free with a responsible adult membership. 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Steve Rand Mel Wilks open Marilyn Sharp Linn Enger 208-791-2325 208-301-3939 509-758-7580 509-758-4218 208-746-4957 1st Year Trustee Betty Wilks 1st Year Trustee Torch Yates 2nd Year Trustee Dan Cease 2nd Year Trustee Lon Sharp Federation Director Jeremy Giard Federation Delegate Gail Giard HELLS CANYON WEBSITE: WEBMASTER: Rick Westerholm: 208-301-3939 208-743-3358 509-254-1720 509-758-4218 509-758-2581 509-758-2581 =================================================================================================================================== HOW TO FIND OUR MEETING PLACE Page 1 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Hello Rockhounds, Here we are September already where is the year gone to. Hope everyone has been enjoying their summer. Bruce will be continuing on with his presentation on identifying minerals this month. We will also be selecting a nominating committee to find officers for the next year. It is time to start thinking of your display for the club show it is only a month away. We will have signup sheets at the meeting for everyone to signup to help out at the show. So far there is still no word on the garnet lease we are just playing a waiting game. Remember if you have been to the club crystal lease you need to report your poundage of crystals found so we can file our monthly report to the state. So bring your treasures for show and tell, and we will see everyone on the 13th of September. Steve are =================================================================================================================================== July 2013 Meeting Minutes Lots of slots available to volunteer at show, signup sheets will be passed out at September meeting. WSMC trip to Lolo pass for Smokey quartz meet at 9 a.m. Saturday and Sunday mountain time. David asked for volunteers for Lewiston Library presentation on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Federation show coming up in Butte Montana on August 9,10 and 11th. Garnet claim -- no digging this year, exploring our options. Get your Display ready for the show, Linn has signup sheets. Mel discussed a consignment auction for rock materials ,has a collection to sell for Orville and Rose, if you would like to consign with him --his auction is going to be in Genesee sometime in September call 208-285-0143 for more information. Jerry, Marylou and Rick went to Wyoming and got some nice specimens from the blue forest. There was no August meeting. ========================================================================================================= ROCK AUCTION SEPTEMBER 28TH Wilks Auction is have an auction this month on September 28 in Genesee to sell some of Orville and Rose Alene rocks and is looking for consignments. If you are interested Contact Mel or Betty Wilks at 208-301-3939 or 208-2850143 if you have any questions. This is not a club auction but all rockhounds are invited. Food will be available onsite. ========================================================================================================= This months mystery rock. Any idea where these are located? Answer at end of newsletter. Page 2 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 Sept. Meeting program by Bruce Borgelt--- review of minerals and into Petrology (the study of rocks) and how to identify them. ========================================================================================================= FEDERATION REPORT Jeremy Giard, Federation Director; Gail Giard, Federation Delegate August 9-11, 2013 Federation Meeting-Butte, Montana The 2013 NFMS 75th Annual Show & Convention was hosted by Butte Mineral and Gem Club in Butte, Montana. There were Nine (9) Competition Cases at the show. Five (5) were Master Cases in the following categories, Cabochons, Minerals, Carvings (spheres), Carvings (actual), and Jewelry (silver chains). One (1) Advance Case under the Educational category on carnelians. One (1) Novice Case on the Woven Beading category. Two (2) Junior Cases under the Fossil and the Petrified Wood categories. All of these nine cases were judged and received 1st place ribbons. There were approximately 40 other Display cases at the show and 28 dealers. The 2014 show will be held in Hermiston, Oregon on August 15-17, 2014 and will be called "The Biggest Little Show in Town". There will be approximately 20 dealers present inside and outside. The show will be held at the Hermiston Conference Center, 415 South Highway 395, Hermiston, Oregon. Show Chairpersons are Mike Filarski and Judi Allison. There was an opening for the 2015 NFMS Show, but the Golden Spike Club of Ogden, Utah has agreed to host the show, if no other club comes forward. The show will be held the 2nd weekend in April at the Fairgrounds. The Willamette Agate and Mineral Society has agreed to host the combined AFMS/NFMS show in 2016 in Salem, OR, no date or other information is available at this time. Lyle Vogelpohl reported there is one new club to join the NFMS, the Central Oregon Club of Prineville, Madras and Redmond. They were approved by the Executive Board and by voting delegates at the meeting. There is also a club in Oregon that apparently has disbanded. 2013 is the first time there has been a membership decline. Overall net change of the 68 NFMS Clubs indicates Adults and Juniors have decreased by 487 members from 2012 to 2013. Tom Burchard, of Circulation is in the process of updating the Mailing Label List for the newsletter. Warren Rood, 2nd Vice President again mentioned the new "Forum" on the website. It is a chat space for NFMS members to use to ask questions, share information, thoughts on shows, field trips, etc. You need to set up a password and then the Web Master will approve your use of the forum to insure you are a NFMS club member. Carol Willey, Directory, thanked all clubs for the updated address changes of their members. This directory is also used to verify club member's credentials when members enter competition cases at the shows. Page 3 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 Lyle Vogelpohl reported the endowment fund is at $189,000. This Fund was established so the NFMS would not have to raise dues. The last time the dues were raised was in 1986. Doug True, Field Trips AFMS & NFMS chair, reported there will be an Inter-Regional Field Trip in Terry, Montana from July 31, to August 3, 2014. His flyer indicates the following: "There are numerous trips planned everyday to collect Montana Agate, Petrified Wood, Coral, Stramatolites, Ammonites, Dinosaur Fossils and more. Some of the collecting areas are with private access where I have been collecting agate for 40 years. The Town of Terry has given us their two (2) city block park with a big swimming pool, showers and rest rooms. We can camp around the park with our doors opening into the park. They will have a big BQ (benefit) with live music one evening. We will have several potlucks, with several speakers and more music. There are two (2) small RV parks for those that need electricity, one Historic Hotel and a Motel for those that don't camp. There will also be a guided tour On the Calypso Trail in exotic badlands. Bring the kids for a special trip. Watch as we add updates and start planning your vacation for next year, you won't want to miss this one. For more information or to jump in and help: email phone (406) 670-0506." Shirley Leeson, Historian reported that Montana has lots of NFMS & AFMA history. She will bring the "boxes" of memorabilia dating back to 1957 to current to Hermiston for members to browse through. Audrey Vogelpohl, Juniors chair, reported more juniors entering competition display cases or just entering a case at shows are needed. There is a packet of about 300 pages for the sponsors to help juniors get started. Grace Thompson has put together a 32-page manual on how to present a class on minerals, gems, and fossils. It is on the AFMS website and can be downloaded. There is also a Badge Program available for juniors. Beth Heesacker, Newsletter Editor advised the deadline of 8/21/13 is set for articles for the next issue. Evelyn Cataldo, of the Nominating committee, introduced candidates for Executive Officers of 2013-2014. They are: President - Don Innes; 1st Vice President - Warren Rood; 2nd Vice President - Hidemi Kira; Secretary - Joan Day; Treasurer - Lyle Vogelpohl All were voted into their respective offices by the delegates. Lamar Tilgner, Northwest Rockhound Retreat chair, reported this is the 9th year of the retreat and is closed for participants. There are now 52 participants signed up with 10 on the waiting list. It was suggested earlier to choose a different time of the year so juniors could attend. However, Lamar indicated this is the only week available at the station. He recommends that the participants take back the skills they learn and share those new skills with the juniors and other club members. The camp is in a 50-acre plot at Hancock Field Station west of Fossil, Oregon. The endowment fund bought 3 new trim saws for the retreat as the old donated trim saws were worn out. Evelyn Cataldo, Past Presidents' Council, forwarded the proposal by the Willamette Agate and Mineral Society (WAMS) to host the 2016 combined AFMS and NFMS Show and Convention to the Executive Board. This proposal was approved by the Executive Board. Larry Hulstom, of Resolutions, presented a modification to the operating procedures in the handling of the scholarship fund. The resolution was voted on and approved by the Delegates. Page 4 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 Viola Jones, Rockhound of the Year chair, reminded clubs can submit a nomination to honor an individual or a couple to the AFMS every year. The nomination should be brief (about a 100 words) emphasizing the honoree's contributions to the club. The nomination will be published in the AFMS Newsletter as well as the NFMS newsletter. This year our club chose David Dabritz as our 2013 Rockhound of the year. Larry Hulstrom, of Rules and Awards encouraged clubs to get their juniors to enter competition cases at the shows. He also advised the AFMS is offering a Judges and Exhibitors Training Seminar in 2014 at Ogden, Utah. This will be during the annual Golden Spike Gem Show in April. There will be "book learning" on Friday and part of Saturday and Sunday morning you will help "judge" exhibits. This proved to be a great experience at the Reno Gem Show in 2011 with 30 people attending. More information on this will follow in the NFMS newsletter. Evelyn Cataldo, Scholarship chair, advised the object of the Foundation is to accumulate a fund from which only the income from the fund can be used to finance scholarships. Each year in each of the participating federations, the fund awards two recipients $2,000 per year for two years. Recipients must be graduate students in the earth sciences. Within each participating federation, recipients are chosen by an honoree that is named by the President of that Federation. That honoree is generally either a professor in the earth sciences or someone within the Federation whose contributions to the hobby have been very extraordinary. Evelyn encouraged members and clubs to contribute to the fund. Pat Lambert, Show Coordination chair reminded clubs to include admission prices in the information sent on their shows. Show information is sent to Rocks and Minerals Magazine, The Gold Prospectors Association of America Newsletter, and Rock & Gem Magazine. The information is also sent to the Western AAA Journal and Northwest Travel Magazine which will be published as time and space allow. It was also suggested that Craig's list is a great place to advertize the shows. Shirley Leeson, ALAA President, advised that there is a speaker to talk at the ALAA meeting. Shirley told us that the Bruno Jasper area is closed. Shirley advised clubs and members they need to stay on high alert regarding our public lands, to attend Forest Service and BLM meetings, and to comment to the various agencies about rock hounds losing rights to collect on the lands. Cheri George, Website Competition chair wants webmasters from the various clubs in the NFMS to enter their websites in competition for 2014. The new rules for this year allow for the top three entries in each Regional Federation's contest to be sent to the AFMS Judge. If the website wins there is a moving ".gif" on the website that tells everyone that the website is a winner of 1st or 2nd place. Pictures by Pete Knudson, Brad Larson and Beth Heesacker ========================================================================================================= Tomorrow, (noun), a mystical place where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored. We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. ―Albert Einstein How can there be self-help “groups”? There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither theory works. I’m not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don’t we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? Page 5 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 October 19th 2013 -------October 20th 2013 Display Application Name ______________________________Phone_________________ Name of Spouse________________________(free admission to both) Address__________________________________________________ City ______________________________State ________Zip________ Display Theme __________________Number of displays_________ Do you need to borrow a case? Yes ____No____ We have federation size cases with liners for your use. Each displayer must provide his or her own insurance. Hells Canyon Gem Club will not assume responsibility for loss or damage to any exhibitor's property. There will be security guards on duty Friday and Saturday nights provided by Club members. Setup: 12:00 to 9:00 P.M. Oct. 18th and 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. Oct 19th. Please return applications to: Linn Enger………..engerocks @ 475 Knollcrest Court, Lewiston, Id. 83501 Page 6 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 STANDING COMMITTEES GEM SHOW COMMITTEES 1. Bulletin Editor—Lynn Enger, Ed Shoemaker, Mel Wilks, and Dan Cease 2. Membership Chairman---Lon & Marilyn Sharp 1. Show Chairman---Steve Rand 3. Juniors Chairman---Mike Horne 3. Show Treasurer---Marilyn Sharp 4. Field Trip Chairman— 4. Dealer Chairman---'Gail Giard 5. Program Chairman --- 5. Advertising Chairman--- Steve Rand 6. Show & Tell Chairman---David & Jacque Dabritz 6. Displays Chairman--- Linn Enger 7. Claims Chairman---Rick Westerholm, Linn Enger and Randy Squires 8. Historian Chairman--- 7. Demonstrations Chairman---Mel Wilks 9. Library Chairman--- 9. Silent Auction Chairman---Jerry Northrup 10. Sunshine Chairman---Mel & Betty Wilks 10. Kids Corner---Doug & Sally Debruin 11. ALAA---Linn Enger (American Lands Access Association) 11. Admissions---Lola Collinsworth 2. Show Co-Chairman---Linn Enger 8. Floor Plan Chairman---Rick Westerholm 12. Security---Randy Squires ========================================================================================================== NFMS MEMBER CLUBS’ SHOW SCHEDULE (Partial list) September 14-15 Sat 10–5, Sun 10–5 Marcus Whitman Gem and Mineral Society September 21-22 Sat 9–6 Sun–10–5 October 11-13 Fri 10–6, Sat 10–6 Sun 10–5 Hellgate Mineral Society October 12-13 Sat 10–5, Sun 10–5 Marysville Rock and Gem Club October 19-20 Sat 10–6, Sun 10–5 October 26-27 Sat 10–6, Sun 10–5 Hells Canyon Gem Club November 9-10 Maplewood Rock and Gem Club Feb 8 & 9, 2014 Sat – 9 – 5 Sun – 9 – 4 Whidbey Island Gem Club Portland Regional Gem and Mineral Clubs Bellevue Rock Club Walla Walla Co. Frgrnds, Com. Center, 9th Street & Orchard, Walla Walla WA Hilton Garden Inn, 3720 North Reserve Street, Missoula MT 59806 Washington County Fair Complex, 873 NE 34th Avenue, Hillsboro OR Totem Middle School Cafeteria, 7th Street & State Avenue, Marysville WA Nez Perce County Fair, 1229 Burrell Avenue, Lewiston ID Vasa Park, 3560 West Lake Sammamish Blvd SE, Bellevue WA Maplewood Clubhouse, 8802 196th St. SW, Edmonds WA 98026 Oak Harbor Senior Center 51 SE Jerome Street, Oak Harbor WA Jack L Edwards 509 520 1182 Bob Riggs 14 Holiday Lane Missoula, MT 59801, 406 543 3667 L. Smith Portland.regionalDealerChai PO Box 5401 Portland OR 97228 Brian Murril 425 346 9313 Linn Enger 208 746 4957 Dave Scott 425 643 0546 Lauryn MacGregor PO Box 5657 Lynnwood WA 98046 Keith Ludemann 360 675 1837 Page 7 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 TENTATIVE LIST OF WSMC FIELD TRIPS FOR 2013 The WSMC sponsors field trips through various rock clubs in the state. These trips offer the general public as well as the experienced rockhound the opportunity to collect a wide variety of materials from agate and jasper to crystals and fossils. Experienced guides familiar with the sites are on-hand to help find good quality material. Check with the local clubs in your area for further information. AREAS CURRENTLY CLOSED TO COLLECTING: LUCAS CREEK, ADNA, DIATOM PITS (FRENCHMAN HILLS). No motorized vehicles allowed: Green Mountain (Kalama) and First Creek. Check out the latest trip info, and tool listings at: (Updated: January 17, 2013) Date Host Site Meet @ Material 9/7,8 Pow Red Top 8:00 @Teanaway R Camp Agate, Jasper, Geodes, Jade 9/14 NW Opal Little Naches 9:00 @ 410 &FR 19 ThunderEggs Contact: Tony Johnson or Ed Lehman 10/19 Msvl Money Creek 9:00 @ Camp Ground Pic Jasper, Ore 11/16 Msvl Blanchard Hill 9:00 @ I-5 240 exit gas station Stilpnomelane Tools_____________ Lt hard rock Dig & Light hard rock tools Light hard rock tools Hard rock tools (* Deposit must be received no later than 30 days before trip date to reserve spot; deposit fully refundable.) Participants must be age 16 or older; no children or pets, please; maximum of 40 participants so get your reservations in early!) ALWAYS CALL TO CONFIRM TRIP DATES AND DETAILS!!— SEE BELOW Abbreviation Evt LkSd Msvl Msvl-Wasco trip MtBk Nw Op Pow-Wow Spkn WSea Yak Host Everett Rock & Gem Club Lakeside Gem & Min Club Marysville Rock Club Contact E-mail___________ Brad Johnson (206) 403-3073 Andy Johnson (509) 546-1950 Ed Lehman (425) 334-6282 Stu & Kathy Earnst (360) 856-0588, 27871 Minkler Rd, Sedro Woolley, WA 98284 Mt Baker Rock Club Kris Menger (360) 927-0994 kmenger@ NW Opal Association Tony Johnson (253) 863-9238 All Rockhounds Club Cliff Matteson (253) 475-8433 Rock Rollers of Spokane Mike Shaw (509) 251-1574 West Seattle Rock & Gem Club Brian Waters (206) 290-2312 Yakima Rock & Min Club Jerry Wichstrom (509) 653-2787 Trips are open to all. Most 2 day trips include Sat potluck, Sun free breakfast, tailgating, swap, and horse shoes. Small fee required for Pow Wow and Madras trips. FOR MORE INFORMATION contact Ed Lehman at or (425) 334-6282. Or see ========================================================================================================= The following is an excerpt from a rock climbing guide description for a series of climbs, starting in 1971, in the Sawtooth Range. Pursuit of “Bluebonnet Tower” and the search for the “Crystal Cave” By Ray Brooks Soon there was a second reason for me to climb in the Warbonnet area. It was the home of the “lost crystal cave.” I worked summers for the Forest Service in the Sawtooth National Forest, during my college years. Just after the Thompson Peak climb, the Forest Service had me haul some supplies (and a requested bottle of whiskey) up to an isolated Forest Service “Guard Station” for an old employee named Jim. I got there late and after unloading supplies: Jim invited me to have dinner with him. After food and a little whiskey, I asked him what he knew about the Warbonnet area. He was a little reluctant to talk at first, but with a “wee bit” more whiskey, he shared some very interesting information. His father had been a horse-packer and guide for some 1930’s Sawtooth climbers. Jim explained that his father had gotten a taste for climbing, but also had found crystals. “Crystals”? I said, leaning forward. Jim straightened up, and nearly shouted: “yah, quartz crystals, certain spots are full of them: big ones----some are huge! There’s a bunch around Warbonnet.” Jim’s voice got lower: “give me some more of that “nerve tonic”, and I’ll tell you a true story about my old man and Sawtooth crystals.” After taking a long deep sip of whiskey: Jim told the story. “During World War II, quartz crystals were worth good money as radio crystals. I got drafted, but my father hiked the Sawtooths and brought out a lot of those crystals. “ “Late one fall, my father was crystal hunting up in the Warbonnet area. He had to do some pretty hard climbing, but finally fetched up below a cave full of crystals.” Jim shook his head ruefully. “Dad told me, there was a big snowstorm coming, but he climbed up into that cave Page 8 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 anyway, even though he wasn’t sure if he could climb back down to get out.” Jim explained that the cave had many beautiful crystals, but they were too big to carry out. All the quartz crystals were 2 or 3 feet long and weighed hundreds of pounds. His dad anchored a rope around a big one and rappelled out of the cave into a blinding snowstorm. Three days later, after many close-calls in the heavy snows, his father stumbled through the front door of his cabin. “Dad never went back to the Sawtooths again, and I was always scared of heights,” Jim added. Jim clapped me on the back! “That crystal cave is still up there youngster---right near Warbonnet!” The next morning, as I was leaving to go back to my ranger station, Jim shook hands and said: “you be careful up in that Warbonnet area. My old man thought the storms up there were the worst he had ever seen.” (Please note: collecting mineral specimens has been illegal in the Sawtooths since 1990 and quartz crystals now have no industrial value.) Later that summer: Harry Bowron and I made a twelve-day climbing trip into the Warbonnet area. We had some handicaps unfamiliar to many climbers these days. The only maps available did not show any details of the mountains in the area. There was no guidebook or “topos.” On the plus side, there was a good Forest Service trail and Harry, a NOLS course graduate and fearless leader, had got me “up to speed” (for 1971 Idaho) on technical rock climbing. Our map: 1969 Forest Service map of Sawtooth Primitive Area---no USGS quads until fall 1972. We were out of camp at first light and hiked and scrambled up lines of weakness on the northeast corner of “our Warbonnet” (Big Baron Spire) until we found a wide ledge that took us well out onto the north face. Along the way, I found a perfect 4” x 8” quartz crystal. It was a ‘good omen” and we carefully buried it, then hiked on up. Maybe the “Crystal Cave” was above us? On both our ascents, we kept our eyes open for “the crystal cave” but never found a clue around our route, other than the one perfect crystal and some broken fragments. After the float season was over, in late summer 1972, Harry Bowron, David Thomas, and I went into upper Goat Creek on the south-west side of Warbonnet in the Sawtooth Range. No trail goes into Goat Creek. On the way in we climbed another big peak in the area: Packrat. From its summit we were able to figure out where Warbonnet was, and how to approach it. Page 9 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 View is northeast to Warbonnet at upper right center, with Cirque Lake towers to right. At the time, Warbonnet, 10,200 Ft. had a reputation as one of the most remote and difficult peaks in the Sawtooth Range. It is still considered a remote technical climb, with the easiest route to the summit rated 5.4. Finally, summer 1977, I was back with two friends. Mike Paine, was a very good climber, and Frank Michaels, was always willing to give it a try. We packed “Sawtooth Overloads” up from Redfish Lake into Baron Lakes on day one. It appeared we had hit a storm cycle in an area noted for thunderstorms. The next day started with a thunderstorm, but cleared shortly after. It was time to go deal with the tower that I had seen from Fish Hook Spire in 1971, and to search a little more for the “Crystal Cave.” We then took care of the second of two mysteries, in one day. From the top of “Bluebonnet Tower” we could see an area of reflected late-afternoon light one-half mile south. Could the reflections be from crystals? Within an hour, we were working our way up through an area of large loose rocks and debris. It was obvious that this area had recently broken away from the face above us. We started finding big fragments of quartz crystals. Then we found what was left of “the crystal cave.” It appeared that its roof had broken and fallen: destroying most of the crystals. Some impressive, but battered, and dirty specimens remained in a dark tunnel that went up steeply. It was a dangerous area. Rocks were falling on us from unstable cliffs above. Page 10 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 Large broken fragments of quartz and feldspar crystals in the destroyed “crystal cave.” I was drawn back up to “the crystal cave” while Frank and Mike packed up for our hike out. I could not find the cave. Massive rock falls covered the area we had looked at the day before. More storm-loosened rock kept crashing down on the same area. I finally found one small crystal: that somehow survived, under a large tottering boulder. It too would soon be smashed: when that boulder fell, so I saved it and carried it a short distance away from the landslide. Later: I did a solo trip into the same area, with minimal gear, wandered around places that were significant to me, and then carried the crystal to a safe home. Page 11 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 Ray today, with “small crystal” he saved in 1975. Later we hiked rough terrain over to where “the crystal cave” had been. Nothing remains but large broken rocks. Nice view though! Both Kim and I then scrambled up very loose and dangerous rock to a high saddle and an awesome view into Goat Creek and peaks further west! (danger and scenery at the same time-I still love that adrenaline fix!) “The Crystal Cave” is buried. The best new routes are all climbed. It is a long hike into the area. Lightning storms are “frequent and vigorous.” A lot of the rock is “choss.” The fish are seldom biting, but wood ticks, carnivorous-flies, and mosquitoes are: usually biting. No reason to go there anymore;<) I will repeat: collecting mineral specimens has been illegal in the Sawtooths since 1990. Excerpt taken from “Idaho: A Climbing Guide” by Tom Lopez The complete story can be found at this link:'s%20Newid128.htm Page 12 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 SEPTEMBER BIRTHSTONE IS THE SAPPHIRE Sapphire (Greek: sappheiros, 'blue stone', which probably referred instead at the time to lapis lazuli) is a gemstone variety of the mineral corundum, an aluminum oxide(α-Al2O3). Trace amounts of other elements such as iron, titanium, chromium, copper, or magnesium can give corundum blue, yellow, purple, orange, or a greenish color. Chromium impurities in corundum yield a pink or red tint, the latter being called a ruby. Commonly, sapphires are worn in jewelry. Sapphires may be found naturally, by searching through certain sediments (due to their resistance to being eroded compared to softer stones) or rock formations. They also may be manufactured for industrial or decorative purposes in large crystal boules. Because of the remarkable hardness of sapphires—nine on the Mohs scale—and of aluminum oxide in general, sapphires are used in some nonornamental applications, including infrared optical components, such as in scientific instruments; high-durability windows; wristwatch crystals and movement bearings; and very thin electronic wafers, which are used as the insulating substrates of very special-purpose solid-state electronics (most of which are integrated circuits). 423-CARAT Logan sapphire Natural sapphires The sapphire is one of the three gem varieties of corundum, the other two being ruby – defined as corundum in a shade of red—and padparadscha—a pinkish orange variety. Although blue is their most well-known color, sapphires may also be colorless and they are found in many colors including shades of gray and black. The cost of natural sapphires varies depending on their color, clarity, size, cut, and overall quality – as well as their geographic origin. Significant sapphire deposits are found in Eastern Australia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China (Shandong), Madagascar, East Africa, and in North America in a few locations, mostly in Montana. Sapphire and rubies are often found in the same geographic environment, but one of the gems is usually more abundant in any of the sites. An uncut, rough yellow sapphire found at the Spokane Sapphire Mine near Helena, Montana Pink sapphire--Yellow and green sapphires are also commonly found. Pink sapphires deepen in color as the quantity of chromium increases. The deeper the pink color the higher their monetary value, as long as the color is tending toward the red of rubies. In the United States, a minimum color saturation must be met to be called a ruby, otherwise the stone will be called a pink sapphire. Sapphires also occur in shades of orange and brown. Colorless sapphires are sometimes used as diamond substitutes in jewelry. Natural padparadscha (pinkish orange) sapphires often draw higher prices than many of even the finest blue sapphires. Recently, more sapphires of this color have appeared on the market as a result of a new artificial treatment method that is called "lattice diffusion". A star sapphire is a type of sapphire that exhibits a star-like phenomenon known as asterism; red stones are known as "star rubies". Star sapphires contain intersecting needle-like inclusions following the underlying crystal structure that cause the appearance of a six-rayed "star"-shaped pattern when viewed with a single overhead light source. The inclusion is often the mineral rutile, a mineral composed primarily Page 13 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 of titanium dioxide. The stones are cut en cabochon, typically with the center of the star near the top of the dome. Occasionally, twelve-rayed stars are found, typically because two different sets of inclusions are found within the same stone, such as a combination of fine needles of rutile with small platelets of hematite; the first results in a whitish star and the second results in a golden-colored star. During crystallization, the two types of inclusions become preferentially oriented in different directions within the crystal, thereby forming two six-rayed stars that are superimposed upon each other to form a twelve-rayed star. Misshapen stars or 12-rayed stars may also form as a result of twinning. The inclusions can alternatively produce a "cat's eye" effect if the 'face-up' direction of the cabochon's dome is oriented perpendicular to the crystal's c-axis rather than parallel to it. If the dome is oriented in between these two directions, an 'off-center' star will be visible, offset away from the high point of the dome. The Black Star of Queensland, the largest gem-quality star sapphire in the world, weighs 733 carats. The Star of India (weighing 563.4 carats) is thought to be the second-largest star sapphire (the largest blue), and is currently on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The 182-carat Star of Bombay, located in the National Museum of Natural History, in Washington, D.C., is another example of a large blue star sapphire. The value of a star sapphire depends not only on the weight of the stone, but also the body color, visibility, and intensity of the asterism. Color change sapphire--A rare variety of natural sapphire that exhibits different colors in different light. Color change sapphires are blue in outdoor light and purple under incandescent indoor light. Some stones shift color well and others only partially, in that some stones go from blue to bluish purple. While color change sapphires come from a variety of locations, the gem gravels of Tanzania is the main source. Artificial sapphire material is identical to natural sapphire, except it can be made without the flaws that are found in natural stones. Many methods of manufacturing sapphire today are variations of the Czochralski process, which was invented in 1916. In this process a tiny sapphire seed crystal is dipped into a crucible made of the precious metal iridium or molybdenum, containing molten alumina, and then slowly withdrawn upward at a rate of one to 100 mm per hour. The alumina crystallizes on the end, creating long carrot-shaped boules of large size, up to 400 mm in diameter and weighing almost 500 kg. Synthetic sapphire is industrially produced from agglomerated aluminum oxide, sintered and fused in an inert atmosphere yielding a transparent polycrystalline product, slightly porous, or with more traditional methods such as Verneuil, Czochralski, flux method, etc., yielding a single crystal sapphire material which is non-porous and should be relieved of its internal stress. In 2003 the world's production of synthetic sapphire was 250 tons (1.25 × 109 carats), mostly by the United States and Russia. The availability of cheap synthetic sapphire unlocked many industrial uses for this unique material: Common applications--The first laser was made with a rod of synthetic ruby. Titanium-sapphire lasers are popular due to their relatively rare capacity to be tuned to various wavelengths in the red and nearinfrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. One application of synthetic sapphire is sapphire glass. Here glass is a layman term which refers not to the amorphous state, but to the transparency. Sapphire is not only highly transparent to wavelengths of light between 150 nm (UV) and 5500 nm (IR) (the human eye can discern wavelengths from about 380 nm to 750 nm), but is also extraordinarily scratch-resistant. Sapphire has a value of 9 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Along with zirconia and aluminium oxynitride, synthetic sapphire is used for shatter resistant windows in armored vehicles and various military body armor suits, in association with composites. Page 14 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 EARTH SCIENCE AND LAPIDARY SPECIAL INTEREST LICENSE PLATE WE NEED YOUR HELP! SUPPORT IDAHO KINDERGARTEN — 6 TH GRADE EARTH SCIENCE EDUCATION! Three years ago, a special interest license plate was designed to promote Idaho as the Gem State. The concept of the plate is to use the revenue generated from license plate sales to directly give back to our students and increase knowledge of rocks, minerals, gems, fossils, earth science and lapidary arts. In 2012, Legislature decided to discontinue special interest plates, accepting no more new designs, but allowing Idaho to keep the existing programs/plates active. However, we need to meet a quota every year of active registrations. We are at risk for losing our plate program if sales do not increase by Dec. 31, 2013. Therefore, we are calling on teachers, students, rock hounds, mineral and gem lovers to spread the word and save our plate. Schools benefit by receiving the extra funding to give kids what they want and need to promote education in earth sciences. By increasing education for the K-6 graders, we ensure Idaho's future protection of our most valuable resource, Gems and Minerals. Please, contact your local DMV today to upgrade your current license plate or purchase a new registration — to the Earth Science Lapidary plate. Personalized plates are available online. Page 15 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 Experimental Aircraft Association Octoberfest 2013 Fly-In Breakfast Community Yard Sale/Swap Meet Saturday October 5th 2013 EAA Hangar, 270 O'Connor Rd. Lewiston Idaho. All Vendors Welcome! Family, and community yard. sale, Arts & Crafts and small businesses. Vendors will provide their own sun shade, table and chairs. Space rents for $20 per 10' X 10' area. Gate opens at 7am for vendors, rain or shine, 8am to the public. Breakfast will be served 8am-10am Lunch from 10am1pm by the E.A.A. ($5 donation). Gate closes at 5pm. Vendors Information Contact: Jay @ (509) 758-8717 or (509) 254-7127 Fly-In Information contact: Jay @ 208 816 4373 Page 16 BOULDER BUSTER Volume #48 Issue # 9, 2013 ========================================================================================================== Mystery rocks answer Hard Boiled Wonderland: New Mexico’s Bisti Egg Garden By Steve in Geography & Travel, History & Trivia, Nature & Ecosystems The Bisti Egg Garden is an unusual, atypical and accessible rock formation located in the Bisti Wilderness Area near Farmington, New Mexico. Though other famous rock formations have achieved fame for their size and scenic beauty, the Bisti Egg Garden proves that even in geology, good things come in small packages. Many more pictures and info at the following link….. Page 17
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