PEACE THROUGH SERVICE PRESIDENT: Nico Kritzinger PRESIDENT-ELECT: JC Nel SECRETARY: Danie De Villiers DISTRICT 9320 DISTRICT GOVERNOR: Dave Briggs AUGUST Membership & Extension Month VOLUME 6, NO 4 2012-08-03 How to qualify for the 2012-2013 Presidential Citation The Presidential Citation recognizes Rotary clubs for achieving an array of accomplishments that help them become stronger, deliver more effective service, and enhance their public image. By qualifying for the Presidential Citation, clubs contribute to Rotary’s organizational goals and multiply the impact of their good work through the collective focus of 34,000 Rotary clubs worldwide. BIRTHDAYS Challenge 1: 2012-13 Presidential Challenge AUGUST RI President Sakuji Tanaka challenges clubs to conduct a club or community peace forum, or a service project focused on peace. Challenge 2: Strengthen Our Club Adopt a three-year strategic plan for the club, identifying specific annual and long-term goals or make progress in carrying out the annual goals set by your club for the current Rotary year to date. 4 Louis Sounes 8 Ronell Leech 10 Sandy Viljoen 14 Vic Botha Challenge 3: Increase Our Service 17 Anton Swart 20 Casper Minnaar Participate in a sustainable service project related to at least one of Rotary’s areas of focus: 25 Wimpie du Plessis • Peace and conflict prevention/resolution • Disease prevention and treatment • Water and sanitation • Maternal and child health • Basic education and literacy • Economic and community development 31 Robert Krause ANNIVERSARIES AUGUST Challenge 4: Enhance Our Club’s Public Image Undertake a significant public image campaign in your community to communicate what Rotary is and does by using RI’s Humanity in Motion or “This Close” advertisements. 3 Anton & Mimi Swart For more information on additional activities and supporting projects, speak to your Committee Director, your Club Trainer or the Club President. 15 Louis & Rentia Sounes 28 Mike & Sarah Bower The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District 9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved © [T [Type text] BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 CLUB PROGRAMME The Four-Way Test Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned 3. Will it build GOODWILL & BETTER FRIENDSHIPS 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? LUCKY DRAW ACTIVITY Koos Kombuis Flag/Grace Fines 4-Way Test Meeting Report Contribution Sergeant Front Desk Thank Speaker FRIDAY 3 August 2012 FRIDAY 10 August 2012 FRIDAY 17 August 2012 FRIDAY 24 August 2012 Daudi Reichhardt Brian Smith Jaco Stander Mike Stocken Clifton Piek Alma Piek Johann Oberholzer Knut Normann Social Meeting Daudi Reichhardt Clifton Piek Alma Piek Johann Oberholzer Knut Normann Brian Smith Daudi Reichhardt Clifton Piek Alma Piek Business Meeting Jaco Stander Brian Smith Daudi Reichhardt Clifton Piek Alma Piek Let’s fill the jar in the bar with loose change. Let’s start ... WINNER: Wine: Lynn Cohen Make a difference! CLUB CALENDAR ... ... And Other Dates To Keep In Mind 2011 Support the Rota-Hear project 22001133 Date August 25 August Wed 29 August September 7 September 19 September 21-23 September October Wed 24 October 27 October Event Membership & Extension Career Expo Evening meeting; with Orkney RC; GSE team visit New Generations Secretary’s Day Unified Olympics District Conference Vocational Service Evening meeting with Orkney RC; DG visit CANSA Walk Place St Conrads Rotapark Rotapark Triest East London Rotapark Rec. Park RRII CCoonnvveennttiioonn 2233--2266 JJuunnee LLiissbboonn,, PPoorrttuuggaall THIS WEEK’S BRAIN TEASER AAnn eexxpplloorreerr''ss ppaarraaddiissee!! You need to insert the correct arithmetical symbols (either +, -, x or / ) in the following equations to make them work out from left to right: 1?3?5?7?9=7 1 ? 3 ? 5 ? 7 ? 9 = 131 1 ? 3 ? 5 ? 7 ? 9 = 22 BBO OO OKK N NO OW W!! Answer on last page The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District 9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved © [T [Type text] BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 The latest Rotary news from here, there and everywhere Send your contributions to the Bulletin Editor July Evening meeting where some strange birds flocked together CLOTHES Far left: President Nico with guest speaker Dr Stephen Evans, Ornithologist from North West University URGENTLY NEEDED FOR THE RAPE CRISIS CENTER Left: Immediate Past President Margie with our latest Paul Harris Fellow, Livia Coleman Contact Community Services Committee Left: Torben’s extended family was there to enjoy the evening with him. MAKING UP FOR A CLUB MEETING? Right: Sergeant Tom McGhee pointed out the similarities between Mike Waks and the bald (legal) eagle. Contact Doug Des Fontaine Left: Lynn’s bird comparison left Sergeant Tom McGhee guessing... is she a red-breasted flufftail or a freckled night jar? Right: Dave van Rooyen and John Cooke were expecting birds of a different kind. at 018 468 4121 (h) 018 4625 269 (w) before the end of the month Careers Expo Above: Last week Bloemfontein, this week Welkom … ... D9320 training with PDG Lionel Heath was attended by 54 Rotarians from 12 Rotary clubs. And a jolly good time was had by all. Left: From Klerksdorp Rotary Club the attendees comprised fltr Mike Bower, Tom McGhee, Mariana Purnell, Sandy Botha and Nico Kritzinger Saturday 25 August St Conrad’s School The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District 9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved © [T [Type text] BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 Klerksdorp Rotary Club Meeting Report – 26 July 2012 by Alma Piek President Nico opened the meeting and asked Clifton to say grace and unfurl the flag. He welcomed the guests: Dr Stephen Evans - our speaker for the evening as well as Johann and Karen du Toit, Alfred and Elsche Dippenaar, Pieter and Corrie Meiring, Leon en Almarie Duyn, Karl and Rienie Pedersen, Alex and Brenda Daneel, Mike and Ingrid Murray, Livia and Jennifer Coleman, Gerhard and Jeanette Ackerman and Joan de Jongh President Nico called on PP Margie to come to the podium. She had the honour of handing over a Paul Harris recognition and explained that in the RC of Klerksdorp it is jealously guarded and only awarded to the most worthy members of the club and of the community. Livia Coleman, kind and sympathetic, is indeed such a member and deserves it for the outstanding work she is doing in our community. Tom was called upon to be the sergeant for the evening. He did it with flair, matching the speakers topic namely BIRDS. He referred to himself , appropriately, as the Baard Mannetjie and to PP Margie as the pygmy falcon. PP Margie then introduced the speaker, Dr Stephens Evans, an ornithologist. He grew up in Klerksdorp as the son of Rotarians. His PhD was obtained by studying the Blue Swallow. It was a privilege to listen to the most informative speech titled: “In the Shadow of the Fairy Tern” This specific research was done by him on the St. Brandon’s Islands, north of Mauritius. During his stay on the Island he studied the 1,2 million seabirds end investigated the eggs for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Let’s fill that jar in the bar with all your loose change. Let’s start ... Lennie Lion Casper thanked the speaker after which the wine draw was won Lynn Cohen. After the 4 way test was done by Clifton, President Nico concluded and invited all the guests to have dessert, coffee and good fellowship. N No ow w lleeaarrn nh ho ow w tto oq qu uaalliiffyy ffo orr tth hee n neew wF Fo ou un nd daattiio on n ggrraan nttss The global launch of The Rotary Foundation’s new grant model is only a year away, but clubs and districts can begin preparing now. To help you get started, the Foundation has created timelines for club and district leaders that outline key dates and tasks necessary to qualify for district and global grants. These materials include links to e-learning modules, club and district memorandums of understanding, and the revised Grant Management Manual. For districts Lennie has raised Euro 2,650 for the S ST TIILLFFO ON NT TE EIIN N S SA AFFE EH HO OU US SE E Become a friend of Lennie TheLion our roaming ambassador and follow him on FACEBOOK Has your district appointed a district Rotary Foundation committee chair? It will be the chair’s responsibility, along with the district governor and governor-elect, to ensure your district has met all of the necessary requirements for a Foundation grant. They will also be asked to conduct training seminars for clubs, focused on project planning, grant management, and stewardship. Find ideas and resources for planning your seminars in the District Rotary Foundation Seminar Manual. For clubs Clubs can begin preparing by reading the Club Rotary Foundation Committee Manual and reviewing the requirements to qualify for a Foundation grant. You can appoint a club Rotary Foundation committee chair and attend a grant management seminar. Elearning modules on global grants for humanitarian projects, vocational training teams, and Rotary scholarships are available to help you understand all of the new opportunities available. For everyone Future Vision pilot districts are another valuable resource to help clubs and districts prepare for the new grant model. Join the Future Vision LinkedIn group to talk with Rotarians from pilot districts and hear what they’re saying about the new grant model. The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District 9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved © [T [Type text] BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534 S So oc ciia all m me ed diia a:: C Co on nn ne ec ctt o on nlliin ne ew wiitth h L Le en nn niie e tth he eL Liio on n CALL FOR TEAM LEADER GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE OUTBOUND 2012 – 2013 GSE team focusing on Basic Education and Literacy Going to District 5180 USA 18 April - 18 May 2013 Apply before Friday 14 September to CAUGHT On CAMERA Chances are, if you have a question about the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp and the use of social media to connect with our roaming Ambassador, Lennie (“Lennie theLion”). Why should you use social media to find out more about Lennie and our Rotary club? There are millions of reasons to use social media. In fact, there are more than 800 million Facebook users. Getting started with Facebook If you’re not on social media yet, consider starting with Facebook. Available in over 70 languages, Facebook has more than 28 million users age 45 and older. Best practices for Facebook include: • • • • • Use a Facebook page instead of a profile for your club or district. Give more than one person administrator rights to the page. Incorporate Facebook into your communications plan and budget. Post items from your weekly meeting or newsletter to your page. Update your Facebook page at least two to three times a week. The people on social networks live in your community. You may want to invite them to your next club meeting or fundraiser. They may belong to another Rotary club or organization that can help you with a community service project. They may need your help to start a Rotaract club. Social media also helps promote a positive image for Rotary, which contributes to the growth of the organization. Rotary International Group Study Exchange District 5180 (USA) to District 9320 A vocational exchange dedicated to “basic education & literacy” PLEASE NOTE CHANGES TO THE GSE TEAM as communicated in the previous I don’t want to be called after a bird, Bulletin. The new team leader is Stephen Lemmon (not Mark Woolgar) and there is also one new team member Julius Austin (not Xee Her). They will visit the Klerksdorp RC from 26 to 29 August. It’s too soft and fluffy. Why isn’t there a dragon or a dinosaur called a Knut? CLUB BANKING DETAIL Klerksdorp Rotary Club, Nedbank Cheque account at Klerksdorp Account No: 1741 227 879 Branch No: 174 138 ANSWER Stephen Lemmon Julius Austin Michael Marion Stacie Wagner Rachel Ostwald TO THE BRAIN TEASER (The easy one....): 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 - 9 = 7 1 + 3 x 5 x 7 - 9 = 131 1 + 3 x 5 - 7 + 9 = 22 (Some of the purists will argue the old BODMAS principle that division and multiplication should always precede adding and subtracting ... ... which was why you were asked for a simple left-to-right progression.) The views expressed in this Bulletin are those of the editor and the contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klerksdorp Rotary Club, of Rotary District 9320 or of Rotary International. Copyright reserved © [T [Type text] BULLETIN EDITOR: Mariana Purnell 082 3368534
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