President’s Letter:

President’s Letter:
I can’t believe it’s time to say goodbye to our members who fly north in
the summer! I wish you didn’t have to leave.
I’m extremely happy that we have secured another exhibit at the Naples
Art Association’s von Liebig Art Center! The Board of Directors has
chosen the theme Ride the Color Wheel. The Prospectus will be
distributed in late May or early June, but please be planning ahead, and
mark your calendars with the important dates: Receiving: Tuesday,
October 7, 2014, 11 AM – 2 PM; Reception: Friday, October 10, 5:30 – 7:00
PM; Removal: Friday, November 7, 11 AM – 1 PM. A call for volunteers
will go out this summer, so please be thinking of how you can help. We
have five months to create new pieces for this exhibit, so hit your
studios and get to work!
Many of you met my mosaic artist friend from Colorado, Jeanne
Gregor, at our April meeting. She is a part-time resident of Naples, and
she arrived at the end of March, just in time to visit our exhibit in
Marco. She raved about the high quality of work in the exhibit and the
high level of creativity. She also said that while she was in the gift shop,
one of the staff members remarked that they thought it was the best
exhibit they had ever had there! I’m not sure if it is worth the
gargantuan effort it would take to have another exhibit in Marco, but it
is very nice to hear nonetheless!
Speaking of the Marco exhibit, Removal was particularly hectic as we
scrambled to pack up all the artwork for those who could not make it
to Marco that day. Many arranged to bring home other members’ pieces,
and there were also those who forgot that it was Removal day.
Remember, it is a big undertaking to take responsibility for the safe
transport and return of other artists’ work. In a number of instances
packing materials had not been provided for the return of pieces,
placing art work at greater risk during transport. This is not what
anyone wants! Finally, if anyone has packing materials that were used to
return their work, for instance packing boxes and tote bags which may
belong to others, please get them to me and I will try to return them to
their proper homes. Some may have owners’ names on them. We must
do a better job of working Removal in the future!
At the urging of some members (you know who you are) and Doug, I
am trying to lighten my workload. While I still love being President,
the toll the job takes on me is too much, both in terms of the time I
spend and the stress involved with having too much to do. I need a bit
more personal time and more time to create. I have been thinking of
ways that individual jobs can be pulled out of my repertoire and
assigned to others. This will not only help me, but it will provide more
volunteer opportunities for Guild members as we move through time.
Volunteering will always be required to participate in exhibits, and as
we grow, we will need more jobs. I am delighted that my first two ideas
for jobs were immediately filled at the April Board meeting, and I thank
those who stepped up. Phyllis Rieser and Francine Gerson are going to
organize the annual new member luncheons, and Joe Noe is going to
distribute newsletters and important emails to those who do not have
internet access or access to a printer. Thank you! One other job is to
organize our People’s Choice Awards at our exhibits, since the
membership has reported that the awards are a good idea and should
continue. More details can be found in the volunteer section below. I
plan to identify other jobs this summer, and will share them with you
in the August newsletter.
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer!
Warm wishes, Lorraine
Southwest Florida Fine Craft Guild
Business Meeting Minutes – April 19, 2014
Meeting called to order 1:00 PM by President Lorraine Capps.
Matters discussed and acted upon:
> New members were welcomed and asked to introduce themselves and
their fine craft.
> The new officers for the 2014 – 2015 year were introduced.
> Lorraine asked for affirmation and received it for continuation of the
People’s Choice Awards at our exhibits. She then presented the PC
awards for Marco Is. exhibit to Rose Young(absent), Sue Vorobel and Jim
Sobel. She also recognized Andrew Corke and Bobbi Robertson for their
award/achievements at the Ding Darling event.
> Marco Is. Center gift shop requirements were presented and
> Motion made and approved to accept minutes of March meeting.
> Lorraine announced that Shelly the Sea Horse now resides at Royal
Shell on Sanibel, who sponsored our effort. Also, that $380K in total was
raised in this project.
> Lorraine announced that we have secured a new exhibit at von
Liebig/Naples in Oct-Nov, 2014. The theme selected is Ride the Color
Wheel and prospectus will be ready in May.
> Dee Cooper, Treasurer, gave treasurer report. Our current balance is
$5,785.52 and reported anticipated income and expenses.
> Lorraine updated our interaction with Alliance for Arts and Dir.Lydia
Black. Lydia is requesting our participating in two more Artists @ Work
next season because of the success of our initial event.
> Lorraine announced that the Board had approved awarding four
$150.00 grants to the Alliance for needy summer camp kids.
> Phyllis Rieser, Volunteer Chair, announced that Trudy Sampson had
stepped up as Scholarship Chair, Lynn Ondercin stepped up to take
Trudy’s place on the hospitality committee, Phyllis and Francine Gerson
stepped up to oversee the New Members Luncheon, Joe(and Sandy)Noe
stepped up to produce and disseminate hard copies of the Newsletter
and other communications to those members who don’t have email
access. (TY all).
> Jeanne Kostrub gave report on the Guild sales case and explained the
whole process for the benefit of new members. New members will have
the month of April solely for them and should be in contact with Jeanne
by Dec, to reserve space as a collective presentation.
> Kathy Erickson, Membership Chair, made yearbooks available to new
> Lorraine noted that a number of our members also belong to Quilters
Group that is putting on an exhibition at the Community Foundation in
Ft Myers April 25.
> Dale Eulitz noted that she has her work on exhibit at the Cape Coral
> Anna Marie Jacobi, our Member Emeritus, announced that she is
‘retiring’ to a residence in Milwaukee by Sept., having sold her home
and started the process of selling off the contents, including her
accumulated art works. Fortunately she plans to continue working in
clay at this facility. We shall miss her!
> Bobbi Robertson gave instruction to volunteers at exhibit ‘takedowns’. Please don’t put stickers on art work and treat the pieces as
they were your own.
> Lorraine reminded all about the CCAS upcoming exhibit MAY’S
BOUQUETS. Receiving is April 28 and your participation is encouraged.
> Sandi Krym, Community Outreach Chair, explained our participation
with the food pantry, collection of ink cartridges that benefit our troops,
and aluminum can tabs for Ronald McDonald House and other out reach
> Toni Ory reported on the Ding Darling Art Event along with other
members who participated and the possibility of participating next year.
> 50/50 winner was Dale, who picked the Guild’s portion to be donated
to Holiday for Heroes ($60.00).
> This portion of the meeting was adjourned at 1:53 PM.
> Angela Aradia then gave a terrific presentation on the Art of Critiquing.
This was followed with a direct example with pieces from Sue Housler
and Angela.
> A ‘buy-sell-trade’ was conducted in the clay lab.
> The meeting then ended with a gift exchange enjoyed by all.
Respectfully submitted: Jim Sobel, Secretary
Sue Archer has completed her book Beginning Glass Fusing
Notes. It is intended as a foundation for artists entering this
field and meant to accompany classes. The booklet is about
60 pages and includes a well-researched description of the
basic firing phases, an extensive bibliography, as well as
a problem and solution table. Sue is offering this reference
book for $20, which is the cost of printing. If you are
interested in purchasing a copy, please email Sue at
Pam Bradfield’s piece Sunflowers was on exhibit at the Ft.
Myers Art League from April 4 -April 25.
Andrew Corke’s piece, Death Owl, won third prize at the
Ding Darling Upcycle Art Festival!
Renee Farr has a new email address:
Francine Gerson has a new email address as well:
Joan Klutch is teaching a watermedia workshop in East
Hampton, NY from July 29-31, 2014. If you are interested, you
may contact Joan at or 516-578-8095.
Bonnie Langenfeld won first place for two fiber pieces at
the Art Quilters Unlimited Show at the SWFL Community
Foundation: Glorious Everglades and Blue Winter.
Joe and Sandee Noe entered a contest at McMow Art Glass,
in Lake Worth FL, Sandee won the
Employee's Pick for Best in Show of all five categories for
her fused glass piece Walking By Woods! Joe won Third
Place in Mosaics for Toucan, and First Place in Fusing for
Moonrise at Jupiter Lighthouse!
Gloria Winer’s telephone number is incorrect in the
Yearbook. The correct number is 732-581-3740.
MAY, 2014
Art Gallery 10-1
Bouquets, CCAS 5-7
PRC Committee
Meeting 10:30
Deadline for online
submission, SBDAC,
Elements of Artchitecture
Notification: All
Florida Juried
Alliance for the
Gallery 5-7
Board Meeting
10:30 CCAS
Jury Notification of
Acceptance, SBDAC,
Elements of Artchitecture
Receiving VAC’s
Made By Hand
Fine Crafts
Exhibit 9-12
Receiving, All
Florida Juried
Alliance for the
Arts, 9-5
VAC’s Made By
Hand Fine
Crafts Exhibit 78:30
Bouquets, CCAS 9-3
Reception All Florida
Juried Exhibition, Alliance
for the Arts, 5-7:30
JUNE, 2014
Delivery of
Artwork, SBDAC,
Elements of
Opening Reception,
SBDAC, Elements of
op Art Gallery 5-7
Art Gallery 10-1
Removal VAC’s
Made By Hand Fine
Crafts Exhibit 9-12
Show Closes &
Removal, SBDAC,
Elements of
Removal, SBDAC,
Elements of
Show Closes All
Florida Juried
Exhibition, Alliance
for the Arts
Removal All
Florida Juried
Alliance for the
Arts, 9-5
Sadly, June Bennett’s husband, Dick, passed away on April 11. June sends
her thanks for all the expressions of sympathy from Guild members.
Please take the time to check out the Guild’s newly-designed web site: Our web master, Nancy Giffin, has been
hard at work updating it, and it looks absolutely fabulous! You will find
Guild documents, brochures, information about the peer review
process, photos of our artists’ work, contact information for our
members, a calendar, important links to other organizations’ web sites,
and a host of other information. Please check your personal information
by clicking on the Artists Members button, and make sure your
information is correct. If you have changes to your info or ideas for the
web site, feel free to contact Nancy. She is looking for more photos to
post, so send her your photos that you would like added to the site.
Everyone should take the time to share our web site with your friends,
email connections, social media contacts, and everyone you can think of
to help spread the word about what a fantastic organization the Guild
is! And for those of you who are not active on Facebook, you can still
Information regarding how each new member was recruited is included
here to demonstrate the varied circumstances in which new members
can be found. If you always keep a new member application with you,
and if you keep recruiting in the front of your mind, it will make a
huge difference in the number of new members we acquire! New
member applications have recently been printed and were distributed at
the March meeting. They can also be downloaded from our web site: Please welcome our new members:
Jay Lana, Sculpture; 239 -691-2820; 2102 SE 15th Street, Cape Coral, FL 33990;; Toni Ory recruited Jay at the
Ding Darling Upcyle event!
Sandra May Roshan, Jewelry; 239-333-9479; 1143 NW 20th Place, Cape
Coral, FL 33993; Judy Van recruited Sandra May!
Gretta Storrs, Jewelry; 315-427-8549; 10645 Pelican Preserve Blvd. #201, Ft
Myers, FL 33913; Toni Ory also recruited Gretta at
the Upcycle event!
The VP Committee is actively looking for exhibit venues, and in that
regard, is looking for exhibit themes. The Board has approved a list of
themes so that proposals can be sent out quickly if a venue comes to
our attention. However, we can never have too many theme ideas, and
since hopefully we will be sending out additional proposals in the near
future, we are still in need of ideas. Toni Ory is our Keeper of Themes,
so let her know all of your suggestions. Also, if you have ideas for
judges to hire for our exhibits, please let Toni know. She will compile a
list of judges to bring before the Board for approval. All themes and
judges will be Board-approved in the future. Thank you, Toni!
check out our Facebook page by clicking on the Facebook button on
the left-hand side of the site! Thank you, Nancy, for continuing to do a
fantastic job!
The Guild’s display case is located in Building 2 of CCAS. CCAS retains
30% of the sales, so work should be priced accordingly. Contact Jeanne
Kostrub to reserve your spot: 239-731-1302; New
members should take advantage of this opportunity! The Board has
decided that beginning in April of 2015, each April will be new
members’ month in the case. New members will be able to put one
piece in the case for that month. We want to continue to encourage
new members and members who have never shown in the case to take
advantage of this opportunity so that we can have fresh work and more
people participate.
May 2014:
June 2014:
July 2014:
August 2014:
September 2014:
October 2014:
November 2014:
December 2014:
January 2015:
Sandra May Roshan
Martha Grattan
Nancy & Bill Giffin
Toni Ory
Judy Van
June Bennett
Dale Eulitz
Alex Chung
Craft Bash Workshop Examples
We currently have 95 members! Let’s all please put an effort into
recruiting this spring and summer to increase that number by fall! Keep
membership brochures handy, and be aware of potential new members!
Send any changes to your information in the Yearbook directly to
Kathy Erickson at: anytime!
Remember to keep your Yearbooks up-to-date by adding contact
information for new members and updates on current members as they
are published in the Newsletters.
Total Gallery sales for March were $7,422. Total Guild sales were $2,751.
That is 37% of sales for the month! Bonita’s sales were $1,581.
Congratulations to all the Guild members who sold in March!
The gallery sitting schedule can be found on the Art Council’s web site: If you must change your sitting date, it is your
responsibility to find a replacement AND you must email Ginny
Whiteman at Ginny must have updated
information regarding the sitting schedule. In order to participate in the
Gallery, you must be a member of the Guild for three months and you
must attend two business meetings.
The Alliance’s annual members’ exhibit is Diametrically Opposed, and
the exhibit runs from August 8 – 29, 2014. Watch for the Prospectus on
their web site. Alliance memberships cost $50, and you can always signup during Receiving. You may download the Prospectus by going to You will find a full listing of upcoming exhibits on
the Alliance’s web site as well.
The Caloosahatchee Chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution (DAR) is making a call for all veterans for an art show they
will be hosting at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center (SBDAC)
November 7 - 21, 2014. The exhibition is open to all veterans and for
artwork of any subject matter and medium. There is no size limitation,
but all hanging work must be either matted or framed.
Artists must submit their bios, image of artwork, dimensions, and sales
price by August 1, 2014.
Please submit this information to: All work is to be delivered to The Sidney &
Berne Davis Art Center by November 3, 2014 and picked up from the
gallery November 22, 2014. A private reception will be held on
November 7 from 4:30 - 6:00 PM. Artists will receive 50% of the sales
price for any work sold during the exhibition, SBDAC will receive 30%,
and DAR will receive 20%. DAR’s percentage will be used to fund
projects to help veterans and children. For further information please
contact: Sonia Lomano, DAR Service for Veterans, 239-470-3474,
exhibits that each need small armies of volunteers, and Chairs and Board
members who need help with specific tasks. We will always have special
events such as Craft Bash and Artists@Work, and hopefully many
additional opportunities we can only imagine now as we continue to
grow and expand our work. In addition, Lorraine will be creating new
positions in the future to help lighten her load.
Advertising Chair and Committee: New members Joe and Sandee Noe
are our new Advertising Co-Chairs! Thank you for stepping up so
quickly to help the Guild with this important job! The VP Committee
and the Board in general will help them get started and all members can
help as well. We have distributed our new Sponsorship Brochure,
which can also be downloaded from our web site. This is an important
and effective tool to help us gain sponsors and advertisers. We can all
help by asking our doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. to advertise or be
sponsors. The brochure will do the work for us, if we leave it with
every possible lead we can think of. We do not have to restrict
ourselves to local businesses. Think of the businesses you deal with and
support. Remind them of the value of your support: kiln companies, art
supply retailers, teachers, art centers, use your imagination. The new
Yearbook will be printed this summer, and we can use all the
advertisers we can get. Advertising in the Yearbook is only $50.
Sponsorships for our exhibits are something new that we can explore.
We should approach this from the aspect of how beneficial it will be to
them if they advertise or become a sponsor. We have members from
Punta Gorda to Naples, and we can provide a tremendous amount of
exposure for advertisers.
Common Threads announces their juried exhibition of fiber art, Joy of
the Unexpected, at the Visual Arts Center of Punta Gorda, December 3
– 29, 2014. Receiving is Tuesday, December 2, from 9 AM – 12 NOON. All
work must be completely original, completed within the last two years,
fiber related, less than 60” wide by 84” long, and ready to hang. Three
entries per artist will be allowed. The cost is $10 per entry for Common
Threads members, and $20 per entry for non-Common Threads
members. You may join before November 1, 2014. For further
information call 941-639-8810, or visit the VAC’s web site at
Elements of ARTchitecture is the SBDAC’s annual juried art exhibit,
and this year they are celebrating the restoration of the Art Center.
They are asking artists to explore all elements of architecture, both
constructed and deconstructed, in 2D and 3D. Online entry deadline is
May 9, 2014. For more information, go to or their
Facebook page. You may also call 239-333-1933.
The VAC’s annual Made By Hand Fine Crafts Exhibit is perfect for our
members and is coming up in May! Receiving is Wednesday, May 21
from 9 AM – 12 Noon. The Reception is Thursday, May 29 from 7:00 –
8:30 PM. Removal is Friday, June 13 from 9 AM – 12 Noon. The exhibit
will be open from May 23 – June 12. This exhibit is judged but not
juried: All work that meets the criteria of the exhibit will be accepted.
This exhibit is for fine art crafts designed and made with hand tools, a
functional object used for a purpose, including but not limited to:
clothing, furniture, jewelry, lamps, musical instruments, rugs, utensils,
etc. Every piece must be original. Work from molds and kits are not
accepted. The exhibit chairperson will determine eligibility at the time
of entry. This exhibit is open to both members and non-members of the
VAC. The Prospectus is available on the VAC’s web site listed below.
The VAC’s Firecracker Exhibit is coming in July and is also only judged.
It is open to all media and members and non-members alike. The
Prospectus will be made available on the web site approximately one
month before receiving date.
Other VAC exhibits may be of interest to our members as well. Please
check out their web site: for their full exhibit
schedule, Prospectuses, and other information. You may also call 941-6398810.
If you need a hard copy of any Prospectus, please notify Lorraine Capps.
Sue Archer delivered our new Guild t-shirts at the December meeting,
which were created by her husband, Neil. A huge thank you goes out to
both of them for a job well-done. If you’d like to purchase one of the
extra t-shirts that were ordered, contact Dee Cooper.
Buddy System: Established members who are active in the Guild are
assigned to a new member and make themselves available to explain all
facets of Guild activities, answer all questions and concerns, sit with
new members during meetings, and generally help them become
informed and feel comfortable as quickly as possible. Phyllis has a pool
of people to pull from when new members join, and we had more
people sign up at the March meeting! We can always use more people,
so please let Phyllis know if you’d also like to participate.
Scholarship Chair and Committee: Trudy Sampson is our
Scholarship Chair, and Analilia & Randy Clay and Gloria Winer
her committee! Thank you for filling these important positions!
we can expand our scholarship program, and encourage even
young people to follow their artistic dreams!
Hospitality: Lynn Ondercin has taken Trudy Sampson’s place on the
Hospitality Committee! Thank you, Lynn for stepping up so quickly!
New Members’ Luncheon Coordinators: This position was filled as soon
as it was created! Thank you to Phyllis Rieser and Francine Gerson for
stepping up and adding this responsibility to everything you already do
for the Guild!
Newsletter Distributor: This position was also filled instantly when Joe
Noe volunteered to add it to his responsibilities as Advertising Chair!
Thank you, Joe! He will be distributing hard copies of the Guild and
Art Council newsletters to those who do not have internet access
and/or printers, as well as important emails. If you need to have hard
copies printed for you, you may contact Joe at
People’s Choice Awards: This position would include creating and
gathering all the supplies necessary for the People’s Choice Awards, as
well as tabulating the final count.
All Upcoming Exhibits: We will always need volunteers for Receiving,
Installation, database entry & program creation, Receptions, and
Removal for upcoming exhibits.
Although we have recently filled many volunteer positions, we will
never be without volunteer needs, and we will always require
volunteering in order to participate in Guild exhibits. We frequently
have people approach Phyllis and/or Lorraine privately who need help,
we still have committees that could use more members, we have future
Friendship meetings are our way of providing more opportunities for us
to get together in a relaxed, social setting. The hosts simply provide nonalcoholic drinks and paper products, and the attendees supply
everything else. The hosts may choose the day of the week and the time
of day. Contact Lorraine if you are interested in hosting. Hosting and
attending Friendship Meetings do not count toward Guild volunteer
From our Community Outreach Chair, Sandi Krym: We collected a
record amount of food for CCMI at our April meeting PLUS I gave
them $115.00 in cash & checks! They were thrilled and I felt great taking
it to them!
I called the Ronald Mc Donald House to verify the address for the
50/50 check from March's meeting for $38.00. I told the person I spoke
to who I was, what SWFFCG is and what I was sending. I told her it
was not a huge amount, but we hoped it would help. She was VERY
appreciative and happy to have Ronald McDonald House chosen to
receive the money. She assured me that ANY amount would be put to
good use and was very much appreciated.
Here's a list of other possibilities, including some things we've already
talked about and do, but hopefully will serve as a reminder.
Give2TheTroops' Corporate Branch: They will accept used printer ink
cartridges, old cell phones, PDA, GPS units, etc. They recycle these
items and use the money earned for postage to send CARE packages to
US troops deployed abroad. I have ordered their starter kit and will
gladly handle collecting and sending to them. There is an extensive list
of ink cartridges they can use on their website, but it is far too long to
include in its entirety here.
Ronald McDonald House: Please save pop top rings, found on soft drink
cans, pet food cans, soup cans, and many fruit and vegetable cans. Jim
Sobel's car club collects them, and I give the ones I collect to the Cape
Coral Hospital Auxiliary's Thrift Shop where they have a collection
point. Either of us will be happy to take them.
St.Jude’s Ranch for Children: They are collecting used greeting cards of
all kinds. Volunteers are crafting them into new cards and selling them
to raise funds for the ranch. Terminally ill children go there for a week
of camp. (My sister makes and donates quilts for the children to have
while they are there and then to take home with them when they leave
the ranch.)
If anyone hears of any other worthy cause that we, as a group, or any of
us individually can help with, please let me know. Phil and I are hoping
to leave for our summer home in Georgia in the middle of May. My
email address will remain the same as shown in the membership
directory and my summer address is in the directory also. I would
recommend that everyone just hang on to anything they are collecting
until we get back in the Fall, but if anyone wants to send anything to
me I'll be glad to take it over the summer. Sandi
From Jim Sobel: I stopped in to see Jonette Kessack at Sip & Send and
present her with the 50/50 drawing check for Holiday for Heroes. I
explained what we had done and gave her the check and she was in
tears; not just because of the Guild's generous support, but she explained
that someone had donated the contents to fill four 'care packages' that
they wanted to send to Afghanistan but they didn't have the postage.
And here we arrive like angels. She was so very grateful and asked me to
pass that along to Guild members. I had previously dropped off the info
forms re advertising/supporting the Guild and discussed same with her.
I reminded her about the benefits of advertising with the Guild and she
said she would do something. She came out to my car as I was ready to
pull out and told me she would be doing a combo ad and would put
the info together and mail it in. She also said she would like to do
more, possibly an exhibit award (my suggestion) depending on how
business holds up. So there you have it; good news + good news to start
another day in paradise. Jim
Please be thinking ahead, as we have the following Guild exhibits
coming up in the future. Themes have been approved by the Board of
Directors and have been assigned to our exhibits for next season:
Visual Arts Center (VAC), Goff Gallery, Punta Gorda,
January, 2015. EXTRA DIMENSIONS.
Cape Coral Arts Studio (CCAS) February, 2015, A WALK ON
Sidney and Berne Davis Art Center (SBDAC) July, 2015. ART
Our eligible winners from our exhibits will participate in the Council’s
Winners Circle Show in March of 2015. We will also have the next Art
Council Spring Show open to all Guild members in February of 2016.
Pertinent dates for these exhibits can be found in the Art Council
newsletters, and will be published here as they get closer. Check the Art
Council’s web site, newsletters, and brochure for other art leagues’
exhibits that are open to all Art Council members.
The metal artist who created Louis Ford’s display stands is Byron Wood
of Metalsmith Designs, Inc.: 12581 Metro Parkway #17, Fort Myers, FL
33966; Email:;; Phone: 239-936-6720; Fax: 239-561-0286; Cell: 239633-3469; It is best to call ahead and make an appointment, but feel free
to stop in any time as you may be able to catch him. He will make
custom display stands for your work at a reasonable cost, and will make
one at a time, or a larger number. Lorraine Capps and Phyllis Rieser have
also had stands made by Byron, and are extremely pleased with the
results. Lorraine is actively trying to recruit Byron, whose metal art is
even more fabulous than his display stands!
Shelly the Seahorse is currently residing at Royal Shell Vacations on
Sanibel: 1547 Periwinkle Way. If you have never seen her, it’s worth the
trip to Sanibel!
Laid Back Ranch in Arcadia makes goat milk soap out of milk from the goats
that they buy from Kathy Erickson! How’s that for knowing where your
products come from? Like their Facebook page: LBR Soaps, and you can purchase
from their Etsy site: The soaps are made in
several different scents.
Craft Bash 2015 will be held on Sunday, January 25, 2015! Please mark your