REVISING THE PHARMACIST AND ITS IMAGINARY TWIN: A STRANGE CARTOGRAPHY AND AN INTENTIONAL AGENT IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DISTINGUISHED, AGAIN Chapter Two: A Boat on the Shore, the Trimethy: for J. Robert Oppenheimer A little bit about epilepsy, as the analyses were carried out by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (Los Alamos, near Los Pinos, once Site Y and then—a critical mass) Oppenheimer’s daughter, Toni, unable to obtain security clearance in order to become a translator for the UN—though fluent in German, Spanish, French, and Greek, as her father was— An Introduction to Neuropsychology, the first textbook that publicized & problematized the aims of the new discipline (a liar is a person who is lying), as well as Jack Spector’s The Aesthetics of Freud, the first scholarly monograph to ground Freudian analysis in the category of the aesthetic rather than the psychological (who tends to lie by nature repeatedly), and the start of a burgeoning movement in clinical psychiatry and psychotherapy to discredit psychoanalysis as the dominant methodology in American analytic psychology (disguise or forgeries), later accelerated in the same year by H. J. Eysenck’s The Experimental Study of Freudian Theories, which attempted to discredit experimental cognitive procedures claimed by many to support Freudian dynamics (Hobbes, in Leviathan: “in war, force and fraud are the two cardinal virtues”). 17 NO IMMEDIACY undone (we scatter our benefits at random rather than bestow them Seneca) Your very sweet daughter PAGE HAS BEEN DELETED ‘Again I hear voices, I sort of lost touch with reality. Humming in my ears and a small feeling like a warning’ . . . posterior temporal lobe again stimulated . . . ‘Voices, the same as before. I was just losing touch with reality again.’ When asked, he replied that he could not understand what the voices were saying. They sounded ‘hazy.’6—Julian Jaynes, On the Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind HANGED HERSELF on the island of St. John, Toni (after Tess of the D’Urbervilles and not Bess Truman; Alice again, a warning: Mother walks in and tells her daughter that she is finally old enough to join the grown-ups at tea time) In similar pictures, the trees and rivers are all reflections a dead-serious child whose father Eadweard Muybridge changed his first name on plinth put the horses in motion IN PALO ALTO he had a train stop created near his school IN PALO Leland Stanford American Tycoon IN PALO Stanford Nuclear Age PALLAS ATHENA, wisdom strength strategy Zeus lay with Metis He was too late pealed the broad sky / her clarion call From headache born PUT HER AWAY IN HER OWN BELLY 6 “It’s real. It’s mythic. It’s wild. It’s a vernacular. It’s didactic. It’s boredom. It’s ceaseless. It’s a delusional space.”—Lisa Robertson, “The Weather: A Report on Sincerity” 18 Two of them at Knossos ‘A city on a hill cannot be hidden’ Theseus rid them of thine Minotaur Oppenheimer, meanwhile, was himself becoming highly security conscious Make a juxtaposition of this text and present moment—change warning to warring, change hazy to lazy7 “Although the hearings were conducted in private, they were not secret TONI off the record some level of skepticism adolescence”—official report of the Warren Commission the struggle to agency (CIA + becoming the writing), the subsuming to the Oswaldian (a haze in Dallas was the assassin, with the HSCA allowing for the probability of conspiracy) quick turn to Sylvia Plath same year, “Lady Lazarus” (to rise and route again) shifts to Lazy Lazarus—a daughter can't recover (information) to rise (inform) again (ongean, lining up and facing in opposition) ‘One year in every ten I manage it—’ shoot again with a second (the caesium atom at rest) shot, a magic Baduism In fission weapons, a mass of fissile material 7 “Reading, like voices after the phonograph, is mediated in platform-specific, materially-dependent ways.”—Tan Lin 19 Andre Malraux’s father committed suicide. He had Tourette’s Syndrome as a child: the mispronunciation is banned from the kingdom; the prince is sick, slick with language. (I made this up, again) TONI A LOVE OF LANGUAGE GAMES Malraux, dear reader: ‘Man is dead, after God.’ After God, Einstein and Oppenheimer roll dice—it is a kind of infinity mixed with infinity Andre Malraux meet Ludwig Wittgenstein: You broke your wife’s heart being stupid can you get her back? yes, anything is possible Maurice Chevaliar met Oppenheimer in the Spring of 1937 as to character, they drove to meet Malraux for dinner in December 1953 At the Met / At MOMA / At the New School for Social Research MY IMMEDIATE HANNAH in New York “On Stuyvesant Square during a Blizzard” Snow had buried Stuyvesant / The subways drummed the vaults Robert Lowell Icarus fell into the sea / Daedalus another father invents the sails Malraux, it is worth noting, never claimed at any time in his life to have piloted an aircraft. “Art is an object lesson for the gods.”—Malraux, The Voices of Silence 20 Motown-born, opened first record store In 1963 we, in 1963 we—before we failed to sign the open protest record begin, again— Malraux, then the Marvelettes, Malraux, a marvel, a wonderful story (fr. mirari, “to wonder [at]”) Malraux, and then marvel (again) underwent a strange transformation in English, an accident of attestation, “it is a marvel to me” originally inferring something of a sense of being ‘struck’—“to marvel” then as “to be struck by the suffering that is existence” in Sir Firumbras Firumbras, a fire. fr. the french, Roland chides the Pope for fighting The potential danger to humanity arising from scientific discoveries (I made this up again) (again) Oswald is a mind on fire, the scientist Oppenheimer at Cambridge with a poisoned apple ongean When lo! a harlot form soft sliding by Alexander Pope The Dunciad was intended as a response to get back at detractors A prophecy to Pallas Athene TONI BORN Tegea, a city in Homer’s Catalogue of Ships / temenos, horse and deer; there are sealstones and fibulae A woman’s work the curse a woman’s work “The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game,” 1963 “Everyday things change And the world puts on a new face Certain things rearrange And this whole world seems like a new place Oh yeah, secretly I've been trailin’ you Like a fox that prays on the rabbit I had to get you and so I knew I had to learn your ways and your habits. . . .” [fr. the Aeolic sios = god + boule = advice] 21 The sibylline wanders from place to place / three hobos at the fence behind the GRASSY KNOLL MY IMMEDIATE If the history of psychoanalytic theory is the ebb and flow of latent and manifest, then the symptom grounds their play. A symptom is always already an indicator for something else: Freud terms it a ‘sign and a surrogate’—though the cultural context it has come to represent in the twentieth century is more of an elaborate explanation for why and how it is the trace of something whose cause is neither visible nor fully determinate ‘Frenzied women from whose lips/the god speaks’ Walter Burkett. It is the center point of that pull between latent and manifest—as Jacques Derrida would define it, the central moment of that play Thebes, a thief, to THIEFTH ‘Thorow’ the sound Susan Howe. The symptom presents itself— The symptom represents itself as and through only our consideration of the symptom—it extends as a phantom limb to our own egos, a non-natural appendage that becomes so much a part of ourselves that we doubt the validity of its non-existence. Oswald’s twin in Mexico City, a Cuban Hallucinations Renaldo Arenas Begin; to begin (and then, to twin): the registers of Lacanian psychoanalysis take as their point of departure from Freud an emphasis on the faux-linguistic (and its strange intentionalities | the desire of fauxity to deliberately imitate, to look the pearl, to be touched as if fur—a mimetic cooperation, this lingua) structuring of the unconscious, a finder’s myth of ego recognition already reliant on alienation and the surface virtues of utility. Chapter Three: From Alice to Opje: Robert was beginning a new life (benefactress within the form of language) The mirror, my friends formative of the function of the I—as if the letters could even be cut off before we might spell out IMAGINARY. Strangely, we’re in labor, a formation, again before we— Begin with a metonymic line: the discretionary demarcation between Marxist theory and Marxian interpretation mirrors the distinction between labor-based and social capital. Theorists exploring 22 the relation between associational life and democracy were using similar concepts regularly by the nineteenth century that everyday intersubjectivity, drawing on the work of earlier writers such as James Madison (The Federalist Papers) and Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America)8 in order to integrate concepts of social cohesion and connectedness into the pluralist tradition— struggling to cope with issues surrounding her sexual orientation Toni is vellum—of the skin and the type of animal used— an American politics. John Dewey may have made the first direct mainstream use of “social capital” in The School and Society in 1899, though he did not offer a definition, preferring instead to— Begin; to begin (and now, a twin): the rhetorical Imaginary, or the rhetorical imaginary, as it is most often addressed in criticisms of Gadamer’s Truth and Method and the strange rejoinder made therein toward the Platonic dialogue: this is not American politics, but Western essentialism in liquid shares, replaced by the notion of rhetorical performance as a particular sort of humanist position, a strange bale for our consideration of interdisciplinarity; or better (try, twin again) our account for the (un)predictability of affect in our articulations. We restage the dialogue as a jest between its interlocutors, a circle of knowledgeable priests in the church of idiom, ideational mimicry. J. Robert Oppenheimer, I’m writing a dirge for you. Where do I begin? A little about you, a little about me. The dirge is a grandiloquent lyric, sadly: a lofty song of strong sentiment, vaguely moralizing, offered not as psalm, as it is less a range or testament of faith than repose to the soul of a deceased. “Dirge” is derived from the Latin Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam (“Direct my way in your sight, O Lord my God”), the first words of the antiphon in the Matins—the Office for the Dead. And I’m not—neither one of us—I’m not—Hiroshima—dead. TONI at the Texas School Book Depository a million bureaucrats are diligently plotting death and some of them even know it Thomas Pynchon 8 Kallipolis, son of Pelops; our ideal city Plato 23 Write about the Phoebus Cartel in Gravity’s Rainbow. Maybe there will be time for an end of the summer society tea, in which only certain sections of great tomes are targeted, creating a sort of unwieldy collage of vision, depending on which self Dialektik de Monstrums is invested in wholeness. Aby Warburg to TONI a cabinet of curiosities already famous for their snake dance Mark Dion will adjudicate, Mark Dion will, Mark TONI left Levinas came to regret his enthusiasm for Heidegger my words If the effects of the quantum mechanical nuclear motion are to be studied, for instance because a vibrational spectrum is required THE FIELD OF ENERGY a multimedia collage Mark Lombardi (twinning, again: we’ve now begun) was found hanging from a low-beamed rafter in his Williamsburg apartment on 22 March 2000, just weeks after a series of strains. Here, it may be worth noting, I keep inadvertently typing “serious”—the slip in Freud’s account is caught up in a web of parapraxis, or misperformance (Fehlleistungen, in the German; parapraxes in the Greek, “another action”), but I’m not so sure that my intentions in considering the weight of pressure on Lombardi’s psychic constitution could be considered repressed. The misperformance must be in another realm, in language again, as in the Imaginary when I turn away from the lyric: the attempt to recreate one of his best-received pieces, BCCI-ICIC & FAB, 1972-91 (destroyed by water) coupled with the recent destruction of his car by a taxi in Red Hook,9 had led Lombardi to comment to one of his friends that he was being followed around the city,10 in the weeks prior to his death. In Othello, Desdemona in bed asleep: OTHELLO: “She was false as water.” Cancer, the crab, shellmonger, is the sign that governed the night sky when Lombardi was born, in June 1951. Not the water-bearer, but a feminine, negative (introverted) symbolism: in the Twelve Labors of Hercules, as Hercules fought the multi-headed Hydra, Hera, who found 9 In a handwaving manner the nuclear potential is an averaged electron–nuclear attraction 10 Although the article still collects many citations each year, it is safe to say that it is not read anymore (except perhaps by historians of science). 24 Hercules distasteful, sent Cancer, the crab, to distract him. Hercules then crushed the crab with his foot and Hera sent its skeleton to the sky. Dante in the Paradiso | | “Then a light among them brightened, So that, if Cancer had one such crystal had, Winter would have a month of one sole day.” Melancholy and paranoia occasionally twin in two, at times, conjoined histories. Paranoia, with its etymological performance of “other mind,” accounts for Orestes’ state after Clytemnestra was murdered Hannah heard Clairvoyance as a schizophrenic symptom, for Weiner, could be the means through which she uses personal symbolism to express her distress The fruit in the background was brought over from Tortola once a week by a woman I called the Tortola Lady TONI write a letter to HANNAH and OSWALD: the lightly dressed, quick-footed Virgin serves as an illustration of the virulent discussion around 1900 concerning the liberation of female clothing from the standards of propriety imposed by a reactionary bourgeoisie NOW SHOOT shot an epistle building many others in great haste In a letter to Wilhelm Fleiss dated 9 July 1898, Freud expresses his admiration and debt to Theodor Lipps, ultimately addressing the latter’s handing of the transition from neo-Kantian aesthetic considerations of beauty to a model of social process. Perhaps the most interested assessment of empathy, then, in this early history is the relationship between Freud and Lipps—in which Freud turns to the imaginary in order to model ideas off of Lipps’s own idiosyncratic readdress of Einfühlung and through the process of this appropriation, shifts the focus of empathy from a visual construction grounded in facial mimicry to the dynamic of psychoanalytic interpretation, inserting it as a sort of mirror integral for both transference and projection the radiance of a thousand suns Oppenheimer. “In using the expression ‘paranoid style’ I am not speaking in a clinical sense, but borrowing a clinical term for other purposes. I have neither the competence nor the desire to classify any figures of the past or present as certifiable lunatics. In fact, the idea of the paranoid style as a force in politics would have little contemporary relevance or historical value if it were applied only to men with profoundly disturbed minds. It is the use of paranoid modes of expression by more or less normal people that makes the phenomenon 25 significant.” Richard Hofstadter, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” Harper’s Magazine, November 1964 The Fast focuses on Weiner watching butterflies fly out of her calf as water causes the color of her leg to change Here TONI begins school a shy quiet girl ALIVE a shy quiet girl A LIE This section serves as a mirror to THE EMPATH—like that section, it is written as a bifurcated narrative (Otto Rank analyzes Anaïs Nin here and now central to his practice) in which the top half of the page serves as a space for the fictionalization of a real-life figure in the psychotherapeutic literature and the bottom half contains the theory that this character will use in order to create new work (to own) in the vein of his modeled image (i.e. in THE EMPATH, I use Mark Lombardi as a muse for a figure the neurotic lives too much in the past I can both analyze from the depressive position and to whom I can attribute a series Alice is alive, a photograph that belies) even Oedipus’s love for Jocasta (the paranoid subject maintains ideas of reference—the belief that events were contrived just for her). As far as classical analysis was concerned, Rank was dead. Like cancer, it also fails to bear water; it is a tradition, long heralded in Stoic philosophy, to privilege etymologies like paranoia, etymological knowledge breaks and contains itself in waves of usage Essentially, he’s reading Schopenhauer, Bergson, and Malebranche and arriving at a place he calls the terminal system: the limit and summit of metaphysics, and this system becomes something he’s interested in contradicting: he’s trying to find the thing that can encompass everything and through this, somehow, exceed. Excess as preservation wants to cling to it. Systems theory as a cultural paradigm. TONI goes on to St. John parks and recreation Hollis Frampton heart breaks He goes on in the essay to mention, among other concerns: dreamwork, Mount Fujiyama, Euclidean postulates, Louisiana laws, Duchamp, Buckminster Fuller, Stan Brakhage’s theorem, ancient Hindu algebra, the films of Belson, Conrad, and Kubelka, Beckett’s Malone, various Greek tragedies, The Decameron and The Canterbury Tales, mathematical equations representing Gertrude Stein, Rudyard Kipling, Ambrose Bierce, and Henry 26 James, the storyteller, the abstract sphere, Arabian quadrants, and Heinrich Heinz. In no way, I should add, is the essay— If the world is an archive of what has already gone TONI these poems are imparted as the echoed voice of mid-seventies feminist elegy for the female mystic with a scientific mind who finds the cause of failure part of the belief that he stammered only in adult company and was free and fluent with children, but there is no evidence to support this idea. I feel like I have a little more control over this section (rarefied to Benzene, without it only the lightest molecule) but with the caveat that I find it tremendously difficult to work with an outline for pieces of writing where (she worked until her death, particularly in Great Britain) the relationship between form and content becomes—essentially—part of the larger meaning, The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation a loose footing wouldn’t you say makes the dancer the procedure of preparatory action a feeling of becoming that is always synonymous with a weakening or renunciation of the self. Mark Lombardi died after only his second major show, several months before the traveling solo exhibition—then retrospective—Global Networks first opened in New York. The top of the page narrative here is a sort of experimental fiction writing—staged in a series of letters—that uses the figure of Mark Lombardi as a muse. THE EMPATH is, essentially, another composite or alias figure who is consumed by diagramming or articulating social capital (rather than that other sort in terms of internal and external nuclear coordinates) in terms that ultimately end up expressed in THE PHARMACIST (all emotional life is grounded in the present). This is a way to explore the work of Lombardi in a critical, metaphorically-engaged means of art historical practice and then complicate with explicitness I’d like to bring out and address Verdrängung (repression), which laid stress on unconscious repression of the past in THE PHARMACIST section. So, in this sense, THE EMPATH is writing letters to himself as a record as he commits to these unravelings—Dear TONI Dear HANNAH Dear Alice Dear Oswald 27 inherent fear of the conspiracy that would take him down, part of which is the result of a connecting narrative of primary narcissism and part of which seems prime how to unlearn is vital to an overstimulated hallucination introducing the opaque visual to rapid intellectualization. I might draw some of my own diagrams exploring the ideas of THE PHARMACIST and then have THE EMPATH as a figure to assess / intuit them. Read some of Hans Haacke’s artist’s statements from the late 1960s and early ’70s on a microcosmic level, however, the life-long oscillation between the two poles of fear can be made more bearable, according to Rank as a way of assessing what Lombardi might have been like through a more rarified lens (there are reasons for this, grounded in Haacke’s language of indeterminate performance, threading, forcing the spectator to witness connection through time) Dear TONI again ongean I want to meet you / He broke his wife’s heart being stupid A specter is haunting Can you forgive him? overthwart / crooked as the werk of a wommans calle To begin before, she begins by superimposing the clairvoyant imaging of her ‘inner’ experience, which we’ve previously approached as non-objective and incapable of true interpretation, onto her experience of external reality solutions for living emerge out of fluctuating. This visual dictation, or the receipt of image from a source outside of an individual’s explicitly known imaginative capacity, blurs the distinction between an inner and outer reality, or at least creates a channel of transmission that ignores their boundaries. She divorced her third husband, a southern California doctor, to marry Oppenheimer, when she found out she was pregnant. The presence of particularities that could be labeled paranoid induces a confession of circumstance that pragmatically reflects on Weiner’s ‘reality,’ or her non-objective experience all of this would remain suppressed by the U.S. government for another seven years. Nota bene we said her fictions were becoming increasingly conceptual. Clairvoyance, of course, like Juliet Mitchell’s example of psychoanalysis, survives Weiner’s attempt at destruction, and continues to exist as part of the multivocality of Weiner’s work. At the same time however, we can read this attempt at destruction for Weiner as to oust him over this suspicious behavior ‘Heiress still lives through Winter in her Spartan cottage’ 28 We note the body of the poet in the poem, who occasionally surfaces from a life underwater governed by gulls and sparrows, but whose form can’t seem to materialize across that shore of transference. The rubbing done here, in that sense, is aquiline, and I’m not sure that the escapism of going under is enough of a dirge to suggest the discordant elements of burial, rebirth, monument, funeral, and elegy. Mark Lombardi became a sieve to this theory; its twin. In 1950, the British psychoanalyst and group dynamics therapist Wilfred Bion first published his article, “The Imaginary Twin,” in which he credited the shared relationship, in language, between patient and analyst (the exposure to truth) as a reflector of the projective identification that governs our mature emotional responses. An empathy of imagery, in the imagist sense: the final flight to letters When you leave us, will you leave us / can it be forever? Samuel Beckett’s father was a quantity surveyor and his mother a nurse Samuel Beckett once was a prince among men, misquoted Samuel Beckett in years of analysis with Bion, twinned Defeated, she returned to St. John Defeated, she returned portrait of American physicist She attended no school at all, receiving instead desultory instruction in French and math from a series of governesses The cottage was destroyed in a hurricane an almost equally strong urge to find silence and oblivion and on its site was built a community house, where the schematics are elaborate and delicate, yet precise and factual spiderwebs of illustrations depicting alleged networks of criminal conspiracies | Oswald told Marina he loved her 29 Its foundations were raised on what is now known as Oppenheimer Beach. 30
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