InBusiness MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE Z E RO Z E RO GRAVI TY YES DOLLA RS NO SPACE TOURISM TICKETS CAN SET YOU BACK $20 MILLION — OR $4,000 FOR A WEIGHTLE SS RIDE AT MOFFETT By Angela Hey L ast month, the Computer History Museum hosted Charles Simonyi, a former Microsoft executive who paid $20 million for a vacation on the International Space Station. In the form of a playby-play recounting of his adventure, he gave some fascinating, personal insights into space travel. First, the training: Simonyi spun in centrifuges, practiced wearing a spacesuit and was examined by numerous doctors. He also had to learn wilderness survival techniques — just in case the Soyuz capsule landed in a remote place that couldn’t be reached easily by a ground crew. Having learned Russian in school, Russian language lessons came naturally. Then, liftoff: Simonyi recounted how the launch feels more gradual than it appears to observers, who are used to seeing a fiery blastoff. When the countdown was at 10, he began to hear fluids flowing in the ship, even through his space helmet and earphones. Shudders and vibrations preceded a gradual liftoff. Once he got to the space station, Simonyi was engrossed in experiments and out-of-earth experiences. For example, the surface tension on a drop of water makes it more like a cream that you can spread on your face. He showed the audience how an astronaut caught a ball of apple juice in his mouth. For the descent back to earth, Simonyi said, he was asked to clutch some books, while strapped into his seat, as there was no room to stow them. (His seat had been specially molded to protect his body from the shock of landing.) Fortunately, they had an uneventful landing and the ground crew rolled the space capsule around, avoiding the hot base, so that he could crawl out. Find out more about Simonyi’s adventures on You can also find out when the International Space Station is visible in the night sky at Also last month, Sir Richard Branson announced that “2008 really will be the Year of the Spaceship,” and that his Virgin Galactic company ( is a step closer to taking astronauts into space. The company will test its White Knight Two mothership this summer, and launches SpaceShipTwo, which is currently about 60 per- PHOTO COURTESY ZERO-G Zero-gravity thrill rides like this may become available out of Moffett Field this summer, according to ZERO-G, a company which offers the rides for about $4,000. cent complete, at Burt Rutan’s Scaled Composites firm in the Mojave Desert. More than 80 of its first passengers already have been through centrifuge training and medical examinations, the company says, adding that more than 200 potential astronauts have signed up with Virgin Galactic, and about 85,000 people have registered interest in going into space. Tickets cost $200,000 with deposits beginning at $20,000. For some, the closest experience to a space adventure is a zero-gravity flight. Zero Gravity Corporation (, also known as ZERO-G, is a leader in entry-level space tourism. In a promotional move, the company gave weightless flights last month How to help the hungry SUMMER IS WHEN FAMILIES MOST RELY ON GROUPS LIKE MOUNTAIN VIEW’S CSA By Jennifer Pence D uring the holidays, many people contribute to food drives at offices, schools and places of worship. These commendable efforts help ensure that even those with meager incomes enjoy a full meal over the holidays. But what about those who have trouble making ends meet at other times of the year — or all year long? Lynn Crocker of Second Harvest Food Bank explains that the need for food is actually greater during the summer: “When school is out, parents must provide meals to children who may qualify for free lunch and breakfast during the school year. This can strain already tight budgets.” out of Moffett Field, and plans to return on July 26. The cost for a ticket is about $4,150 (including tax) for a 90-minute flight in which ZEROG’s “G-Force-One,” a customized Boeing 727-200, will do about 15 parabolas. For each one, riders experience half a minute of weightlessness. The plane can take over 30 people at once. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom was among the passengers on last February’s Moffett Field flight. Even wheelchairbound Professor Stephen Hawking has taken a flight — in a specially padded plane and with an entourage of medical staff. Although passengers can take motion sickness prescriptions from their doctor beforehand, most do not need it, and find the experience enjoyable, according to the company. And if all those options are out of your budget range, don’t forget there’s a free NASA Ames Exploration Center at Moffett Field with wonderful space exhibits. V Angela Hey can be reached at INFORMATION: The NASA Ames Exploration Center at Moffett Field is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays, noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. To learn more, call (650) 604-6274 or (650) 604-6497. To book a zero-gravity flight with ZERO-G, visit Second Harvest is the food bank that supplies 400 partner organizations in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. Forty-four percent of Second Harvest’s food and cash donations come in during its holiday food and fund drive from mid-October until mid-January. The food collected during this drive lasts until spring. Then, demand for food continues, but food donations have stopped, so Second Harvest begins using its cash donations to purchase food until the next fall. Crocker explains that “food insecurity” and nutritional problems are major issues for low-income families. For example, it costs $18.16 to buy 1,000 calories of nutritious food (such as fruits and vegetables), but only $1.76 for 1,000 calories of non-nutritious food (junk food). People on tight budgets tend to shift to less nutritious foods since it is easier to cut food costs than fixed payments such as rent. Unfortunately, these decisions have negative health consequences that are costly both to those individuals and to society as a whole. More people than ever are in need of food right now due to high fuel costs, the meltdown in the sub-prime mortgage market, and a general economic slowdown. Second Harvest experienced a 10 percent increase in demand for food this winter, See PENCE, page 22 MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 21 InBusiness AB/<4=@2 /// performing arts season Profiles in leadership Editor’s Note: Leadership Mountain View (LMV), a nine-month program of the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation, each year teaches leadership skills to 35 adults who live, work or have an interest in Mountain View. It has graduated 500 people since 1989. The profile below is one in a series that will run periodically to highlight the accomplishments of LMV graduates. MARY MOORE Rosanne Cash, 0ZOQY1ORWZZOQ(BVS>S`T]`[O\QS ESR\SaROg;O`QV &(^[ ;S[]`WOZ/cRWb]`Wc[AbO\T]`RC\WdS`aWbg 5`O[[geW\\W\UaW\US`a]\Ue`WbS`@]aO\\S1OaV ROcUVbS`]TbVSZObS8]V\\g1OaV^`SaS\ba0ZOQY 1ORWZZOQOVSO`bTSZbSf^Z]`ObW]\]TZ]aaPSb`OgOZ `SRS[^bW]\O\RV]^SaSbOUOW\abbVSPOQYR`]^ ]TVS`TO[WZg¸a[caWQOZZSUOQg /RcZba(!"³#$ I t is hard to believe that Mary Moore has lived in Mountain View less than 10 years. In addition to being executive assistant to the superintendent and Board of Trustees for our local high school district (after holding a similar position in Lake Tahoe for 15 years), she is well known for handling daunting people-organizing tasks — such as organizing two group trips to China and a beer-pouring squad (for LMV fund-raising) at Shoreline Amphitheatre. She also volunteers at MVCPA, has mentored students, serves on the Mountain View Library Foundation board, and has been on the Leadership Mountain View Council since she graduated from the program in 2000. Mary’s super-volunteer status followed quickly after her LMV experience. Though new to town at that time, she found “instant community connection, knowledge about what our community is doing, and amazing friends.” She has leaped at all the newly discovered leadership, professional and volunteer opportunities possible, approaching each new challenge with unflagging enthusiasm. Her notion of retirement: “Join the Peace Corps or VISTA ... and volunteer with the National Ski Patrol.” Join Leadership Mountain View for our Second Annual Leadership Symposium on Wednesday, March 5. For more information, go to www.leadershipsymposium. ELISA MONTE DANCE 4`WROg;O`QV"&(^[ ;S[]`WOZ/cRWb]`Wc[AbO\T]`RC\WdS`aWbg 3ZOP]`ObSZWTbaO\RObVZSbWQZSO^aW\bS`e]dS\eWbV Q][^ZSf^ObbS`\aO\RY\]bbgU`]c^W\Ua]TP]RWSa O`SVOZZ[O`Ya]TQSZSP`ObSRQV]`S]U`O^VS`3ZWaO ;]\bS¸aRg\O[WQRO\QSQ][^O\geVWQV[OYSa Wba0Og/`SORSPcbOb:WdSZg/`babVWaaSOa]\ /RcZba($³" Blind Boys of Alabama AObc`ROg;O`QV#&(^[ ;S[]`WOZ/cRWb]`Wc[AbO\T]`RC\WdS`aWbg 4]c`bW[S5`O[[geW\\S`abVS0ZW\R0]ga]T /ZOPO[OUWdSW[^OaaW]\SRc^ZWTbW\U^S`T]`[O\QSa bVObc\WbSbVSW`b`ORWbW]\OZU]a^SZQ]`SeWbV`]O`W\U PZcSa`WTTa^]^VW^V]^O\RQ]\bS[^]`O`g[caWQ /RcZba( "³"& Uri Caine,^WO\] ;OVZS`@S[WfSR ESR\SaROg;O`QV'&(^[ 2W\YSZa^WSZ/cRWb]`Wc[AbO\T]`RC\WdS`aWbg C`W1OW\SOQZOaaWQOZZgb`OW\SRXOhh^WO\WabQ][ ^]aS`O\R[caWQOZ][\Wd]`SW\b`]RcQSaW[^`]dWaO bW]\W\b]c\ZWYSZg`S^S`b]W`SW\bS`^`SbW\U;OVZS`¸a [SZO\QV]Zga]\UaO\RSf^O\aWdSag[^V]\WQ e]`Ya]\a]Z]^WO\] /RcZba(!³!" 5S\S`]caZgac^^]`bSRPg/P`OVO[O\R;O`WO\A]TOS`O\R bVS=T¿QS]TbVS2SO\AQV]]Z]T6c[O\WbWSaO\RAQWS\QSa B7193BA/<27<4=@;/B7=< $#% #/@BA %&%jZWdSZgO`baabO\T]`RSRc 22 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008 PENCE Continued from page 21 and believes that this may be just the tip of the iceberg since people who have not previously gone to food banks are often reluctant to begin doing so, even as their situation becomes more desperate. This situation is compounded by the fact that donations have decreased. Tom Myers, executive director of the Community Services Agency in Mountain View, says charitable donations from individuals are one of the first things to decline in a weak economy. Furthermore, while CSA is able to obtain food not just from Second Harvest but from local grocery stores, farmers markets and Hidden Villa (an organic farm in Los Altos Hills), legal liability now prohibits other organizations, including Second Harvest, from accepting food from stores and restaurants, reducing their sources of food donations. What can you do to help? Surprisingly, the best answer may not be to go out and buy food to give to a food bank (although food donations are always welcome). The following options are more efficient ways to provide food to those who need it at a lower cost to you: ■ Donate fruit from your fruit trees: Pick it yourself and take it to the Community Services Agency, or have Village Harvest volunteers pick it for you and take it to an organization that can use it. For more info, call CSA at (650) 968-0836 or Village Harvest at (888) FRUIT-411. ■ Donate money: Food banks can buy more food for $50 than you can, because they can often get it for just the cost of shipping. Write a check to CSA or Second Harvest. ■ Clean out your cupboards: Do you still have those cans of pumpkin and cranberry sauce that you didn’t use at Thanksgiving, or other food items that you may not use before they expire? Take them to CSA. Additionally, you can have fun and help fight hunger by dining at restaurants participating in CSA’s “Chefs Who Care” program. (The most recent event was at Tarragon in Sunnyvale, where a 3-course meal was $24 per person, and half of that went to CSA.) Register on CSA’s Web site at, where you can also learn about CSA’s Spring Gala on April 5 and Empty Bowls Soup Supper on April 13. V Jennifer Pence lives in Mountain View. She is founder of the Windmill Giving Circle and founder and owner of Academic Springboard, a tutoring group. She can be reached at japence@ SPRING ClassGuide MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE M ake the most of spring by taking a class in something you’ve always wanted to learn. It’s never too late to pick up a tuba or study German. Try yoga or put on some tap shoes. All the classes listed below are local, so go for it! Academic Achievement Museum of American Heritage 351 Homer Ave., Palo Alto, 321-1004, 473-6950, Crystal-radio workshop. Students build their own crystal-radio sets while learning about the history of radio, basic radio theory, modulation, how headphones work and how to read schematics. May 3, 10, 17 and 31 from 10 a.m. to noon. Ages 10 and up. $55 members/$65 non-members. QWERTY Education Services 1050 Chestnut St., Ste. 201, Menlo Park, 326-8484, Offices in Palo Alto and Menlo Park. Tutoring and educational evaluation. Professional tutoring for K-12 and college. May include homework support or remedial/ enrichment learning. Organization of writing, systematic revision, keyboarding, reading skills, math procedures and problemsolving, and organization, motivation and study skills. Contact Mark Carey, Educational Director, for a no-cost phone consultation. Randall Millen Registry ■ CLASS GUIDE 921 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto, 856-1419 Individual private tutoring in Midtown Palo Alto home for grades 7-12, college and adults. Subjects include English grammar and composition, English as a second language (ESL), French, Latin, mathematics, history and social studies, and humanities in general. Also: test preparation for all standardized tests (including S.A.T.), and manuscript writing and editing. Stanford graduate with 40 years of experience as a tutor. Fees from $18 per hour. Sky Rocket 101 Palo Alto, 793-0721, SR 101 Surviving the First Year of College. 10 a.m. Sat., May 3. Cost: $125. This three-hour workshop exposes the predominant pitfalls of the first year and imparts core strategies for avoiding these pitfalls. Workshop presents insiders’ knowledge of college that teaches how to: master the academic system, tackle the daily challenges of student life, hone your study and time-management skills. The Class Guide is published quarterly in the Mountain View Voice. Descriptions of classes offered in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Stanford, Atherton, Los Altos Hills, East Palo Alto, Mountain View and beyond are provided. Listings are free and subject to editing. Due to space constraints, classes held in the above cities are given priority. The summer Class Guide will publish on May 7, 2008, with deadlines approximately two weeks prior. To inquire about placing a listing in the Class Guide, e-mail Editorial Assistant Karla Kane at, call 650-326-8210 ext. 236 or visit To place a paid advertisement in the Class Guide, call our display advertising department at 650-326-8210. Offering: Meet the PC, Intro to Windows XP, sending-receiving E-mail, Slide-Show photo organizer, MS Excel, eBay sales and surfing, resume writing, grant writing and master the interview. Palo Alto Adult School 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, 329-3752, 329-8515, individuals in graphic design and Web site implementation. Dance City of Palo Alto Arts and Culture Division 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 463-4940 Business & Technology Hundreds of online classes are offered by the Palo Alto Adult School in conjunction with Education to Go. Computer, language, test preparation and certificate courses available from $79. Brazilian Dance with Anita Lusebrink. April 3 - June 5. Thursdays at 6:30-7:30 p.m. Ten-week session: $115. Lucie Stern Community Center Ballroom, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Try the first class without obligation and bring a friend (16+ years). Mountain View-Los Altos Adult School Web Site Designs Dance Connection 333 Moffett Blvd., Mountain View, 940-1333 The MV-LA Adult School has a long history and commitment to adult education. 408-243-6473, Richard Hellyer is an experienced professional marketing consultant who tutors 4000 Middlefield Road, L-5, Palo Alto, 322-7032 Dance Connection offers graded classes for ages 3 to adult with a variety of programs to meet every dancer’s needs. Ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, boys program, lyrical, pilates and combination classes are available for beginning to advanced levels. Find information and download registration from the Web site. International School of the Peninsula 151 Laura Lane, Palo Alto, 251-8519, After-school programs for preschool, elementary and middle-school students. Classes include: French cooking, Asian cooking, chess, science, robotics, Chinese dance, art & craft, watercolor, gymnastics, soccer and multi-sports. For a complete list of classes available visit under the heading “Language Classes” or contact to learn more. Sequoia Adult School Little House Community Center, Menlo Park, 306-8866 Belly dance classes in Palo Alto and Menlo Park. Community sponsored means only approx. $8 per class. Palo Alto Adult School/Sequoia Adult School. Mondays in Menlo Park in studio at Little House Community Center. Tuesdays in mirrored, well-floored Palo Alto Continued on next page New Summer Program Camp Socrates will help students maintain knowledge gained during the school year and prepare them for the fall. The preschool and pre-kindergarten programs are full of fun, creative activities with weekly themes. Elementary programs will explore art, music, science, and various outdoor activities in addition to the summer academic readiness program. Camp Socrates begins June 23, 2008 Danville Fremont Los Gatos Palo Alto Santa Clara San Francisco 925.648.4900 510.438.9745 408.371.3020 650.493.1151 408.244.2121 415.987.7300 San Jose Pre. & Elem. Middle School Sunnyvale De Anza Park Washington Park 408.363.2130 408.626.0001 408.732.4424 408.737.1500 New San Francisco Campus Opening Fall 2008! Preschool enrollment in new San Francisco campus subject to obtaining state license. Lic. #: 073402482, 013417816, 434404890, 434408056, 434407977, 434404336, 434406722, 434408877 MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 23 ClassGuide High School dance studio. All welcome. Have fun at any weight or age learning the art of Middle-Eastern belly dance. Develop grace, gain strength, burn calories and laugh. Zohar Dance Company Zohar Dance Company 4000 Middlefield Road, L4, Palo Alto 494-8221, 4000 Middlefield Road, L4, Palo Alto, 494-8221, Marny Trounson teaches ballet at Zohar Dance Studio. Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Classes are ongoing. Zohar Dance Studio offers ongoing classes for adults in jazz, ballet, and modern dance. Learn from professional faculty: Ehud Krauss, Kristine Elliott, Marny Trounson and Lisa Burnett. Current schedule and events can be found on Web site. Handicrafts Bay Area Boot Camp offers an outdoor training program at Rinconada Park that combines cardio, resistance and agility exercises and is designed for people of all fitness levels. Cost: $210-$325. Custom Handweavers Spring into Shape! at Overtime Fitness LIVE. FLEX. GROW. ENGAGE. Great Classes! Personal and team training, Freemotion, Expresso and Precore equipment, 17ft Rock Wall... ....And More! 650.944.8555 M-F 6am-9pm Sa/Su 8am-7pm 1625 N. Shoreline Blvd. Mt. View, CA 94043 WWW.OVERTIMEFITNESS.COM 2267 Old Middlefield Way, Mountain View, 967-0831 Betty Wright Swim Center @ C.A.R. Ongoing classes in weaving, spinning, and knitting for beginner and intermediate students. Day and evening sessions. Explore the ancient art of Temari, a Japanese folk art, or learn to weave the Navajo Way. Enhance your lifestyle with an art form almost forgotten. Visit the studio and watch the students work. Call for more information, e-mail or visit the Web site. Mountain View-Los Altos Adult School Improve your health and wellness through aquatic exercise and therapy in the fully accessible, public, warmwater (92 degree), in-door pool. Classes include aqua aerobics, aqua arthritis, back basics, body conditioning, Aichi yoga and perinatal. Physical therapy, personal training, Watsu and land massage by appointment. Group and private swim lessons. Hours: Monday-Thursday, 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.; Friday, 6:30 a.m.-7 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-noon. 333 Moffett Blvd., Mountain View, 940-1333 California Yoga Center (Palo Alto) The MV-LA Adult School has a long history and commitment to adult education. Offering: Beading, drawing, ceramics, Japanese flower arranging (Ikebana), knitting and crochet, needle arts, painting (watercolor, oil, acrylic). Older-adult classes (55+, $18). Palo Alto Adult School Palo Alto, 329-3752 Learn how to makeover clothes with simple alterations and by adding detail to retail at JLS Middle School, 480 E. Meadow Drive, Palo Alto. Learn basics of hemming, sewing on buttons, adjusting side seams and many easy-sew ideas for customizing clothing. Sequoia District Adult School 3247 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, 306-8866 Clothesmaking: Kimono robe class introduces beginners to the basics of sewing and making clothes. Please bring your own sewing machine. Health & Fitness Andre’s Boot Camp (ABC) Stanford, 724-9872 No two sessions are the same but every session will offer either circuit training or interval training. ABC is designed for those who enjoy multi-sport activities. A variety of athletic “toys” are used to make the classes both fun and challenging. Call, e-mail or visit the Web site for more information. Bay Area Boot Camp 777 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, 415-567-7411 3864 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 494-1480, 541 Cowper St., Palo Alto, 947-9642, The California Yoga Center offers classes for beginning to advanced students. With studios in Mountain View and Palo Alto, classes emphasize individual attention and cultivate strength, flexibility and relaxation. Ongoing yoga classes are scheduled every day and include special classes such as prenatal, backcare and pranayama. Weekend workshops explore a variety of yoga-related topics. California Yoga Center (Mountain View ) 570 Showers Drive, Ste. 5, Mountain View, 947-9642, The California Yoga Center offers classes for beginning to advanced students. With studios in Mountain View and Palo Alto, classes emphasize individual attention and cultivate strength, flexibility and relaxation. Ongoing yoga classes are scheduled every day and include special classes such as prenatal, backcare and pranayama. Weekend workshops explore a variety of yoga-related topics. Darshana Yoga 654 High St., Palo Alto, 325-YOGA, Fresh and inspiring yoga classes in Palo Alto. A blend of alignment and flow. Great teachers, beautiful studio. Director Catherine De Los Santos has taught yoga in Palo Alto more than 25 years. Elite Musketeer Fencer’s Club 160B Constitution Drive, Menlo Park 353-0717, 408 317 0480, Fencing Programs for kids and adults, recreational and competitive. Summer camps, birthday parties, private lessons and group classes. Jazzercise at M-A 555 Middlefield Road, Atherton, 415-601-2522, Jazzercise combines elements of jazz dance, resistance training, Pilates, yoga, kickboxing and more to create truly effective programs for people of every age and fitness level. Classes are ongoing. Come directly to class to register. Mon., Tue. and Thu. at 6 p.m.; Sat. at 9 a.m. M-A High School Dance Studio (adjacent to gymnasium). $42 a month. When you love your workout, results come easy. Mountain View-Los Altos Adult School 333 Moffett Blvd., Mountain View, 940-1333 The MV-LA Adult School has a long history and commitment to adult education. Be fit. Offering: Belly dance, exercise for the older Continued on next page 24 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008 ClassGuide adult, Feldenkrais, hiking, hula, mat Pilates, Qigong, stability ball, stretch and flex, Tai Chi and yoga. Older-adult classes (55+, $18). Mountain View-Los Altos Adult School Studio Kicks The MV-LA Adult School has a long history and commitment to adult education. Learn or practice a language. Offering: Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Older-adult classes (55+, $18). 796A San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, 855-9868 Studio Kicks is a family fitness center offering high-energy cardio kickboxing classes and fun martial-arts training for kids 2 and up. Taught by owner/ instructor Richard Branden, six-time world champion and original stunt cast member for the “Power Rangers.” Get the whole family healthy and fit. Stop by for a free class. Taijiquan Tutelage of Palo Alto 333 Moffett Blvd., Mountain View, 940-1333 Micellaneous County of San Mateo RecycleWorks 555 County Center, 5th Floor, Redwood City 599-1498, 361-8220 Become a certified master composter. Continued on next page GISSV German International School of Silicon Valley The Best of two Worlds - Learning in German and English • • • • • • • Grades K-12 with Bilingual Program German International Abitur & SAT/AP exams WASC accredited High School Program German Immersion Preschool German Summer Camps Jun 16 - Jul 25 Safe and nurturing learning environment Locations in Mountain View and Berkeley 310 Easy Street, Mountain View, CA 94043 email lling Now Enro -12 Grades K Pre-K & p Cam s Summer web 3790 El Camino Real #185, Palo Alto, 327-9350 Taijiquan Tutelage of Palo Alto. Established in 1973. Learn the classical Yang Chengfu style of Taijiquan (T’ai chi ch’uan). Beginning classes start monthly. Classes are held at the Cubberley Community Center. Winter Lodge 3009 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 493-4566 ext. 102 Winter Lodge offers ice-skating classes for all ages and abilities. The group class meets once a week. Rental skates and practice time included for $120. Visit the Web site for more information. BUILD SUCCESS Start at Foothill College. Workout IQ 278 Hope St., Ste. C, Mountain View 814-9615, 962-9793, Posture 101. Learn about why posture is important, why you should care about your posture and most importantly learn how to improve and change your posture. Cost: $275 for a six-week class. Space is limited. Yoga at All Saints’ Episcopal Church 555 Waverley St., Palo Alto, 322-4528 Kundalini-style yoga, combining asana (physical poses), breathing exercises and meditation. Practice is best done on an empty stomach. Please bring a mat and blanket and wear comfortable, easy-tomove-in clothes. If floor work is difficult, exercises can be modified to be done in a chair. All ages. No registration necessary. Every Saturday, 8-9 a.m., in the Parish Hall. $5/person. Language German Language Class 50 Embarcadero Road at El Camino Real Palo Alto, 329-3752, 329-8515 Willkommen! (Welcome!) Learn to speak, read, and write German, with an emphasis on conversation. Basic grammar and Germanic culture are covered. The instructor, a college-credentialed teacher with a Master’s Degree, studied in Germany with the Stanford-in-Germany program. Mondays and Thursdays, 7-9 p.m., March 31-April 28, $108. International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) 151 Laura Lane, Palo Alto, 251-8519 ISTP offers extensive adult language classes and children’s after-school language classes. For preschool students, ISTP offers classes in Arabic, French, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. For elementary and middle-school students, ISTP offers classes in Arabic, Farsi French and Mandarin Chinese. For adults, ISTP offers separate classes for varying proficiency levels for each language: Arabic, English ESL, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Spanish. University Transfer π Career Programs π Online Degrees π Personal Enrichment Classes start April 7. Register now at Affordable tuition. $13 per unit for CA residents. Financial Aid available MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 25 ClassGuide TAIJIQUAN TUTELAGE OF PALO ALTO Our classes in T’ai Chi Ch’uan are held in Palo Alto at the Cubberley Community Ctr. 4000 Middlefield Rd., M4. Call 650-327-9350 for detailed information. Established in 1973. Learn to compost and garden without the use of toxic chemicals and make 2008 a healthier year for you, your family and the environment. Classes are free to San Mateo County residents. Elite Musketeer Fencer’s Club 160B Constitution Drive, Menlo Park 353-0717, 408 317 0480, healthy and fit. Stop by for a free class. lessons or small group classes available. Mind & Spirit Fencing programs for kids and adults, recreational and competitive. Summer camps, birthday parties, private lessons and group classes. Children’s Music Workshops P.O. Box 60756, Palo Alto, 306-0332 All Saints’ Episcopal Church 555 Waverley St., Palo Alto Kids music classes and private lessons for guitar, piano and voice. Locations in Palo Alto and Mountain View. Music for special needs children too. Little House Senior Activities Center 800 Middle Ave., Menlo Park, 326-2025 Computer workshops, health lectures, investments, travel, self-improvement, movies, opera previews, ballroom dancing and weekend trips for people over 50. Costs range from free to $40. Register in person or by phone. Studio Kicks 796A San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, 855-9868 Studio Kicks is a family fitness center offering high-energy cardio kickboxing classes and fun martial-arts training for kids 2 and up. Taught by owner/instructor Richard Branden, six-time world champion and original stunt cast member for the “Power Rangers.” Get the whole family All Saints’ Yoga: Kundalini style yoga combining asana (physical poses), breathing exercises and meditation. Practice is best done on an empty stomach or lightsnack. Please bring a mat and blanket, and wear comfortable, easy-to-move-in clothes. If floor work is difficult, exercises can be modified to do in a chair. Yoga at Unity Church 3391 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 857-0919 Modern and ancient yogic meditation and concentration techniques, powerful and therapeutic in their transformation and healing. Music & Art Art with Emily 402 El Verano Ave., Palo Alto, 856-9571, Emily Young teaches mixed-media, multicultural art lessons for children at her fully equipped studio in Palo Alto. Individual Chinese Brush Painting Palo Alto, 948-1503 Chinese brush painting with master calligrapher and painter Anna Wu Weakland. Class meets eight Tuesdays, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Classes held at the Cubberley Studio in Palo Alto. Learn to paint with minimum strokes and achieve maximum results. The techniques of all the popular subject matters will be taught. Beginners and advanced students welcome. Community School of Music and Arts at Finn Center 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View 917-6800, 917-6813, April 14-18 vacation camps now enrolling. Visual-art camps for Grades K-8. Morning and afternoon sessions; extended day supervision available. $140 per camp; register same child for 2 camps and save $30. Computers and art camps for ages 10-teen. Learn animation, web design, digital photography, blogging, more. Full-day camp, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm; $375. Community School of Music and Arts at Finn Center 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View 917-6800, 917-6813, Digital-arts classes for ages 10-adult. Music, visual art, photography and video, animation, web design, more. Six-week classes begin March 18; one- and two-day workshops offered throughout Spring. Register online at Community School of Music and Arts at Finn Center 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View 917-6800, 917-6813, U }iÃÊ/``iÀÊÌÊÈÞÀà U ÌiÃÃÀÊ ÕÀÀVÕÕ U Ài`iÌ>i`Ê/i>V iÀà U -Õ«iÀÛÃi`ÊÀÕ`à UÊÕÌ ÕÌÕÀ> UÊ*ÀviÃÃ>Ê-Ì>vv UÊ*>ÀiÌÃÊ7iVi UÊ>ÃÞÊVViÃà ÕÀÃ\ÊÇ\Îä È\ää * International School of the Peninsula (ISTP) 151 Laura Lane, Palo Alto, 251-8519, >\ÊÈxäÈ£{£Î£ ÜÜÜ°ÜiÃÌiÀÌiÃÃÀ°V ÎÓÎÊÀ«>ÀÊ7>Þ°ÊÕÌ>Ê6iÜ]Ê Ê{ä{£ Emerson School EDUCATING THE GLOBAL CHILD OPEN ENROLLMENT Preschool, Pre-K, K-6 We teach with a sincere love of humanity. It is our mission to educate compassionate, highly intelligent and creative future world leaders. UÊ}Õ>Ê}à Ê>`Ê iÃi®Ê UÊ Ê«ÀÀÊÜi`}iÊvÊ iÃiÊÀiµÕÀi` UÊÊÝÌi`i`Ê >ÀiÊ>Û>>LiÊvÀÊ>Ê>}ià UÊÊ iÃiÊvÌiÀÃV Ê*À}À> brings out the extraordinary in every child. . Superior Academic Preparation . Individualized Montessori Curriculum . Cultivation of Gifts & Talents . Emphasis on Thinking Skills & Personal Values . International Curriculum (Chinese, Spanish) . Year-Round, Full-Day Program 2800 W. Bayshore Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 Tracy Bootz, Administrator 650 - 424 - 1267 Parent Information Dates March 13 5:00 Affiliated Programs: Mountain View 310 Easy Street 650-903-0986 26 Hacienda School – Pleasanton HeadsUp! Child Development Centers – School Tours Every Thursday Morning 3ILICON6ALLEYs3HANGHAIs"EIJINGs#HONGQINGs(ONG+ONG ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008 Visual-art classes for children through adults. Eight-week classes begin March 25. Ceramics, drawing painting, fashion design, photography, batik and tie dye, more. One- and two-day art workshops for teens and adults; ongoing. Visit for details. Join ISTP for after-school programs for preschool, elementary and middle-school students. Classes include French cooking, Asian cooking, chess, science, robotics, Chinese dance, art and craft, watercolor, gymnastics, soccer and multi-sports. For a complete list of classes, visit the Web site. Kindermusik with Wendy Mountain View, 968-4733, Group music classes for children ages birth to 7 and their caregivers. All classes include singing, instrument play, movement, musical games, and home materials, and aim to develop the whole child through music. Five levels of classes as well as a multi-age class. Cost per class session ranges from $100 to $225 depending on class and session length (8-15 weeks per session). Community School of Music and Arts at Finn Center 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View 917-6800, 917-6813, Arts for All! The Community School of Palo Alto . San Jose . Pleasanton Continued on next page ClassGuide Music and Arts (CSMA) offers classes year-round in Music, Visual & Digital Arts for ages 18 mos. to adult! Vacation and summer camps, one- and two-day arts workshops offered throughout the year. Private music lessons offered, taught by international faculty. Financial assistance available. Visit for more information. music, drama, computers, gymnastics and physical education. Science, math and technology are an integral part of the 5th-8th grade experience. Extended Care is offered 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Please call for a brochure or to set up a tour. Yew Chung International School (YCIS) 310 Easy St., Mountain View, 903-0986 Yew Chung education aims to liberate the joy of learning within each child. No prior Chinese experience is required. YCIS provides multi-cultural and bilingual, English and Mandarin Chinese, education to children from preschool to 5th grade. Opus1 Music Studio 2800 W. Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, 408-821-5080 “Over Fifty Years of Academic Excellence” Open arms, Open hearts — Opening minds together. Every day at CPSC holds new adventures for your children from the youngest infant to the oldest preschooler. Your child will experience the joy of finger painting, the thrill of dancing, the pleasure of building towers, and the satisfaction of mastering pre-literacy and pre-math skills with the support and guidance of a dedicated, loving, multicultural teaching staff. S The Bowman program builds confidence, creativity and academic excellence. Middle School - Grades 6 - 8 Nursery-8th grade, co-education, dual language immersion day school specializing in French/English and Chinese/ English (Mandarin) programs. Celebrating more than 25 years of providing academic bilingual excellence in Palo Alto. School accepts monolingual children for nursery, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. No previous second language experience required. To learn more, visit the Web site. St. Joseph Catholic School 1120 Miramonte Ave., Mountain View, 967-1839 St. Joseph Catholic School offers a comprehensive curriculum with an emphasis on religion, language arts, mathematics, social studies and science. In addition to the core curriculum, St. Joseph’s also offers a fine arts program, computer instruction and physical education. Trinity School 2650 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, 854-0288, Early childhood through grade 5. Trinity School encourages preschool to grade 5 children from all backgrounds to love learning. Trinity fosters rigorous academics grounded in child-centered content. The legacy of a Trinity education is a curious mind and a discerning heart. Woodland School 360 La Cuesta Drive, Portola Valley, 854-9065 Preschool-8th grade. Woodland School’s focus is a challenging academic program with a strong enrichment program of art, Full Day Kindergarten – Grade 8 Comprehensive Curriculum Fine Arts, P.E. & Tech. Instruction After School Sports Starting in 4th Gr. Extended Day Care Band, Choir Safe and Unique Environment Individualized, self-directed program Rich international and cultural studies Proven, Montessori approach State-of-the-art facility 1120 Miramonte Ave. Mountain View, CA. 94040 650-967-1839 or Low student-teacher ratio 4000 Terman Drive Palo Alto, CA Tel: 650-813-9131 IMOCN ST. SRIS H S HOOL PA Mountain View-Los Altos Adult School 333 Moffett Blvd., Mountain View, 940-1333 The MV-LA Adult School has a long history and commitment to adult education. Improve your skills. Offering: Arts and crafts, computers, digital-camera techniques, ESL, foreign languages, genealogy, high school programs and GED, memoirs, motorcycle-safety training, music and dance, needlework, orchestra, parent education, physical fitness and vocational education. Older-adult classes (55+, $18). ince 1952, St. Joseph Catholic School in Mountain View has believed in educating the whole child in an environment where spiritual growth, academic excellence and an appreciation of multicultural values are fostered. St. Joseph Catholic School prides itself in providing a rewarding and beneficial educational experience for everyone. Lower School - Grades K - 5 International School of the Peninsula 151 Laura Lane, Palo Alto, 251-8504, Patient, professional instructors and warm, clean pools make it fun to learn to swim. Private and small group lessons for all ages and abilities, from water babies (3-30 months) to national champions. Weekday and weekend lessons available for sign-ups now. Opus1 Music Studio is offering private & group music lessons for all kinds of instruments to aged 1.5 and up. Beginners to advanced level. St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School Children’s Pre-School Center (CPSC) 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 493-5770, Jim Gorman Swim School 3249 Alpine Road,, Portola Valley, 854-6699 ext. 100, Now Accepting Applications for the 2008 School Year NATURAL MEDICINE MPASSION, , CHARACTER, CO BBUILDING FAITH 1961 CE SIN E LEDG HONOR & KNOW Certified Massage Practitioner in 4 months! Master Herbalist & Acupuncturist in 3-4 years! ING CHALLENG RAM G O R P ACADEMIC Free Open House: April 24 at 6:30pm ✦ es ir ng Catholic Valu ndergarten ✦ Chode ro St ✤ mic Ki ca ay A l-d NOW ✦ al g din K- 8; inclu hlon at ec NG ✤ K m D TIIN ra PT og Pr h ACCEP Lunc ✦ Community TIONS ✤ HealthySchool on-line grading APPLICA-2 er w 9 Outreach Po 00 ✤ 08 for 20 ish ✦ Art and an Sp ✤ CLASSES b Technology ST! ✤ Science La Classes b FILLING UP FA La r te ✤ Compu E ts US or HO Sp NEXT OPEN ✤ After School am to 6pm Care from 7 ed APRIL 17TH d n te Ex -12:00PM St. Simon Parish School Band 8:30AM 1840 Grant Road, Los Altos for information contact Therese Kristensen at 650.968.9952 x43 • HeadsUp! s Join the ranks of the fastest growing s Night &Weekend Program available primary health care profession! s Financial Aid & Scholarship s Great income, flexable schedule. LOVE your job! s Modern Onsite Medical Center Five Branches university Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine Santana Row Campus 3031 Tisch Way 14PW, San Jose 1-877-838-6789ÊUÊÜÜÜ WRITE NOW! Child Development Centers HeadsUp! Child Development Centers offer children an enriched environment in which they can grow to fulfill their full potential. The goal of the centers is to help make every child a HeadsUp! child: bright, alert, motivated, independent, self-confident, and social. Our dual-career families know their children are receiving the finest care and developmental guidance available. Palo Alto San Jose Pleasanton 2800 W. Bayshore Road 650-424-1221 Tania Azevedo, Dir. 2841 Junction Avenue 408-432-1644 Danielle Ewing, Dir. 4671 Chabot Drive 925-463-2885 Imelda Acosta, Dir. Summer Writing Camps Emerson School, Palo Alto Hacienda School, Pleasanton lling nro e Now 2008! for Expository Writing Creative Writing Presentation Skills for grades 2-8 Hacienda School Pleasanton, 925-485-5750 7/28-8/1 8/4-8/8 7/14-7/18 Emerson School Palo Alto, 650-424-1267 7/7-7/11 7/14-7/18 7/21-7/25 FEES 1 week $500 2 weeks $950 3 weeks $1,350 Affiliated Programs: Emerson School - Palo Alto Hacienda School - Pleasanton MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 27 GoingsOn M O U N TA I N V I E W V O I C E ART GALLERIES “Compositions from the Mind’s Eye” Photographs by Jessica Lord are on exhibit at Books Inc. Cafe Gallery through April 2. 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Free. Books Inc. Cafe Gallery, 301 Castro St., Mountain View. CLASSES/WORKSHOPS Connecting with your Child (5-11 years) Explore ways to build a parent-child relationship of trust and love through open communication and true respect. Thu., March 13, 7-9 p.m. $30. Parents Place, 200 Channing Ave., Palo Alto. Call 650-688-3040. CPR Saturday Free CPR training from the American Red Cross. Advance registration required. Sat., March 8, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Cubberley Community Center and others, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Searching the Historic New York Times Palo Alto City Librarians demonstrate how to search The Historic New York Times, a collection of more than 100 years. Part of the series “Information You Can Use <\@> the Library”. Wed., March 12, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Main Library, 1213 Newell Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-329-2436. CLUBS/MEETINGS Palo Alto Scrabble Just for fun. Open to players of all levels. All equipment provided. Mondays, ongoing, 6-10 p.m. Free. Boston Market Restaurant, 3375 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Call 650-326-6243. http://groups. COMMUNITY EVENTS “American Blackout” “American Blackout” assembles evidence showing that African-Americans -- traditionally more likely to vote Democratic -- are being deliberately and systematically excluded from the political process. Tue., March 11, 7:30 p.m. $5 to $10 suggested donation. Fellowship Hall, Palo Alto First Baptist Church, 305 North California Ave., Palo Alto. Call 650-326-8837. PA High School Flea Market Music Boosters Flea Market and Craft Faire is held on the second Saturday of each month. All proceeds go to the Palo Alto High School Music Department. Sat., March 8, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Palo Alto High School, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto. CONCERTS GISSV Musical Theater’s “Cindy” A musical version of “Cinderella” in which the characters have been brought up to date and put into real-life situations. The down-trodden Cindy yearns to be a singer, without hope of ever achieving her dream. Yet fate has a surprise in store. March 6-7, 7-9 p.m. $5 per person or $10 per family. German International School of Silicon Valley, 310 Easy St., Mountain View. Call 650-254-0748. Organ Mass Classics Congregational ■ HIGHLIGHT “Exchanging Views” Exhibit of art works by contemporary artists from California and Chengde, China. Exhibit sponsored by Heritage Bank of Commerce. Through March 23, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Free. Mohr Gallery, Community School of Music and Arts at Finn Center, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View. Call 650-917-6800. Oratorio Society and Orchestra, conducted by Gregory Wait, will perform the Haydn “Great Organ Mass” and the Mozart “Organsolo Mass.” The performance will feature Robert Huw Morgan on the Letourneau organ. Sun., March 9, 4-6 p.m. $15 general/$10 student and senior. First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, 1985 Louis Road (at Embarcadero), Palo Alto. Call 650-856-6662. DANCE Ballroom Dancing Waltz and Viennese Waltz will be taught Fri., Mar. 7, 8 p.m. Lessons for beginning and intermediate levels, no experience and no partner necessary. General dance party 9 p.m.-midnight. Singles and couples welcome. Free refreshments. Dressy casual attire. $8. Cubberley Community Center Pavilion, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-856-9930. www. Master of Gudulka! Bulgarian Violin Nikolay Kolev, a native of Bulgarian Thrace, has been playing gudulka since age 10. He has performed constantly as soloist, ensemble member and ensemble director. He will be joined by several local musicians. Fri., March 7, 8-10 p.m. $12. Flex-It Aerobics Studio, 425 W. Evelyn Ave., Mountain View. Call 408-733-5529. ENVIRONMENT Indian Warriors of Thornewood Thornewood Open Space. Learn about the early spring wildflower called Indian Warrior with Docents Deborah Probst and Kay Partelow. Two-mile loop through oaks and redwoods and up to Schilling Lake. (Note: Parking is limited and carpooling is encouraged.) Sun., March 9, 9-11 a.m. Free. Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. Water in the West Speakers: David Freyberg, associate professor, civil & environmental engineering, Stanford University; David Kennedy, professor of history, Stanford University. Tue., March 11, 7:30-9:15 p.m. Free. Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University, Stanford. http:// Exploring a Sense of Place PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Parks and Recreation Commission Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 7:00 PM Mountain View Senior Center 266 Escuela Avenue Mountain View, California 94040 The City of Mountain View Parks and Recreation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, March 12, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. regarding the MOUNTAIN VIEW PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN. The Parks and Recreation Commission has just completed an extensive update of the Plan, which is a comprehensive analysis of open space needs and includes ranked priorities and implementing actions intended to direct future decisions regarding the acquisition and/or development of public open space in Mountain View. The plan will be available for review at the following locations: • • • • Mountain View Community Center, 201 S. Rengstorff Avenue, Recreation Division Lobby Mountain View Public Library, 585 Franklin Street Mountain View City Hall, 500 Castro Street, City Clerk’s Office Mountain View Web Site, Anyone interested in providing comments may do so by attending the meeting or by sending written comments to the City of Mountain View Parks and Recreation Commission, Community Services Department, P.O. Box 7540, Mountain View, CA 94039-7540, Attn: POSP Update, or e-mail 28 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 07, 2008 Connect with the Earth, others and yourself. Are you…. yearning for a sense of belonging to the place where you live? interested in obtaining a deeper understanding of our ecosystem and watershed? concerned about climate change and how to make a positive response? Join Exploring a Sense of Place in a year-long exploration of our local region with some of the area’s most gifted nautralists.. Our program begins in May, and meets one Monday evening and one Saturday per month. FREE Introductory evening, RSVP NOW as space is limited Monday, April 21 from 7 – 9 p.m. 1023 Corporation Way, Palo Alto For more details visit us online at, To RSVP, call 650-328-9300 ext 12 or email EXHIBITS Student Art Show “A Delicate Balance,” exhibit of student and faculty art room the Arts in Action program of the Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA) will be on display through March 14 in the rotunda. Free. Mountain View City Hall Rotunda, 500 Castro St., Mountain View. Call 650-917-6800. The Art of Larry Gonick The Gallery at Cogswell is showcasing the works of nonfiction cartoonist Larry Gonick through Mar. to Apr. 19, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Gallery at Cogswell, 1175 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale. Transfigurations, Exploring Transgender Identity Jana Marcus’s black-and-white photographs of transgender people, with their personal stories, explore notions of masculine and feminine. Through March 21, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Serra House, 589 Capistrano Way, Stanford. Call 650-725-0371. FAMILY AND KIDS Arbor Day Celebration Activities for kids at the Arbor Day celebration organized by Canopy and the Children’s Library. Tree-themed activities include tree stories, hands-on learning activities and a tree walk. Sat., March 8, 1-4 p.m. Free. Children’s Library of Palo Alto, 1276 Harriet St., Palo Alto. Call 650-964-6110. Babies & Books A workshop for pre-walking infants and their parents featuring books, music, lap bounces, nursery rhymes and parenting resources. There’s time for discussion, practice, play and socializing for parents and babies. Thu., March 13, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. City of Mountain View Public Library, 585 Franklin St., Mountain View. Call 650-526-7054. FILM Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour of the mountain film festival comes to Los Altos with two different shows. Features a collection of action, environmental and adventure films. March 13-14, 7-10 p.m. $15 advance and $18 door. Eagle Theatre at Los Altos High School, 201 Almond Ave., Los Altos. Call 925-455-5816. http://www. HEALTH Breathe California Better Breathers Club Breathe California hosts Better Breathers Club meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month as a resource and support group for people suffering from lung disease, and their family members. Mon, March 10, 1:30-3 p.m. Free. Avenidas Senior Center, 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto. Call 408-998-5865. Lick the Sugar Habit How to break free from sugar dependency. Sat., March 8, 10-11 a.m. Free. Integrative Nutrition and Wellness Center, 277 Castro St., Mountain View. ON STAGE “My Fair Lady” Foothill Music Theatre unveils the new Lohman Theatre with an interpretation of Lerner and Loewe’s “My Fair Lady,” featuring a two-piano accompaniment. Feb. 22-Mar. 16, Thu.-Sat. at 8 p.m.; Sun. at 2 p.m.; special matinees March 8 and 15 at 2 p.m. $10-24. Lohman Theatre at Foothill College, 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills. “The Magician’s Nephew” In this C.S. Lewis tale, two friends set forth on magical adventures through mythical lands where they encounter the great lion Aslan and the evil Queen Jadis. Performed by JLS students at the Palo Alto Children’s Theatre: Thu., March 13, at 7:30 p.m., Fri., March 14, at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m., Sat., March 15, at 2:30 p.m. $8 adult, $4 GoingsOn child. Palo Alto Children’s Theatre Dormouse Stage, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-463-4930. csd/activities_and_recreation/attractions/ childrens_theatre.asp RELIGION/ SPIRITUALITY Challenge of Climate Change March 9: Laura Stec on buying and preparing locally grown food. 9:30-10:30 a.m. Free. 1st Presbyterian Church, 1140 Cowper St., Palo Alto. Call 650-325-5659. St Patrick’s Day Mass Mass will be celebrated in the Irish language. The celebration includes a Gaelic choir, Irish dancers, music and a reception after mass. Sun., March 9, 11:30-2 p.m. St. Joseph Catholic Church, 582 Hope St., Mountain View. Call 650-868-1795. SENIORS Tax-return Assistance Free preparation of state and federal tax returns provided by IRS/AARP trained volunteers during tax season at Mountain View Senior Center every Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon. 266 Escuela Ave., Mountain View. Call 650-903-6330. SPECIAL EVENTS 2008 New Year GuanXi Mixer A networking event featuring keynote by Steve Westly, former State Controller and a performance by a Chinese dance group. Mon., March 10, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Pre-register online $10-20; add $10 for walk ins. Computer History Museum, 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View. nymixer2008/index.html TALKS/AUTHORS “Local Girl Makes History” UCSC professor Dana Frank has written “a wacky, illuminating exploration of the political and cultural currents swirling around four local public monuments.” Los Gatos Cats, Pulgas Water Temple, Big Basin Redwoods and Santa Cruz’s Cave Train Ride are covered. A book selling and signing will follow Frank’s presentation. Thu., March 13, 7 p.m. Free. Woodside Library, 3140 Woodside Road, Woodside. Call 650-851-0147. What Teens and Tweens Are Really Doing Online The Palo Alto City Library presents an evening for parents and educators with Anastasia Goodstein, author of “Totally Wired: What Teens and Tweens Are Really Doing Online.” Cosponsored by the Friends of the Library, PAUSD and the Palo Alto Council of PTAs. Kepler’s will be selling the book. Wed., March 12, 7:30 p.m. Free. Palo Alto High School Haymarket Theater, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto. Call 650-463-4963. Explore and Share Nature Midpeninsula Regional Open Space Districts seeks docents for the Daniels Nature Center. Do like to work with elementary school students or engage visitors Baylands. Volunteers will plant species like blueeyed grass, white yarrow, and sea lavender. All ages welcome, no experience necessary. RSVP required. Wed., March 12, 1-3 p.m. Free. Palo Alto. Call 510-452-9261 ext. 119. http://www. ■MORELISTINGS For a complete listing of local events, see our website at Attention Hybrid Owners! Bring your Hybrid to the only independent automotive service facility in the area with two Master Hybrid Service Technicians on their staff – Dean’s Automotive. Y In addition to our technical expertise, we provide exceptional customer service, supported by our 24,000 mile/24 month warranty on parts and labor. UARE Call us today at 650-961-0302 We look forward to serving you! VOLUNTEERS Service Excellence With a Personal Touch Monday-Friday 8am-5:30pm OU DEALERSHIP HERE TO HELP 2037 Old Middlefield Way Mountain View, CA 94043 !!!!PPROVED 2EPAIR&ACILITY ‘07 Cannondale Rush Feminine 1 A dirt lovin’ girl’s best friend. SALE: $1799.00 (msrp: $2049.99) A Guide to the Spiritual Community SUPPORT GROUPS DBSA Bipolar/Unipolar Support Group DBSA Bipolar and Depression Support Group for consumers only. First, second and third Wednesdays of month, ongoing. Katherine Lerer, Facilitator. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. DBSA Bipolar/ Unipolar Support Group, 4153A El Camino Way, Palo Alto. Call 650-326-6313. www. about the local natural environment? Training for two programs begins in March - one weekday and other on weekends. Inquire by March 7. Call 650-691-1200. Help plant natives at the Palo Alto Baylands Help to plant native plants in the MOUNTAIN VIEW CENTRAL Los Altos Union Presbyterian Church SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST (650) 858-7700 3001 El Camino Real in Palo Alto MOUNTAIN VIEW - LOS ALTOS UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND OF PROPOSAL FOR INCREASING SCHOOL FACILITIES FEES AS AUTHORIZED BY EDUCATION CODE SECTION 17620 AND GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65995 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that immediately following a public hearing on the matter, a resolution will be considered by the Board of Trustees of the Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School District at its regular meeting on March 10, 2008 at 7:00 p.m., which, if adopted by the Board, will increase development fees established by the District against residential construction and reconstruction to $0.99 per square foot and against new commercial or industrial construction to $0.16 per square foot. The proposed fees are authorized by Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code Section 65995. Data pertaining to the cost of school facilities is available for inspection during regular business hours at the District’s administrative offices at 1299 Bryant Avenue in Mountain View. The increased fees, if approved by the Board of Trustees, will become effective on May 9, 2008 which is 60 days after the proposed adoption by the Board of the resolution levying such fee. Saturday Services, Worship 11:00 am Sabbath School, 10 am Wednesday Study Groups, 10:00 am & 7:00 pm 858 University Avenue 650.948-4361 WWW.UNIONPC.ORG Turn East on University off El Monte Ave. between I-280 and Foothill Expwy 1425 Springer Rd., Mtn. View Office Hours 9-1, M-Fri Sunday Schedule: 3 Worship Times! 8:00 am Breakfast@Union #1 Worship 9:30am Breakfast@Union #2 Worship 9:45 am Church School Nursery 11:00 am Worship in the Sanctuary, Club Sunday for Children, Nursery 650-967-2189 Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Where different beliefs bring people together Services: 9:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday Sch: 9:30 & 11 a.m. Forum: 9 a.m. 505 E. Charleston Rd. Palo Alto (650) 494-0541 Los Altos Lutheran Church ELCA is excited Pastor David K. Bonde Outreach Pastor Gary Berkland 9:00 am Worship 10:30 am Education Nursery Care Provided Alpha Courses to share this campus and welcomes Launching Sunday, February 10th A campus of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church Services 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. FPCMV Sunday Services: Bible Study 9 AM, and Worship Service 10:30 AM 650-948-3012 460 S. El Monte Ave., Los Altos To include your Church in Inspirations Please call Blanca Yoc at 650-326-8210 ext. 221 or e-mail MARCH 07, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 29 Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE E-MAIL PHONE 650/326-8216 Now you can log on to, day or night and get your ad started immediately online. Most listings are free and include a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. Exempt are employment ads, which include a web listing charge. Home Services and Mind & Body Services require contact with a Customer Sales Representative. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!! INDEX BULLETIN BOARD 100-199 ■ FOR SALE 200-299 ■ KIDS STUFF 330-399 ■ MIND & BODY 400-499 ■ JOBS 500-599 ■ BUSINESS SERVICES 600-699 ■ HOME SERVICES 700-799 ■ FOR RENT/ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 800-899 ■ PUBLIC/LEGAL NOTICES 995-997 ■ The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors Embarcadero Publishing Co. cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of its advertisers. Embarcadero Publishing Co. right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice. 30 THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers! is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice. Bulletin Board 115 Announcements Pregnant? Considering Adoption Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866413-6293 (AAN CAN) 135 Group Activities Art kids/EarthDay/Mothersday! 6507990235 - Art/Spring workshops for kids BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP - $1 Clay fun for Preschool kids! Free Reiki Treatments NATURE/OUTDOORS Events Calendar Scrabble-Bstn Mkt-Mon Evg-Free Trouble with food? 140 Lost & Found You Can Go Carbon Neutral! $50 Found Currency Nov. 2007 owner must provide details re: where & how lost, total amount & denomin. Contact Nancy Gable, Menlo Park Police (650) 330-6334 Art 4 Growth found tan 35 lb short hair puppy Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Found: Lucky ring Dancer Dejour Retail Store Lost jewelry - Reward Earn $$$ Lost Dog - Yellow Lab Emerson School Open Houses Friday Night Chess A BABY BOOMER ??? Donate Vehicle running or not accepted! Free Towing. Tax Deductible. Noahs Arc - Support No Kill Shelters, Animal Rights, Research to Advance Veterinary Treatments, Cures. 1-866-912-GIVE. (Cal-SCAN) 220 Computers/ Electronics 260 Sports & Exercise Equipment new HP 14 ink cartridge - $ 5. BOWLING BALL - $15.00 FREE Satellite TV Golf Clubs New & Used - Call Donate Your Car Children’s Cancer Fund! Help Save A Child’s Life Through Research & Support! Free Vacation Package. Fast, Easy & Tax Deductible. Call 1-800-252-0615. (Cal-SCAN) Xcel ;apple Macbook 13-inch 2.0g $800 New Women’s K2 Cadence LS Roller - $88 68 Ford Mustang 1968 Mustang $4200.00 BMW 1984 318i 1984 BMW 318i. Cute, classic 2-door, stick shift. $1250 obo. 650-856-6637. BMW 1998 740i Mint cond. 103K. DrkGrn/Tan, Loaded. All records. $10,250K. 650-364-7733. ROLLER BLADES - 12.00 230 Freebies Rowboat 16’ Dory - $750 filing cabinet 4 drw. - FREE Ski, Rossignol 9X Pro - $125 FREE MULCH & FIREWOOD - FREE Skis, Dynastar Speed SX - $140 235 Wanted to Buy skis, rossignol 7x - $100 Antique dolls Wooden Canoe - $ 700 240 Furnishings/ Household items 3 stunning wood dining sets - $12,000 BMW 2003 M3 - $7800 Beautiful Antique Oak Dresser - $889 Cable Tire Chains - $15 Car Trailer 650 390-9921 - $500 Black Antique Marble Clock Circ $894.00 Lost grey bird w/ red cheeks Chevrolet Pickup 4WD 1997 Silverado Z71 1500 - $7500 Buffet - French, $3,999.99 Lost Mature Siamese Cat Has microchip. 650-964-0114 Ford 1998 Eddie Bauer Expediton $6900 chrome towel warmer - $40.00 Runaway Cat! Ford 2001 Escape XLT 4WD - $8725 obo 145 Non-Profits Needs Funfraiser/Walkathon Ford Explorer 1998 Eddie Bauer Edition 86,500mls,6 cylinder,5-Speed,4x4 AWD one owner,650-815-1267 Mozart and the Enlightenment 150 Volunteers Jeep 2003 Grand Cherokee OVERLAND - $15,995 One Stop Dance & Theater Store Support Tropical Reforestation! Lexus 1996 LS400 - $9,500 Prosperity A Great Opportunity Awaits YOU! Reiki 2 Energy Healing Class Silicon Valley Singles Mixer GREEN Home Improve Contractor HORSE SHOW MARCH 16 SPRING DOWN circa 1880, - Kid’s Stuff 330 Child Care Offered !! WE CLEAN YOUR HOUSE!! How to fund childcare -Divorce Crate & Barrel Picnic Basket - $75 Get spousal funding 4 child c HANDCROCHET BEDSPREAD - $125.00 Large Porcelaine platter, French $274.99 Camp reviews - Leather couch - $295.00 Experienced Nanny Avail. F/T. CDL, CPR. Exp. with newborns and toddlers. Magnavox Television - $30 Experienced nanny for you! My Whole House of Furniture II - $varies Experienced nanny/housekeeper Great nanny looking for full tim Mercedes 2002 ML500 Suv - $14900. NEW- 8’ 8” x 10’ 6” Karastan Emp - $1,250 Are YOU a Sports Fan? Mercedes 2002 ML500 SUV - $17,900. Oak China Hutch - $225 Are YOU up to the Challenge? Mercedes 2002 ML500 SUV - $15,900. Rustic Euro dining - $4,500 Tibetan Rinpoche Speaks, 3/9 Attract prosperity! Dorjee Rinpoche offers sacred meditation & prosperity empowerment: 3/9, 2-4 p.m. Darshana Yoga, 654 High St., 650-325-YOGA. Be a Friend! Make a Difference! shark hand vac - $20.00 Become a Mentor! Once a week! Mercedes Benz 1970 280 SEL Clean, show piece; new tires; runs, transmission problem (might be minor. A steal at $450. 650.521.0454 Bilingual Volunteer Receptionist Subaru 1995 Legacy LS - $4100 Wittenberg Choir Bipolar Weight Loss Study TOYOTA 2005 MATRIX - $13000 Three section $3,999.99 130 Classes & Instruction Children’s Art Docents Issues with food? JKD Self Defense School Military Veterans GERMAN Language Class Instruction for Hebrew Bar and Bat Mitzvah For Affiliated and Unaffiliated George Rubin, M.A. in Hebrew/Jewish Education 650/424-1940 Bilingual Outreach Associate Be a Mentor! Change a Life! Do You Have Bipolar Disorder? Exciting Mentoring Opportunity! foster a shy tame cat in need Fosterers for NASA cats needed Gallery Shop Volunteer Have Fun! Be a Mentor! Library Volunteers Needed Weekend Expressive Art Workshop Outdoor Cat Feeders Needed 133 Music Lessons Outreach Associate A Piano Teacher Children & Adults Ema Currier (650)493-4797 Read to Children Readers for the Blind Needed Senior Games volunteers needed Barton-Holding Music Studio Instruction, All Levels. Roger Emanuels, cello and Laura Barton, vocals. 650/965-0139 Stanford University Research Hope Street Studios In Downtown Mountain View Most Instruments, Voice All Ages, All Levels (650) 961-2192 volunteers needed to visit Jazz & Pop Piano Lessons Learn how to build chords & improvise. Bill Susman, M.A., Stanford. (650)9067529 McCool Piano Lessons 566-9391MP 5 min walk fr. Burgess gym Piano Lessons Taught in your home. Member MTAC & NGPT. Specializing in beginners. Karen, (650)233-9689 Piano Lessons in Palo Alto Call Alita (650)838-9772 Treatment Study for Anorexia Volunteer Receptionist 152 Research Study Volunteers Chronic Pain Patients needed for a 12 visit research study. No Drugs. If interested, contact (650)585-5304 or FREE Breast Cancer Workshop 210 Garage/Estate Sales PA: 4111 Alma St., 3/8, 9-3 St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church Rummage Sale. Palo Alto, 878 Northampton Drive, March 8, 8-12 Estate Sale-Dining room, kitchen table,kitchen items, stereo cabinets, tools, household items and more..... Everything must go!! Palo Alto, Palo Alto High School Flea Market, 50 Embarcadero Rd, Mar. 8, 9 AM to 3 PM Music Boosters Flea Market and Craft Faire is held on the second Saturday of each month. All proceeds go to the Palo Alto High School Music Department. For information, call (650) 324-3532. Redwood City, 318 Roble Ave, March 8 8-3 High quality, good items. Clothes bedding,kitchen items, vases, EVERYTHING! LOTS of good stuff. Violin-Classical, fiddle, jazz Kids & adults. MV & Cupertino. MM, Eastman; tchg credential; former SJ Symphony. 408/446-5744 201 Autos/Trucks/ Parts Voice Lessons Voice lessons in Emerald Hills. Experienced in performance and teaching, Ca tchng cred. Linda Draggett Tel. 650-368-7531 Piano lessons also available. $500 Police Impounds Cars from $500! Tax Repos, US Marshal and IRS sales! Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Toyotas, Hondas, Chevys, more! For listings, call 1-800-706-1759 X6443 (AAN CAN) Teak Entertainment Center - $100 French Armoire - TV Armoire,leather ottoman 245 Miscellaneous Sawmills from Only $2990 Convert your Logs To Valuable Lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. -FREE Information: 1-800-578-1363 x300-N. (Cal-SCAN) hyundai 2002 accent - $4500 2 Altamesa cemetary plots 408-206-7010 Principals only Auto creeper - $200.00 Barbies and toys for sale BMW 2003 325i, for sale - $17,500 Craftsman 12” Table Saw Craftsman 12” table saw complete with all its parts and manual. It has a a 240 volt motor. It is in excellent condition. In good working condition. All metal construction. Include in the price is an drill press. Drill is in good working order. Large Clay Planting Pots - $15 Each Large Terracotta pots - $25.00 Lexus 2002 SC430, for sale - $32,750 MANICURIST CABINET - $35.00 French Wall clock circa 1925-19 - $749.99 Medical Icing Machine - $15 Armoire - French circa 1880 - $3,999.99 Mitsubishi 2005 Galant - $10,500 Authentic French Antique chairs - $50.00 New Women’s K2 Cadence LS Roller - $99 PORTABLE HEATER - 25.00 JOHN WAYNE PLATES Scroll Saw—23 in. - $100.00 Large Porcelaine platter, French $274.99 Sport Court Basketball - $3, 700.00 Three section French Armoire- - $3,999.99 Mary Poppins For Hire! All ages. CPR cert., TrustLine, top refs. 650/529-9808 Nanny available ASAP NANNY AVAILABLE! FUN,RESPONSIBLE Nanny/Preschool Experience Pt nanny available 215 Collectibles & Antiques Stamp album - $60 LOVING & CARING NANNY AVAILABLE Ford 2001 Escape XLT 4WD - $8950 Large Concrete Fountain - 65 Diecast Scale Models Live Out Nanny/House Manager Nelly’s Childcare and Pre-School Depends LADIES DOWN JACKET - $35.00 Buffet - French, circa 1880, - $3,999.99 Little Ages in home childcare I am so excited to open my home to children from18 months to 5 years old. “Children will be encouraged to have fun while learning” I have been a Pre- school teacher for the last six years and I have a certificate in E.C.E. Thank you for reading my ad and please see for more information. License # 414002307 Dog Crate/Kennel X/Large - $100 Redwood City, 435 5th Ave, March 8, 2008 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Black Antique Marble Clock Circ $849.00 For Sale Teak Entertainment Center - $95 walker w/wheels - 30.00 250 Musical Instruments 340 Child Care Wanted live in or live out nanny needed Help with household, care for infant, toddler, preschooler - 650-325-3261 Nanny Companion P/T for delightful 14 y/o boy. Mon. and Tues., 4-8pm. Own car, English speaking. 650/321-1920 To place a Classified ad in The Almanac, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Mountain View Voice call 326-8216 or visit us at Piano - $250 GO TO FOGSTER.COM TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008 summer fun 2008 It’s All About The Kids International School of the Peninsula -?LES?EC*KKCPQGML 4SKKCP$?KN &RENCHs#HINESEs3PANISHs%3, .URSERYth 'RADE 6/23 - 7/3 4HREEWEEK3ESSIONS ,OCATEDIN0ALO!LTO 7/7 - 7/18 7/21 - 8/1 Globetrotter’s Adventure Food Delights Under the Tropics (650) 251-8519 • • 3233 Cowper Street (N-K) & 151 Laura Lane (1st - 8th) June 30 - August 1 Summer Camp Sign up today! Put on a whole show in 2 weeks with costumes, sets and much more! (650) 568-3332 (2nd grade-12th) To include your school or camp in Summer Fun, Please call 650-326-8210 Irene x213 Mark x212 350 Preschools/ Schools/Camps Carillon Open House - 3/8 Montessori Preschool Ages 3-6. Environment designed for learning and exploration. 650/8570655. Twins in Saratoga 3 yr old boy and girl 8:30-6:30, $900 + med. Waldorf preschool Mornings in Mt. View Active 13 month old boy 9:00-1:00, M-Th, $17/hr 355 Items for Sale BRIO TRAIN SET - 75 650-462-4580 500 Help Wanted Playmobil Fire Engines - 75 Bookkeeper - Real Estate Caregivers / CNAs / HHAs Visiting Angels (Sunnvyale) has immediate openings! Exp w/elderly requried. Full-time, part-time, overnights & live-in. Flexible schedule, top pay, medical benefits & BONUSES! (408) 735-0983 Substitute Teacher WANTED Weekend Nanny 345 Tutoring/Lessons Clay! - French & Spanish for Adults French Native Teacher All levels and ages. SAT, AP, conversation for travelers and business professionals. Hessen Camille Ghazal, Ph.D. 650/9659696 French, Spanish for HS students Language Experts Experienced European FrenchSpanish Teacher with degree. Kids, high schoolers, special programs for adults. (650)691-9863 (650)804-5055 Math & Spanish Specialists K-16 - $40 to $80 p/h One-to-One Tutoring Service Physics-Chemistry-Biology Tutors FOGSTER.COM Jobs kids’ adidas soccer shoes, 4 1/2 - $12 Art:Classes,B-parties, 6507990235 Free Personality & IQ Testing Your IQ, personality and aptitude determine your future. Know them. No obligations. 408-390-8431 425 Health Services Medical Marijuana Consultations. In home or meet locally. or 805-588-3145. (AAN CAN) Stop Your Cravings! Proven Nutritional Coaching for Addictions 445 Music Classes Music lessons, voice, piano Performance. Confidence. Experienced. University Instructor. 650-965-2288 Piano Lessons in Palo Alto Call Alita (650)838-9772 450 Personal Growth FREE DIET SAMPLE PACK medical front office Small Pediatric office in Palo Alto seeks front office help 20-30 hours/ wk. Salary includes medical and dental for qualified person. Must be cheerful on the phone and experienced with computers. Packages processing manager needed MAIL PACKAGES from home without leaving your current job. Easy! Ship parcels from our clients. Get paid $24 per parcel! Info: THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE Program Assistant-Activities FT/PT Assist with planning and leading activities at Peninsula Volunteers Rosener House Adult Day Svcs. Sensitivity to needs of older adults w/disabilities reqd. Assist with personal care. Bkgrnd ck required. e-mail cover letter and resume to or fax (940)991-0126 EOE Swim Instructors Must like children. Good pay, bonuses. Must have swim background. Will train. Location: Jordan Jr. H.S. 15 instructors needed. Only 4 days/week. P/T, F/T. 9:00-5:30 Call Carol, 650-493-5355 or Email: 525 Adult Care Wanted Male Attendant Exp. Eves and weekends, west Menlo. N/S, N/D. 650/568-7906 550 Business Opportunities $700-$800K Free Cash Grants Programs - 2008!, Personal bills, School, Business/Housing. Approx. $49 billion unclaimed 2007! Almost Everyone Qualifies! Live Operators 1-800-5920362 Ext. 235. (AAN CAN) Absolutely All Cash Your Own Local Vending Route. 30 Machines and Candy for $9,995. MultiVend LLC, 880 Grand Blvd., Deer Park, NY. 1-888-625-2405. (Cal-SCAN) America’s Favorite Coffee Dist. Guaranteed Accounts. Multi Billion $ Industry. Unlimited Profit Potential. Free Info. 24/7 1-800-729-4212. (CalSCAN) Movie Extras, Actors, Models! Make $100-$300/day. No Experience Required, Meet celebrities, Full Time/Part Time, All looks needed! Call Now! 1-800556-6103. extension 528 (AAN CAN) Mystery Shoppers Get paid to shop! Retail/Dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality/customer service. Earn up to $70 a day. Call 800-901-9370 (AAN CAN) 500 Help Wanted Multimedia Advertising SALES CAREER Embarcadero Publishing Company publishes 6 community newspapers and produces award winning special publications and websites. Our sales division is growing and we are looking for dynamic sales reps who want to be part of a leading, locally owned, media company. Inside Sales Reps We are looking for dynamic, outgoing, professional inside sales representatives who will be based in our Palo Alto office. The successful candidate will have: • Excellent communication skills: in person, on the phone, and through the internet • Great enthusiasm for helping small to medium sized businesses market themselves to consumers • Serious work ethic - ready to go the extra mile to service your clients • Ability to generate ideas, concepts and have the vision to present this to local and regional businesses • Ability to work in a team environment – contributing to the growth of the overall organization, as well as your specific territory/account list This position offers a base salary, commissions, 401k and excellent health benefits. If you feel you are a qualified candidate for this position and want to grow your sales career with a dynamic media company, please send your resumé to Adam Cone, Inside Sales Manager Qualified candidates will be contacted for a personal interview. Business for Sale Established 6 years, owner works 15 hours per week, nets 120k, will train. 5K down. 1-800-494-7740. (Cal-SCAN) MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 31 summer fun 2008 It’s All About The Kids !"AY!REA4RADITION3INCE 3UMMER#AMPIN,OS!LTOS FORBOYSGIRLSAGES 4( %!2 9 WWWDECATHLONSPORTSCLUBCOM +INDESS2ESPECT%FFORT Summer at Saint Francis high school middle school 2008 HORSEMANSHIP CAMPS Winter Camp: February 18-22 Spring Camp: March 17-21 April 14-18 1 Day Mini Camps: May 31 & June 7 Intermediate/ Advanced Camp: June 16-19 Summer Camps: Session I: freshman experience June 16-June 27 Session II: June 30-July 11 Session III: July 14-25 Session IV: July 28-August 8 Session V: August 11-22 Register online sports & activity advanced sports To include your school or camp in Summer Fun, Please call 650326-8210 Irene x213 Mark x212 be a partt of itt now w 725 Portola Rd., Portola Valley (650) 851-1114 TENNIS TENNIS!! TENN Summer Camp Promoting multicultural awareness, environmental & social justice. Camping, Backpacking, Farm Animals, Organic Gardening, Life long friendships & much more. Day Camp for ages 6 through 9 Residential Camps for ages 9 through 17 One and two week sessions begin June 16th through August 15th Register Online: 26870 Moody Rd, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 560 Employment Information Awesome First Job! Now hiring motivated sharp individuals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training. Transportation, lodging furnished. Call today, Start today. 1-877-646-5050. (Cal-SCAN) Cool Travel Job!! One Month paid Training! $500 Sign on Bonus. Must be free to travel & Start Today. 1-800-735-7409. (AAN CAN) Data Entry Processors Needed! Earn $3,500-$5,000 Weekly Working from Home! Guaranteed Paychecks! No Experience Necessary! Positions Available Today! Register Online Now! (AAN CAN) Driver CDL Training: $0 down, financing by Central Refrigerated. Drive for Central, earn up to $40k+ 1st year! 1-800-5870029 x4779. www.CentralDrivingJobs. net (Cal-SCAN) 32 650-949-8641 Alan Margot’s Champion Tennis Camps July 28 - August 15 • ages 4-14 @ Atherton Tennis Center 650-752-0540 Driver - $5K Sign On Bonus for Experienced Teams: Dry Van & Temp Control available. O/Os & CDL-A Grads welcome. Call Covenant 1-866-6842519 EOE. (Cal-SCAN) Earn Extra Income Assembling CD cases from Home. Start Immediately. No Experience Necessary. 1-800-405-7619 ext. 150. http://www. (AAN CAN) Drivers - Regional Runs! Van and Flatbed. Ask about qualifying for 5 raises in a year! No exp? CDL Training available. Tuition reimbursement. 877232-2386 (Cal-SCAN) Electrician Apprentices Get plugged in to your career. Get handson experience as an electrician working in appliances, power generation and lighting systems. No experience required. Must be 17-34 with a H.S. diploma. Call 1-800345-6289 today. (Cal-SCAN) Drivers: LOOKING FOR CDL Drivers with 5+ years of experience. Your weekly pay is based on a rising scale of .36 -.41 per mile. McKELVEY 1-800-410-6255. (Cal-SCAN) Home Refund Jobs Earn $3,500-$5000 Weekly Processing Company Refunds Online! Guaranteed Paychecks! No Experience Needed! Positions Available Today! Register Online Now! http:// (AAN CAN) Drivers: Love Your Job! Bonus and Paid Orientation. 36-43 cpm. Earn over $1000 weekly. Excellent Benefits. Class A and 3 months recent OTR required. 800-635-8669. (CalSCAN) Media Make-Up Artists Earn up to $500/day for television, CD/ videos, film, fashion. One week course in Los Angeles while building portfolio. Brochure 310-364-0665 http://www. (AAN CAN) No phone number in the ad? Go to ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008 Outdoor Youth Counselor Do you love the outdoors and helping troubled teens? Immediate openings at Eckerd outdoor therapeutic programs in NC, TN, GA, FL, VT, NH and RI. Year-round residential position, free room & board, competitive salary, benefits. Info and apply online: Or fax resume to Career Advisor/AN, 727-4425911. EOE/DFWP (AAN CAN) Post Office Now Hiring Average pay $20/hr or $57K/yr includes Federal Benefits and OT. Offered by Exam Services, not affiliated w/ USPS who hires. 1-866-616-7019. (AAN CAN) Sponsored CDL Training No Experience Needed! Earn $40k-$75K in your new career! Stevens Transport will sponsor the total cost of your CDL training! Excellent Benefits &and 401K! No Money Down! No Credit Checks! EOE. Call Now! 1-800-358-9512, 1-800333-8595. (Cal-SCAN) FOGSTER.COM R COMPUTER CO C OMPUTER A OMP AND ND L LEGO EGO EGO SUMMER S UMMER C CAMPS A MPS For Ages 5 -16 Half and All-Day Options Our 14th Year Serving the Bay Area Los Altos, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and many other locations Game Design, Robotics, LEGO Projects with Motors, 3D Movie Making, JAVA Programming (650) 620-9300 LEGO is a trademark of the LEGO Company, which does not own or operate this camp. Hostel/Facility Rental Houskeepe Responsibilities include cleaning and maintaining the hostel buildings/ grounds; Josephine’s Retreat, and set up and clean up related to facility rentals. P/T, 8 hours per week, nonexempt position which runs March to May and September to November. Must have valid CDL and able to lift 25 lbs. Must be willing to be fingerprinted. Email resume to jobs@hiddenvilla. org. Mail: Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022. Phone 650-949-8648 Business Services 624 Financial Cash Immediate Cash for Structured Settlements, Annuities, Law Suits, Inheritance, Mortgage Notes and Cash Flows. J.G. WENTWORTH #1 1-800-7947310. (AAN CAN) Consolidate Bills Good/bad credit Welcome. $2,500 $200,000. No application fees. Save Money Now! SOLUTIONS FOR ALL YOUR FINANCIAL NEEDS. 1-866-931-BILL (2455). http://www.PaylessSolutions. com (AAN CAN) Credit Repair Erase bad credit legally. Money back warranty, FREE consultation and information: 1-866-410-7676 http:// w w w. n a t i o n a l c r e d i t b u i l d e r s . c o m (AAN CAN) 604 Adult Care Offered 628 Graphics/ Webdesign Geriatric Care Management —Clark Consulting 650-879-9030 PA Website Designer MARKETPLACE the printed version of THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Injured? While crossing the street? You may be able to recover even if you were cited or the other party had no insurance. Call 800-801-0281 for Free Recorded message. (Cal-SCAN) Advertise! Newspaper advertising works! Reach 6 million Californians! 240 newspapers statewide. $550 for a 25-word classified ad. Call (916) 288-6019 (Cal-SCAN) Display Advertising! Reach over 3 million Californians in 140 community newspapers. Cost $1,800 for a 3.75”x2” display ad (Super value that works out to about $12.86 per newspaper). Call (916) 288-6019 (Cal-SCAN) News or Press Release Service? The California Press Release Service is the only service with 500 current daily, weekly and college newspaper contacts in California. Questions call (916) 288-6010. www.CaliforniaPressR (Cal-SCAN) 650 Pet Care/ Grooming/Training All Animals Happy House Pet Sitting Services by Licensed, insured, 650-323-4000 Susan refs. Dog Training *Classes start Mon., March 17 at Holbrook Palmer Park, Ath. *Classes for Puppies, Beginners Canine Good Citizen, Rally, Agility, Advanced. *Outings: Training, Exercising, Socializing. Please call 650/851-5500, box 4 Cici’s Housecleaning 20 yrs. exp. Excellent references. Service for your home or business. Legal res. Call (650)464-6715 Complete Housecleaning Service & Help at Parties oo Much To Do ? 645 Office/Home Business Services Best Housecleaner 10 yrs. exp. *No job too small* Free estimates 650679-2066 T 640 Legal Services 3 HR Minimum Available Mon-Sat. We clean the way you want! Dial A Maid Call Ann (650) 948-2599 (408) 737-1741 Est. 1982 Lic/Bond Francisca Deep Housecleaning Good refs & exp. 650-771-1414 or 650-298-8212 Housecleaning Available 18 years exp. Excellent refs. Good rates, own car. Maria, 650/323-2363 or 650/207-4609 (cell) Irene’s Housekeeping Services Affordable, prof. and personalized. Special requests welcome. Compassionate to senior needs. Can work around kids. Great refs. 650/8146297 Jose’s Janitorial Service Professional House Cleaning, Offices * Window Washing * Commercial Residential * Husband & Wife References (650)322-0294 Marias Housecleaning Services Res/Comml. Personal service. Ironing. Mon-Sat. 10 yrs exp, refs, free est. Call Maria: 650/328-6952; cell, 650/4655806 Mendez Cleaning Service 10 yrs. exp. Daily, weekly, monthly. Lic’d. Residential. Good refs/rates. Cell: 650-630-1566 or 650-364-3149 Stewart Electric Residential Electric & Lighting Services. Lic #745186 (408)745-7115 or (408)368-6622 737 Fences & Gates Fences - Decks - Retaining Walls Stairs. Reasonable prices. Lic. #786158. Al, 650/269-7113 or 650/853-0824 748 Gardening/ Landscaping Beckys Landscape Weekly, Biweekly & Periodic Maint. Annual Rose, Fruit Tree Pruning, Yard Clean-ups, Demolition, Excavation, Irrigation, Sod, Planting, Raised Beds, Ponds, Fountains, Patios, Decks. 650/493-7060 Ceja’s Home & Garden Landscape Sprinklers, Sod, tree trimming, Stump Removal. Cleanups. Maint. Free Est. 15 yrs. 814-1577; • YARD • LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE • ESTATE SERVICE • NEW LAWNS FREE ESTIMATE RENOVATION • SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (650)367-1420 Gaeta's Landscape Complete Garden Maintenance Pavers, flagstone, brick work, BBQs, sprinkler, retaining walls, wood fences, lights. Refs & Free Estimate! (650) 368-1458 Andre Ballowe Services 703 Architecture/ Design Design/Permits One Stop Place for Your Remodeling Design needs. Complete Plans included. Structural Engineering and Energy Compliance (T-24). ADW 650/969-4980 Envision Interiors Interior Design on any budget www. Artful & budget-conscious residential design. (415) 334-2291 704 Audio/Visual AV Pros Custom Home Theater, DirecTV sales/instal. Speakers/voice/data. Flat screen HDTV. Install Antennas. Security Cameras, inwall wiring. Insured. (650)965-8498 710 Carpentry Cabinetry-Individual Design Precise, 3-D Computer Modeling Mantels, Bookcases, Workplaces Wall Units, Window Seats Ned Hollis 650-856-9475 715 Cleaning Services 2 person team. We do the same service as everyone else-but the difference is: “we love to do it!” Steam spot clng avail Lic.# 28276, Call (650)369-7570 Affordable Housecleaning Service in Your Neighborhood Refs avail. 20 yrs. exp. Reliable. 650222-0058 Rosa’s House Cleaning 18 yrs exp. exc refs, friendly, reliable Rosa 650-743-3059 Rosie’s Housecleaning Service Res./Comm’l. Service guaranteed, great refs. Owner supervised work. 408/9914300; 650/868-3530 Sandra’s Housecleaning Good refs/qual. Clean house/ apts/windows. 650-759-2960 Yanet’s House Cleaning Cell (650) 630-3279 (650) 906-7712 719 Remodeling/ Additions Andre Ballowe Services DOMICILE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR NEW Construction ROOM Additions KITCHEN & BATH Remodeling D&M Larry’s Handyman Service Various repairs & install, gutter clean/ repair, assemble anything, plumbing, electrical, locks, blinds, much more. 12 yrs. quality work. 650-856-0831 Palo Alto needs CONSTRUCTION • Remodels • Repairs • Tile • Carpentry • Decks • Elec/Plumbing • Painting Call E. Marchetti for Free Estimate Excellent Local References (650) 347-8359 Lic.#623885 Fax(650)344-6518 Building Ideas Inc. D.A.S. Construction Save Big $$$$$$ Tile, stucco, taping and painting. Interior/exterior. 10 years exp. Call me! 650/568-3106 759 Hauling ATLAS HAULING Commercial & Residential Reasonable & Reliable • Free Estimates • Furniture • Trash • Appliances • Wood • Yard Waste • Construction • Debris • Rental Clean-Up LaPoint Remodeling 726 Decor & Drapery Design Impact Blinds, shades, shutters,drapery, cur tains and valances. Contact: Asmita Deshpande Phone: 408-568-6947 730 Electrical Alex Electric Lic #784136. Free Est. All electrical Alex, (650)366-6924 GENERAL CONTRACTOR License #907806 Farias Painting Interior/Exterior. Drywall, crown moulding, baseboards. Avail. 24/7. 25 yrs exp. 650/814-1910; 650/248-6911 (c) Gary Rossi PAINTING Residential/Commercial. Wall paper removal. Licensed (#559953) and Bonded. Free est. 650/345-4245 HDA Painting & Drywall Exterior & Interior Painting Complete Drywall Service 13 Yrs Exp. • Licensed • 650/207-7703 * Additions * Light Commercial * New Construction * Demo & Clean-Up (650) 482-9090 Fax (650) 234-1045 (408) 888-0445 No Job Too Big Or Small! J&G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office, appliances, garage, storage, etc, clean-ups. Old furniture, refrigerators, freezers. FREE ESTIMATES 650/368-8810 STYLE PAINTING Interior/exterior. Quality prep to finish. Owner operated. Reasonable prices. Lic 903303. 650/388-8577 WWW.DJMCCANNCONSTRUCTION.COM Need help with your gardening or landscaping job.monthly maintenance and new landscaping We are here to help. Free estimates. We are licensed and insured. paulino 650-537-0804, paulinovalle@ Japanese Gardener Maintenance * Garden works Clean ups * Pruning (650)327-6283, evenings Jesus Garcia Landscaping Maintenance - Sprinklers - New Fences. (650)366-4301 ask for Jesus or Carmen Landas Gardening/Landscaping Service Maintenance Clean-ups, new lawns, tree cutting/trimming. Ramon (510) 494-1691, 650/5766242 Excel. Ref’s! Leo Garcia Landscape/ Maintenance Lawn & Irrig. install, retain walls. Res & Co. maint., tree trim/removal. Cleanups, grdn lighting, cust. arbors. Install: Fences, decks, flagstone, paver. Free Est. Lic’d. (650)369-1477 Luis Vargas Gardening Complete Garden/Landscape Maintenance * Sprinklers Repairs * Clean up * Replants Flagstone * Patios * Pavers Excellent Local Refs 650/796-1954 M. Sanchez General Landscaping and Design Concrete, patios, driveways, flagstone, lacking pavers, new lawns, planting, irrigation, garden lighting, clean-ups. New installation & repairs. Lic.#860920 (650)444-7072, 342-1392 PLACE AN AD by E-MAIL at FOGSTER.COM DECORATIVE PAINT SOLUTIONS Visit Free Estimates (415) 516-1480 7 DAYS A WEEK! NOTICE TO READERS California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. 754 Gutters Wallpapering by Trish 24 years of experience Free Estimates 949-1820 775 Asphalt/Concrete 767 Movers Bulk Land Sale 80 acres - $49,900. Take advantage of buyers market and own beautiful mountain property. Price reduced on large acreage in Arizona’s wine country. Won’t last! Good access and views. Wildlife abounds at Eureka Springs Ranch. Financing available. Offered by AZLR. ADWR report. 1-877-301-5263. (Cal-SCAN) Roe General Engineering Asphalt * Paving * Sealing New Construction and Repairs 30 years exp. No job too small Lic #663703 * 650/814-5572 779 Organizing Services End the Clutter & Get Organized Residential organizing by Debra Robinson (650)941-5073 Put order back in your life! Get Organized Today Cristina at 650-302-5294 783 Plumbing Bayshore Plumbers Lic. #905661. Service, drains and repairs. 21 years exp., comml./residential. Insured. 650-323-6464 or 408/250-0568 Gutter & Window Cleaning Contact Jose at (650)207-7452 Cal. Lic. #627843 • Bonded • Insured 650-366-8335 Interior & Exterior Great Refs & Low Rates Lic. 52643 (650) 575-2022 Don Pohlman’s Painting * Detailed Craftsmanship * Excel. Restorative Prep * Great Local References 650/799-7403 * Lic. 635027 751 General Contracting A European Contractor For all your construction Call Sheila: 650/861-2274 Christine’s Wallpapering Interior Painting Removal/Prep * Since 1982 Lic. #757074 * 650-593-1703 PAINTING Shubha Landscape Design (650) 321-1600 LIC # 852075 www. Total Landscape Irrigation, Lawn, Concrete, Driveways, Flagstone, Bricks, Pavers, Fences, Decks and Garden Maint. CA Lic #755857. 650/630-3949 771 Painting/ Wallpaper H AND H GARDEN AND LANDSCAPE 15 years experience Reasonable Rates - Guaranteed Work Move in or Move out - $15/hour Free Estimates Dennis Harris, Handyman Services Shubha Landscape Design Clean up • Pruning • Removal Sprinkler System Repair • Free Estimates Good References • New Lawn Installation Ramos Cleaning Services Residential & commercial. Free estimates, reasonable prices, 10 yrs. exp. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Please call Doris 650-678-4792 Lic: 10929 Al Trujillo Handyman Service Int./Ext. painting* Kit./BA Improv., Dry Rot, Flooring Install, Homes/Apt. Repairs, Auto Sprinkler, Landscapes, Fences. 20yrs. 650-207-1306 Pats Landscape Service Rose Care Specialist Horticulture Degree, 20 yrs. Full maint., free estimates. Patrick, 650/218-0592 GENERAL GARDENING MAINTENANCE JOSE MARTINEZ (650) 271-4448 701 AC/Heating Maintenance Clean up, trim, pruning, stump removal/tree service, rototilling, aeration, landscaping, drip and sprinkler. Roger, 650/776-8666 A B WEST lic. # 50337 Home Services 757 Handyman/ Repairs Very Reasonable Plumbing Drains, Repairs and Installation. 20 yrs exp. Very fast and efficient service. Jimmy, 968-7187 A European Craftsmanship Kitchen and Bath Remodeling. For All Your Repair Needs. Plumbing, Finish Carpentry and More. Licensed. 650/270-7726 Able Handyman Fred Complete home repairs, maintenance, remod., prof. painting, carpentry, plumbing, elect. & custom design cabinets. 7 days. 650.529.1662 • 483.4227 789 Plaster/Stucco Exterior Stucco Patching Windows & Doors. Crack Repair. 30 yrs. exp. (650)248-4205 768Moving Assistance Armandos Moving Labor Service Home, Apts, Storage. House cleaning services avail. Sm/lrg moves. Serving the Bay Area for 20 yrs. Armando, 650/630-0424. Lic #22167 No phone number in the ad? GO TO FOGSTER.COM for contact information MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 33 790 Roofing A-Ricky Roofing LIC# 891684 Specialist in all types of Roofs & Repairs Aluminum Gutters & Clean-outs 650.814.2915 408.561.2051 FREE ESTIMATES Calvin’s Repairs Roofs and Gutters Cleaned and Repaired. Fences, Gates, Decks. 40+ yrs. exp. 650/520-4922 795 Tree Care David’s Tree Service Call during storm season! Tree removal, topping, pruning, shaping, clean up, stump grind, certificate on power lines. Free estimates. 650-444-3350 or 650321-1245 Maguire Tree Care OZZIES TREE SERVICE: Certified arborist, 22 yrs exp. Tree trimming, removals and stump grinding. Free chips and wood. Free est. Lic. and insured. 650/ 368-8065; cell 650/704-5588 PALO ALTO TREE SERVICE Business/Res. Tree Removal and stump grinding. Certified/Ins. 18 yrs exp. Free estimate. Lic. #819244. 650/3802297 Real Estate MV: 1BR Senior Apts Waiting list open. Central Park Apartments, 90 Sierra Vista Ave. Application dates: Tues. 9-12 only or Thur. 1-4pm only. 650/964-5600 Section 8 and vouchers OK PA: 1BR, 1BA Bike to Stanford. Lse 1 yr. Avail. now. N/P. $1250. 650-493-9576 Mountain View, 4 BR/2.5 BA - $3300/ mont MODERN FAMILY HOME WANTED MV: 4BR/2BA FR, LR, extra rm. 2 car gar. N/P. $2600 mo. + dep. Year lease. 650/424-1835 RENTAL WANTED, PROFESSION PA: 3BR/2BA Remod. Bright, airy home in No. PA. FR, pool, garden. N/S. $4200 mo. Avail. 4/1. 909/953-2815; 909/335-2254 PA: 1BR/1BA Patio, pool, laundry, covered prkng. $1200 mo. Info, 650/796-7096 Palo Alto, 2 BR/1.5 BA - $1950 Palo Alto, 2 BR/2 BA - $2200/mont Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $5400/mo. Portola Valley, Studio - $1250/mo Space for Creativity Needed! Bed & Breakfast B&B Hotel Stanford PhD for Long Rental Palo Alto Architect Redwood City (emerald Hills), 4 BR/3.5 BA - $4695 New Manufactured Homes Now Wholesale prices direct to the public. Save thousands Guaranteed. Free information Packet. Tollfree 1-866467-8811 /para espanol marque ext. seiscientos cuatro. (Cal-SCAN) Downtown Los Altos, 2 BR/2 BA $748,000 North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community. 150 miles of shoreline and great mountain views. Call now! 1-800-709-5253. (Cal-SCAN) Menlo Park, 4 BR/3 BA - $1,680,000 803 Duplex Redwood City, 3 BR/2 BA - $2,400/mo. Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $1,698,000 MP: 1BR/1BA Small, quiet attached cottage, 200 block Willow Rd. $950 mo, utils incl. Carport, garden. Share W/D, patio. N/S, N/P. 650/326-7679 Sunnyvale, 4 BR/3 BA - $4300/mont Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $1799990 809 Shared Housing/ Rooms Palo Alto, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $1,349,000 Timeshares! Tired of Fees? Call www.BuyATimeshare. com to sell, rent or buy a timeshare. Get free info today and get cash at closing. Call Now! 1-877-868-1931. (Cal-SCAN) Redwood City, 3 BR/2 BA - $749000 Menlo Park, 5+ BR/4+ BA - $4100000 38 Acres, Diamond Mtn, Calistoga Agt. FHA/WCG 707-963-7815 http://steveandmarla.blogspot. com/2007/05/2087-diamond-mountainroad.html Redwood City (emerald Hills), 5+ BR/4+ BA - $2,499,000 Redwood City, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $719900 MP: Room in exchange for driving. Pvt. BA and entry, shared kit. N/S, N/D, N/P. 650/568-7906 Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $ 1060.00/ Hayward, 1 BR/1 BA Gated Community,Swimming Pool, Fitness Center and MORE!!! (see. Menlo Park, 2 BR/1 BA - $1,850/mo Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $2000 MV-PA Vicinity: Studio & 1BR Two locations. Flex rent. Prof. residence. Unique features. Studios $975-1250 & 1BR’s $1250-1450 Call 650/969-1190 or Menlo Park, 2 BR/1 BA + Office/Den corner home in Willows. Hdwd. floors, fplc. kitchenette. No smoking or pets. Contact Liz, 650-322-1355 995 Fictitious Name Statement LEGACY MANAGEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 505134 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Legacy Management, 1411 Norman Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara County: KEVIN KHUU 270 E. Empire St. # 212 San Jose, CA 95112 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on Feb. 2, 2008. (Voice Feb. 15, 22, 29, March 7, 2008) EAGLE WINGS COMPANY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 505278 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Eagle Wings Company, 547 North Bayview Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, Santa Clara County: YOPI P HARTONO 547 North Bayview Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 03/15/2008. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 11, 2008. (Voice Feb. 22, 29, March 7, 14, 2008) 34 Redwood City, $1,399,000 Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $975/month Woodside, 3 BR/2 BA - $1,275,000 PA: Studio Cottage Crescent Park near downtown. Full kit., patio. $1200 mo. + $500 deposit. 650/325-4000. Woodside, 4 BR/3 BA - $3450000 Woodside, 1 BR/1 BA - $1350. 815 Rentals Wanted Got Needs? I can help... Menlo Park, 2 BR/2 BA - $2400/mont house wanted Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - 2995/mont Housing Wanted - Exchange Public Notices GLAMOROUS NAIL SALON FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 504683 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Glamorous Nail Salon, 1629 Hollenbeck Rd., Sunyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara County: LINH VU 2670 Kendrick Cir. San Jose, CA 95121 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on Feb. 01/2008. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on January 25, 2008. (Voice Feb. 22, 29, March 7, 14, 2008) HOWARD CLEANING SERVICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 505379 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Howard Cleaning Services, 151 Calderon Ave., Ste. #54, Mountain View, CA 94041, Santa Clara County: GLADYS HOWARD 500 W. Middlefield Rd # 80 Mountain View, CA 94043 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 06-01-2006. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 12, 2008. (Voice Feb. 29, March 7, 14, 21, 2008) CAMINO FAMILY DENTISTRY, INC. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 505445 The following individual(s) is (are) doing ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008 Redwood City, 4 BR/2.5 BA Gorgeous Remodel Open Sat & Sun Gourmet Kitchen Spa Bathrooms 232 Outer Circle Kristin Cashin 650 319-1270 Ath Area: 1BR/1.5BA set amidst roses and trees. French doors, frpl, hdwd flrs, marble entry, newly painted int., all appliance. DSL/ cable. 1 yr lse. N/S. Small pet cons. Avail. 3/1. $2800/mo, incl. gardener. 209-404-3984 business as, Camino Family Dentistry, Inc., 451 W. El Camino Real Suite B, Mountain View, CA 94040, Santa Clara County: CAMINO PEDRAZA DENTAL GROUP, INC. 451 W. El Camino Real Mountain View, CA 94040 This business is being conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 13, 2008. (Voice Feb. 29, March 7, 14, 21, 2008) DANISH CONCEPTS INTERNATIONAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 505649 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Danish Concepts International, 1379 El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040, Santa Clara County: DANISH FURNITURE CENTER, INC. 1379 El Camino Real Mountain View, CA 94040 This business is being conducted by a corporation. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 08/16/1979. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 19, 2008. (Voice Feb. 29, March 7, 14, 21, 2008) VINA ROBLES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 505919 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Vina Robles, 144 A&B South Whisman Rd., Mountain View, CA 94041, Santa Clara County: CLASSICK IMPORT & EXPORT LLC 865 Sonia Way Mountain View, CA 94040 This business is being conducted by a limited liability company. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 2/1/2008. This statement was filed with the 4 BR/3.5 BA - 830 Commercial/ Income Property PA: Downtown 120-4533 sf offices for lease. Photos, plans, pricing: 650/776-5390 County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 25, 2008. (Voice March 7, 14, 21, 28, 2008) DEL DOTTO ESTATES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 505920 The following individual(s) is (are) doing business as, Del Dotto Estates, 144 A & B South Whisman Rd., Mountain View, CA 94041, Santa Clara County: CLASSICK IMPORT & EXPORT LLC 865 Sonia Way Mountain View, CA 94040 This business is being conducted by a limited liability company. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 2/1/2008. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on February 25, 2008. (Voice March 7, 14, 21, 28, 2008) 997 All Other Legals ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA No. 108CV105591 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: MELANIE OLIVEIRA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: MASON WADE HAMPSMIRE to MASON WADE OLIVEIRA. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. NOTICE OF HEARING: March 25, 2008, 8:45 a.m., Room 107. Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this 850 Acreage/Lots/ Storage Arizona Land Bargains Free recorded message. 5 to 80 acres, lowest possible prices. Great locations, views and recreation. EZ terms. Call AZLR for further information. 1-888-5474926. (Cal-SCAN) Los Altos, 1 BR/1 BA - work/excha LA: 2BR/1BA Plus office. Remod. Hardwood flrs., oak kit., frplc, dbl. gar. Lg yard w/gardener. N/S. $2795 mo. Open Sun. 3/2 and 3/9, 2-4pm. 2037 Farndon Ave. 650/493-4386 Sonoma Vineyard Estate Luxury Villa with Pool/Spa and gardens. Sleeps 2-8. $7,000/wk Call: 1-(707)-933-8125 845 Out of Area Menlo Park, 5+ BR/4+ BA - $2300000 810 Cottages for Rent Residential Architecture + Desig Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - $1149000 Redwood City (emerald Hills), 5+ BR/4+ BA - $5995 801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Poipu Kauai 3 BR Vaction Home Walk to the beach, pool, tennis. From $249/night. Sleeps 6-8. Call (650) 619-3428. Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - $889,000 Sunnyvale, 1 BR/1 BA - $1295 805 Homes for Rent Pajaro Dunes Condo 2BR/2BA or 1BR/1BA. On beach, ocean view. Cable TV, VCR, CD, tennis, W/D. Pvt. deck, BBQ. Owner, 650/424-1747. 825 Homes/Condos for Sale Palo Alto, 2 BR/2.5 BA Beautifully furnished executive living in Palo Alto. 2 BR 2 1/2 Bath, Fireplace, high ceiling, central air, private patio, 2 car garage. 755 #B Loma Verde,open house Sunday 3/9 1-4 Flex terms $4000/month 408.390.4744 PA: Psychotherapy Office Shared waiting room. Gated parking. $1295. Bill, 650/537-3259. 840 Vacation Rentals/Time Shares Seeking quiet studio/1BR ARCHITECT on call GREAT LOCATION! (650) 320-8500 MATURE 820 Home Exchanges PA: 2BR/1BA Avail. 3/6. Bike to Stanford. N/P. Lease 1 year. 650/493-9576 MODERN 1BR/1BA $1,895 AND UP BEAUTIFUL 2BR/2BA TH $2,495 WASHER AND DRYER IN EVERY HOME! HIGH CEILINGS, SUNNY, A/C, D/W NEAR GUNN HS, STANFORD/PAGE MILL Preschool Teacher seeks rental Invest in Montana Land for the future 20 AC with BLM Hunting Land - $39,900 34 AC Timber Ridges and Mtn. Views - $99,900 40 AC with BLM Horse Trails - $49,900 Year round road and new utilities. Surveyed, approved and insured. Beautiful views, sunsets, tons of elk. State land and BLM access. Miles of hiking, riding, and hunting from your back door! Discount pricing & seller terms until April 15th. Call 888-3613006 or visit www.WesternSkiesLand. com (Cal-SCAN) Nevada 5 Acres Priced for sale. $19,900. Beautiful building site with electric & county maintained roads. 360 degree views. Great recreational opportunities. Financing available. Call now! 1-877-349-0822. (Cal-SCAN) New Arizona Land Rush 1 or 2-1/2 “Football Field” Sized Lots! $0 Down. $0 Interest. $159-$208 per month! Money Back Guarantee! 1-888610-4996 or www.SunSitesLandRush. com (Cal-SCAN) county: MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE. Date: February 13, 2008 /s/ Mary Ann Grilli JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (Voice Feb. 22, 29, March 7, 14, 2008) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA No. 108CV106268 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner RONALD EDICAL MIRES II aka CHIP MIRES filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: CHIP MIRES to RONALD EDICAL MIRES II. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. NOTICE OF HEARING: April 1, 2008, 8:45 a.m., Room 107. Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE. Date: February 20, 2008 /s/ Mary Ann Grill JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (Voice Feb. 29, March 7, 14, 21, 2008) NOTICE OF BULK SALE (subject to Com. C. 6106.2) The following definitions and designations shall apply in this Notice without regard to number or gender: SELLER: John W. McDaniel 2290 W. El Camino Real, Suite #4, Mountain View, CA 94040 BUYER: Brent A. Haley, D.C. & Karen L. Carr, D.C. New Mexico Sacrifice! 140 acres was $149,900, Now Only $69,900. Amazing 6000 ft. elevation. Incredible mountain views. Mature tree cover. Power and year round roads. Excellent financing. Priced for quick sale. Call NMLandR, Inc. 1-888-2049760. (Cal-SCAN) Newly Released Acreage Utah Ranch Dispersal. 40 AC only $29,900. Dramatic views of Uinta Mountains. Great recreational area. Close to conveniences. Offered by motivated seller. Limited available. EZ Terms. Call UTLR 1-888-693-5263. (Cal-SCAN) So. Colorado Ranch Sale 35 Acres- $29,900. Spectacular Rocky Mountain Views Year round access, elec/ tele included. Excellent Financing available w/ low down payment. Call Red Creek Land Co. Today! 1-866-696-5263 x3469. (Cal-SCAN) Washington River Access Retreat. 6 AC - $49,900. 15 AC - Old farm buildings, $89,900. Incredible land & gorgeous setting. Limited available. EZ Terms. Call WALR 1-866-836-9152. (Cal-SCAN) 855 Real Estate Services Payments Gone Up? In Foreclosure? Mortgage Upside Down? Problems Refinancing? Know Your Foreclosure Options! Free Consultation. 24 Hour Recorded Message. 1-866-4953863. www.USAHomeSaverProgram. com Se Habla Espanol. (Cal-SCAN) All areas. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: (AAN CAN) 0.5% commission to Buy/Sell home Gohalfpercent offers a smart 0.5% commission option. No hidden cost. Call 650.988.8813 or browse 890 Real Estate Wanted Executive Style Home Wanted Paint your house “GREEN” THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE 2290 W. El Camino Real, Suite #4, Mountain View, CA 94040 BUSINESS: Spinal & Sports Care Center 2290 W. El Camino Real, Suite #4, Mountain View, CA 94040 DATE OF CONSUMMATION: March 25, 2008 LAST DAY TO FILE CLAIMS: March 24, 2008 ESCROW HOLDER: WILLIAM H. DUNN, Attorney at Law, 1350 Dell Avenue, Suite 204, Campbell, CA 95008 Notice is hereby given that Seller intends to make a bulk sale of the assets of the above described Business to Buyer including all stock in trade, furniture, and equipment used in said Business, to be consummated at the office of the Escrow Holder at the time of consummation or thereafter. Creditors of the Seller may file claims with the Escrow Holder on or before the last day to file claims stated above. This sale is subject to California Commercial Code 6106.2. Seller has used the following other business names and addresses within the last three years so far as known to Buyer: None Brent A. Haley, D.C. & Karen L. Carr, D.C. ___________________________ BY: WILLIAM H. DUNN Agent for Buyer (Voice March 7, 2008) WE CAN HANDLE ALL YOUR LEGAL PUBLISHING NEEDS Just call Alicia at (650) 326-8210 x239 or email: 2564 Mardell Way, Mountain View UN T&S N SA 0 –4:3 1:30 OPE #6:*/(034&--*/(*/ Offered at $959,000 Please call for more information ²1BN#MBDLNBOJTUIFNPTUFGGFDUJWFSFBMFTUBUFBHFOU XFIBWFFWFSIBE'SPNUIFCFHJOOJOHUPUIFFOE TIFXBTWFSZUIPSPVHIJONBOBHJOHUIFQSPDFTTBOE POUPQPGUIFNBSLFUEZOBNJDT°XFIJHIMZSFDPNNFOE Snazzy 3-bedroom/2-bath This home features beautiful hardwood floors, vaulted open-beamed ceilings, new interior doors, and double pane windows throughout. Fresh and contemporary, it offers living room with slate fireplace & built-in shelves, spacious dining area with glass door to patio, remodeled kitchen offering granite countertops, hardwood floor, stainless appliances including gas stove & refrigerator, plenty of lighting, and pullout pantry. Master bedroom has glass door to patio and remodeled bath with roomy shower. Nice, big backyard has two separate patios, new lawn and ample garden beds, convenient gates and separate storage area. The finished two-car attached garage offers plenty of storage. Not far from shopping, elementary school, train and commute routes in the desirable Monta Loma Neighborhood. IFSUPBOZPOFXIPJTCVZJOHPSTFMMJOHUIFJSIPNF³ °%S+%+%4FMMFST 'PSTVDDFTTJOUPEBZµTNBSLFUDPOUBDU PAM BLACKMAN R E A LT O R ® NANCY ADELE STUHR EXPERIENCE DEPENDABILITY 650.917.4361 tel: email: web: 1BN!1BN#MBDLNBODPN XXX1BN#MBDLNBODPN -PT"MUPT]-PT"MUPT)JMMT].UO7JFX MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 35 OPEN SAT. & SUN., 1:30-4:30 LOS ALTOS 1520 MONTEBELLO OAKS $3,795,000 Situated on a cul-de-sac, this brand new home has five bedrooms plus an office, six and one half bathrooms, luxurious master suite, full sauna, sep. au-pair qrtrs, library, 2 game rooms, theater, wine cellar. 253 FREMONT AVENUE $3,195,000 Gated estate situated on an approx. 37,600 sq.ft. lot. Charmingly remodeled with 3BR/2.5BA, formal living room, spacious dining room, beautiful kitchen w/granite counters opens to family room. Country club backyard includes sep. guest house, grand pool w/water fall, sprawling lawns, fruit trees, 2-car garage + room for additional garages & more. MOUNTAIN VIEW What a great time to buy Real Estate! The market remains strong for Buyers and Sellers! For Buyers, there is a large inventory of homes on the market from which to select from, and good interest rates still prevail. For Sellers, well priced properties, especially those in Buyer appealing condition are still selling within days of going on the market, and often with Multiple Offers as well as for above asking price. AS OF MARCH 1ST SINGLE FAMILY HOME INVENTORIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: City: Available: In Escrow: 38 34 47 117 26 19 28 45 Mountain View Los Altos Palo Alto Sunnyvale 746 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE $1,595,000 Elegant new custom built home w/2800+SF of living space. This 4BR/3.5BA home includes: formal living room, sep. dining room, & 2 master suites. Open floor plan w/soaring ceilings, kitchen w/granite countertops. Convenient location to downtown, shopping, & transportation. OPEN S AT U R D AY, 1:30-4:30 Total on the Market: 64 53 75 162 OTHER INVENTORIES IN MOUNTAIN VIEW INCLUDE: Investment Properties Condominiums 22 67 1 21 23 88 Information above obtained per [REIL] Multiple Listing Service on March 1, 2008 LOS ALTOS 1622 GRANT ROAD $1,249,000 Remodel or build new. This 3BR/1.5BA home offers approx. 1500 sq.ft. w/updated kitchen, huge approx. 15,180 sq.ft. lot, pool. Ample room to expand. Cupertino Schools. BY APPOINTMENT Chuck & Tori 650.960.1950 O N LY E. PALO ALTO GARDEN OASIS ON LARGE LOT Open Sat-Sun 1:30-4:30 BEST E. PALO ALTO LOCATION $609,000 A white picket fence & walkway lead to this charming 2BR/1BA home. The spacious & light filled living room features a FP, skylight, & hdwd floors. Attached 1-car garage. Large lot. PORTOLA VALLEY IRISH GEORGIAN ESTATE $8,395,000 The main house of this private estate boasts a grand 2 story foyer, formal dining, living room, kitchen w/ adjacent family room, library, office, master suite, 2 guest suites & an incredible wine cellar. Completing the estate are a sep. guest house, stable & caretaker qrtrs, 3- car garage w/upper game room, & 8.5 stunning acres. LOS ALTOS HILLS ONE-OF-A-KIND PRICE UPON REQUEST This breathtaking approx. 15,000 sq.ft. estate on 3.39AC is nestled against a 20AC preserve. Superior finishes include 6BR/6.5BA, 7 fireplaces, library, family room, game room, pub room, exercise room, & a garage w/ample space for 8-10 vehicles. Sep. 2BR/2BA guest house, tennis court, pool, spa, & outdoor FP. Top rated Palo Alto Schools. AN EXCEPTIONAL ESTATE $13,600,000 The floor plan of this luxurious estate includes a library, 2 family rooms, theater, au-pair qrtrs, wine facility, pool, 8-10 car garage. MBR suite w/sep. retreat & FP. 2,000 SF guest house. Palo Alto Schools. GRAND & GRACIOUS $13,450,000 Bay & city light views. This 11,000+ sq.ft. home exudes quality & elegance! 6+BR/8+BA, library, 2 family rooms, wine cellar, exercise room, theater room, sep. au-pair suite. Beautiful pool & cabana, patios, rolling lawns. AN INCREDIBLE HOME $4,588,000 This stunning residence features nearly 4,135sq.ft. of living space including 4+BR/3.5BA, living room w/ high ceilings, step-up formal dining room, master bedroom suite w/FP, sep. office/den. LOS ALTOS COMING SOON! PRICE UPON REQUEST Private gated entrance leads to this fabulous Los Altos townhome of approx. 1,840 sq.ft. w/2 master suites & recently remodeled baths. Updated kitchen w/eating area, spacious living room w/FP, sep. formal dining room. Attached 2-car garage. Worldwide Referral and Global Internet Exposure. Go to for a complete search 195 S. San Antonio Rd., Los Altos • 650.941.4300 36 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008 2402 THADDEUS DRIVE, MOUNTAIN VIEW Sensational! Expanded, light, open contemporary home nestled in a huge, private, park-like setting of approx. 9,040 sq.ft., on a quiet street in the popular Monta Loma neighborhood. Perfect for relaxing, entertaining and play! • Brand new plush carpeting in all • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths plus a large 14’x17’ bedrooms; new natural bamboo floor in Bonus/Family Room with sliding doors to living area. fabulous yard. • Freshly painted, inside and out. • Living area, dining area, and kitchen open to each other, forming a bright open space • Dual pane Milgard windows. • Gorgeous garden with two patios and sep. that opens to the patio and professionally BBQ, area surrounded by fruit trees. landscaped yard. • Two car garage with new sheetrock. • Gourmet kitchen with skylight, stainless • Quiet location in great neighborhood. appliances, lots of cabinets, and large Must see! island with ceramic cooktop. A very special property offered at $935,000 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE PAT JORDAN CRB, CRS 650.793.4274 ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademarklicensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. Attention Seniors! LDFin d O S Yo u r D re a m H o m e! teve Scheck Steve (650) 947-2265 Assistant Manager Helping Seniors BUY & SELL Real Estate In The Bay Area For Over 20+ Years First Class Service is our promise to you! We can make selling or buying a home simple and more pleasurable. Call us TODAY. We’ll do all the work, while you enjoy life’s simple pleasures! “Your dream is our passion” Afsie & Sia Real Estate Without An Attitude Residential Specialists (650) 917-4224 Afsie (650) 917-4205 Sia E-mail: * 2 bed/2.5 bath spacious townhome * Large living room & formal dining room * Open kitchen w/tile counters & breakfast bar * 2 master bedroom suites w/large closets * Both master baths with tub/shower combos * Sunny backyard with brick patio * 1 car carport + 1 assigned parking space Making Your Real Estate Dreams Come True Rely on a life-long area resident to sell your home, or buy your next home. I am committed to provide the “absolute best service” for you. Jerylann Mateo, Broker Associate Direct: 650.209.1601 Cell: 650.743.7895 • LOS ALTOS OFFICE 167 W. San Antonio Road 650.941.1111 Open House Sat & Sun 1:30 to 4:30 436 Sierra Vista Ave. #3 - Mountain View - $595,000 Ric Parker 650-917-4281 Direct Over 19 years experience Realtor, CRS, GRI, Epro 650-917-4236 Cell COLDWELL B A N K E R 500 Middlefield Road, #107, Mountain View Sparkling Condo in Willow Park, Mt View. 1 bed/1 bath ground floor unit. Tastefully updated kitchen and bathroom. Granite counter top, maple cabinets, traventine floor. New carpet, and paint. Cozy patio with extra storage. close to hwy85/101. Priced to sell! Offered at $379,950 238 PETTIS AVE, MOUNTAIN VIEW 15976 Wood Acres Road Los Gatos Quality Built All New Construction • Great Downtown Mountain • Excellent Solar PV Opportunity View Location Expansive 2.34 acres in Monte Sereno/Los Gatos hills. Great opportunity to build your dream house on a lot surrounded by mature trees and tranquility. Tucked away yet mins from Saratoga/LosGatos downtown. Right off of HWY 9. Lot is accessible from two streets, Wood acres and Lancaster. Surrounded by multi-million dollar homes. Offered at $2,195,000 SARA AHSAN 650.799.2350 sara.ahsan@cbnorcalcom • 5 Burner Stainless Steel • 5 Bedrooms, 3 Full Gas Range Bathrooms with 2,316 sq ft. of Living Space & 2 Car • Energy Star Eurotech All Detached Garage Stainless Dishwasher • Large 6,396 sq ft. Lot • Energy Star Counter Depth Provides a Great Yard for Side-by-Side Refrigerator Play or Gardening • Gorgeous & Spacious • Walking distance to Castro Kitchen, with Cherry Street, VTA, & Caltrain Shaker Cabinets • Enjoy Downtown Mountain • Great Light With Large View’s Year Round Windows Weekly Farmers Market • 10 yr Structural Warranty • Solid Red Oak Flooring with backed byy Inlays • 9 Foot Ceilings on First and Second Floors Dave Keefe Realtor ® 2007, 2005 Keller Williams Silicon Valley Realtor of the Year 408-679-0290 For Floorplan and Virtual Tour Visit ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. List Price $1,465,000 MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 37 Open Sat & Sun 1:30 to 4:30 1721 California St. #8 Mountain View ... 202 Montebello Ave. #16 Mountain View g Comin Soon! SPRING REAL ESTATE 2008 Royce and the art ... of Real Estate T Desirable 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath condo, corner unit on top floor of secure building Inside washer/dryer Living room & dining area w/ sliding door to deck Kitchen features parquet floor and Euro style cabinets Complex includes swimming pool & underground parking his semi-annual special section includes relevant news and articles about the real estate market… where it’s been, where it is now and where it’s heading. It represents a great opportunity to promote yourself or your listings to over 155,000 readers of our newspapers in Woodside, Atherton, Portola Valley, Menlo Park, Stanford, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills and Mountain View. Priced at: $395,000 Open Sat & Sun 1:30 to 4:30 Expansive 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath town home New carpet & freshly painted Living room features vaulted ceiling, fireplace and patio Spacious eat-in kitchen Inside washer/dryer hook ups Detached garage plus uncovered parking space Complex features sparkling swimming pool & spa Priced at: $539,000 Desirable 1 bedroom, 1 bath 1st floor condo end unit Spacious living room with parquet floor Separate dining area with sliding glass door to private patio Master with full mirrored closet Complex features pool, spa and clubhouse Minutes away from downtown Mountain View and convenient to Steven’s Creek Trail 765 N. Rengstorff Ave. #1 Mountain View Priced at: $319,950 On Sat n Shown by Appointment Charming 1 bedroom, 1 bath 1st floor condo Living room & dining room combo features ceiling fan, fireplace and sliding glass door to private patio Kitchen w/ newer appliances, new counter & stainless steel sink Master suite boasts 2 separate mirrored door closets, jetted tub & enclosed steam sauna Inside laundry 1 car garage plus 1 uncovered parking space Close to shops, transportation & within minutes to freeway access 49 Showers Dr. #A131 Mountain View Priced at: $439,000 Shown by Open Sunday t1:30 to 4:30 For more information about advertising in this special issue Call Pooja 650.964.6300 ext. 28 2008 On Sat n Shown by Appointment Great value! 280 Easy St. #401 Mountain View www. HomesForSaleInMountainView .com WE MEASURE QUALITY BY RESULTS Is Quality Important to You? er of he Pow Open House: Sunday, March 9th from 1pm to 4pm Livermore Valley Wine Country Two! T Los Altos schools Remodeled 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo end unit Inside washer/dryer hook ups Remodeled kitchen with granite counter and new cabinets Separate dining area w/ parquet floor Spacious master suite features remodeled bath Secure building with underground parking Inviting complex features swimming pools, spa, clubhouse, streams & lakes 2256 Sevillano Ct., Livermore Priced at: $536,000 Royce Cablayan #1 Coldwell Banker Agent in Santa Clara County for the last 8 years & The #1 Producing Agent in Mountain View for the last 10 years ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ International President’s Premier •Yvonne Johnson Heyl• •Jeff Gonzalez• Tel (650) 947-4694 Cell (650) 302-4055 Tel (650) 947-4698 Toll free (800) 937-5504 email: 496 First St. Suite 200 • Los Altos 94022 (650)917-4339 INTERO R E A L E S TAT E S E RV I C E S 5 bedrooms plus separate carriage house above garage 5 ½ bathrooms 4705 sq ft, 13000 sq ft lot Stunning views of foothills, olive orchards & vineyards Gourmet kitchen, wine cellar, french doors and much more… Offered at $1,499,000 Jo Ann Luisi Cell: 925-321-6104 Fax: 925-583-1100 ® | LIVERMORE 2300 First Street 925.583.1111 38 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008 C O L DW E L L B A N K E R en Op n. Su & t. Sa en Op MOUNTAIN VIEW 3BR | 2BA 137 MARGO DRIVE $580,000 Beautiful Townhouse. Sparkling 3/2 TH in gated complex located nr downtown Mt.View. Large. Kitchen with gas stove; inside laundry; lovely, bright living room; ready for move-in. Angel Leon 650.948.0456 t. & Sa n e Op n. Su n. Su & t. Sa 3BR | 2BA 2564 MARDELL WAY $959,000 Hardwood floors, double-pane windows, remodeled kitchen with granite & gas stove, spacious dining area, nice big back yard Nancy Adele Stuhr 650.948.0456 en Op MOUNTAIN VIEW 3BR | 2.5BA 181 CENTRE STREET #24 $798,000 "Two Worlds" unit has easy access to Highway 85 & town. Remodeled kitchen & baths, hardwood floors, skylights, inside laundry, patio & gated garage. Judy Bogard-Tanigami & Sheri Hughes 650.941.7040 t. & Sa n e Op MOUNTAIN VIEW n. Su & t. Sa MOUNTAIN VIEW 3BR | 2BA 2402 THADDEUS DR $935,000 Lovely upgraded Eichler on huge lot. Has open and light great room, bonus family room, updated baths, fresh paint and new carpeting! Pat Jordan 650.325.6161 n. Su Ne wP ric e! ay und S en Op MOUNTAIN VIEW 1BR | 1BA MOUNTAIN VIEW 2BR | 1.5BA $379,950 1921 ROCK ST, UNIT 4 $525,000 500 W. MIDDLEFIELD ROAD #107 Ground floor condo in Willow Park. Granite counters, maple cabinets, travertine floors, new paint & carpet, recessed lighting. Pool, spa. Sara Ahsan 650.941.7040 NEW PRICE!! Stunning new kitchen & master bath. New pergo & carpet thruout, paint, crown molding, private patio, ez access to 101. For sale or lease. Geraldine Asmus 650.325.6161 ◆ Denotes Open Homes – Homes Open Sunday 1:00-4:00 pm unless otherwise indicated CAMPBELL 630 W SUNNYOAKS AVE SUN 1:30 - 4:30 LOS ALTOS A PLACE TO CALL HOME MOUNTAIN VIEW $849,000 1734W EL CAMINO REAL $709,000 3 BR 2 BA Brand new condos with Los Altos schools. Maple SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 3 BR 2.5 BA Almost new, hdwd flrs, Gourmet kit w/gas & stainless steel appliances, gas fp. Fully landscaped yd. Separate laundry , approx 1620Sqft. Marge Bosetti 650.948.0456 EAST PALO ALTO 1546 BAY RD SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $498,000 $1,498,000 2 BR 2 BA Peaceful third floor condo! Four years new. 3629 BRYANT ST $569,999 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 237 SAN ANTONIO PL $1,495,000 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 cabinetry with granite countertops & stainless steel appli- 2BR/1.5BA Gorgeous Townhome. Beautiful backyd. Top of 3 BR 3 BA Lovely spacious hm in Walter Hays dist. Room Approx. 1,258 sq. ft. Balcony with courtyard view. Central for expansion. Remod. kitchen & 3 baths. Hardwood floors a/c. Inside laundry. Clubhouse, pool & gym. ances. Anderson windows & doors. Large patio. line stainless steel appliances. Anderson wnds. Hdwd flrs Terri Couture/Dave Luedtke 650.941.7040 Mandana Simai Nancy Manning 650.941.7040 650.948.0456 large LR & formal DR. 2-car carport. Must see! Jon Anderson 650.325.6161 444 LASSEN ST #11 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 201 FLYNN AVE #2 $748,000 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 2 BR 2 BA Remodeled upstairs end unit with chef’s kitchen, separate dining, balcony, fireplace, air conditioning, laundry $449,999 hook-ups inside,1349 sf, downtown! Owen Halliday 650.325.6161 3 BR 1 BA On level lot! Remod in 2000!Look no further! Spacious kit. Skylight. New interior paint. Living rm w/fp. Sep LOS ALTOS HILLS din rm off kitchen. Sep fam room. $4,888,000 Lorraine McIntosh, Gri, Sres 650.948.0456 COUNTRY MANOR 5 BR 4 BA on 2.5 acres with a fabulous view. Gourmet kitchen, sitting rooms, family rm & living rm include fireGILROY place. Gazebo, pool, and spa. 1184 SPRIG WY Tim Trailer 650.325.6161 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $849,900 5 BR 3 BA New construction. Granite kit, refrig incl. 2 fp, 2 LOS GATOS mstr closets. Hardwd, tile, alarm. Carpet, light fxtrs. Lndscpd GREAT OPPORTUNITY! $2,195,000 front & rear yards w/sprnklrs. Justin Berglund 650.948.0456 Expansive 2.34 acres in Monte Sereno/Los Gatos hills. Build your dream on a lot surrounded by mature trees. Tucked away yet minutes from downtown. LOS ALTOS Sara Ahsan 650.941.7040 2 BR 1.5 BA 1200+ sq ft! Remod. kitchn, granite counters & Viking Stove. Open floor plan, Wood laminate flrs & fireplc. Spacious patio. Bdrms & Laundry upstairs. Dulcy Freeman 650.325.6161 3 BR 2 BA Tasteful remodel w/lovely landscaped yd! 650.948.0456 Remodeled kit w/Corian counter tops & gas stove! Hdwd COMFORT & SERENITY $2,048,000 floors, dbl pane windows. Los Altos schools 650.948.0456 4 BR 2.5 BA Spacious home near schools, Village. Nearly David Blockhus 3,000 sq. ft. Dramatic foyer has cathedral ceilings, chandelier. WALK TO DOWNTOWN! $949,000 Formal dining room. Modern kitchen. Pool. 2 BR 1 BA Wonderful home offers remodeled kitchen with Jo Buchanan 650.941.7040 granite. Remodeled bath. Newer roof. Central heat, air. FABULOUS FLOORPLAN $1,999,999 Family room. Hardwood floors & dual pane windows. The Levy Team 650.941.7040 4 BR 3.5 BA Soaring windows, Jacuzzi baths, granite kitchen, beautiful fireplaces & Brazilian cherry floors. Electric fence CHARMING COTTAGE $849,000 & gate. Close to your golf date. 2 BR 1 BA Remodeled kitchen. Dining & family rooms. Sallie Morgan 650.941.7040 Hardwood floors & fireplace. Bonus room. Yard. Close to shops & dining. Two car attached garage. 1723 WESTBROOK AV Patricia Robison & Ursula Cremona 650.941.7040 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,899,000 4 BR 4 BA 14yr old ultra spacious contemporary home! Great room flr plan. Minutes to Villiage. 4 master suites. Chef's kitchen opens to family rm Melanie Johnson 650.948.0456 5 MAYNARD WAY SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,695,000 4 BR 2.5 BA Spacious home open floor plan. 2 fireplcs, eatin kitchen, family room, dining room, 2-car garage, fenced yard, close to town/schools. Dorothy Gurwith 650.325.6161 1945 LAVER COURT SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,695,000 3BR/2.5BA. Desirable Highlands. 2,034 sq ft living space on 11,500Sft lot. New paint, carpet, tile, refinished hrdwd flrs. Shaw/Huwe 650.948.0456 A PLACE TO CALL HOME 49 SHOWERS DR A 241 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 GROUND FLOOR UNIT $195,000 3712 CARLSON CIRCLE SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,298,000 1 BR 1 BA Spacious, well maintained, central heat/air, fireplc, $525,000 3 BR 2 BA Light, bright and spacious Eichler home which kit. w. newer range/oven. Pool, Spa, & Rec Room. Convenient LOWEST PRICED IN AREA 2 BR 2 BA Stunning end unit condo in Old Mill*Open floor has been updated and/or remodeled. Remod kit w/eat-in to commute routes, shops & restaurants plan w/tile flooring*Dual pane windows*Spacious Living breakfast bar, granite counters, rosewood cabinets Fabiola Prieto 650.325.6161 Room w/brick fireplace*Separate Dining Area* Margot Goodman 650.948.0456 Afsie Mina 650.948.0456 SANTA CLARA MOVE RIGHT IN! TOP FLOOR CONDO! $395,000 1 BR 1 BA Charming 1 bed/1 bath top floor unit at the rear of the Parkview West. Unit features newer carpet, renovated kitchen, vaulted ceilings and balcony. DiPali Shah 650.325.6161 VAULTED CEILINGS & DECK 171 EVERETT AVE SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $395,000 $1,188,000 CHARMINGLY UPDATED 3 BR 2 BA Great Downtown loc. New kitchen w. granite counters, tile flr, new bath w. shower period details, hardwd flrs. Short stroll to train & restaurants. J. Anderson/T. Fatima 650.325.6161 $489,000 800 HIGH STREET #105 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 2 BR 1 BA Beautiful kitchen has maple cabinets, granite counters & tile floors. Spacious bedrooms. Hardwood floors. Indoor laundry. Attached garage. Patio. Diyar Essaid 650.941.7040 $699,000 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 1 BR 1 BA Largest Mtn View Lot At This Price! Remod existing house or build your dream hm on this apprx 6,000+ sf lot. Close to commute access. Mtn View schls Melanie Johnson 650.948.0456 $398,000 $1,328,000 2 BR 1 BA Great opportunity to own! In move in condition, 2 BR 1.5 BA New carpet & paint. Vaulted ceiling in living 3 BR 2 BA home in the Duveneck elementary district Two Bedrooms and One Full Bath, Dining and Living Room rm. Inside washer/dryer. Eat in kitchen. Garage + uncovered features a master suite just steps from a professionally Combo. Nice Backyard. landscaped garden. Room for expansion! parking space. Patio. Fabiola Prieto 650.325.6161 650.325.6161 Royce Cablayan 650.948.0456 L. Hunt/B. Callahan $1,045,000 $1,895,000 ◆ 490 LANFAIR CI SUN 1:00 - 4:00 4 BR 3 BA Beautifully Renovated, Open-design Home has Two Master Suites and sits on a Tree-lined Cul-de-sac. Professionally Landscaped, Excellent PA schools. Lan L. Bowling 650.328.5211 $735,000 2 BR 1.5 BA Great location near university. Dining room. Air conditioning. Updated kitchen. Beautifully refinished hardwood floors. Dual pane windows. Large yard. Shelly Potvin 650.941.7040 SUNNYVALE 2 BR 2 BA Stunning contemporary 2br/2bath condo. CONVENIENT DUPLEX! $950,000 Hardwood floors. Gourmet kitchen. Central A/C. 2 car Duplex offers 2 units, 2BR/1BA each. Updated kitchens. spaces. Inside laundry. Wired with CAT 6. New roof & insulation. Separate laundry Fran Papapietro 650.948.0456 areas. 1-car garages. Near library. IMMACULATE! $510,000 Terrie Masuda 650.941.7040 1 BR 1 BA w. 2nd bedroom/den/office. Award winning complex with full amenities. High ceilings, lots of light, balconies. 1059 PAINTBRUSH DRIVE Palo Alto schools-Briones/Stanford/Gunn SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $899,950 Jerod Trailer 650.325.6161 4BR/2.5BA! Fantastic Remodel. Prime Sunnyvale Location! Dual Pane Window's & Hrdwd Floors Through out. Up-dated 3101 MADDUX DR SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 CALL FOR PRICE Baths feature. Fresh Paint, Open Floor Plan 3 BR 2.5 BA Remodeled kitchen, granite, hardwood flrs, Linda Kingsbury 650.948.0456 new appliances. Family Room, dining room. Dual-paned win$849,000 dows, central heat, attached garage, spa. Ready to move-in! LOTS OF CHARM! Rod Creason 650.325.6161 3 BR 1 BA Updated Cherry Chase home with great schools. Updated kitchen with refaced cabinets, granite counters. SAN JOSE Crown molding, hardwood floors. Large yard. Teri Woolworth 650.941.7040 1549 NORMAN AV 1 BR 1 BA Large upstairs condo w/ vaulted ceilings & peaceful deck nestled in treetops. Park-like community w/ LIGHT & AIRY $798,000 two pools. Near downtown & transportation. Owen Halliday 650.325.6161 3 BR 2.5 BA "Two Worlds" unit has easy access to Highway 85 & town. Remodeled kitchen & baths, hardwood floors, EXQUISITELY RENOVATED $379,950 skylights, inside laundry, patio & gated garage. 1 BR 1 BA Ground floor condo in Willow Park. Granite Judy Bogard-Tanigami & Sheri Hughes 650.941.7040 counters, maple cabinets, travertine floors, new paint & carpet, recessed lighting. Pool, spa. 1831 VASSAR AVE $1,399,500 650.941.7040 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $795,000 Sara Ahsan 4 BR 3 BA Newly re-built 2006, gourmet kitchen, lrg centr 3 BR 1 BA in a desirable street & neighborhood. New sod. isle, fabulous greatroom, Brazillian chry flrs, mstr suite w/2 PALO ALTO Newly painted. Private backyd. 2-car garage. New driveway. wk/in clsts, soaring ceilings, huge backyard. Remod. gourmet kitchen with granite ctrs. 890 LINCOLN AVE Gary Herbert 650.948.0456 Garrett Mock 650.328.5211 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,950,000 191 MARO DR SPARKLING TOWNHOME $699,000 4 BR 3 BA 2-story home in Comm. Ctr. The charm of yes- SUN 2 - 5 $699,000 teryear w. amenities of a newer 2nd story & remod. kit. & 2 BR 2.5 BA Move in ready townhome offers two master 3 BR 2 BA + Addtion! "Like New Home" All new! Spacious bedrooms. Two balconies. Back deck off dining room. Front baths. Fresh paint. Formal DR, FR or 5th bedrm. open flr plan. Gourmet kit. Tiled ba. Huge crnr lot. Grt Leannah Hunt & Laurel Robinson 650.325.6161 neigrhd close to fthills, schls, shops & commute yard patio.Vaulted ceilings & designer carpet. Terri Couture 650.941.7040 846 WARREN WAY Cindy Mattison 650.948.0456 $909,000 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME 3 BR 2 BA Brand new condos with Los Altos schools. Maple cabinetry with granite countertops & stainless steel appliances. Anderson windows & doors. Large patio. Terri Couture/Dave Luedtke 650.941.7040 $440,000 2 BR 2 BA Beautiful tri-level townhome! Granite slab counters in kitchen & baths. Stainless steel appliances! Solid birch cabinets. Tile entry! Eppie Cf Lam 650.948.0456 2337 SAINT FRANCIS ST $539,000 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $2,950,000 Jim Galli 6 BR 3 BA contemporary in need of love and attention located in a wonderful neighborhood close to awardwinning schools and Mitchell Park Comm Center. Dante Drummond 650.325.6161 202 MONTEBELLO AV #16 SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 LOVELY TOWNHOME $499,000 2 BR 1.5 BA Spacious living/dining area. Deck off master. MOUNTAIN VIEW Freshly painted with crown molding. Custom designed 5 BR 4 BA In sought after North Los Altos.Superb crafts- 1837 ORANGETREE LN stone patio. Close to downtown shops & dining. manship. Beautiful ceiling treatments. Gorgeous hardwood SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,248,000 Terrie Masuda 650.941.7040 floors.Approx 3477Sqft lot- 12,197 (Metroscan) 946 MERCEDES AV SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 SAN JOSE LIGHT & BRIGHT CONDO! PALO ALTO 102 TENNYSON AVE $598,000 SUN 1:30 - 4:30 609 ARCADIA TERRACE 201 SAT 1:30 - 4:30 $554,000 3 BR 2 BA Resort living! 2nd floor end unit. New carpets, fireplace with mantle, refrigerator, washer/dryer, spacious kitchen w/gas stove, micro., extra storage room. Lorraine Mcintosh, Gri, Sres 650.948.0456 WOODSIDE 10691 LA HONDA ROAD SAT/SUN 1:30 - 4:30 $1,595,000 6 BR 4 BA Glorious retreat in Woodside's peaceful redwd $624,888 setting on 1.55AC. Grand foyer, separate living room with 4 BR 2.5 BA Fireplace, master bedroom suite, spacious fireplace. Luxury Master suite. Guest quarters. Only 18 backyard.Vaulted ceiling, attached 2-car garage. minutes to hwy 280. April Iroaga 650.328.5211 Hannelore Blanchard 650.948.0456 ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. MARCH 7, 2008 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 39 C O L DW E L L B A N K E R LOS ALTOS HILLS SUNNYVALE G DIN PEN 11975 MURIETTA LANE 5BR/4.5BA $3,875,000 Unbelievable & expansive views are equaled only by the exquisite beauty throughout this updated, dramatic tri-level treasure. Romantic master suite, library, sophisticated kitchen, media room & wine cellar. Private garden terrace with fountain & pond. Borders open space. Alice Nuzzo 650.917.5808 E! SAL 569 MANZANITA AVENUE 2BR/1BA $524,000 Barbara Williams 650.917.8241 Cute & cozy home with wood burning fireplace, double paned windows & skylight. Barbara Williams’s clients were excited that she sold their property with her comprehensive marketing plan. Please contact Barbara for more information about this sale or for your own successful transaction. SAN JOSE MOUNTAIN VIEW SAT EN OP N! & SU Cindy Mattison 191 MARO DRIVE Beautiful Remodel 650-917-4305 $699,000 3BR/2BA. Beautiful! “Like New Home” Great Alum Rock neighborhood, close to foothills. Extensive remod + new addition. Gourmet kit, separate family rm, new tiled baths. New master suite-jacuzzi tub. All new roof, plumbing elec, flrs, wndws, furnace. Huge corner lot. 1921 ROCK STREET #11 2BR/1BA Susan Marsella 650.947.2243 Move right in! Beautiful kitchen features maple cabinets, granite counters & tile floors. Spacious bedrooms, one with closet organizers. Remodeled bath. Indoor laundry. Attached garage with extra storage. Sunny & private patio. LOS ALTOS SAT EN OP G MIN CO 11975 1619 MURIETTA CRESTVIEW LANE $1,999,999 Fabulous open floorplan with soaring ceilings.Top of the line amenities include Jacuzzi baths, Brazilian cherry floors, beautiful fireplaces & custom lighting. Granite kitchen. Electric fence & gate. Second story terrace to watch the stars. Close to your golf date! Sallie Morgan 650.917.7973 ! ON SO 1962 WAYNE CIRCLE 3BR/2.5BA $760,000 Fabulous 9 year single family home with a lovely yard, and attached two car garage. Enjoy its dramatic two story entry with ~ 1650 sq ft of open, spacious floor plan. Separate LR, FR, DR, granite kitchen, AC and more! Call for details. LOS ALTOS Shilpa Merchant Top 2% Internationally 650.917.4302 CUPERTINO G DIN PEN 90 SIOUX LANE 5BR/3.5BA 650.949.8525 SAN JOSE N! & SU 4BR/3.5BA Diyar Essaid $489,000 $2,795,000 Elegant, almost new residence on a lush & private approx. 12,000 sq. ft. lot in the community-oriented enclave of the Village. Flexible floorplan showcases exquisite slate & granite finished baths and features a generous master suite with spa-inspired amenities. Resort-like yard, desired cul-de-sac & sought after schools. Terri Couture 650.917.5811 Los Altos • 650.948.0456 • 110 First Street E! SAL ADDRESS UPON REQUEST 3BR/2BA Tina Kyriakis $790,000 Tina’s client was looking for an investment property...not only did she find an appropriate property within the short time constraint mandated by her client’s 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange, but she identified back up properties as well! Please call to see how she can help you with your residential or investment needs. 650.947.2260 Los Altos • 650.941.7040 • 161 S. San Antonio Road ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. 40 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ MARCH 7, 2008
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