Rotary Club of Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA... 1 of 5 february 16, 2012 Rotary Club of Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA OFFICIAL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Reach Within To Embrace Humanity -- Service Above Self Editor: Joyce Joyce If you have any comments or questions, email the editor. Monday, February 20, 2012 Club Web Site EDITOR: Joyce Joyce STERLING SILVER Future Speakers Feb 23 2012 TBA Mar 1 2012 TBA February 16, 2012 News Thought for the Week Club 3005 This eBulletin has been generated by ClubRunner club communication software. Visit for details. __________________________________________________________ © 2002- 12 Doxess. All Rights Reserved. ClubRunner Sponsors District 6380 WHAT IS ROTARY? The Purpose of Rotary: Rotary is an organization of business and professional men and women united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. TODAY'S MEETING & MANGU Please visit our Sponsors. To place your ad click here. President Nick Casteel rang our Rotary bell to call our meeting to order in the small room at Ike's. He then led the Pledge of Allegiance and Four Way Test and Jean O'Brien gave the Invocation. We welcomed guests Steve Ball and Alan Parks of the U.S. Army Garrison - Detroit Arsenal and additional guests Sara Osman and Veronica and Earl Tonn. Welcome, everyone! Joyce Joyce made mangu at home and brought some for everyone to taste. It's a traditional breakfast food and a representative recipe of the Dominican Republic (DR). Joyce then told the Club about their recent visit to the DR, the wonderful families who hosted them while they were there and the various projects they visited and on which they worked. Rotary Club of Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA... 2 of 5 MANGU RECIPE MANGU - representative Dominican Republic recipe and a tasty breakfast food 3 green plantains (Salvaggio's on Hall Road) Peel plantains (I suggest cutting several slits lengthwise through skin, cut off ends, peel) Cut peeled plantains in 1 inch pieces Boil in lightly salted water about 10 minutes until they can be pierced easily with a fork 1/2 cup diced onion 1/3 cup olive oil 1 tbsp vinegar Saute onion in olive oil until well cooked, add vinegar and heat briefly. Drain plantains (reserve liquid) and mash in pilon (mortar and pestle) or use potato masher. Lumps are OK. As plantains cool, they will thicken so add reserved cooking liquid as needed. To p with sauteed onion mixture and serve. TODAY'S PROGRAM Today's program on the U.S. Army Garrison, Detroit Arsenal was presented by Alan Parks, Garrison Manager, and his associate Steve Ball. With pictures and charts, Alan explained that the Detroit Arsenal is a "city within a city" and the Army has an important presence in S.E. Michigan. He described some fo the functions and also the changing demographics of the work force. He also noted that the Army contributed 1.6 billion dollars in contracts to Michigan companies in 2010. He concluded the presentation by telling about the future of the Detroit Arsenal. Thank you, Alan and Steve. NEXT MEETING Our next meeting, Feb 23, will feature camaraderie with fellow Rotarians and guests AND ??. Come and be part of the Club. Please note the calendar on the left side of this newsletter. It will show all our upcoming speakers and events that have been sent to your editor. You can use this information for your own knowledge AND to help you decide which topics will be of special interest to friends whom you would like to invite. february 16, 2012 Rotary Club of Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA... 3 of 5 february 16, 2012 BOARD NOTES The Club's application for a raffle with Roger's Roost has been sent to the Michigan State Gaming Commission for approval. Club banners have been ordered and have just arrived. It is a long-standing Rotary custom for Rotarians who are visiting other Rotary Clubs in different Districts to exchange banners with those Clubs. What happens to the banners that our Club acquires in this way? Check the Club Website - John Joyce is putting photos of those banners on it! Our Club has paid its obligations to the Polio Plus campaign for this Rotary year! To date, only 12 members have contributed to the Every Rotarian Every Year program. Please see Jean O'Brien if you wish further information and contact Webmaster John Joyce if you have difficulties paying your contribution online. The Club well soon be applying for Camp Rotary Grants so if you have ideas for projects related to youth and recreation please contact Nick Casteel. NEXT ROTARY THEME Our District Governor Elect has informed us that the Rotary International Theme for 2012/13 is PEACE THROUGH SERVICE. BITS & PIECES Have you seen President Nick's new look? After letting his hair grow so that he could donate it, he has done so and is sporting a short haircut. Linda Wenger reported that we collected $204.46 for the Salvation Army on the Saturday that our Club volunteered to tend their Red Kettle. Great job Linda and volunteer ding-a-lings (aka bell-ringers). The Club received many thank-you Bozymowski Center for Education. cards from the Marty Brown passed around many pix that he has taken at recent Club events. Rotary Club of Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA... 4 of 5 +++++++++++++ Members can read the Minutes of Board meetings and the Monthly Treasurer's Reports! Log into the Club website. In the section "My ClubRunner" scroll down and choose "View Club Documents." Then click on the date of the minutes or the month of the Treasurer's Report you wish to read. Try it! If you have any problems, contact Club Webmaster John Joyce for help. Club Website: be sure to check the Club Website regularly, for lots of information on what is happening in our Club. District Website: check to keep up to date on District activities and information. You will find some exciting events hosted by other Clubs under the Local Club Events section - the section with the balloons. Advertisements will now be accepted for inclusion in the Sterling Silver, or the Sterling Heights Rotary Club website or both. Prices and format requirements are available on the Club website, or by contacting John Joyce or Rich Sparks. RAFFLE/SHERIFF Linda Wenger ran our weekly raffle and Micki Bond won the cash. Guest Veronica Tonn won Kerm's Koin. Then Micki Bond had the opportunity to draw for the Joker. Unfortunately for Micki, she only drew the 2 of Hearts. The Joker lives, the pot grows! Come next week and maybe you will be the lucky winner! Sheriff Steve Neirinck fined many who admitted to doing something wrong during the past week (however, none gave us details of their transgressions so this editor cannot spread any gossip). He then fined President Nick Casteel because we had two men from the Army but we had no American Flag for the Pledge of Allegiance! Steve then received a Happy Buck from Rich Sparks - he will be attending his first Daddy/Daughter dance this Friday. REMINDER: Steve will be asking quiz questions on articles in the current edition of the Rotarian Magazine so read it and be prepared (or have money handy). february 16, 2012 Rotary Club of Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA... 5 of 5 THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS Latonya (wife of Derek) - recovering from brain surgery Kerm - having surgical procedures ATTENDANCE Attendance for Feb 16: Kerm Billette, Micki Bond, Marty Brown, Nick Casteel, John Joyce, Joyce Joyce, Steve Neirinck; Jean O'Brien, Karen Olechiw, Dennis Powers, Mike Saigh, Rich Sparks, Eric Vogel, Linda Wenger and guests Steve Ball, Sara Osman, Alan Parks, Earl Tonn and Veronica Tonn. february 16, 2012
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