H HOW TO BO OOK YOUR TUSCAN HO OLIDAY WITTH AGRIDEA A Book our ho omes, apartm ments and viillas is very simple and co ompletely saafe. The first thing you havee to do is cho ose the location from ourr online catalogue HOUSSES & VILLASS. In order to o mmodation research” make your rresearch eassy, we suggest to you to use the greyy panel on the left “Accom Digit thee code of the propertyy, if alreadyy known, ffor a fast reseearch. Typologyy: chose beetween “apaartment” orr “house / villa”. Sleeps: It is possiblee to specify the numberr of sleepss needed. Dates: Choose C the week or th he weeks off your holiiday: the starting days w will always bee the Saturday. If you need a diffe erent arrivall us specifyingg the code off day, pleaase contact u accommo odation you u are interessted in. Wee will try, where possible, to satisfy s yourr request. After havingg set all the parameters needed, clicck with the m mouse on SEEARCH (if yo ou click the EEnter button n your researrch won’t be done) t the filterrs set up, you y will havve a list of According to structures tthat can be ordered sub bject to the aavailability (available at the top) orr to the price e (the lowestt on top). DESCRIPTIO ON OF THE A ACCOMMODATION Each accom mmodation (apartment or o villa) pressent in our online catalo ogue is exteensively and individuallyy described at a the beginn ning of each h page. Nearr the code, you y will find d the name o of and the geographical g l area. How to see the GALLER RY and the ph hotos. Clicking on the button G GALLERY, present in eacch page of ou ur online cattalogue, you enter the p photo galleryy of the interiors which are specific off that unit. SSimply by scrolling your m mouse over eeach photo, they will be,, one by one, extended in the largestt box of the same windo ow. You can also view th he photos byy clicking thee blue arrowss on the rightt. To view thee exteriors, cclick on "View w outdoor photos" and ffollow the saame procedu ure. By clicking the red X X on the top o of the windo ow, the photo ograph galleery will be clo osed. How to wattch a MOVIEE Some aparttments or villlas present in our onlinee catalogue are accompaanied by sho ort films, which certainlyy are very helpful to betteer understan nd the exact size of the p property you are viewing. Clicking on MOVIE, justt d a window connected c to o the platforrm of YouTube will appeear. The movvie starts byy below the description, clicking the PLAY button n in the centter of the mo ovie window w. By clicking the red X on n the top of tthe window,, will be closed d. the movie w Agrideaa – via Cennano o, 141 – 52025 M Montevarchi (A AR). Tel.: 0039 0 055 9851319 – info@agridea.info – www.agrridea.info H HOW TO BO OOK YOUR TUSCAN HO OLIDAY WITTH AGRIDEA A How to exaactly locate o our propertie es on the territory Each page o of each prop perty has a button MAP. Clicking on itt, you can seee the exact location of tthe propertyy through Go oogle Map, w whose tools allow you to o increase, d decrease thee display areea, move yourself in thee same map and print th he desired area. a By cliccking the red d X on the top of the window thee map will bee closed. we offer Immediately under the buttons a summary of the main n features of o the accom mmodation: for each apaartment or house or villla, you will ffind the totaal area in squ uare meters, the maximu um number of sleeps avvailable, the number of ro ooms, bedro ooms and bathrooms ore info about this comp plex>> you can If you click on View mo know how many units tthe propertyy you chose is made of. It is m info ab bout the pro operties and d its possible alsso to learn more facilities. If you wantt to see all the t other ap partments off the same property p clicck on View more prope erties in thiss complex>>. You will havve a list of all the other apartments/vvillas presentt in the samee property (if any). Prices The rental prices for each e apartment/villa aree in Euro an nd are listed d by season according to t the datess indicated. U Usually , theyy are weekly expressed frrom Saturdaay to Saturdaay ‐ for 7 nights. In each apartment/villa page we listt: PRICES INCLLUDE: all thee services inccluded in thee mentioned prices. PRICES DO NOT INCLUD DE: the services (obligattory and/or o optional) no ot included in n the mentio oned prices.. These servicces are to bee paid on spo ot. EXTRA SERV VICES: extra sservices, upo on request, ((often at payyment) Some aparttments/villass with this syymbol are also avvailable for p periods shorrter than a w week. In thiss case, the prrice will be aggreed directly with the staff "Agrideaa" in agreem ment with thee owner. How to makke a RESERV VATION or to o send a REQ QUEST. Have you fo ound a nice aapartment or a beautiful villa? Ok, lett’s if it is available! Some aparttments can b be immediateely booked aand have an occupancy ccalendar on line (constan ntly updated d by Agridea). You can have a look clin nking on week you wissh to book by clicking on n Select the w the day you u wish to arrrive (please b be informed d that duringg high season, most properties onlyy accept arrivvals on Satu urdays, but if you havee specific neeeds of arrival in another day, we willl try to find the best solution to acccommodatee your requesst). After selecting the day on which h you wish to o arrive, you u can contin nue with thee booking by clicking on ""Send." Agrideaa – via Cennano o, 141 – 52025 M Montevarchi (A AR). Tel.: 0039 0 055 9851319 – info@agridea.info – www.agrridea.info H HOW TO BO OOK YOUR TUSCAN HO OLIDAY WITTH AGRIDEA A A card with h a summaryy of all detaills regarding your reservaation will appear. If you want one or more bedss added, pleaase specify it now, in th he right section. Please remember also a to speciify the exactt number off adults and the one forr the childreen: in this way w it will be e easier for us to suggeest to the most m suitablee solution in o order to satisfy your neeeds Click on N Next> Please complete the fo orm with all the necessary information, such as address, telephone, e‐m mail etc. and d click on Nexxt> At this point, you can ch hoose your p preferred waay of paymen nt: 1) Online paayment by C Credit Card 2) Bank tran nsfer Agrideaa – via Cennano o, 141 – 52025 M Montevarchi (A AR). Tel.: 0039 0 055 9851319 – info@agridea.info – www.agrridea.info H HOW TO BO OOK YOUR TUSCAN HO OLIDAY WITTH AGRIDEA A 1) Online pa ayment by C Credit Card If you click on Credit Card, C a finall card with all your our general b booking details will appear. Pleaase accept o conditions clicking on the approp priate space.. Please g booking Condittions very carefully c read our general before going on. Here you can c choose to give or not to Agrid dea the permission to e‐mail you with feedback f reequests, newsletterss and so on. Click on END D to end thee online bookking procedu ure. After clickin ng on END you y will be directed d to the t "Pay Rider” certiified by Visaa website. It is a secure system, directly con nnected to our o bank, wh hich will perrmit you to enter your Credit Card details (only Visa, Mastercard and Maestrro) and clickk on Proceed d. Please rem member to agree to o personal data processsing by clicking the appropriatee box. Agrideaa – via Cennano o, 141 – 52025 M Montevarchi (A AR). Tel.: 0039 0 055 9851319 – info@agridea.info – www.agrridea.info H HOW TO BO OOK YOUR TUSCAN HO OLIDAY WITTH AGRIDEA A 2) Paymentt by Bank Tra ansfer After completing the form with your contact details, at the moment you u have to cho oose your prreferred wayy NK TRANSFEER. of paymentt click on BAN You will be contacted so oon by our sttaff and you will be given n of all the in nstructions yyou need. Agridea hass the right to o accept or no ot any reservvation, even in case the cclient had alrready made the payment th hrough the o online system m. In case off non‐accepta ance of the reservation, Agridea willl cancel anyy transaction made by creedit card. The reserva ation is nominative, unleess the custo omer wants to transfer the same reeservation to o others, butt always with h the previou us authorizattion of "Agrid dea”. 3°) How to send a REQU UEST If you prefeer to send us a REQUEST, please click on This button n is present ffor each villaa/apartmentt. Please fill with as man ny details ass possible an nd send us aa Request. This will be immediatelyy received by Agridea. A After checking the availab bility of the aaccommodation you aree interested iin it, our staaff will send to you, in the shortest time possible, a propossal/offer with h prices and d terms of payment How to con nfirm a booking As soon as A Agridea receeives the reseervation, you u will pay 30 0% of the total price of th he location, aas a deposit.. The balancee must be reegulate at least 45 days before the d date of arrivval. If the resservation is m made within n 45 days beefore your arrival a date, you will paay the full amount a at the t momentt of your co onfirmation.. Payments shall be madee in the wayy indicated by Agridea in the option/reservation form, which will be sentt to you by our staff. As above m mentioned, yo ou have two ways of payyment: by Baank Transfer or with Cred dit Card. If the custom mer does not pay within the timefram me specified,, Agridea can n decide to cconclude the contract forr non‐fulfillm ment and thee amounts already a transsferred will be kept by Agridea as a compensa ation of thee damages su uffered. Voucher The voucheer is the docu ument you h have to show w to the prop perty ownerr at the mom ment of your arrival. Thiss document will be sentt to you by A Agridea onlyy after the re egulation of the balancee. You will find on it thee road indicattions to reacch the locatio on rented, th he place of kkeys delivery and the pho one useful nu umbers. Thee voucher is vvalid only for the name and the num mber of peop ple indicated d on it. The p possible tran nsfer of it to o third parties, or the chaange in the number of peeople, must b be authorized by Agrideaa first and on nly. Agrideaa – via Cennano o, 141 – 52025 M Montevarchi (A AR). Tel.: 0039 0 055 9851319 – info@agridea.info – www.agrridea.info
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