Martine Clément, CEO Société de Galvanoplastie Industrielle, President Orgalime - European Federation of Metalworking, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Industries 1 ! • Orgalime groups 33 National member federations from 23 European Countries • 130,000 Companies, generating 1,175 billion euros, employing 7 million people • 1/4 of EU manufacturing output and 1/3 of EU manufacturing exports • An essential link in the industrial chain: we provide the technology - our customers the product I am very pleased to have been invited to talk at this conference in front of such a prestigious audience. If my own company is a typical SME - I employ some 300 people today and have a turnover of 20 million euros, as President of Orgalime, I represent Europe’s largest industry sector, which plays a fundamental role in achieving and maintaining manufacturing and manufacturing leadership in Europe. Orgalime with its 33 national association members in 23 countries represents over 130.000 engineering companies with an annual output of some 1175 billion euros. If in the EU we have achieved a dominant role in engineering at world level - we have a 41% world market share in machinery for example - this is due to the technological excellence of the products produced by EU engineering companies. Engineering companies supply the enabling technologies for all parts of the economy. Our companies play a key role in the competitiveness of European industry. Our prime customers are manufacturing industry to which we essentially supply capital goods. We are a key factor in their own technological development. With thousands of companies providing innovative manufacturing equipment, services and parts, for sectors such as the automotive and the aeronautic sectors, innovation from engineering companies enables such strategic industries to constantly innovate, reduce costs, increase quality and thereby remain competitive. It is therefore essential, if the Lisbon goal is to be attained, that our companies remain at the forefront of technology and remain in Europe. Without the dense industrial support and supply infrastructure that our industries provide to all other sectors, our client sectors cannot exist and thrive in Europe. 2 " • Machinery for all industries: – Processing plant and equipment – Engineering equipment • & complex final products: – Construction and agricultural machinery – Handling and lifting equipment – Medical equipment • But also: – Environment technology + equipment – Micro and Nanotechnology – Robotics We are very diverse sector, since we supply both intermediate products and final products. We are one of the most important export sectors of the European economy. Like others, our industry is facing global competition and of course extreme pressure on costs. Companies must therefore continuously improve their products, processes and services to maintain their leadership and to gain new markets. And they need to maintain competitive advantage, where it matters most: that is through Technological leadership. I am convinced that to secure the long-term international competitiveness of the European industry, market leadership will only be achieved through technological leadership. 3 # $ %&' Breakthrough for example In new process Filtration Technologies in the brewery industry European equipment can produce 17 batches per day classical equipment 8* per day= – higher productivity – lower investment – lower production costs We are the world leaders... Let me give you a few practical examples of new products and processes in our industry and how these are achieved: Here you see a small picture of a filter for the brewery industry, produced by a small Belgian company Meura – with around 100 staff; seen like that, it does not look very exciting. In practice this filter provides a major breakthrough in an area which has always been a bottleneck in breweries. It is based on a completely new filtration process developed with one of the company’s clients – the INBEV group (ex Interbrew) and the Catholic University of Louvain. This filter, working under pressure, whereas more traditional technology has largely used gravity filtration, has more than doubled the number of batches that a brewery can produce in a brewhouse in one day. The benefits are obvious: higher productivity, lower total investment per unit produced and lower production costs. This is a clear example of a breakthrough in technology which is having a major impact on one of our client industries. It is the fruit of a collaboration between a manufacturer which has existed for 150 years, a university and a major client, who has helped to finance the research and test the products. It is a major step driven by the market. This is an innovative technology and an innovative product which has made this company a world leader. 4 # $ '&' But also - intelligent machines a combination of technologies …for example • Combine harvester with – In process harvesting – measurement of humidity (sensors) – yield (sensors) – creation of a yield map (GPS) – allowing “precision agriculture” (manuring) We are the world leaders... Here is another example: this time it is not a question of a breakthrough in technology, but of the combination of a number of technologies to solve a problem posed by farmers: “how can I, on the basis of this year‘s crop, determine how much manure or fertiliser to put on my land? Using too much will only cause unnecessary costs, and increase the risk of pollution. Using too little will lead to loss of yield. In this case it was large engineering company who came up with the answer combining multiple technologies to produce an innovative product the “intelligent combine harvester”. The sensors are produced by mid-sized companies and of course the software is customised. This is an example of a successful idea which bridges the gap between research and innovation. Again, it is an idea which is driven by the demand of the customer, in this case the farmer. 5 ( !! But who makes it all ? • Some large companies • A large number of family owned mid-sized companies with a global reach • a very large number of SMEs What do we need for them ? So what is special about our industry? First of course its diversity – we are everywhere, but there are very few of our products which stand out like Airbus or Galileo. Second its structure: our industry has large companies – we all know of Philips, Siemens, Alstom ABB, etc… But these are just a few. There are tens of thousands of small and mediumsize companies who work together in a complex network. A large majority of these are family owned businesses where the owners are personally involved. For our SMEs it is particularly important to have the opportunity to work closely with their major clients in joint research and development: this does not happen enough and this leads to duplication of effort: it is very often that these very specialised SMEs have the know-how to bring the solutions that their clients need. Many of these companies are in the mid size range, with a couple of thousand employees: they are very strong on innovation and they are very present internationally. They need to be, or they will no longer exist; with the speed at which new technology is developed today, these companies, if they are to stay ahead need to be large enough to operate on world markets: when they launch a new product, they must do so very quickly and very widely, otherwise someone else, somewhere else will reach the same result, and they will therefore lose market share with all the advantages that this brings. A textile machine which often had a five year life cycle today needs to be updated or replaced every 6 months. Are we in Europe serving these companies well ? I believe we could do much better. 6 ) $ • Freedom, freedom…. Less constraints & less administration for SMEs • SMEs have innovative ideas, but limited capacity due to – Limited human resources – Limited access to European funded R&D: partly due to SME-definition – Inability to cope with too much bureaucracy • Some main drivers : large projects, such as Airbus and Galileo which have a clear knock on effect • Recognition that EU research efforts needs to be followed by more emphasis on innovation -First of all, please make our life easier. Keep things simple: we need simpler rules and less rules; we do not need different rules, coming on top of EU ones in every country. The framework conditions under which companies operate need to be substantially better. Every new rule creates more administrative work for us and often for our engineering staff, who should be working on the future of our products and processes and not on paperwork. The prime driver for achieving an internationally competitive European industry lies in the efficient use of resources, innovation, research and in education. We must make much of the efforts ourselves. So must member states. The EU’s R&D and innovation policies should focus on developing conditions that stimulate innovation, entrepreneurship, growth and employment and on ensuring that strong and efficient links are fostered between the worlds of education, science and industry. -We need simpler access to EU funded research for our SMEs and particularly for our mid-size companies: we all know that the great majority of manufacturing enterprises in the EU are in these categories. EU policy here matters. We feel that the EU’s definition of SMEs is too restrictive when applied to the area of research: there is a significant body of manufacturing companies, typically employing in the range of 250 to 1000 employees and an annual turnover of between some € 40 and 150 million which are major investors in research and are drivers of much of innovation. They profit very little, however, from EU funded research. They are too big to profit from the SME actions. They are uncomfortable when faced with the very large programmes. The Commission needs to adapt to allow and encourage participation of these companies. -Europe has been very successful in driving major projects such as Airbus and Galileo, which have had a positive knock on effect down the whole supply chain of manufacturers in Europe, including on the companies in our industry, which are among the main suppliers to these projects. We are therefore concerned to ensure that the increasing tendency to develop large projects driven by the research community rather than by industry and the market should be reconsidered. 7 ) • Less basic and more applied research • More investment in innovation • To overcome the European paradox: bridging the gap between the idea and the product • In our industry - programmes which are accessible to small and to mid-size companies • More focus : technology platforms -Due to the long-term scientific approach of the previous and present framework programmes and the lack of flow of results into real products and processes, much of our industry has lost interest in participating in European research programmes, because companies also require results in the short term. And yet we know we must invest more in research and innovation. -The question which I have today is “Do I as the boss of a SME have a reasonable chance to obtain European R&D funding, or do I go on working alone in my company and with my clients, thereby perhaps missing opportunities to progress even more quickly along the technological chain? “ -We in Europe do not suffer from a lack of new ideas; we suffer from too bureaucratic an environment. This discourages those of us who are entrepreneurs, who believe in launching new projects, in making our ideas come true. We have problems in transforming these ideas into new products and processes. Here there is an area where, the EU’s policies for research and innovation can have a crucial role to play in supporting companies by helping them to build the necessary bridge along the chain from basic research to the product. There has to be better collaboration between the scientific community and industry, so that the input provided by science no longer either stays in a drawer or goes overseas. If we want industry and jobs here in Europe for the long term, if we want to tend towards the so called Lisbon goals, then we need the right conditions and the right partnerships. We also need more a vision of the Europe of tomorrow, to know where we want to go as one of the dominant actors in the global economy. The vision that has been developed for certain projects such as Airbus and Galileo is a major driver, provides focus and enthusiasm. We hope that the proposed technology platforms will provide such focus as well. A European vision, an excellent research community and excellent manufacturing industry working hand in hand together and under the right framework conditions, must be the recipe for success. Thank you. 8
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